Bio::EnsEMBL::Funcgen Importer
SummaryPackage variablesSynopsisDescriptionGeneral documentationMethods
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Package variables
No package variables defined.
Included modules
Bio::EnsEMBL::Funcgen::Utils::EFGUtils qw ( get_date open_file run_system_cmd )
Bio::EnsEMBL::Utils::Argument qw ( rearrange )
Bio::EnsEMBL::Utils::Exception qw ( throw deprecate )
my $imp = Bio::EnsEMBL::Funcgen::Importer->new(%params);
This program is the main class coordinating import of Arrays and experimental data.
It utilises several underlying definitions classes specific to array vendor, array class and
experimental group.
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No description
No description
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No description
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Methods description
R_normcode    nextTop
Example : $self->R_norm(@logic_names);
Description: Performs R normalisations for given logic names
Returntype : none
Exceptions : Throws if R exits with error code or if data not not valid for analysis
Caller : general
Status : At risk
  Arg [1]    : Bio::EnsEMBL::Funcgen::Array
Example : $self->add_Array($array);
Description: Setter for array elements
Returntype : none
Exceptions : throws if passed non Array or if more than one Array set
Caller : Importer
Status : At risk - Implement multiple arrays? Move to Experiment?
Example : my $array_file = $imp->array_file();
Description: Getter/Setter for sanger/design array file
Arg [1] : optional - path to adf or gff array definition/mapping file
Returntype : string
Exceptions : none
Caller : general
Status : at risk
Example : my $array_name = $imp->array_name();
Description: Getter/Setter for array name
Arg [1] : optional string - name of array
Returntype : string
Exceptions : none
Caller : general
Status : at risk
Example : $imp->array_set(1);
Description: Getter/Setter for array set flag
Arg [1] : optional boolean - treat all array chips as the same array
Returntype : boolean
Exceptions : none
Caller : general
Status : at risk
Example : foreach my $array(@{$imp->arrays}){ an array of things ...};
Description: Getter for the arrays attribute
Returntype : ARRAYREF
Exceptions : none
Caller : general
Status : at risk
  Arg [0]    : mandatory - probe name
Arg [1] : mandatory - probe dbID
Arg [2] : optioanl int - x coord of probe on array
Arg [3] : optional int - y coord of probe on array
Example : $self->cache_probe_info("Probe1", $probe->dbID());
Or for result files which do not have X & Y, we need to cache
X & Y from the design files: $self->cache_probe_info('Probe2', $probe->dbID(), $x, $y);
Description: Setter for probe cache values
Returntype : none
Exceptions : throws is cache conflict encountered
Caller : self
Status : At risk - merge with following?
  Arg [0]    : string - region_name e.g. X
Arg [1] : optional - coordinate system name e.g. supercontig, defaults to chromosome
Example : my $slice = $self->cache_slice(12);
Description: Caches or retrieves from cache a given slice
Returntype : Bio::EnsEMBL::Slice
Exceptions : throws f no region name specified
Caller : self
Status : At risk
Example : $imp->cell_type($ctype);
Description: Getter/Setter for Experiment CellType
Arg [1] : optional - Bio::EnsEMBL::Funcgen::CellType
Returntype : Bio::EnsEMBL::Funcgen::CellType
Exceptions : Throws if arg is not valid or stored
Caller : general
Status : at risk
Example : my $contact = $imp->contact();
Description: Getter/Setter for the group contact
Arg [1] : optional - contact name/email/address
Returntype : string
Exceptions : none
Caller : general
Status : Stable
  Example    : $self->create_output_dirs();
Description: Does what it says on the tin, creates dirs in
the root output dir foreach @dirnames, also set paths in self
Arg [1] : mandatory - list of dir names
Returntype : none
Exceptions : none
Caller : general
Status : Medium - add throw?
Example : $imp->db($funcgen_db);
Description: Getter/Setter for the db element
Arg [1] : optional - Bio::EnsEMBL::Funcgen::DBSQL::DBAdaptor
Returntype : Bio::EnsEMBL::Funcgen::DBSQL::DBAdaptor
Exceptions : throws if arg is not an DBAdaptor
Caller : general
Status : Stable
Example : my $exp_group = $imp->group();
Description: Getter/Setter for the group name
Arg [1] : optional - group name
Returntype : string
Exceptions : none
Caller : general
Status : At risk - to be removed, us db->dbc->dbname
Example : $imp->description("Human chrX H3 Lys 9 methlyation");
Description: Getter/Setter for the experiment element
Arg [1] : optional - experiment description
Returntype : string
Exceptions : none
Caller : general
Status : Stable
Example : $self->design_type("binding_site_identification")
Description: Getter/Setter for experimental design type
Arg [1] : optional - design type
Returntype : string
Exceptions : none
Caller : general
Status : At risk
Example : if($self->dump_fasta()){ fasta dump...}
Description: Getter/Setter for the dump_fasta flag
Arg [1] : optional - 0 or 1
Returntype : boolean
Exceptions : none
Caller : self
Status : Stable
Example : my $exp = $imp->experiment();
Description: Getter/Setter for the Experiment element
Arg [1] : optional - Bio::EnsEMBL::Funcgen::Experiment
Returntype : Bio::EnsEMBL::Funcgen::Experiment
Exceptions : throws if arg is not an Experiment
Caller : general
Status : Stable
Example : $imp->experiment_date('2006-11-02');
