Bio::EnsEMBL::Compara::RunnableDB MCoffee
SummaryIncluded librariesPackage variablesSynopsisDescriptionGeneral documentationMethods
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Package variables
No package variables defined.
Included modules
Time::HiRes qw ( time gettimeofday tv_interval )
my $db = Bio::EnsEMBL::Compara::DBAdaptor->new($locator);
my $mcoffee = Bio::EnsEMBL::Compara::RunnableDB::Mcoffee->new (
-db => $db,
-input_id => $input_id,
-analysis => $analysis );
$mcoffee->fetch_input(); #reads from DB
$mcoffee->write_output(); #writes to DB
This Analysis/RunnableDB is designed to take a protein_tree cluster as input
Run an MCOFFEE multiple alignment on it, and store the resulting alignment
back into the protein_tree_member and protein_tree_member_score table.
input_id/parameters format eg: "{'protein_tree_id'=>726093, 'clusterset_id'=>1}"
protein_tree_id : use family_id to run multiple alignment on its members
options : commandline options to pass to the 'mcoffee' program
No description
No description
No description
No description
No description
No description
No description
No description
No description
Methods description
fetch_inputcode    nextTop
    Title   :   fetch_input
Usage : $self->fetch_input
Function: Fetches input data for mcoffee from the database
Returns : none
Args : none
    Title   :   run
Usage : $self->run
Function: runs MCOFFEE
Returns : none
Args : none
    Title   :   write_output
Usage : $self->write_output
Function: parse mcoffee output and update protein_tree_member tables
Returns : none
Args : none
Methods code
    my $self = shift;

    if($self->{'protein_tree'}) {
	$self->{'protein_tree'} = undef;

    # Cleanup temp files and stuff.
unlink ($self->{'input_params'}) if($self->{'input_params'}); unlink ($self->{'input_fasta'}) if($self->{'input_fasta'}); if($self->{'mcoffee_output'}) { unlink ($self->{'mcoffee_output'}); unlink ($self->{'mcoffee_output'} . ".log"); } $self->SUPER::DESTROY if $self->can("SUPER::DESTROY"); } ##########################################
# internal methods
sub _get_alternate_alignment_tree {
    my $self = shift;
    my $pta = shift;
    my $node_id = shift;
    my $table = shift;

    my $tree = $pta->fetch_node_by_node_id($node_id);

    foreach my $leaf (@{$tree->get_all_leaves}) {
        # "Release" the stored / cached values for the alignment strings.
undef $leaf->{'cdna_alignment_string'}; undef $leaf->{'alignment_string'}; # Grab the correct cigar line for each leaf node.
my $id = $leaf->member_id; my $cmd = "SELECT cigar_line FROM $table where member_id=$id;"; my $sth = $pta->prepare($cmd); $sth->execute(); my $data = $sth->fetchrow_hashref(); $sth->finish(); my $cigar = $data->{'cigar_line'}; die "No cigar line for member $id!\n" unless ($cigar); $leaf->cigar_line($cigar); } return $tree; } 1;
sub _store_aln_tags {
    my $self = shift;
    my $tree = shift || $self->{'protein_tree'};
    my $output_table = $self->{'output_table'};
    my $pta = $self->{'comparaDBA'}->get_ProteinTreeAdaptor;

    print "Storing Alignment tags...\n";

# Retrieve a tree with the "correct" cigar lines.
if ($output_table ne "protein_tree_member") { $tree = $self->_get_alternate_alignment_tree($pta,$tree->node_id,$output_table); } my $sa = $tree->get_SimpleAlign; # Alignment percent identity.
my $aln_pi = $sa->average_percentage_identity; $tree->store_tag("aln_percent_identity",$aln_pi); # Alignment length.
my $aln_length = $sa->length; $tree->store_tag("aln_length",$aln_length); # Alignment runtime.
my $aln_runtime = int(time()*1000-$self->{'mcoffee_starttime'}); $tree->store_tag("aln_runtime",$aln_runtime); # Alignment method.
my $aln_method = $self->{'method'}; $tree->store_tag("aln_method",$aln_method); # Alignment residue count.
my $aln_num_residues = $sa->no_residues; $tree->store_tag("aln_num_residues",$aln_num_residues); # Alignment redo mapping.
my ($from_clusterset_id, $to_clusterset_id) = split(":",$self->{'redo'}); my $redo_tag = "MCoffee_redo_".$from_clusterset_id."_".$to_clusterset_id; $tree->store_tag("$redo_tag",$self->{'protein_tree_id'}) if ($self->{'redo'});
sub _to_cigar_line {
    my $self = shift;
    my $alignment_string = shift;

