Bio::EnsEMBL::Compara::RunnableDB OrthoTree
SummaryIncluded librariesPackage variablesSynopsisDescriptionGeneral documentationMethods
WebCvsRaw content
Package variables
No package variables defined.
Included modules
Scalar::Util qw ( looks_like_number )
Time::HiRes qw ( time gettimeofday tv_interval )
my $db = Bio::EnsEMBL::Compara::DBAdaptor->new($locator);
my $otree = Bio::EnsEMBL::Compara::RunnableDB::OrthoTree->new (
-db => $db,
-input_id => $input_id,
-analysis => $analysis );
$otree->fetch_input(); #reads from DB
$otree->write_output(); #writes to DB
This Analysis/RunnableDB is designed to take ProteinTree as input
This must already have a rooted tree with duplication/sepeciation tags
on the nodes.
It analyzes that tree structure to pick Orthologues and Paralogs for
each genepair.
input_id/parameters format eg: "{'protein_tree_id'=>1234}"
protein_tree_id : use 'id' to fetch a cluster from the ProteinTree
No description
No description
No description
No description
No description
No description
No description
No description
No description
No description
No description
No description
No description
No description
No description
No description
No description
No description
No description
No description
No description
No description
No description
No description
No description
No description
No description
No description
No description
No description
Methods description
fetch_inputcode    nextTop
    Title   :   fetch_input
Usage : $self->fetch_input
Function: Fetches input data for repeatmasker from the database
Returns : none
Args : none
    Title   :   run
Usage : $self->run
Function: runs OrthoTree
Returns : none
Args : none
    Title   :   write_output
Usage : $self->write_output
Function: parse clustalw output and update homology and homology_member tables Returns : none Args : none
Methods code
  my $self = shift;

  if($self->{'protein_tree'}) {
    printf("OrthoTree::DESTROY  releasing protein_tree\n") if($self->debug);
    $self->{'protein_tree'} = undef;
  if($self->{'taxon_tree'}) {
    printf("OrthoTree::DESTROY  releasing taxon_tree\n") if($self->debug);
    $self->{'taxon_tree'} = undef;

  $self->SUPER::DESTROY if $self->can("SUPER::DESTROY");

# internal methods
sub _slurp {
  my ($self, $file_name) = @_;
  my $slurped;
    local $/ = undef;
    open(my $fh, '<', $file_name);
    $slurped = <$fh>;
  return $slurped;
sub _treefam_genepairlink_stats {
  # This method is only useful to compare treefam v genetree
my $self = shift; my $starttime = time()*1000; my $tmp_time = time(); my $tree = $self->{'protein_tree'}; my @all_protein_leaves = @{$tree->get_all_leaves}; #precalculate the ancestor species_hash (caches into the metadata of nodes)
#also augments the Duplication tagging
$self->get_ancestor_species_hash($tree); #compare every gene in the tree with every other
#each gene/gene pairing is a potential ortholog/paralog
#and thus we need to analyze every possibility
#Accomplish by creating a fully connected graph between all the
#genes under the tree (hybrid graph structure) and then analyze each
#gene/gene link
$tmp_time = time(); printf("build fully linked graph\n") if($self->debug); my @genepairlinks; while (my $protein1 = shift @all_protein_leaves) { foreach my $protein2 (@all_protein_leaves) { my $ancestor = $protein1->find_first_shared_ancestor($protein2); my $taxon_level = $self->get_ancestor_taxon_level($ancestor); my $distance = $protein1->distance_to_ancestor($ancestor) + $protein2->distance_to_ancestor($ancestor); my $genepairlink = new Bio::EnsEMBL::Compara::Graph::Link ($protein1, $protein2, $distance); $genepairlink->add_tag("hops", 0); $genepairlink->add_tag("ancestor", $ancestor); $genepairlink->add_tag("taxon_name", $taxon_level->name); push @genepairlinks, $genepairlink; } } printf("%1.3f secs build links and features\n", time()-$tmp_time) if($self->debug>1); $self->{'protein_tree'}->print_tree($self->{'tree_scale'}) if($self->debug); #sort the gene/gene links by distance
# makes debug display easier to read, not required by algorithm
$tmp_time = time(); printf("sort links\n") if($self->debug); my @sorted_genepairlinks = sort {$a->distance_between <=> $b->distance_between} @genepairlinks; printf("%1.3f secs to sort links\n", time()-$tmp_time) if($self->debug > 1); #analyze every gene pair (genepairlink) to get its classification
printf("analyze links\n") if($self->debug); $tmp_time = time(); my $count = 0; foreach my $genepairlink (@sorted_genepairlinks) { my ($protein1, $protein2) = $genepairlink->get_nodes; #run feature detectors: precalcs and caches into metadata
$self->genepairlink_check_dups($genepairlink); $self->genepairlink_fetch_homology($genepairlink) if($self->debug); #do classification analysis : as filter stack
if($self->inspecies_paralog_test($genepairlink)) { } elsif($self->direct_ortholog_test($genepairlink)) { } elsif($self->ancient_residual_test($genepairlink)) { } elsif($self->one2many_ortholog_test($genepairlink)) { } elsif($self->outspecies_test($genepairlink)) { } else { printf ("OOPS!!!! %s - %s\n", $protein1->gene_member->stable_id, $protein2->gene_member->stable_id ); } my $stid1; if (defined($protein1->gene_member)) { $stid1 = $protein1->gene_member->stable_id; } elsif (defined($protein1->get_tagvalue("G"))) { $stid1 = $protein1->get_tagvalue("G"); } else { $stid1 = "unknown"; } my $stid2; if (defined($protein2->gene_member)) { $stid2 = $protein2->gene_member->stable_id; } elsif (defined($protein2->get_tagvalue("G"))) { $stid2 = $protein2->get_tagvalue("G"); } else { $stid2 = "unknown"; } my @stids = sort ($stid1,$stid2); my $type = $genepairlink->get_tagvalue('orthotree_type'); my $subtype = $genepairlink->get_tagvalue('orthotree_subtype') || 'NA'; my $tree_type = "GT"; $tree_type = "TF" if $self->{'_treefam'}; my $tree_id = $self->{'protein_tree'}->node_id unless $self->{'_treefam'}; $tree_id = $self->{'_treefam'} if $self->{'_treefam'}; my $dup = $genepairlink->get_tagvalue('ancestor')->get_tagvalue('Duplication'); my $dup_alg = $genepairlink->get_tagvalue('ancestor')->get_tagvalue('Duplication_alg') || 0; $self->{_gpresults} .= "$tree_type,$tree_id,$stids[0]"."_"."$stids[1]".","."$type,$subtype,$dup,$dup_alg\n"; $self->{_homologytable} .= "$stids[0]".","."$stids[1]".","."$type,$subtype\n"; print STDERR "analyze links $count\n" if ($count % 500 == 0); } printf("%1.3f secs to analyze genepair links\n", time()-$tmp_time) if($self->debug > 1); $self->store_homologies if ($self->{debug});
sub analyze_genepairlink {
  my $self = shift;
  my $genepairlink = shift;

  my ($protein1, $protein2) = $genepairlink->get_nodes;