Description: Getter/Setter for the experiment date
Arg [1] : optional - date string in yyyy-mm-dd
Returntype : string
Exceptions : none
Caller : general
Status : At risk
Example : my $esset_name = $imp->experimental_set_name();
Description: Getter/Setter for experimental_set_name
Arg [1] : optional - ExperimentalSet name
Returntype : string
Exceptions : none
Caller : general
Status : Stable
Arg [1] : Boolean
Example : $importer->farm(1);
Description: Flag to turn farm submission on
Returntype : Boolean
Exceptions : Throws is argument not a boolean
Caller : general
Status : At risk
Example : $imp->feature_analysis($fanal);
Description: Getter/Setter for Analysis used for creating the imported Features
Arg [1] : optional - Bio::EnsEMBL::Analysis
Returntype : Bio::EnsEMBL::Analysis
Exceptions : Throws if arg is not valid or stored
Caller : general
Status : at risk
Example : $imp->description("ExperimentalSet description");
Description: Getter/Setter for the FeatureSet description for an
ExperimentalSet import e.g. preprocessed GFF/Bed data
Arg [1] : optional - string feature set description
Returntype : string
Exceptions : none
Caller : general
Status : At risk
Example : $imp->feature_type($ftype);
Description: Getter/Setter for Experiment FeatureType
Arg [1] : optional - Bio::EnsEMBL::Funcgen::FeatureType
Returntype : Bio::EnsEMBL::Funcgen::FeatureType
Exceptions : Throws if arg is not valid or stored
Caller : general
Status : at risk
Example : $imp->format("Tiled");
Description: Getter/Setter for the array format
Arg [1] : optional - array format
Returntype : string
Exceptions : none
Caller : general
Status : Stable
Example : $seq_region_id = $self->get_seq_region_id('X');
Description: Calls each method in data_type array from config hash
Arg [1] : mandatory - chromosome name
Arg [2] : optional - start value
Arg [3] : optional - end value
Returntype : int
Exceptions : none
Caller : self
Status : At risk
  Arg [1]    : mandatory - name of the data element to retrieve from the config hash
Example : %dye_freqs = %{$imp->get_config('dye_freqs')};
Description: returns data from the definitions hash
Returntype : various
Exceptions : none
Caller : Importer
Status : at risk - replace with direct calls in the inherited Defs class?
Example : $imp->get_dir("import");
Description: Retrieves full path for given directory
Arg [1] : mandatory - dir name
Returntype : string
Exceptions : none
Caller : general
Status : at risk - move to Helper?
  Arg[1]     : Bio::EnsEMBL::Funcgen::Array
Arg[2] : boolean - from db flag, only to be used by Importer->resolve_probe_data !
Example : $self->get_probe_cache_by_Array();
Description: Gets the probe info cache which is an array tied to a file
Returntype : Boolean - True if cache has been generated and set successfully
Exceptions : none
Caller : general
Status : At risk
  Arg [1]    : mandatory - probe name
Example : $pid = $self->get_probe_id_by_name($pname);
Description: Getter for probe cache values
Returntype : int
Exceptions : none
Caller : self
Status : At risk - merge with previous, move to importer?
Example : my $exp_group = $imp->group();
Description: Getter/Setter for the group name
Arg [1] : optional - group name
Returntype : string
Exceptions : none
Caller : general
Status : Stable
  Example    : $self->init_import();
Description: Initialises import by creating working directories
and by storing the Experiemnt
Returntype : none
Exceptions : warns and throws depending on recover and Experiment status
Caller : general
Status : at risk - merge with register_array_design
  Example    : $self->init_import();
Description: Initialises import by creating working directories
and by storing the Experiemnt
Returntype : none
Exceptions : warns and throws depending on recover and Experiment status
Caller : general
Status : at risk - merge with register exeriment
Example : $imp->vendor("Hinxton");
Description: Getter/Setter for group location
Arg [1] : optional - location
Returntype : string
Exceptions : none
Caller : general
Status : Stable
Example : $imp->name('Experiment1');
Description: Getter/Setter for the experiment name
Arg [1] : optional - experiment name
Returntype : string
Exceptions : none
Caller : general
Status : Stable
 Description : Constructor method
Arg [1] : hash containing optional attributes: -name Name of Experiment(dir) -format of array e.g. Tiled(default) -vendor name of array vendor -description of the experiment -pass DB password -host DB host -user DB user -port DB port -registry_host Host to load registry from -registry_port Port for registry host -registry_user User for registry host -registry_pass Password for registry user -ssh Flag to set connection over ssh via forwarded port to localhost (default = 0); remove? -group name of experimental/research group -location of experimental/research group -contact e/mail address of primary contact for experimental group -species -assembly Genome assembly version i.e. 36 for NCBI36 -recover Recovery flag (default = 0) -data_dir Root data directory (default = $ENV{'EFG_DATA'}) -output_dir review these dirs ??????? -input_dir ????????? -import_dir ??????? -norm_dir ?????? -fasta dump FASTA flag (default =0) -array_set Flag to treat all chip designs as part of same array (default = 0) -array_name Name for array set -array_file Path of array file to import for sanger ENCODE array -result_set_name Name to give the raw and normalised result sets (default uses experiment and analysis name) -norm_method Normalisation method (Nimblegen default = VSN_GLOG or $ENV{'NORM_METHOD'}) -dbname Override for autogeneration of funcgen dbaname -reg_config path to local registry config file (default = ~/ensembl.init || undef) -design_type MGED term (default = binding_site_identification) get from meta/MAGE? -verbose ReturnType : Bio::EnsEMBL::Funcgen::Importer Example : my $Exp = Bio::EnsEMBL::Importer->new(%params); Exceptions : throws if mandatory params are not set or DB connect fails Caller : General Status : Medium - potential for %params names to change, remove %attrdata?
