Raw content of Bio::EnsEMBL::ExternalData::GeneSNP
# BioPerl module for Bio::EnsEMBL::ExternalData::GeneSNP
# Cared for by Heikki Lehvaslaiho
# Copyright Heikki Lehvaslaiho
# You may distribute this module under the same terms as perl itself
# POD documentation - main docs before the code
=head1 NAME
Bio::EnsEMBL::ExternalData::GeneSNP - class to expand genomic SNP
into full gene variation description
$genesnp = new Bio::EnsEMBL::ExternalData::GeneSNP
(-gene => $gene,
-contig => $contig
# $snp is a Bio::EnsEMBL::ExternalData::Variation object
$var = $genesnp->snp2gene($snp);
# $var is a Bio::Variation::SeqDiff object
# or
@var = $genesnp->snps2gene(@snps);
Bio::EnsEMBL::ExternalData::GeneSNP takes in
L objects in genomic (clone,
contig or virtual contig) coordinates and calculates for DNA, RNA and
protein changes in gene coordinates based on information in a
L object. The returned object for each SNP
description is L which links to
L compliant objects.
A SNP passed into a GeneSNP object is taken to be a gene SNP (gSNP) if
it is within 5kb of coding region. A RNA and protein level description
objct is created only for coding SNPs (cSNP).
$is_cSNP = 1 if $var->AAChange;
The IDs are kept as follows:
- All the DBLinks are L objects which are
passed from Variant into DNAMutation. Primary ID of a SNP is
- The contig ID is kept in SeqDiff ID : $var->id
- The ID of the transcript ID used to calculate SeqDiff is:
- The ID of the exon where SNP is located is kept in
DNAMutation->region_value. The string looks like 'ENSE00000012499
(1)'. The order number is there to keep track of introns which do
not have IDs, only an order number. To get exon ID only:
$var->DNAMutation->region_value =~ /\w+/
=head1 CONTACT
Heikki Lehvaslaiho
EMBL Outstation, European Bioinformatics Institute
Wellcome Trust Genome Campus, Hinxton
Cambs. CB10 1SD, United Kingdom
The rest of the documentation details each of the object
methods. Internal methods are usually preceded with a _
# Let the code begin...
package Bio::EnsEMBL::ExternalData::GeneSNP;
use vars qw(@ISA );
use strict;
use Bio::EnsEMBL::Root;
# Object preamble - inheritance
@ISA = qw ( Bio::EnsEMBL::Root );
#use Carp;
use Bio::Variation::SeqDiff;
use Bio::Variation::DNAMutation;
use Bio::Variation::RNAChange;
use Bio::Variation::AAChange;
use Bio::Variation::Allele;
use Bio::Tools::CodonTable;
use Bio::EnsEMBL::ExternalData::Variation;
use Bio::Annotation::DBLink;
sub new {
my($class,@args) = @_;
my $self;
$self = {};
bless $self, $class;
my ($gene, $contig, $transcript) =
$gene && $self->gene($gene);
$contig && $self->contig($contig);
$transcript && $self->transcript($transcript);
return $self; # success - we hope!
=head2 gene
Title : gene
Usage : $geneobj = $obj->gene;
Function: Returns or sets the link-reference to a Gene object.
If there is no link, it will return undef
Returns : an obj_ref or undef
sub gene {
my ($self,$value) = @_;
if (defined $value) {
if( ! $value->isa('Bio::EnsEMBL::Gene') ) {
$self->throw("Is not a Bio::EnsEMBL::Gene object but a [$value]");
return (undef);
else {
$self->{'gene'} = $value;
unless (exists $self->{'gene'}) {
return (undef);
} else {
return $self->{'gene'};
=head2 transcript
Title : transcript
Usage : $transcriptobj = $obj->transcript;
Function: Returns or sets the link-reference to a Transcript object.
If there is no link, it will return undef
Returns : an obj_ref or undef
sub transcript {
my ($self,$value) = @_;
if (defined $value) {
if( ! $value->isa('Bio::EnsEMBL::Transcript') ) {
$self->throw("Is not a Bio::EnsEMBL::Transcript object but a [$value]");
return (undef);
else {
$self->{'transcript'} = $value;
unless (exists $self->{'transcript'}) {
return (undef);
} else {
return $self->{'transcript'};
=head2 contig
Title : contig
Usage : $contigobj = $obj->contig;
Function: Returns or sets the link-reference to a Contig object.
