Bio::Structure::IO pdb
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Bio::Structure::IO::pdb - PDB input/output stream
Package variables
No package variables defined.
Included modules
It is probably best not to use this object directly, but
rather go through the Bio::Structure::IO handler system. Go:
    $stream = Bio::Structure::IO->new(-file => $filename, 
-format => 'PDB');
while ( (my $structure = $stream->next_structure()) ) { # do something with $structure }
This object can transform Bio::Structure objects to and from PDB flat
file databases. The working is similar to that of the Bio::SeqIO handlers.
No description
No description
No description
Methods description
_filehandlecode    nextTop
 Title   : _filehandle
Usage : $obj->_filehandle($newval)
Example :
Returns : value of _filehandle
Args : newvalue (optional)
 Title   : _noatom
Usage : $obj->_noatom($newval)
Example :
Returns : value of _noatom
Args : newvalue (optional)
 Title   : _noheader
Usage : $obj->_noheader($newval)
Example :
Returns : value of _noheader
Args : newvalue (optional)
 Title   : _read_PDB_coordinate_section
Usage : $obj->_read_PDB_coordinate_section($\buffer))
Function: read one model from a PDB
Returns : Bio::Structure::Model object
Args :
 Title   : _read_PDB_jrnl
Usage : $obj->_read_PDB_jrnl($\buffer))
Function: read jrnl record from PDB
Returns : Bio::Annotation::Reference object
Args :
 Title   : _read_PDB_remark_1
Usage : $obj->_read_PDB_remark_1($\buffer))
Function: read "remark 1" record from PDB
Returns : array of Bio::Annotation::Reference objects
Args :
 Title   : _read_PDB_singlecontline
Usage : $obj->_read_PDB_singlecontline($record, $fromto, $buffer))
Function: read single continued record from PDB
Returns : concatenated record entry (between $fromto columns)
Args : record, colunm delimiters, buffer
 Title   : next_structure
Usage : $struc = $stream->next_structure()
Function: returns the next structure in the stream
Returns : Bio::Structure object
Args :
 Title   : write_structure
Usage : $stream->write_structure($struc)
Function: writes the $struc object (must be a Bio::Structure) to the stream
Returns : 1 for success and 0 for error
Args : Bio::Structure object
Methods code
sub _filehandle {
   my ($obj,$value) = @_;
   if( defined $value) {
      $obj->{'_filehandle'} = $value;
    return $obj->{'_filehandle'};
sub _initialize {
  my($self,@args) = @_;


  my ($noheader, $noatom) =
  $noheader && $self->_noheader($noheader);
  $noatom   && $self->_noatom($noatom);
sub _noatom {
   my ($obj,$value) = @_;
   if( defined $value) {
      $obj->{'_noatom'} = $value;
    return $obj->{'_noatom'};
sub _noheader {
   my ($obj,$value) = @_;
   if( defined $value) {
      $obj->{'_noheader'} = $value;
    return $obj->{'_noheader'};
sub _read_PDB_coordinate_section {
	my ($self, $buffer, $struc) = @_;
	my ($model_num, $chain_name, $residue_name, $atom_name);  # to keep track of state
$model_num = ""; $chain_name = ""; $residue_name = ""; $atom_name = ""; my $atom_unpack = "x6 a5 x1 a4 a1 a3 x1 a1 a4 a1 x3 a8 a8 a8 a6 a6 x6 a4 a2 a2"; my $anisou_unpack = "x6 a5 x1 a4 a1 a3 x1 a1 a4 a1 x1 a7 a7 a7 a7 a7 a7 a4 a2 a2"; my $model = Bio::Structure::Model->new; $model->id('default'); my $noatom = $self->_noatom; my ($chain, $residue, $atom, $old); my (%_ch_in_model); # which chains are already in this model
$_ = $$buffer; while (defined( $_ ||= $self->_readline )) { # start of a new model
if (/^MODEL\s+(\d+)/) { $model_num = $1; $self->debug("_read_PDB_coor: parsing model $model_num\n"); $model->id($model_num); if (/^MODEL\s+\d+\s+\S+/) { # old format (pre 2.1)
$old = 1; } } # old hier ook setten XXX
# ATOM lines, if first set chain
if (/^(ATOM |HETATM|SIGATM)/) { my @line_elements = unpack $atom_unpack, $_; my $pdb_atomname = $line_elements[1]; # need to get this before removing spaces
for my $k (0 .. $#line_elements) { $line_elements[$k] =~ s/^\s+//; # remove leading space
$line_elements[$k] =~ s/\s+$//; # remove trailing space
$line_elements[$k] = undef if ($line_elements[$k] =~ /^\s*$/); } my ($serial, $atomname, $altloc, $resname, $chainID, $resseq, $icode, $x, $y, $z, $occupancy, $tempfactor, $segID, $element, $charge) = @line_elements; $chainID = 'default' if ( !defined $chainID ); if ($chainID ne $chain_name) { # possibly a new chain
# fix for bug #1187
# we can have ATOM/HETATM of an already defined chain (A B A B)
# e.g. 1abm
if (exists $_ch_in_model{$chainID} ) { # we have already seen this chain in this model
$chain = $_ch_in_model{$chainID}; } else { # we create a new chain
$chain = Bio::Structure::Chain->new; $struc->add_chain($model,$chain); $chain->id($chainID); $_ch_in_model{$chainID} = $chain; } $chain_name = $chain->id; } # fix from bug 1485, by
