Bio::EnsEMBL::Analysis::Runnable GeneBuilder
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Package variables
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Included modules
Bio::EnsEMBL::Analysis::Tools::GeneBuildUtils::ExonUtils qw ( transfer_supporting_evidence Exon_info )
Bio::EnsEMBL::Analysis::Tools::GeneBuildUtils::GeneUtils qw ( Gene_info )
Bio::EnsEMBL::Analysis::Tools::GeneBuildUtils::TranscriptUtils qw ( Transcript_info print_Transcript_and_Exons )
Bio::EnsEMBL::Utils::Argument qw ( rearrange )
Bio::EnsEMBL::Utils::Exception qw ( throw warning )
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No description
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No description
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Methods description
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Methods code
sub bin_sort_transcripts {
  my ($self,$transcripts) = @_;

  my %lengths;
  my $max_num_exons = 0;

  # sizehash holds transcript length - based on sum of exon lengths
my %sizehash; # orfhash holds orf length - based on sum of translateable exon lengths
my %orfhash; my %tran2orf; my %tran2length; # keeps track of to which transcript(s) this exon belong
my %exon2transcript; foreach my $tran (@$transcripts) { # keep track of number of exons in multiexon transcripts
my @exons = @{ $tran->get_all_Exons }; if(scalar(@exons) > $max_num_exons){ $max_num_exons = scalar(@exons); } # total exon length
my $length = 0; foreach my $e ( @exons ){ $length += $e->end - $e->start + 1; push ( @{ $exon2transcript{ $e } }, $tran ); } $sizehash{$tran} = $length; $tran2length{ $tran } = $length; # now for ORF length
$length = 0; foreach my $e(@{$tran->get_all_translateable_Exons}){ $length += $e->end - $e->start + 1; } $tran2orf{ $tran } = $length; push(@{$orfhash{$length}}, $tran); } # VAC 15/02/2002 sort transcripts based on total exon length - this
# introduces a problem - we can (and have) masked good transcripts
# with long translations in favour of transcripts with shorter
# translations and long UTRs that are overall slightly longer. This
# is not good.
# better way? hold both total exon length and length of translateable exons.
# Then sort: long translation + UTR > long translation no UTR > short translation
# + UTR > short translation no UTR
my @transcripts = (); ##########
my @orflengths = sort {$b <=> $a} (keys %orfhash); # strict sort by translation length is just as wrong as strict sort by UTR length
# bin translation lengths - 4 bins (based on 25% length diff)? 10 bins
# (based on 10%)?
my %orflength_bin; my $numbins = 4; my $currbin = 1; foreach my $orflength(@orflengths){ last if $currbin > $numbins; my $percid = ($orflength*100)/$orflengths[0];
if ($percid > 100) { $percid = 100; } my $currthreshold = $currbin * (100/$numbins);
$currthreshold = 100 - $currthreshold; if($percid <$currthreshold) { $currbin++; } my @tmp = @{$orfhash{$orflength}}; push(@{$orflength_bin{$currbin}}, @{$orfhash{$orflength}}); } # now, foreach bin in %orflengthbin, sort by exonlength
$currbin = 1; EXONLENGTH_SORT: while( $currbin <= $numbins){ if(!defined $orflength_bin{$currbin} ){ $currbin++; next EXONLENGTH_SORT; } my @sorted_transcripts = sort { $sizehash{$b} <=> $sizehash{$a} } @{$orflength_bin{$currbin}}; push(@transcripts, @sorted_transcripts); $currbin++; } return\@ transcripts;
sub blessed_biotypes {
  my ($self, $arg) = @_;
    $self->{'blessed_biotypes'} = $arg;
  return $self->{'blessed_biotypes'};
sub check_Clusters {
  my ($self, $num_transcripts, $clusters) = @_;
  #Safety checks
my $ntrans = 0; my $cluster_num = 0; my %trans_check_hash; foreach my $cluster (@$clusters) { $ntrans += scalar(@$cluster); foreach my $trans (@$cluster) { if (defined($trans_check_hash{$trans})) { throw("Transcript " . $trans->dbID ." ".$trans->adaptor->dbc->dbname. " added twice to clusters\n"); } $trans_check_hash{$trans} = 1; } if (!scalar(@$cluster)) { throw("Empty cluster"); } } if ($ntrans != $num_transcripts) { throw("Not all transcripts have been added into clusters $ntrans and " . $num_transcripts. "\n "); } #end safety checks
sub cluster_Transcripts {
  my ($self, $transcripts) = @_;
  my @forward;
  my @reverse;
  foreach my $transcript(@{$transcripts}){
    if($transcript->strand == 1){
      push(@forward, $transcript);
      push(@reverse, $transcript);
  my $forward_clusters = $self->cluster_Transcripts_by_genomic_range(\@forward);
  my $reverse_clusters = $self->cluster_Transcripts_by_genomic_range(\@reverse);
  my @clusters;
  push(@clusters, @{$forward_clusters}) if($forward_clusters);
  push(@clusters, @{$reverse_clusters}) if($reverse_clusters);
  return\@ clusters;
sub cluster_Transcripts_by_genomic_range {
  my ($self, $transcripts) = @_;
  if(!$transcripts || @$transcripts == 0){
    return undef;
  my @transcripts = sort { $a->start <=> $b->start ? $a->start <=> $b->start : $b->end <=> $a->end } @$transcripts;