Example : $imp->norm_analysis($anal);
Description: Getter/Setter for the normalisation analysis
Arg [1] : optional - Bio::EnsEMBL::Analysis
Returntype : Bio::EnsEMBL::Analysis
Exceptions : Throws if arg is not valid or stored
Caller : general
Status : at risk
Example : my $norm_method = $imp->norm_method()
Description: Getter/Setter for normalisation method
Arg [1] : mandatory - method name
Returntype : string
Exceptions : none ? throw if no analysis with logic name
Caller : general
Status : At risk - restrict to logic_name and validate against DB, allow multiple
Example : $imp->host("hoastname");
Description: Getter/Setter for the db hostname
Arg [1] : optional - db hostname
Returntype : string
Exceptions : none
Caller : general
Status : Stable
Example : $imp->port(3306);
Description: Getter/Setter for the db port number
Arg [1] : optional - db port number
Returntype : int
Exceptions : none
Caller : general
Status : Stable
Example : $self->read_data("probe")
Description: Calls each method in data_type array from config hash
Arg [1] : mandatory - data type
Returntype : none
Exceptions : none
Caller : self
Status : At risk
Example : if($imp->recovery()){ recovery code...}
Description: Getter/Setter for the recovery flag
Arg [1] : optional - 0 or 1
Returntype : boolean
Exceptions : none
Caller : self
Status : Medium - Most recovery now dynamic using status table
Example : $imp->register_experiment()
Description: General control method, performs all data import and normalisations
Arg [1] : optional - dnadb DBAdaptor
Returntype : none
Exceptions : throws if arg is not Bio::EnsEMBL::DBSQL::DBAdaptor
Caller : general
Status : Medium
  Example    : my $reg_host = $imp->registry_host;
Description: Accessor for registry host attribute
Returntype : string e.g.
Exceptions : None
Caller : general
Status : at risk
  Example    : my $reg_pass = $imp->registry_pass;
Description: Accessor for registry pass attribute
Returntype : string e.g.
Exceptions : None
Caller : general
Status : at risk
  Example    : my $reg_port = $imp->registry_port;
Description: Accessor for registry port attribute
Returntype : string e.g.
Exceptions : None
Caller : general
Status : at risk
  Example    : my $reg_user = $imp->registry_user;
Description: Accessor for registry user attribute
Returntype : string e.g.
Exceptions : None
Caller : general
Status : at risk
  Example    : $self->resolve_probe_data();
Description: Resolves DB probe duplicates and builds local probe cache
Returntype : none
Exceptions : ????
Caller : general
Status : At risk
Example : $imp->result_files(\@files);
Description: Getter/Setter for the result file paths
Arg [1] : Listref of file paths
Returntype : Listref
Exceptions : none
Caller : general
Status : At risk
Example : $imp->species("homo_sapiens");
Description: Getter/Setter for species
Arg [1] : optional - species name(alias?)
Returntype : string
Exceptions : none ? throw if no alias found?
Caller : general
Status : Medium - may move reg alias look up to this method
  Arg [1]    : mandatory - array chip id
Arg [2] : optional - Bio::EnsEMBL::Funcgen::ProbeSet
Arg [3] : mandatory - hashref of keys probe id, values are
hash of probe/features with values
Bio::EnsEMBL::Funcgen::Probe/Features for a given
probe set if defined.
Example : $self->store_set_probes_features($ac->dbID(), $ops, \%pfs);
Description: Stores probe set, probes and probe features
Returntype : none
Exceptions : none
Caller : self
Status : Medium
Example : $start += 1 if $self->ucsc_coords;
Description: Getter for UCSC coordinate usage flag
Returntype : boolean
Exceptions : none
Caller : general
Status : at risk
Example : $imp->user("user_name");
Description: Getter/Setter for the db user name
Arg [1] : optional - db user name
Returntype : string
Exceptions : none
Caller : general
Status : Stable
  Example    : $self->validate_group();
Description: Validates groups details
Returntype : none
Exceptions : throws if insufficient info defined to store new Group and is not already present
Caller : general
Status : Medium - check location and contact i.e. group name clash?
Example : $imp->vendor("NimbleGen");
Description: Getter/Setter for array vendor
Arg [1] : optional - vendor name
Returntype : string
Exceptions : none
Caller : general
Status : Stable
Example : $imp->verbose(1);
Description: Getter/Setter for the verbose flag
Arg [1] : optional - 0 or 1
Returntype : int
Exceptions : none
Caller : general
Status : Stable
Example : $self->vsn_norm();
Description: Convinience/Wrapper method for vsn R normalisation
Returntype : none
Exceptions : none
Caller : general
Status : At risk
Methods code
sub R_norm {
  my ($self, @logic_names) = @_;
  #This currently normalises a single two colour chip at a time
#rather than normalising across a set of chip
#also does in sets of analyses
