Raw content of Bio::EnsEMBL::Analysis::Runnable::HavanaAdder
# BioPerl module for GeneBuilder
# Cared for by EnsEMBL
# You may distribute this module under the same terms as perl itself
# POD documentation - main docs before the code
=head1 NAME
# This is the main analysis database
my $genebuilder = new Bio::EnsEMBL::Analysis::Runnable::HavanaAdder
'-slice' => $self->query,
'-input_id' => $self->input_id,
This module reads your favourite annotations (ensembl, protein_coding,...)
on the one hand, and manually curated plus features on the other hand.
The product of Bio::EnsEMBL::Analysis::Runnable::HavanaAdder is a combination of
both annotations where redundant transcripts are eliminated.
The resulting transcripts are combined into genes. For more details, follow the list of methods called
by build_Genes() method and the description in each one.
=head1 CONTACT
The rest of the documentation details each of the object
methods. Internal methods are usually preceded with a _
# Let the code begin...
package Bio::EnsEMBL::Analysis::Runnable::HavanaAdder;
use Bio::EnsEMBL::Transcript;
use Bio::EnsEMBL::Exon;
use Bio::EnsEMBL::Gene;
use Bio::EnsEMBL::Analysis;
use Bio::EnsEMBL::Slice;
use Bio::EnsEMBL::Root;
use Bio::EnsEMBL::DBEntry;
use Bio::EnsEMBL::Attribute;
use Bio::EnsEMBL::DnaDnaAlignFeature;
use Bio::EnsEMBL::Analysis::Tools::Algorithms::TranscriptCluster;
use Bio::EnsEMBL::Analysis::Config::GeneBuild::General qw (
use Bio::EnsEMBL::Analysis::Config::HavanaAdder qw (
use vars qw(@ISA);
use strict;
@ISA = qw(Bio::EnsEMBL::Root);
sub new {
my ($class,@args) = @_;
my $self = $class->SUPER::new(@args);
my ($slice,$input_id) = $self->_rearrange([qw(SLICE INPUT_ID)],
$self->throw("Must input a slice to HavanaAdder") unless defined($slice);
$self->{_final_genes} = [];
$self->{_gene_types} = [];
return $self;
=head2 input_id
Function: get/set for input id
Returns : string
Args : string (it expects a string of the format chr_name.start_coord-end_coord
sub input_id {
my ($self,$id) = @_;
if (defined($id)) {
$self->{_input_id} = $id;
return $self->{_input_id};
=head2 build_Genes
Example : my @genes = $self->build_Genes
Description: builds genes. It is like the run method in Runnables. It calls everything that needs to be done.
Returns : none
Args : none
Caller : Bio::EnsEMBL::Analysis::RunnableDB::HavanaAdder
sub build_Genes{
my ($self) = @_;
print STDERR "Building genes...\n";
# get all genes of type defined in gene_types() on this slice
my @all_transcripts = $self->combined_Transcripts;
# do a preliminary clustering
my @preliminary_genes = $self->cluster_into_Genes(@all_transcripts);
# merge redundant ensembl transcripts which match a havana one
# make shared exons unique objects
my @genes = $self->_make_shared_exons_unique( @preliminary_genes );
print STDERR scalar(@genes)." genes built\n";
$self->final_genes( @genes );
sub _merge_redundant_transcripts{
my ($self, $genes) = @_;
foreach my $gene(@$genes){
my @transcripts = @{$gene->get_all_Transcripts};
my @havana;
my @ensembl;
#print "number of transcript: ",scalar(@transcripts),"\n";
# are there any havana transcripts?
TRANSCRIPT:foreach my $transcript(@transcripts){
foreach my $htranscript (@{$GB_HAVANA_INPUT_TRANSCRIPTTYPES}){
if($transcript->biotype eq $htranscript."_havana"){
#print "I'm a havana transcript\n";
push(@havana, $transcript);
push(@ensembl, $transcript);
if (!scalar(@havana)){
next GENE;
#print "havana tran: ",scalar(@havana),"\n";
#print "ensembl tran: ",scalar(@ensembl),"\n";
# compare each havana transcript to each ensembl one
foreach my $ht(@havana){
# We add an attribute to the havana transcripts that show which supporting features it has
#print "Deleting havana transcript supporting features\n";
#print "Number of ensembl transcripts: ",scalar(@ensembl),"\n";
my $delete_trans = 0;
my @t_pair;
foreach my $et(@ensembl){
#if ($delete_t = $self->are_matched_pair($ht, $et)){
my $delete_t = $self->are_matched_pair($ht, $et);
# We check all posible match pairs and give preference to the one that shares CDS and UTR
# This was added so only the best matching havana/ensembl pair is chossen and to avoid a one to many link
if ($delete_t){
if ($delete_t == $et){
#print "I'm here\n";
$delete_trans = $delete_t;
@t_pair = ($ht, $et);
}elsif($delete_trans != $et && $delete_t == $ht){
$delete_trans = $delete_t;
@t_pair = ($ht, $et);
