None available.
sub get_params
{ my $self = shift;
my $param_string = shift;
return unless($param_string);
print("parsing parameter string : ",$param_string,"\n");
my $params = eval($param_string);
return unless($params);
foreach my $key (keys %$params) {
print(" $key : ", $params->{$key}, "\n");
if (defined $params->{'species_set'}) {
$self->{'species_set'} = $params->{'species_set'};
if (defined $params->{'species_sets'}) {
foreach my $species_set (@{$params->{'species_sets'}}) {
push @{$self->{'species_set'}}, @$species_set;
return; } |
sub updatepafids
{ my $self = shift;
my $starttime = time();
my @tbl_names;
foreach my $gdb (@{$self->{'genomeDB_set'}}) {
my $gdb_id = $gdb->dbID;
my $species_name = lc($gdb->name);
$species_name =~ s/\ /\_/g;
my $tbl_name = "peptide_align_feature"."_"."$species_name"."_"."$gdb_id";
push @tbl_names, $tbl_name;
my $top_max;
foreach my $tbl_name (sort @tbl_names) {
my $sql = "SELECT MAX(peptide_align_feature_id) as max".
" FROM $tbl_name";
my $sth = $self->dbc->prepare($sql);
my $first_offset_hash = $sth->fetchrow_hashref;
my $first_offset = $first_offset_hash->{max};
$top_max->{$first_offset} = $tbl_name;
my ($first_tbl_name, @rest_tbl_names) = map {$top_max->{$_}} sort {$b<=>$a} keys %{$top_max};
my $sql = "SELECT MAX(peptide_align_feature_id) as max".
" FROM $first_tbl_name";
my $sth = $self->dbc->prepare($sql);
my $first_offset_hash = $sth->fetchrow_hashref;
my $first_offset = $first_offset_hash->{max};
foreach my $tbl_name (sort @rest_tbl_names) {
my $sql = "SELECT MIN(peptide_align_feature_id) as min".
" FROM $tbl_name";
my $sth = $self->dbc->prepare($sql);
my $offset_hash = $sth->fetchrow_hashref;
my $offset = $offset_hash->{min};
if ($offset > 1) {
$sql = "SELECT MAX(peptide_align_feature_id) as max".
" FROM $tbl_name";
$sth = $self->dbc->prepare($sql);
my $second_offset_hash = $sth->fetchrow_hashref;
my $second_offset = $second_offset_hash->{max};
$first_offset = $second_offset;
$sql = "SELECT MAX(peptide_align_feature_id) as max".
" FROM $tbl_name";
$sth = $self->dbc->prepare($sql);
my $second_offset_hash = $sth->fetchrow_hashref;
my $second_offset = $second_offset_hash->{max};
my $temp_tbl_name = $tbl_name . "_temp";
my $sql2 = "CREATE TABLE $temp_tbl_name LIKE $tbl_name";
my $sth2 = $self->dbc->prepare($sql2);
print STDERR "Executing [", $sth2->sql, "].\n";
$sql2 = "ALTER TABLE $temp_tbl_name AUTO_INCREMENT=$first_offset";
$sth2 = $self->dbc->prepare($sql2);
print STDERR "Executing [", $sth2->sql, "].\n";
$sql2 = "ALTER TABLE $temp_tbl_name DISABLE KEYS";
$sth2 = $self->dbc->prepare($sql2);
print STDERR "Executing [", $sth2->sql, "].\n";
$sql2 = "INSERT INTO $temp_tbl_name (qmember_id, hmember_id, qgenome_db_id, hgenome_db_id, analysis_id, qstart, qend, hstart, hend, score, evalue, align_length, identical_matches, perc_ident, positive_matches, perc_pos, hit_rank, cigar_line) select qmember_id, hmember_id, qgenome_db_id, hgenome_db_id, analysis_id, qstart, qend, hstart, hend, score, evalue, align_length, identical_matches, perc_ident, positive_matches, perc_pos, hit_rank, cigar_line FROM $tbl_name";
$sth2 = $self->dbc->prepare($sql2);
print STDERR "Executing [", $sth2->sql, "].\n";
$sql2 = "DROP TABLE $tbl_name";
$sth2 = $self->dbc->prepare($sql2);
print STDERR "Executing [", $sth2->sql, "].\n";
$sql2 = "RENAME TABLE $temp_tbl_name TO $tbl_name";
$sth2 = $self->dbc->prepare($sql2);
print STDERR "Executing [", $sth2->sql, "].\n";
$first_offset += $second_offset;
printf(" %1.3f secs to Update PAF Ids\n", (time()-$starttime));
1; } |
The rest of the documentation details each of the object methods.
Internal methods are usually preceded with a _