Raw content of Bio::EnsEMBL::Funcgen::DBSQL::ResultSetAdaptor
# Ensembl module for Bio::EnsEMBL::DBSQL::Funcgen::ResultSetAdaptor
# You may distribute this module under the same terms as Perl itself
=head1 NAME
Bio::EnsEMBL::DBSQL::Funcgen::ResultSetAdaptor - A database adaptor for fetching and
storing ResultSet objects.
my $rset_adaptor = $db->get_ResultSetAdaptor();
my @rsets = @{$rset_adaptor->fetch_all_ResultSets_by_Experiment()};
#my @displayable_rsets = @{$rset_adaptor->fetch_all_displayable_ResultSets()};
#Other methods?
#by FeatureType, CellType all with displayable flag?
The ResultSetAdaptor is a database adaptor for storing and retrieving
ResultSet objects.
=head1 AUTHOR
This module was created by Nathan Johnson.
This module is part of the Ensembl project: /
=head1 CONTACT
Post comments or questions to the Ensembl development list: ensembl-dev@ebi.ac.uk
=head1 METHODS
use strict;
use warnings;
package Bio::EnsEMBL::Funcgen::DBSQL::ResultSetAdaptor;
use Bio::EnsEMBL::Utils::Exception qw( throw warning );
use Bio::EnsEMBL::Funcgen::ResultSet;
use Bio::EnsEMBL::Funcgen::ResultFeature;
use Bio::EnsEMBL::Funcgen::DBSQL::BaseAdaptor;
use Bio::EnsEMBL::Funcgen::Utils::EFGUtils qw(mean median);
use vars qw(@ISA);
@ISA = qw(Bio::EnsEMBL::Funcgen::DBSQL::BaseAdaptor);
#Generates ResultSet contains info about ResultSet content
#and actual results for channel or for chips in contig set?
#omit channel handling for now as we prolly won't ever display them
#but we might use it for running analyses and recording in result_set...change to result_group or result_analyses
#data_set!! Then we can keep other tables names and retain ResultFeature
#and change result_feature to result_set, this makes focus of result set more accurate and ResultFeatures are lightweight result objects.
#do we need to accomodate different classes of data or multiple feature types in one set? i.e. A combi experiment (Promot + Histone mod)?
#schema can handle this...API? ignore for now but be mindful.
#This is subtley different to handling different experiments with different features in the same ResultSet.
#Combi will have same sample.
#This needs one call to return all displayable sets, grouped by cell_line and ordered by FeatureType
#needs to be restricted to cell line, feature type, but these fields have to be disparate from result_feature
#as this is only a simple linker table, and connections may not always be present
#so cell tpye and feature type constraints have to be performed on load, then can assume that associated features and results
# have same cell type/feature
#so we need to group by cell_type in sql and then order by feature_type_id in sql or rearrange in code?
#This will not know about chip sets, just that a feature set is linked to various result sets
#There fore we need to use the chip_set_id or link back to the experimental_chip chip_set_ids
#this would require a self join on experimental_chip
#Result_set_id is analagous to the chip_set key, altho' we may have NR instances of the same chip set with different analysis
#if we didn't know the sets previosuly, then we would have to alter the result_set_id retrospectively i.e. change the result_set_id.#All chips in exp to be in same set until we know sets, or all in separate set?
#Do not populate data_set until we know sets as this would cause hacky updating in data_set too.
#how are we going to accomodate a combi exp? Promot + Histone mods?
#These would lose their exp set association, i.e. same exp & sample different exp method
#we're getting close to defining the regulon here, combined results features from the same exp
#presently want them displayed as a group but ordered appropriately
#was previously treating each feature as a separate result set
#for storing/making link we don't need the Slice context
#store should check all
#so do we move the slice context to the object methods or make optional
#then object method can check for slice and throw or take a Slice as an optional argument
#this will enable generic set to be created to allow loading and linking of features to results
#we still need to know which feature arose from which chip!!!! Not easy to do and may span two.
#Need to genericise this to the chip_set(or use result_set_id non unique)
#We need to disentangle setting the feature to chip/set problem from the displayable problem.
#change the way StatusAdaptor works to accomodate result_set_id:table_name:table_id, as this will define unique results
#can we extend this to creating skeleton result sets and loading raw results too?
#Result.pm should be lightweight by default to enable fast web display, do we need oligo_probe_id?
#how are we going to overcome unlinked but displayable sets?
#incomplete result_feature records will be hack to update/alter?
#could have attach_result to feature method?
#force association when loading features
=head2 fetch_all_result_feature_sets
Example : my @web_optimised_set = @{$rset_adaptor->fetch_all_result_feature_sets};
Description: Retrieves a list of Bio::EnsEMBL::Funcgen::ResultSets which have been extracted
and compressed in the result_feature table.