}elsif($delete_trans == 0){
$delete_trans = $delete_t;
@t_pair = ($ht, $et);
if($delete_trans && $delete_trans != 0){
$self->set_transcript_relation($delete_trans, @t_pair);
# We want to remove the redundant transcript unless both share CDS but have different UTR
# structure as in that case we annotate both transcripts
$self->_remove_transcript_from_gene($gene, $delete_trans) unless $delete_trans == 1;
# are_matched_pair check return 4 different possible values:
# return 0 means keep both transcript as they have different coding region
# return 1 means keep both as they have same coding but different UTR exon structire
# return ($ensembl) means keep havana transcript and remove ensembl
# return ($havana) means keep ensembl transcript and remove hanana
sub are_matched_pair {
my($self, $havana, $ensembl) = @_;
# Fetch all exons in each transcript
my @hexons = @{$havana->get_all_Exons};
my @eexons = @{$ensembl->get_all_Exons};
my @thexons = @{$havana->get_all_translateable_Exons};
my @teexons = @{$ensembl->get_all_translateable_Exons};
# Check that the number of exons is the same in both transcripts
return 0 unless scalar(@hexons) == scalar(@eexons);
#print "____________________________________\n";
#print "HAVANA ID: ",$havana->dbID, " ENSEMBL: ",$ensembl->dbID,"\n";
# double check translation coords
#print "HAVANA TRANS START: ",$havana->translation->genomic_start," END: ",$havana->translation->genomic_end,"\n";
#print "ENSEMBL TRANS START: ",$ensembl->translation->genomic_start," END: ",$ensembl->translation->genomic_end,"\n";
return 0 unless($havana->translation->genomic_start == $ensembl->translation->genomic_start &&
$havana->translation->genomic_end == $ensembl->translation->genomic_end);
# special case for single exon genes
if(scalar(@hexons == 1)){
#print "SINGLE EXONS!\n";
if ($hexons[0]->start == $eexons[0]->start &&
$hexons[0]->end == $eexons[0]->end &&
$hexons[0]->strand == $eexons[0]->strand &&
$thexons[0]->coding_region_start($havana) == $teexons[0]->coding_region_start($ensembl) &&
$thexons[0]->coding_region_end($havana) == $teexons[0]->coding_region_end($ensembl)
# Both are exactly the same so we delete the Ensembl one unless the Ensembl one is already a merged one
return $ensembl;
}elsif($hexons[0]->start <= $eexons[0]->start &&
$hexons[0]->end >= $eexons[0]->end &&
$hexons[0]->strand == $eexons[0]->strand &&
$eexons[0]->start == $teexons[0]->coding_region_start($ensembl) &&
$eexons[0]->end == $teexons[0]->coding_region_end($ensembl)
# Ensembl gene don't have UTR and Havana has then delete Ensembl one
return $ensembl;
}elsif((($hexons[0]->start != $eexons[0]->start ||
$hexons[0]->end != $eexons[0]->end) &&
$hexons[0]->strand == $eexons[0]->strand) &&
($eexons[0]->start != $teexons[0]->coding_region_start($ensembl) ||
$eexons[0]->end != $teexons[0]->coding_region_end($ensembl))
# Both contain UTR keep ENSEMBL
return $havana;
# We can be here when genes have different UTR start/end and different CDS start/end
# or when the UTR start/end is the same but the CDS start/end is different
#print "Keep both single exon genes\n";
return 0;
# if is a multi exons transcript
# First we check the internal coding structure of the transcript where everything has to be exactly equal
for(my $i=1; $i<=($#thexons-1); $i++){
return 0 unless ($thexons[$i]->start == $teexons[$i]->start &&
$thexons[$i]->end == $teexons[$i]->end &&
$thexons[$i]->strand == $teexons[$i]->strand
# now check the rest of the internal exons that are not coding.
for(my $i=1; $i<=($#hexons-1); $i++){
return 1 unless ($hexons[$i]->start == $eexons[$i]->start &&
$hexons[$i]->end == $eexons[$i]->end &&
$hexons[$i]->strand == $eexons[$i]->strand
# Then check if the first an last exon are the same in both transcripts. If just start and end of UTR are different keep ensembl one
# CASE 1: Both coding and UTR are the same, keep Havana and delete Ensembl
if ($hexons[0]->start == $eexons[0]->start &&
$hexons[0]->end == $eexons[0]->end &&
$hexons[0]->strand == $eexons[0]->strand &&
$hexons[-1]->start == $eexons[-1]->start &&
$hexons[-1]->end == $eexons[-1]->end &&
$hexons[-1]->strand == $eexons[-1]->strand
return $ensembl;
$hexons[0]->strand == 1 &&
$hexons[0]->end == $eexons[0]->end &&
$hexons[0]->strand == $eexons[0]->strand &&
$hexons[-1]->start == $eexons[-1]->start &&
$hexons[-1]->strand == $eexons[-1]->strand &&
