Raw content of Bio::EnsEMBL::Analysis::Runnable::CrossMatch
# Let the code begin...
package Bio::EnsEMBL::Analysis::Runnable::CrossMatch;
use Bio::EnsEMBL::FeaturePair;
use Bio::EnsEMBL::Analysis::Runnable;
use Bio::EnsEMBL::Utils::Exception qw(info verbose throw warning);
use Bio::EnsEMBL::Utils::Argument qw( rearrange );
use vars qw(@ISA);
use strict;
# Object preamble - inherits from Bio::EnsEMBL::RunnableI
@ISA = qw(Bio::EnsEMBL::Analysis::Runnable);
# new() is written here
sub new {
my($class,@args) = @_;
my $self = $class->SUPER::new(@args);
bless $self,$class;
$self->{'_fp_array'} =[];
my ($seq1,
$masklevel) = rearrange([qw(
if( !defined $seq1 || !defined $seq2 ) {
$self->throw("Must pass in both seq1 and seq1 args");
my $queryfile = $self->queryfile();
my $targetfile = $queryfile."target";
$self->write_seq_file($seq2,$targetfile); print "$seq2 and $targetfile\n";
if( $workdir) {
} else {
$minmatch = 30 unless (defined $minmatch); # $minmatch = $minscore compatatible with cvs version 1.7
$minscore = $minmatch unless (defined $minscore);
$masklevel = 101 unless (defined $masklevel);
if( defined $minmatch ) {
if( defined $minscore ) {
if( defined $masklevel ) {
#my $path = $self->locate_executable("cross_match");
my $options = "-minmatch $minmatch -minscore $minscore -masklevel $masklevel -alignments $queryfile $targetfile ";
if ($options){
# set stuff in self from @args
return $self;
sub run {
my ($self, $dir) = @_;
if (!$dir) {
$dir = $self->workdir;
my $filename = $self->write_seq_file();
return 1;
=head2 run_analysis
Arg [1] : Bio::EnsEMBL::Analysis::Runnable::ExonerateArray
Arg [2] : string, program name
Function : constructs a commandline and runs the program passed
in, the generic method in Runnable isnt used as ExonerateArray doesnt
fit this module
Returntype: none
Exceptions: throws if run failed because sysetm doesnt
return 0 or the output file doesnt exist
Example :
sub run_analysis {
my ($self, $program) = @_;
$program = $self->program;
throw($program." is not executable CrossMatch::run_analysis ")
unless($program && -x $program);
my $cmd = $self->program." ";
$cmd .= $self->options." " if($self->options);
$cmd .= ">".$self->resultsfile;
print "Running analysis ".$cmd."\n";
system($cmd) == 0 or throw("FAILED to run ".$cmd." CrossMatch::run_analysis ");
if(! -e $self->resultsfile){
throw("FAILED to run CrossMatch on ".$self->queryfile." ".
$self->resultsfile." has not been produced ".
=head2 parse_results
Arg [1] : Bio::EnsEMBL::Analysis::Runnable::ExonerateArray
Arg [2] : string, filename
Function : open and parse the results file into misc_features
Returntype: none
Exceptions: throws on failure to open or close output file
Example :
sub parse_results{
my ($self, $results) = @_;
$results = $self->resultsfile;
my (@res,$ialign,@align);
open( CROSS_MATCH, $results ) || throw("FAILED to open ".$results." CrossMatch::parse_results");
while (){
info ($_) ;
# process alignment lines if requested
# print STDERR "Processing....$_";
if(/^(\w*)\s+(\S+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\d+)$/){ ###this is alignment line
if($2 eq $res[4] && $ialign==1){
}elsif(($2 eq $res[8] || $2 eq $res[9]) && $ialign==2){
die "alignment parsing error in Crossmatch.pm\n $_";
# this is used to exclude all except alignment summary lines
next unless /\(\d+\).*\(\d+\)/;
# Remove parentheses and asterisks
# save previous hit, with alignments
@res = split;
#print STDERR "About to process...\n";
#print STDERR "saved hits \n";
undef @res;
undef @align;
# Check exit status of cross_match
unless (close CROSS_MATCH) {
my $error = $! ? "Error from cross_match: $!"
