Included libraries | Package variables | General documentation | Methods |
WebCvs | Raw content |
multiprotein | No description | Code |
new | No description | Code |
parse_results | No description | Code |
run_analysis | No description | Code |
multiprotein | description | prev | next | Top |
my ($self) = @_; return 1; } ##################}
new | description | prev | next | Top |
my ($class, @args) = @_; my $self = $class->SUPER::new(@args); ######################}
$self->options('-cli -appl blastprodom -appl fprintscan -appl hmmpfam -appl superfamily -appl hmmpir -appl scanregexp -format raw') if(!$self->options); #$self->options('-cli -appl blastprodom -appl fprintscan -appl hmmpfam -appl hmmpir -appl hmmpanther -appl hmmtigr -appl hmmsmart -appl superfamily -format raw') if(!$self->options);
#self->options('-cli -appl blastprodom -appl fprintscan -appl hmmpfam -appl hmmpir -appl hmmpanther -appl hmmtigr -appl hmmsmart -appl superfamily -appl gene3d -format raw')
return $self; } #testing the different programs
# -appl <name> Application(s) to run (optional), default is all.
# Possible values (dependent on set-up):
# * blastprodom
# * fprintscan
# 8 hmmpfam
# 8 hmmpir
# * hmmpanther
# 8 hmmtigr
# 7 hmmsmart
# 8 superfamily
# * gene3d
# 8 scanregexp
# 8 profilescan
# 8 seg
# 8 coils
# 8 [tmhmm]
# 8 [signalp]
parse_results | description | prev | next | Top |
my ($self) = @_; print "PARSING RESULTS\n"; open(OUT, "<".$self->resultsfile) or throw("FAILED to open ". $self->resultsfile. " IPRSCAN:parse_results"); my @out; while(<OUT>){ print; chomp; if(/SUBMITTED\s+(\S+)/){ my $dir_name = $1; #print "GETTING filename HAVE ".$dir_name."\n";}
my ($base_dir) = $dir_name =~ /iprscan\-(\d+)\-\d+/; my $full_path = $self->workdir."/".$base_dir."/".$dir_name; $self->files_to_delete($full_path); #print $full_path."\n";
next; } next if((!$_) || (!$_ =~ /\d+/)); #print $_."\n";
#19897 4AB50DD3FDE96DB6 468 ProfileScan PS50157 ZINC_FINGER_C2H2_2 243 270 16.685 T 14-Nov-2007
my ($translation_id, $crd, $aa_length, $method, $hit_name, $desc, $start, $end, $evalue, $status, $date) = split /\t/, $_; if(!$start || !$end){ next; } if($evalue && !($evalue =~ /\d+/)){ $evalue = undef; } if($start > $end){ my $temp = $start; $start = $end; $end = $temp; } my $pf = $self->create_protein_feature($start, $end, 0, $translation_id, 0, 0, $hit_name, $self->analysis, $evalue, 0); throw("Protein feature has no translation id") if(!$pf->seqname); push(@out, $pf); } $self->output(\@out); close(OUT); } #NF00181542 is the id of the input sequence.
#27A9BBAC0587AB84 is the crc64 (checksum) of the protein sequence (supposed to be unique).
#272 is the length of the sequence (in AA).
#HMMPIR is the anaysis method launched.
#PIRSF001424 is the database members entry for this match.
#Prephenate dehydratase is the database member description for the entry.
#1 is the start of the domain match.
#270 is the end of the domain match.
#6.5e-141 is the evalue of the match (reported by member database anayling method).
#T is the status of the match (T: true, M: marginal).
#06-Aug-2005 is the date of the run.
run_analysis | description | prev | next | Top |
my ($self) = @_; #example command}
#/nfs/acari/lec/code/interpro/interpro_ftp/iprscan/bin/iprscan -cli -format raw
#-i /nfs/acari/lec/code/interpro/interpro_ftp/iprscan/test.seq
print "RUNNING ANALYSIS\n"; my $command = $self->program." ".$self->options." -i ".$self->queryfile. " >& ".$self->resultsfile; print "Running ".$command."\n"; throw ("Error running ".$command)unless ((system ($command)) == 0);