Raw content of Bio::SeqIO::genbank # $Id: genbank.pm,v 2003/09/13 23:33:04 jason Exp $ # # BioPerl module for Bio::SeqIO::GenBank # # Cared for by Elia Stupka <elia@tll.org.sg> # # Copyright Elia Stupka # # You may distribute this module under the same terms as perl itself # POD documentation - main docs before the code =head1 NAME Bio::SeqIO::GenBank - GenBank sequence input/output stream =head1 SYNOPSIS It is probably best not to use this object directly, but rather go through the SeqIO handler system. Go: $stream = Bio::SeqIO->new(-file => $filename, -format => 'GenBank'); while ( my $seq = $stream->next_seq() ) { # do something with $seq } =head1 DESCRIPTION This object can transform Bio::Seq objects to and from GenBank flat file databases. There is alot of flexibility here about how to dump things which I need to document fully. =head2 Mapping of record properties to object properties This section is supposed to document which sections and properties of a GenBank databank record end up where in the Bioperl object model. It is far from complete and presently focuses only on those mappings which may be non-obvious. $seq in the text refers to the Bio::Seq::RichSeqI implementing object returned by the parser for each record. =over 4 =item GI number $seq-E<gt>primary_id =back =head2 Optional functions =over 3 =item _show_dna() (output only) shows the dna or not =item _post_sort() (output only) provides a sorting func which is applied to the FTHelpers before printing =item _id_generation_func() This is function which is called as print "ID ", $func($seq), "\n"; To generate the ID line. If it is not there, it generates a sensible ID line using a number of tools. If you want to output annotations in genbank format they need to be stored in a Bio::Annotation::Collection object which is accessible through the Bio::SeqI interface method L<annotation()|annotation>. The following are the names of the keys which are polled from a L<Bio::Annotation::Collection> object. reference - Should contain Bio::Annotation::Reference objects comment - Should contain Bio::Annotation::Comment objects segment - Should contain a Bio::Annotation::SimpleValue object origin - Should contain a Bio::Annotation::SimpleValue object =back =head1 Where does the data go? Data parsed in Bio::SeqIO::genbank is stored in a variety of data fields in the sequence object that is returned. More information in the HOWTOs about exactly what each field means and where it goes. Here is a partial list of fields. Items listed as RichSeq or Seq or PrimarySeq and then NAME() tell you the top level object which defines a function called NAME() which stores this information. Items listed as Annotation 'NAME' tell you the data is stored the associated Bio::Annotation::Colection object which is associated with Bio::Seq objects. If it is explictly requested that no annotations should be stored when parsing a record of course they won't be available when you try and get them. If you are having this problem look at the type of SeqBuilder that is being used to contruct your sequence object. Comments Annotation 'comment' References Annotation 'reference' Segment Annotation 'segment' Origin Annotation 'origin' Accessions PrimarySeq accession_number() Secondary accessions RichSeq get_secondary_accessions() Keywords RichSeq keywords() Dates RichSeq get_dates() Molecule RichSeq molecule() Seq Version RichSeq seq_version() PID RichSeq pid() Division RichSeq division() Features Seq get_SeqFeatures() Alphabet PrimarySeq alphabet() Definition PrimarySeq description() or desc() Version PrimarySeq version() Sequence PrimarySeq seq() =head1 FEEDBACK =head2 Mailing Lists User feedback is an integral part of the evolution of this and other Bioperl modules. Send your comments and suggestions preferably to one of the Bioperl mailing lists. Your participation is much appreciated. bioperl-l@bioperl.org - General discussion http://www.bioperl.org/MailList.shtml - About the mailing lists =head2 Reporting Bugs Report bugs to the Bioperl bug tracking system to help us keep track the bugs and their resolution. Bug reports can be submitted via email or the web: bioperl-bugs@bio.perl.org http://bugzilla.bioperl.org/ =head1 AUTHOR - Elia Stupka Email elia@tll.org.sg =head1 CONTRIBUTORS Ewan Birney birney@ebi.ac.uk Jason Stajich jason@bioperl.org Chris