# passes visual inspection by Ewan and tests are ok.
# (bug fix was to add $icode here to make unique)
# original looked like
# my $res_name_num = $resname."-".$resseq;
# to get around warning, set icode to "" if not defined
if( !defined $icode ) { $icode = ""; } my $res_name_num = $resname."-".$resseq.$icode; if ($res_name_num ne $residue_name) { # new residue
$residue = Bio::Structure::Residue->new; $struc->add_residue($chain,$residue); $residue->id($res_name_num); $residue_name = $res_name_num; $atom_name = ""; # only needed inside a residue
} # get out of here if we don't want the atom objects
if ($noatom) { $_ = undef; next; } # alternative location: only take first one
if ( $altloc && ($altloc =~ /\S+/) && ($atomname eq $atom_name) ) { $_ = undef; # trigger reading next line
next; } if (/^(ATOM |HETATM)/) { # ATOM / HETATM
$atom_name = $atomname; $atom = Bio::Structure::Atom->new; $struc->add_atom($residue,$atom); $atom->id($atomname); $atom->pdb_atomname($pdb_atomname); # store away PDB atomname for writing out
$atom->serial($serial); $atom->icode($icode); $atom->x($x); $atom->y($y); $atom->z($z); $atom->occupancy($occupancy); $atom->tempfactor($tempfactor); $atom->segID($segID); # deprecated but used by people
if (! $old ) { $atom->element($element); $atom->charge($charge); } } else { # SIGATM
my $sigx = $x; my $sigy = $y; my $sigz = $z; my $sigocc = $occupancy; my $sigtemp = $tempfactor; if ($atom_name ne $atomname) { # something wrong with PDB file
$self->throw("A SIGATM record should have the same $atomname as the previous record $atom_name\n"); } $atom->sigx($sigx); $atom->sigy($sigy); $atom->sigz($sigz); $atom->sigocc($sigocc); $atom->sigtemp($sigtemp); } } # ATOM|HETARM|SIGATM
if (/^(ANISOU|SIGUIJ)/) { if ($noatom) { $_ = undef; next; } my @line_elements = unpack $anisou_unpack, $_; for my $k (0 .. $#line_elements) { $line_elements[$k] =~ s/^\s+//; # remove leading space
$line_elements[$k] =~ s/\s+$//; # remove trailing space
$line_elements[$k] = undef if ($line_elements[$k] =~ /^\s*$/); } my ($serial, $atomname, $altloc, $resname, $chainID, $resseq, $icode, $u11,$u22, $u33, $u12, $u13, $u23, $segID, $element, $charge) = @line_elements; $self->debug("read_PDB_coor: parsing ANISOU record: $serial $atomname\n"); if ( $altloc && ($altloc =~ /\S+/) && ($atomname eq $atom_name) ) { $_ = undef; next; } if (/^ANISOU/) { if ($atom_name ne $atomname) { # something wrong with PDB file
$self->throw("A ANISOU record should have the same $atomname as the previous record $atom_name\n"); } $atom->aniso("u11",$u11); $atom->aniso("u22",$u22); $atom->aniso("u33",$u33); $atom->aniso("u12",$u12); $atom->aniso("u13",$u13); $atom->aniso("u23",$u23); } else { # SIGUIJ
if ($atom_name ne $atomname) { # something wrong with PDB file
$self->throw("A SIGUIJ record should have the same $atomname as the previous record $atom_name\n"); } # could use different variable names, but hey ...
$atom->aniso("sigu11",$u11); $atom->aniso("sigu22",$u22); $atom->aniso("sigu33",$u33); $atom->aniso("sigu12",$u12); $atom->aniso("sigu13",$u13); $atom->aniso("sigu23",$u23); } } # ANISOU | SIGUIJ
if (/^TER /) { $_ = undef; next; } if (/^ENDMDL/) { $_ = $self->_readline; last; } if (/^(CONECT|MASTER)/) { # get out of here
# current line is OK
last; } $_ = undef; } # while
$$buffer = $_; return $model; } # _read_PDB_coordinate_section
sub _read_PDB_jrnl {
	my ($self, $buffer) = @_;
	$_ = $$buffer;
	my ($auth, $titl,$edit,$ref,$publ,$refn);
	while (defined( $_ ||= $self->_readline )) {
		if (/^JRNL /) {
			# this code belgons in a seperate method (shared with
# remark 1 parsing)
my ($rec, $subr, $cont, $rol) = unpack "A6 x6 A4 A2 x1 A51", $_; $auth = $self->_concatenate_lines($auth,$rol) if ($subr eq "AUTH"); $titl = $self->_concatenate_lines($titl,$rol) if ($subr eq "TITL"); $edit = $self->_concatenate_lines($edit,$rol) if ($subr eq "EDIT"); $ref = $self->_concatenate_lines($ref ,$rol) if ($subr eq "REF"); $publ = $self->_concatenate_lines($publ,$rol) if ($subr eq "PUBL"); $refn = $self->_concatenate_lines($refn,$rol) if ($subr eq "REFN"); } else { last; } $_ = undef; # trigger reading of next line
} # while
$$buffer = $_; my $jrnl_ref = Bio::Annotation::Reference->new; $jrnl_ref->authors($auth); $jrnl_ref->title($titl); $jrnl_ref->location($ref); $jrnl_ref->publisher($publ); $jrnl_ref->editors($edit); $jrnl_ref->encoded_ref($refn); return $jrnl_ref; } # sub _read_PDB_jrnl
sub _read_PDB_remark_1 {
	my ($self, $buffer) = @_;
	$_ = $$buffer;
	my ($auth, $titl,$edit,$ref,$publ,$refn,$refnum);
	my @refs;

	while (defined( $_ ||= $self->_readline )) {
		if (/^REMARK   1 /) {
			if (/^REMARK   1\s+REFERENCE\s+(\d+)\s*/) {
				$refnum = $1;
				if ($refnum != 1) { # this is first line of a reference
my $rref = Bio::Annotation::Reference->new; $rref->authors($auth); $rref->title($titl); $rref->location($ref); $rref->publisher($publ); $rref->editors($edit); $rref->encoded_ref($refn); $auth = $titl = $edit = $ref = $publ = $refn = undef; push @refs, $rref; } } else { # this code belgons in a seperate method (shared with