#good for keeping data separate, but not efficient in terms of querying
#convert to use one script which only queries for each echip once, then does each anal
my $aa = $self->db->get_AnalysisAdaptor(); my $rset_adaptor = $self->db->get_ResultSetAdaptor(); my $ra_id = $aa->fetch_by_logic_name("RawValue")->dbID(); my %r_config = ( "VSN_GLOG" => {( libs => ['vsn'], #norm_method => 'vsn',
)}, "T.Biweight" => {( libs => ['affy'], #norm_method => 'tukey.biweight',
)}, ); foreach my $logic_name (@logic_names) { #throw("Not yet implemented TukeyBiweight") if $logic_name eq "Tukey_Biweight";
#this has already been chcecked and set as the norm_analysis
#need to resolve this multi method approach
my $norm_anal = $aa->fetch_by_logic_name($logic_name); #This only creates an RSet for the IMPORT set
#So if we re-run with a different analysis
#tab2mage will have already been validated
#So RSet generation will be skipped
#We need to recreate the each non-import RSet for this norm analysis
#This also means the RSets are being created before the data has been imported
#This avoids having to parse tab2mage each time but means we have an uncertain status of these Rsets
my $rset = $self->get_import_ResultSet($norm_anal, 'experimental_chip'); my @chips = (); if (! $rset) { $self->log("All ExperimentalChips already have status:\t${logic_name}"); } else { #Got data to normalise and import
my @dbids; my $R_file = $self->get_dir("norm")."/${logic_name}.R"; my $job_name = $self->experiment->name()."_${logic_name}"; my $resultfile = $self->get_dir("norm")."/result.${logic_name}.txt"; my $outfile = $self->get_dir("norm")."/${logic_name}.out"; #How do we get farm job output i.e. run time memusage
#from interactive job?
#This assumes R_PATH
my $errfile = $self->get_dir("norm")."/${logic_name}.err"; #Let's build this better so we capture the farm output aswell as the job output.
my $cmdline = "$ENV{'R_PATH'} --no-save < $R_file";# >$errfile 2>&1";
#-K option waits for job to complete
my $bsub = "bsub -K -J $job_name ".$ENV{'R_BSUB_OPTIONS'}. " -e $errfile -o $outfile $ENV{'R_FARM_PATH'} CMD BATCH $R_file"; #Can we separate the out and err for commandline?
my $r_cmd = (! $self->farm()) ? "$cmdline >$outfile 2>&1" : $bsub; $self->backup_file($resultfile); #Need to do this as we're appending in the loop
#setup qurey
#warn "Need to add host and port here";
#Set up DB, defaults and libs for each logic name
my $query = "options(scipen=20);library(RMySQL);library(Ringo);"; #scipen is to prevent probe_ids being converted to exponents
#Ringo is for default QC
#foreach my $ln(@logic_names){
foreach my $lib (@{$r_config{$logic_name}{'libs'}}) { $query .= "library($lib);"; } #}
$query .= "con<-dbConnect(dbDriver(\"MySQL\"), host=\"".$self->db->dbc->host()."\", port=\"".$self->db->dbc->port()."\", dbname=\"".$self->db->dbc->dbname()."\", user=\"".$self->db->dbc->username()."\""; #should use read only pass here as we are printing this to file
$query .= ", pass=\"".$self->db->dbc->password."\")\n"; #Build queries for each chip
foreach my $echip (@{$self->experiment->get_ExperimentalChips()}) { #should implement logic name here?
#can't as we need seperate ResultSet for each
if ($echip->has_status($logic_name)) { $self->log("ExperimentalChip ".$echip->unique_id()." already has status:\t$logic_name"); } else { #warn "Need to roll back here if recovery, as norm import may fail halfway through";
push @chips, $echip; my $cc_id = $rset->get_chip_channel_id($echip->dbID()); #if ($self->recovery()){
# $self->log('Rolling back results for ExperimentalChip('.$echip->dbID().") $logic_name");
# $self->db->rollback_results($cc_id) if $self->recovery();
# }
$self->log("Building $logic_name R cmd for ".$echip->unique_id()); @dbids = (); foreach my $chan (@{$echip->get_Channels()}) { if ($chan->type() eq "EXPERIMENTAL") { push @dbids, $chan->dbID(); } else { unshift @dbids, $chan->dbID(); } } throw("vsn does not accomodate more than 2 channels") if (scalar(@dbids > 2) && $logic_name eq "VSN_GLOG"); #should do some of this with maps?
#HARDCODED metric ID for raw data as one
#Need to get total and experimental here and set db_id accordingly
#can probably do this directly into one df
$query .= "c1<-dbGetQuery(con, 'select r.probe_id as PROBE_ID, r.score as CONTROL_score, r.X, r.Y from result r, chip_channel c, result_set rs where c.table_name=\"channel\" and c.table_id=${dbids[0]} and c.result_set_id=rs.result_set_id and rs.analysis_id=${ra_id} and c.chip_channel_id=r.chip_channel_id')\n"; $query .= "c2<-dbGetQuery(con, 'select r.probe_id as PROBE_ID, r.score as EXPERIMENTAL_score, r.X, r.Y from result r, chip_channel c, result_set rs where c.table_name=\"channel\" and c.table_id=${dbids[1]} and c.result_set_id=rs.result_set_id and rs.analysis_id=${ra_id} and c.chip_channel_id=r.chip_channel_id')\n"; #Can we define some of the basic structures here and reuse in the QC and each norm method?
#Is this going to eat up memory?
#can we strip out and separate the data from c1 and c2 into RGList and
#individual vector for probe_ids, then rm c1 and c2 to free up memory
#create RGList object
$query .= "R<-as.matrix(c1['CONTROL_score'])\nG<-as.matrix(c2['EXPERIMENTAL_score'])\n"; $query .= "genes<-cbind(c1['PROBE_ID'], c1['X'], c1['Y'])\n"; $query .= "testRG<-new('RGList', list(R=R, G=G, genes=genes))\n"; #QC plots here before doing norm
#open pdf device
$query .= "pdf('".$self->get_dir('norm').'/'.$echip->unique_id."_QC.pdf', paper='a4', height = 15, width = 9)\n"; #set format