: "Error: cross_match exited status $?";
warning( "$error\nCommand: 'cross_command'");
# Pre-rearranged fields
# 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
# 98 0.00 0.00 0.00 130N4 1 104 84065 W 92M18 68800 68903 0
# 98 0.00 0.00 0.00 92M18 68800 68903 0 W 130N4 1 104 84065
# 8251 0.00 0.00 0.00 130N4 1 84169 0 W 130N4 1 84169 0
# 103 0.00 0.00 0.00 CFAT5 20771 20874 (0) W A1280 1 104 (22149) | W Bs
# 103 0.00 0.00 0.00 CFAT5 20771 20874 (0) C A1280.RC (0) 22253 22150 | C Ar Br
# 103 0.00 0.00 0.00 CFAT5.RC 1 104 (20770) C A1280 (22149) 104 1 | C As Bs
# 26355 1.37 0.42 0.36 Em:AP000350 133977 162328 (0) C Em:AP000352 (125738) 28369 1
# 120 16.53 0.00 0.00 bK363A12 32474 32715 (50) C cE129H9 (4343) 32827 32586
# 100 0.00 0.00 0.00 bK363A12 32666 32765 (0) cE129H9 1 100 (37070) *
# * indicates that there is a higher-scoring match whose domain partly includes the domain of this match.
#process alignments above score
foreach my $fp ( $self->fp($self->minmatch) ) {
my ($seq1,$seq2,$score,$start,$end,$hstart,$hend) = split(/:/,$fp);
my ($strand,$hstrand,$swap);
if ( $start > $end ) {
$strand = -1;
$swap = $start;
$start = $end;
$end = $swap;
} else {
$strand = 1;
if ( $hstart > $hend ) {
$hstrand = -1;
$swap = $hstart;
$hstart = $hend;
$hend = $swap;
} else {
$hstrand = 1;
$fp = Bio::EnsEMBL::FeaturePair->new();
#print STDERR "Processing FP with $start-$end to $hstart-$hend\n";
=head2 output
Title : output
Usage :
Example :
Returns :
Args :
sub output{
my ($self,@args) = @_;
return @{$self->{'_fp_array'}};
=head2 add_fp
Title : add_fp
Usage :
Example :
Returns :
Args :
sub add_fp{
my ($self,@args) = @_;
=head2 score
Title : score
Usage : $obj->score($newval)
Function: could set and return the score value
Example :
Returns : value of minscore option used by crossmatch
Args : newvalue (optional)
=head2 minmatch
Title : minmatch
Usage : $obj->minmatch($newval)
Function: could set and return the minmatch value
Example :
Returns : value of minmatch option used by crossmatch
Args : newvalue (optional)
sub minmatch {
my ($obj,$value) = @_;
if ( defined $value) {
$obj->{'minmatch'} = $value;
return $obj->{'minmatch'};
sub minscore {
my ($obj,$value) = @_;
if ( defined $value) {
$obj->{'minscore'} = $value;
return $obj->{'minscore'};
=head2 masklevel
Title : masklevel
Usage : $obj->masklevel($newval)
Function: could set and return the masklevel value
Example :
Returns : value of masklevel option used by crossmatch
Args : newvalue (optional)
sub masklevel {
my ($obj,$value) = @_;
if ( defined $value) {
$obj->{'masklevel'} = $value;
return $obj->{'masklevel'};
sub _save_hit{
# only save if something to save
if (@$rares) {
# parsing to deal different numbers of items
# if 13 then second sequence is complement
# if 12 then its not, so insert 'W'
my @nres;
if (@$rares == 13) {
@nres=( @$rares[0..9, 12, 11, 10] );
} elsif (@$rares == 12) {
@nres=( @$rares[0..7], 'W', @$rares[8..11] );
# alignment is stored in a directional fashion: x->y maps to a->b where y>x
my $raw_align;
if (@$raalign) {
# reverse if required
my $st1=$nres[5];
my $en1=$nres[6];
my $st2;
my $en2;
my $dirl;
if ($$raalign[2] eq 'C') {
} else {
# check length
my $l1=length($$raalign[0]);
my $l2=length($$raalign[1]);
if ($l1!=$l2) {
print "Lengths of alignment are different [$l1,$l2]\n$$raalign[0]\n$$raalign[1]\n";
print join(',',@nres)."\n";
throw( "failed at CrossMatch :_save_hit");
# walk along sequence in blocks
my $seq1=$$raalign[0];
my $seq2=$$raalign[1];
if ($seq1=~/^([^\-]+)(\-+)(\S+)$/) {
} else {
if ($seq2=~/^([^\-]+)(\-+)(\S+)$/) {
} else {
#print STDERR "heads are ",substr($s1a,0,10),";",substr($s1b,0,10),":",substr($s2a,0,10),";",substr($s2b,0,10),"\n";
# escape if no more gaps
next if(length($s1c)==0 && length($s2c)==0);
# do shortest first
my $lab;
if ( length($s1a.$s1b) == 0 ||
length($s2a.$s2b) == 0 ) {
print STDERR "Dodgy alignment processing catch! Bugging out\n";