  my @clusters;
  my $cluster_count = 0;
  my @cluster_starts;
  my @cluster_ends;
  my $cluster = Bio::EnsEMBL::Analysis::Tools::Algorithms::TranscriptCluster->new();
  $cluster->put_Transcripts(0, $transcripts[0]);

  $cluster_starts[$cluster_count] = $transcripts[0]->start;
  $cluster_ends[$cluster_count] = $transcripts[0]->end;

  push(@clusters, $cluster);
  for (my $c=1; $c<=$#transcripts; $c++){
    #if the current transcript end is not less than the current cluster start
#or the current transcript start is not greater than the current cluster end
#add the current transcript to the current cluster
#readjust the coords
if ( !( $transcripts[$c]->end < $cluster_starts[$cluster_count] || $transcripts[$c]->start > $cluster_ends[$cluster_count] ) ){ $cluster->put_Transcripts(0, $transcripts[$c] ); # re-adjust size of cluster
if ($transcripts[$c]->start < $cluster_starts[$cluster_count]) { $cluster_starts[$cluster_count] = $transcripts[$c]->start; } if ( $transcripts[$c]->end > $cluster_ends[$cluster_count]) { $cluster_ends[$cluster_count] = $transcripts[$c]->end; } }else{ #here the transcripts don't overlap so a new cluster is created
#this involves creating a new object, incrementing the cluster count
#and setting up new cluster start and ends
$cluster_count++; $cluster = Bio::EnsEMBL::Analysis::Tools::Algorithms::TranscriptCluster->new(); $cluster->put_Transcripts(0, $transcripts[$c] ); $cluster_starts[$cluster_count] = $transcripts[$c]->start; $cluster_ends[$cluster_count] = $transcripts[$c]->end; # store it in the list of clusters
push(@clusters,$cluster); } } return\@ clusters;
sub cluster_into_Genes {
  my ($self, $transcripts_unsorted) = @_;
  my $num_trans = scalar(@$transcripts_unsorted);
  my @transcripts = sort { $a->start <=> $b->start ? $a->start <=> $b->start  : $b->end <=> $a->end } @$transcripts_unsorted;