$query .= "par(mfrow = c(2,2), font.lab = 2)\n"; #Channel densisties
#These need limma or Ringo
$query .= "plotDensities(testRG)\n"; #MvA Plot
$query .= 'meanLogA<-((log(testRG$R, base=exp(2)) + log(testRG$G, base=exp(2)))/2)'."\n"; $query .= 'logIntRatioM<-(log(testRG$R, base=exp(2)) - log(testRG$G, base=exp(2)))'."\n"; $query .= "yMin<-min(logIntRatioM)\n"; $query .= "yMax<-max(logIntRatioM)\n"; #Need to validate yMax here
#If is is Inf then we need to sort the vector and track back until we find the high real number
#count number of Infs and note on MvA plot
$query .= "infCount<-0\n"; $query .= "if( yMax == Inf){; sortedM<-sort(logIntRatioM); lengthM<-length(logIntRatioM); indexM<-lengthM\n" ."while (yMax == Inf){; indexM<-(indexM-1); yMax<-sortedM[indexM];}; infCount<-(lengthM-indexM);}\n"; #
$query .= "if(infCount == 0){\n"; $query .= 'plot(meanLogA, logIntRatioM, xlab="A - Average Log Ratio",ylab="M - Log Ratio",pch=".",ylim=c(yMin,yMax), main="'.$echip->unique_id.'")'."\n"; $query .= "} else {\n"; $query .= 'plot(meanLogA, logIntRatioM, xlab="A - Average Log Ratio",ylab="M - Log Ratio",pch=".",ylim=c(yMin,yMax), main="'.$echip->unique_id.'", sub=paste(infCount, " Inf values not plotted"));'."}\n"; #$query .= 'plot(log(testRG$R*testRG$G, base=exp(2))/2, log(testRG$R/testRG$G, base=exp(2)),xlab="A",ylab="M",pch=".",ylim=c(-3,3), main="'.$echip->unique_id."\")\n";
#Plate plots
$query .= 'image(testRG, 1, channel = "green", mycols = c("black", "green4", "springgreen"))'."\n"; $query .= 'image(testRG, 1, channel = "red", mycols = c("black", "green4", "springgreen"))'."\n"; $query .= "\n"; #Finished QC pdf printing
#The simple preprocess step of Ringo is actually vsn, so we can nest these in line
### Build Analyses cmds ###
if($logic_name eq 'T.Biweight'){ #log2 ratios
$query .= 'lr_df<-cbind((log(c2["EXPERIMENTAL_score"], base=exp(2)) - log(c1["CONTROL_score"], base=exp(2))))'."\n"; #Adjust using tukey.biweight weighted average
#inherits first col name
$query .= 'norm_df<-(lr_df["EXPERIMENTAL_score"]-tukey.biweight(as.matrix(lr_df)))'."\n"; $query .= 'formatted_df<-cbind(, length(c1["PROBE_ID"])), c1["PROBE_ID"], sprintf("%.3f", norm_df[,1]),'.$cc_id.', length(c1["PROBE_ID"])), c1["X"], c1["Y"])'."\n"; } elsif($logic_name eq 'VSN_GLOG'){ #could do this directly
$query .= "raw_df<-cbind(c1[\"CONTROL_score\"], c2[\"EXPERIMENTAL_score\"])\n"; #variance stabilise
$query .= "norm_df<-vsn(raw_df)\n"; #do some more calcs here and print report?
#fold change exponentiate? See VSN docs
#should do someplot's of raw and glog and save here?
#set log func and params
#$query .= "par(mfrow = c(1, 2)); = function(x) log(ifelse(x > 0, x, NA));";
#$query .= "plot(exprs(glog_df), main = \"vsn\", pch = \".\");".
# "plot(, main = \"raw\", pch = \".\");";
#par(mfrow = c(1, 2))
#> meanSdPlot(nkid, ranks = TRUE)
#> meanSdPlot(nkid, ranks = FALSE)
#Now create table structure with glog values(diffs)
#3 sig dec places on scores(doesn't work?!)
$query .= 'formatted_df<-cbind(, length(c1["PROBE_ID"])), c1["PROBE_ID"], sprintf("%.3f", (exprs(norm_df[,2]) - exprs(norm_df[,1]))),'.$cc_id.', length(c1["PROBE_ID"])), c1["X"], c1["Y"])'."\n"; } #load back into DB
#c3results<-cbind(rep("", length(c3["probe_id"])), c3["probe_id"], c3["c3_score"], rep(1, length(c3["probe_id"])), rep(1, length(c3["probe_id"])))
#may want to use safe.write here
#dbWriteTable(con, "result", c3results, append=TRUE)
#dbWriteTable returns true but does not load any data into table!!!
$query .= "write.table(formatted_df, file=\"${resultfile}\", sep=\"\\t\", col.names=FALSE, row.names=FALSE, quote=FALSE, append=TRUE)\n"; #tidy up here??
} } $query .= "q();"; open(RFILE, ">$R_file") || throw("Cannot open $R_file for writing"); print RFILE $query; close(RFILE); my $submit_text = "Submitting $logic_name job"; $submit_text .= ' to farm' if $self->farm; $self->log("${submit_text}:\t".localtime()); run_system_cmd($r_cmd); $self->log("Finished $logic_name job:\t".localtime()); $self->log('See '.$self->get_dir('norm').' for ExperimentalChip QC files'); #Now load file and update status
#Import directly here to avoid having to reparse all results if we crash!!!!
$self->log("Importing:\t$resultfile"); $self->db->load_table_data("result", $resultfile); $self->log("Finishing importing:\t$resultfile"); foreach my $echip(@chips){ $echip->adaptor->store_status($logic_name, $echip); } #Recreate all non-import RSets for analysis if not already present
my $rset_a = $self->db->get_ResultSetAdaptor(); my %seen_rsets; foreach my $anal_rset(@{$rset_a->fetch_all_by_Experiment($self->experiment)}){ next if($anal_rset->name =~ /_IMPORT$/o); next if(exists $seen_rsets{$anal_rset->name}); next if $anal_rset->analysis->logic_name eq $norm_anal->logic_name; $seen_rsets{$rset->name} = 1; $anal_rset->analysis($norm_anal); $anal_rset->{'dbID'} = undef; $anal_rset->{'adaptor'} = undef; #add the chip_channel_ids from the new anal IMPORT set
foreach my $table_id(@{$anal_rset->table_ids}){ $anal_rset->{'table_id_hash'}{$table_id} = $rset->get_chip_channel_id($table_id); } $self->log('Adding new ResultSet '.$anal_rset->name.' with analysis '.$norm_anal->logic_name); $rset_a->store($anal_rset); } } } return; } #can we sub this? args: table_name, logic_name
#also use result_set_name
#would also clean all data for result set if recovery
#return would be result_set
sub add_Array {
  my $self = shift;