if (length($s1a.$s1b)hit(@nres,$raw_align);
# clear data
# Store data from a hit
sub hit {
my $self = shift;
if (@_ == 14) {
push( @{$self->{'hit'}}, [@_]);
push( @{$self->{'active'}}, $#{$self->{'hit'}} );
} else {
warning( "Bad number of elements (", scalar @_, ") in '@_'");
# Create access methods to access the data from the matches
my( %fields );
my $i = 0;
%fields = map {$_, $i++} qw( score pSub pDel pIns
aName aStart aEnd aRemain
bName bStart bEnd bRemain raw_align);
foreach my $func (keys %fields) {
no strict 'refs';
my $i = $fields{ $func };
*$func = sub {
my( $match, @rows ) = @_;
if (wantarray) {
# Extract the requested values
unless (@rows) {
# Get a list of all the row indices
@rows = @{$match->{'active'}};
# Make a vertical slice through the hits
return map $match->{'hit'}[$_][$i], @rows;
} else {
# Return just one value in scalar context
if (defined $rows[0]) {
# Get field from row requested
return $match->{'hit'}[$rows[0]][$i];
} else {
# Just get value from first row in active list
my $row = $match->{'active'}[0];
return $match->{'hit'}[$row][$i];
# output's full featurepair list
sub fp {
my( $self, $minscore ) = @_;
# loop over all rows
my @hits;
foreach my $row (@{$self->{'active'}}) {
my $score=$self->score($row);
next if($score<$minscore);
my $aname=$self->aName($row);
my $bname=$self->bName($row);
my @sted=&_trans_fp($self->raw_align($row));
foreach my $sted2 (@sted) {
return @hits;
sub _trans_fp{
my @hits;
foreach my $pair (split(',',$align)) {
my $dirl;
if ($st2=~/C(\d+)/) {
# only output if previous saved
if ($st1p) {
# calculate ends
my $l1=$st1-$st1p;
my $l;
if ($dirl) {
} else {
# if exact match, must be end, so need full length
if ($l1==$l) {
} elsif ($l1<$l) {
my $ed1p=$st1p+$l1;
my $ed2p;
if ($dirl) {
} else {
# if higher than end then no match
return @hits;
=head1 NAME - CrossMatch.pm
Module to provide object-oriented access to Phil Green's B
Smith-Waterman alignment program.
use CrossMatch;
# Create a factory object
$matcher = CrossMatch::Factory->new( '/nfs/disk2001/this_dir',
'/home/jgrg/that_dir' );
$matcher->minMatch( 80 );
# process full crossmatch alignments
# Match two fasta fomat sequence files, generating
# a match object
$cm = $matcher->crossMatch( 'dJ334P19.seq', 'cB49C12.aa' );
=over 4
=item new
Create a new CrossMatch factory object. Optional arguments to new is a
list of directories to search (see B below).
=item crossMatch
Do a cross_match on the two B sequence files supplied
as agruments, returning a B object. The B
object records the parameters used in the match, and the match data
returned my cross_match (if any).
I The two fasta files may each contain multiple sequences.
=item dir
Change the list of directories in which B searches for
files. The list of directories supplied to B completely replaces
the existing list. Directories are searched in the order supplied.
This list defaults to the current working directory when the
B object is created.
=item extn
A convenience function which allows you to supply a list of filename
extensions to be considered by B when finding a file to
pass to cross_match. For example:
$matcher->extn( 'seq', 'aa' );
$cm = $matcher->crossMatch( 'dJ334P19', 'cB49C12' );
B will look for files "dJ334P19.seq", "dJ334P19.aa". If
no Bs had been set, then only "dJ334P19" would have been
searched for.
=item minMatch
Set the B parameter passed to cross_match. Defaults to 50.
=item minScore
Set the B parameter passed to cross_match. Defaults to 50.
=item maskLevel
Set the B parameter passed to
cross_match. Defaults to 101, which displays all
overlapping matches.
=item alignments
Causes the full crossmatch alignments to be parsed and stored in the
Crossmatch object. These can be accessed by the a2b and fp methods.
=head1 CrossMatch
Data stored in B objects, generated by a
B, can be retrieved with a variety of queries.