  #run feature detectors: precalcs and caches into metadata
$self->genepairlink_check_dups($genepairlink); $self->genepairlink_fetch_homology($genepairlink) if($self->debug); #do classification analysis : as filter stack
if($self->inspecies_paralog_test($genepairlink)) { } elsif($self->direct_ortholog_test($genepairlink)) { } elsif($self->ancient_residual_test($genepairlink)) { } elsif($self->one2many_ortholog_test($genepairlink)) { } elsif($self->outspecies_test($genepairlink)) { } else { printf ( "OOPS!!!! %s - %s\n", $protein1->gene_member->stable_id, $protein2->gene_member->stable_id ); } $self->{'old_homology_count'}++ if($genepairlink->get_tagvalue('old_homology')); my $type = $genepairlink->get_tagvalue('orthotree_type'); if($type) { if(!defined($self->{'orthotree_homology_counts'}->{$type})) { $self->{'orthotree_homology_counts'}->{$type} = 1; } else { $self->{'orthotree_homology_counts'}->{$type}++; } } #display results
$self->display_link_analysis($genepairlink) if($self->debug >1); return undef;
sub ancient_residual_test {
  my $self = shift;
  my $genepairlink = shift;

  #test 3: getting a bit more complex:
# - genes are from different species
# - there is evidence for duplication events elsewhere in the history
# - but these two genes are the only remaining representative of
# the ancestor
my ($pep1, $pep2) = $genepairlink->get_nodes; return undef if($pep1->genome_db_id == $pep2->genome_db_id); my $ancestor = $genepairlink->get_tagvalue('ancestor'); my $species_hash = $self->get_ancestor_species_hash($ancestor); #check these are the only representatives of the ancestor
my $count1 = $species_hash->{$pep1->genome_db_id}; my $count2 = $species_hash->{$pep2->genome_db_id}; return undef if($count1>1); return undef if($count2>1); #passed all the tests -> it's a simple ortholog
# print $ancestor->node_id, " ", $ancestor->name,"\n";
# little hack to work around some weird treefam trees
if ($self->{'_treefam'}) { my $dup_value = $ancestor->get_tagvalue("Duplication"); if ($dup_value eq '') { $dup_value = 0; $ancestor->add_tag("Duplication",0) ; } } # my $sis_value = $ancestor->get_tagvalue("species_intersection_score");
my $sis_value = $ancestor->get_tagvalue("duplication_confidence_score"); if($ancestor->get_tagvalue("Duplication") > 0 && $sis_value ne '0') { # $self->delete_old_homologies_old($genepairlink) unless ($self->{'_readonly'});
$genepairlink->add_tag("orthotree_type", 'apparent_ortholog_one2one'); my $taxon = $self->get_ancestor_taxon_level($ancestor); $genepairlink->add_tag("orthotree_subtype", $taxon->name); # Duplication_confidence_score
if ('' eq $ancestor->get_tagvalue("duplication_confidence_score")) { $self->duplication_confidence_score($ancestor); $genepairlink->{duplication_confidence_score} = $ancestor->get_tagvalue("duplication_confidence_score"); } } else { # $self->delete_old_homologies_old($genepairlink) unless ($self->{'_readonly'});
$genepairlink->add_tag("orthotree_type", 'ortholog_one2one'); my $taxon = $self->get_ancestor_taxon_level($ancestor); $genepairlink->add_tag("orthotree_subtype", $taxon->name); } return 1;
sub check_homology_consistency {
  my $self = shift;

  if ($self->{debug}) {
    print "checking homology consistency\n";
    foreach my $mlss_member_id ( keys %{$self->{_homology_consistency}} ) {
      my $count = scalar(keys %{$self->{_homology_consistency}{$mlss_member_id}});
      if ($count > 1) {
        my ($mlss, $member_id) = split("_",$mlss_member_id);
        print "mlss member_id : $mlss $member_id\n";

  foreach my $mlss_member_id ( keys %{$self->{_homology_consistency}} ) {
    my $count = scalar(keys %{$self->{_homology_consistency}{$mlss_member_id}});
    if ($count > 1) {
      my ($mlss, $member_id) = split("_",$mlss_member_id);
      $self->throw("Inconsistent homologies in mlss $mlss and member_id $member_id");
sub check_job_fail_options {
  my $self = shift;

  if ( $self->{'protein_tree'}->get_tagvalue('gene_count') > $self->{'max_gene_count'} ) {
    $self->dataflow_output_id($self->input_id, 2);
    $self->{'protein_tree'} = undef;
    throw("OrthoTree : cluster size over threshold and FAIL it");

  if($self->input_job->retry_count >= 2) {
    # Send to QuickTreeBreak
$self->dataflow_output_id($self->input_id, 2); $self->input_job->update_status('FAILED'); $self->DESTROY; throw("OrthoTree job failed >=3 times: try something else and FAIL it"); } if ($self->input_job->retry_count >= 1) { if ($self->{'protein_tree'}->get_tagvalue('gene_count') > 400 && !defined($self->worker->{HIGHMEM})) { $self->input_job->adaptor->reset_highmem_job_by_dbID($self->input_job->dbID); $self->DESTROY; throw("OrthoTree job too big: try something else and FAIL it"); } }
sub delete_old_homologies {
  my $self = shift;

  return undef unless ($self->input_job->retry_count > 0);

  print "deleting old homologies\n" if ($self->debug);

  # New method all in one go -- requires key on tree_node_id
my $delete_time = time(); my $tree_node_id = $self->{protein_tree}->node_id; my $sql1 = "delete h.*, hm.* from homology h, homology_member hm where h.homology_id=hm.homology_id and h.tree_node_id=$tree_node_id"; my $sth1 = $self->dbc->prepare($sql1); $sth1->execute; $sth1->finish; printf("%1.3f secs build links and features\n", time()-$delete_time); # # Old method one by one
# my %homology_ids;
# my $sql = "select homology_id from homology_member where member_id = ?";
# my $sth = $self->dbc->prepare($sql);
# foreach my $leaf (@{$self->{'protein_tree'}->get_all_leaves}) {
# $sth->execute($leaf->gene_member->member_id);
# while (my $aref = $sth->fetchrow_arrayref) {
# my ($homology_id) = @$aref;
# $homology_ids{$homology_id} = 1;
# }
# }
# my @list_ids;
# foreach my $id (keys %homology_ids) {
# my $delete_time = time();
# push @list_ids, $id;
# if (scalar @list_ids == 2000) {
# my $sql1 = "delete from homology where homology_id in (".join(",",@list_ids).")";
# my $sql2 = "delete from homology_member where homology_id in (".join(",",@list_ids).")";
# my $sth1 = $self->dbc->prepare($sql1);
# my $sth2 = $self->dbc->prepare($sql2);
# $sth1->execute;
# $sth2->execute;
# $sth1->finish;
# $sth2->finish;
# @list_ids = ();
# }
# printf("%1.3f secs build links and features\n", time()-$delete_time);
# }
# if (scalar @list_ids) {
# my $sql1 = "delete from homology where homology_id in (".join(",",@list_ids).")";
# my $sql2 = "delete from homology_member where homology_id in (".join(",",@list_ids).")";
# my $sth1 = $self->dbc->prepare($sql1);
# my $sth2 = $self->dbc->prepare($sql2);
# $sth1->execute;
# $sth2->execute;
# $sth1->finish;
# $sth2->finish;
# @list_ids = ();
# }
$self->{old_homologies_deleted} = 1; return undef;
sub delete_old_homologies_old {
  my $self = shift;
  my $genepairlink = shift;

  return undef unless ($self->input_job->retry_count > 0);

  my ($member1, $member2) = $genepairlink->get_nodes;

  my @homologies = @{$self->{'comparaDBA'}->get_HomologyAdaptor->fetch_by_Member_Member_method_link_type
                       ($member1->gene_member, $member2->gene_member, 'ENSEMBL_ORTHOLOGUES')};
  push @homologies, @{$self->{'comparaDBA'}->get_HomologyAdaptor->fetch_by_Member_Member_method_link_type
                        ($member1->gene_member, $member2->gene_member, 'ENSEMBL_PARALOGUES')};

  my $sql1 = "DELETE FROM homology WHERE homology_id=?";
  my $sth1 = $self->dbc->prepare($sql1);
  my $sql2 = "DELETE FROM homology_member WHERE homology_id=?";
  my $sth2 = $self->dbc->prepare($sql2);

  foreach my $homology (@homologies) {


  return undef;
sub delete_old_orthotree_tags {
  my $self = shift;

  return undef unless ($self->input_job->retry_count > 0);

  print "deleting old orthotree tags\n" if ($self->debug);
  my @node_ids;

