Raw content of Bio::EnsEMBL::Compara::Graph::Algorithms
=head1 NAME
Algorithms - DESCRIPTION of Object
Collection of graph traversal algorithms
=head1 CONTACT
Contact Jessica Severin on implemetation/design detail: jessica@ebi.ac.uk
Contact Ewan Birney on EnsEMBL in general: birney@sanger.ac.uk
The rest of the documentation details each of the object methods. Internal methods are usually preceded with a _
package Bio::EnsEMBL::Compara::Graph::Algorithms;
use strict;
use Bio::EnsEMBL::Utils::Exception;
use Bio::EnsEMBL::Utils::Argument;
use Time::HiRes qw(time gettimeofday tv_interval);
use Bio::EnsEMBL::Compara::Graph::CGObject;
use Bio::EnsEMBL::Compara::Graph::Node;
use Bio::EnsEMBL::Compara::Graph::Link;
our @ISA = qw(Bio::EnsEMBL::Compara::Graph::CGObject);
# basic directed graphs stats routines
=head2 calc_link_sum
Arg [1] : $link
Arg [2] : $node
Example : $sum = Bio::EnsEMBL::Compara::Graph::Algorithms::calc_link_sum($link, $next_node);
Description: returns the sum of all the lengths of the links starting from node
Returntype : Bio::EnsEMBL::Compara::Graph::Link
Exceptions : none
sub calc_link_sum
my $link = shift;
my $to_node = shift;
throw("node not part of link") unless($link and $to_node and $link->get_neighbor($to_node));
return 0.0 if($to_node->is_leaf);
my $link_sum = $link->distance_between;
foreach my $next_link (@{$to_node->links}) {
throw("failure: node has an undefined link") unless(defined($next_link));
next if($link->equals($next_link));
my $next_node = $next_link->get_neighbor($to_node);
$link_sum += calc_link_sum($next_link, $next_node);
return $link_sum;
sub calc_node_count
my $link = shift;
my $to_node = shift;
throw("node not part of link") unless($link and $to_node and $link->get_neighbor($to_node));
return 1 if($to_node->is_leaf);
my $node_count = 1; # for mylink;
foreach my $next_link (@{$to_node->links}) {
throw("failure: node has an undefined link") unless(defined($next_link));
next if($link->equals($next_link));
my $next_node = $next_link->get_neighbor($to_node);
$node_count += calc_node_count($next_link, $next_node);
return $node_count;
sub calc_leaf_count
my $link = shift;
my $to_node = shift;
throw("node not part of link") unless($link and $to_node and $link->get_neighbor($to_node));
return 1 if($to_node->is_leaf);
my $node_count = 0;
foreach my $next_link (@{$to_node->links}) {
throw("failure: node has an undefined link") unless(defined($next_link));
next if($link->equals($next_link));
my $next_node = $next_link->get_neighbor($to_node);
$node_count += calc_leaf_count($next_link, $next_node);
return $node_count;
# tree balancing algorithm
# walks through graph starting at a link to find
# the link which bests balances the tree
# Balance is defined as the sum of the link lengths
# on each side of link
sub find_balanced_link
my $link = shift;
my $debug = shift;
my $stats = {};
my $visited_links = {};
my $starttime = time();
_internal_find_balanced_link($link, $visited_links, $stats, $debug);
if($debug) {
printf("%1.3f secs to run find_balanced_link\n", (time()-$starttime));
printf("best balanced (%f - %f = %f) : ",
$stats->{'weight1'}, $stats->{'weight2'}, $stats->{'best_balance'});
printf(" %d --- %d leaves\n", $stats->{'leaves1'}, $stats->{'leaves2'});
return $stats->{'best_link'};
sub _internal_find_balanced_link
my $link = shift;
my $visited_links = shift;
my $stats = shift;
my $debug = shift;
return if(defined($visited_links->{$link->obj_id}));
$visited_links->{$link->obj_id} = 1;
my ($node1, $node2) = $link->get_nodes;
my $weight1 = calc_link_sum($link, $node1);
my $weight2 = calc_link_sum($link, $node2);
my $balance = abs($weight1 - $weight2);
if($debug) {
printf("balance (%f - %f = %f) : ", $weight1, $weight2, $balance);
if(!defined($stats->{'best_balance'}) or ($balance < $stats->{'best_balance'})) {