$eexons[0]->start == $teexons[0]->coding_region_start($ensembl) &&
$eexons[-1]->end == $teexons[-1]->coding_region_end($ensembl) &&
($hexons[-1]->end != $eexons[-1]->end ||
$hexons[0]->start != $eexons[0]->start)
return $ensembl;
$hexons[0]->strand == 1 &&
$hexons[0]->end == $eexons[0]->end &&
$hexons[0]->strand == $eexons[0]->strand &&
$hexons[-1]->start == $eexons[-1]->start &&
$hexons[-1]->strand == $eexons[-1]->strand &&
($eexons[0]->start != $teexons[0]->coding_region_start($ensembl) ||
$eexons[-1]->end != $teexons[-1]->coding_region_end($ensembl)) &&
($hexons[-1]->end != $eexons[-1]->end ||
$hexons[0]->start != $eexons[0]->start)
return $havana;
}elsif (# CASE 4: Same as case 2 but in reverse strand
$hexons[0]->strand == -1 &&
$hexons[0]->start == $eexons[0]->start &&
$hexons[0]->strand == $eexons[0]->strand &&
$hexons[-1]->end == $eexons[-1]->end &&
$hexons[-1]->strand == $eexons[-1]->strand &&
$eexons[-1]->start == $teexons[-1]->coding_region_start($ensembl) &&
$eexons[0]->end == $teexons[0]->coding_region_end($ensembl) &&
($hexons[0]->end != $eexons[0]->end ||
$hexons[-1]->start != $eexons[-1]->start)
return $ensembl;
}elsif (# CASE 5: Same as case 3 but in reverse strand
$hexons[0]->strand == -1 &&
$hexons[0]->start == $eexons[0]->start &&
$hexons[0]->strand == $eexons[0]->strand &&
$hexons[-1]->end == $eexons[-1]->end &&
$hexons[-1]->strand == $eexons[-1]->strand &&
($eexons[-1]->start != $teexons[-1]->coding_region_start($ensembl) ||
$eexons[0]->end != $teexons[0]->coding_region_end($ensembl)) &&
($hexons[0]->end != $eexons[0]->end ||
$hexons[-1]->start != $eexons[-1]->start)
return $havana;
#print "Should I be here?\n";
#print "Keep MULTIEXON BOTH\n";
return 1;
return 0;
sub add_ottt_xref{
my($self, $ht) = @_;
foreach my $entry(@{ $ht->get_all_DBEntries}){
if ($entry->dbname eq 'Vega_transcript'){
if($entry->primary_id eq $entry->display_id){
print "I am adding an OTTT xref to the transcript\n";
print "OTTT TO ADD: ",$entry->primary_id,"\n";
my $xref_ottt = new Bio::EnsEMBL::DBEntry
-primary_id =>$entry->primary_id,
-display_id =>$ht->display_id,
-priority => 1,
-xref_priority => 0,
-version => 1,
-release => 1,
-dbname => 'OTTT'
sub set_transcript_relation {
# $t_pair[0] is the havana transcript and $t_pair[1] is the ensembl transcript
my($self, $delete_t, @t_pair) = @_;
# If both share CDS and UTR is different in structure and number of exons we still keep both, and we link them via Xref
if ($delete_t == 1){
# transfer OTTT ID and/or ENST
foreach my $entry(@{ $t_pair[0]->get_all_DBEntries}){
if ($entry->dbname eq 'Vega_transcript'){
if($entry->primary_id eq $entry->display_id){
my $newentry = new Bio::EnsEMBL::DBEntry
-primary_id => $entry->primary_id,
-display_id => $entry->display_id,
-priority => 1,
-xref_priority => 0,
-version => 1,
-release => 1,
-dbname => 'shares_CDS_with_OTTT'
my $xref_ottt = new Bio::EnsEMBL::DBEntry
-primary_id =>$entry->primary_id,
-display_id =>$entry->display_id,
-priority => 1,
-xref_priority => 0,
-version => 1,
-release => 1,
-dbname => 'OTTT'
print "OTTT xref to be added here\n";
my $link_attrib = Bio::EnsEMBL::Attribute->new
(-CODE => 'enst_link',
-NAME => 'enst link',
-DESCRIPTION => 'Code to link a OTTT with an ENST when they both share the CDS of ENST',
-VALUE => $t_pair[1]->dbID);
my $xref_entry = new Bio::EnsEMBL::DBEntry
-primary_id =>$t_pair[1]->dbID,
-display_id =>$t_pair[1]->dbID,
-priority => 1,
-xref_priority => 0,
-version => 1,
-release => 1,
-dbname => 'shares_CDS_with_ENST'
print "OTTT TO ADD: ",$t_pair[0]->stable_id,"\n";
# If transcript to delete is Havana we create an xref for the entry say that the transcript is CDS equal to ENSEMBL
elsif ($delete_t == $t_pair[0]){
# transfer OTTT ID and/or ENST
foreach my $entry(@{ $t_pair[0]->get_all_DBEntries}){
if ($entry->dbname eq 'Vega_transcript'){
if($entry->primary_id eq $entry->display_id){
my $newentry = new Bio::EnsEMBL::DBEntry
-primary_id => $entry->primary_id,
-display_id => $entry->display_id,
-priority => 1,
-xref_priority => 0,
-version => 1,
-release => 1,
-dbname => 'shares_CDS_with_OTTT'
# We add a transcript attribute to the ensembl transcript with the start and end coords of the Havana transcript that we will delete
my $attrib_value = $t_pair[0]->slice->coord_system_name.":".$t_pair[0]->slice->coord_system->version.":".$t_pair[0]->slice->seq_region_name.":".