# remark 1 parsing)
my ($rec, $subr, $cont, $rol) = unpack "A6 x6 A4 A2 x1 A51", $_; $auth = $self->_concatenate_lines($auth,$rol) if ($subr eq "AUTH"); $titl = $self->_concatenate_lines($titl,$rol) if ($subr eq "TITL"); $edit = $self->_concatenate_lines($edit,$rol) if ($subr eq "EDIT"); $ref = $self->_concatenate_lines($ref ,$rol) if ($subr eq "REF"); $publ = $self->_concatenate_lines($publ,$rol) if ($subr eq "PUBL"); $refn = $self->_concatenate_lines($refn,$rol) if ($subr eq "REFN"); } } else { # have we seen any reference at all (could be single REMARK 1 line
if ( ! defined ($refnum) ) { last; # get out of while()
} # create last reference
my $rref = Bio::Annotation::Reference->new; $rref->authors($auth); $rref->title($titl); $rref->location($ref); $rref->publisher($publ); $rref->editors($edit); $rref->encoded_ref($refn); push @refs, $rref; last; } $_ = undef; # trigger reading of next line
} # while
$$buffer = $_; return @refs; } # sub _read_PDB_jrnl
sub _read_PDB_singlecontline {
	my ($self, $record, $fromto, $buffer) = @_;
	my $concat_line;

	my ($begin, $end) = (split (/-/, $fromto));
	my $unpack_string = "x8 a2 ";
	if($begin == 12) { # one additional space
$unpack_string .= "x1 a59"; } else { $unpack_string .= "a60"; } $_ = $$buffer; while (defined( $_ ||= $self->_readline ) ) { if ( /^$record/ ) { my($cont, $rol) = unpack $unpack_string, $_; if($cont =~ /\d$/ && $begin == 11) { # continuation line
# and text normally at pos 11
$rol =~ s/^\s//; # strip leading space
} ## no space (store litteraly) $concat_line .= $rol . " ";
$concat_line .= $rol; } else { last; } $_ = undef; } $concat_line =~ s/\s$//; # remove trailing space
$$buffer = $_; return $concat_line;
sub _write_PDB_remark_record {
	my ($self, $struc, $remark_num) = @_;
	my ($ann) = $struc->annotation->get_Annotations("remark_$remark_num");
	my $name = sprintf("REMARK %3d ",$remark_num);
	$self->_write_PDB_simple_record(-name => $name, -annotation => $ann, -rol => "12-70");

sub _write_PDB_simple_record {
	my ($self, @args) = @_;
	my ($name, $cont , $annotation, $rol, $string) = 
	if (defined $string && defined $annotation) {
		$self->throw("you can only supply one of -annoation or -string");
	my ($output_string, $ann_string, $t_string);
	my ($rol_begin, $rol_end) = $rol =~ /^(\d+)-(\d+)$/;
	my $rol_length = $rol_end - $rol_begin +1;
	if ($string) {
		if (length $string > $rol_length) {
			# we might need to split $string in multiple lines
while (length $string > $rol_length) { # other option might be to go for a bunch of substr's
my @c = split//,$string; my $t = $rol_length; # index into @c
while ($c[$t] ne " ") { # find first space, going backwards
$self->debug("c[t]: $c[$t] $t\n"); $t--; if ($t == 0) { $self->throw("Found no space for $string\n"); } } $self->debug("t: $t rol_length: $rol_length\n"); $ann_string .= substr($string, 0, $t); $self->debug("ann_string: $ann_string\n"); $ann_string .= " " x ($rol_length - $t ); $string = substr($string, $t+1); $string =~ s/^\s+//; $self->debug("ann_string: $ann_string~~\nstring: $string~~\n"); } $ann_string .= $string; } else { $ann_string = $string; } } else { $ann_string = $annotation->as_text; $ann_string =~ s/^Value: //; } # ann_string contains the thing to write out, writing out happens below
my $ann_length = length $ann_string; $self->debug("ann_string: $ann_string\n"); if ($cont) { my ($c_begin, $c_end) = $cont =~ /^(\d+)-(\d+)$/; if ( $ann_length > $rol_length ) { # we need to continuation lines
my $first_line = 1; my $cont_number = 2; my $out_line; my $num_pos = $rol_length; my $i = 0; while( $i < $ann_length ) { $t_string = substr($ann_string, $i, $num_pos); $self->debug("t_string: $t_string~~$i $num_pos\n"); if ($first_line) { $out_line = $name . " " x ($rol_begin - $c_begin) . $t_string; $out_line .= " " x (80 - length($out_line) ) . "\n"; $first_line = 0; $output_string = $out_line; $i += $num_pos; # first do counter
if ($rol_begin - $c_end == 1) { # next line one character less
$num_pos--; } } else { $out_line = $name . sprintf("%2d",$cont_number); # a space after continuation number
if ($rol_begin - $c_end == 1) { # one space after cont number
$out_line .= " "; $out_line .= $t_string; } else { $out_line .= " " x ($rol_begin - $c_end - 1) . $t_string; } $out_line .= " " x (80 -length($out_line) ) . "\n"; $cont_number++; $output_string .= $out_line; $i += $num_pos; } } } else { # no continuation
my $spaces = $rol_begin - $c_begin; # number of spaces need to insert
$output_string = $name . " " x $spaces . $ann_string; $output_string .= " " x (80 - length($output_string) ); } } else { # no contintuation lines
if ($ann_length < $rol_length) { $output_string = $name . $ann_string; $output_string .= " " x (80 - length($output_string) ); } else { for (my $i = 0; $i < $ann_length; $i += $rol_length) { my $out_line; $t_string = substr($ann_string, $i, $rol_length); $out_line = $name . $t_string; $out_line .= " " x (80 -length($out_line) ) . "\n"; $output_string .= $out_line; } } } $output_string =~ s/\n$//; # remove trailing newline
sub next_structure {
   my ($self,@args) = @_;
   my ($line);
   my ($obslte, $title, $caveat, $compnd, $source, $keywds,
	$expdta, $author, %revdat, $revdat, $sprsde, $jrnl, %remark, $dbref,
	$seqadv, $seqres, $modres, $het, $hetnam, $hetsyn, $formul, $helix, 
	$sheet, $turn, $ssbond, $link, $hydbnd, $sltbrg, $cispep,
	$site, $cryst1, $tvect,);
   my $struc = Bio::Structure::Entry->new(-id => 'created from');
   my $all_headers = ( !$self->_noheader );  # we'll parse all headers and store as annotation
