Raw content of Bio::Tools::HMMER::Results # $Id: Results.pm,v 2003/01/07 13:58:01 jason Exp $ # # Perl Module for HMMResults # # Cared for by Ewan Birney <birney@sanger.ac.uk> # #Copyright Genome Research Limited (1997). =head1 NAME Bio::Tools::HMMER::Results - Object representing HMMER output results =head1 SYNOPSIS # parse a hmmsearch file (can also parse a hmmpfam file) $res = new Bio::Tools::HMMER::Results( -file => 'output.hmm' , -type => 'hmmsearch'); # print out the results for each sequence foreach $seq ( $res->each_Set ) { print "Sequence bit score is",$seq->bits,"\n"; foreach $domain ( $seq->each_Domain ) { print " Domain start ",$domain->start," end ",$domain->end, " score ",$domain->bits,"\n"; } } # new result object on a sequence/domain cutoff of 25 bits sequence, 15 bits domain $newresult = $res->filter_on_cutoff(25,15); # alternative way of getting out all domains directly foreach $domain ( $res->each_Domain ) { print "Domain on ",$domain->seq_id," with score ", $domain->bits," evalue ",$domain->evalue,"\n"; } =head1 DESCRIPTION This object represents HMMER output, either from hmmsearch or hmmpfam. For hmmsearch, a series of HMMER::Set objects are made, one for each sequence, which have the the bits score for the object. For hmmpfam searches, only one Set object is made. These objects come from the original HMMResults modules used internally in Pfam, written by Ewan. Ewan then converted them to bioperl objects in 1999. That conversion is meant to be backwardly compatible, but may not be (caveat emptor). =head1 FEEDBACK =head2 Mailing Lists User feedback is an integral part of the evolution of this and other Bioperl modules. Send your comments and suggestions preferably to one of the Bioperl mailing lists. Your participation is much appreciated. bioperl-l@bioperl.org - General discussion http://www.bioperl.org/MailList.html - About the mailing lists =head2 Reporting Bugs Report bugs to the Bioperl bug tracking system to help us keep track the bugs and their resolution. Bug reports can be submitted via email or the web: bioperl-bugs@bio.perl.org http://www.bugzilla.bioperl.org/ =head1 AUTHOR - Ewan Birney Email birney@ebi.ac.uk =head1 CONTRIBUTORS Jason Stajich, jason@bioperl.org =head1 APPENDIX The rest of the documentation details each of the object methods. Internal methods are usually preceded with a _ =cut package Bio::Tools::HMMER::Results; use vars qw(@ISA); use Carp; use strict; use Bio::Root::Root; use Bio::Root::IO; use Bio::Tools::HMMER::Domain; use Bio::Tools::HMMER::Set; use Bio::SeqAnalysisParserI; use Symbol; @ISA = qw(Bio::Root::Root Bio::Root::IO Bio::SeqAnalysisParserI); sub new { my($class,@args) = @_; my $self = $class->SUPER::new(@args); $self->{'domain'} = []; # array of HMMUnits $self->{'seq'} = {}; my ($parsetype) = $self->_rearrange([qw(TYPE)],@args); $self->_initialize_io(@args); if( !defined $parsetype ) { $self->throw("No parse type provided. should be hmmsearch or hmmpfam"); } $self->parsetype($parsetype); if( defined $self->_fh() ) { if( $parsetype eq 'hmmsearch' ) { $self->_parse_hmmsearch($self->_fh()); } elsif ( $parsetype eq 'hmmpfam' ) { $self->_parse_hmmpfam($self->_fh()); } else { $self->throw("Did not recoginise type $parsetype"); } } return $self; # success - we hope! } =head2 next_feature Title : next_feature Usage : while( my $feat = $res->next_feature ) { # do something } Function: SeqAnalysisParserI implementing function Example : Returns : A Bio::SeqFeatureI compliant object, in this case, each DomainUnit object, ie, flattening the Sequence aspect of this. Args : None =cut sub next_feature{ my ($self) = @_; if( $self->{'_started_next_feature'} == 1 ) { return shift @{$self->{'_next_feature_array'}}; } else { $self->{'_started_next_feature'} = 