Mungall cjm@fruitfly.bdgp.berkeley.edu Lincoln Stein lstein@cshl.org Heikki Lehvaslaiho, heikki@ebi.ac.uk Hilmar Lapp, hlapp@gmx.net Donald G. Jackson, donald.jackson@bms.com =head1 APPENDIX The rest of the documentation details each of the object methods. Internal methods are usually preceded with a _ =cut # Let the code begin... package Bio::SeqIO::genbank; use vars qw(@ISA); use strict; use Bio::SeqIO; use Bio::SeqIO::FTHelper; use Bio::SeqFeature::Generic; use Bio::Species; use Bio::Seq::SeqFactory; use Bio::Annotation::Collection; use Bio::Annotation::Comment; use Bio::Annotation::Reference; use Bio::Annotation::DBLink; @ISA = qw(Bio::SeqIO); sub _initialize { my($self,@args) = @_; $self->SUPER::_initialize(@args); # hash for functions for decoding keys. $self->{'_func_ftunit_hash'} = {}; $self->_show_dna(1); # sets this to one by default. People can change it if( ! defined $self->sequence_factory ) { $self->sequence_factory(new Bio::Seq::SeqFactory (-verbose => $self->verbose(), -type => 'Bio::Seq::RichSeq')); } } =head2 next_seq Title : next_seq Usage : $seq = $stream->next_seq() Function: returns the next sequence in the stream Returns : Bio::Seq object Args : =cut sub next_seq { my ($self,@args) = @_; my $builder = $self->sequence_builder(); my $seq; my %params; RECORDSTART: while (1) { my $buffer; my (@acc, @features); my ($display_id, $annotation); my $species; # initialize; we may come here because of starting over @features = (); $annotation = undef; @acc = (); $species = undef; %params = (-verbose => $self->verbose); # reset hash local($/) = "\n"; while(defined($buffer = $self->_readline())) { last if index($buffer,'LOCUS ') == 0; } return undef if( !defined $buffer ); # end of file $buffer =~ /^LOCUS\s+(\S.*)$/ || $self->throw("GenBank stream with bad LOCUS line. Not GenBank in my book. Got '$buffer'"); my @tokens = split(' ', $1); # this is important to have the id for display in e.g. FTHelper, # otherwise you won't know which entry caused an error $display_id = shift(@tokens); $params{'-display_id'} = $display_id; # may still be useful if we don't want the seq $params{'-length'} = shift(@tokens); # the alphabet of the entry $params{'-alphabet'} = (lc(shift @tokens) eq 'bp') ? 'dna' : 'protein'; # for aa there is usually no 'molecule' (mRNA etc) if (($params{'-alphabet'} eq 'dna') || (@tokens > 2)) { $params{'-molecule'} = shift(@tokens); my $circ = shift(@tokens); if ($circ eq 'circular') { $params{'-is_circular'} = 1; $params{'-division'} = shift(@tokens); } else { # 'linear' or 'circular' may actually be omitted altogether $params{'-division'} = (CORE::length($circ) == 3 ) ? $circ : shift(@tokens); } } else { $params{'-molecule'} = 'PRT' if($params{'-alphabet'} eq 'aa'); $params{'-division'} = shift(@tokens); } my $date = join(' ', @tokens); # we lump together the rest # this is per request bug #1513 # we can handle # 9-10-2003 # 9-10-03 #09-10-2003 #09-10-03 if($date =~ s/\s*((\d{1,2})-(\w{3})-(\d{2,4})).*/$1/) { if( length($date) < 11 ) { # improperly formatted date # But we'll be nice and fix it for them my ($d,$m,$y) = ($2,$3,$4); if( length($d) == 1 ) { $d = "0$d"; } # guess the century here if( length($y) == 2 ) { if( $y > 60 ) { # arbitrarily guess that '60' means 1960 $y = "19$y"; } else { $y = "20$y"; } $self->warn("Date was malformed, guessing the century for $date to be $y\n"); } $params{'-dates'} = [join('-',$d,$m,$y)]; } else { $params{'-dates'} = [$date]; } } # set them all at once $builder->add_slot_value(%params); %params = (); # parse the rest if desired, otherwise start over if(! $builder->want_object()) { $builder->make_object(); next RECORDSTART; } # set up annotation depending on what the builder wants if($builder->want_slot('annotation')) { $annotation = new Bio::Annotation::Collection; } $buffer = $self->_readline(); until( !defined ($buffer) ) { $_ = $buffer; # Description line(s) if (/^DEFINITION\s+(\S.*\S)/) { my @desc = ($1); while ( defined($_ = $self->_readline) ) { if( /^\s+(.*)/ ) { push (@desc, $1); next }; last; } $builder->add_slot_value(-desc => join(' ', @desc)); # we'll continue right here because DEFINITION always comes # at the top of the entry } # accession number (there can be multiple accessions) if( /^ACCESSION\s+(\S.*\S)/ ) { push(@acc, split(/\s+/,$1)); while( defined($_ = $self->_readline) ) { /^\s+(.