Do not use this module directly. Use it via the Bio::Variation::IO class.
sub next
{ my( $self ) = @_;
local $/ = '//';
return unless my $entry = $self->_readline;
return if $entry =~ /^\s+$/;
$entry =~ /\s*ID\s+\S+/ || $self->throw("We do need an ID!");
my ($id, $offset, $alphabet) = $entry =~ /\s*ID +([^:]+)..(\d+)[^\)]*.\[?([cg])?/
or $self->throw("Can't parse ID line");
my $h =Bio::Variation::SeqDiff->new(-id => $id,
-offset => $offset,
if ($alphabet) {
if ($alphabet eq 'g') {
$alphabet = 'dna';
elsif ($alphabet eq 'c') {
$alphabet = 'rna';
my @dna = split ( / DNA;/, $entry );
shift @dna;
my $prevdnaobj;
foreach my $dna (@dna) {
$dna =~ s/Feature[ \t]+//g;
($dna) = split "RNA; ", $dna;
my ($mut_number, $proof, $location, $upflank, $change, $dnflank) =
$dna =~ m|\W+([\d\.]+).+/proof: (\w+).+/location: ([^ \n]+).+/upflank: ([ \n\w]+).+/change: ([^ /]+).+/dnflank: ([ \n\w]+)|s; $change =~ s/[ \n]//g;
my ($ori, $mut) = split /[>\|]/, $change;
my ($variation_number, $change_number) = split /\./, $mut_number;
my $dnamut;
if ($change_number and $change_number > 1 ) {
my $a3 = Bio::Variation::Allele->new;
$a3->seq($mut) if $mut;
} else {
$upflank =~ s/[ \n]//g;
$dnflank =~ s/[ \n]//g;
my ($region, $junk, $region_value, $junk2, $region_dist) =
$dna =~ m|.+/region: ([\w\']+)(; )?(\w+)?( ?\(\+?)?(-?\d+)?|s; my ($start, $sep, $end) = $location =~ /(-?\d+)(.)?\D?(-?\d+)?/;
$end = $start if not $end ;
my ($len) = $end - $start +1;
$len = 0, $start = $end if defined $sep and $sep eq '^';
my $ismut = 0;
$ismut = 1 if $change =~ m/>/;
$dnamut = Bio::Variation::DNAMutation->new
('-start' => $start,
'-end' => $end,
'-length' => $len,
'-upStreamSeq' => $upflank,
'-dnStreamSeq' => $dnflank,
'-proof' => $proof,
'-mut_number' => $mut_number
$prevdnaobj = $dnamut;
my $a1 = Bio::Variation::Allele->new;
$a1->seq($ori) if $ori;
my $a2 = Bio::Variation::Allele->new;
$a2->seq($mut) if $mut;
if ($ismut) {
$dnamut->region($region) if defined $region;
$dnamut->region_value($region_value) if defined $region_value;
$dnamut->region_dist($region_dist) if defined $region_dist;
my @rna = split ( / RNA;/, $entry );
shift @rna;
my $prevrnaobj;
foreach my $rna (@rna) {
$rna = substr ($rna, 0, index($rna, 'Feature AA'));
$rna =~ s/Feature[ \t]+//g;
($rna) = split "DNA; ", $rna;
my ($mut_number, $proof, $location, $upflank, $change, $dnflank) =
$rna =~ m|\W+([\d\.]+).+/proof: (\w+).+/location: ([^ \n]+).+/upflank: (\w+).+/change: ([^/]+).+/dnflank: (\w+)|s ;#' my ($region, $junk, $region_value, $junk2, $region_dist) = $rna =~ m|.+/region: ([\w\']+)(; )?(\w+)?( ?\(\+?)?(-?\d+)?|s; $change =~ s/[ \n]//g;
my ($ori, $mut) = split /[>\|]/, $change;
my $rnamut;
my ($variation_number, $change_number) = split /\./, $mut_number;
if ($change_number and $change_number > 1 ) {
my $a3 = Bio::Variation::Allele->new;
$a3->seq($mut) if $mut;
} else {
my ($start, $sep, $end) = $location =~ /(-?\d+)(.)?\D?(-?\d+)?/;
$end = $start if not $end ;
my ($len) = $end - $start + 1;
$len = 0, $start = $end if defined $sep and $sep eq '^';
my $ismut;
