Package variables
No package variables defined.
Included modules
Bio::EnsEMBL::Utils::Exception qw ( verbose throw warning info stack_trace_dump )
my $cond = Bio::EnsEMBL::Analysis::RunnableDB::TranscriptCoalescer->new
-analysis => $analysis,
-db => $db,
-input_id => 'chromosome:JGI2:chr_04q:70000:80000:1'
This module acts as an intermediate between the runnable and the
core database. It reads configuration and uses information from the analysis
object to setup the runnable and then write the results back to the
database specified in the config file.
Methods description
Arg[0] : Hash-reference to $TRANSCRIPT_COALESCER_DB_CONFIG-Hash out of Arg[1] : href with evidence sets Func : Checks if every logic_name / biotype of gene belongs to an Evidence set Return : 1 if all is ok |
Name : get_evidence_set( $logic_name_or_biotype ) Arg : String Func : returns the name of the evidence_set of a genee / PredictionTranscript Returnval: String describing evidence_set_name |
Arg [0] : reference to an array of Bio::EnsEMBL::PredictionTranscript-objects Arg [1] : String describing the logic_name Arg [2] : String describing name of the evidence-set Function : Creates Bio::EnsEMBL::Analysis::Tools::GeneBuildUtils::TranscriptExtended-Objects from a set of Bio::EnsEMBL::PredictionTranscript-Objects and adds further information to these Transcripts. The PredictionExons are re-blessed to Bio::EnsEMBL::Analysis::Tools::GeneBuildUtils::ExonExtended-objects Returntype: Ref. to arrray of Bio::EnsEMBL::Analysis::Tools::GeneBuildUtils::TranscriptExtended-objects Example : |
Arg [1] : Bio::EnsEMBL::Analysis::RunnableDB::TranscriptCoalescer Function : fetch input (gene-objects) out of different databases specified in the TranscriptCoalescer config. TranscriptCoalescer is not processing single-exon genes. Returntype: 1 Exceptions: none Example : |
Arg [1] : $self Function : get appropriate adaptors and write output to database after validating and attaching sequence and analysis objects Returntype: undef Exceptions: throws if the store fails Example : |
Methods code
sub _check_config
{ my ( $databases, $TRANSCRIPT_COALESCER_DB_CONFIG, $ev_sets) = @_ ;
for my $db_class (keys %{$TRANSCRIPT_COALESCER_DB_CONFIG}) {
throw ( "\n\tConfig-Error: There is configuration for\" $db_class\" in Analysis/Config/GeneBuild/ " .
"but no Database defined in or")
unless exists $$databases{$db_class} ;
my %database_definition ;
for my $db_class (keys %{$TRANSCRIPT_COALESCER_DB_CONFIG}) {
for my $key ( keys %{ $$TRANSCRIPT_COALESCER_DB_CONFIG{$db_class} } ) {
map $database_definition{$_}=(),@{ ${$$TRANSCRIPT_COALESCER_DB_CONFIG{$db_class}}{$key}};
my %ev_set_definitions;
for my $set_name (keys %{ $ev_sets} ) {
map $ev_set_definitions{$_}=(), @{$$ev_sets{$set_name}} ;
for my $ln ( keys %ev_set_definitions ) {
throw ("\n\tError in config-file Analysis/Config/GeneBuild/\n ".
"\tType $ln has an evidence set but there's NO database for this type defined in Config".
" : $ln\n")
unless ( exists $database_definition{$ln} ) ;
for my $ln ( keys %database_definition) {
throw ("\n\tError in config-file Analysis/Config/GeneBuild/\n".