# print "ATTRIB VALUE:---------- ",$attrib_value,"\n";
my $attribute = Bio::EnsEMBL::Attribute->new
(-CODE => 'TranscriptEdge',
-NAME => 'Transcript Edge',
-VALUE => $attrib_value);
# When we delete a Havana transcript we want to transfer the exon supporting features to the transcript we keep
my @delete_e = @{$delete_t->get_all_Exons};
my @exons = @{$t_pair[1]->get_all_Exons};
if (scalar(@delete_e) == scalar(@exons)){
my $e;
for ($e = 0, $etransfer_supporting_evidence($delete_e[$e], $exons[$e]);
# We add attributes to the havana transcript showing which supporting features where used for the transcript in Havana
}elsif ($delete_t == $t_pair[1]){
# If the transcript to delete is ENSEMBL we add an xref entry say that both transcripts are exact matches (including UTR)
foreach my $entry(@{ $t_pair[0]->get_all_DBEntries}){
if ($entry->dbname eq 'Vega_transcript'){
if($entry->primary_id eq $entry->display_id){
my $enstentry = new Bio::EnsEMBL::DBEntry
-primary_id => $entry->primary_id,
-display_id => $entry->display_id,
-version => 1,
-release => 1,
-priority => 1,
-xref_priority => 0,
-dbname => 'shares_CDS_and_UTR_with_OTTT'
# Transfer the supporting features both for transcript and exon of the transcript to delete to the transcript we keep
# We add attributes to the havana transcript showing which supporting features where used for the transcript in Havana
sub add_havana_attribute{
my ($self, $transcript, $trans_to_add_attrib) = @_;
my %evidence;
my %t_evidence;
foreach my $tsf (@{$transcript->get_all_supporting_features}){
$t_evidence{$tsf->hseqname} = 1;
foreach my $te_key (keys %t_evidence){
#print "Adding special attrib\n";
my $attribute = Bio::EnsEMBL::Attribute->new
(-CODE => 'tp_otter_support',
-NAME => 'tp otter support',
-DESCRIPTION => 'Evidence ID that was used as protein transcript supporting feature for building a gene in Vega',
-VALUE => $ev_key);
my $attribute = Bio::EnsEMBL::Attribute->new
(-CODE => 'td_otter_support',
-NAME => 'td otter support',
-DESCRIPTION => 'Evidence ID that was used as cdna transcript supporting feature for building a gene in Vega',
-VALUE => $ev_key);
foreach my $exon (@{$transcript->get_all_Exons}){
foreach my $sf (@{$exon->get_all_supporting_features}){
$evidence{$sf->hseqname} = 1;
foreach my $ev_key (keys %evidence){
#print "Adding special attrib\n";
my $attribute = Bio::EnsEMBL::Attribute->new
(-CODE => 'ep_otter_support',
-NAME => 'ep otter support',
-DESCRIPTION => 'Evidence ID that was used as protein exon supporting feature for building a gene in Vega',
-VALUE => $ev_key);
my $attribute = Bio::EnsEMBL::Attribute->new
(-CODE => 'ed_otter_support',
-NAME => 'ed otter support',
-DESCRIPTION => 'Evidence ID that was used as cdna exon supporting feature for building a gene in Vega',
-VALUE => $ev_key);
sub transfer_supporting_features{
my ($self, $delete_t, $transcript) = @_;
#print "TRANSCRIPT IS : ", $transcript,"\n";
my @exon_features;
# Delete all the supporting features for the Havana Transcript
my @delete_tsf = @{ $delete_t->get_all_supporting_features };
#my @transcript_sf = @{ $transcript->get_all_supporting_features };
# print "NUMBER OF TRANSCRIPT SF: ",scalar(@transcript_sf),"\n";
# print " AND DELETE TSF: ", scalar(@delete_tsf),"\n";
DTSF: foreach my $dtsf (@delete_tsf){
next DTSF unless $dtsf->isa("Bio::EnsEMBL::FeaturePair");
my @delete_e = @{$delete_t->get_all_Exons};
my @exons = @{$transcript->get_all_Exons};
if (scalar(@delete_e) == scalar(@exons)){
my $e;
for ($e = 0, $etransfer_supporting_evidence($delete_e[$e], $exons[$e]);
# print "NUMBER AFT ADDITTION: ", scalar(@{ $transcript->get_all_supporting_features }),"\n";
sub _remove_transcript_from_gene {
my ($self, $gene, $trans_to_del) = @_;
my @newtrans;
foreach my $trans (@{$gene->get_all_Transcripts}) {
if ($trans != $trans_to_del) {
push @newtrans,$trans;
# The naughty bit!
$gene->{_transcript_array} = [];
foreach my $trans (@newtrans) {
return scalar(@newtrans);
sub _make_shared_exons_unique{
my ( $self, @genes ) = @_;
my @pruned_genes;
foreach my $gene ( @genes ){
# make different exon objects that are shared between transcripts
# ( regarding attributes: start, end, etc )
# into unique exon objects
my $new_gene = $self->prune_Exons($gene);
push( @pruned_genes, $new_gene );
return @pruned_genes;
=head2 get_Genes
Description: retrieves ensembl and havana gene annotations with supporting evidence.