$ismut = 1 if $change =~ m/>/; my ($codon_table) = $rna =~ m|.+/codon_table: (\d+)|s; my ($codon_pos) = $rna =~ m|.+/codon:[^;]+; ([123])|s;
$rnamut = Bio::Variation::RNAChange->new
('-start' => $start,
'-end' => $end,
'-length' => $len,
'-upStreamSeq' => $upflank,
'-dnStreamSeq' => $dnflank,
'-proof' => $proof,
'-mut_number' => $mut_number
$prevrnaobj = $rnamut;
my $a1 = Bio::Variation::Allele->new;
$a1->seq($ori) if $ori;
my $a2 = Bio::Variation::Allele->new;
$a2->seq($mut) if $mut;
if ($ismut) {
$rnamut->region($region) if defined $region;
$rnamut->region_value($region_value) if defined $region_value;
$rnamut->region_dist($region_dist) if defined $region_dist;
$rnamut->codon_table($codon_table) if $codon_table;
$rnamut->codon_pos($codon_pos) if $codon_pos;
foreach my $mut ($h->each_Variant) {
if ($mut->isa('Bio::Variation::DNAMutation') ) {
if ($mut->mut_number == $rnamut->mut_number) {
my @aa = split ( / AA;/, $entry );
shift @aa;
my $prevaaobj;
foreach my $aa (@aa) {
$aa = substr ($aa, 0, index($aa, 'Feature AA'));
$aa =~ s/Feature[ \t]+//g;
($aa) = split "DNA; ", $aa;
my ($mut_number, $proof, $location, $change) =
$aa =~ m|\W+([\d\.]+).+/proof: (\w+).+/location: ([^ \n]+)./change: ([^/;]+)|s; $change =~ s/[ \n]//g;
$change =~ s/[ \n]//g;
$change =~ s/DNA$//;
my ($ori, $mut) = split /[>\|]/, $change;
my ($variation_number, $change_number) = split /\./, $mut_number;
my $aamut;
if ($change_number and $change_number > 1 ) {
my $a3 = Bio::Variation::Allele->new;
$a3->seq($mut) if $mut;
} else {
my ($start, $sep, $end) = $location =~ /(-?\d+)(.)?\D?(-?\d+)?/;
$end = $start if not $end ;
my ($len) = $end - $start + 1;
$len = 0, $start = $end if defined $sep and $sep eq '^';
my $ismut;
$ismut = 1 if $change =~ m/>/; my ($region) = $aa =~ m|.+/region: (\w+)|s ; $aamut = Bio::Variation::AAChange->new
('-start' => $start,
'-end' => $end,
'-length' => $len,
'-proof' => $proof,
'-mut_number' => $mut_number
$prevaaobj = $aamut;
my $a1 = Bio::Variation::Allele->new;
$a1->seq($ori) if $ori;
my $a2 = Bio::Variation::Allele->new;
$a2->seq($mut) if $mut;
if ($ismut) {
$region && $aamut->region($region);
foreach my $mut ($h->each_Variant) {
if ($mut->isa('Bio::Variation::RNAChange') ) {
if ($mut->mut_number == $aamut->mut_number) {
return $h; } |
sub write
{ my ($self,@h) = @_;
my %tag =
'ID' => 'ID ',
'Description' => 'Description ',
'FeatureKey' => 'Feature ',
'FeatureQual' => "Feature ",
'FeatureWrap' => "Feature ",
'ErrorComment' => 'Comment '
if( !defined $h[0] ) {
$self->throw("Attempting to write with no information!");
foreach my $h (@h) {
my @entry =();
my ($text, $tmp, $tmp2, $sep);
my ($count) = 0;
$text = $tag{ID};
$text .= $h->id;
$text .= ":(". $h->offset;
$text .= "+1" if $h->sysname =~ /-/;
$text .= ")". $h->sysname;
$text .= "; ". $h->trivname if $h->trivname;
push (@entry, $text);
my @allvariants = $h->each_Variant;
my %variants = ();
foreach my $mut ($h->each_Variant) {
push @{$variants{$mut->mut_number} }, $mut;
foreach my $var (sort keys %variants) {
foreach my $mut (@{$variants{$var}}) {