    $alignment_string =~ s/\-([A-Z])/\- $1/g;
    $alignment_string =~ s/([A-Z])\-/$1 \-/g;
    my @cigar_segments = split " ",$alignment_string;
    my $cigar_line = "";
    foreach my $segment (@cigar_segments) {
      my $seglength = length($segment);
      $seglength = "" if ($seglength == 1);
      if ($segment =~ /^\-+$/) {
        $cigar_line .= $seglength . "D";
      } else {
        $cigar_line .= $seglength . "M";
    return $cigar_line;
sub dumpProteinTreeToWorkdir {
  my $self = shift;
  my $tree = shift;
  my $use_exon_boundaries = shift;
  my $fastafile;
  if ($use_exon_boundaries) {
      $fastafile = $self->worker_temp_directory. "proteintree_exon_". $tree->node_id. ".fasta";
  } else {
    my $node_id = $tree->node_id;
    $fastafile = $self->worker_temp_directory. "proteintree_". $node_id. ".fasta";

  $fastafile =~ s/\/\//\//g;  # converts any // in path to /
return $fastafile if(-e $fastafile); print("fastafile = '$fastafile'\n") if ($self->debug); open(OUTSEQ, ">$fastafile") or $self->throw("Error opening $fastafile for write!"); my $seq_id_hash = {}; my $residues = 0; my $member_list = $tree->get_all_leaves; $DB::single=1;1; $self->{'tag_gene_count'} = scalar(@{$member_list}); foreach my $member (@{$member_list}) { # Double-check we are only using longest
my $longest_member = $member->gene_member->get_longest_peptide_Member; unless ($longest_member->member_id eq $member->member_id) { $member->disavow_parent; $self->{treeDBA}->delete_flattened_leaf($member); my $updated_gene_count = $tree->get_tagvalue('gene_count'); $updated_gene_count--; $tree->adaptor->delete_tag($tree->node_id,'gene_count'); $tree->store_tag('gene_count', $updated_gene_count); next; } ####
return undef unless ($member->isa("Bio::EnsEMBL::Compara::AlignedMember")); next if($seq_id_hash->{$member->sequence_id}); $seq_id_hash->{$member->sequence_id} = 1; my $seq = ''; if ($use_exon_boundaries) { $seq = $member->get_exon_bounded_sequence; } else { $seq = $member->sequence; } $residues += $member->seq_length; $seq =~ s/(.{72})/$1\n/g; chomp $seq; print OUTSEQ ">". $member->sequence_id. "\n$seq\n"; } close OUTSEQ; if(scalar keys (%{$seq_id_hash}) <= 1) { $self->update_single_peptide_tree($tree); } $self->{'tag_residue_count'} = $residues; return $fastafile;
sub fetch_input {
  my( $self) = @_;

  $self->{'comparaDBA'} = Bio::EnsEMBL::Compara::DBSQL::DBAdaptor->new(-DBCONN=>$self->db->dbc);