Returntype : Listref of Bio::EnsEMBL::Funcgen::ResultSet objects
Exceptions : None
Caller : general
Status : At Risk - remove and add status
sub fetch_all_result_feature_sets{
my $self = shift;
throw('change to status call');
return $self->generic_fetch('rs.result_feature_set=1');
=head2 fetch_all_linked_by_ResultSet
Arg [1] : Bio::EnsEMBL::Funcgen::ResultSet
Arg [2] : Bio::EnsEMBL::Analysis
Example : my @rsets = @{$rset_adaptor->fetch_all_by_Experiment_Analysis($exp, $anal)};
Description: Retrieves a list of Bio::EnsEMBL::Funcgen::ResultSets with the given Analysis from the Experiment
Returntype : Listref of Bio::EnsEMBL::Funcgen::ResultSet objects
Exceptions : Throws if ResultSet not valid or stored
Caller : general
Status : At Risk
sub fetch_all_linked_by_ResultSet{
my ($self, $rset) = @_;
$self->db->is_stored_an_valid('Bio::EnsEMBL::Funcgen::ResultSet', $rset);
my $constraint = ' cc.result_set_id in (SELECT distinct(result_set_id) from chip_channel where chip_channel_id in('.join(', ', @{$rset->chip_channel_ids}).') ';
my @tmp = @{$self->generic_fetch($constraint)};
#Now remove query set
my @linked_sets;
map {push @linked_sets, $_ if $_->dbID != $rset->dbID} @tmp;
return \@linked_sets;
=head2 fetch_all_by_Experiment_Analysis
Arg [1] : Bio::EnsEMBL::Funcgen::Experiment
Arg [2] : Bio::EnsEMBL::Analysis
Example : my @rsets = @{$rset_adaptor->fetch_all_by_Experiment_Analysis($exp, $anal)};
Description: Retrieves a list of Bio::EnsEMBL::Funcgen::ResultSets with the given Analysis from the Experiment
Returntype : Listref of Bio::EnsEMBL::Funcgen::ResultSet objects
Exceptions : Throws if Analysis is not valid and stored
Caller : general
Status : At Risk
sub fetch_all_by_Experiment_Analysis{
my ($self, $exp, $analysis) = @_;
if( !($analysis && $analysis->isa("Bio::EnsEMBL::Analysis") && $analysis->dbID())){
throw("Need to pass a valid stored Bio::EnsEMBL::Analysis");
my $join = $self->get_Experiment_join_clause($exp)." AND rs.analysis_id=".$analysis->dbID();
return ($join) ? $join." AND rs.analysis_id=".$analysis->dbID() : [];
sub get_Experiment_join_clause{
my ($self, $exp) = @_;
if( !($exp && $exp->isa("Bio::EnsEMBL::Funcgen::Experiment") && $exp->dbID())){
throw("Need to pass a valid stored Bio::EnsEMBL::Funcgen::Experiment");
my @ecs = @{$exp->get_ExperimentalChips()};
my $ec_ids = join(', ', (map $_->dbID, @ecs));#get ' separated list of ecids
my @chans = map @$_, (map $_->get_Channels(), @ecs);
my $chan_ids = join(', ', (map $_->dbID(), @chans));#get ' separated list of chanids
#These give empty strings which are defined
my $constraint;
#This will not work for single IDs of 0, but this will never happen.
if($ec_ids && $chan_ids){
$constraint = '(((cc.table_name="experimental_chip" AND cc.table_id IN ('.$ec_ids.
')) OR (cc.table_name="channel" AND cc.table_id IN ('.$chan_ids.'))))';
$constraint = 'cc.table_name="experimental_chip" AND cc.table_id IN ('.$ec_ids.')';
$constraint = 'cc.table_name="channel" AND cc.table_id IN ('.$chan_ids.')';
return $constraint;
=head2 fetch_all_by_Experiment
Arg [1] : Bio::EnsEMBL::Funcgen::Experiment
Example : my @rsets = @{$rset_adaptor->fetch_all_by_Experiment($exp)};
Description: Retrieves a list of Bio::EnsEMBL::Funcgen::ResultSets from the Experiment
Returntype : Listref of Bio::EnsEMBL::Funcgen::ResultSet objects
Exceptions : None
Caller : general
Status : At Risk
sub fetch_all_by_Experiment{
my ($self, $exp) = @_;
#my $constraint = "ec.experiment_id=".$exp->dbID();
#This was much easier with the more complicated default where join
#should we reinstate and just have a duplication of cell/feature_types?
my $join = $self->get_Experiment_join_clause($exp);
return ($join) ? $self->generic_fetch($join) : [];
=head2 fetch_all_by_FeatureType
Arg [1] : Bio::EnsEMBL::Slice
Arg [2] : string - type of array (e.g. AFFY or OLIGO)
Arg [3] : (optional) string - logic name
Example : my $slice = $sa->fetch_by_region('chromosome', '1');
my $features = $ofa->fetch_by_Slice_type($slice, 'OLIGO');
Description: Retrieves a list of features on a given slice that are created
by probes from the specified type of array.