if ( $mut->isa('Bio::Variation::DNAMutation') ) {
$self->throw("allele_ori needs to be defined in [$mut]")
if not $mut->allele_ori;
if ($mut->isMutation) {
$sep = '>';
} else {
$sep = '|';
my @alleles = $mut->each_Allele;
my $count = 0; foreach my $allele (@alleles) {
my ($variation_number, $change_number) = split /\./, $mut->mut_number;
if ($change_number and $change_number != $count){
push (@entry,
$tag{FeatureKey}. 'DNA'. "; ". $mut->mut_number
$text=$tag{FeatureQual}. '/label: '. $mut->label;
push (@entry, $text);
if ($mut->proof) {
$text = $tag{FeatureQual}. '/proof: '. $mut->proof;
push (@entry, $text) ;
$text = $tag{FeatureQual}. '/location: ';
if ($mut->length > 1 ) { my $l = $mut->start + $mut->length -1;
$text .= $mut->start. '..'. $l;
elsif ($mut->length == 0) {
my $tmp_start = $mut->start - 1;
$tmp_start-- if $tmp_start == 0;
$text .= $tmp_start. '^'. $mut->end;
} else {
$text .= $mut->start;
if ($h->alphabet && $h->alphabet eq 'dna') {
$tmp = $mut->start + $h->offset;
$tmp-- if $tmp <= 0;
$mut->start < 1 && $tmp++;
$tmp2 = $mut->end + $h->offset;
if ( $mut->length > 1 ) {
$mut->end < 1 && $tmp2++;
$text.= ' ('. $h->id. '::'. $tmp. "..". $tmp2;
elsif ($mut->length == 0) {
$tmp-- if $tmp == 0;
$text .= ' ('. $h->id. '::'. $tmp. '^'. $tmp2;
} else {
$text.= ' ('. $h->id. '::'. $tmp;
$text .= ')';
push (@entry, $text);
push (@entry,
$tag{FeatureQual}. '/upflank: '. $mut->upStreamSeq
$text = '';
$text = $mut->allele_ori->seq if $mut->allele_ori->seq;
$text .= $sep;
$text .= $mut->allele_mut->seq if $mut->allele_mut->seq;
push (@entry,
wrap($tag{FeatureQual}. '/change: ', $tag{FeatureWrap},
push (@entry,
$tag{FeatureQual}. '/dnflank: '. $mut->dnStreamSeq
if ($mut->restriction_changes ne '') {
$text = $mut->restriction_changes;
$text = wrap($tag{FeatureQual}. '/re_site: ', $tag{FeatureWrap}, $text);
push (@entry,
if ($mut->region ) {
$text = $tag{FeatureQual}. '/region: '. $mut->region;
$text .= ';' if $mut->region_value or $mut->region_dist;
$text .= ' '. $mut->region_value if $mut->region_value;
if ($mut->region_dist ) {
$tmp = '';
$tmp = '+' if $mut->region_dist > 1;
$text .= " (". $tmp. $mut->region_dist. ')';
push (@entry, $text);
if ($mut->CpG) {
push (@entry,
$tag{FeatureQual}. "/CpG"
elsif ($mut->isa('Bio::Variation::RNAChange') ) {
$self->throw("allele_ori needs to be defined in [$mut]")
if not $mut->allele_ori;
my @alleles = $mut->each_Allele;
if ($mut->isMutation) {
$sep = '>';
} else {
$sep = '|';
my $count = 0; foreach my $allele (@alleles) {
my ($variation_number, $change_number) = split /\./, $mut->mut_number;
if ($change_number and $change_number != $count){
push (@entry,
$tag{FeatureKey}. 'RNA'. "; ". $mut->mut_number
$text=$tag{FeatureQual}. '/label: '. $mut->label;
push (@entry, $text);
if ($mut->proof) {
$text = $tag{FeatureQual}. '/proof: '. $mut->proof;
push (@entry, $text) ;
$text = $tag{FeatureQual}. '/location: ' ;
if ($mut->length > 1 ) {
$text .= $mut->start. '..'. $mut->end;
$tmp2 = $mut->end + $h->offset;
elsif ($mut->length == 0) {