1; my @array; foreach my $seq ( $self->each_Set() ) { foreach my $unit ( $seq->each_Domain() ) { push(@array,$unit); } } my $res = shift @array; $self->{'_next_feature_array'} = \@array; return $res; } $self->throw("Should not reach here! Error!"); } =head2 number Title : number Usage : print "There are ",$res->number," domains hit\n"; Function: provides the number of domains in the HMMER report =cut sub number { my $self = shift; my @val; my $ref; $ref = $self->{'domain'}; @val = @{$self->{'domain'}}; return scalar @val; } =head2 seqfile Title : seqfile Usage : $obj->seqfile($newval) Function: Example : Returns : value of seqfile Args : newvalue (optional) =cut sub seqfile{ my ($self,$value) = @_; if( defined $value) { $self->{'seqfile'} = $value; } return $self->{'seqfile'}; } =head2 hmmfile Title : hmmfile Usage : $obj->hmmfile($newval) Function: Example : Returns : value of hmmfile Args : newvalue (optional) =cut sub hmmfile{ my ($self,$value) = @_; if( defined $value) { $self->{'hmmfile'} = $value; } return $self->{'hmmfile'}; } =head2 add_Domain Title : add_Domain Usage : $res->add_Domain($unit) Function: adds a domain to the results array. Mainly used internally. Args : A Bio::Tools::HMMER::Domain =cut sub add_Domain { my $self = shift; my $unit = shift; my $name; $name = $unit->seq_id(); if( ! exists $self->{'seq'}->{$name} ) { $self->warn("Adding a domain of $name but with no HMMSequence. Will be kept in domain array but not added to a HMMSequence"); } else { $self->{'seq'}->{$name}->add_Domain($unit); } push(@{$self->{'domain'}},$unit); } =head2 each_Domain Title : each_Domain Usage : foreach $domain ( $res->each_Domain() ) Function: array of Domain units which are held in this report Returns : array Args : none =cut sub each_Domain { my $self = shift; my (@arr,$u); foreach $u ( @{$self->{'domain'}} ) { push(@arr,$u); } return @arr; } =head2 domain_bits_cutoff_from_evalue Title : domain_bits_cutoff_from_evalue Usage : $cutoff = domain_bits_cutoff_from_evalue(0.01); Function: return a bits cutoff from an evalue using the scores here. Somewhat interesting logic: Find the two bit score which straddle the evalue if( 25 is between these two points) return 25 else return the midpoint. This logic tries to ensure that with large signal to noise separation one still has sensible 25 bit cutoff Returns : Args : =cut sub domain_bits_cutoff_from_evalue { my $self = shift; my $eval = shift; my ($dom,$prev,@doms,$cutoff,$sep,$seen); @doms = $self->each_Domain; @doms = map { $_->[0] } sort { $b->[1] <=> $a->[1] } map { [ $_, $_->bits] } @doms; $seen = 0; foreach $_ ( @doms ) { if( $_->evalue > $eval ) { $seen = 1; $dom = $_; last; } $prev = $_; } if( ! defined $prev || $seen == 0) { $self->throw("Evalue is either above or below the list..."); return undef; } $sep = $prev->bits - $dom->bits ; if( $sep < 1 ) { return $prev->bits(); } if( $dom->bits < 25 && $prev->bits > 25 ) { return 25; } return int( $dom->bits + $sep/2 ) ; } sub dictate_hmm_acc { my $self = shift; my $acc = shift; my ($unit); foreach $unit ( $self->eachHMMUnit() ) { $unit->hmmacc($acc); } } =head2 write_FT_output Title : write_FT_output Usage : $res->write_FT_output(\*STDOUT,'DOMAIN') Function: writes feature table output ala swissprot Returns : Args : =cut sub write_FT_output { my $self = shift; my $file = shift; my $idt = shift; my ($seq,$unit); if( !defined $idt ) { $idt = "DOMAIN"; } foreach $seq ( $self->each_Set() ) { print $file sprintf("ID %s\n",$seq->name()); foreach $unit ( $seq->each_Domain() ) { print $file sprintf("FT %s %d %d %s\n",$idt, $unit->start,$unit->end,$unit->hmmname); } print $file "//\n"; } } =head2 filter_on_cutoff Title : filter_on_cutoff Usage : $newresults = $results->filter_on_cutoff(25,15); Function: Produces a new HMMER::Results module which has been trimmed at the cutoff. Returns : a Bio::Tools::HMMER::Results module Args : sequence cutoff and domain cutoff. in bits score if you want one cutoff, simply use same number both places =cut sub filter_on_cutoff { my $self = shift; my $seqthr = shift; my $domthr = shift; my ($new,$seq,$unit,@array,@narray); if( !defined $domthr ) { $self->throw("hmmresults filter on cutoff needs two arguments"); } $new = Bio::Tools::HMMER::Results->new(-type => $self->parsetype); foreach $seq ( $self->each_Set()) { next if( $seq->bits() < $seqthr ); $new->add_Set($seq); foreach $unit ( $seq->each_Domain() ) { next if( $unit->bits() < $domthr ); $new->add_Domain($unit); } } $new; } =head2 write_ascii_out Title : write_ascii_out Usage : $res->write_ascii_out(\*STDOUT) Function: writes as seq seq_start seq_end model-acc model_start model_end model_name Returns : Args : FIXME: Now that we have no modelacc, this is probably a bad thing. =cut # writes as seq sstart send modelacc hstart hend modelname sub write_ascii_out { my $self = shift; my $fh = shift; my ($unit,$seq); if( !defined $fh) { $fh = \*STDOUT; } foreach $seq ( $self->each_Set()) { foreach $unit ( $seq->each_Domain()) { print $fh sprintf("%s %4d %4d %s %4d %4d %4.2f %4.2g %s\n", $unit->seq_id(),$unit->start(),$unit->end(), $unit->hmmacc,$unit->hstart,$unit->hend, $unit->bits,$unit->evalue,$unit->hmmname); } } } =head2 write_GDF_bits Title : write_GDF_bits Usage : $res->write_GDF_bits(25,15,\*STDOUT) Function: writes GDF format with a sequence,domain threshold Returns : Args : =cut sub write_GDF_bits { my $self = shift; my $seqt = shift; my $domt = shift; my $file = shift; my $seq; my $unit; my (@array,@narray); if( !defined $file ) { $self->throw("Attempting to use write_GDF_bits without passing in correct arguments!"); return; } foreach $seq ( $self->each_Set()) { if( $seq->bits() < $seqt ) { next; } foreach $unit ( $seq->each_Domain() ) { if( $unit->bits() < $domt ) { next; } push(@array,$unit); } } @narray = sort { my ($aa,$bb,$st_a,$st_b); $aa = $a->seq_id(); $bb = $b->seq_id(); if ( $aa eq $bb) { $st_a = $a->start(); $st_b = $b->start(); return $st_a <=> $st_b; } else { return $aa cmp $bb; } } @array; foreach $unit ( @narray ) { print $file sprintf("%-24s\t%6d\t%6d\t%15s\t%.1f\t%g\n",$unit->get_nse(),$unit->start(),$unit->end(),$unit->seq_id(),$unit->bits(),$unit->evalue); } } sub write_scores_bits { my $self = shift; my $seqt = shift; my $domt = shift; my $file = shift; my $seq; my $unit; my (@array,@narray); if( !defined $file ) { carp("Attempting to use write_scores_bits without passing in correct arguments!"); return; } foreach $seq ( $self->eachHMMSequence()) { if( $seq->bits() < $seqt ) { next; } foreach $unit ( $seq->eachHMMUnit() ) { if( $unit->bits() < $domt ) { next; } push(@array,$unit); } } @narray = sort { my ($aa,$bb,$st_a,$st_b); $aa = $a->bits(); $bb = $b->bits(); return $aa <=> $bb; } @array; foreach $unit ( @narray ) { print $file sprintf("%4.2f %s\n",$unit->bits(),$unit->get_nse()); } } sub write_GDF { my $self = shift; my $file = shift; my $unit; if( !defined $file ) { $file = \*STDOUT; } foreach $unit ( $self->eachHMMUnit() ) { print $file sprintf("%-24s\t%6d\t%6d\t%15s\t%.1f\t%g\n",$unit->get_nse(),$unit->start(),$unit->end(),$unit->seq_id(),$unit->bits(),$unit->evalue); } } sub highest_noise { my $self = shift; my $seqt = shift; my $domt = shift; my ($seq,$unit,$hseq,$hdom,$noiseseq,$noisedom); $hseq = $hdom = -100000; foreach $seq ( $self->eachHMMSequence()) { if( $seq->bits() < $seqt && $seq->bits() > $hseq ) { $hseq = $seq->bits(); $noiseseq = $seq; } foreach $unit ( $seq->eachHMMUnit() ) { if( (($seq->bits() < $seqt) || ($seq->bits() > $seqt && $unit->bits < $domt)) && $unit->bits() > $hdom ) { $hdom = $unit->bits(); $noisedom = $unit; } } } return ($noiseseq,$noisedom); } sub lowest_true { my $self = shift; my $seqt = shift; my $domt = shift; my ($seq,$unit,$lowseq,$lowdom,$trueseq,$truedom); if( ! defined $domt ) { carp "lowest true needs at least a domain threshold cut-off"; return (0,0); } $lowseq = $lowdom = 100000; foreach $seq ( $self->eachHMMSequence()) { if( $seq->bits() >= $seqt && $seq->bits() < $lowseq ) { $lowseq = $seq->bits(); $trueseq = $seq; } if( $seq->bits() < $seqt ) { next; } foreach $unit ( $seq->eachHMMUnit() ) { if( $unit->bits() >= $domt && $unit->bits() < $lowdom ) { $lowdom = $unit->bits(); $truedom = $unit; } } } return ($trueseq,$truedom); } =head2 add_Set Title : add_Set Usage : Mainly internal function Function: Returns : Args : =cut sub add_Set { my $self = shift; my $seq = shift; my $name; $name = $seq->name(); if( exists $self->{'seq'}->{$name} ) { $self->throw("You alredy have $name in HMMResults!"); } $self->{'seq'}->{$name} = $seq; } =head2 each_Set Title : each_Set Usage : Function: Returns : Args : =cut sub each_Set { my $self = shift; my (@array,$name); foreach $name ( keys %{$self->{'seq'}} ) { push(@array,$self->{'seq'}->{$name}); } return @array; } =head2 get_Set Title : get_Set Usage : $set = $res->get_Set('sequence-name'); Function: returns the Set for a particular sequence Returns : a HMMER::Set object Args : name of the sequence =cut sub get_Set { my $self = shift; my $name = shift; return $self->{'seq'}->{$name}; } =head2 _parse_hmmpfam Title : _parse_hmmpfam Usage : $res->_parse_hmmpfam($filehandle) Function: Returns : Args : =cut sub _parse_hmmpfam { my $self = shift; my $file = shift; my ($id,$sqfrom,$sqto,$hmmf,$hmmt,$sc,$ev, $unit,$nd,$seq,$name,$seqname,$from, $to,%hash,%acc,$acc); my $count = 0; while(<$file>) { if( /^HMM file:\s+(\S+)/ ) { $self->hmmfile($1); next; } elsif( /^Sequence file:\s+(\S+)/ ) { $self->seqfile($1); next } elsif( /^Query(\s+sequence)?:\s+(\S+)/ ) { $seqname = $2; $seq = Bio::Tools::HMMER::Set->new(); $seq ->name($seqname); $self->add_Set($seq); %hash = (); while(<$file>){ if( /Accession:\s+(\S+)/ ) { $seq->accession($1); next } elsif( s/^Description:\s+// ) { chomp; $seq->desc($_); next } /^Parsed for domains/ && last; # This is to parse out the accession numbers in old Pfam format. # now not support due to changes in HMMER. if( (($id,$acc, $sc, $ev, $nd) = /^\s*(\S+)\s+(\S+).+?\s(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\d+)\s*$/)) { $hash{$id} = $sc; # we need this for the sequence # core of the domains below! $acc {$id} = $acc; # this is the more common parsing routine } elsif ( (($id,$sc, $ev, $nd) = /^\s*(\S+).+?\s(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\d+)\s*$/) ) { $hash{$id} = $sc; # we need this for the # sequence score of hte domains below! } } while(<$file>) { /^Align/ && last; /^\/\// && last; # this is meant to match #Sequence Domain seq-f seq-t hmm-f hmm-t score E-value #-------- ------- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ------- #PF00621 1/1 198 372 .. 1 207 [] 281.6 1e-80 if( (($id, $sqfrom, $sqto, $hmmf,$hmmt,$sc, $ev) = /(\S+)\s+\S+\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+).+?(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+\S+\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s*$/)) { $unit = Bio::Tools::HMMER::Domain->new(); $unit->seq_id ($seqname); $unit->hmmname ($id); $unit->start ($sqfrom); $unit->end ($sqto); $unit->hstart($hmmf); $unit->hend ($hmmt); $unit->bits ($sc); $unit->evalue ($ev); if( !exists($hash{$id}) ) { $self->throw("HMMResults parsing error in hmmpfam for $id - can't find sequecne score"); } $unit->seqbits($hash{$id}); if( defined $acc{$id} ) { $unit->hmmacc($acc{$id}); } # this should find it's own sequence! $self->add_Domain($unit); } } if( /^\/\// ) { next; } $_ = <$file>; # parses alignment lines. Icky as we have to break on the same line # that we need to read to place the alignment lines with the unit. while(1) { (!defined $_ || /^\/\//) && last; # matches: # PF00621: domain 1 of 1, from 198 to 372 if( /^\s*(\S+):.