#   # Old method -- too slow
# my $left_index = $self->{'protein_tree'}->left_index;
# my $right_index = $self->{'protein_tree'}->right_index;
# my $tree_root_node_id = $self->{'protein_tree'}->node_id;
# # Include the root_id as well as the rest of the nodes within the tree
# push @node_ids, $tree_root_node_id;
# my $sql = "select ptn.node_id from protein_tree_node ptn where ptn.left_index>$left_index and ptn.right_index<$right_index";
# my $sth = $self->dbc->prepare($sql);
# $sth->execute;
# while (my $aref = $sth->fetchrow_arrayref) {
# my ($node_id) = @$aref;
# push @node_ids, $node_id;
# }
foreach my $node ($self->{'protein_tree'}->get_all_subnodes) { push @node_ids, $node->node_id; } my @list_ids; foreach my $id (@node_ids) { push @list_ids, $id; if (scalar @list_ids == 2000) { my $sql = "delete from protein_tree_tag where node_id in (".join(",",@list_ids).") and tag in ('duplication_confidence_score','taxon_id','taxon_name','OrthoTree_runtime_msec','OrthoTree_types_hashstr')"; my $sth = $self->dbc->prepare($sql); $sth->execute; $sth->finish; @list_ids = (); } } if (scalar @list_ids) { my $sql = "delete from protein_tree_tag where node_id in (".join(",",@list_ids).") and tag in ('duplication_confidence_score','taxon_id','taxon_name','OrthoTree_runtime_msec','OrthoTree_types_hashstr')"; my $sth = $self->dbc->prepare($sql); $sth->execute; $sth->finish; @list_ids = (); } return undef;
sub direct_ortholog_test {
  my $self = shift;
  my $genepairlink = shift;

  #strictest ortholog test: 
# - genes are from different species
# - no ancestral duplication events
# - these genes are only copies of the ancestor for their species
return undef if($genepairlink->get_tagvalue('has_dups')); my ($pep1, $pep2) = $genepairlink->get_nodes; return undef if($pep1->genome_db_id == $pep2->genome_db_id); my $ancestor = $genepairlink->get_tagvalue('ancestor'); my $species_hash = $self->get_ancestor_species_hash($ancestor); #RAP seems to miss some duplication events so check the species
#counts for these two species to make sure they are the only
#representatives of these species under the ancestor
my $count1 = $species_hash->{$pep1->genome_db_id}; my $count2 = $species_hash->{$pep2->genome_db_id}; return undef if($count1>1); return undef if($count2>1); #passed all the tests -> it's a simple ortholog
# $self->delete_old_homologies_old($genepairlink) unless ($self->{'_readonly'});
$genepairlink->add_tag("orthotree_type", 'ortholog_one2one'); my $taxon = $self->get_ancestor_taxon_level($ancestor); $genepairlink->add_tag("orthotree_subtype", $taxon->name); return 1;
sub display_link_analysis {
  my $self = shift;
  my $genepairlink = shift;

  #display raw feature analysis
my ($protein1, $protein2) = $genepairlink->get_nodes; my $ancestor = $genepairlink->get_tagvalue('ancestor'); printf("%21s(%7d) - %21s(%7d) : %10.3f dist : %3d hops : ", $protein1->gene_member->stable_id, $protein1->gene_member->member_id, $protein2->gene_member->stable_id, $protein2->gene_member->member_id, $genepairlink->distance_between, $genepairlink->get_tagvalue('hops')); if($genepairlink->get_tagvalue('has_dups')) { printf("%5s ", 'DUP'); } else { printf("%5s ", ""); } my $homology = $genepairlink->get_tagvalue('old_homology'); if($homology) { printf("%5s ", $homology->description); } else { printf("%5s ", ""); } print("ancestor:("); my $dup_value = $ancestor->get_tagvalue("Duplication"); # my $sis_value = $ancestor->get_tagvalue("species_intersection_score");
my $sis_value = $ancestor->get_tagvalue("duplication_confidence_score"); if($dup_value eq '1' || $dup_value eq '2'){ if ($sis_value eq '0') { print("DD "); } else { print("DUP "); } } else{print" ";} printf("%9s)", $ancestor->node_id); my $taxon_level = $ancestor->get_tagvalue('taxon_level'); printf(" %s %s %s\n", $genepairlink->get_tagvalue('orthotree_type'), $genepairlink->get_tagvalue('orthotree_subtype'), $taxon_level->name ); return undef;
sub duplication_confidence_score {
  my $self = shift;
  my $ancestor = shift;

  # This assumes bifurcation!!! No multifurcations allowed
my ($child_a, $child_b, $dummy) = @{$ancestor->children}; throw("tree is multifurcated in duplication_confidence_score\n") if (defined($dummy)); my @child_a_gdbs = keys %{$self->get_ancestor_species_hash($child_a)}; my @child_b_gdbs = keys %{$self->get_ancestor_species_hash($child_b)}; my %seen = (); my @gdb_a = grep { ! $seen{$_} ++ } @child_a_gdbs; %seen = (); my @gdb_b = grep { ! $seen{$_} ++ } @child_b_gdbs; my @isect = my @diff = my @union = (); my %count; foreach my $e (@gdb_a, @gdb_b) { $count{$e}++ } foreach my $e (keys %count) { push(@union, $e); push @{ $count{$e} == 2 ?\@ isect :\@ diff }, $e; } my $duplication_confidence_score = 0; my $scalar_isect = scalar(@isect); my $scalar_union = scalar(@union); $duplication_confidence_score = (($scalar_isect)/$scalar_union) unless (0 == $scalar_isect);
$ancestor->store_tag ( "duplication_confidence_score", $duplication_confidence_score ) unless ($self->{'_readonly'}); my $rounded_duplication_confidence_score = (int((100.0 * $scalar_isect / $scalar_union + 0.5)));
my $species_intersection_score = $ancestor->get_tagvalue("species_intersection_score"); unless (defined($species_intersection_score) && $species_intersection_score ne '') { my $ancestor_node_id = $ancestor->node_id; warn("Difference in the ProteinTree: duplication_confidence_score [$duplication_confidence_score] whereas species_intersection_score [$species_intersection_score] is undefined in njtree - ancestor $ancestor_node_id\n"); return; } if ($species_intersection_score ne $rounded_duplication_confidence_score && !defined($self->{_readonly})) { my $ancestor_node_id = $ancestor->node_id; $self->throw("Inconsistency in the ProteinTree: duplication_confidence_score [$duplication_confidence_score] != species_intersection_score [$species_intersection_score] - $ancestor_node_id\n"); }
sub fetch_input {
  my( $self) = @_;

  $self->{'tree_scale'} = 1;
  $self->{'store_homologies'} = 1;
  $self->{'max_gene_count'} = 200;
  $self->{all_between} = 0;
  $self->{no_between} = 0.25;