Returntype : Listref of Bio::EnsEMBL::OligoFeature objects
Exceptions : Throws if no array type is provided
Caller : General
Status : At Risk
sub fetch_all_by_FeatureType {
my ($self, $ftype) = @_;
if( !($ftype && $ftype->isa("Bio::EnsEMBL::Funcgen::FeatureType") && $ftype->dbID())){
throw("Need to pass a valid stored Bio::EnsEMBL::Funcgen::FeatureType");
my $constraint = "rs.feature_type_id =".$ftype->dbID();
return $self->generic_fetch($constraint);
=head2 fetch_all_by_name_Analysis
Arg [1] : string - ResultSet name
Arg [2] : Bio::EnsEMBL::Funcgen::Analysis
Example : ($rset) = @{$rseta->fetch_by_name($exp->name().'_IMPORT')};
Description: Retrieves a ResultSet based on the name attribute
Returntype : Bio::EnsEMBL::Funcgen::ResultSet
Exceptions : Throws if no name provided
Caller : General
Status : At Risk - remove all, there should only be one?
sub fetch_all_by_name_Analysis {
my ($self, $name, $anal) = @_;
if( ! defined $name){
throw('Need to pass a ResultSet name');
if(!($anal && $anal->isa('Bio::EnsEMBL::Analysis') && $anal->dbID())){
throw('You must provide a valid, stored Bio::EnsEMBL::Analysis');
my $constraint = "rs.name ='${name}' AND rs.analysis_id=".$anal->dbID();
return $self->generic_fetch($constraint);
=head2 fetch_all_by_name
Arg [1] : string - ResultSet name
Example : ($rset) = @{$rseta->fetch_all_by_name($exp->name().'_IMPORT')};
Description: Retrieves ResultSets based on the name attribute
Returntype : ARRAYREF of Bio::EnsEMBL::Funcgen::ResultSet objects
Exceptions : Throws if no name provided
Caller : General
Status : At Risk - remove all, there should only be one?
sub fetch_all_by_name{
my ($self, $name) = @_;
if( ! defined $name){
throw('Need to pass a ResultSet name');
my $constraint = "rs.name ='${name}'";
return $self->generic_fetch($constraint);
=head2 _tables
Args : None
Example : None
Description: PROTECTED implementation of superclass abstract method.
Returns the names and aliases of the tables to use for queries.
Returntype : List of listrefs of strings
Exceptions : None
Caller : Internal
Status : At Risk
sub _tables {
my $self = shift;
return (
[ 'result_set', 'rs' ],
[ 'chip_channel', 'cc' ],
#[ 'experimental_chip', 'ec' ],
#[ 'channel', 'c' ],
#This causes the N(no channelrecords) records to be returned when there is no linkable channel.
#solution is to create dummy channels for chip level import e.g. Sanger
#we can have channel here, but only if we make the link in the default where, otherwise we'll get spurious results
#must also make all the fetch methods use an OR constraint dependent on the table name
#this would also be in default where
=head2 _columns
Args : None
Example : None
Description: PROTECTED implementation of superclass abstract method.
Returns a list of columns to use for queries.
Returntype : List of strings
Exceptions : None
Caller : Internal
Status : At Risk
sub _columns {
my $self = shift;
return qw(
rs.result_set_id rs.analysis_id
cc.table_name cc.chip_channel_id
cc.table_id rs.name
rs.cell_type_id rs.feature_type_id
=head2 _default_where_clause
Args : None
Example : None
Description: PROTECTED implementation of superclass abstract method.
Returns an additional table joining constraint to use for
Returntype : List of strings
Exceptions : None
Caller : Internal
Status : At Risk
sub _default_where_clause {
my $self = shift;
#return 'rs.result_set_id = cc.result_set_id AND ((cc.table_name="experimental_chip" AND cc.table_id = ec.experimental_chip_id) OR (cc.table_name="channel" AND cc.table_id=c.channel_id AND ec.experimental_chip_id=c.experimental_chip_id))';
#no need for complex join due to adding feature/cell_type columns to result_set
#This was done to allow separation of top level rset with same name but different
#cell or feature_types
return 'rs.result_set_id = cc.result_set_id';
=head2 _final_clause
Args : None
Example : None
Description: PROTECTED implementation of superclass abstract method.