$stats->{'best_balance'} = $balance;
$stats->{'weight1'} = $weight1;
$stats->{'weight2'} = $weight2;
$stats->{'leaves1'} = calc_leaf_count($link, $node1);
$stats->{'leaves2'} = calc_leaf_count($link, $node2);
$stats->{'best_link'} = $link;
my $heavier_node = $node1;
if($weight2 > $weight1) { $heavier_node = $node2;}
foreach my $next_link (@{$heavier_node->links}) {
throw("failure: node has an undefined link") unless(defined($next_link));
next if($link->equals($next_link));
_internal_find_balanced_link($next_link, $visited_links, $stats, $debug);
return undef;
# convert graph into rooted tree (NestedSet)
sub root_tree_on_link
my $link = shift;
my ($node1, $node2) = $link->get_nodes;
my $dist = $link->distance_between;
my $root = new Bio::EnsEMBL::Compara::NestedSet;
$root->add_child($node1, $dist / 2.0);
$root->add_child($node2, $dist / 2.0);
return $root;
sub parent_graph {
my $node = shift;
my $parent_link = shift;
return undef unless($node);
unless($node->isa('Bio::EnsEMBL::Compara::NestedSet')) {
bless $node, "Bio::EnsEMBL::Compara::NestedSet";
foreach my $next_link (@{$node->links}) {
throw("failure: node has an undefined link") unless(defined($next_link));
next if($parent_link and $parent_link->equals($next_link));
my $next_node = $next_link->get_neighbor($node);
parent_graph($next_node, $next_link);
# tree balancing algorithm
# find new root which minimizes least sum of squares
# distance to root
sub balance_tree
my $tree = shift;
my $starttime = time();
my $last_root = Bio::EnsEMBL::Compara::NestedSet->new;
my $best_root = $last_root;
my $best_weight = calc_tree_weight($last_root);
my @all_nodes = $last_root->get_all_subnodes;
foreach my $node (@all_nodes) {
$last_root = $node;
my $new_weight = calc_tree_weight($node);
if($new_weight < $best_weight) {
$best_weight = $new_weight;
$best_root = $node;
printf("%1.3f secs to run balance_tree\n", (time()-$starttime));
sub calc_tree_weight
my $tree = shift;
my $weight=0.0;
foreach my $node (@{$tree->get_all_leaves}) {
my $dist = $node->distance_to_root;
$weight += $dist * $dist;
return $weight;
# tree chopping
sub chop_tree
my $tree = shift;
my $all_links = get_all_links($tree);
printf("%d links in graph\n", scalar(@$all_links));
my @sortedlinks =
sort { $b->distance_between <=> $a->distance_between
} @{$all_links;};
my $count = 0;
foreach my $link (@sortedlinks) {
my ($node1, $node2) = $link->get_nodes;
my $weight1 = calc_link_sum($link, $node1);
my $weight2 = calc_link_sum($link, $node2);
my $leafcount1 = calc_leaf_count($link, $node1);
my $leafcount2 = calc_leaf_count($link, $node2);
printf(" link dist balance (%7.5f --- %7.5f)\n", $weight1, $weight2);
printf(" leaf counts (%8d --- %8d)\n", $leafcount1, $leafcount2);
if($leafcount1 >75 and $leafcount2>75) {
printf("%d link is ok to break\n", $count);
sub get_all_links
my $obj = shift;
my $starttime = time();
my $visited_links = {};
return undef unless($obj);
my $link=undef;
if($obj->isa("Bio::EnsEMBL::Compara::Graph::Link")) {
$link = $obj;
if($obj->isa("Bio::EnsEMBL::Compara::Graph::Node")) {
($link) = @{$obj->links};
return undef unless($link);
_internal_get_all_links($link, $visited_links);
printf("%1.3f secs to run get_all_links\n", (time()-$starttime));
my @links = values(%{$visited_links});
return \@links;
sub _internal_get_all_links
my $link = shift;
my $visited_links = shift;
return if(defined($visited_links->{$link->obj_id}));
$visited_links->{$link->obj_id} = $link;
my ($node1, $node2) = $link->get_nodes;
foreach my $next_link (@{$node1->links}) {
next if($next_link->equals($link));
_internal_get_all_links($next_link, $visited_links);
foreach my $next_link (@{$node2->links}) {
next if($next_link->equals($link));
_internal_get_all_links($next_link, $visited_links);
return undef;