ReturnType : none, but $self->combined_Transcripts is filled
Args : none
sub get_Genes {
my ($self) = @_;
my @transcripts;
my @genes;
my $ensemblslice = $self->fetch_sequence($self->input_id, $self->ensembl_db);
my $havanaslice = $self->fetch_sequence($self->input_id, $self->havana_db);
print STDERR "Fetching ensembl genes\n";
foreach my $egene (@{$ensemblslice->get_all_Genes_by_type($GB_ENSEMBL_INPUT_GENETYPE)}){
# Don't add those genes that contain only transcripts imported from HAVANA (this is important during a merge update)
if ($egene->analysis->logic_name() eq $HAVANA_LOGIC_NAME){
next EGENE;
push (@genes,$egene);
print STDERR "Retrieved ".scalar(@genes)." genes of type ".$GB_ENSEMBL_INPUT_GENETYPE."\n";
print STDERR "Fetching havana genes\n";
my @hgenes = @{$havanaslice->get_all_Genes_by_type($GB_HAVANA_INPUT_GENETYPE)};
print STDERR "Retrieved ".scalar(@hgenes)." genes of type ".$GB_HAVANA_INPUT_GENETYPE."\n";
# We change the biotype of the havana genes/transcripts as it could happend to be the same as the ensembl ones
foreach my $hgene(@hgenes){
my $biotype = $hgene->biotype."_havana";
foreach my $htran (@{$hgene->get_all_Transcripts}) {
my $tbiotype = $htran->biotype."_havana";
push(@genes, @hgenes);
foreach my $gene(@genes){
foreach my $tran (@{$gene->get_all_Transcripts}) {
#First we remove HAVANA only transcripts that are present in merged genes
if($gene->analysis->logic_name() eq $MERGED_GENE_LOGIC_NAME &&
$tran->analysis->logic_name() eq $HAVANA_LOGIC_NAME){
}elsif($tran->analysis->logic_name() eq $MERGED_TRANSCRIPT_LOGIC_NAME){
# In case of a merged transcript we want to distinguish the ones that came from HAVANA that have same CDS
# but different UTR structure as we want to remove then. This is important for a merge update to avoid
# then been wrongly identified as share CDS and UTR
my $share_enst = 0;
my $share_cds_and_utr = 0;
my @dbentries = @{ $tran->get_all_DBEntries };
foreach my $dbentry (@dbentries){
if ($dbentry->dbname eq "shares_CDS_with_ENST"){
#print "On transcript: ",$tran->dbID," This is a HAVANA shares ENST\n";
$share_enst = 1;
if ($dbentry->dbname eq "shares_CDS_and_UTR_with_OTTT"){
$share_cds_and_utr = 1;
#print "On transcript: ",$tran->dbID," This is a HAVANA shares CDS and UTR\n";
if ($share_enst == 1 && $share_cds_and_utr == 0){
#Check if a transcript is in the discarded genes database before adding it to the merging list.
if($self->check_transcript_in_discarded_db($tran) != 0){
#print "Transcript added\n";
push(@transcripts, $tran);
print STDERR "Finished fetching genes\n";
sub check_transcript_in_discarded_db{
my ($self, $tran) = @_;
my @exons = @{$tran->get_all_Exons};
my $discardedslice = $self->discarded_db->get_SliceAdaptor->fetch_by_region('toplevel',$tran->slice->seq_region_name,$tran->seq_region_start,$tran->seq_region_end);
#print STDERR "Fetching discarded genes\n";
#print "NUMBER OF DISCARDED GENES: ",scalar(@{$discardedslice->get_all_Genes}),"\n";
foreach my $dgene (@{$discardedslice->get_all_Genes}){
DTRANS:foreach my $dtran (@{$dgene->get_all_Transcripts}){
my @dexons = @{$dtran->get_all_Exons};
if(scalar(@exons) == scalar(@dexons)){
#print "Number of exons: ",scalar(@exons),"\n";
for (my $i=0; $i < scalar(@exons); $i++){
if ($exons[$i]->seq_region_start != $dexons[$i]->seq_region_start ||
$exons[$i]->strand != $dexons[$i]->strand ||
$exons[$i]->seq_region_end != $dexons[$i]->seq_region_end){
# if you enter here means that these two transcripts are not the same
#print "transcript exon coordinates are different\n";
next DTRANS;
# If you are here means that both transcripts are the same and $trans must be discarded
print "transcript found in discarded db\n";
return 0;
# if you enter here means that these two transcripts are not the same
#print "transcript number of exons is different\n";
next DGENE;
#If we reach here means that no transcript in the discarded db is the same as our transcript so we keep it
return 1;
sub flush_xref{
my ($self, $transcript) = @_;
my @newxrefs;
#print "THIS IS WHAT NEED EMPTYING: ",$transcript->get_all_DBEntries,"\n";
foreach my $tran_xref (@{$transcript->get_all_DBEntries}){
if ($tran_xref->dbname ne "shares_CDS_and_UTR_with_OTTT" &&
$tran_xref->dbname ne "shares_CDS_with_OTTT" &&
$tran_xref->dbname ne "shares_CDS_with_ENST" &&
$tran_xref->dbname ne "OTTT"){
push (@newxrefs, $tran_xref);