my %header; # stores all header RECORDs an is stored as annotations when ATOM is reached
$line = $self->_readline; # This needs to be before the first eof() test
if( !defined $line ) { return undef; # no throws - end of file
} if( $line =~ /^\s+$/ ) { while( defined ($line = $self->_readline) ) { $line =~/\S/ && last; } } if( !defined $line ) { return undef; # end of file
} $line =~ /^HEADER\s+\S+/ || $self->throw("PDB stream with no HEADER. Not pdb in my book"); my($header_line) = unpack "x10 a56", $line; $header{'header'} = $header_line; my($class, $depdate, $idcode) = unpack "x10 a40 a9 x3 a4", $line; $idcode =~ s/^\s*(\S+)\s*$/$1/; $struc->id($idcode); $self->debug("PBD c $class d $depdate id $idcode\n"); # XXX KB
my $buffer = $line; BEFORE_COORDINATES : until( !defined $buffer ) { $_ = $buffer; # Exit at start of coordinate section
last if /^(MODEL|ATOM|HETATM)/; # OBSLTE line(s)
if (/^OBSLTE / && $all_headers) { $obslte = $self->_read_PDB_singlecontline("OBSLTE","12-70",\$buffer); $header{'obslte'} = $obslte; } # TITLE line(s)
if (/^TITLE / && $all_headers) { $title = $self->_read_PDB_singlecontline("TITLE","11-70",\$buffer); $header{'title'} = $title; } # CAVEAT line(s)
if (/^CAVEAT / && $all_headers) { $caveat = $self->_read_PDB_singlecontline("CAVEAT","12-70",\$buffer); $header{'caveat'} = $caveat; } # COMPND line(s)
if (/^COMPND / && $all_headers) { $compnd = $self->_read_PDB_singlecontline("COMPND","11-70",\$buffer); $header{'compnd'} = $compnd; $self->debug("get COMPND $compnd\n"); } # SOURCE line(s)
if (/^SOURCE / && $all_headers) { $source = $self->_read_PDB_singlecontline("SOURCE","11-70",\$buffer); $header{'source'} = $source; } # KEYWDS line(s)
if (/^KEYWDS / && $all_headers) { $keywds = $self->_read_PDB_singlecontline("KEYWDS","11-70",\$buffer); $header{'keywds'} = $keywds; } # EXPDTA line(s)
if (/^EXPDTA / && $all_headers) { $expdta = $self->_read_PDB_singlecontline("EXPDTA","11-70",\$buffer); $header{'expdta'} = $expdta; } # AUTHOR line(s)
if (/^AUTHOR / && $all_headers) { $author = $self->_read_PDB_singlecontline("AUTHOR","11-70",\$buffer); $header{'author'} = $author; } # REVDAT line(s)
# a bit more elaborate as we also store the modification number
if (/^REVDAT / && $all_headers) { ##my($modnum,$rol) = unpack "x7 A3 x3 A53", $_;
##$modnum =~ s/\s+//; # remove spaces
##$revdat{$modnum} .= $rol;
my ($rol) = unpack "x7 a59", $_; $revdat .= $rol; $header{'revdat'} = $revdat; } # SPRSDE line(s)
if (/^SPRSDE / && $all_headers) { $sprsde = $self->_read_PDB_singlecontline("SPRSDE","12-70",\$buffer); $header{'sprsde'} = $sprsde; } # jRNL line(s)
if (/^JRNL / && $all_headers) { $jrnl = $self->_read_PDB_jrnl(\$buffer); $struc->annotation->add_Annotation('reference',$jrnl); $header{'jrnl'} = 1; # when writing out, we need a way to check there was a JRNL record (not mandatory)
} # REMARK line(s)
# we only parse the "REMARK 1" lines (additional references)
# thre rest is stored in %remark (indexed on remarkNum) (pack does space-padding)
if (/^REMARK\s+(\d+)\s*/ && $all_headers) { my $remark_num = $1; if ($remark_num == 1) { my @refs = $self->_read_PDB_remark_1(\$buffer); # How can we find the primary reference when writing (JRNL record) XXX KB
foreach my $ref (@refs) { $struc->annotation->add_Annotation('reference', $ref); } # $_ still holds the REMARK_1 line, $buffer now contains the first non
# REMARK_1 line. We need to parse it in this pass (so no else block)
$_ = $buffer; } # for the moment I don't see a better solution (other then using goto)
if (/^REMARK\s+(\d+)\s*/) { my $r_num = $1; if ($r_num != 1) { # other remarks, we store literlly at the moment
my ($rol) = unpack "x11 a59", $_; $remark{$r_num} .= $rol; } } } # REMARK
# DBREF line(s)
# references to sequences in other databases
# we store as 'dblink' annotations and whole line as simple annotation (round-trip)
if (/^DBREF / && $all_headers) { my ($rol) = unpack "x7 a61", $_; $dbref .= $rol; $header{'dbref'} = $dbref; my ($db, $acc) = unpack "x26 a6 x1 a8", $_; $db =~ s/\s*$//; $acc =~ s/\s*$//; my $link = Bio::Annotation::DBLink->new; $link->database($db); $link->primary_id($acc); $struc->annotation->add_Annotation('dblink', $link); } # DBREF
# SEQADV line(s)
if (/^SEQADV / && $all_headers) { my ($rol) = unpack "x7 a63", $_; $seqadv .= $rol; $header{'seqadv'} = $seqadv; } # SEQADV
# SEQRES line(s)
# this is (I think) the sequence of macromolecule that was analysed
# this will be returned when doing $struc->seq
if (/^SEQRES / && $all_headers) { my ($rol) = unpack "x8 a62", $_; $seqres .= $rol; $header{'seqres'} = $seqres; } # SEQRES
# MODRES line(s)
if (/^MODRES / && $all_headers) { my ($rol) = unpack "x7 a63", $_; $modres .= $rol; $header{'modres'} = $modres; } # MODRES
# HET line(s)
if (/^HET / && $all_headers) { my ($rol) = unpack "x7 a63", $_; $het .= $rol; $header{'het'} = $het; } # HET
# HETNAM line(s)
if (/^HETNAM / && $all_headers) { my ($rol) = unpack "x8 a62", $_; $hetnam .= $rol; $header{'hetnam'} = $hetnam; } # HETNAM
# HETSYN line(s)
if (/^HETSYN / && $all_headers) { my ($rol) = unpack "x8 a62", $_; $hetsyn .= $rol; $header{'hetsyn'} = $hetsyn; } # HETSYN
# FORMUL line(s)
if (/^FORMUL / && $all_headers) { my ($rol) = unpack "x8 a62", $_; $formul .= $rol; $header{'formul'} = $formul; } # FORMUL