  my @clusters;
  # clusters transcripts by whether or not any exon overlaps with an exon in 
# another transcript (came from original prune in GeneBuilder)
foreach my $tran (@transcripts) { my @matching_clusters; CLUSTER: foreach my $cluster (@clusters) { foreach my $cluster_transcript (@$cluster) { if ($tran->end >= $cluster_transcript->start && $tran->start <= $cluster_transcript->end) { foreach my $exon1 (@{$tran->get_all_Exons}) { foreach my $cluster_exon (@{$cluster_transcript->get_all_Exons}) { if ($exon1->overlaps($cluster_exon) && $exon1->strand == $cluster_exon->strand) { push (@matching_clusters, $cluster); next CLUSTER; } } } } } } if (scalar(@matching_clusters) == 0) { my @newcluster; push(@newcluster,$tran); push(@clusters,\@newcluster); } elsif (scalar(@matching_clusters) == 1) { push @{$matching_clusters[0]}, $tran; } else { # Merge the matching clusters into a single cluster
my @new_clusters; my @merged_cluster; foreach my $clust (@matching_clusters) { push @merged_cluster, @$clust; } push @merged_cluster, $tran; push @new_clusters,\@merged_cluster; # Add back non matching clusters
foreach my $clust (@clusters) { my $found = 0; MATCHING: foreach my $m_clust (@matching_clusters) { if ($clust == $m_clust) { $found = 1; last MATCHING; } } if (!$found) { push @new_clusters,$clust; } } @clusters = @new_clusters; } } # safety and sanity checks
$self->check_Clusters(scalar(@transcripts),\@ clusters); # make and store genes
my @genes; foreach my $cluster(@clusters){ my $count = 0; my $gene = new Bio::EnsEMBL::Gene; $gene->biotype($self->output_biotype); foreach my $transcript (@$cluster){ $gene->add_Transcript($transcript); } push( @genes, $gene ); } return\@ genes;
sub get_Transcripts {
  my ($self, $transcripts) = @_;
    $self->{'transcripts'} = $transcripts;
    foreach my $gene(@{$self->input_genes}){
      foreach my $transcript(@{$gene->get_all_Transcripts}){
        push(@{$self->{'transcripts'}}, $transcript);
  return $self->{'transcripts'};
sub input_genes {
  my ($self, $arg) = @_;
    $self->{'input_genes'} = $arg;
  return $self->{'input_genes'};
sub make_shared_exons_unique {
  my ($self, $genes) = @_;
  my @pruned;
  foreach my $gene(@$genes){
    my $new_gene = $self->prune_Exons($gene);
    push(@pruned, $new_gene);
  return\@ pruned;
sub max_short_intron_len {
  my ($self, $arg) = @_;
  if(defined $arg){
    $self->{'max_short_intron'} = $arg;
  return $self->{'max_short_intron'};
sub max_transcript_number {
  my ($self, $arg) = @_;
  if(defined $arg){
    $self->{'max_transcript_number'} = $arg;
  return $self->{'max_transcript_number'};
sub min_short_intron_len {
  my ($self, $arg) = @_;
  if(defined $arg){
    $self->{'min_short_intron'} = $arg;
  return $self->{'min_short_intron'};
sub new {
  my ($class,@args) = @_;
  #print "In GeneBuilder constructor with super class" . ref($class) . "\n";
my $self = $class->SUPER::new(@args); my($genes, $blessed_biotypes, $max_transcript_number, $min_short_intron_len, $max_short_intron_len,$output_biotype) = rearrange([qw(GENES BLESSED_BIOTYPES MAX_TRANSCRIPT_PER_CLUSTER MIN_SHORT_INTRON_LEN MAX_SHORT_INTRON_LEN OUTPUT_BIOTYPE)], @args); print "HERE ARE THE ARGS: ", join(" ",@args),"\n"; print "HERE I AM: ", $min_short_intron_len,"\t", $max_short_intron_len,"\n"; ########################
$self->max_transcript_number(10); #$self->min_short_intron_len(7);
$self->output_biotype($self->analysis->logic_name); #########################
$self->input_genes($genes); $self->blessed_biotypes($blessed_biotypes); $self->max_transcript_number($max_transcript_number); $self->min_short_intron_len($min_short_intron_len); $self->max_short_intron_len($max_short_intron_len); $self->output_biotype($output_biotype); #data sanity
warning("Strange running the Genebuilder without any genes") if(!$genes || scalar(@$genes) == 0); return $self;
sub output_biotype {
  my ($self, $arg) = @_;
    $self->{'output_biotype'} = $arg;
  return $self->{'output_biotype'};
sub prune_Exons {
  my ($self, $gene) = @_;
  my @unique_Exons;
  foreach my $tran (@{$gene->get_all_Transcripts}) {
    my @newexons;
    foreach my $exon (@{$tran->get_all_Exons}) {
      my $found;
      #always empty
UNI:foreach my $uni (@unique_Exons) { if ($uni->start == $exon->start && $uni->end == $exon->end && $uni->strand == $exon->strand && $uni->phase == $exon->phase && $uni->end_phase == $exon->end_phase ) { $found = $uni; last UNI; } } if (defined($found)) { push(@newexons,$found); if ($exon == $tran->translation->start_Exon){ $tran->translation->start_Exon($found); } if ($exon == $tran->translation->end_Exon){ $tran->translation->end_Exon($found); } } else { push(@newexons,$exon); push(@unique_Exons, $exon); } } $tran->flush_Exons; foreach my $exon (@newexons) { $tran->add_Exon($exon); } } return $gene; } 1;
sub prune_Transcripts {
  my ($self, $transcript_clusters) = @_;
  my @newtran;