# The naughty bit!
$transcript->{dbentries} = [];
#$transcript->{display_xref} = [];
foreach my $newxref (@newxrefs) {
# return scalar(@newtrans);
=head2 cluster_Transcripts
Description : It separates transcripts according to strand and then clusters
each set of transcripts by calling _cluster_Transcripts_by_genomic_range()
Args : Array of Bio::EnsEMBL::Transcript
Return : Array of Bio::EnsEMBL::Analysis::Tools::Algorithms::TranscriptCluster
sub cluster_Transcripts {
my ($self,@transcripts) = @_;
my @forward_transcripts;
my @reverse_transcripts;
foreach my $transcript (@transcripts){
my @exons = @{ $transcript->get_all_Exons };
if ( $exons[0]->strand == 1 ){
push( @forward_transcripts, $transcript );
push( @reverse_transcripts, $transcript );
my @forward_clusters;
my @reverse_clusters;
if ( @forward_transcripts ){
@forward_clusters = $self->_cluster_Transcripts_by_genomic_range( @forward_transcripts );
if ( @reverse_transcripts ){
@reverse_clusters = $self->_cluster_Transcripts_by_genomic_range( @reverse_transcripts );
my @clusters;
if ( @forward_clusters ){
push( @clusters, @forward_clusters);
if ( @reverse_clusters ){
push( @clusters, @reverse_clusters);
return @clusters;
=head2 _cluster_Transcripts_by_genomic_range
Description : It clusters transcripts according to genomic overlap
Args : Array of Bio::EnsEMBL::Transcript
Return : Array of Bio::EnsEMBL::Analysis::Tools::Algorithms::TranscriptCluster
sub _cluster_Transcripts_by_genomic_range{
my ($self,@mytranscripts) = @_;
# first sort the transcripts
my @transcripts = sort { $a->start <=> $b->start ? $a->start <=> $b->start : $b->end <=> $a->end } @mytranscripts;
# create a new cluster
my $cluster=Bio::EnsEMBL::Analysis::Tools::Algorithms::TranscriptCluster->new();
my $count = 0;
my @cluster_starts;
my @cluster_ends;
my @clusters;
# put the first transcript into these cluster
$cluster->put_Transcripts( $transcripts[0] );
$cluster_starts[$count] = $transcripts[0]->start;
$cluster_ends[$count] = $transcripts[0]->end;
# store the list of clusters
push( @clusters, $cluster );
# loop over the rest of the transcripts
for (my $c=1; $c<=$#transcripts; $c++){
#print STDERR "\nIn cluster ".($count+1)."\n";
#print STDERR "start: $cluster_starts[$count] end: $cluster_ends[$count]\n";
#print STDERR "comparing:\n";
#Bio::EnsEMBL::Analysis::Tools::TranscriptUtils->_print_Transcript( $transcripts[$c] );
if ( !( $transcripts[$c]->end < $cluster_starts[$count] ||
$transcripts[$c]->start > $cluster_ends[$count] ) ){
$cluster->put_Transcripts( $transcripts[$c] );
# re-adjust size of cluster
if ($transcripts[$c]->start < $cluster_starts[$count]) {
$cluster_starts[$count] = $transcripts[$c]->start;
if ( $transcripts[$c]->end > $cluster_ends[$count]) {
$cluster_ends[$count] = $transcripts[$c]->end;
# else, create a new cluster with this feature
$cluster = Bio::EnsEMBL::Analysis::Tools::Algorithms::TranscriptCluster->new();
$cluster->put_Transcripts( $transcripts[$c] );
$cluster_starts[$count] = $transcripts[$c]->start;
$cluster_ends[$count] = $transcripts[$c]->end;
# store it in the list of clusters
return @clusters;
=head2 cluster_into_Genes
Example : my @genes = $self->cluster_into_Genes(@transcripts);
Description : it clusters transcripts into genes according to exon overlap.
It will take care of difficult cases like transcripts within introns.
It also unify exons that are shared among transcripts.
Returns : a beautiful list of geen objects
Args : a list of transcript objects
sub cluster_into_Genes{
my ($self, @transcripts_unsorted) = @_;
my $num_trans = scalar(@transcripts_unsorted);
# First clean the coding exon cache in case it has any exons stored from previous called to the cluster_into_Genes function.
my @transcripts_unsorted_translation;
foreach my $tran(@transcripts_unsorted){
if ($tran->translation){
push (@transcripts_unsorted_translation, $tran);
my @transcripts = sort { $a->coding_region_start <=> $b->coding_region_start ? $a->coding_region_start <=> $b->coding_region_start : $b->coding_region_end <=> $a->coding_region_end } @transcripts_unsorted_translation;
my @clusters;
# clusters transcripts by whether or not any coding exon overlaps with a coding exon in
# another transcript (came from original prune in GeneBuilder)
foreach my $tran (@transcripts) {
# First clean the coding exon cache in case it has any exons stored from previous called to the cluster_into_Genes function.
# $self->clear_coding_exons_cache;
my @matching_clusters;
foreach my $cluster (@clusters) {
# $self->clear_coding_exons_cache;
#print "Transcript: ",$tran->stable_id," has coding region start: ",$tran->coding_region_start,"\n";
foreach my $cluster_transcript (@$cluster) {
if ($tran->coding_region_end >= $cluster_transcript->coding_region_start &&
$tran->coding_region_start <= $cluster_transcript->coding_region_end) {
# foreach my $exon1 (@{$tran->get_all_Exons}) {
# foreach my $cluster_exon (@{$cluster_transcript->get_all_Exons}) {
my $exons1 = get_coding_exons_for_transcript($tran);
my $cluster_exons = get_coding_exons_for_transcript($cluster_transcript);
foreach my $exon1 (@{$exons1}) {
foreach my $cluster_exon (@{$cluster_exons}) {
if ($exon1->overlaps($cluster_exon) && $exon1->strand == $cluster_exon->strand) {
push (@matching_clusters, $cluster);
if (scalar(@matching_clusters) == 0) {
my @newcluster;
elsif (scalar(@matching_clusters) == 1) {
push @{$matching_clusters[0]}, $tran;
else {
# Merge the matching clusters into a single cluster
my @new_clusters;
my @merged_cluster;
foreach my $clust (@matching_clusters) {
push @merged_cluster, @$clust;
push @merged_cluster, $tran;
push @new_clusters,\@merged_cluster;
# Add back non matching clusters
foreach my $clust (@clusters) {
my $found = 0;
foreach my $m_clust (@matching_clusters) {
if ($clust == $m_clust) {
$found = 1;
if (!$found) {
push @new_clusters,$clust;
@clusters = @new_clusters;
# safety and sanity checks
$self->check_Clusters(scalar(@transcripts), \@clusters);
# make and store genes
#print STDERR scalar(@clusters)." created, turning them into genes...\n";
my @genes;
foreach my $cluster(@clusters){
my $count = 0;
my $gene = new Bio::EnsEMBL::Gene;
foreach my $transcript (@$cluster){
#print "Transcript Stable ID: ",$transcript->dbID,"\n";
push( @genes, $gene );
return @genes;
=head2 get_coding_exons_for_transcript
Example : my $exons1 = $self->get_coding_exons_for_gene($tran);
Description : It returns the coding exons of a transcript and stores
them in a hash to safe computer time
Returns : An ArrayRef than contain Exon objects.