my $p = ''; $p = 'use_exon_boundaries'; $self->{$p} = 0; $p = 'method'; $self->{$p} = 'fmcoffee'; $p = 'output_table'; $self->{$p} = 'protein_tree_member'; $p = 'max_gene_count'; $self->{$p} = 1500; $p = 'options'; $self->{$p} = ''; #########################
# Fetch parameters from the two possible locations. Input_id takes precedence!
$self->get_params($self->parameters); $self->get_params($self->input_id); $self->check_if_exit_cleanly; $self->{treeDBA} = $self->{'comparaDBA'}->get_ProteinTreeAdaptor; #
# A little logic, depending on the input params.
# Protein Tree input.
if (defined $self->{'protein_tree_id'}) { my $id = $self->{'protein_tree_id'}; $self->{'protein_tree'} = $self->{'comparaDBA'}->get_ProteinTreeAdaptor->fetch_node_by_node_id($id); $self->{'protein_tree'}->flatten_tree; # This makes retries safer
$self->{'input_fasta'} = $self->dumpProteinTreeToWorkdir($self->{'protein_tree'}); if ($self->{'use_exon_boundaries'}) { $self->{'input_fasta_exons'} = $self->dumpProteinTreeToWorkDir($self->{'protein_tree'},1); # The extra "1" at the end adds the exon markers.
} } if (defined($self->{'redo'}) && $self->{'method'} eq 'unalign') { # Redo - take previously existing alignment - post-process it
$self->{redo_sa} = $self->{'protein_tree'}->get_SimpleAlign(-id_type => 'MEMBER'); $self->{redo_sa}->set_displayname_flat(1); $self->{redo_alnname} = $self->worker_temp_directory . $self->{protein_tree}->node_id . ".fasta"; my $alignout = Bio::AlignIO->new(-file => ">".$self->{redo_alnname}, -format => "fasta"); $alignout->write_aln($self->{redo_sa}); } # Auto-switch to fmcoffee if gene count is too big.
if ($self->{'method'} eq 'cmcoffee') { if ($self->{'protein_tree'}->get_tagvalue('gene_count') > 100) { $self->{'method'} = 'mafft'; # $self->{'method'} = 'fmcoffee';
print "MCoffee, auto-switch method to mafft because gene count > 100\n "; } } print "RETRY COUNT:".$self->input_job->retry_count()."\n"; # if ($self->input_job->retry_count >= 1) {
# if ($self->{'protein_tree'}->get_tagvalue('gene_count') > 200) {
# $self->{'method'} = 'mafft';
# # # HIGHMEM ensembl-hive code still experimental
# # unless (defined($self->worker->{HIGHMEM})) {
# # $self->input_job->update_status('HIGHMEM');
# # $self->DESTROY;
# # throw("Mcoffee job too big: try something else and FAIL it");
# # }
# }
# }
# Auto-switch to fmcoffee on two failures.
if ($self->input_job->retry_count >= 2) { $self->{'method'} = 'fmcoffee'; } # Auto-switch to muscle on a third failure.
if ($self->input_job->retry_count >= 3) { $self->{'method'} = 'mafft'; # actually, we are going to run mafft directly here, not through mcoffee
# maybe in the future we want to use this option in tcoffee:
# t_coffee ..... -dp_mode myers_miller_pair_wise
} print "MCoffee alignment method: ".$self->{'method'}."\n"; #
# Ways to fail the job before running.
# No input specified.
if (!defined($self->{'protein_tree'})) { $self->DESTROY; throw("MCoffee job no input protein_tree"); } # Error writing input Fasta file.
if (!$self->{'input_fasta'}) { $self->DESTROY; throw("MCoffee job, error writing input Fasta"); } # Gene count too big.
if ($self->{'protein_tree'}->get_tagvalue('gene_count') > $self->{'max_gene_count'}) { $self->dataflow_output_id($self->input_id, 2); $self->input_job->update_status('FAILED'); $self->DESTROY; throw("Mcoffee job too big: try something else and FAIL it"); } # Retry count >= 3.
if ($self->input_job->retry_count >= 5) { $self->dataflow_output_id($self->input_id, 2); $self->input_job->update_status('FAILED'); $self->DESTROY; throw("Mcoffee job failed >=3 times: try something else and FAIL it"); } return 1;
sub get_params {
  my $self         = shift;
  my $param_string = shift;

  return unless($param_string);
  print("parsing parameter string : ",$param_string,"\n") if($self->debug);

  my $params = eval($param_string);
  return unless($params);

  if($self->debug) {
    foreach my $key (keys %$params) {
      print("  $key\t=>\t", $params->{$key}, "\n");

  my $p;