  $self->throw("No input_id") unless defined($self->input_id);

  #create a Compara::DBAdaptor which shares the same DBI handle
#with the Pipeline::DBAdaptor that is based into this runnable
$self->{'comparaDBA'} = Bio::EnsEMBL::Compara::DBSQL::DBAdaptor->new ( -DBCONN=>$self->db->dbc ); $self->get_params($self->parameters); $self->get_params($self->input_id); if($self->{analysis_data_id}) { my $analysis_data_id = $self->{analysis_data_id}; my $analysis_data_params = $self->db->get_AnalysisDataAdaptor->fetch_by_dbID($analysis_data_id); $self->get_params($analysis_data_params); } $self->print_params if($self->debug); my $starttime = time(); $self->{'treeDBA'} = $self->{'comparaDBA'}->get_ProteinTreeAdaptor; $self->{homologyDBA} = $self->{'comparaDBA'}->get_HomologyAdaptor; $self->{'protein_tree'} = $self->{'treeDBA'}-> fetch_tree_at_node_id($self->{'protein_tree_id'}); $self->check_job_fail_options; if($self->debug) { $self->{'protein_tree'}->print_tree($self->{'tree_scale'}); printf("time to fetch tree : %1.3f secs\n" , time()-$starttime); } unless($self->{'protein_tree'}) { throw("undefined ProteinTree as input\n"); } $self->delete_old_homologies; $self->delete_old_orthotree_tags; $self->load_species_tree; return 1;
sub genepairlink_check_dups {
  my $self = shift;
  my $genepairlink = shift;

  my ($pep1, $pep2) = $genepairlink->get_nodes;

  my $ancestor = $genepairlink->get_tagvalue('ancestor');
  my $has_dup=0;
  my %nodes_between;
  my $tnode = $pep1;
  do {
    $tnode = $tnode->parent;
    my $dup_value = $tnode->get_tagvalue("Duplication");
#    my $sis_value = $tnode->get_tagvalue("species_intersection_score");
my $sis_value = $tnode->get_tagvalue("duplication_confidence_score"); $dup_value = 0 unless (defined($dup_value) && $dup_value ne ''); $sis_value = 0 unless (defined($sis_value) && $sis_value ne ''); unless ($sis_value eq '0') { if($dup_value > 0) { $has_dup = 1; } } $nodes_between{$tnode->node_id} = $tnode; } while(!($tnode->equals($ancestor))); $tnode = $pep2; do { $tnode = $tnode->parent; my $dup_value = $tnode->get_tagvalue("Duplication"); # my $sis_value = $tnode->get_tagvalue("species_intersection_score");
my $sis_value = $tnode->get_tagvalue("duplication_confidence_score"); $dup_value = 0 unless (defined($dup_value) && $dup_value ne ''); $sis_value = 0 unless (defined($sis_value) && $sis_value ne ''); $genepairlink->{duplication_confidence_score} = $sis_value; unless ($sis_value eq '0') { if($dup_value > 0) { $has_dup = 1; } } $nodes_between{$tnode->node_id} = $tnode; } while(!($tnode->equals($ancestor))); $genepairlink->add_tag("hops", scalar(keys(%nodes_between))); $genepairlink->add_tag("has_dups", $has_dup); return undef; } ########################################################
# Classification analysis
sub genepairlink_fetch_homology {
  my $self = shift;
  my $genepairlink = shift;

  my ($member1, $member2) = $genepairlink->get_nodes;

  my $sql = "select homology.homology_id from homology ".
            "join homology_member hm1 using(homology_id) ".
            "join homology_member hm2 using (homology_id) " .
            "where hm1.peptide_member_id=? and hm2.peptide_member_id=?";

  my $sth = $self->dbc->prepare($sql);
  $sth->execute($member1->member_id, $member2->member_id);
  my $ref = $sth->fetchrow_arrayref();
  return undef unless($ref);
  my ($homology_id) = @$ref;
  return undef unless($homology_id);

  my $homology = 
  $genepairlink->add_tag("old_homology", $homology);

  return $homology;
sub generate_attribute_arguments {
  my ($self, $protein1, $protein2, $type) = @_;

  my $new_aln1_cigarline = "";
  my $new_aln2_cigarline = "";

  my $perc_id1 = 0;
  my $perc_pos1 = 0;
  my $perc_id2 = 0;
  my $perc_pos2 = 0;
  # This speeds up the pipeline for this portion of the homology table
if ($type eq 'between_species_paralog') { return ($new_aln1_cigarline, $perc_id1, $perc_pos1, $new_aln2_cigarline, $perc_id2, $perc_pos2); } my $identical_matches = 0; my $positive_matches = 0; my $m_hash = $self->get_matrix_hash; my ($aln1state, $aln2state); my ($aln1count, $aln2count); # my @aln1 = split(//, $protein1->alignment_string); # Speed up
# my @aln2 = split(//, $protein2->alignment_string);
my $alignment_string = $protein1->alignment_string; my @aln1 = unpack("A1" x length($alignment_string), $alignment_string); $alignment_string = $protein2->alignment_string; my @aln2 = unpack("A1" x length($alignment_string), $alignment_string); for (my $i=0; $i <= $#aln1; $i++) { next if ($aln1[$i] eq "-" && $aln2[$i] eq "-"); my ($cur_aln1state, $cur_aln2state) = qw(M M); if ($aln1[$i] eq "-") { $cur_aln1state = "D"; } if ($aln2[$i] eq "-") { $cur_aln2state = "D"; } if ($cur_aln1state eq "M" && $cur_aln2state eq "M" && $aln1[$i] eq $aln2[$i]) { $identical_matches++; $positive_matches++; } elsif ($cur_aln1state eq "M" && $cur_aln2state eq "M" && $m_hash->{uc $aln1[$i]}{uc $aln2[$i]} > 0) { $positive_matches++; } unless (defined $aln1state) { $aln1count = 1; $aln2count = 1; $aln1state = $cur_aln1state; $aln2state = $cur_aln2state; next; } if ($cur_aln1state eq $aln1state) { $aln1count++; } else { if ($aln1count == 1) { $new_aln1_cigarline .= $aln1state; } else { $new_aln1_cigarline .= $aln1count.$aln1state; } $aln1count = 1; $aln1state = $cur_aln1state; } if ($cur_aln2state eq $aln2state) { $aln2count++; } else { if ($aln2count == 1) { $new_aln2_cigarline .= $aln2state; } else { $new_aln2_cigarline .= $aln2count.$aln2state; } $aln2count = 1; $aln2state = $cur_aln2state; } } if ($aln1count == 1) { $new_aln1_cigarline .= $aln1state; } else { $new_aln1_cigarline .= $aln1count.$aln1state; } if ($aln2count == 1) { $new_aln2_cigarline .= $aln2state; } else { $new_aln2_cigarline .= $aln2count.$aln2state; } my $seq_length1 = $protein1->seq_length; unless (0 == $seq_length1) { $perc_id1 = $identical_matches*100.0/$seq_length1;
$perc_pos1 = $positive_matches*100.0/$seq_length1;
} my $seq_length2 = $protein2->seq_length; unless (0 == $seq_length2) { $perc_id2 = $identical_matches*100.0/$seq_length2;
$perc_pos2 = $positive_matches*100.0/$seq_length2;
} # my $perc_id1 = $identical_matches*100.0/$protein1->seq_length;
# my $perc_pos1 = $positive_matches*100.0/$protein1->seq_length;
# my $perc_id2 = $identical_matches*100.0/$protein2->seq_length;
# my $perc_pos2 = $positive_matches*100.0/$protein2->seq_length;
return ($new_aln1_cigarline, $perc_id1, $perc_pos1, $new_aln2_cigarline, $perc_id2, $perc_pos2);
sub get_ancestor_species_hash {
  my $self = shift;
  my $node = shift;

  my $species_hash = $node->get_tagvalue('species_hash');
  return $species_hash if($species_hash);