  my %blessed_genetypes = %{$self->blessed_biotypes};;

  my $cluster_count = 0;
  foreach my $transcript_cluster ( @$transcript_clusters ){
    #print STDERR "Cluster $cluster_count\n";
my $mytranscripts = $transcript_cluster->get_Transcripts; ########################
# sort the transcripts
my @transcripts = @{$self->bin_sort_transcripts( $mytranscripts )}; ##############################
# deal with single exon genes
# do we really just want to take the first transcript only? What about supporting
# evidence from other transcripts?
# also, if there's a very long single exon gene we will lose any underlying
# multi-exon transcripts
# this may increase problems with the loss of valid single exon genes as mentioned
# below. it's a balance between keeping multi exon transcripts and losing
# single exon ones
my $maxexon_number = 0; foreach my $t (@transcripts){ if ( scalar(@{$t->get_all_Exons}) > $maxexon_number ){ $maxexon_number = scalar(@{$t->get_all_Exons}); } } if ($maxexon_number == 1){ # take the longest:
@transcripts = map { $_->[1] } sort { $b->[0]->length <=> $a->[0]->length } map{ [ $_->start_Exon, $_ ] } @transcripts; my $tran = shift( @transcripts ); push (@newtran, $tran); my @es = @{$tran->get_all_Exons}; my $e = $es[0]; foreach my $transcript (@transcripts){ # make sure we keep it if it's blessed
if(exists $blessed_genetypes{$transcript->type}){ push(@newtran, $transcript); } else{ foreach my $exon ( @{$transcript->get_all_Exons} ){ transfer_supporting_evidence($exon, $e); } } } next CLUSTER; } # otherwise we need to deal with multi exon transcripts and reject duplicates.
# links each exon in the transcripts of this cluster with a hash of other exons
#it is paired with
my %pairhash; # allows retrieval of exon objects by exon->id - convenience
my %exonhash; # keep track of single exon transcripts (automatically rejected if the "top"
# transcript is multi exon),
# so we can check their supporting evidence at the very end.
my %single_exon_rejects; ##############################
# prune redundant transcripts
TRANSCRIPT: foreach my $tran (@transcripts) { my @exons = @{$tran->get_all_Exons}; my $i = 0; my $found = 1; # if this transcript has already been seen, this
# will be used to transfer supporting evidence
my @evidence_pairs; # 10.1.2002 VAC we know there's a potential problem here - single exon
# transcripts which are in a cluster where the longest transcriopt has > 1
# exon are not going to be considered in this loop, so they'll always be
# marked "transcript already seen" How to sort them out? If the single exon
# overlaps an exon in a multi exon transcript then by our rules it probably
# ought to be rejected the same way transcripts with shared exon-pairs are.
# 27/5/2003 VAC But the supporting evidence should be transferred if we can!
# Tough one.
# more of a problem is that if the transcript with the largest number of exons
# is really a single exon with frameshifts, it will get rejected here based on
# intron size but in addition any valid non-frameshifted single exon transcripts
# will get rejected - which is definitely not right.We need code to represent
# frameshifted exons more sensibly so the frameshifted one doesn't get through
#the check for single exon genes above.
EXONS: for ($i = 0; $i < $#exons; $i++) { my $foundpair = 0; my $exon1 = $exons[$i]; my $exon2 = $exons[$i+1]; # Only count introns > 50 bp as real introns
