Bio::Tools MZEF
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Bio::Tools::MZEF - Results of one MZEF run
Package variables
No package variables defined.
Included modules
   $mzef = Bio::Tools::MZEF->new(-file => 'result.mzef');
# filehandle:
$mzef = Bio::Tools::MZEF->new( -fh => \*INPUT );
# to indicate that the sequence was reversed prior to feeding it to MZEF
# and that you want to have this reflected in the strand() attribute of
# the exons, as well have the coordinates translated to the non-reversed
# sequence
$mzef = Bio::Tools::MZEF->new( -file => 'result.mzef',
-strand => -1 );
# parse the results # note: this class is-a Bio::Tools::AnalysisResult which implements # Bio::SeqAnalysisParserI, i.e., $genscan->next_feature() is the same while($gene = $mzef->next_prediction()) { # $gene is an instance of Bio::Tools::Prediction::Gene # $gene->exons() returns an array of # Bio::Tools::Prediction::Exon objects # all exons: @exon_arr = $gene->exons(); # internal exons only @intrl_exons = $gene->exons('Internal'); # note that presently MZEF predicts only internal exons! } # essential if you gave a filename at initialization (otherwise the file # will stay open) $mzef->close();
The MZEF module provides a parser for MZEF gene structure prediction
This module inherits off Bio::Tools::AnalysisResult and therefore
implements Bio::SeqAnalysisParserI.
No description
Methods description
_add_predictioncode    nextTop
 Title   : _add_prediction()
Usage : $obj->_add_prediction($gene)
Function: internal
Example :
Returns :
 Title   : _parse_predictions()
Usage : $obj->_parse_predictions()
Function: Parses the prediction section. Automatically called by
next_prediction() if not yet done.
Example :
Returns :
 Title   : _prediction()
Usage : $gene = $obj->_prediction()
Function: internal
Example :
Returns :
 Title   : _predictions_parsed
Usage : $obj->_predictions_parsed
Function: internal
Example :
Returns : TRUE or FALSE
 Usage     : $mzef->analysis_method();
Purpose : Inherited method. Overridden to ensure that the name matches
Returns : String
Argument : n/a
 Title   : next_feature
Usage : while($gene = $mzef->next_feature()) {
# do something
Function: Returns the next gene structure prediction of the MZEF result
file. Call this method repeatedly until FALSE is returned.
The returned object is actually a SeqFeatureI implementing object. This method is required for classes implementing the SeqAnalysisParserI interface, and is merely an alias for next_prediction() at present. Note that with the present version of MZEF there will only be one object returned, because MZEF does not predict individual genes but just potential internal exons. Example : Returns : A Bio::Tools::Prediction::Gene object. Args :
 Title   : next_prediction
Usage : while($gene = $mzef->next_prediction()) {
# do something
Function: Returns the next gene structure prediction of the MZEF result
file. Call this method repeatedly until FALSE is returned.
Note that with the present version of MZEF there will only be one object returned, because MZEF does not predict individual genes but just potential internal exons. Example : Returns : A Bio::Tools::Prediction::Gene object. Args :
Methods code
sub _add_prediction {
    my ($self, $gene) = @_;

    if(! exists($self->{'_preds'})) {
	$self->{'_preds'} = [];
    push(@{$self->{'_preds'}}, $gene);
sub _initialize_state {
    my($self,@args) = @_;

    # first call the inherited method!
my $make = $self->SUPER::_initialize_state(@args); # handle our own parameters
my ($strand, $params) = $self->_rearrange([qw(STRAND )], @args); # our private state variables
$strand = 1 unless defined($strand); $self->{'_strand'} = $strand; $self->{'_preds_parsed'} = 0; $self->{'_has_cds'} = 0; # array of pre-parsed predictions
$self->{'_preds'} = [];
sub _parse_predictions {
    my ($self) = @_;
    my ($method); # set but not used presently
my $exon_tag = "InternalExon"; my $gene; # my $seqname; # name given in output is poorly formatted
my $seqlen; my $prednr = 1; while(defined($_ = $self->_readline())) { if(/^\s*(\d+)\s*-\s*(\d+)\s+/) { # exon or signal
if(! defined($gene)) { $gene = Bio::Tools::Prediction::Gene->new( '-primary' => "GenePrediction$prednr", '-source' => 'MZEF'); } # we handle start-end first because may not be space delimited
# for large numbers
my ($start,$end) = ($1,$2); s/^\s*(\d+)\s*-\s*(\d+)\s+//; # split the rest into fields
chomp(); # format: Coordinates P Fr1 Fr2 Fr3 Orf 3ss Cds 5ss
# index: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
my @flds = split(' ', $_); # create the feature object depending on the type of signal --
# which is always an (internal) exon for MZEF
my $predobj = Bio::Tools::Prediction::Exon->new(); # set common fields
$predobj->source_tag('MZEF'); $predobj->significance($flds[0]); $predobj->score($flds[0]); # what shall we set as overall score?
$predobj->strand($self->{'_strand'}); # MZEF searches only one
if($predobj->strand() == 1) { $predobj->start($start); $predobj->end($end); } else { $predobj->start($seqlen-$end+1); $predobj->end($seqlen-$start+1); } # set scores
$predobj->start_signal_score($flds[5]); $predobj->end_signal_score($flds[7]); $predobj->coding_signal_score($flds[6]); # frame -- we simply extract the one with highest score from the
# orf field, and store the individual scores for now
my $frm = index($flds[4], "1"); $predobj->frame(($frm < 0) ? undef : $frm); $predobj->primary_tag($exon_tag); $predobj->is_coding(1); # add to gene structure (should be done only when start and end
# are set, in order to allow for proper expansion of the range)
$gene->add_exon($predobj); next; } if(/^\s*Internal .*(MZEF)/) { $self->analysis_method($1); next; } if(/^\s*File_Name:\s+(\S+)\s+Sequence_length:\s+(\d+)/) { # $seqname = $1; # this is too poor currently (file name truncated
# to 10 chars) in order to be sensible enough
$seqlen = $2; next; } } # $gene->seq_id($seqname);
$self->_add_prediction($gene) if defined($gene); $self->_predictions_parsed(1);
sub _prediction {
    my ($self) = @_;

    return undef unless(exists($self->{'_preds'}) && @{$self->{'_preds'}});
    return shift(@{$self->{'_preds'}});
sub _predictions_parsed {
    my ($self, $val) = @_;

    $self->{'_preds_parsed'} = $val if $val;
    if(! exists($self->{'_preds_parsed'})) {
	$self->{'_preds_parsed'} = 0;
    return $self->{'_preds_parsed'};

sub analysis_method {
my ($self, $method) = @_; if($method && ($method !~ /mzef/i)) { $self->throw("method $method not supported in " . ref($self)); } return $self->SUPER::analysis_method($method);
sub next_feature {
    my ($self,@args) = @_;
    # even though next_prediction doesn't expect any args (and this method
# does neither), we pass on args in order to be prepared if this changes
# ever
return $self->next_prediction(@args);
sub next_prediction {
    my ($self) = @_;
    my $gene;

    # if the prediction section hasn't been parsed yet, we do this now
$self->_parse_predictions() unless $self->_predictions_parsed(); # return the next gene structure (transcript)
return $self->_prediction();
General documentation
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AUTHOR - Hilmar LappTop
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The rest of the documentation details each of the object methods. Internal methods are usually preceded with a _