  # METHOD: The style of MCoffee to be run for this alignment.
# Could be: fmcoffee or cmcoffee
$p = 'method'; $self->{$p} = $params->{$p} if (defined($params->{$p})); # cutoff: for filtering
$p = 'cutoff'; $self->{$p} = $params->{$p} if (defined($params->{$p})); # OUTPUT_TABLE: self-explanatory.
$p = 'output_table'; $self->{$p} = $params->{$p} if (defined($params->{$p})); # Loads the protein tree if we have a protein_tree_id
$p = 'protein_tree_id'; $self->{$p} = $params->{$p} if (defined($params->{$p})); # clusterset_id
$p = 'clusterset_id'; $self->{$p} = $params->{$p} if (defined($params->{$p})); # Extra command-line options.
$p = 'options'; $self->{$p} = $params->{$p} if (defined($params->{$p})); # Set a limit on the number of members to align.
$p = 'max_gene_count'; $self->{$p} = $params->{$p} if (defined($params->{$p})); $p = 'use_exon_boundaries'; $self->{$p} = $params->{$p} if (defined($params->{$p})); # This is analysis, not production: 'redo' e.g. '1:1000000' from clusterset_id 1 to a different clusterset_id 10000000
$p = 'redo'; $self->{$p} = $params->{$p} if (defined($params->{$p})); return;
sub parse_and_store_alignment_into_proteintree {
  my $self = shift;
  my $mcoffee_output =  $self->{'mcoffee_output'};
  my $mcoffee_scores = $self->{'mcoffee_scores'};
  my $tree = $self->{'protein_tree'};

  return unless($mcoffee_output and -e $mcoffee_output);

# Read in the alignment using Bioperl.
use Bio::AlignIO; my $alignio = Bio::AlignIO->new(-file => "$mcoffee_output", -format => "fasta"); my $aln = $alignio->next_aln(); my %align_hash; foreach my $seq ($aln->each_seq) { my $id = $seq->display_id; $align_hash{$id} = $seq->seq; } #
# Read in the scores file manually.
my %score_hash; if (defined $mcoffee_scores) { my $FH = IO::File->new(); $FH->open($mcoffee_scores) || throw("Could not open alignment scores file [$mcoffee_scores]"); <$FH>; #skip header
my $i=0; while(<$FH>) { $i++; next if ($i < 7); # skip first 7 lines.
next if($_ =~ /^\s+/); #skip lines that start with space
if ($_ =~ /:/) { my ($id,$overall_score) = split(/:/,$_); $id =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g; $overall_score =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g; print "___".$id."___".$overall_score."___\n"; next; } chomp; my ($id, $align) = split; $score_hash{$id} ||= ''; $score_hash{$id} .= $align; } $FH->close; } #
# Convert alignment strings into cigar_lines
my $alignment_length; foreach my $id (keys %align_hash) { next if ($id eq 'cons'); my $alignment_string = $align_hash{$id}; unless (defined $alignment_length) { $alignment_length = length($alignment_string); } else { if ($alignment_length != length($alignment_string)) { throw("While parsing the alignment, some id did not return the expected alignment length\n"); } } # Call the method to do the actual conversion
$align_hash{$id} = $self->_to_cigar_line(uc($alignment_string)); } if (defined($self->{redo}) && $self->{'output_table'} eq 'protein_tree_member') { # We clone the tree, attach it to the new clusterset_id, then store it.
