TOC for ensembl-functgenomics::modules::Bio::EnsEMBL::Funcgen::DBSQL
AnnotatedFeatureAdaptorA database adaptor for fetching and storing AnnotatedFeature objects.
ArrayAdaptorA database adaptor for fetching and storing Funcgen Array objects.
ArrayChipAdaptorA database adaptor for fetching and storing Funcgen ArrayChip objects.
BaseAdaptorSimple wrapper class for Funcgen StorableAdaptors
BaseFeatureAdaptorAn Base class for all Funcgen FeatureAdaptors, redefines some methods to use the Funcgen DB
CellTypeAdaptorA database adaptor for fetching and storing Funcgen CellType objects.
ChannelAdaptorA database adaptor for fetching and storing Funcgen Channel objects.
DBEntryAdaptorMySQL Database queries to load and store external object references.
DataSetAdaptorA database adaptor for fetching and storing DataSet objects.
ExperimentAdaptorA database adaptor for fetching and storing Funcgen Experiment objects.
ExperimentalChipAdaptorA database adaptor for fetching and storing Funcgen ExperimentalChip objects.
ExperimentalSetAdaptorA database adaptor for fetching and storing ExperimentalSet objects.
ExternalFeatureAdaptorA database adaptor for fetching and storing ExternalFeature objects.
FeatureSetAdaptorA database adaptor for fetching and storing Funcgen feature sets.
FeatureTypeAdaptorA database adaptor for fetching and storing Funcgen FeatureType objects.
ProbeAdaptorA database adaptor for fetching and storing Probe objects.
ProbeFeatureAdaptorA database adaptor for fetching and storing ProbeFeature objects.
ProbeSetAdaptorA database adaptor for fetching and storing ProbeSet objects.
RegulatoryFeatureAdaptorA database adaptor for fetching and storing RegulatoryFeature objects.
ResultFeatureAdaptorA hybrid/chimaeric database adaptor for fetching and storing ResultFeature objects. This will automatically query the web optimised result_feature table if a data is present, else it will query the underlying raw data tables. How are we going to track the association between these two result sets? We could use the supporting_set table and DataSets, but this would require hijacking the product feature set field for a result set??!! This is not really a DataSet, but two associated result sets. Add type to result_set, result and result_feature. This would simply be a replicate pointing to the same cc_ids, but we can then simply test for the type and use a different table if possible. We can healtcheck the two sets to make sure they have the same cc_ids, analysis, feaure and cell types. How do we make the association? Query using the name, analysis, cell/feature types and different result_set type. Or we could add a parent_result_set_id This could utilise a Binner object which would do the necessary DB compaction based on the association Feature Collection methods. Are we going to binary pack the scores? We should just add another table result_feature_set. Need to left join on this table as might not be present. Would need update_result_feature_set method?
ResultSetAdaptorA database adaptor for fetching and storing ResultSet objects.
SetFeatureAdaptorA base database adaptor for SetFeature adaptors. storing SetFeature objects.
SliceAdaptorA database aware adaptor responsible for the creation of Slices in the context of eFG objects.