Raw content of Bio::EnsEMBL::Compara::RunnableDB::ClustalW
# You may distribute this module under the same terms as perl itself
# POD documentation - main docs before the code
=head1 NAME
my $db = Bio::EnsEMBL::Compara::DBAdaptor->new($locator);
my $repmask = Bio::EnsEMBL::Compara::RunnableDB::ClustalW->new (
-db => $db,
-input_id => $input_id
-analysis => $analysis );
$repmask->fetch_input(); #reads from DB
$repmask->write_output(); #writes to DB
This Analysis/RunnableDB is designed to take a Family or ProteinTree as input
Run a CLUSTALW multiple alignment on it, and store the resulting alignment
back into the family_member table.
input_id/parameters format eg: "{'family_id'=>1234}"
family_id : use family_id to run multiple alignment on its members
protein_tree_id : use 'id' to fetch a cluster from the ProteinTree
=head1 CONTACT
Contact Jessica Severin on module implemetation/design detail: jessica@ebi.ac.uk
Contact Abel Ureta-Vidal on EnsEMBL/Compara: abel@ebi.ac.uk
Contact Ewan Birney on EnsEMBL in general: birney@sanger.ac.uk
The rest of the documentation details each of the object methods.
Internal methods are usually preceded with a _
package Bio::EnsEMBL::Compara::RunnableDB::ClustalW;
use strict;
use Getopt::Long;
use IO::File;
use File::Basename;
use Time::HiRes qw(time gettimeofday tv_interval);
use Bio::EnsEMBL::DBSQL::DBAdaptor;
use Bio::EnsEMBL::Compara::DBSQL::DBAdaptor;
use Bio::EnsEMBL::Compara::DBSQL::PeptideAlignFeatureAdaptor;
use Bio::EnsEMBL::Compara::Member;
use Bio::EnsEMBL::Compara::Graph::NewickParser;
use Bio::EnsEMBL::Hive;
our @ISA = qw(Bio::EnsEMBL::Hive::Process);
=head2 fetch_input
Title : fetch_input
Usage : $self->fetch_input
Function: Fetches input data for repeatmasker from the database
Returns : none
Args : none
sub fetch_input {
my( $self) = @_;
$self->{'calc_alignment'} = 1;
$self->{'calc_tree'} = 0;
$self->{'parse_output'} = 1;
$self->{'mpi'} = undef;
$self->throw("No input_id") unless defined($self->input_id);
#create a Compara::DBAdaptor which shares the same DBI handle
#with the pipeline DBAdaptor that is based into this runnable
$self->{'comparaDBA'} = Bio::EnsEMBL::Compara::DBSQL::DBAdaptor->new(-DBCONN=>$self->db->dbc);
$self->print_params if($self->debug);
if($self->{'mpi'}) {
$self->{'calc_alignment'} = 1;
$self->{'calc_tree'} = 0;
$self->{'parse_output'} = 0;
#load the family or protein_tree object from the database
if(defined($self->{'family_id'})) {
$self->{'family'} = $self->{'comparaDBA'}->get_FamilyAdaptor->fetch_by_dbID($self->{'family_id'});
if(defined($self->{'protein_tree_id'})) {
$self->{'protein_tree'} =
unless($self->{'family'} or $self->{'protein_tree'}) {
throw("no defined family to gene_tree to process");
#write out fasta or multiple alignment input files
if($self->{'calc_alignment'}) {
if($self->{'family'}) {
$self->{'input_fasta'} = $self->dumpFamilyPeptidesToWorkdir($self->{'family'});
} elsif($self->{'protein_tree'}) {
if($self->{'calc_tree'} and $self->{'protein_tree'}) {
return 1;
=head2 run
Title : run
Usage : $self->run
Function: runs ClustalW
Returns : none
Args : none
sub run
my $self = shift;
if($self->{'calc_tree'} or $self->{'calc_alignment'}) {
=head2 write_output
Title : write_output
Usage : $self->write_output
Function: parse clustalw output and update family and family_member tables
Returns : none
Args : none
sub write_output {
my $self = shift;
if($self->{'parse_output'}) {
if($self->{'family'}) { $self->parse_and_store_family; }
if($self->{'protein_tree'}) { $self->parse_and_store_proteintree; }
$self->{'protein_tree'}->release_tree if($self->{'protein_tree'});
# internal methods
sub get_params {
my $self = shift;
my $param_string = shift;
return unless($param_string);
print("parsing parameter string : ",$param_string,"\n") if($self->debug);
