sub contains{
my ($self,@args) = @_;
# Other methods from BSANE - not sure if we will implement here or only in
# BioCORBA implementation
# Resolve symbols from the token string.
# SymbolList to_symbol(in string tokens) raises ( IllegalSymbolException) ;
# Convinience method, which returns gap symbol that do not
# match with any other symbols in the alphabet.
# Symbol get_gap_symbol() raises ( DoesNotExist) ;
# Returns a ambiguity symbol, which represent list of
# symbols. All symbols in a list must be members of
# this alphabet otherwise IllegalSymbolException is
# thrown.
# Symbol get_ambiguity( in SymbolList symbols) raises( IllegalSymbolException);
# Returns a Symbol, which represents ordered list of symbols
# given as a parameter. Each symbol in the list must be member of
# different sub-alphabet in the order defined by the alphabets
# attribute. For example, codons can be represented by a compound
# Alphabet of three DNA Alphabets, in which case the get_symbol(
# SymbolList[ a,g,t]) method of the Alphabet returns Symbol for
# the codon agt.
# IllegalSymbolException is raised if members of symbols
# are not Symbols over the alphabet defined by
# get_alphabets()-method
# Symbol get_symbol(in SymbolList symbols) raises(IllegalSymbolException) ;