Returns an ORDER BY clause. Sorting by oligo_feature_id would be
enough to eliminate duplicates, but sorting by location might
make fetching features on a slice faster.
Returntype : String
Exceptions : None
Caller : generic_fetch
Status : At Risk
sub _final_clause {
#do not mess with this!
return ' GROUP by cc.chip_channel_id, cc.result_set_id ORDER BY rs.result_set_id, rs.cell_type_id, rs.feature_type_id';
=head2 _objs_from_sth
Arg [1] : DBI statement handle object
Example : None
Description: PROTECTED implementation of superclass abstract method.
Creates Array objects from an executed DBI statement
Returntype : Listref of Bio::EnsEMBL::Funcgen::Experiment objects
Exceptions : None
Caller : Internal
Status : At Risk
sub _objs_from_sth {
my ($self, $sth) = @_;
my (@rsets, $last_id, $rset, $dbid, $anal_id, $anal, $ftype, $ctype, $table_id, $name);
my ($sql, $table_name, $cc_id, $ftype_id, $ctype_id, $rf_set);
my $a_adaptor = $self->db->get_AnalysisAdaptor();
my $ft_adaptor = $self->db->get_FeatureTypeAdaptor();
my $ct_adaptor = $self->db->get_CellTypeAdaptor();
$sth->bind_columns(\$dbid, \$anal_id, \$table_name, \$cc_id,
\$table_id, \$name, \$ctype_id, \$ftype_id);
#this fails if we delete entries from the joined tables
#causes problems if we then try and store an rs which is already stored
while ( $sth->fetch() ) {
if(! $rset || ($rset->dbID() != $dbid)){
push @rsets, $rset if $rset;
$anal = (defined $anal_id) ? $a_adaptor->fetch_by_dbID($anal_id) : undef;
$ftype = (defined $ftype_id) ? $ft_adaptor->fetch_by_dbID($ftype_id) : undef;
$ctype = (defined $ctype_id) ? $ct_adaptor->fetch_by_dbID($ctype_id) : undef;
$rset = Bio::EnsEMBL::Funcgen::ResultSet->new(
-DBID => $dbid,
-NAME => $name,
-ANALYSIS => $anal,
-TABLE_NAME => $table_name,
-FEATURE_TYPE => $ftype,
-CELL_TYPE => $ctype,
#-RESULT_FEATURE_SET => $rf_set,#Change to add_status
-ADAPTOR => $self,
#This assumes logical association between chip from the same exp, confer in store method?????????????????
if(defined $rset->feature_type()){
throw("ResultSet does not accomodate multiple FeatureTypes") if ($ftype_id != $rset->feature_type->dbID());
if(defined $rset->cell_type()){
throw("ResultSet does not accomodate multiple CellTypes") if ($ctype_id != $rset->cell_type->dbID());
#we're not controlling ctype and ftype during creating new ResultSets to store.
#we should change add_table_id to add_ExperimentalChip and check in that method
#add just the ids here, as we're aiming at quick web display.
$rset->add_table_id($table_id, $cc_id);
push @rsets, $rset if $rset;
return \@rsets;
=head2 store
Args : List of Bio::EnsEMBL::Funcgen::ResultSet objects
Example : $rsa->store(@rsets);
Description: Stores or updates previously stored ResultSet objects in the database.
Returntype : None
Exceptions : Throws if a List of ResultSet objects is not provided or if
an analysis is not attached to any of the objects
Caller : General
Status : At Risk
sub store{
my ($self, @rsets) = @_;
throw("Must provide a list of ResultSet objects") if(scalar(@rsets == 0));
my (%analysis_hash);
my $sth = $self->prepare('INSERT INTO result_set (analysis_id, name, cell_type_id, feature_type_id) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)');
my $db = $self->db();
my $analysis_adaptor = $db->get_AnalysisAdaptor();
FEATURE: foreach my $rset (@rsets) {
if( ! ref $rset || ! $rset->isa('Bio::EnsEMBL::Funcgen::ResultSet') ) {
throw('Must be an ResultSet object to store');
if ( $rset->is_stored($db) ) {
throw('ResultSet [' . $rset->dbID() . '] is already stored in the database\nResultSetAdaptor does not yet accomodate updating ResultSets');
#would need to retrive stored result set and update table_ids
#above does not check if it has been generated from scratch but is identical i.e. recovery.