# protein_tree_member is now linked to the new one
my ($from_clusterset_id, $to_clusterset_id) = split(":",$self->{'redo'}); throw("malformed redo option: ". $self->{'redo'}." should be like 1:1000000") unless (defined($from_clusterset_id) && defined($to_clusterset_id)); my $clone_tree = $self->{protein_tree}->copy; my $clusterset = $self->{treeDBA}->fetch_node_by_node_id($to_clusterset_id); $clusterset->add_child($clone_tree); $self->{treeDBA}->store($clone_tree); # Maybe rerun indexes - restore
# $self->{treeDBA}->sync_tree_leftright_index($clone_tree);
$self->_store_aln_tags($clone_tree); # Point $tree object to the new tree from now on
$tree->release_tree; $tree = $clone_tree; } #
# Align cigar_lines to members and store
foreach my $member (@{$tree->get_all_leaves}) { # Redo alignment is member_id based, new alignment is sequence_id based
if ($align_hash{$member->sequence_id} eq "" && $align_hash{$member->member_id} eq "") { throw("mcoffee produced an empty cigar_line for ".$member->stable_id."\n"); } # Redo alignment is member_id based, new alignment is sequence_id based
$member->cigar_line($align_hash{$member->sequence_id} || $align_hash{$member->member_id}); ## Check that the cigar length (Ms) matches the sequence length
# Take the M lengths into an array
my @cigar_match_lengths = map { if ($_ eq '') {$_ = 1} else {$_ = $_;} } map { $_ =~ /^(\d*)/ } ( $member->cigar_line =~ /(\d*[M])/g ); # Sum up the M lengths
my $seq_cigar_length; map { $seq_cigar_length += $_ } @cigar_match_lengths; my $member_sequence = $member->sequence; $member_sequence =~ s/\*//g; if ($seq_cigar_length != length($member_sequence)) { print $member_sequence."\n".$member->cigar_line."\n" if ($self->debug); throw("While storing the cigar line, the returned cigar length did not match the sequence length\n"); } if ($self->{'output_table'} eq 'protein_tree_member') { #
# We can use the default store method for the $member.
$self->{'comparaDBA'}->get_ProteinTreeAdaptor->store($member); } else { #
# Do a manual insert into the correct output table.
my $table_name = $self->{'output_table'}; printf("Updating $table_name %s : %s\n",$member->stable_id,$member->cigar_line) if ($self->debug); my $sth = $self->{treeDBA}->prepare("INSERT ignore INTO $table_name (node_id,member_id,method_link_species_set_id,cigar_line) VALUES (?,?,?,?)"); $sth->execute($member->node_id,$member->member_id,$member->method_link_species_set_id,$member->cigar_line); $sth->finish; } if (defined $self->{'mcoffee_scores'}) { #
# Do a manual insert of the *scores* into the correct score output table.
my $table_name = $self->{'output_table'} . "_score"; my $sth = $self->{treeDBA}->prepare("INSERT ignore INTO $table_name (node_id,member_id,method_link_species_set_id,cigar_line) VALUES (?,?,?,?)"); my $score_string = $score_hash{$member->sequence_id} || ''; $score_string =~ s/[^\d-]/9/g; # Convert non-digits and non-dashes into 9s. This is necessary because t_coffee leaves some leftover letters.
printf("Updating $table_name %s : %s\n",$member->stable_id,$score_string) if ($self->debug); $sth->execute($member->node_id,$member->member_id,$member->method_link_species_set_id,$score_string); $sth->finish; } } } # Converts the given alignment string to a cigar_line format.
sub run {
  my $self = shift;