Args : a transcript object
my %coding_exon_cache;
sub clear_coding_exons_cache {
%coding_exon_cache = ();
sub get_coding_exons_for_transcript {
my ($trans) = @_;
if (exists($coding_exon_cache{$trans})) {
return $coding_exon_cache{$trans};
} else {
my %coding_hash;
next if (!$trans->translation);
foreach my $exon (@{$trans->get_all_translateable_Exons}) {
$coding_hash{$exon} = $exon;
my @coding = sort { $a->start <=> $b->start } values %coding_hash;
#my @coding = values %coding_hash;
$coding_exon_cache{$trans} = \@coding;
return $coding_exon_cache{$trans};
sub check_Clusters{
my ($self, $num_transcripts, $clusters) = @_;
#Safety checks
my $ntrans = 0;
my $cluster_num = 0;
my %trans_check_hash;
foreach my $cluster (@$clusters) {
$ntrans += scalar(@$cluster);
foreach my $trans (@$cluster) {
if (defined($trans_check_hash{$trans})) {
$self->throw("Transcript " . $trans->dbID . " added twice to clusters\n");
$trans_check_hash{$trans} = 1;
if (!scalar(@$cluster)) {
$self->throw("Empty cluster");
if ($ntrans != $num_transcripts) {
$self->throw("Not all transcripts have been added into clusters $ntrans and " . $num_transcripts. " \n");
#end safety checks
sub transcript_high{
my ($self,$tran) = @_;
my $high;
if ( $tran->start_Exon->strand == 1){
$high = $tran->end_Exon->end;
$high = $tran->start_Exon->end;
return $high;
sub transcript_low{
my ($self,$tran) = @_;
my $low;
if ( $tran->start_Exon->strand == 1){
$low = $tran->start_Exon->start;
$low = $tran->end_Exon->start;
return $low;
sub by_transcript_high {
my $alow;
my $blow;
my $ahigh;
my $bhigh;
# alow and ahigh are the left most and right most coordinates for transcript $a
if ($a->start_Exon->strand == 1) {
$alow = $a->start_Exon->start;
$ahigh = $a->end_Exon->end;
else {
$alow = $a->end_Exon->start;
$ahigh = $a->start_Exon->end;
# blow and bhigh are the left most and right most coordinates for transcript $b
if ($b->start_Exon->strand == 1) {
$blow = $b->start_Exon->start;
$bhigh = $b->end_Exon->end;
else {
$blow = $b->end_Exon->start;
$bhigh = $b->start_Exon->end;
# return the ascending comparison of the right-most coordinates if they're different
if ($ahigh != $bhigh) {
return $ahigh <=> $bhigh;
# if they'r equal, return the ascending comparison of the left most coordinate
else {
return $alow <=> $blow;
sub prune_Exons {
my ($self,$gene) = @_;
my @unique_Exons;
# keep track of all unique exons found so far to avoid making duplicates
# need to be very careful about translation->start_Exon and translation->end_Exon
foreach my $tran (@{$gene->get_all_Transcripts}) {
my @newexons;
foreach my $exon (@{$tran->get_all_Exons}) {
my $found;
#always empty
UNI:foreach my $uni (@unique_Exons) {
if ($uni->start == $exon->start &&
$uni->end == $exon->end &&
$uni->strand == $exon->strand &&
$uni->phase == $exon->phase &&
$uni->end_phase == $exon->end_phase
) {
$found = $uni;
last UNI;
if (defined($found)) {
if ($exon == $tran->translation->start_Exon){
if ($exon == $tran->translation->end_Exon){
} else {
push(@unique_Exons, $exon);
foreach my $exon (@newexons) {
#print "Uniq_tran sid: ",$tran->dbID,"\n";
return $gene;
=head2 prune_features
Description: prunes out duplicated features
Returntype : array of Bio::EnsEMBL::SeqFeature
Args : array of Bio::EnsEMBL::SeqFeature
sub prune_features {
my ($self,$feature_hash) = @_;
my @pruned;
foreach my $id (keys %{ $feature_hash }) {
my @features = @{$feature_hash->{$id}};
@features = sort {$a->start <=> $b->start} @features;
unless ( @features ){
print STDERR "No features here for id: $id\n";
next ID;
while ( @features && !defined $features[0] ){
#print STDERR "jumping an undefined feature\n";
shift @features;
my $prev = -1;
foreach my $f (@features) {
if ($prev != -1 && $f->hseqname eq $prev->hseqname &&
$f->start == $prev->start &&
$f->end == $prev->end &&
$f->hstart == $prev->hstart &&
$f->hend == $prev->hend &&
$f->strand == $prev->strand &&
$f->hstrand == $prev->hstrand)
#keep the one with highest score
if ( $f->score > $prev->score ){
$prev->score( $f->score );
#print STDERR "pruning duplicated feature\n";
#print STDERR "previous: ".$prev->gffstring."\n";
#print STDERR "thisone : ".$f->gffstring."\n";
else {
$prev = $f;
return @pruned;
# get/set method holding a reference to the db with genewise and combined genes,
# havana genes and discarded genes
# this reference is set in Bio::EnsEMBL::Analysis::RunnableDB::HavanaAdder
sub ensembl_db{