#Need to check table_id and analysis and that it has the correct status
if ( ! defined $rset->analysis() ) {
throw('An analysis must be attached to the ResultSet objects to be stored.');
# Store the analysis if it has not been stored yet
if ( ! $rset->analysis->is_stored($db) ) {
warn("Will this not keep storing the same analysis if we keep passing the same unstored analysis?");
$analysis_adaptor->store( $rset->analysis() );
my $ct_id = (defined $rset->cell_type()) ? $rset->cell_type->dbID() : undef;
my $ft_id = (defined $rset->feature_type()) ? $rset->feature_type->dbID() : undef;
$sth->bind_param(1, $rset->analysis->dbID(), SQL_INTEGER);
$sth->bind_param(2, $rset->name(), SQL_VARCHAR);
$sth->bind_param(3, $ct_id, SQL_INTEGER);
$sth->bind_param(4, $ft_id, SQL_INTEGER);
$rset->dbID( $sth->{'mysql_insertid'} );
return \@rsets;
=head2 store_chip_channels
Args : Bio::EnsEMBL::Funcgen::ResultSet
Example : $rsa->store_chip_channel(@rset);
Description: Convinience methods extracted from store to allow updating of chip_channel entries
during inline result processing which would otherwise be troublesome due to the need
for a chip_channel_id in the result table before the ResultSet would normally be stored
i.e. after it has been fully populated with data.
Returntype : Bio::EnsEMBL::Funcgen::ResultSet
Exceptions : Throws if a stored ResultSet object is not provided
Caller : General
Status : At Risk
sub store_chip_channels{
my ($self, $rset) = @_;
if(! ($rset && $rset->isa("Bio::EnsEMBL::Funcgen::ResultSet"))){
throw("You must pasas a valid Bio::EnsEMBL::Funcgen::ResultSet");
if ( ! $rset->is_stored($self->db()) ) {
throw('ResultSet must be stored in the database before storing chip_channel entries');
my $sth = $self->prepare("
INSERT INTO chip_channel (
result_set_id, table_id, table_name
) VALUES (?, ?, ?)
my $sth1 = $self->prepare("
INSERT INTO chip_channel (
chip_channel_id, result_set_id, table_id, table_name
) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)
#Store and set all previously unstored table_ids
foreach my $table_id(@{$rset->table_ids()}){
my $cc_id = $rset->get_chip_channel_id($table_id);
if(! defined $cc_id){
$sth->bind_param(1, $rset->dbID(), SQL_INTEGER);
$sth->bind_param(2, $table_id, SQL_INTEGER);
$sth->bind_param(3, $rset->table_name(), SQL_VARCHAR);
$cc_id = $sth->{'mysql_insertid'};
$rset->add_table_id($table_id, $sth->{'mysql_insertid'});
#this should only store if not already stored for this rset
#this is because we may want to add chip_channels to a previously stored rset
my $sql = 'SELECT chip_channel_id from chip_channel where result_set_id='.$rset->dbID().
" AND chip_channel_id=${cc_id}";
my ($loaded) = map $_ = "@$_", @{$self->db->dbc->db_handle->selectall_arrayref($sql)};
if(! $loaded){
$sth1->bind_param(1, $cc_id, SQL_INTEGER);
$sth1->bind_param(2, $rset->dbID(), SQL_INTEGER);
$sth1->bind_param(3, $table_id, SQL_INTEGER);
$sth1->bind_param(4, $rset->table_name(), SQL_VARCHAR);
$sth1->execute();#this could still fail is some one duplicates a result_set_id, table_id, table_name entry
return $rset;
=head2 list_dbIDs
Args : None
Example : my @rsets_ids = @{$rsa->list_dbIDs()};
Description: Gets an array of internal IDs for all ProbeFeature objects in
the current database.
Returntype : List of ints
Exceptions : None
Caller : general
Status : stable
sub list_dbIDs {
my $self = shift;
return $self->_list_dbIDs('result_set');
=head2 fetch_ResultFeatures_by_Slice_ResultSet
Arg[0] : Bio::EnsEMBL::Slice - Slice to retrieve results from
Arg[1] : Bio::EnsEMBL::Funcgen::ResultSet - ResultSet to retrieve results from
Arg[2] : optional string - STATUS e.g. 'DIPLAYABLE'
Example : my @rfeatures = @{$rsa->fetch_ResultFeatures_by_Slice_ResultSet($slice, $rset, 'DISPLAYABLE')};
Description: Gets a list of lightweight ResultFeatures from the ResultSet and Slice passed.
Replicates are combined using a median of biological replicates based on
their mean techinical replicate scores
Returntype : List of Bio::EnsEMBL::Funcgen::ResultFeature
Exceptions : Warns if not experimental_chip ResultSet
Throws if no Slice passed
Warns if
Caller : general
Status : At risk
#Could we also have an optional net size for grouping ResultFeature into Nbp pseudo ResultFeatures?