my $params = eval($param_string);
return unless($params);
if($self->debug) {
foreach my $key (keys %$params) {
print(" $key : ", $params->{$key}, "\n");
$self->{'family_id'} = $params->{'family_id'} if(defined($params->{'family_id'}));
$self->{'protein_tree_id'} = $params->{'protein_tree_id'} if(defined($params->{'protein_tree_id'}));
if(defined($params->{'outfile_prefix'})) {
$self->{'file_root'} = $params->{'outfile_prefix'};
$self->{'newick_file'} = $self->{'file_root'} . ".dnd";
$self->{'calc_alignment'} = $params->{'align'} if(defined($params->{'align'}));
$self->{'calc_tree'} = $params->{'tree'} if(defined($params->{'tree'}));
$self->{'mpi'} = $params->{'mpi'} if(defined($params->{'mpi'}));
$self->{'parse_output'} = $params->{'parse'} if(defined($params->{'parse'}));
sub print_params {
my $self = shift;
print(" params:\n");
print(" family_id : ", $self->{'family'}->dbID,"\n") if($self->{'family'});
sub run_clustalw
my $self = shift;
my $clustalw_executable = $self->analysis->program_file;
throw("can't find a clustalw executable to run\n")
unless($clustalw_executable and (-e $clustalw_executable));
my $clustalw_output = $self->{'file_root'} . ".aln";
my $clustalw_log = $self->{'file_root'} . ".log";
if($self->{'calc_alignment'}) {
if($self->{'mpi'} and not(-e $clustalw_output)) {
#create parsing job
my $outputHash = eval($self->input_id);
$outputHash->{'outfile_prefix'} = $self->{'file_root'};
my $output_id = $self->encode_hash($outputHash);
my ($job_url) = @{$self->dataflow_output_id($output_id, 1, 'BLOCKED')};
printf("created parse jobs: $job_url\n");
my $align_cmd = "bsub -o $clustalw_log -n32 -R\"type=LINUX86 span[ptile=2]\" -P ensembl-compara ";
$align_cmd .= $clustalw_executable . " " . $self->{'input_fasta'} . " ". $job_url;
print("$align_cmd\n") if($self->debug);
unless(system($align_cmd) == 0) {
throw("error running clustalw, $!\n");
} else {
my $align_cmd = $clustalw_executable;
$align_cmd .= " -align -infile=" . $self->{'input_fasta'} . " -outfile=" . $clustalw_output;
print("$align_cmd\n") if($self->debug);
$align_cmd .= " 2>&1 > /dev/null" unless($self->debug);
unless(system($align_cmd) == 0) {
throw("error running clustalw, $!\n");
if($self->{'calc_tree'}) {
my $tree_cmd = $clustalw_executable;
$tree_cmd .= " -tree -infile=" . $self->{'file_root'} . ".aln";
print("$tree_cmd\n") if($self->debug);
$tree_cmd .= " 2>&1 > /dev/null" unless($self->debug);
unless(system($tree_cmd) == 0) {
throw("error running clustalw, $!\n");
$self->{'newick_file'} = $self->{'file_root'} . ".ph";
# Family input/output section
sub dumpFamilyPeptidesToWorkdir
my $self = shift;
my $family = shift;
$self->{'file_root'} = $self->worker_temp_directory. "family_". $family->dbID;
$self->{'file_root'} =~ s/\/\//\//g; # converts any // in path to /
my $fastafile = $self->{'file_root'} . ".fasta";
return $fastafile if(-e $fastafile);
print("fastafile = '$fastafile'\n") if($self->debug);
# get only peptide members
my $seq_id_hash = {};
my @members_attributes;
push @members_attributes,@{$family->get_Member_Attribute_by_source('ENSEMBLPEP')};
push @members_attributes,@{$family->get_Member_Attribute_by_source('Uniprot/SWISSPROT')};
push @members_attributes,@{$family->get_Member_Attribute_by_source('Uniprot/SPTREMBL')};
if(scalar @members_attributes <= 1) {
return undef; #so clustalw isn't run
open(OUTSEQ, ">$fastafile")
or $self->throw("Error opening $fastafile for write");
foreach my $member_attribute (@members_attributes) {
my ($member,$attribute) = @{$member_attribute};
my $member_stable_id = $member->stable_id;
next if($seq_id_hash->{$member->sequence_id});
$seq_id_hash->{$member->sequence_id} = 1;
my $seq = $member->sequence;
$seq =~ s/(.{72})/$1\n/g;
chomp $seq;
print OUTSEQ ">$member_stable_id\n$seq\n";