"\tType $ln has an entry in a database-section but there's NO evidence-set defined in Config for this type : $ln\n " )
unless ( exists $ev_set_definitions{$ln} ) ;
return 1 ;
1; } |
sub _get_evidence_set
{ my ($self, $logic_name_or_biotype) = @_ ;
my %ev_sets = %{ $self->{evidence_sets} } ;
my $result_set_name ;
for my $set_name (keys %ev_sets){
my @logic_names = @{$ev_sets{$set_name}} ;
for my $ln (@logic_names ) {
if ($ln eq $logic_name_or_biotype) {
$result_set_name = $set_name ;
return $result_set_name ; } |
sub _remove_redundant_genes
{ my ($biotype2genes ) = @_ ;
info ("removing redundant Transcripts........\n\n" );
my %biotype2genes = %{$biotype2genes} ;
my %result ;
my %tmp ;
for my $biotype ( keys %biotype2genes) {
print "biotype $biotype\n" ;
my ( %non_redundant_genes) ;
my @genes = @{$biotype2genes{$biotype}} ;
push @{$tmp{$biotype}}, scalar(@genes) ;
info ( "RunnableDB: $biotype: " . scalar( @genes ) . "\n" );
next if ( scalar(@genes) == 0 ) ;
my $red = 0 ;
for my $g (@genes ) {
my @all_tr = @{ $g->get_all_Transcripts } ;
throw ("Only processing genes with 1gene:1transcript relation") if (@all_tr > 1 ) ;
my $tr_hashkey = "" ;
for my $t ( @all_tr ) {
for my $e ( @{ $t->get_all_Exons} ) {
$e->end_phase(0) unless ($e->end_phase);
$tr_hashkey .=$e->hashkey;
for my $key (keys %non_redundant_genes) {
push @{ $result{$biotype}}, $non_redundant_genes{$key} ;
push @{$tmp{$biotype}}, scalar(@{$result{$biotype}}) ;
for (keys %tmp) {
if (exists ${$tmp{$_}}[1]){
info("having ${$tmp{$_}}[1] non-redundant genes ( out of ${ $tmp{$_} }[0] of biotype $_)\n") ;
return\% result ; } |
sub convert_prediction_transcripts_to_genes
{ my ($pt,$logic_name_becomes_biotype,$ev_set_name ) = @_ ;
my @new_genes ;
for my $pt (@$pt) {
my $gene_from_pt = Bio::EnsEMBL::Gene->new(
-start => $pt->start ,
-end => $pt->end ,
-strand => $pt->strand ,
-slice =>$pt->slice ,
-biotype => $logic_name_becomes_biotype,
) ;
my $new_tr = Bio::EnsEMBL::Analysis::Tools::GeneBuildUtils::TranscriptExtended->new(
-BIOTYPE => $logic_name_becomes_biotype ,
-ANALYSIS => $pt->analysis ,
) ;
my @pt_exons = @{$pt->get_all_Exons} ;
for (my $i=0 ; $i<scalar(@pt_exons) ; $i++) {
my $pte =$pt_exons[$i] ;
bless $pte,"Bio::EnsEMBL::Analysis::Tools::GeneBuildUtils::ExonExtended" ;
$pte->biotype($logic_name_becomes_biotype) ;
$pte->ev_set($ev_set_name) ;
$pte->next_exon($pt_exons[$i+1]) ;
$pte->prev_exon($pt_exons[$i-1]) ;
$pte->transcript($new_tr) ;
$pte->analysis($pt->analysis) ;
} ;
for (@pt_exons) {
$gene_from_pt->add_Transcript($new_tr) ;
push @new_genes , $gene_from_pt ;
return\@ new_genes ; } |
sub fetch_input
{ my ($self) = @_;
$self->throw("No input id") unless defined($self->input_id);
my $slice = $self->fetch_sequence($self->input_id, $self->db );
my (%est_genes, %simgw_genes, %pred_transcripts ) ;
my %databases = %{$self->merge_config_details( $DATABASES, $EXONERATE_CONFIG_BY_LOGIC, $TRANSCRIPT_COALESCER_DB_CONFIG)} ;
_check_config(\%databases, $TRANSCRIPT_COALESCER_DB_CONFIG, $self->{evidence_sets} ) ;
my %biotypes_to_genes ;
for my $database_class (keys %databases ) {
next unless (exists $$TRANSCRIPT_COALESCER_DB_CONFIG{$database_class}) ;
my $dba = $self->get_dbadaptor($database_class);
my $slice = $self->fetch_sequence($self->input_id, $dba );
for my $biotype ( @{$databases{$database_class}{BIOTYPES} }) {
my $genes = $slice->get_all_Genes_by_type($biotype, undef, 1) ;
my ( $set ) = $self->_get_evidence_set ( $biotype ) ;
my $db_used = "${$databases{$database_class}}{db}{-dbname}\@".
