Raw content of Bio::EnsEMBL::Analysis::Runnable::ProteinAnnotation::PrositeProfile_wormbase package Bio::EnsEMBL::Analysis::Runnable::ProteinAnnotation::PrositeProfile_wormbase; use vars qw(@ISA); use strict; use Bio::EnsEMBL::Utils::Exception qw(throw warning); use Bio::EnsEMBL::Analysis::Runnable::ProteinAnnotation; @ISA = qw(Bio::EnsEMBL::Analysis::Runnable::ProteinAnnotation); ################### # analysis methods ################### =head2 run_program Title : run_program Usage : $self->program Function : makes the system call to program Example : Returns : Args : Throws : =cut sub run_analysis { my ($self) = @_; # run program print STDERR "running ".$self->program." ".$self->analysis->parameters ." against ".$self->database."\n"; print STDERR "FILENAME: ".$self->queryfile."\n"; my $cmd = $self->program .' '. $self->analysis->parameters .' '. $self->queryfile.' '. '> ' . $self->resultsfile; print STDERR "$cmd\n"; $self->throw ("Error running PrositeProfile_wormbase ".$self->program." on ".$self->queryfile) unless ((system ($cmd)) == 0); } =head2 parse_results Title : parse_results Usage : $self->parse_results ($filename) Function : parses program output to give a set of features Example : Returns : Args : filename (optional, can be filename, filehandle or pipe, not implemented) Throws : =cut sub parse_results { my ($self) = @_; my $filehandle; my $resfile = $self->resultsfile(); my @fps; if (-e $resfile) { if (-z $resfile) { print STDERR "PrositeProfile didn't find any hits\n"; return; } else { open (CPGOUT, "<$resfile") or $self->throw("Error opening ", $resfile, " \n"); # } } # Example output for sequence ID 2345: #2345 ps_scan|v1.4 PS50082 329 362 9.205 . . Name "WD_REPEATS_2" ; Level 0 ; RawScore 244 ; FeatureFrom 1 ; FeatureTo -9 ; Sequence "MKSYFGGLLCLAWSPDARYIVTGGEDDLITVYSV--------" ; KnownFalsePos 1 #2345 ps_scan|v1.4 PS50294 285 385 12.947 . . Name "WD_REPEATS_REGION" ; Level 0 ; RawScore 389 ; FeatureFrom 1 ; FeatureTo -28 ; Sequence "WAVGSGTLHEFAFSPSddTKLLATVSQDGFLRIFNYHTMELLAYMKSYFGGLLCLAWSPDARYIVTGGEDDLITVYSVVEKRVVCRGQGHRSWISKVAFDP---------------------------" ; KnownFalsePos 0 my $id; while (<CPGOUT>) { chomp; print "$_\n"; my $score = 0; my $hstart = 1; my $hend = -1; # is the first column the sequence ID or the file name? - check this my ($id, $hid, $start, $end, $evalue ) = /\s*(\S+)\s+\S+\s+(\S+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+([\d\.\-\e]+)\s+\S+\s+\S+/; #Calculate the length of the match using the values given for the sequence. $hend = $end - $start + 1; print "matched\n"; # my $evalue = 0.01; my $percentIdentity = 0; my $fp= $self->create_protein_feature($start, $end, $score, $id, $hstart, $hend, $hid, $self->analysis, $evalue, $percentIdentity); push @fps, $fp; } close (CPGOUT); $self->output(\@fps); } 1;