#This does not account for strandedness!!
#Is this sensible? Do we really want the full probe object alongside the ResultFeatures?
#what about just the probe name?
#we could simplt add the probe_id to the ResultFeature
#This would prevent creating probe features for all of the features which do not have results for a given resultset
#This will mean the probe will still have to be individually created
#But we're only creating it for those which we require
#and we're now creating the lightweight ResultFeature instead of the ProbeFeature
#However, if we're dealing with >1 rset in a loop
#Then we'll be recreating the same ResultFeatures and probes for each set.
#We're already restricting the ProbeFeatures to those within the rset
#What we want is to get the score along side the ProbeFeature?
#But we want the probe name!!
#We really want something that will give Probe and ResultFeature
#Let's set the Probe as an optional ResultFeature attribute
sub fetch_ResultFeatures_by_Slice_ResultSet{
my ($self, $slice, $rset, $ec_status, $with_probe) = @_;
#warn "Using ResultSetAdaptor";
return $self->db->get_ResultFeatureAdaptor->fetch_all_by_Slice_ResultSet($slice, $rset, $ec_status, $with_probe);
if(! (ref($slice) && $slice->isa('Bio::EnsEMBL::Slice'))){
throw('You must pass a valid Bio::EnsEMBL::Slice');
$self->db->is_stored_and_valid('Bio::EnsEMBL::Funcgen::ResultSet', $rset);
if($rset->table_name eq 'channel'){
warn('Can only get ResultFeatures for an ExperimentalChip level ResultSet');
my (@rfeatures, %biol_reps, %rep_scores, @filtered_ids);
my ($biol_rep, $score, $start, $end, $cc_id, $old_start, $old_end, $probe_field);
my ($padaptor, $probe, $array,);
my ($probe_id, $probe_set_id, $pname, $plength, $arraychip_id, $pclass, $probeset);
my (%array_cache, %probe_set_cache, $ps_adaptor, $array_adaptor);
my $ptable_syn = '';
my $pjoin = '';
my $pfields = '';
#This would be in BaseAdaptor? or core DBAdaptor?
#This would work on assuming that the default foreign key would be the primary key unless specified
#my($table_info, $fields, $adaptor) = @{$self->validate_and_get_join_fields('probe')};
$padaptor = $self->db->get_ProbeAdaptor;
$ps_adaptor = $self->db->get_ProbeSetAdaptor;
$array_adaptor = $self->db->get_ArrayAdaptor;
#This would return table and syn and syn.fields
#Would also need access to obj_from_sth_values
#could return code ref or adaptor
$ptable_syn = ', probe p';
#Some of these will be redundant: probe_id
#Can we remove the foreign key from the returned fields?
#But we need it here as it isn't being returned
$pfields = ', p.probe_id, p.probe_set_id, p.name, p.length, p.array_chip_id, p.class ';
#will this make a difference if we join on pf instead of r?
$pjoin = ' AND r.probe_id = p.probe_id ';
my @ids = @{$rset->table_ids()};
#should we do some more optimisation of method here if we know about presence or lack or replicates?
@filtered_ids = @{$self->status_filter($ec_status, 'experimental_chip', @ids)};
if(! @filtered_ids){
warn("No ExperimentalChips have the $ec_status status, No ResultFeatures retrieved");
return \@rfeatures;
#we need to build a hash of cc_id to biolrep value
#Then we use the biolrep as a key, and push all techrep values.
#this can then be resolved in the method below, using biolrep rather than cc_id
my $sql = "SELECT ec.biological_replicate, cc.chip_channel_id from experimental_chip ec, chip_channel cc
WHERE cc.table_name='experimental_chip'
AND ec.experimental_chip_id=cc.table_id
AND cc.table_id IN(".join(', ', (map $_->dbID(), @{$rset->get_ExperimentalChips()})).")";
my $sth = $self->prepare($sql);
$sth->bind_columns(\$biol_rep, \$cc_id);
#could maybe do a selecthashref here?
$biol_rep ||= 'NO_REP_SET';
$biol_reps{$cc_id} = $biol_rep;
if(grep(/^NO_REP_SET$/, values %biol_reps)){
warn 'You have ExperimentalChips with no biological_replicate information, these will be all treated as one biological replicate';
#we don't need to account for strnadedness here as we're dealing with a double stranded feature
#need to be mindful if we ever consider expression
#we don't need X Y here, as X Y for probe will be unique for cc_id.
#any result with the same cc_id will automatically be treated as a tech rep
#This does not currently handle multiple CSs i.e. level mapping
my $mcc = $self->db->get_MetaCoordContainer();
my $fg_cs = $self->db->get_FGCoordSystemAdaptor->fetch_by_name(
my $max_len = $mcc->fetch_max_length_by_CoordSystem_feature_type($fg_cs, 'probe_feature');
#This join between sr and pf is causing the slow down. Need to select right join for this.