  $species_hash = {};
  my $duplication_hash = {};
  my $is_dup=0;

  if($node->isa('Bio::EnsEMBL::Compara::AlignedMember')) {
    my $node_genome_db_id = $node->genome_db_id;
    $species_hash->{$node_genome_db_id} = 1;
    $node->add_tag('species_hash', $species_hash);
    return $species_hash;

  foreach my $child (@{$node->children}) {
    my $t_species_hash = $self->get_ancestor_species_hash($child);
    next unless(defined($t_species_hash)); #shouldn't happen
foreach my $genome_db_id (keys(%$t_species_hash)) { unless(defined($species_hash->{$genome_db_id})) { $species_hash->{$genome_db_id} = $t_species_hash->{$genome_db_id}; } else { #this species already existed in one of the other children
#this means this species was duplicated at this point between
#the species
$is_dup=1; $duplication_hash->{$genome_db_id} = 1; $species_hash->{$genome_db_id} += $t_species_hash->{$genome_db_id}; } } } #printf("\ncalc_ancestor_species_hash : %s\n", $self->encode_hash($species_hash));
$node->add_tag("species_hash", $species_hash); if($is_dup && !($self->{'_treefam'})) { my $original_duplication_value = $node->get_tagvalue("Duplication"); $original_duplication_value = 0 unless (defined $original_duplication_value && $original_duplication_value ne ''); if ($original_duplication_value == 0) { # RAP did not predict a duplication here
$node->add_tag("duplication_hash", $duplication_hash); $node->store_tag("Duplication", 1) unless ($self->{'_readonly'}); $node->store_tag("Duplication_alg", 'species_count') unless ($self->{'_readonly'}); } elsif ($original_duplication_value == 1) { my $dup_alg = $node->get_tagvalue("Duplication_alg"); if (defined $dup_alg and $dup_alg ne 'species_count') { # RAP did predict a duplication here but not species_count
$node->add_tag("duplication_hash", $duplication_hash); $node->store_tag("Duplication", 2) unless ($self->{'_readonly'}); $node->store_tag("Duplication_alg", 'species_count') unless ($self->{'_readonly'}); } } } return $species_hash;
sub get_ancestor_taxon_level {
  my $self = shift;
  my $ancestor = shift;

  my $taxon_level = $ancestor->get_tagvalue('taxon_level');
  return $taxon_level if($taxon_level);

  #printf("\ncalculate ancestor taxon level\n");
my $taxon_tree = $self->{'taxon_tree'}; my $species_hash = $self->get_ancestor_species_hash($ancestor); foreach my $gdbID (keys(%$species_hash)) { my $gdb = $self->{'comparaDBA'}->get_GenomeDBAdaptor->fetch_by_dbID($gdbID); my $taxon = $taxon_tree->find_node_by_node_id($gdb->taxon_id); unless($taxon) { throw("oops missing taxon " . $gdb->taxon_id ."\n"); } if($taxon_level) { $taxon_level = $taxon_level->find_first_shared_ancestor($taxon); } else { $taxon_level = $taxon; } } my $taxon_id = $taxon_level->get_tagvalue("taxon_id"); $ancestor->add_tag("taxon_level", $taxon_level); $ancestor->store_tag("taxon_id", $taxon_id) unless ($self->{'_readonly'}); $ancestor->store_tag("taxon_name", $taxon_level->name) unless ($self->{'_readonly'}); #$ancestor->print_tree($self->{'tree_scale'});
return $taxon_level;
sub get_matrix_hash {
  my $self = shift;

  return $self->{'matrix_hash'} if (defined $self->{'matrix_hash'});

  my $BLOSUM62 = "#  Matrix made by matblas from blosum62.iij
#  * column uses minimum score
#  BLOSUM Clustered Scoring Matrix in 1/2 Bit Units
#  Blocks Database = /data/blocks_5.0/blocks.dat
#  Cluster Percentage: >= 62
#  Entropy =   0.6979, Expected =  -0.5209
   A  R  N  D  C  Q  E  G  H  I  L  K  M  F  P  S  T  W  Y  V  B  Z  X  *
A  4 -1 -2 -2  0 -1 -1  0 -2 -1 -1 -1 -1 -2 -1  1  0 -3 -2  0 -2 -1  0 -4
R -1  5  0 -2 -3  1  0 -2  0 -3 -2  2 -1 -3 -2 -1 -1 -3 -2 -3 -1  0 -1 -4
N -2  0  6  1 -3  0  0  0  1 -3 -3  0 -2 -3 -2  1  0 -4 -2 -3  3  0 -1 -4
D -2 -2  1  6 -3  0  2 -1 -1 -3 -4 -1 -3 -3 -1  0 -1 -4 -3 -3  4  1 -1 -4
C  0 -3 -3 -3  9 -3 -4 -3 -3 -1 -1 -3 -1 -2 -3 -1 -1 -2 -2 -1 -3 -3 -2 -4
Q -1  1  0  0 -3  5  2 -2  0 -3 -2  1  0 -3 -1  0 -1 -2 -1 -2  0  3 -1 -4
E -1  0  0  2 -4  2  5 -2  0 -3 -3  1 -2 -3 -1  0 -1 -3 -2 -2  1  4 -1 -4
G  0 -2  0 -1 -3 -2 -2  6 -2 -4 -4 -2 -3 -3 -2  0 -2 -2 -3 -3 -1 -2 -1 -4
H -2  0  1 -1 -3  0  0 -2  8 -3 -3 -1 -2 -1 -2 -1 -2 -2  2 -3  0  0 -1 -4
I -1 -3 -3 -3 -1 -3 -3 -4 -3  4  2 -3  1  0 -3 -2 -1 -3 -1  3 -3 -3 -1 -4
L -1 -2 -3 -4 -1 -2 -3 -4 -3  2  4 -2  2  0 -3 -2 -1 -2 -1  1 -4 -3 -1 -4
K -1  2  0 -1 -3  1  1 -2 -1 -3 -2  5 -1 -3 -1  0 -1 -3 -2 -2  0  1 -1 -4
M -1 -1 -2 -3 -1  0 -2 -3 -2  1  2 -1  5  0 -2 -1 -1 -1 -1  1 -3 -1 -1 -4
F -2 -3 -3 -3 -2 -3 -3 -3 -1  0  0 -3  0  6 -4 -2 -2  1  3 -1 -3 -3 -1 -4
P -1 -2 -2 -1 -3 -1 -1 -2 -2 -3 -3 -1 -2 -4  7 -1 -1 -4 -3 -2 -2 -1 -2 -4
S  1 -1  1  0 -1  0  0  0 -1 -2 -2  0 -1 -2 -1  4  1 -3 -2 -2  0  0  0 -4
T  0 -1  0 -1 -1 -1 -1 -2 -2 -1 -1 -1 -1 -2 -1  1  5 -2 -2  0 -1 -1  0 -4
W -3 -3 -4 -4 -2 -2 -3 -2 -2 -3 -2 -3 -1  1 -4 -3 -2 11  2 -3 -4 -3 -2 -4
Y -2 -2 -2 -3 -2 -1 -2 -3  2 -1 -1 -2 -1  3 -3 -2 -2  2  7 -1 -3 -2 -1 -4
V  0 -3 -3 -3 -1 -2 -2 -3 -3  3  1 -2  1 -1 -2 -2  0 -3 -1  4 -3 -2 -1 -4
B -2 -1  3  4 -3  0  1 -1  0 -3 -4  0 -3 -3 -2  0 -1 -4 -3 -3  4  1 -1 -4
Z -1  0  0  1 -3  3  4 -2  0 -3 -3  1 -1 -3 -1  0 -1 -3 -2 -2  1  4 -1 -4
X  0 -1 -1 -1 -2 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -2  0  0 -2 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -4
* -4 -4 -4 -4 -4 -4 -4 -4 -4 -4 -4 -4 -4 -4 -4 -4 -4 -4 -4 -4 -4 -4 -4  1
  my $matrix_string;
  my @lines = split(/\n/,$BLOSUM62);
  foreach my $line (@lines) {
    next if ($line =~ /^\#/);
    if ($line =~ /^[A-Z\*\s]+$/) {
      $matrix_string .= sprintf "$line\n";
    } else {
      my @t = split(/\s+/,$line);
      shift @t;
      #       print scalar @t,"\n";
$matrix_string .= sprintf(join(" ",@t)."\n"); } } my %matrix_hash; @lines = (); @lines = split /\n/, $matrix_string; my $lts = shift @lines; $lts =~ s/^\s+//; $lts =~ s/\s+$//; my @letters = split /\s+/, $lts; foreach my $letter (@letters) { my $line = shift @lines; $line =~ s/^\s+//; $line =~ s/\s+$//; my @penalties = split /\s+/, $line; die "Size of letters array and penalties array are different\n" unless (scalar @letters == scalar @penalties); for (my $i=0; $i < scalar @letters; $i++) { $matrix_hash{uc $letter}{uc $letters[$i]} = $penalties[$i]; } } $self->{'matrix_hash'} =\% matrix_hash; return $self->{'matrix_hash'}; } 1;
sub get_params {
  my $self         = shift;
  my $param_string = shift;