close OUTSEQ;
return $fastafile;
sub update_single_peptide_family
my $self = shift;
my $family = shift;
my $familyMemberList = $family->get_all_Member_Attribute();
foreach my $familyMember (@{$familyMemberList}) {
my ($member,$attribute) = @{$familyMember};
next unless($member->sequence);
next if($member->source_name eq 'ENSEMBLGENE');
sub parse_and_store_family
my $self = shift;
my $clustalw_output = $self->{'file_root'} . ".aln";
my $family = $self->{'family'};
if($clustalw_output and -e $clustalw_output) {
my $familyDBA = $self->{'comparaDBA'}->get_FamilyAdaptor;
# post process and copy cigar_line between duplicate sequences
my $cigar_hash = {};
my $familyMemberList = $family->get_all_Member_Attribute();
#first build up a hash of cigar_lines that are defined
foreach my $familyMember (@{$familyMemberList}) {
my ($member,$attribute) = @{$familyMember};
next unless($member->sequence_id);
next unless(defined($attribute->cigar_line));
next if($attribute->cigar_line eq '');
next if($attribute->cigar_line eq 'NULL');
$cigar_hash->{$member->sequence_id} = $attribute->cigar_line;
#next loop again to copy (via sequence_id) into members
#missing cigar_lines and then store them
foreach my $familyMember (@{$familyMemberList}) {
my ($member,$attribute) = @{$familyMember};
next if($member->source_name eq 'ENSEMBLGENE');
next unless($member->sequence_id);
my $cigar_line = $cigar_hash->{$member->sequence_id};
next unless($cigar_line);
printf("update family_member %s : %s\n",$member->stable_id, $attribute->cigar_line) if($self->debug);
$familyDBA->update_relation([$member, $attribute]);
# ProteinTree input/output section
sub dumpTreePeptidesToWorkdir
my $self = shift;
my $tree = shift;
if($self->{'mpi'}) {
$self->{'file_root'} = $self->analysis->db_file;
$self->{'file_root'} .= "/job_" . $self->input_job->dbID . "_hive_" . $self->worker->hive_id . "/";
mkdir($self->{'file_root'}, 0777);
} else {
$self->{'file_root'} = $self->worker_temp_directory;
$self->{'file_root'} .= "proteintree_". $tree->node_id;
$self->{'file_root'} =~ s/\/\//\//g; # converts any // in path to /
my $fastafile = $self->{'file_root'} . ".fasta";
print("fastafile = '$fastafile'\n") if($self->debug);
$self->{'input_fasta'} = $fastafile;
return $fastafile if(-e $fastafile);
open(OUTSEQ, ">$fastafile")
or $self->throw("Error opening $fastafile for write");
my $seq_id_hash = {};
my $member_list = $tree->get_all_leaves;
foreach my $member (@{$member_list}) {
next unless($member->isa('Bio::EnsEMBL::Compara::AlignedMember'));
next if($seq_id_hash->{$member->sequence_id});
$seq_id_hash->{$member->sequence_id} = 1;
my $seq = $member->sequence;
$seq =~ s/(.{72})/$1\n/g;
chomp $seq;
print OUTSEQ ">". $member->sequence_id. "\n$seq\n";
close OUTSEQ;
return $fastafile;
sub dumpTreeMultipleAlignmentToWorkdir
my $self = shift;
my $tree = shift;
$self->{'file_root'} = $self->worker_temp_directory. "proteintree_". $tree->node_id;
$self->{'file_root'} =~ s/\/\//\//g; # converts any // in path to /
my $clw_file = $self->{'file_root'} . ".aln";
return $clw_file if(-e $clw_file);
print("clw_file = '$clw_file'\n") if($self->debug);
open(OUTSEQ, ">$clw_file")
or $self->throw("Error opening $clw_file for write");
my $seq_id_hash = {};
foreach my $member (@{$tree->get_all_leaves}) {
next unless($member->isa('Bio::EnsEMBL::Compara::AlignedMember'));
next if($seq_id_hash->{$member->sequence_id});
$seq_id_hash->{$member->sequence_id} = 1;
my $seq = $member->alignment_string;
next if(!$seq);
$seq =~ s/(.{72})/$1\n/g;
chomp $seq;
print OUTSEQ ">". $member->sequence_id. "\n$seq\n";
close OUTSEQ;
return $clw_file;
sub parse_and_store_proteintree
my $self = shift;
return unless($self->{'protein_tree'});
my $treeDBA = $self->{'comparaDBA'}->get_ProteinTreeAdaptor;
