Raw content of TestObject
=head1 NAME
TestObject - An implementation of TestInterface
This module attempts to provide an implementation of TestInterface and
is used for illustrating exception throwing using Graham Barr's
Error.pm object.
=head1 AUTHOR
Steve Chervitz Esac@bioperl.orgE
package TestObject;
use strict;
use vars qw(@ISA);
use TestInterface;
use Bio::Root::Root;
# Define a special type of error "Bio::TestException" as a subclass of Error.
# Note two things:
# 1. The ISA declaration effectively defines our new Exception object.
# 2. This declaration doesn't have to be located in the Bio directory.
# 3. We don't have to use Bio::Root::Exception in this module.
# 4. If Error.pm isn't available this statement doesn't matter.
@Bio::TestException::ISA = qw( Bio::Root::Exception );
@ISA = qw( Bio::Root::Root TestInterface );
# Note that we're not implementing foo(), so calling it
# will result in a Bio::Root::NotImplemented exception.
sub data {
my ($self, $data) = @_;
print "Setting test data ($data)\n" if $data;
$self->{'data'} = $data if $data;
return $self->{'data'}
sub bar {
my $self = shift;
print "\nExecuting method bar() in TestObject\n";
print "Throwing a Bio::TestException\n";
my $message = "A Test error";
# Bio::Root::Root::throw() will make use of Error.pm if present.
# The type of Error is specified with a -class parameter.
# If -class is not supplied, a Bio::Root::Exception is throw.
# In this case, the argument can consist of a simple string.
$self->throw( -class => 'Bio::TestException',
-text => $message );
print "Code within bar() below the throw that shouldn't be executed.\n";