  return unless($param_string);
  print("parsing parameter string : ",$param_string,"\n") if($self->debug);

  my $params = eval($param_string);
  return unless($params);

  if($self->debug) {
    foreach my $key (keys %$params) {
      print("  $key : ", $params->{$key}, "\n");

  foreach my $key (qw[cdna species_tree_file protein_tree_id use_genomedb_id max_gene_count analysis_data_id]) {
    my $value = $params->{$key};
    $self->{$key} = $value if defined $value;

sub inspecies_paralog_test {
  my $self = shift;
  my $genepairlink = shift;

  #simplest paralog test: 
# - both genes are from the same species
# - and just label with taxonomic level
my ($pep1, $pep2) = $genepairlink->get_nodes; return undef unless($pep1->genome_db_id == $pep2->genome_db_id); my $ancestor = $genepairlink->get_tagvalue('ancestor'); my $taxon = $self->get_ancestor_taxon_level($ancestor); #my $species_hash = $self->get_ancestor_species_hash($ancestor);
#foreach my $gdbID (keys(%$species_hash)) {
# return undef unless($gdbID == $pep1->genome_db_id);
#passed all the tests -> it's an inspecies_paralog
# $genepairlink->add_tag("orthotree_type", 'inspecies_paralog');
# $self->delete_old_homologies_old($genepairlink) unless ($self->{'_readonly'});
$genepairlink->add_tag("orthotree_type", 'within_species_paralog'); $genepairlink->add_tag("orthotree_subtype", $taxon->name); # Duplication_confidence_score
if ('' eq $ancestor->get_tagvalue("duplication_confidence_score")) { $self->duplication_confidence_score($ancestor); $genepairlink->{duplication_confidence_score} = $ancestor->get_tagvalue("duplication_confidence_score"); } return 1;
sub load_species_tree {
  my $self = shift @_;

  my $starttime = time();
  my $tree = (exists $self->{'species_tree_file'})
    ? $self->load_species_tree_from_file
      : $self->load_species_tree_from_tax
  $self->{'taxon_tree'} = $tree;

  if($self->debug) {
    printf("%1.3f secs for load species tree\n", time()-$starttime);
sub load_species_tree_from_file {
  my $self = shift @_;

  my $taxonDBA = $self->{'comparaDBA'}->get_NCBITaxonAdaptor;
  print "load_species_tree_from_file\n" if $self->debug;
  my $newick = $self->_slurp($self->{species_tree_file});
  my $tree = Bio::EnsEMBL::Compara::Graph::NewickParser::parse_newick_into_tree($newick);
  foreach my $node (@{$tree->all_nodes_in_graph}) {
    my ($id) = split('-',$node->name);
    $id =~ s/\*//; # internal nodes have asterisk
if (looks_like_number($id)) { $node->node_id($id); my $ncbi_node = $taxonDBA->fetch_node_by_taxon_id($id); $node->name($ncbi_node->name) if (defined $ncbi_node); } else { # doesnt look like number
$node->name($id); } $node->add_tag('taxon_id', $id); } return $tree;
sub load_species_tree_from_tax {
  my $self = shift;

  printf("load_species_tree_from_tax\n") if($self->debug);
  my $starttime = time();
  my $taxonDBA = $self->{'comparaDBA'}->get_NCBITaxonAdaptor;

  my $gdb_list = $self->{'comparaDBA'}->get_GenomeDBAdaptor->fetch_all;
  my $root=undef;
  foreach my $gdb (@$gdb_list) {
    next if ($gdb->name =~ /Ancestral/);
    my $taxon = $taxonDBA->fetch_node_by_taxon_id($gdb->taxon_id);
    # $taxon->add_tag("taxon_id") = $taxon->taxon_id; # homogenize with load_species_tree_from_file
$taxon->{_tags}{taxon_id} = $taxon->taxon_id; # line above seems to fail somehow
$root = $taxon->root unless($root); $root->merge_node_via_shared_ancestor($taxon); } $root = $root->minimize_tree; return $root;
sub one2many_ortholog_test {
  my $self = shift;
  my $genepairlink = shift;

  #test 4: getting a bit more complex yet again:
# - genes are from different species
# - but there is evidence for duplication events in the history
# - one of the genes is the only remaining representative of the
# ancestor in its species
# - but the other gene has multiple copies in it's species
# (first level of orthogroup analysis)
my ($pep1, $pep2) = $genepairlink->get_nodes; return undef if($pep1->genome_db_id == $pep2->genome_db_id); my $ancestor = $genepairlink->get_tagvalue('ancestor'); my $species_hash = $self->get_ancestor_species_hash($ancestor); my $count1 = $species_hash->{$pep1->genome_db_id}; my $count2 = $species_hash->{$pep2->genome_db_id}; #one of the genes must be the only copy of the gene
#and the other must appear more than once in the ancestry
return undef unless ( ($count1==1 and $count2>1) or ($count1>1 and $count2==1) ); my $dup_value = $ancestor->get_tagvalue("Duplication"); # my $sis_value = $ancestor->get_tagvalue("species_intersection_score");
my $sis_value = $ancestor->get_tagvalue("duplication_confidence_score"); if($dup_value > 0 && $sis_value ne '0') { return undef; } #passed all the tests -> it's a one2many ortholog
# $self->delete_old_homologies_old($genepairlink) unless ($self->{'_readonly'});
$genepairlink->add_tag("orthotree_type", 'ortholog_one2many'); my $taxon = $self->get_ancestor_taxon_level($ancestor); $genepairlink->add_tag("orthotree_subtype", $taxon->name); return 1;
sub outspecies_test {
  my $self = shift;
  my $genepairlink = shift;

