Raw content of Bio::EnsEMBL::Analysis::Runnable::ExonerateAffy
=head1 NAME
my $runnable =
-query_seqs => \@q_seqs,
-query_type => 'dna',
-target_seqs => \@t_seqs,
-options => $options,
$runnable->run; #create and fill Bio::Seq object
my @results = $runnable->output;
This module handles a specific use of the Exonerate (G. Slater) program, to
align Affymetrix probes to a target genome. (The resulting alignments will
probably be stored in an ensembl db as Bio::EnsEMBL::AffyFeature objects.)
NOTE: the AffyFeature objects refer to AffyProbe id's, and they in turn
refer to AffyArray id's. Both the AffyProbes and the AffyArray's should
be pre-loaded into the ensembl db: there are separate RunnableDB
/RunnableDB's to do this from the Affymetrix data sets. This runnable
just creates fake affy probes in order to create reasonable-looking
affy features.
=head1 CONTACT
package Bio::EnsEMBL::Analysis::Runnable::ExonerateAffy;
use vars qw(@ISA);
use strict;
use Bio::EnsEMBL::Analysis::Runnable;
use Bio::EnsEMBL::Analysis::Runnable::BaseExonerate;
use Bio::EnsEMBL::AffyArray;
use Bio::EnsEMBL::AffyProbe;
use Bio::EnsEMBL::AffyFeature;
use Bio::EnsEMBL::Utils::Exception qw(throw warning);
use Bio::EnsEMBL::Utils::Argument qw( rearrange );
@ISA = qw(Bio::EnsEMBL::Analysis::Runnable::BaseExonerate);
sub new {
my ( $class, @args ) = @_;
my $self = $class->SUPER::new(@args);
return $self;
# Implementation of method in abstract superclass
sub parse_results {
my ( $self, $fh ) = @_;
my @affy_features;
while (<$fh>){
#print STDERR $_ if $self->_verbose;
next unless /^RESULT:/;
my (
$tag, $q_id, $q_start, $q_end, $q_strand,
$t_id, $t_start, $t_end, $t_strand, $score,
$perc_id, $q_length, $t_length, $gene_orientation,
) = split;
my($match_type, $query_match_length, $target_match_length,@rest_of_vulgar) = @vulgar_blocks;
throw (
"There is more than a simple match ('M') vulgar output: @vulgar_blocks for
affy tag $q_id mapped to region $t_id \n"
if(!($match_type eq 'M')){
throw "I have received a starting Vulgar symbol $match_type which is not a match!";
my $affy_feature =
$q_id, $q_start, $q_end, $q_strand,
$t_id, $t_start, $t_end, $t_strand, $score,
$q_length, $query_match_length
push @affy_features, $affy_feature;
warn "Affy feature from probe :$q_id doesnt match well enough\n";
return \@affy_features;
# Create affy features attached to 'fake' affy array's and affy probe
# objects: these are identified by name only, and are then persisted by
# runnabledb: the runnabledb can sort out whether the attached probe/array
# is valid (exists in the db).
sub make_affy_feature{
my ($self, @args) = @_;
my (
$tag, $q_id, $q_start, $q_end, $q_strand,
$t_id, $t_start, $t_end, $t_strand, $score,
$q_length, $query_match_length
) = @_;
#because of the 'in-between' coordinates.
$t_start += 1;
my $probe_internal_id = $q_id;
my $mismatch_count;
if(!($probe_internal_id =~ /\d+/)){
throw "Affy probe headers MUST be the internal db ids of the affy probes for this parser to work!\n";
# If we miss by more than one, don't create the feature.
if($query_match_length == $q_length){
if($score == 125){
$mismatch_count = 0;
}elsif ($score == 116) {
$mismatch_count = 1;
} else {
return undef;
}elsif($query_match_length == $q_length -1){
if ($score == 120) {
$mismatch_count = 1;
} else {
return undef;
return undef;
#Create a dummy probe object to pass out. It must be checked and
#replaced by the parent runnabledb before being stored.
my $affy_probe =
new Bio::EnsEMBL::AffyProbe(
-dbID =>$q_id,
-name => "replace this probe name",
-arrayname => "replace this array name",
# Everything is 'flipped' into the forward strand of the probe -
# so a hit on the reverse strand of the probe (q_strand = '-1')
# is altered: q_strand = '+1' and t_strand => -1 x t_strand.
if($q_strand eq '+'){
if($t_strand eq '+'){
$t_strand = 1;
}elsif($t_strand eq '-'){
$t_strand = -1;
throw "unrecognised target strand symbol: $t_strand\n";
}elsif($q_strand eq '-'){
if($t_strand eq '-'){
$t_strand = 1;
}elsif($t_strand eq '+'){
$t_strand = -1;
throw "unrecognised target strand symbol: $t_strand\n";
throw "unrecognised query strand symbol: $q_strand\n";
my $affy_feature =
new Bio::EnsEMBL::AffyFeature(
-probe => $affy_probe,
-start => $t_start,
-end => $t_end,
-strand => $t_strand,
-mismatchcount => $mismatch_count
# attach the slice name onto the feature: let the runnabledb
# sort out whether it's valid.
return $affy_feature;