*)/ && do { push (@acc, split(/\s+/,$1)); next }; last; } $buffer = $_; next; } # PID elsif( /^PID\s+(\S+)/ ) { $params{'-pid'} = $1; } #Version number elsif( /^VERSION\s+(.+)$/ ) { my ($acc,$gi) = split(' ',$1); if($acc =~ /^\w+\.(\d+)/) { $params{'-version'} = $1; $params{'-seq_version'} = $1; } if($gi && (index($gi,"GI:") == 0)) { $params{'-primary_id'} = substr($gi,3); } } #Keywords elsif( /^KEYWORDS\s+(.*)/ ) { my @kw = split(/\s*\;\s*/,$1); while( defined($_ = $self->_readline) ) { chomp; /^\s+(.*)/ && do { push (@kw, split(/\s*\;\s*/,$1)); next }; last; } @kw && $kw[-1] =~ s/\.$//; $params{'-keywords'} = \@kw; $buffer = $_; next; } # Organism name and phylogenetic information elsif (/^SOURCE/) { if($builder->want_slot('species')) { $species = $self->_read_GenBank_Species(\$buffer); $builder->add_slot_value(-species => $species); } else { while(defined($buffer = $self->_readline())) { last if substr($buffer,0,1) ne ' '; } } next; } #References elsif (/^REFERENCE/) { if($annotation) { my @refs = $self->_read_GenBank_References(\$buffer); foreach my $ref ( @refs ) { $annotation->add_Annotation('reference',$ref); } } else { while(defined($buffer = $self->_readline())) { last if substr($buffer,0,1) ne ' '; } } next; } #Comments elsif (/^COMMENT\s+(.*)/) { if($annotation) { my $comment = $1; while (defined($_ = $self->_readline)) { last if (/^\S/); $comment .= $_; } $comment =~ s/\n/ /g; $comment =~ s/ +/ /g; $annotation->add_Annotation( 'comment', Bio::Annotation::Comment->new(-text => $comment)); $buffer = $_; } else { while(defined($buffer = $self->_readline())) { last if substr($buffer,0,1) ne ' '; } } next; } elsif( /^SEGMENT\s+(.+)/ ) { if($annotation) { my $segment = $1; while (defined($_ = $self->_readline)) { last if (/^\S/); $segment .= $_; } $segment =~ s/\n/ /g; $segment =~ s/ +/ /g; $annotation->add_Annotation( 'segment', Bio::Annotation::SimpleValue->new(-value => $segment)); $buffer = $_; } else { while(defined($buffer = $self->_readline())) { last if substr($buffer,0,1) ne ' '; } } next; } # Exit at start of Feature table, or start of sequence last if( /^(FEATURES|ORIGIN)/ ); # Get next line and loop again $buffer = $self->_readline; } return undef if(! defined($buffer)); # add them all at once for efficiency $builder->add_slot_value(-accession_number => shift(@acc), -secondary_accessions => \@acc, %params); $builder->add_slot_value(-annotation => $annotation) if $annotation; %params = (); # reset before possible re-use to avoid setting twice # start over if we don't want to continue with this entry if(! $builder->want_object()) { $builder->make_object(); next RECORDSTART; } # some "minimal" formats may not necessarily have a feature table if($builder->want_slot('features') && defined($_) && /^FEATURES/) { # need to read the first line of the feature table $buffer = $self->_readline; # DO NOT read lines in the while condition -- this is done as a side # effect in _read_FTHelper_GenBank! while( defined($buffer) ) { # check immediately -- not at the end of the loop # note: GenPept entries obviously do not have a BASE line last if(($buffer =~ /^BASE/) || ($buffer =~ /^ORIGIN/) || ($buffer =~ /^CONTIG/) ); # slurp in one feature at a time -- at return, the start of # the next feature will have been read already, so we need # to pass a reference, and the called method must set this # to the last line read before returning my $ftunit = $self->_read_FTHelper_GenBank(\$buffer); # fix suggested by James Diggans if( !defined $ftunit ) { # GRRRR. We have fallen over. Try to recover $self->warn("Unexpected error in feature table for ".$params{'-display_id'}." Skipping feature, attempting to recover"); unless( ($buffer =~ /^\s{5,5}\S+/) or ($buffer =~ /^\S+/)) { $buffer = $self->_readline(); } next; # back to reading FTHelpers } # process ftunit my $feat = $ftunit->_generic_seqfeature($self->location_factory(), $display_id); # add taxon_id from source if available if($species && ($feat->primary_tag eq 'source') && $feat->has_tag('db_xref') && (! $species->ncbi_taxid())) { foreach my $tagval ($feat->get_tag_values('db_xref')) { if(index($tagval,"taxon:") == 0) { $species->ncbi_taxid(substr($tagval,6)); } } } # add feature to list of features push(@features, $feat); } $builder->add_slot_value(-features => \@features); $_ = $buffer; } if( defined ($_) ) { if( /^CONTIG/ && $builder->want_slot('features')) { $b = " $_"; # need 5 spaces to treat it like a feature my $ftunit = $self->_read_FTHelper_GenBank(\$b); if( ! defined $ftunit ) { $self->warn("unable to parse the CONTIG feature\n"); } else { push(@features, $ftunit->_generic_seqfeature($self->location_factory(), $display_id)); } } elsif(! /^(ORIGIN|\/\/)/ ) { # advance to the sequence, if any while (defined( $_ = $self->_readline) ) { last if /^(ORIGIN|\/\/)/; } } } if(! $builder->want_object()) { $builder->make_object(); # implicit end-of-object next RECORDSTART; } if($builder->want_slot('seq')) { # the fact that we want a sequence does not necessarily mean that # there also is a sequence ... if(defined($_) && s/^ORIGIN//) { chomp; if( $annotation && length($_) > 0 ) { $annotation->add_Annotation('origin', Bio::Annotation::SimpleValue->new(-value => $_)); } my $seqc = ''; while( defined($_ = $self->_readline) ) { /^\/\// && last; $_ = uc($_); s/[^A-Za-z]//g; $seqc .= $_; } $self->debug("sequence length is ". length($seqc) ."\n"); $builder->add_slot_value(-seq => $seqc); } } elsif ( defined($_) && (substr($_,0,2) ne '//')) { # advance to the end of the record while( defined($_ = $self->_readline) ) { last if substr($_,0,2) eq '//'; } } # Unlikely, but maybe the sequence is so weird that we don't want it # anymore. We don't want to return undef if the stream's not exhausted # yet. $seq = $builder->make_object(); next RECORDSTART unless $seq; last RECORDSTART; } # end while RECORDSTART return $seq; } =head2 write_seq Title : write_seq Usage : $stream->write_seq($seq) Function: writes the $seq object (must be seq) to the stream Returns : 1 for success and 0 for error Args : array of 1 to n Bio::SeqI objects =cut sub write_seq { my ($self,@seqs) = @_; foreach my $seq ( @seqs ) { $self->throw("Attempting to write with no seq!") unless defined $seq; if( ! ref $seq || ! $seq->isa('Bio::SeqI') ) { $self->warn(" $seq is not a SeqI compliant module. Attempting to dump, but may fail!"); } my $str = $seq->seq; my ($div, $mol); my $len = $seq->length(); if ( $seq->can('division') ) { $div=$seq->division; } if( !defined $div || ! $div ) { $div = 'UNK'; } my $alpha = $seq->alphabet; if( !$seq->can('molecule') || ! defined ($mol = $seq->molecule()) ) { $mol = $alpha || 'DNA'; } my $circular = 'linear '; $circular = 'circular' if $seq->is_circular; local($^W) = 0; # supressing warnings about uninitialized fields. my $temp_line; if( $self->_id_generation_func ) { $temp_line = &{$self->_id_generation_func}($seq); } else { my $date = ''; if( $seq->can('get_dates') ) { ($date) = $seq->get_dates(); } $temp_line = sprintf ("%-12s%-15s%13s %s%4s%-8s%-8s %3s %-s", 'LOCUS', $seq->id(),$len, (lc($alpha) eq 'protein') ? ('aa','', '') : ('bp', '',$mol),$circular, $div,$date); } $self->_print("$temp_line\n"); $self->_write_line_GenBank_regex("DEFINITION ", " ", $seq->desc(),"\\s\+\|\$",80); # if there, write the accession line if( $self->_ac_generation_func ) { $temp_line = &{$self->_ac_generation_func}($seq); $self->_print("ACCESSION $temp_line\n"); } else { my @acc = (); push(@acc, $seq->accession_number()); if( $seq->isa('Bio::Seq::RichSeqI') ) { push(@acc, $seq->get_secondary_accessions()); } $self->_print("ACCESSION ", join(" ", @acc), "\n"); # otherwise - cannot print <sigh> } # if PID defined, print it if($seq->isa('Bio::Seq::RichSeqI') && $seq->pid()) { $self->_print("PID ", $seq->pid(), "\n"); } # if there, write the version line if( defined $self->_sv_generation_func() ) { $temp_line = &{$self->_sv_generation_func}($seq); if( $temp_line ) { $self->_print("VERSION $temp_line\n"); } } else { if($seq->isa('Bio::Seq::RichSeqI') && defined($seq->seq_version)) { my $id = $seq->primary_id(); # this may be a GI number $self->_print("VERSION ", $seq->accession_number(), ".", $seq->seq_version, ($id && ($id =~ /^\d+$/) ? " GI:".$id : ""), "\n"); } } # if there, write the keywords line if( defined $self->_kw_generation_func() ) { $temp_line = &{$self->_kw_generation_func}($seq); $self->_print("KEYWORDS $temp_line\n"); } else { if( $seq->can('keywords') ) { my $kw = $seq->keywords; if( ref($kw) =~ /ARRAY/i ) { $kw = join("; ", @$kw); } $kw .= '.' if( $kw !~ /\.