  #last test: left over pairs:
# - genes are from different species
# - if ancestor is 'DUP' -> paralog else 'ortholog'
my ($pep1, $pep2) = $genepairlink->get_nodes; return undef if($pep1->genome_db_id == $pep2->genome_db_id); my $ancestor = $genepairlink->get_tagvalue('ancestor'); my $taxon = $self->get_ancestor_taxon_level($ancestor); #ultra simple ortho/paralog classification
my $dup_value = $ancestor->get_tagvalue("Duplication"); # my $sis_value = $ancestor->get_tagvalue("species_intersection_score");
my $sis_value = $ancestor->get_tagvalue("duplication_confidence_score"); unless ($dup_value eq '') { if($dup_value > 0 && $sis_value ne '0') { # $self->delete_old_homologies_old($genepairlink) unless ($self->{'_readonly'});
$genepairlink->add_tag("orthotree_type", 'between_species_paralog'); $genepairlink->add_tag("orthotree_subtype", $taxon->name); # Duplication_confidence_score
if ('' eq $ancestor->get_tagvalue("duplication_confidence_score")) { $self->duplication_confidence_score($ancestor); $genepairlink->{duplication_confidence_score} = $ancestor->get_tagvalue("duplication_confidence_score"); } } else { # $self->delete_old_homologies_old($genepairlink) unless ($self->{'_readonly'});
$genepairlink->add_tag("orthotree_type", 'ortholog_many2many'); $genepairlink->add_tag("orthotree_subtype", $taxon->name); } } return 1; } ########################################################
# ProteinTree input/output section
sub print_params {
  my $self = shift;

  printf("  tree_id   : %d\n", $self->{'protein_tree_id'});
sub run {
  my $self = shift;
sub run_analysis {
  my $self = shift;

  my $starttime = time()*1000;
  my $tmp_time = time();
  my $tree = $self->{'protein_tree'};

  print "Getting all leaves\n";
  my @all_protein_leaves = @{$tree->get_all_leaves};
  my $tree_node_id = $tree->node_id;

  #precalculate the ancestor species_hash (caches into the metadata of
#nodes) also augments the Duplication tagging
printf("Calculating ancestor species hash\n") if ($self->debug); $self->get_ancestor_species_hash($tree); if($self->debug) { $self->{'protein_tree'}->print_tree($self->{'tree_scale'}); printf("%d proteins in tree\n", scalar(@all_protein_leaves)); } #compare every gene in the tree with every other each gene/gene
#pairing is a potential ortholog/paralog and thus we need to analyze
#every possibility
#Accomplish by creating a fully connected graph between all the
#genes under the tree (hybrid graph structure) and then analyze each
#gene/gene link
$tmp_time = time(); printf("build fully linked graph\n") if($self->debug); my @genepairlinks; my $graphcount = 0; while (my $protein1 = shift @all_protein_leaves) { foreach my $protein2 (@all_protein_leaves) { my $ancestor = $protein1->find_first_shared_ancestor($protein2); # Line below will only become faster than above if we find a way to calculate long parent->parent journeys.
# This is probably doable by looking at the right1/left1 right2/left2 distances between the 2 proteins
# my $ancestor_indexed = $self->{'treeDBA'}->fetch_first_shared_ancestor_indexed($protein1,$protein2);
my $taxon_level = $self->get_ancestor_taxon_level($ancestor); my $distance = $protein1->distance_to_ancestor($ancestor) + $protein2->distance_to_ancestor($ancestor); my $genepairlink = new Bio::EnsEMBL::Compara::Graph::Link ( $protein1, $protein2, $distance ); $genepairlink->add_tag("hops", 0); $genepairlink->add_tag("ancestor", $ancestor); $genepairlink->add_tag("taxon_name", $taxon_level->name); $genepairlink->add_tag("tree_node_id", $tree_node_id); push @genepairlinks, $genepairlink; } print STDERR "build graph $graphcount\n" if ($graphcount++ % 10 == 0); } printf("%1.3f secs build links and features\n", time()-$tmp_time) if($self->debug>1); $self->{'protein_tree'}->print_tree($self->{'tree_scale'}) if($self->debug); #sort the gene/gene links by distance
# makes debug display easier to read, not required by algorithm
$tmp_time = time(); printf("sort links\n") if($self->debug); my @sorted_genepairlinks = sort {$a->distance_between <=> $b->distance_between} @genepairlinks; printf("%1.3f secs to sort links\n", time()-$tmp_time) if($self->debug > 1); #analyze every gene pair (genepairlink) to get its classification
printf("analyze links\n") if($self->debug); printf("%d links\n", scalar(@genepairlinks)) if ($self->debug); $tmp_time = time(); $self->{'old_homology_count'} = 0; $self->{'orthotree_homology_counts'} = {}; foreach my $genepairlink (@sorted_genepairlinks) { $self->analyze_genepairlink($genepairlink); } printf("%1.3f secs to analyze genepair links\n", time()-$tmp_time) if($self->debug > 1); #display summary stats of analysis
my $runtime = time()*1000-$starttime; $self->{'protein_tree'}->store_tag('OrthoTree_runtime_msec', $runtime) unless ($self->{'_readonly'}); if($self->debug) { printf("%d proteins in tree\n", scalar(@{$tree->get_all_leaves})); printf("%d pairings\n", scalar(@genepairlinks)); printf("%d old homologies\n", $self->{'old_homology_count'}); printf("orthotree homologies\n"); foreach my $type (keys(%{$self->{'orthotree_homology_counts'}})) { printf ( " %13s : %d\n", $type, $self->{'orthotree_homology_counts'}->{$type} ); } } $self->{'homology_links'} =\@ sorted_genepairlinks; $DB::single=1;1; return undef;
sub store_gene_link_as_homology {
  my $self = shift;
  my $genepairlink  = shift;

  my $type = $genepairlink->get_tagvalue('orthotree_type');
  return unless($type);
  my $subtype = $genepairlink->get_tagvalue('taxon_name');
  my $ancestor = $genepairlink->get_tagvalue('ancestor');
  my $tree_node_id = $genepairlink->get_tagvalue('tree_node_id');
  warn("Tag tree_node_id undefined\n") unless(defined($tree_node_id) && $tree_node_id ne '');

  my ($protein1, $protein2) = $genepairlink->get_nodes;