my $intron; if ($exon1->strand == 1) { $intron = abs($exon2->start - $exon1->end - 1); } else { $intron = abs($exon1->start - $exon2->end - 1); } if ($intron < $self->max_short_intron_len && $intron > $self->min_short_intron_len ) { print STDERR "Intron too short: $intron bp. Transcript will be rejected\n"; $foundpair = 1; # this pair will not be compared with other transcripts
} else { # go through the exon pairs already stored in %pairhash.
# If there is a pair whose exon1 overlaps this exon1, and
# whose exon2 overlaps this exon2, then these two transcripts are paired
foreach my $first_exon_id (keys %pairhash) { my $first_exon = $exonhash{$first_exon_id}; foreach my $second_exon_id (keys %{$pairhash{$first_exon}}) { my $second_exon = $exonhash{$second_exon_id}; if ( $exon1->overlaps($first_exon) && $exon2->overlaps($second_exon) ) { $foundpair = 1; # eae: this method allows a transcript to be covered by exon pairs
# from different transcripts, rejecting possible
# splicing variants. Needs rethinking
# we put first the exon from the transcript being tested:
push( @evidence_pairs, [ $exon1 , $first_exon ] ); push( @evidence_pairs, [ $exon2 , $second_exon ] ); transfer_supporting_evidence($exon1, $first_exon); transfer_supporting_evidence($first_exon, $exon1); transfer_supporting_evidence($exon2, $second_exon); transfer_supporting_evidence($second_exon, $exon2); } } } } if ($foundpair == 0) { # ie this exon pair does not overlap with a pair yet found in another
# transcript
$found = 0; # ie currently this transcript is not paired with another
# store the exons so they can be retrieved by id
$exonhash{$exon1} = $exon1; $exonhash{$exon2} = $exon2; # store the pairing between these 2 exons
$pairhash{$exon1}{$exon2} = 1; } } # end of EXONS
# decide whether this is a new transcript or whether it has already been seen
# if it's blessed, we keep it and there's nothing more to do
if(exists $blessed_genetypes{$tran->type}){ push (@newtran, $tran); } elsif ($found == 0) { push(@newtran,$tran); @evidence_pairs = (); } elsif ($found == 1 && $#exons == 0){ # save the transcript and check though at the end to see if we can transfer
# supporting evidence; if we try it now we may not (yet) have any exons that
# overlap in %exonhash
$single_exon_rejects{$tran} = $tran; } else { if ( $tran == $transcripts[0] ){ print STDERR "Strange, this is the first transcript in the cluster!\n"; } ## transfer supporting feature data. We transfer it to exons
foreach my $pair ( @evidence_pairs ){ my @pair = @$pair; # first in the pair is the 'already seen' exon
my $source_exon = $pair[0]; my $target_exon = $pair[1]; transfer_supporting_evidence($source_exon, $target_exon) } } } # end of this transcript
# check to see if we can transfer evidence from rejected single exon transcripts
foreach my $reject(values %single_exon_rejects){ my @exons = @{$reject->get_all_Exons}; # is there any supporting evidence?
my @sf = @{$exons[0]->get_all_supporting_features}; foreach my $stored_exon(values %exonhash){ if($exons[0]->overlaps($stored_exon)){ # note that we could end up with bizarre situations of a single exon
# transcript overlapping two exons in a multi exon transcript, so the
# supporting evidence would be transferred in entirety to both exons.
transfer_supporting_evidence($exons[0], $stored_exon); } } } } #end CLUSTER
return\@ newtran;
sub prune_redundant_CDS {
  my ( $self, $genes ) = @_;

  my $nremoved = 0;
  my %blessed_genetypes = %{$self->blessed_biotypes};