If there is no link, it will return undef
Returns : an obj_ref or undef
sub contig {
my ($self,$value) = @_;
if (defined $value) {
$self->{'contig'} = $value;
unless (exists $self->{'contig'}) {
return (undef);
} else {
return $self->{'contig'};
sub snps2transcript {
my ($self, @snps) = @_;
my $seqDiff = undef;
#sanity checks
$self->transcript || $self->throw("Set transcript to a Bio::EnsEMBL::Transcript object");
$self->contig || $self->throw("Set contig to a Bio::EnsEMBL::RawContig compliant object");
my @seqDiffs = ();
my $rna = $self->transcript;
my $aa = $rna->translation; #Bio::Ensembl::Translation object
my $aaseq = $rna->translate;
foreach my $snp (@snps) {
my $seqDiff = $self->_calculate_gene_coordinates($snp, $rna, $aa, $aaseq);
$seqDiff && push @seqDiffs, $seqDiff;
return @seqDiffs;
sub snps2gene {
my ($self, @snps) = @_;
my $seqDiff = undef;
#sanity checks
$self->gene || $self->throw("Set gene to a Bio::EnsEMBL::Gene object");
$self->contig || $self->throw("Set contig to a Bio::EnsEMBL::RawContig compliant object");
my @seqDiffs = ();
foreach my $rna ($self->gene->each_Transcript) {
my $aa = $rna->translation; #Bio::Ensembl::Translation object
my $aaseq = $rna->translate;
foreach my $snp (@snps) {
my $seqDiff = $self->_calculate_gene_coordinates($snp, $rna, $aa, $aaseq);
$seqDiff && push @seqDiffs, $seqDiff;
return @seqDiffs;
sub snp2gene {
my ($self, $snp) = @_;
my $seqDiff = undef;
#sanity checks
#$snp || $self->throw("Give a Bio::EnsEMBL::ExternalData::Variation object as an argument");
#$snp->isa('Bio::EnsEMBL::ExternalData::Variation') ||
# $self->throw("Is not a Bio::EnsEMBL::ExternalData::Variation object but a [$snp]");
$self->gene || $self->throw("Set gene to a Bio::EnsEMBL::Gene object");
$self->contig || $self->throw("Set contig to a Bio::EnsEMBL::RawContig compliant object");
my @seqDiffs = ();
foreach my $rna ($self->gene->each_Transcript) {
#print STDERR $rna->dna_seq->seq, "\n";
my $aa = $rna->translation; #Bio::Ensembl::Translation object
#print $aa->id, ", ", $aa->start, ", ", $aa->end, "\n";
my $aaseq = $rna->translate;
#print STDERR $aaseq->seq, "\n";
$seqDiff = $self->_calculate_gene_coordinates($snp, $rna, $aa, $aaseq);
$seqDiff && push @seqDiffs, $seqDiff;
return @seqDiffs;
sub _calculate_gene_coordinates {
my ($self, $snp, $rna, $aa, $aaseq) = @_;
my $seqDiff = undef;
$snp || $self->throw("Give a Bio::EnsEMBL::ExternalData::Variation object as an argument");
$snp->isa('Bio::EnsEMBL::ExternalData::Variation') ||
$self->throw("Is not a Bio::EnsEMBL::ExternalData::Variation object but a [$snp]");
$rna->isa('Bio::EnsEMBL::Transcript') ||
$self->throw("Is not a Bio::EnsEMBL::Transcript object but a [$rna]");
$aa->isa('Bio::EnsEMBL::Translation') ||
$self->throw("Is not a Bio::EnsEMBL::Translation object but a [$aaseq]");
$aaseq->isa('Bio::PrimarySeqI') ||
$self->throw("Is not a Bio::PrimarySeqI object but a [$aaseq]");
#reject the SNP if it is not withing 5kb of the coding region
return undef if $snp->start < ($aa->start - 5000);
return undef if $snp->end > ($aa->end + 5000);
#only real SNPs taken into account!
return undef if $snp->start != $snp->start;
#first create the container object
$seqDiff = Bio::Variation::SeqDiff->new();
#$seqDiff->dna_ori(); leave undefined,
#we do not want to burden the object with long contig sequnce
$seqDiff->aa_ori($rna->translate); #slow opeation?