#just do two separate queries for now.
$sql = "SELECT seq_region_id from seq_region where core_seq_region_id=".$slice->get_seq_region_id().
" AND schema_build='".$self->db->_get_schema_build($slice->adaptor->db())."'";
my ($seq_region_id) = $self->db->dbc->db_handle->selectrow_array($sql);
#Can we push the median calculation onto the server?
#group by pf.seq_region_start?
#will it always be a median?
$sql = 'SELECT STRAIGHT_JOIN r.score, pf.seq_region_start, pf.seq_region_end, cc.chip_channel_id '.$pfields.
' FROM probe_feature pf, '.$rset->get_result_table().' r, chip_channel cc '.$ptable_syn.' WHERE cc.result_set_id = '.
$sql .= ' AND cc.table_id IN ('.join(' ,', @filtered_ids).')' if ((@filtered_ids != @ids) && $ec_status);
$sql .= ' AND cc.chip_channel_id = r.chip_channel_id'.
' AND r.probe_id=pf.probe_id'.$pjoin.
' AND pf.seq_region_id='.$seq_region_id.
' AND pf.seq_region_start<='.$slice->end();
my $start = $slice->start - $max_len;
$start = 0 if $start < 0;
$sql .= ' AND pf.seq_region_start >= '.$start;
$sql .= ' AND pf.seq_region_end>='.$slice->start().
' ORDER by pf.seq_region_start'; #do we need to add probe_id here as we may have probes which start at the same place
#can we resolves replicates here by doing a median on the score and grouping by cc_id some how?
#what if a probe_id is present more than once, i.e. on plate replicates?
#To extend this to perform median calculation we'd have to group by probe_id, and ec.biological_replicate
#THen perform means across biol reps. This would require nested selects
#would this group correctly on NULL values if biol rep not set for a chip?
#This would require an extra join too.
$sth = $self->prepare($sql);
$sth->bind_columns(\$score, \$start, \$end, \$cc_id, \$probe_id, \$probe_set_id,
\$pname, \$plength, \$arraychip_id, \$pclass);
$sth->bind_columns(\$score, \$start, \$end, \$cc_id);
my $position_mod = $slice->start() - 1;
my $new_probe = 0;
my $first_record = 1;
while ( $sth->fetch() ) {
#we need to get best result here if start and end the same
#set start end for first result
$old_start ||= $start;
$old_end ||= $end;
#This is assuming that a feature at the exact same locus is from the same probe
#This may not be correct and will collapse probes with same sequence into one ResultFeature
#This is okay for analysis purposes, but obscures the probe to result relationship
#we arguably need to implement r.probe_id check here for normal ResultFeatures
if(($start == $old_start) && ($end == $old_end)){#First result and duplicate result for same feature?
#only if with_probe(otherwise we have a genuine on plate replicate)
#if probe_id is same then we're just getting the extra probe for a different array?
#cc_id might be different for same probe_id?
#How can we differentiate between an on plate replicate and just the extra probe records?
#If array_chip_id is the same? If it is then we have an on plate replicate (differing x/y vals in result)
#Otherwise we know we're getting another probe record from a different Array/ArrayChip.
#It is still possible for the extra probe record on a different ArrayChip to have a result,
#the cc_id would be different and would be captured?
#This would still be the same probe tho, so still one RF
#When do we want to split?
#If probe_id is different...do we need to order by probe_id?
#probe will never be defined without with_probe
#so can omit from test
if(defined $probe && ($probe->dbID != $probe_id)){
$new_probe = 1;
push @{$rep_scores{$biol_reps{$cc_id}}}, $score;
else{#Found new location
$new_probe = 1;
#store previous feature with best result from @scores
#Do not change arg order, this is an array object!!
push @rfeatures, Bio::EnsEMBL::Funcgen::ResultFeature->new_fast
($old_start - $position_mod),
($old_end - $position_mod), undef,#strand needs adding
$self->resolve_replicates_by_ResultSet(\%rep_scores, $rset),
undef %rep_scores;
$old_start = $start;
$old_end = $end;
#record new score
@{$rep_scores{$biol_reps{$cc_id}}} = ($score);
#This would be done via the ProbeAdaptor->obj_from_sth_values
#We need away ti maintain the Array/ProbeSet caches in obj_from_sth fetch
#Pulling into an array would increase memory usage over the fetch loop
#Can we maintain an object level cache which we would then have to reset?