  # For each gene
foreach my $gene (@$genes) { my @trans_with_utrs; my @trans_without_utrs; # Separate into ones with UTRs and ones without
foreach my $trans (@{$gene->get_all_Transcripts}) { $trans->sort; my @exons = @{$trans->get_all_Exons}; if ($trans->translation) { if ($trans->translation->start_Exon == $exons[0] && $trans->translation->start == 1 && $trans->translation->end_Exon == $exons[$#exons] && $trans->translation->end == $exons[$#exons]->length) { push @trans_without_utrs, $trans; } else { push @trans_with_utrs, $trans; } } else { $self->warn("No translation for transcript"); } } # Generate CDS exons just once (saves CPU time)
my %cds_exon_hash; foreach my $trans (@{$gene->get_all_Transcripts}) { if ($trans->translation) { my @cds_exons = @{$trans->get_all_translateable_Exons}; $cds_exon_hash{$trans} =\@ cds_exons; } } # Compare CDSs of ones with UTRs to CDSs of ones without
foreach my $utr_trans (@trans_with_utrs) { my $utr_trans_cds_exons = $cds_exon_hash{$utr_trans}; CDS_TRANS: foreach my $cds_trans (@trans_without_utrs) { my $cds_trans_cds_exons = $cds_exon_hash{$cds_trans}; if (scalar(@$cds_trans_cds_exons) != scalar(@$utr_trans_cds_exons)) { # print "Different numbers of exons\n";
next CDS_TRANS; } my @cds_exons = @$cds_trans_cds_exons; foreach my $utr_trans_exon (@$utr_trans_cds_exons) { my $cds_trans_exon = shift @cds_exons; if ($cds_trans_exon->start != $utr_trans_exon->start || $cds_trans_exon->end != $utr_trans_exon->end || $cds_trans_exon->strand != $utr_trans_exon->strand) { next CDS_TRANS; } } if ( exists $blessed_genetypes{$cds_trans->biotype} && ! exists $blessed_genetypes{$utr_trans->biotype}) { # Hack to make sure transcript gets through if its like a blessed one
$utr_trans->biotype($cds_trans->biotype); } $nremoved++; $self->remove_transcript_from_gene($gene,$cds_trans); } } #Get the number of transcript in the @trans_with_utrs
my $num_of_utr_trans = scalar(@trans_with_utrs); # Extra paranoid test to check if any similarity overlaps targetted models and
# get rid of them
sub prune_redundant_transcripts {
  my ($self,$genes) = @_;