  $self->{'mcoffee_starttime'} = time()*1000;
sub run_mcoffee {
  my $self = shift;
  my $input_fasta = $self->{'input_fasta'};

  my $mcoffee_output = $self->worker_temp_directory . "output.mfa";
  $mcoffee_output =~ s/\/\//\//g; $self->{'mcoffee_output'} = $mcoffee_output;

  # (Note: t_coffee automatically uses the .mfa output as the basename for the score output)
my $mcoffee_scores = $mcoffee_output . ".score_ascii"; $mcoffee_scores =~ s/\/\//\//g; $self->{'mcoffee_scores'} = $mcoffee_scores; my $tree_temp = $self->worker_temp_directory . "tree_temp.dnd"; $tree_temp =~ s/\/\//\//g; $self->{'mcoffee_tree'} = $tree_temp; my $mcoffee_executable = $self->analysis->program_file; unless (-e $mcoffee_executable) { print "Using default T-Coffee executable!\n"; $mcoffee_executable = "/nfs/acari/avilella/src/tcoffee/compara/t_coffee"; } throw("can't find a M-Coffee executable to run\n") unless(-e $mcoffee_executable); #
# Make the t_coffee temp dir.
my $tempdir = $self->worker_temp_directory; print "TEMP DIR: $tempdir\n" if ($self->debug); #
# Output the params file.
$self->{'input_params'} = $self->worker_temp_directory. "temp.params"; my $paramsfile = $self->{'input_params'}; $paramsfile =~ s/\/\//\//g; # converts any // in path to /
open(OUTPARAMS, ">$paramsfile") or throw("Error opening $paramsfile for write"); my $method_string = '-method='; if ($self->{'method'} && $self->{'method'} eq 'cmcoffee') { # CMCoffee, slow, comprehensive multiple alignments.
$method_string .= "mafftgins_msa, muscle_msa, kalign_msa, probcons_msa"; #, t_coffee_msa";
} elsif ($self->{'method'} eq 'fmcoffee') { # FMCoffee, fast but accurate alignments.
$method_string .= "mafft_msa, muscle_msa, clustalw_msa, kalign_msa"; } elsif ($self->{'method'} eq 'muscle') { # MUSCLE: quick, kind of crappy alignments.
$method_string .= "muscle_msa"; } elsif ($self->{'method'} eq 'mafft') { # MAFFT FAST: very quick alignments.
$method_string .= "mafft_msa"; } elsif ($self->{'method'} eq 'prank') { # PRANK: phylogeny-aware alignment.
$method_string .= "prank_msa"; } elsif (defined($self->{'redo'}) && $self->{'method'} eq 'unalign') { my $cutoff = $self->{'cutoff'} || 2; # Unalign module
$method_string = " -other_pg seq_reformat -in " . $self->{redo_alnname} ." -action +aln2overaln lower $cutoff 1>$mcoffee_output"; } else { throw ("Improper method parameter: ".$self->{'method'}); } if ($self->{'use_exon_boundaries'}) { $method_string .= ", exon_pair"; my $exon_file = $self->{'input_fasta_exons'}; print OUTPARAMS "-template_file=$exon_file\n"; } $method_string .= "\n"; print OUTPARAMS $method_string; print OUTPARAMS "-mode=mcoffee\n"; print OUTPARAMS "-output=fasta_aln,score_ascii\n"; print OUTPARAMS "-outfile=$mcoffee_output\n"; print OUTPARAMS "-newtree=$tree_temp\n"; close(OUTPARAMS); my $t_env_filename = $tempdir . "t_coffee_env"; open(TCOFFEE_ENV, ">$t_env_filename") or throw("Error opening $t_env_filename for write"); print TCOFFEE_ENV "http_proxy_4_TCOFFEE=\n"; print TCOFFEE_ENV "EMAIL_4_TCOFFEE=cedric.notredame\\n"; close TCOFFEE_ENV; # Commandline
my $cmd = $mcoffee_executable; $cmd .= " ".$input_fasta unless ($self->{redo}); $cmd .= " ". $self->{'options'}; if (defined($self->{'redo'}) && $self->{'method'} eq 'unalign') { $self->{'mcoffee_scores'} = undef; #these wont have scores
$cmd .= " ". $method_string; } else { $cmd .= " -parameters=$paramsfile"; } print("$cmd\n") if($self->debug); #
# Output some environment variables for tcoffee
my $prefix = "export HOME_4_TCOFFEE=\"$tempdir\";"; $prefix .= "export DIR_4_TCOFFEE=\"$tempdir\";"; $prefix .= "export TMP_4_TCOFFEE=\"$tempdir\";"; $prefix .= "export CACHE_4_TCOFFEE=\"$tempdir\";"; $prefix .= "export NO_ERROR_REPORT_4_TCOFFEE=1;"; $prefix .= "export MAFFT_BINARIES=/nfs/acari/gj1/bin/mafft-bins/binaries;"; print $prefix.$cmd."\n" if ($self->debug); #
# Run the command.
$self->{'comparaDBA'}->dbc->disconnect_when_inactive(1); my $rc; if ($self->{'method'} eq 'mafft') { my $mafft_executable = "/nfs/acari/avilella/src/mafft/mafft-6.522/scripts/mafft"; BEGIN {$ENV{MAFFT_BINARIES} = '/nfs/acari/avilella/src/mafft/mafft-6.522/binaries'; } print STDERR "### $mafft_executable --auto $input_fasta > $mcoffee_output\n"; $rc = system("$mafft_executable --auto $input_fasta > $mcoffee_output"); $self->{'mcoffee_scores'} = undef; #these wont have scores
} else { $DB::single=1;1; $rc = system($prefix.$cmd); } $self->{'comparaDBA'}->dbc->disconnect_when_inactive(0); unless($rc == 0) { $self->DESTROY; throw("MCoffee job, error running executable: $\n"); } } ########################################################
# ProteinTree input/output section
sub update_single_peptide_tree {
  my $self   = shift;
  my $tree   = shift;

  foreach my $member (@{$tree->get_all_leaves}) {
    next unless($member->isa('Bio::EnsEMBL::Compara::AlignedMember'));
    next unless($member->sequence);
    printf("single_pepide_tree %s : %s\n", $member->stable_id, $member->cigar_line) if($self->debug);
sub write_output {
  my $self = shift;


# Store various alignment tags.
$self->_store_aln_tags unless ($self->{redo});
General documentation
  Contact Albert Vilella on module implemetation/design detail:
Contact Javier Herrero on EnsEMBL/Compara:
Contact Ewan Birney on EnsEMBL in general:
The rest of the documentation details each of the object methods.
Internal methods are usually preceded with a _