$/ ); $self->_print("KEYWORDS $kw\n"); } } # SEGMENT if it exists foreach my $ref ( $seq->annotation->get_Annotations('segment') ) { $self->_print(sprintf ("%-11s %s\n",'SEGMENT', $ref->value)); } # Organism lines if (my $spec = $seq->species) { my ($species, $genus, @class) = $spec->classification(); my $OS; if( $spec->common_name ) { $OS = $spec->common_name; } else { $OS = "$genus $species"; } if (my $ssp = $spec->sub_species) { $OS .= " $ssp"; } $self->_print("SOURCE $OS\n"); $self->_print(" ORGANISM ", ($spec->organelle() ? $spec->organelle()." " : ""), "$genus $species", "\n"); my $OC = join('; ', (reverse(@class), $genus)) .'.'; $self->_write_line_GenBank_regex(' 'x12,' 'x12, $OC,"\\s\+\|\$",80); } # Reference lines my $count = 1; foreach my $ref ( $seq->annotation->get_Annotations('reference') ) { $temp_line = sprintf ("REFERENCE $count (%s %d to %d)", ($seq->alphabet() eq "protein" ? "residues" : "bases"), $ref->start,$ref->end); $self->_print("$temp_line\n"); $self->_write_line_GenBank_regex(" AUTHORS ",' 'x12, $ref->authors,"\\s\+\|\$",80); $self->_write_line_GenBank_regex(" TITLE "," "x12, $ref->title,"\\s\+\|\$",80); $self->_write_line_GenBank_regex(" JOURNAL "," "x12, $ref->location,"\\s\+\|\$",80); if ($ref->comment) { $self->_write_line_GenBank_regex(" REMARK "," "x12, $ref->comment,"\\s\+\|\$",80); } if( $ref->medline) { $self->_write_line_GenBank_regex(" MEDLINE "," "x12, $ref->medline, "\\s\+\|\$",80); # I am assuming that pubmed entries only exist when there # are also MEDLINE entries due to the indentation # This could be a wrong assumption if( $ref->pubmed ) { $self->_write_line_GenBank_regex(" PUBMED "," "x12, $ref->pubmed, "\\s\+\|\$", 80); } } $count++; } # Comment lines foreach my $comment ( $seq->annotation->get_Annotations('comment') ) { $self->_write_line_GenBank_regex("COMMENT "," "x12, $comment->text,"\\s\+\|\$",80); } $self->_print("FEATURES Location/Qualifiers\n"); my $contig; if( defined $self->_post_sort ) { # we need to read things into an array. Process. Sort them. Print 'em my $post_sort_func = $self->_post_sort(); my @fth; foreach my $sf ( $seq->top_SeqFeatures ) { push(@fth,Bio::SeqIO::FTHelper::from_SeqFeature($sf,$seq)); } @fth = sort { &$post_sort_func($a,$b) } @fth; foreach my $fth ( @fth ) { $self->_print_GenBank_FTHelper($fth); } } else { # not post sorted. And so we can print as we get them. # lower memory load... foreach my $sf ( $seq->top_SeqFeatures ) { my @fth = Bio::SeqIO::FTHelper::from_SeqFeature($sf,$seq); foreach my $fth ( @fth ) { if( ! $fth->isa('Bio::SeqIO::FTHelper') ) { $sf->throw("Cannot process FTHelper... $fth"); } $self->_print_GenBank_FTHelper($fth); } } } if( $seq->length == 0 ) { $self->_show_dna(0) } if( $self->_show_dna() == 0 ) { $self->_print("\n//\n"); return; } # finished printing features. $str =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/; # Count each nucleotide unless( $mol eq 'protein' ) { my $alen = $str =~ tr/a/a/; my $clen = $str =~ tr/c/c/; my $glen = $str =~ tr/g/g/; my $tlen = $str =~ tr/t/t/; my $olen = $len - ($alen + $tlen + $clen + $glen); if( $olen < 0 ) { $self->warn("Weird. More atgc than bases. Problem!"); } my $base_count = sprintf("BASE COUNT %8s a %6s c %6s g %6s t%s\n", $alen,$clen,$glen,$tlen, ( $olen > 0 ) ? sprintf("%6s others",$olen) : ''); $self->_print($base_count); } my ($o) = $seq->annotation->get_Annotations('origin'); $self->_print(sprintf("%-6s%s\n",'ORIGIN',$o ? $o->value : '')); # print out the sequence my $nuc = 60; # Number of nucleotides per line my $whole_pat = 'a10' x 6; # Pattern for unpacking a whole line my $out_pat = 'A11' x 6; # Pattern for packing a line my $length = length($str); # Calculate the number of nucleotides which fit on whole lines my $whole = int($length / $nuc) * $nuc; # Print the whole lines my $i; for ($i = 0; $i < $whole; $i += $nuc) { my $blocks = pack $out_pat, unpack $whole_pat, substr($str, $i, $nuc); chop $blocks; $self->_print(sprintf("%9d $blocks\n", $i + $nuc - 59)); } # Print the last line if (my $last = substr($str, $i)) { my $last_len = length($last); my $last_pat = 'a10' x int($last_len / 10) .'a'. $last_len % 10; my $blocks = pack $out_pat, unpack($last_pat, $last); $blocks =~ s/ +$//; $self->_print(sprintf("%9d $blocks\n", $length - $last_len + 1)); } $self->_print("//\n"); $self->flush if $self->_flush_on_write && defined $self->_fh; return 1; } } =head2 _print_GenBank_FTHelper Title : _print_GenBank_FTHelper Usage : Function: Example : Returns : Args : =cut sub _print_GenBank_FTHelper { my ($self,$fth,$always_quote) = @_; if( ! ref $fth || ! $fth->isa('Bio::SeqIO::FTHelper') ) { $fth->warn("$fth is not a FTHelper class. Attempting to print, but there could be tears!"); } if( defined $fth->key && $fth->key eq 'CONTIG' ) { $self->_write_line_GenBank_regex(sprintf("%-12s",$fth->key), ' 'x12,$fth->loc,"\,\|\$",80); } else { $self->_write_line_GenBank_regex(sprintf(" %-16s",$fth->key), " "x21, $fth->loc,"\,\|\$",80); } if( !defined $always_quote) { $always_quote = 0; } foreach my $tag ( keys %{$fth->field} ) { foreach my $value ( @{$fth->field->{$tag}} ) { $value =~ s/\"/\"\"/g; if ($value eq "_no_value") { $self->_write_line_GenBank_regex(" "x21, " "x21, "/$tag","\.\|\$",80); } elsif( $always_quote == 1 || $value !~ /^\d+$/ ) { my ($pat) = ($value =~ /\s/ ? '\s|$' : '.|$'); $self->_write_line_GenBank_regex(" "x21, " "x21, "/$tag=\"$value\"",$pat,80); } else { $self->_write_line_GenBank_regex(" "x21, " "x21, "/$tag=$value","\.\|\$",80); } } } } =head2 _read_GenBank_References Title : _read_GenBank_References Usage : Function: Reads references from GenBank format. Internal function really Returns : Args : =cut sub _read_GenBank_References{ my ($self,$buffer) = @_; my (@refs); my $ref; # assumme things are starting with RN if( $$buffer !~ /^REFERENCE/ ) { warn("Not parsing line '$$buffer' which maybe important"); } $_ = $$buffer; my (@title,@loc,@authors,@com,@medline,@pubmed); REFLOOP: while( defined($_) || defined($_ = $self->_readline) ) { if (/^ AUTHORS\s+(.*)/) { push (@authors, $1); while ( defined($_ = $self->_readline) ) { /^\s{3,}(.*)/ && do { push (@authors, $1);next;}; last; } $ref->authors(join(' ', @authors)); } if (/^ TITLE\s+(.*)/) { push (@title, $1); while ( defined($_ = $self->_readline) ) { /^\s{3,}(.*)/ && do { push (@title, $1); next; }; last; } $ref->title(join(' ', @title)); } if (/^ JOURNAL\s+(.*)/) { push(@loc, $1); while ( defined($_ = $self->_readline) ) { /^\s{3,}(.*)/ && do { push(@loc, $1); next; }; last; } $ref->location(join(' ', @loc)); redo REFLOOP; } if (/^ REMARK\s+(.*)/) { push (@com, $1); while ( defined($_ = $self->_readline) ) { /^\s{3,}(.*)/ && do { push(@com, $1); next; }; last; } $ref->comment(join(' ', @com)); redo REFLOOP; } if( /^ MEDLINE\s+(.*)/ ) { push(@medline,$1); while ( defined($_ = $self->_readline) ) { /^\s{4,}(.*)/ && do { push(@medline, $1); next; }; last; } $ref->medline(join(' ', @medline)); redo REFLOOP; } if( /^ PUBMED\s+(.*)/ ) { push(@pubmed,$1); while ( defined($_ = $self->_readline) ) { /^\s{5,}(.*)/ && do { push(@pubmed, $1); next; }; last; } $ref->pubmed(join(' ', @pubmed)); redo REFLOOP; } /^REFERENCE/ && do { # store current reference $self->_add_ref_to_array(\@refs,$ref) if $ref; # reset @authors = (); @title = (); @loc = (); @com = (); @pubmed = (); @medline = (); # create the new reference object $ref = Bio::Annotation::Reference->new(); # check whether start and end base is given if (/^REFERENCE\s+\d+\s+\([a-z]+ (\d+) to (\d+)/){ $ref->start($1); $ref->end($2); } }; /^(FEATURES)|(COMMENT)/ && last; $_ = undef; # Empty $_ to trigger read of next line } # store last reference $self->_add_ref_to_array(\@refs,$ref) if $ref; $$buffer = $_; #print "\nnumber of references found: ", $#refs+1,"\n"; return @refs; } # # This is undocumented as it shouldn't be called by anywhere else as # read_GenBank_References. For those who still want to know: # # Purpose: adds a Reference object to an array of Reference objects, takes # care of possible cleanups to be done (currently, only author and title # will be chopped of trailing semicolons). # Parameters: # a reference to an array of Reference objects # the Reference object to be added # Returns: nothing # sub _add_ref_to_array { my ($self, $refs, $ref) = @_; # first, polish author and title by removing possible trailing semicolons my $au = $ref->authors(); my $title = $ref->title(); $au =~ s/;\s*$//g if $au; $title =~ s/;\s*$//g if $title; $ref->authors($au); $ref->title($title); # the rest should be clean already, so go ahead and add it push(@{$refs}, $ref); } =head2 _read_GenBank_Species Title : _read_GenBank_Species Usage : Function: Reads the GenBank Organism species and classification lines. Example : Returns : A Bio::Species object Args : a reference to the current line buffer =cut sub _read_GenBank_Species { my( $self,$buffer) = @_; my @organell_names = ("chloroplast", "mitochondr"); # only those carrying DNA, apart from the nucleus $_ = $$buffer; my( $sub_species, $species, $genus, $common, $organelle, @class ); # upon first entering the loop, we must not read a new line -- the SOURCE # line is already in the buffer (HL 05/10/2000) while (defined($_) || defined($_ = $self->_readline())) { # de-HTMLify (links that may be encountered here don't contain # escaped '>', so a simple-minded approach suffices) s/<[^>]+>//g; if (/^SOURCE\s+(.