  #do we need to check if stored?
if (! $_[0]->isa('Bio::EnsEMBL::Funcgen::Array')) { throw("Must supply a Bio::EnsEMBL::Funcgen::Array"); } elsif (@_) { push @{$self->{'arrays'}}, @_; } throw("Does not yet support multiple array imports") if(scalar (@{$self->{'arrays'}}) > 1); #need to alter read_probe data at the very least
sub array_file {
  my ($self) = shift;
  $self->{'array_file'} = shift if(@_);
  return $self->{'array_file'};
sub array_name {
  my ($self) = shift;
  $self->{'array_name'} = shift if(@_);
  return $self->{'array_name'};
sub array_set {
  my ($self) = shift;
  $self->{'array_set'} = shift if(@_);
  return $self->{'array_set'};
sub arrays {
  my $self = shift;

  if(! defined $self->{'arrays'}){
	$self->{'arrays'} = $self->db->get_ArrayAdaptor->fetch_all_by_Experiment($self->experiment());

  return $self->{'arrays'};
sub cache_probe_info {
  my ($self, $pname, $pid, $x, $y) = @_;

  throw('Deprecated, too memory expensive, now resolving DB duplicates and using Tied File cache');
  throw("Must provide a probe name and id") if (! defined $pname || ! defined $pid);