#Wouldn't be the end of the world if it wasn't, but would use memory
#This is recreating the Probe->_obj_frm_sth
#We need to be mindful that we can get multiple records for a probe
#So we need to check whether the probe_id is the same
#It may be possible to get two of the same probes contiguously
#So we would also have to check on seq_region_start
#Do we really need to set these?
#We are getting the advantage that we're cacheing
#Rather than a fetch for each object
#But maybe we don't need this information?
#Can we have two mode for obj_from_sth?
$array = $array_cache{$arraychip_id} || $self->db->get_ArrayAdaptor()->fetch_by_array_chip_dbID($arraychip_id);
$probeset = $probe_set_cache{$probe_set_id} || $self->db->get_ProbeSetAdaptor()->fetch_by_dbID($probe_set_id);
if($first_record || $new_probe){
$probe = Bio::EnsEMBL::Funcgen::Probe->new
-dbID => $probe_id,
-name => $pname,
-array_chip_id => $arraychip_id,
-array => $array,
-probe_set => $probeset,
-length => $plength,
-class => $pclass,
-adaptor => $padaptor,
else {
# Extend existing probe
$probe->add_array_chip_probename($arraychip_id, $pname, $array);
$new_probe = 0;
$first_record = 0;
#store last feature
#Do not change arg order, this is an array object!!
#only if found previosu results
push @rfeatures, Bio::EnsEMBL::Funcgen::ResultFeature->new_fast
($old_start - $position_mod),
($old_end - $position_mod),
$self->resolve_replicates_by_ResultSet(\%rep_scores, $rset),
#(scalar(@scores) == 0) ? $scores[0] : $self->_get_best_result(\@scores)]);
return \@rfeatures;
=head2 resolve_replicates_by_ResultSet
Arg[0] : HASHREF - chip_channel_id => @scores pairs
#Arg[1] : Bio::EnsEMBL::Funcgen::ResultSet - ResultSet to retrieve results from
Example : my @rfeatures = @{$rsa->fetch_ResultFeatures_by_Slice_ResultSet($slice, $rset, 'DISPLAYABLE')};
Description: Gets a list of lightweight ResultFeatures from the ResultSet and Slice passed.
Replicates are combined using a median of biological replicates based on
their mean techinical replicate scores
Returntype : List of Bio::EnsEMBL::Funcgen::ResultFeature
Exceptions : None
Caller : general
Status : At risk
#this may be done better inline rather than sub'd as we're going to have to rebuild the duplicate data each time?
#Rset should return a hash of cc_ids keys with replicate name values.
#these can then beused to build replicate name keys, with an array technical rep score values.
#mean each value then give median of all.
sub resolve_replicates_by_ResultSet{
my ($self, $rep_ref) = @_;#, $rset) = @_;
my ($score, @scores, $biol_rep);
#deal with simplest case first and fastest?
#can we front load this with the replicate set info, i.e. if we know we only have one then we don't' have to do all this testing and can do a mean
if(scalar(keys %{$rep_ref}) == 1){
($biol_rep) = keys %{$rep_ref};
@scores = @{$rep_ref->{$biol_rep}};
if (scalar(@scores) == 1){
$score = $scores[0];
$score = mean(\@scores)
}else{#deal with biol replicates
foreach $biol_rep(keys %{$rep_ref}){
push @scores, mean($rep_ref->{$biol_rep});
@scores = sort {$a<=>$b} @scores;
$score = median(\@scores);
return $score;
=head2 fetch_results_by_probe_id_ResultSet
Arg [1] : int - probe dbID
Arg [2] : Bio::EnsEMBL::Funcgen::ResultSet
Example : my @probe_results = @{$ofa->fetch_results_by_ProbeFeature_ResultSet($pid, $result_set)};
Description: Gets result for a given probe in a ResultSet
Returntype : ARRAYREF
Exceptions : throws if args not valid
Caller : General
Status : At Risk - Change to take Probe?
sub fetch_results_by_probe_id_ResultSet{
my ($self, $probe_id, $rset) = @_;
throw("Need to pass a valid stored Bio::EnsEMBL::Funcgen::ResultSet") if (! ($rset &&
&& $rset->dbID()));
throw('Must pass a probe dbID') if ! $probe_id;
my $cc_ids = join(',', @{$rset->chip_channel_ids()});
my $query = "SELECT r.score from result r where r.probe_id ='${probe_id}'".
" AND r.chip_channel_id IN (${cc_ids}) order by r.score;";
#without a left join this will return empty results for any probes which may have been remapped
#to the a chromosome, but no result exist for a given set due to only importing a subset of
#a vendor specified mapping
#This converts no result to a 0!
my @results = map $_ = "@$_", @{$self->dbc->db_handle->selectall_arrayref($query)};
return \@results;