my ($self,$ensembl_db) = @_;
if ( $ensembl_db ){
$self->{_ensembl_db} = $ensembl_db;
return $self->{_ensembl_db};
sub havana_db{
my ($self,$havana_db) = @_;
if ( $havana_db ){
$self->{_havana_db} = $havana_db;
return $self->{_havana_db};
sub discarded_db{
my ($self, $discarded_db) = @_;
if ( $discarded_db ){
$self->{_discarded_db} = $discarded_db;;
return $self->{_discarded_db};
sub combined_Transcripts {
my ($self,@transcripts) = @_;
if (!defined($self->{_genewise_andthelike_transcripts})) {
$self->{_genewise_andthelike_transcripts} = [];
if (scalar @transcripts > 0) {
return @{$self->{_genewise_andthelike_transcripts}};
#=head2 my_genes
# Description: this holds and returns the genes that are produced after putting together genewise, combined and
# processed_supporte_ab_initio predictions and removing the redundant set, giving priority
# to long CDSs + UTR
#sub my_genes {
# my ($self,@genes) = @_;
# unless($self->{_my_genes}){
# $self->{_my_genes} = [];
# }
# if (@genes){
# push(@{$self->{_my_genes}},@genes);
# }
# return @{$self->{_my_genes}};
=head2 final_genes
Descripton: this holds/returns the final genes produced after clustering transcripts and sharing common exons
sub final_genes{
my ($self, @genes) = @_;
if ( @genes ){
push( @{$self->{_final_genes}}, @genes );
return @{$self->{_final_genes}};
=head2 gene_types
Description: get/set for the type(s) of genes (usually TGE_gw, similarity_genewise and combined_e2g genes)
to be used in the genebuilder they get set in new()
Does not include the ab inition predictions
sub gene_types {
my ($self,$type) = @_;
if (defined($type)) {
return @{$self->{_gene_types}};
#=head2 predictions
# Description: get/set for the PredictionTranscripts. It is set in new()
#sub predictions {
# my ($self,@predictions) = @_;
# if(!$self->{_predictions}){
# $self->{_predictions} = [];
# }
# if ( @predictions ) {
# push(@{$self->{_predictions}},@predictions);
# }
# return @{$self->{_predictions}};
sub features {
my ($self,@features) = @_;
if (!defined($self->{_feature})) {
$self->{_feature} = [];
if ( scalar @features ) {
return @{$self->{_feature}};
sub query {
my ($self,$slice) = @_;
if (defined($slice)) {
$self->{_query} = $slice;
return $self->{_query};
=head2 transfer_supporting_evidence
Title : transfer_supporting_evidence
Usage : $self->transfer_supporting_evidence($source_exon, $target_exon)
Function: Transfers supporting evidence from source_exon to target_exon,
after checking the coordinates are sane and that the evidence is not already in place.
Returns : nothing, but $target_exon has additional supporting evidence
sub transfer_supporting_evidence{
my ($self, $source_exon, $target_exon) = @_;
my @target_sf = @{$target_exon->get_all_supporting_features};
# print "target exon sf: \n";
# foreach my $tsf(@target_sf){ print STDERR $tsf; $self->print_FeaturePair($tsf); }
# print "source exon: \n";
# keep track of features already transferred, so that we do not duplicate
my %unique_evidence;
my %hold_evidence;
foreach my $feat ( @{$source_exon->get_all_supporting_features}){
next SOURCE_FEAT unless $feat->isa("Bio::EnsEMBL::FeaturePair");
# skip duplicated evidence objects
next SOURCE_FEAT if ( $unique_evidence{ $feat } );
# skip duplicated evidence
if ( $hold_evidence{ $feat->hseqname }{ $feat->start }{ $feat->end }{ $feat->hstart }{ $feat->hend } ){
#print STDERR "Skipping duplicated evidence\n";
foreach my $tsf (@target_sf){
next TARGET_FEAT unless $tsf->isa("Bio::EnsEMBL::FeaturePair");
if($feat->start == $tsf->start &&
$feat->end == $tsf->end &&
$feat->strand == $tsf->strand &&
$feat->hseqname eq $tsf->hseqname &&
$feat->hstart == $tsf->hstart &&
$feat->hend == $tsf->hend){
#print STDERR "feature already in target exon\n";
#print STDERR "from ".$source_exon->dbID." to ".$target_exon->dbID."\n";
# I may need to add a paranoid check to see that no exons longer than the current one are transferred
$unique_evidence{ $feat } = 1;
$hold_evidence{ $feat->hseqname }{ $feat->start }{ $feat->end }{ $feat->hstart }{ $feat->hend } = 1;
#fetches sequence from appropriate database
sub fetch_sequence{
my ($self, $name, $db) = @_;
my $sa = $db->get_SliceAdaptor;
my $slice = $sa->fetch_by_name($name);
return $slice;