info( "$db_used :" );
info(scalar (@{$genes}) . "\t$biotype-genes fetched\n ") ;
if (scalar( @{$genes} ) > 0 ) {
my @multi_exon_genes ;
for my $g (@$genes){
my $single_exon_gene ;
for my $t (@{$g->get_all_Transcripts}){
throw ("gene has more than one transcript - only processing 1-gene-1-transcript-genes")
if (@{$g->get_all_Transcripts}>1) ;
bless $t, "Bio::EnsEMBL::Analysis::Tools::GeneBuildUtils::TranscriptExtended" ;
my @all_exons = @{ $t->get_all_Exons } ;
$single_exon_gene = 1 if (@all_exons == 1 ) ;
map { bless $_,"Bio::EnsEMBL::Analysis::Tools::GeneBuildUtils::ExonExtended" } @all_exons ;
for (my $int=0; $int < @all_exons ; $int++) {
my $e = $all_exons[$int] ;
$e->biotype($g->biotype) ;
$e->ev_set($set) ;
$e->transcript($t) ;
$e->analysis($g->analysis) ;
if ($int == 0 ) {
} else {
unless ($single_exon_gene) {
push @multi_exon_genes, $g ;
}else {
info("gene " . $g->dbID ." ( " . $g->biotype . " ) is single_exon_gene - SKIPPING\n ") ;
push @{$biotypes_to_genes{$biotype} } , @multi_exon_genes ;
for my $logic_name_becomes_biotype ( @{$databases{$database_class}{AB_INITIO_LOGICNAMES} }) {
my $pt = $slice->get_all_PredictionTranscripts( $logic_name_becomes_biotype, 1 ) ;
my $result_set_name = $self->_get_evidence_set( $logic_name_becomes_biotype ) ;
my $ab_initio_genes = convert_prediction_transcripts_to_genes(
$pt,$logic_name_becomes_biotype,$result_set_name ) ;
info ( scalar (@{$ab_initio_genes}) . "\t$logic_name_becomes_biotype-genes\n") ;
if ( scalar(@$ab_initio_genes)>0){
push @{$biotypes_to_genes{$logic_name_becomes_biotype} } , @{$ab_initio_genes} ;
print "trying to remove redundant genes\n" ;
my $non_redundant_genes = _remove_redundant_genes(\%biotypes_to_genes) ;
my $runnable = Bio::EnsEMBL::Analysis::Runnable::TranscriptCoalescer->new
-query => $self->query,
-analysis => $self->analysis,
-all_genes => $non_redundant_genes , -evidence_sets => $self->{evidence_sets} ,
-dnadb => $self->db ,
-utils_verbosity => $self->{utils_verbosity},
return 1; } |
sub new
{ my ($class,@args) = @_;
my $self = $class->SUPER::new(@args);
my @est_biotypes = @{ $EST_SETS } ;
my @simgw_biotypes = @{ $SIMGW_SETS } ;
my @abinitio_logicnames = @{ $ABINITIO_SETS } ;
$self->{evidence_sets}= {
'est' =>\@ est_biotypes ,
'simgw' =>\@ simgw_biotypes ,
'abinitio' =>\@ abinitio_logicnames ,
} ;
return $self;
print STDERR " TC-db : new runnable created\n" ; } |
sub write_output
{ my ($self) = @_;
my $out_dba = $self->get_dbadaptor($OUTPUT_DATABASE);
my $gene_a = $out_dba->get_GeneAdaptor() ;
info ("trying to write output") ;
foreach my $gene (@{$self->output}){
info("storing $gene" );
$gene_a->store($gene) ;
warning("Failed to store gene ".$@);
return ; } |
General documentation