*from\s+(\d+)\s+to\s+(\d+)/ ) { $name = $1; $from = $2; $to = $3; # find the HMMUnit which this alignment is from $unit = $self->get_unit_nse($seqname,$name,$from,$to); if( !defined $unit ) { $self->warn("Could not find $name $from $to unit even though I am reading it in. ugh!"); $_ = <$file>; next; } while(<$file>) { /^\/\// && last; /^\s*\S+:.*from\s+\d+\s+to\s+\d+/ && last; $unit->add_alignment_line($_); } } else { $_ = <$file>; } } # back to main 'Query:' loop } } } # mainly internal function sub get_unit_nse { my $self = shift; my $seqname = shift; my $domname = shift; my $start = shift; my $end = shift; my($seq,$unit); $seq = $self->get_Set($seqname); if( !defined $seq ) { $self->throw("Could not get sequence name $seqname - so can't get its unit"); } foreach $unit ( $seq->each_Domain() ) { if( $unit->hmmname() eq $domname && $unit->start() == $start && $unit->end() == $end ) { return $unit; } } return undef; } =head2 _parse_hmmsearch Title : _parse_hmmsearch Usage : $res->_parse_hmmsearch($filehandle) Function: Returns : Args : =cut sub _parse_hmmsearch { my $self = shift; my $file = shift; my ($id,$sqfrom,$sqto,$sc,$ev,$unit,$nd,$seq,$hmmf,$hmmt, $hmmfname,$hmmacc, $hmmid, %seqh); my $count = 0; while(<$file>) { /^HMM file:\s+(\S+)/ and do { $self->hmmfile($1); $hmmfname = $1 }; /^Accession:\s+(\S+)/ and do { $hmmacc = $1 }; /^Query HMM:\s+(\S+)/ and do { $hmmid = $1 }; /^Sequence database:\s+(\S+)/ and do { $self->seqfile($1) }; /^Scores for complete sequences/ && last; } $hmmfname = "given" if not $hmmfname; while(<$file>) { /^Parsed for domains/ && last; if( (($id, $sc, $ev, $nd) = /(\S+).+?\s(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\d+)\s*$/)) { $seq = Bio::Tools::HMMER::Set->new(); $seq->name($id); $seq->bits($sc); $seqh{$id} = $sc; $seq->evalue($ev); $self->add_Set($seq); $seq->accession($hmmacc); } } while(<$file>) { /^Alignments of top-scoring domains/ && last; if( (($id, $sqfrom, $sqto, $hmmf, $hmmt, $sc, $ev) = /(\S+)\s+\S+\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+).+?(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+\S+\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s*$/)) { $unit = Bio::Tools::HMMER::Domain->new(); $unit->seq_id($id); $unit->hmmname($hmmfname); $unit->start($sqfrom); $unit->end($sqto); $unit->bits($sc); $unit->hstart($hmmf); $unit->hend($hmmt); $unit->evalue($ev); $unit->seqbits($seqh{$id}); $self->add_Domain($unit); $count++; } } $_ = <$file>; ## Recognize and store domain alignments while(1) { if( !defined $_ ) { last; } /^Histogram of all scores/ && last; # matches: # PF00621: domain 1 of 1, from 198 to 372 if( /^\s*(\S+):.*from\s+(\d+)\s+to\s+(\d+)/ ) { my $name = $1; my $from = $2; my $to = $3; # find the HMMUnit which this alignment is from $unit = $self->get_unit_nse($name,$hmmfname,$from,$to); if( !defined $unit ) { $self->warn("Could not find $name $from $to unit even though I am reading it in. ugh!"); next; } while(<$file>) { /^Histogram of all scores/ && last; /^\s*\S+:.*from\s+\d+\s+to\s+\d+/ && last; $unit->add_alignment_line($_); } } else { $_ = <$file>; } } return $count; } =head2 parsetype Title : parsetype Usage : $obj->parsetype($newval) Function: Returns : value of parsetype Args : newvalue (optional) =cut sub parsetype{ my ($self,$value) = @_; if( defined $value) { $self->{'_parsetype'} = $value; } return $self->{'_parsetype'}; } 1; # says use was ok __END__