  my $nremoved = 0;
   my %blessed_genetypes = %{$self->blessed_biotypes};
  # For each gene
foreach my $gene (@$genes) { # sort transcripts by total cdna length (apologies for the complexity of this line
# its done so as only to calculate cdna length once for each transcript
my @sorted_transcripts = map { $_->[1] } sort { $b->[0] <=> $a->[0] } map { [$_->length, $_] } @{$gene->get_all_Transcripts}; # so now longer UTR transcripts (with same introns will come first)
# Now generate the sorted (low to high) exon arrays and put in a hash (for speed)
# and cds start and end (genomic) hashes (for speed again)
my %sorted_exon_hash; my %cds_start_hash; my %cds_end_hash; foreach my $trans (@sorted_transcripts) { my @exons = sort {$a->start <=> $b->start} @{$trans->get_all_Exons}; $sorted_exon_hash{$trans} =\@ exons; if ($trans->translation) { $cds_start_hash{$trans} = $trans->coding_region_start; $cds_end_hash{$trans} = $trans->coding_region_end; } } # We're going to generate a list of transcripts to remove from the gene
# and then remove them at the end
my @trans_to_remove; # for transcript
for (my $i=0; $i<scalar(@sorted_transcripts); $i++) { my $trans = $sorted_transcripts[$i]; next if (!defined($trans)); next if (!$trans->translation); my @exons = @{$sorted_exon_hash{$trans}}; # for every other transcript
COMPTRANS: for (my $j=$i+1; $j<scalar(@sorted_transcripts); $j++) { my $comp_trans = $sorted_transcripts[$j]; next if (!defined($comp_trans)); next if (!$comp_trans->translation); next if ($trans == $comp_trans); next if ($cds_start_hash{$trans} != $cds_start_hash{$comp_trans}); next if ($cds_end_hash{$trans} != $cds_end_hash{$comp_trans}); my @comp_exons = @{$sorted_exon_hash{$comp_trans}}; if (scalar(@comp_exons) != scalar(@exons)){ next; } # special case for single exon
if (scalar(@exons) == 1) { if ( exists $blessed_genetypes{$comp_trans->biotype} && ! exists $blessed_genetypes{$trans->biotype}) { #hack to ensure blessed biotypes are maintained
$trans->biotype($comp_trans->biotype); } $sorted_transcripts[$j] = undef; push @trans_to_remove, $comp_trans; } else { for (my $k=0; $k<scalar(@exons) - 1; $k++) { if ($exons[$k]->end != $comp_exons[$k]->end || $exons[$k+1]->start != $comp_exons[$k+1]->start) { #means exons are unique
next COMPTRANS; } } if ( exists $blessed_genetypes{$comp_trans->biotype} && ! exists $blessed_genetypes{$trans->biotype}) { # Hack to make sure transcript gets through if its like a blessed one
$trans->biotype($comp_trans->biotype); } $sorted_transcripts[$j] = undef; push @trans_to_remove, $comp_trans; } } } foreach my $trans (@trans_to_remove) { $nremoved++; $self->remove_transcript_from_gene($gene,$trans); } }
sub remove_transcript_from_gene {
  my ($self, $gene, $trans_to_del)  = @_;
  my @newtrans;

  foreach my $trans (@{$gene->get_all_Transcripts}) {
    if ($trans != $trans_to_del) {
      push @newtrans,$trans;
  $gene->{_transcript_array} = [];
  foreach my $trans (@newtrans) {
  return scalar(@newtrans);
sub run {
  my ($self) = @_;
  my $transcripts = $self->get_Transcripts;
  if(!$transcripts || @$transcripts == 0){
    print "GeneBuilder seems to have no transcripts to cluster\n";
  #cluster transcripts
#print "Have ".@$transcripts." transcripts to build from\n";
my $transcript_clusters = $self->cluster_Transcripts($transcripts); #print "Have ".@$transcript_clusters." transcript clusters\n";
#prune transcripts
my $pruned_transcripts = $self->prune_Transcripts($transcript_clusters); #print "Have ".@$pruned_transcripts." pruned transcripts\n";
#first gene cluster
my $initial_genes = $self->cluster_into_Genes($pruned_transcripts); #print "Have ".@$initial_genes." initial gene structures\n";
#prune redundant cds
$self->prune_redundant_CDS($initial_genes); #prune redundant transcripts
$self->prune_redundant_transcripts($initial_genes); #select best transcripts
my $best_transcripts = $self->select_best_transcripts($initial_genes); #print "Have ".@$best_transcripts." best transcripts\n";
#final cluster of genes
my $final_genes = $self->cluster_into_Genes($best_transcripts); my $pruned_genes = $self->make_shared_exons_unique($final_genes); $self->output($pruned_genes); #print "Have ".@$final_genes." final gene clusters\n";
#return output
sub select_best_transcripts {
  my ( $self, $genes ) = @_;
  my @selected_transcripts;

  # make sure we don't discard blessed transcripts
my %blessed_genetypes = %{$self->blessed_biotypes}; GENE: foreach my $gene ( @$genes ){ # sort the transcripts, get the longest CDS + UTR first (like in
# prune_Transcripts(); blessed transcripts come at the top )
my $sorted_transcripts = $self->bin_sort_transcripts( $gene->get_all_Transcripts ); my $count = 0; TRAN: foreach my $transcript( @$sorted_transcripts ){ $count++; unless (exists $blessed_genetypes{$transcript->biotype}){ next TRAN if ($count > $self->max_transcript_number); } push ( @selected_transcripts, $transcript ); } } return\@ selected_transcripts;
General documentation
No general documentation available.