*)/) { # FIXME this is probably mostly wrong (e.g., it yields things like # Homo sapiens adult placenta cDNA to mRNA # which is certainly not what you want) $common = $1; $common =~ s/\.$//; # remove trailing dot } elsif (/^\s+ORGANISM/) { my @spflds = split(' ', $_); shift(@spflds); # ORGANISM if(grep { $_ =~ /^$spflds[0]/i; } @organell_names) { $organelle = shift(@spflds); } $genus = shift(@spflds); if(@spflds) { $species = shift(@spflds); } else { $species = "sp."; } $sub_species = shift(@spflds) if(@spflds); } elsif (/^\s+(.+)/) { # only split on ';' or '.' so that # classification that is 2 words will # still get matched # use map to remove trailing/leading spaces push(@class, map { s/^\s+//; s/\s+$//; $_; } split /[;\.]+/, $1); } else { last; } $_ = undef; # Empty $_ to trigger read of next line } $$buffer = $_; # Don't make a species object if it's empty or "Unknown" or "None" return unless $genus and $genus !~ /^(Unknown|None)$/i; # Bio::Species array needs array in Species -> Kingdom direction if ($class[$#class] eq $genus) { push( @class, $species ); } else { push( @class, $genus, $species ); } @class = reverse @class; my $make = Bio::Species->new(); $make->classification( \@class, "FORCE" ); # no name validation please $make->common_name( $common ) if $common; $make->sub_species( $sub_species ) if $sub_species; $make->organelle($organelle) if $organelle; return $make; } =head2 _read_FTHelper_GenBank Title : _read_FTHelper_GenBank Usage : _read_FTHelper_GenBank($buffer) Function: reads the next FT key line Example : Returns : Bio::SeqIO::FTHelper object Args : filehandle and reference to a scalar =cut sub _read_FTHelper_GenBank { my ($self,$buffer) = @_; my ($key, # The key of the feature $loc # The location line from the feature ); my @qual = (); # An arrray of lines making up the qualifiers if ($$buffer =~ /^ (\S+)\s+(.+?)\s*$/o) { $key = $1; $loc = $2; # Read all the lines up to the next feature while ( defined($_ = $self->_readline) ) { if (/^(\s+)(.+?)\s*$/o) { # Lines inside features are preceded by 21 spaces # A new feature is preceded by 5 spaces if (length($1) > 6) { # Add to qualifiers if we're in the qualifiers, or if it's # the first qualifier if (@qual || (index($2,'/') == 0)) { push(@qual, $2); } # We're still in the location line, so append to location else { $loc .= $2; } } else { # We've reached the start of the next feature last; } } else { # We're at the end of the feature table last; } } } else { # No feature key $self->debug("no feature key!\n"); # change suggested by JDiggans to avoid infinite loop- # see bugreport 1062. # reset buffer to prevent infinite loop $$buffer = $self->_readline(); return; } # Put the first line of the next feature into the buffer $$buffer = $_; # Make the new FTHelper object my $out = new Bio::SeqIO::FTHelper(); $out->verbose($self->verbose()); $out->key($key); $out->loc($loc); # Now parse and add any qualifiers. (@qual is kept # intact to provide informative error messages.) QUAL: for (my $i = 0; $i < @qual; $i++) { $_ = $qual[$i]; my( $qualifier, $value ) = (m{^/([^=]+)(?:=(.+))?}) or $self->warn("cannot see new qualifier in feature $key: ". $qual[$i]); #or $self->throw("Can't see new qualifier in: $_\nfrom:\n" # . join('', map "$_\n", @qual)); $qualifier = '' unless( defined $qualifier); if (defined $value) { # Do we have a quoted value? if (substr($value, 0, 1) eq '"') { # Keep adding to value until we find the trailing quote # and the quotes are balanced while ($value !~ /\"$/ or $value =~ tr/"/"/ % 2) { if($i >= $#qual) { $self->warn("Unbalanced quote in:\n" . join('', map("$_\n", @qual)) . "No further qualifiers will " . "be added for this feature"); last QUAL; } $i++; # modifying a for-loop variable inside of the loop # is not the best programming style ... my $next = $qual[$i]; # add to value with a space unless the value appears # to be a sequence (translation for example) if(($value.