$seqDiff->offset($aa->start -1);
$seqDiff->cds_end($aa->end - $aa->start + 1);
# DNA level
my $dna_start = $snp->start - $seqDiff->offset;
$dna_start < 1 && $dna_start--; # no 0 in the coordinate system!
my $dnamut = Bio::Variation::DNAMutation->new
(-start => ($dna_start),
-end => ($dna_start),
$dnamut->proof('experimental'); # given coordianate system
my (@alleles) = split (/\|/, $snp->alleles);
my $dnaA1 = Bio::Variation::Allele->new;
my $a1 = shift @alleles;
$dnamut->length(CORE::length $a1);
foreach my $alleleseq (@alleles) {
my $A2 = Bio::Variation::Allele->new;
foreach my $link ($snp->each_DBLink) {
my $start_pos = $snp->start;
(lc substr($self->contig->primary_seq->seq, $snp->start -25, 25));
(lc substr($self->contig->primary_seq->seq, $snp->start +1, 25));
my $ref_allele = lc substr($self->contig->primary_seq->seq, $snp->start, 1 );
$dnaA1->seq ne $ref_allele &&
$self->warn("Found DNA ref allele: $ref_allele!");
#what if the SNP is closer to either end than 25 nt?
# where in the gene region the snp is?
if ($snp->start < $rna->start_exon->start) {
elsif ($snp->start > $rna->end_exon->end) {
elsif ($snp->start < $aa->start) {
elsif ($snp->start > $aa->end) {
} else { #coding
my $last_exon_end = 0;
my $exoncount = 1;
#my $this_exon;
my $transcript_loc;
foreach my $exon ($rna->each_Exon) {
if ($snp->start < $exon->start) {
elsif ($snp->start >= $exon->start and $snp->start <= $exon->end) {
$dnamut->region_value($exon->id. " ($exoncount)");
#$thisexon = $exon->id;
# RNA level
my $rnachange = undef;
#if ($dnamut->region =~ /UTR/ or $dnamut->region eq 'exon' ) {
if ($dnamut->region eq 'exon' ) { # mRNA affected
$seqDiff->rna_offset($rna->start_exon->phase -1);
# new method into Bio::Ensembl::Transcript
my $rna_pos = $rna->rna_pos($snp->start);
$rnachange = Bio::Variation::RNAChange->new
(-start => $rna_pos - $seqDiff->rna_offset,
-end => $rna_pos - $seqDiff->rna_offset,
foreach my $alleleseq (@alleles) {
my $A2 = Bio::Variation::Allele->new;
$rnachange->codon_pos(($rnachange->start -1 )% 3 +1);
if ($rna_pos < 25 ) {
} else {
(lc substr($seqDiff->rna_ori, $rna_pos -25, 25));
if ($rna_pos > $seqDiff->cds_end - 25 ) {
} else {
(lc substr($seqDiff->rna_ori, $rna_pos + 1, 25));
my $ref_allele = lc substr($seqDiff->rna_ori, $rna_pos,1);
$dnaA1->seq ne $ref_allele &&
$self->warn("Found RNA ref allele: $ref_allele!");
# Protein level
if ($dnamut->region eq 'exon' ) { # coding region affected
my $aachange = Bio::Variation::AAChange->new
(-start => (int($rnachange->start / 3 + 1))
my $ct = new Bio::Tools::CodonTable;
my $aa_allele_ori = $ct->translate($rnachange->codon_ori);
my $aa_o = Bio::Variation::Allele->new;
$aa_o->seq($aa_allele_ori) if $aa_allele_ori;
my $aa_allele_mut = $ct->translate($rnachange->codon_mut);
my $aa_m = Bio::Variation::Allele->new;
$aa_m->seq($aa_allele_mut) if $aa_allele_mut;
my $aa_length_ori = CORE::length($aa_allele_ori);
$aachange->end($aachange->start + $aa_length_ori - 1 );
#terminator codon?
my $ref_allele = substr($aaseq->seq, $aachange->start -1 ,1);
$aa_allele_ori ne $ref_allele &&
$self->warn ("Found AA ref allele '$ref_allele' when expected to see $aa_allele_ori");
return $seqDiff;