# create method_link_species_set
my $mlss = new Bio::EnsEMBL::Compara::MethodLinkSpeciesSet; $mlss->method_link_type("ENSEMBL_ORTHOLOGUES") unless ($type eq 'between_species_paralog' || $type eq 'within_species_paralog'); $mlss->method_link_type("ENSEMBL_PARALOGUES") if ($type eq 'between_species_paralog' || $type eq 'within_species_paralog'); if ($protein1->genome_db->dbID == $protein2->genome_db->dbID) { $mlss->species_set([$protein1->genome_db]); } else { $mlss->species_set([$protein1->genome_db, $protein2->genome_db]); } $self->{'comparaDBA'}->get_MethodLinkSpeciesSetAdaptor->store($mlss) unless ($self->{'_readonly'}); # create an Homology object
my $homology = new Bio::EnsEMBL::Compara::Homology; $homology->description($type); $homology->subtype($subtype); # $homology->node_id($ancestor->node_id);
$homology->ancestor_node_id($ancestor->node_id); $homology->tree_node_id($tree_node_id); $homology->method_link_type($mlss->method_link_type); $homology->method_link_species_set($mlss); my $key = $mlss->dbID . "_" . $protein1->dbID; $self->{_homology_consistency}{$key}{$type} = 1; #$homology->dbID(-1);
# NEED TO BUILD THE Attributes (ie homology_members)
my ($cigar_line1, $perc_id1, $perc_pos1, $cigar_line2, $perc_id2, $perc_pos2) = $self->generate_attribute_arguments($protein1, $protein2,$type); # QUERY member
my $attribute; $attribute = new Bio::EnsEMBL::Compara::Attribute; $attribute->peptide_member_id($protein1->dbID); $attribute->cigar_line($cigar_line1); $attribute->perc_cov(100); $attribute->perc_id(int($perc_id1)); $attribute->perc_pos(int($perc_pos1)); $homology->add_Member_Attribute([$protein1->gene_member, $attribute]); #
# HIT member
$attribute = new Bio::EnsEMBL::Compara::Attribute; $attribute->peptide_member_id($protein2->dbID); $attribute->cigar_line($cigar_line2); $attribute->perc_cov(100); $attribute->perc_id(int($perc_id2)); $attribute->perc_pos(int($perc_pos2)); $homology->add_Member_Attribute([$protein2->gene_member, $attribute]); ## Check if it has already been stored, in which case we dont need to store again
my $matching_homology = 0; if ($self->input_job->retry_count > 0 && !defined($self->{old_homologies_deleted})) { my $member_id1 = $protein1->gene_member->member_id; my $member_id2 = $protein2->gene_member->member_id; if ($member_id1 == $member_id2) { my $tree_id = $self->{protein_tree}->node_id; my $pmember_id1 = $protein1->member_id; my $pstable_id1 = $protein1->stable_id; my $pmember_id2 = $protein2->member_id; my $pstable_id2 = $protein2->stable_id; $self->throw("$member_id1 ($pmember_id1 - $pstable_id1) and $member_id2 ($pmember_id2 - $pstable_id2) shouldn't be the same"); } my $stored_homology = @{$self->{homologyDBA}->fetch_by_Member_id_Member_id($member_id1,$member_id2)}[0]; if (defined($stored_homology)) { $matching_homology = 1; $matching_homology = 0 if ($stored_homology->description ne $homology->description); $matching_homology = 0 if ($stored_homology->subtype ne $homology->subtype); $matching_homology = 0 if ($stored_homology->ancestor_node_id ne $homology->ancestor_node_id); $matching_homology = 0 if ($stored_homology->tree_node_id ne $homology->tree_node_id); $matching_homology = 0 if ($stored_homology->method_link_type ne $homology->method_link_type); $matching_homology = 0 if ($stored_homology->method_link_species_set->dbID ne $homology->method_link_species_set->dbID); } # Delete old one, then proceed to store new one
if (defined($stored_homology) && (0 == $matching_homology)) { my $homology_id = $stored_homology->dbID; my $sql1 = "delete from homology where homology_id=$homology_id"; my $sql2 = "delete from homology_member where homology_id=$homology_id"; my $sth1 = $self->dbc->prepare($sql1); my $sth2 = $self->dbc->prepare($sql2); $sth1->execute; $sth2->execute; $sth1->finish; $sth2->finish; } } if($self->{'store_homologies'} && 0 == $matching_homology) { $self->{'homologyDBA'}->store($homology); } my $stable_id; if($protein1->taxon_id < $protein2->taxon_id) { $stable_id = $protein1->taxon_id . "_" . $protein2->taxon_id . "_"; } else { $stable_id = $protein2->taxon_id . "_" . $protein1->taxon_id . "_"; } $stable_id .= sprintf ("%011.0d",$homology->dbID) if($homology->dbID); $homology->stable_id($stable_id); #TODO: update the stable_id of the homology
# if($self->debug) {
# print("store: ");
# $homology->print_homology;
# }
return undef;
sub store_homologies {
  my $self = shift;
  my $a=1;
  my $hlinkscount = 0;
  foreach my $genepairlink (@{$self->{'homology_links'}}) {
    $self->display_link_analysis($genepairlink) if($self->debug>2);
#     unless (defined($self->{all_between})) {
my $type = $genepairlink->get_tagvalue("orthotree_type"); my $dcs = $genepairlink->{duplication_confidence_score}; $DB::single=$a;1; next if ($type eq 'between_species_paralog' && $dcs > $self->{no_between}); # }
$self->store_gene_link_as_homology($genepairlink); print STDERR "homology links $hlinkscount\n" if ($hlinkscount++ % 500 == 0); } my $counts_str = $self->encode_hash($self->{'orthotree_homology_counts'}); printf("$counts_str\n"); $self->check_homology_consistency; $self->{'protein_tree'}->store_tag( 'OrthoTree_types_hashstr', $self->encode_hash($self->{'orthotree_homology_counts'})) unless ($self->{'_readonly'}); # This has to go to OrthoTree because we haven't stored taxon_id and taxon_name yet here
# Go through and calculate species sampling and count.
# Create our taxonomic tree.
# my $ta = $self->{'comparaDBA'}->get_NCBITaxonAdaptor;
# my $gdb_list = $self->{'comparaDBA'}->get_GenomeDBAdaptor->fetch_all;
# my $taxon_tree=undef;
# foreach my $gdb (@{$gdb_list}) {
# next if ($gdb->name =~ /Ancestral/);
# next if ($gdb->name =~ /ilurana/);
# my $taxon = $ta->fetch_node_by_taxon_id($gdb->taxon_id);
# $taxon->no_autoload_children;
# $taxon_tree = $taxon->root unless($taxon_tree);
# $taxon_tree->merge_node_via_shared_ancestor($taxon);
# }
# $taxon_tree = $taxon_tree->minimize_tree;
# my $tree_species_sampling = 0;
# my $tree_species_num = 0;
# my $num_leaves = $self->{'protein_tree'}->num_leaves;
# if ($num_leaves >= 4) {
# my $taxon_id = $self->{'protein_tree'}->get_tagvalue("taxon_id");
# my $taxon_name = $self->{'protein_tree'}->get_tagvalue("taxon_name");
# #print "ID: $taxon_id $taxon_name\n";
# my $potential_species = scalar @{$taxon_tree->find_node_by_node_id($taxon_id)->get_all_leaves};
# if ($potential_species > 1) {
# my %species;
# my @species_array = map {$_->taxon->name} @{$self->{'protein_tree'}->get_all_leaves}; # Create an array of species names.
# @species{@species_array} = (1) x @species_array; # Fill the hashtable with the taxon names of all represented species.
# my $represented_species = scalar keys %species; # Count up the number of unique represented species.
# my $species_sampling = $represented_species / $potential_species;
# # Tree species sampling.
# $tree_species_sampling = sprintf("%.4f",$species_sampling); # Format the decimals.
# # Tree species number.
# $tree_species_num = $represented_species;
# } else {
# $tree_species_sampling = 1;
# $tree_species_num = 1;
# }
# }
# $self->{'protein_tree'}->store_tag("tree_species_sampling",$tree_species_sampling);
# $self->{'protein_tree'}->store_tag("tree_species_num",$tree_species_num);
$DB::single=1;1; return undef;
sub write_output {
  my $self = shift;
General documentation
  Contact Albert Vilella on module implementation:
Contact Jessica Severin on module design detail:
Contact Abel Ureta-Vidal on EnsEMBL/Compara:
Contact Ewan Birney on EnsEMBL in general:
The rest of the documentation details each of the object methods.
Internal methods are usually preceded with a _