All the matches are stored internally in an array, in the order in
which they were generated by cross_match. You can apply filters and
sorts (sorts are not yet implemented) to the object, which re-order or
hide matches. These operations save their changes by altering the
active list, which is simply an array of indices which refer to
elements in the array of matches. The data access funtions all
operate through this active list, and the active list can be reset to
show all the matches found by calling the B method.
=over 4
my $numberOfHits = $cm->count;
foreach my $hit ($cm->list) {
print $cm->score($hit);
$firstName = $cm->aName;
@allscores = $cm->score();
@someSores = $cm->score(0,3,4);
=over 4
=item count
Returns a count of the number of hits in the active list
=item list
Returns a list of array indices for the current list.
=item filter
Takes a reference to a subroutine (or an anonymous subroutine), and
alters the active list to contain only those hits for which the
subroutine returns true. The subroutine should expect to be passed a
B object, and an integer corresponding to the index of a
match. Applying a series of filters to the same object removes
successively more objects from the active list.
=item unfilter
Resets the active list to include all the hits, in the order in which
they were generated by cross_match. Returns a list of the active
=over 4
=item endHits
A filter which returns true if one of the sequnces in a hit has its
end in the hit.
The parameters used by cross_match when doing the match can be
retrieved from the resulting Match object. The two sequences matched
are labelled I and I, where I is the sequence from the first
file passed to B, and I, the sequence from the second
file. For example:
$path_to_a = $cm->aFile;
retrieves the path of the file supplied as the first argument to
=over 4
=item aFile bFile
The full paths to the files used for sequences I and I.
=item minM
The minmatch parameter used.
=item minS
The minscore parameter used.
=item mask
The masklevel parameter used.
$field = $match->FIELD();
$field = $match->FIELD(INDEX);
@fields = $match->FIELD();
@fields = $match->FIELD(LIST);
$firstScore = $match->score(0);
@aEnds = $match->aEnd();
These methods provide access to all the data fields for each hit found
by cross_match. Each of the fields is described below. In scalar
context, a single data field is returned, which is the field from the
first row in the active list if no I is given. In array
context it returns a list with the I from all the hits in the
active list when called without arguments, or from the hits specified
by a I of indices.
=over 4
=item score
The Smith-Waterman score of a hit, adjusted for the complexity of the
matching sequence.
=item pSub
The percent substitutions in the hit.
=item pDel
The percent deletions in the hit (sequence I relative to sequence I).
=item pIns
The percent insertions in the hit (sequence I relative to sequence I).
=item aName bName
ID of the first sequence (sequence I) and second seqeunce (I) in
the match, respecitvely.
=item aStart bStart
Start of hit in I, or I, respectively.
=item aEnd bEnd
End of hit in I, or I, respectively.
=item aRemain
Number of bases in I after the end of the hit. ("0" if the hit
extends to the end of I.)
=item bRemain
The equivalent for sequence I of aRemain, but note that if the
strand of I which matches is the reverse strand, then this is the
number of bases left in I after the hit, back towards the beginning
of I.
=item strand
The strand on sequence I which was matched. This is "B" for the
forward (or parallel or B) strand, and "B" for the reverse
(or anti-parallel or B) strand.
=item a2b
Returns coordinate in sequence I equivalent to value in sequence
I passed to method. If no corresponding base, returns I<-1>.
=item fp
Returns an array of strings contining full list of ungapped alignment
fragment coordinates, filtered by score value passed to method.
These methods allow access to the B, B, and B
fields for those occasions where you know the name of your sequence,
but don't necessarily know if it is sequence I or I. Syntax and
behaviour is the same as for the I functions, but the
first argument to the function is the name of the sequence you want to
get data about.
I These methods perform a filtering operation, reducing the
active list to only those hits which match the name given (in either
the I or I columns). You'll therefore need to B your
match if you need data from hits which have now become hidden.
If the sequence name is found in both columns I and I, then a
warning is printed, and the I column is chosen.
For example, suppose you have matched two fasta files containing only
the sequences cN75H12 and bK1109B5 (in that order), then the following
calls retrieve the same data:
@ends = $match->aEnd();
@ends = $match->end('cN75H12');
$start = $match->bStart(0);
$start = $match->start('bK1109B5', 0);
A warning is printed to STDERR if a match contains hits from the name
supplied in both columns, and only hits from the a column are
=over 4
=item start end remain
Access the aStart or bStart, aEnd or bEnd, and aRemain or bRemain
fields, depending upon wether the name supplied matches the aName or
bName fields respectively.
=head1 BUGS
=head1 AUTHOR
B email jgrg@sanger.ac.uk
B email th@sanger.ac.uk (alignment processing extensions)