# HELIX line(s)
# store as specific object ??
if (/^HELIX / && $all_headers) { my ($rol) = unpack "x7 a69", $_; $helix .= $rol; $header{'helix'} = $helix; } # HELIX
# SHEET line(s)
# store as specific object ??
if (/^SHEET / && $all_headers) { my ($rol) = unpack "x7 a63", $_; $sheet .= $rol; $header{'sheet'} = $sheet; } # SHEET
# TURN line(s)
# store as specific object ??
if (/^TURN / && $all_headers) { my ($rol) = unpack "x7 a63", $_; $turn .= $rol; $header{'turn'} = $turn; } # TURN
# SSBOND line(s)
# store in connection-like object (see parsing of CONECT record)
if (/^SSBOND / && $all_headers) { my ($rol) = unpack "x7 a65", $_; $ssbond .= $rol; $header{'ssbond'} = $ssbond; } # SSBOND
# store like SSBOND ?
if (/^LINK / && $all_headers) { my ($rol) = unpack "x12 a60", $_; $link .= $rol; $header{'link'} = $link; } # LINK
# store like SSBOND
if (/^HYDBND / && $all_headers) { my ($rol) = unpack "x12 a60", $_; $hydbnd .= $rol; $header{'hydbnd'} = $hydbnd; } # HYDBND
# store like SSBOND ?
if (/^SLTBRG / && $all_headers) { my ($rol) = unpack "x12 a60",$_; $sltbrg .= $rol; $header{'sltbrg'} = $sltbrg; } # SLTBRG
# store like SSBOND ?
if (/^CISPEP / && $all_headers) { my ($rol) = unpack "x7 a52", $_; $cispep .= $rol; $header{'cispep'} = $cispep; } # SITE line(s)
if (/^SITE / && $all_headers) { my ($rol) = unpack "x7 a54", $_; $site .= $rol; $header{'site'} = $site; } # SITE
# CRYST1 line
# store in some crystallographic subobject ?
if (/^CRYST1/ && $all_headers) { my ($rol) = unpack "x6 a64", $_; $cryst1 .= $rol; $header{'cryst1'} = $cryst1; } # CRYST1
# ORIGXn line(s) (n=1,2,3)
if (/^(ORIGX\d) / && $all_headers) { my $origxn = lc($1); my ($rol) = unpack "x10 a45", $_; $header{$origxn} .= $rol; } # ORIGXn
# SCALEn line(s) (n=1,2,3)
if (/^(SCALE\d) / && $all_headers) { my $scalen = lc($1); my ($rol) = unpack "x10 a45", $_; $header{$scalen} .= $rol; } # SCALEn
# MTRIXn line(s) (n=1,2,3)
if (/^(MTRIX\d) / && $all_headers) { my $mtrixn = lc($1); my ($rol) = unpack "x7 a53", $_; $header{$mtrixn} .= $rol; } # MTRIXn
# TVECT line(s)
if (/^TVECT / && $all_headers) { my ($rol) = unpack "x7 a63", $_; $tvect .= $rol; $header{'tvect'} = $tvect; } # Get next line.
$buffer = $self->_readline; } # store %header entries a annotations
if (%header) { for my $record (keys %header) { my $sim = Bio::Annotation::SimpleValue->new(); $sim->value($header{$record}); $struc->annotation->add_Annotation($record, $sim); } } # store %remark entries as annotations
if (%remark) { for my $remark_num (keys %remark) { my $sim = Bio::Annotation::SimpleValue->new(); $sim->value($remark{$remark_num}); $struc->annotation->add_Annotation("remark_$remark_num", $sim); } } # Coordinate section, the real meat
# $_ contains a line beginning with (ATOM|MODEL)
$buffer = $_; if (defined($buffer) && $buffer =~ /^(ATOM |MODEL |HETATM)/ ) { # can you have an entry without ATOM ?
until( !defined ($buffer) ) { # (yes : 1a7z )
# read in one model at a time
my $model = $self->_read_PDB_coordinate_section(\$buffer, $struc); # add this to $struc
$struc->add_model($struc, $model); if ($buffer !~ /^MODEL /) { # if we get here we have multiple MODELs
last; } } } else { $self->throw("Could not find a coordinate section in this record\n"); } until( !defined $buffer ) { $_ = $buffer; # CONNECT records
if (/^CONECT/) { # do not differentiate between different type of connect (column dependant)
my $conect_unpack = "x6 a5 a5 a5 a5 a5 a5 a5 a5 a5 a5 a5"; my (@conect) = unpack $conect_unpack, $_; for my $k (0 .. $#conect) { $conect[$k] =~ s/\s//g; } my $source = shift @conect; my $type; for my $k (0 .. 9) { next unless ($conect[$k] =~ /^\d+$/); # 0..3 bond
if( $k <= 3 ) { $type = "bond"; } # 4..5,7..8 hydrogen bonded
elsif( ($k >= 4 && $k <= 5) || ($k >= 7 && $k <= 8) ) { $type = "hydrogen"; } # 6, 9 salt bridged
elsif( $k == 6 || $k == 9 ) { $type = "saltbridged"; } else { $self->throw("k has impossible value ($k), check brain"); } $struc->conect($source, $conect[$k], $type); } } # MASTER record
if (/^MASTER /) { # the numbers in here a checksums, we should use them :)
my ($rol) = unpack "x10 a60", $_; $struc->master($rol); } if (/^END/) { # this it the end ...