$self->{'protein_tree'}->print_tree if($self->debug and $self->{'calc_tree'});
sub parse_alignment_into_proteintree
my $self = shift;
my $clustalw_output = $self->{'file_root'} . ".aln";
my $tree = $self->{'protein_tree'};
print("parse_alignment_into_proteintree from $clustalw_output\n") if($self->debug);
unless($tree and defined($clustalw_output) and (-e $clustalw_output)) {
printf("Error! : file missing\n");
# parse alignment file into hash: combine alignment lines
my %align_hash;
my $FH = IO::File->new();
$FH->open($clustalw_output) || throw("Could not open alignment file [$clustalw_output]");
<$FH>; #skip header
while(<$FH>) {
next if($_ =~ /^\s+/); #skip lines that start with space
my ($id, $align) = split;
$align_hash{$id} ||= '';
$align_hash{$id} .= $align;
# convert clustalw alignment string into a cigar_line
foreach my $id (keys %align_hash) {
my $alignment_string = $align_hash{$id};
$alignment_string =~ s/\-([A-Z])/\- $1/g;
$alignment_string =~ s/([A-Z])\-/$1 \-/g;
my @cigar_segments = split " ",$alignment_string;
my $cigar_line = "";
foreach my $segment (@cigar_segments) {
my $seglength = length($segment);
$seglength = "" if ($seglength == 1);
if ($segment =~ /^\-+$/) {
$cigar_line .= $seglength . "D";
} else {
$cigar_line .= $seglength . "M";
$align_hash{$id} = $cigar_line;
# align cigar_line to member and store
foreach my $member (@{$tree->get_all_leaves}) {
next unless($member->isa('Bio::EnsEMBL::Compara::AlignedMember'));
sub parse_newick_into_proteintree
my $self = shift;
my $newick_file = $self->{'newick_file'};
my $tree = $self->{'protein_tree'};
print("parse tree from newick_file $newick_file\n") if($self->debug);
unless($tree and $newick_file and (-e $newick_file)) {
printf("Error! : file missing\n");
#cleanup old tree structure-
# flatten and reduce to only AlignedMember leaves
foreach my $node (@{$tree->get_all_leaves}) {
next if($node->isa('Bio::EnsEMBL::Compara::AlignedMember'));
#parse newick into a new tree object structure
my $newick = '';
open (FH, $newick_file) or throw("Could not open newick file [$newick_file]");
while() { $newick .= $_; }
my $newtree = Bio::EnsEMBL::Compara::Graph::NewickParser::parse_newick_into_tree($newick);
#leaves of newick tree are named with sequence_id of members from input tree
#move members (leaves) of input tree into newick tree to mirror the 'sequence_id' nodes
foreach my $member (@{$tree->get_all_leaves}) {
my $tmpnode = $newtree->find_node_by_name($member->sequence_id);
if($tmpnode) {
} else {
print("unable to find node in newick for member");
# merge the trees so that the children of the newick tree are now attached to the
# input tree's root node
#newick tree is now empty so release it
#go through merged tree and remove 'sequence_id' place-holder leaves
foreach my $node (@{$tree->get_all_leaves}) {
next if($node->isa('Bio::EnsEMBL::Compara::AlignedMember'));
$tree->print_tree if($self->debug);
#apply mimized least-square-distance-to-root tree balancing algorithm
#if($self->debug) {
# print("\nBALANCED TREE\n");
# $tree->print_tree;
# tree balancing algorithm
# find new root which minimizes least sum of squares
# distance to root
sub balance_tree
my $tree = shift;
my $starttime = time();
my $last_root = Bio::EnsEMBL::Compara::NestedSet->new;
my $best_root = $last_root;
my $best_weight = calc_tree_weight($last_root);
my @all_nodes = $last_root->get_all_subnodes;
foreach my $node (@all_nodes) {
$last_root = $node;
my $new_weight = calc_tree_weight($node);
if($new_weight < $best_weight) {
$best_weight = $new_weight;
$best_root = $node;
#printf("%1.3f secs to run balance_tree\n", (time()-$starttime));
sub calc_tree_weight
my $tree = shift;
my $weight=0.0;
foreach my $node (@{$tree->get_all_leaves}) {
my $dist = $node->distance_to_root;
$weight += $dist * $dist;
return $weight;