  #do we need to loop through the file here?
#if we make sure we're testing for a previous dbID before storing probes then we don't need to do this
#we can catch the error when we get the probe id as we can check for >1 id for the same probe name
#if (defined $self->{'_probe_cache'}->{$pname} && ($self->{'_probe_cache'}->{$pname}->[0] != $pid)) {
# throw("Found two differing dbIDs for $pname, need to sort out redundant probe entries");
$self->{'_probe_cache'}->{$pname} = (defined $x && defined $y) ? [$pid, $x, $y] : [$pid]; return;
sub cache_slice {
  my ($self, $region_name, $cs_name) = @_;

  throw("Need to define a region_name to cache a slice from") if ! $region_name;

  $cs_name ||= 'chromosome';
  $self->{'slice_cache'} ||= {};
  $region_name =~ s/chr//;
  $region_name = "MT" if $region_name eq "M";
  #can we handle UN/random chromosomes here?
if (! exists $self->{'slice_cache'}->{$region_name}) { $self->{'slice_cache'}->{$region_name} = $self->slice_adaptor->fetch_by_region($cs_name, $region_name); warn("-- Could not generate a slice for ${cs_name}:$region_name\n") if ! defined $self->{'slice_cache'}->{$region_name}; } return $self->{'slice_cache'}->{$region_name};
sub cell_type {
  my ($self) = shift;

  if (@_) {
    my $ctype = shift;
    #do we need this as we're checking in new?
if (! ($ctype->isa('Bio::EnsEMBL::Funcgen::CellType') && $ctype->dbID())) { throw("Must pass a valid stored Bio::EnsEMBL::Funcgen::CellType"); } $self->{'cell_type'} = $ctype; } return $self->{'cell_type'};
sub contact {
  my ($self) = shift;
  $self->{'contact'} = shift if(@_);
  return $self->{'contact'};
sub create_output_dirs {
  my ($self, @dirnames) = @_;