} $buffer = $self->_readline; } return $struc;
sub write_structure {
	my ($self, $struc) = @_;
	if( !defined $struc ) {
		$self->throw("Attempting to write with no structure!");

	if( ! ref $struc || ! $struc->isa('Bio::Structure::StructureI') ) {
		$self->throw(" $struc is not a StructureI compliant module.");
	my ($ann, $string, $output_string, $key);
($ann) = $struc->annotation->get_Annotations("header"); if ($ann) { $string = $ann->as_text; $string =~ s/^Value: //; $output_string = pack ("A10 A56", "HEADER", $string); } else { # not read in via read_structure, create HEADER line
my $id = $struc->id; if (!$id) { $id = "UNK1"; } if (length($id) > 4) { $id = substr($id,0,4); } my $classification = "DEFAULT CLASSIFICATION"; my $dep_date = "24-JAN-70"; $output_string = pack ("A10 A40 A12 A4", "HEADER", $classification, $dep_date, $id); } $output_string .= " " x (80 - length($output_string) ); $self->_print("$output_string\n"); my (%header); for $key ($struc->annotation->get_all_annotation_keys) { $header{$key} = 1;; } exists $header{'obslte'} && $self->_write_PDB_simple_record(-name => "OBSLTE ", -cont => "9-10", -annotation => $struc->annotation->get_Annotations("obslte"), -rol => "11-70"); exists $header{'title'} && $self->_write_PDB_simple_record(-name => "TITLE ", -cont => "9-10", -annotation => $struc->annotation->get_Annotations("title"), -rol => "11-70"); exists $header{'caveat'} && $self->_write_PDB_simple_record(-name => "CAVEAT ", -cont => "9-10", -annotation => $struc->annotation->get_Annotations("caveat"), -rol => "12-70"); exists $header{'compnd'} && $self->_write_PDB_simple_record(-name => "COMPND ", -cont => "9-10", -annotation => $struc->annotation->get_Annotations("compnd"), -rol => "11-70"); exists $header{'source'} && $self->_write_PDB_simple_record(-name => "SOURCE ", -cont => "9-10", -annotation => $struc->annotation->get_Annotations("source"), -rol => "11-70"); exists $header{'keywds'} && $self->_write_PDB_simple_record(-name => "KEYWDS ", -cont => "9-10", -annotation => $struc->annotation->get_Annotations("keywds"), -rol => "11-70"); exists $header{'expdta'} && $self->_write_PDB_simple_record(-name => "EXPDTA ", -cont => "9-10", -annotation => $struc->annotation->get_Annotations("expdta"), -rol => "11-70"); exists $header{'author'} && $self->_write_PDB_simple_record(-name => "AUTHOR ", -cont => "9-10", -annotation => $struc->annotation->get_Annotations("author"), -rol => "11-70"); exists $header{'revdat'} && $self->_write_PDB_simple_record(-name => "REVDAT ", -annotation => $struc->annotation->get_Annotations("revdat"), -rol => "8-66"); exists $header{'sprsde'} && $self->_write_PDB_simple_record(-name => "SPRSDE ", -cont => "9-10", -annotation => $struc->annotation->get_Annotations("sprsde"), -rol => "12-70"); # JRNL en REMARK 1
my ($jrnl_done, $remark_1_counter); if ( !exists $header{'jrnl'} ) { $jrnl_done = 1; } foreach my $ref ($struc->annotation->get_Annotations('reference') ) { if( !$jrnl_done ) { # JRNL record
$ref->authors && $self->_write_PDB_simple_record(-name => "JRNL AUTH", -cont => "17-18", -rol => "20-70", -string => $ref->authors ); $ref->title && $self->_write_PDB_simple_record(-name => "JRNL TITL", -cont => "17-18", -rol => "20-70", -string => $ref->title ); $ref->editors && $self->_write_PDB_simple_record(-name => "JRNL EDIT", -cont => "17-18", -rol => "20-70", -string => $ref->editors ); $ref->location && $self->_write_PDB_simple_record(-name => "JRNL REF ", -cont => "17-18", -rol => "20-70", -string => $ref->location ); $ref->editors && $self->_write_PDB_simple_record(-name => "JRNL EDIT", -cont => "17-18", -rol => "20-70", -string => $ref->editors ); $ref->encoded_ref && $self->_write_PDB_simple_record(-name => "JRNL REFN", -cont => "17-18", -rol => "20-70", -string => $ref->encoded_ref ); $jrnl_done = 1; } else { # REMARK 1
if (!$remark_1_counter) { # header line
my $remark_1_header_line = "REMARK 1" . " " x 70; $self->_print("$remark_1_header_line\n"); $remark_1_counter = 1; } # per reference header
my $rem_line = "REMARK 1 REFERENCE " . $remark_1_counter; $rem_line .= " " x (80 - length($rem_line) ); $self->_print($rem_line,"\n"); $ref->authors && $self->_write_PDB_simple_record(-name => "REMARK 1 AUTH", -cont => "17-18", -rol => "20-70", -string => $ref->authors ); $ref->title && $self->_write_PDB_simple_record(-name => "REMARK 1 TITL", -cont => "17-18", -rol => "20-70", -string => $ref->title ); $ref->editors && $self->_write_PDB_simple_record(-name => "REMARK 1 EDIT", -cont => "17-18", -rol => "20-70", -string => $ref->editors ); $ref->location && $self->_write_PDB_simple_record(-name => "REMARK 1 REF ", -cont => "17-18", -rol => "20-70", -string => $ref->location ); $ref->editors && $self->_write_PDB_simple_record(-name => "REMARK 1 EDIT", -cont => "17-18", -rol => "20-70", -string => $ref->editors ); $ref->encoded_ref && $self->_write_PDB_simple_record(-name => "REMARK 1 REFN", -cont => "17-18", -rol => "20-70", -string => $ref->encoded_ref ); $remark_1_counter++; } } if (! defined $remark_1_counter ) { # no remark 1 record written yet