my $tmp_start = $mut->start;
$tmp_start-- if $tmp_start == 0;
$text .= $tmp_start. '^'. $mut->end;
} else {
$text .= $mut->start;
if ($h->alphabet && $h->alphabet eq 'rna') {
$tmp = $mut->start + $h->offset;
$tmp-- if $tmp <= 0;
$tmp2 = $mut->end + $h->offset;
if ( $mut->length > 1 ) {
$text.= ' ('. $h->id. '::'. $tmp. "..". $tmp2;
elsif ($mut->length == 0) {
$text .= ' ('. $h->id. '::'. $tmp. '^'. $tmp2;
} else {
$text.= ' ('. $h->id. '::'. $tmp;
$text .= ')';
push (@entry, $text);
push (@entry,
$tag{FeatureQual}. '/upflank: '. $mut->upStreamSeq
$text = '';
$text = $mut->allele_ori->seq if $mut->allele_ori->seq;
$text .= $sep;
$text .= $mut->allele_mut->seq if $mut->allele_mut->seq;
push (@entry,
wrap($tag{FeatureQual}. '/change: ', $tag{FeatureWrap},
push (@entry,
$tag{FeatureQual}. '/dnflank: '. $mut->dnStreamSeq
if ($mut->restriction_changes ne '') {
$text = $mut->restriction_changes;
$text = wrap($tag{FeatureQual}. '/re_site: ', $tag{FeatureWrap}, $text);
push (@entry,
if ($mut->region eq 'coding') {
$text = $tag{FeatureQual}. '/codon_table: ';
$text .= $mut->codon_table;
push (@entry, $text);
$text = $tag{FeatureQual}. '/codon: '. $mut->codon_ori. $sep;
if ($mut->DNAMutation->label =~ /.*point/) {
$text .= $mut->codon_mut;
else {
$text .= '-';
$text .= "; ". $mut->codon_pos;
push (@entry, $text);
if ($mut->region ) {
$text = $tag{FeatureQual}. '/region: '. $mut->region;
$text .= ';' if $mut->region_value or $mut->region_dist;
$text .= ' '. $mut->region_value if $mut->region_value;
if ($mut->region_dist ) {
$tmp = '';
$tmp = '+' if $mut->region_dist > 1;
$text .= " (". $tmp. $mut->region_dist. ')';
push (@entry, $text);
elsif ($mut->isa('Bio::Variation::AAChange')) {
$self->throw("allele_ori needs to be defined in [$mut]")
if not $mut->allele_ori;
if ($mut->isMutation) {
$sep = '>';
} else {
$sep = '|';
my @alleles = $mut->each_Allele;
my $count = 0; foreach my $allele (@alleles) {
my ($variation_number, $change_number) = split /\./, $mut->mut_number;
if ($change_number and $change_number != $count){
push (@entry,
$tag{FeatureKey}. 'AA'. "; ". $mut->mut_number
$text=$tag{FeatureQual}. '/label: '. $mut->label;
push (@entry, $text) ;
if ($mut->proof) {
$text = $tag{FeatureQual}. '/proof: '. $mut->proof;
push (@entry, $text) ;
$text = $tag{FeatureQual}. '/location: '.
if ($mut->length > 1 ) {
$tmp = $mut->start + $mut->length -1;
$text .= '..'. $tmp;
push (@entry, $text);
$text = '';
$text = $mut->allele_ori->seq if $mut->allele_ori->seq;
$text .= $sep;
$text .= $mut->allele_mut->seq if $mut->allele_mut->seq;
push (@entry,
wrap($tag{FeatureQual}. '/change: ', $tag{FeatureWrap},
if ($mut->region ) {
$text = $tag{FeatureQual}. '/region: '. $mut->region;
$text .= ';' if $mut->region_value or $mut->region_dist;
$text .= ' '. $mut->region_value if $mut->region_value;
if ($mut->region_dist ) {
$tmp = '';
$tmp = '+' if $mut->region_dist > 1;
$text .= " (". $tmp. $mut->region_dist. ')';
push (@entry, $text);
push (@entry,
my $str = join ("\n", @entry). "\n";
$str =~ s/\t/ /g;
return 1;
1; } |