$next) =~ /[^A-Za-z"-]/) { $value .= " "; } $value .= $next; } # Trim leading and trailing quotes $value =~ s/^"|"$//g; # Undouble internal quotes $value =~ s/""/\"/g; } } else { $value = '_no_value'; } # Store the qualifier $out->field->{$qualifier} ||= []; push(@{$out->field->{$qualifier}},$value); } return $out; } =head2 _write_line_GenBank Title : _write_line_GenBank Usage : Function: internal function Example : Returns : Args : =cut sub _write_line_GenBank{ my ($self,$pre1,$pre2,$line,$length) = @_; $length || $self->throw("Miscalled write_line_GenBank without length. Programming error!"); my $subl = $length - length $pre2; my $linel = length $line; my $i; my $sub = substr($line,0,$length - length $pre1); $self->_print("$pre1$sub\n"); for($i= ($length - length $pre1);$i < $linel;) { $sub = substr($line,$i,($subl)); $self->_print("$pre2$sub\n"); $i += $subl; } } =head2 _write_line_GenBank_regex Title : _write_line_GenBank_regex Usage : Function: internal function for writing lines of specified length, with different first and the next line left hand headers and split at specific points in the text Example : Returns : nothing Args : file handle, first header, second header, text-line, regex for line breaks, total line length =cut sub _write_line_GenBank_regex { my ($self,$pre1,$pre2,$line,$regex,$length) = @_; #print STDOUT "Going to print with $line!\n"; $length || $self->throw( "Miscalled write_line_GenBank without length. Programming error!"); # if( length $pre1 != length $pre2 ) { # $self->throw( "Programming error - cannot called write_line_GenBank_regex with different length pre1 and pre2 tags!"); # } my $subl = $length - (length $pre1) - 2; my @lines = (); CHUNK: while($line) { foreach my $pat ($regex, '[,;\.\/-]\s|'.$regex, '[,;\.\/-]|'.$regex) { if($line =~ m/^(.{1,$subl})($pat)(.*)/) { $line = $3; # be strict about not padding spaces according to # genbank format my $l = $1.$2; $l =~ s/\s+$//; push(@lines, $l); next CHUNK; } } # if we get here none of the patterns matched $subl or less chars $self->warn("trouble dissecting \"$line\" into chunks ". "of $subl chars or less - this tag won't print right"); # insert a space char to prevent infinite loops $line = substr($line,0,$subl) . " " . substr($line,$subl); } my $s = shift @lines; $self->_print("$pre1$s\n"); foreach my $s ( @lines ) { $self->_print("$pre2$s\n"); } } =head2 _post_sort Title : _post_sort Usage : $obj->_post_sort($newval) Function: Returns : value of _post_sort Args : newvalue (optional) =cut sub _post_sort{ my ($obj,$value) = @_; if( defined $value) { $obj->{'_post_sort'} = $value; } return $obj->{'_post_sort'}; } =head2 _show_dna Title : _show_dna Usage : $obj->_show_dna($newval) Function: Returns : value of _show_dna Args : newvalue (optional) =cut sub _show_dna{ my ($obj,$value) = @_; if( defined $value) { $obj->{'_show_dna'} = $value; } return $obj->{'_show_dna'}; } =head2 _id_generation_func Title : _id_generation_func Usage : $obj->_id_generation_func($newval) Function: Returns : value of _id_generation_func Args : newvalue (optional) =cut sub _id_generation_func{ my ($obj,$value) = @_; if( defined $value ) { $obj->{'_id_generation_func'} = $value; } return $obj->{'_id_generation_func'}; } =head2 _ac_generation_func Title : _ac_generation_func Usage : $obj->_ac_generation_func($newval) Function: Returns : value of _ac_generation_func Args : newvalue (optional) =cut sub _ac_generation_func{ my ($obj,$value) = @_; if( defined $value ) { $obj->{'_ac_generation_func'} = $value; } return $obj->{'_ac_generation_func'}; } =head2 _sv_generation_func Title : _sv_generation_func Usage : $obj->_sv_generation_func($newval) Function: Returns : value of _sv_generation_func Args : newvalue (optional) =cut sub _sv_generation_func{ my ($obj,$value) = @_; if( defined $value ) { $obj->{'_sv_generation_func'} = $value; } return $obj->{'_sv_generation_func'}; } =head2 _kw_generation_func Title : _kw_generation_func Usage : $obj->_kw_generation_func($newval) Function: Returns : value of _kw_generation_func Args : newvalue (optional) =cut sub _kw_generation_func{ my ($obj,$value) = @_; if( defined $value ) { $obj->{'_kw_generation_func'} = $value; } return $obj->{'_kw_generation_func'}; } 1;