my $remark_1_header_line = "REMARK 1" . " " x 70; $self->_print("$remark_1_header_line\n"); # write dummy (we need this line)
} # REMARK's (not 1 at the moment, references)
my (%remarks, $remark_num); for $key (keys %header) { next unless ($key =~ /^remark_(\d+)$/); next if ($1 == 1); $remarks{$1} = 1; } for $remark_num (sort {$a <=> $b} keys %remarks) { $self->_write_PDB_remark_record($struc, $remark_num); } exists $header{'dbref'} && $self->_write_PDB_simple_record(-name => "DBREF ", -annotation => $struc->annotation->get_Annotations("dbref"), -rol => "8-68"); exists $header{'seqadv'} && $self->_write_PDB_simple_record(-name => "SEQADV ", -annotation => $struc->annotation->get_Annotations("seqadv"), -rol => "8-70"); exists $header{'seqres'} && $self->_write_PDB_simple_record(-name => "SEQRES ", -annotation => $struc->annotation->get_Annotations("seqres"), -rol => "9-70"); exists $header{'modres'} && $self->_write_PDB_simple_record(-name => "MODRES ", -annotation => $struc->annotation->get_Annotations("modres"), -rol => "8-70"); exists $header{'het'} && $self->_write_PDB_simple_record(-name => "HET ", -annotation => $struc->annotation->get_Annotations("het"), -rol => "8-70"); exists $header{'hetnam'} && $self->_write_PDB_simple_record(-name => "HETNAM ", -annotation => $struc->annotation->get_Annotations("hetnam"), -rol => "9-70"); exists $header{'hetsyn'} && $self->_write_PDB_simple_record(-name => "HETSYN ", -annotation => $struc->annotation->get_Annotations("hetsyn"), -rol => "9-70"); exists $header{'formul'} && $self->_write_PDB_simple_record(-name => "FORMUL ", -annotation => $struc->annotation->get_Annotations("formul"), -rol => "9-70"); exists $header{'helix'} && $self->_write_PDB_simple_record(-name => "HELIX ", -annotation => $struc->annotation->get_Annotations("helix"), -rol => "8-76"); exists $header{'sheet'} && $self->_write_PDB_simple_record(-name => "SHEET ", -annotation => $struc->annotation->get_Annotations("sheet"), -rol => "8-70"); exists $header{'turn'} && $self->_write_PDB_simple_record(-name => "TURN ", -annotation => $struc->annotation->get_Annotations("turn"), -rol => "8-70"); exists $header{'ssbond'} && $self->_write_PDB_simple_record(-name => "SSBOND ", -annotation => $struc->annotation->get_Annotations("ssbond"), -rol => "8-72"); exists $header{'link'} && $self->_write_PDB_simple_record(-name => "LINK ", -annotation => $struc->annotation->get_Annotations("link"), -rol => "13-72"); exists $header{'hydbnd'} && $self->_write_PDB_simple_record(-name => "HYDBND ", -annotation => $struc->annotation->get_Annotations("hydbnd"), -rol => "13-72"); exists $header{'sltbrg'} && $self->_write_PDB_simple_record(-name => "SLTBRG ", -annotation => $struc->annotation->get_Annotations("sltbrg"), -rol => "13-72"); exists $header{'cispep'} && $self->_write_PDB_simple_record(-name => "CISPEP ", -annotation => $struc->annotation->get_Annotations("cispep"), -rol => "8-59"); exists $header{'site'} && $self->_write_PDB_simple_record(-name => "SITE ", -annotation => $struc->annotation->get_Annotations("site"), -rol => "8-61"); exists $header{'cryst1'} && $self->_write_PDB_simple_record(-name => "CRYST1", -annotation => $struc->annotation->get_Annotations("cryst1"), -rol => "7-70"); for my $k (1..3) { my $origxn = "origx".$k; my $ORIGXN = uc($origxn)." "; exists $header{$origxn} && $self->_write_PDB_simple_record(-name => $ORIGXN, -annotation => $struc->annotation->get_Annotations($origxn), -rol => "11-55"); } for my $k (1..3) { my $scalen = "scale".$k; my $SCALEN = uc($scalen)." "; exists $header{$scalen} && $self->_write_PDB_simple_record(-name => $SCALEN, -annotation => $struc->annotation->get_Annotations($scalen), -rol => "11-55"); } for my $k (1..3) { my $mtrixn = "mtrix".$k; my $MTRIXN = uc($mtrixn)." "; exists $header{$mtrixn} && $self->_write_PDB_simple_record(-name => $MTRIXN, -annotation => $struc->annotation->get_Annotations($mtrixn), -rol => "8-60"); } exists $header{'tvect'} && $self->_write_PDB_simple_record(-name => "TVECT ", -annotation => $struc->annotation->get_Annotations("tvect"), -rol => "8-70"); # write out coordinate section
my %het_res; # hetero residues
$het_res{'HOH'} = 1; # water is default
if (exists $header{'het'}) { my ($het_line) = ($struc->annotation->get_Annotations("het"))[0]->as_text; $het_line =~ s/^Value: //; for ( my $k = 0; $k <= length $het_line ; $k += 63) { my $l = substr $het_line, $k, 63; $l =~ s/^\s*(\S+)\s+.*$/$1/; $het_res{$l} = 1; } } for my $model ($struc->get_models) { # more then one model ?
if ($struc->get_models > 1) { my $model_line = sprintf("MODEL %4d", $model->id); $model_line .= " " x (80 - length($model_line) ); $self->_print($model_line, "\n"); } for my $chain ($struc->get_chains($model)) { my ($residue, $atom, $resname, $resnum, $atom_line, $atom_serial, $atom_icode, $chain_id); my ($prev_resname, $prev_resnum, $prev_atomicode); # need these for TER record
my $wr_ter = 0; # have we already written out a TER for this chain
$chain_id = $chain->id; if ( $chain_id eq "default" ) { $chain_id = " "; } $self->debug("model_id: $model->id chain_id: $chain_id\n"); for $residue ($struc->get_residues($chain)) { ($resname, $resnum) = split /-/, $residue->id; for $atom ($struc->get_atoms($residue)) { if ($het_res{$resname}) { # HETATM
if ( ! $wr_ter && $resname ne "HOH" ) { # going from ATOM -> HETATM, we have to write TER
my $ter_line = "TER "; $ter_line .= sprintf("%5d", $atom_serial + 1); $ter_line .= " "; $ter_line .= sprintf("%3s ", $prev_resname); $ter_line .= $chain_id; $ter_line .= sprintf("%4d", $prev_resnum); $ter_line .= $atom_icode ? $prev_atomicode : " "; # 27
$ter_line .= " " x (80 - length $ter_line); # extend to 80 chars
$self->_print($ter_line,"\n"); $wr_ter = 1; } $atom_line = "HETATM"; } else { $atom_line = "ATOM "; } $atom_line .= sprintf("%5d ", $atom->serial); $atom_serial = $atom->serial; # we need it for TER record
$atom_icode = $atom->icode; # remember some stuff if next iteration needs writing TER
$prev_resname = $resname; $prev_resnum = $resnum; $prev_atomicode = $atom_icode; # getting the name of the atom correct is subtrivial
my $atom_id = $atom->id; # is pdb_atomname set, then use this (most probably set when
# reading in the PDB record)
my $pdb_atomname = $atom->pdb_atomname; if( defined $pdb_atomname ) { $atom_line .= sprintf("%-4s", $pdb_atomname); } else { # start (educated) guessing
my $element = $atom->element; if( defined $element && $element ne "H") { # element should be at first two positions (right justified)
# ie. Calcium should be "CA "
# C alpha should be " CA "
if( length($element) == 2 ) { $atom_line .= sprintf("%-4s", $atom->id); } else { $atom_line .= sprintf(" %-3s", $atom->id); } } else { # old behaviour do a best guess
if ($atom->id =~ /^\dH/) { # H: four positions, left justified
$atom_line .= sprintf("%-4s", $atom->id); } elsif (length($atom_id) == 4) { if ($atom_id =~ /^(H\d\d)(\d)$/) { # turn H123 into 3H12
$atom_line .= $2.$1; } else { # no more guesses, no more alternatives
$atom_line .= $atom_id; } } else { # if we get here and it is not correct let me know
$atom_line .= sprintf(" %-3s", $atom->id); } } } # we don't do alternate location at this moment
$atom_line .= " "; # 17
$atom_line .= sprintf("%3s",$resname); # 18-20
$atom_line .= " ".$chain_id; # 21, 22
$atom_line .= sprintf("%4d", $resnum); # 23-26
$atom_line .= $atom->icode ? $atom->icode : " "; # 27
$atom_line .= " "; # 28-30
$atom_line .= sprintf("%8.3f", $atom->x); # 31-38
$atom_line .= sprintf("%8.3f", $atom->y); # 39-46
$atom_line .= sprintf("%8.3f", $atom->z); # 47-54
$atom_line .= sprintf("%6.2f", $atom->occupancy); # 55-60
$atom_line .= sprintf("%6.2f", $atom->tempfactor); # 61-66
$atom_line .= " "; # 67-72
$atom_line .= $atom->segID ? # segID 73-76
sprintf("%-4s", $atom->segID) : " "; $atom_line .= $atom->element ? sprintf("%2s", $atom->element) : " "; $atom_line .= $atom->charge ? sprintf("%2s", $atom->charge) : " "; $self->_print($atom_line,"\n"); } } # write out TER record if it hasn't been written yet
if ( $resname ne "HOH" && ! $wr_ter ) { my $ter_line = "TER "; $ter_line .= sprintf("%5d", $atom_serial + 1); $ter_line .= " "; $ter_line .= sprintf("%3s ", $resname); $ter_line .= $chain_id; $ter_line .= sprintf("%4d", $resnum); $ter_line .= $atom_icode ? $atom_icode : " "; # 27
$ter_line .= " " x (80 - length $ter_line); # extend to 80 chars
$self->_print($ter_line,"\n"); $wr_ter = 1; } } if ($struc->get_models > 1) { # we need ENDMDL
my $endmdl_line = "ENDMDL" . " " x 74; $self->_print($endmdl_line, "\n"); } } # for my $model
my @sources = $struc->get_all_conect_source; my ($conect_line,@conect, @bond, @hydbond, @saltbridge, $to, $type); for my $source (@sources) { # get all conect's
my @conect = $struc->conect($source); # classify
for my $con (@conect) { ($to, $type) = split /_/, $con; if($type eq "bond") { push @bond, $to; } elsif($type eq "hydrogenbonded") { push @hydbond, $to; } elsif($type eq "saltbridged") { push @saltbridge, $to; } else { $self->throw("type $type is unknown for conect"); } } # and write out CONECT lines as long as there is something
# in one of the arrays
while ( @bond || @hydbond || @saltbridge) { my ($b, $hb, $sb); $conect_line = "CONECT". sprintf("%5d", $source); for my $k (0..3) { $b = shift @bond; $conect_line .= $b ? sprintf("%5d", $b) : " "; } for my $k (4..5) { $hb = shift @hydbond; $conect_line .= $hb ? sprintf("%5d", $hb) : " "; } $sb = shift @saltbridge; $conect_line .= $sb ? sprintf("%5d", $sb) : " "; for my $k (7..8) { $hb = shift @hydbond; $conect_line .= $hb ? sprintf("%5d", $hb) : " "; } $sb = shift @saltbridge; $conect_line .= $sb ? sprintf("%5d", $sb) : " "; $conect_line .= " " x (80 - length($conect_line) ); $self->_print($conect_line, "\n"); } } # MASTER line contains checksums, we should calculate them of course :)
my $master_line = "MASTER " . $struc->master; $master_line .= " " x (80 - length($master_line) ); $self->_print($master_line, "\n"); my $end_line = "END" . " " x 77; $self->_print($end_line,"\n"); #$self->throw("write_structure is not yet implemented, start holding your breath\n");
General documentation
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The rest of the documentation details each of the object methods. Internal methods are usually preceded with a _