  #unshift @dirnames, "";#create base output dir
#now done in control script due to log being generated first
foreach my $name (@dirnames) { if($name eq 'caches'){ $self->{"${name}_dir"} = $ENV{'EFG_DATA'}."/${name}/".$self->db->dbc->dbname() if(! defined $self->{"${name}_dir"}); } elsif($name eq 'fastas'){ $self->{"${name}_dir"} = $ENV{'EFG_DATA'}."/${name}/" if(! defined $self->{"${name}_dir"}); } else{ $self->{"${name}_dir"} = $self->get_dir('output')."/${name}" if(! defined $self->{"${name}_dir"}); } if(! (-d $self->get_dir($name) || (-l $self->get_dir($name)))){ $self->log("Creating directory:\t".$self->get_dir($name)); #This did not throw with mkdir!!
mkpath $self->get_dir($name) || throw('Failed to create directory: '. $self->get_dir($name)); chmod 0744, $self->get_dir($name); } } return; } #move this to SolexaDefs/ExperimentalSetDefs?
sub db {
  my $self = shift;

  if (defined $_[0] && $_[0]->isa("Bio::EnsEMBL::Funcgen::DBSQL::DBAdaptor")) {
    $self->{'db'} = shift;
  } elsif (defined $_[0]) {
    throw("Need to pass a valid Bio::EnsEMBL::Funcgen::DBSQL::DBAdaptor");
  return $self->{'db'};
sub dbname {
  my ($self) = shift;	

  deprecate('Use $imp->db->dbname');

  return $self->db->dbc->dbname;

  #$self->{'dbname'} = shift if @_;
# if(! defined $self->{'dbname'}){
# warn 'Need to guess dbname here?';
# }
# return $self->{'dbname'};
sub description {
  my $self = shift;

  if (@_) {
	$self->{'description'} = shift;

  return $self->{'description'};
sub design_type {
  my $self = shift;
  return $self->{'design_type'};
sub dump_fasta {
  my $self = shift;
  $self->{'_dump_fasta'} = shift if @_;
  return $self->{'_dump_fasta'};
sub experiment {
  my ($self) = shift;	

  if (@_) {
    if (! $_[0]->isa('Bio::EnsEMBL::Funcgen::Experiment')) {
      throw("Must pass a Bio::EnsEMBL::Funcgen::Experiment object");

    $self->{'experiment'} = shift;

  return $self->{'experiment'};
sub experiment_date {
  my ($self) = shift;	

  if (@_) {
    my $date = shift;

    if ($date !~ /[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}[0-9]{2}/o) {
      throw('Parameter -experiment_date needs to fe in the format: YYYY-MM-DD');

    $self->{'experiment_date'} = $date;
  } elsif ($self->vendor() eq "nimblegen" && ! defined $self->{'experiment_date'}) {
    $self->{'experiment_date'} = &get_date("date", $self->get_config("chip_file")),

  return $self->{'experiment_date'};
sub experimental_set_name {
  my $self = shift;

  $self->{'experimental_set_name'} = shift if @_;

  return $self->{'experimental_set_name'};
sub farm {
  my ($self, $farm) = @_;

  $self->{'farm'} ||= undef;#define farm
if (defined $farm) { throw("Argument to farm must be a boolean 1 or 0") if(! ($farm == 1 || $farm == 0)); $self->{'farm'} = $farm; } return $self->{'farm'};
sub feature_analysis {
  my ($self) = shift;

  if (@_) {
    my $fanal = shift;
    #do we need this as we're checking in new?
if (! (ref ($fanal) && $fanal->isa('Bio::EnsEMBL::Analysis') && $fanal->dbID())) { throw("Must pass a valid stored Bio::EnsEMBL::Analysis"); } $self->{'feature_analysis'} = $fanal; } return $self->{'feature_analysis'};
sub feature_set_description {
  my $self = shift;

  $self->{'feature_set_description'} = shift if @_;
  return $self->{'feature_set_description'};
sub feature_type {
  my ($self) = shift;

  if (@_) {
    my $ftype = shift;
    #do we need this as we're checking in new?
if (! ($ftype->isa('Bio::EnsEMBL::Funcgen::FeatureType') && $ftype->dbID())) { throw("Must pass a valid stored Bio::EnsEMBL::Funcgen::FeatureType"); } $self->{'feature_type'} = $ftype; } return $self->{'feature_type'};
sub format {
  my ($self) = shift;	
  $self->{'format'} = shift if(@_);
  return $self->{'format'};
sub get_chr_seq_region_id {
  my ($self, $chr, $start, $end) = @_;
  #what about strand info?
#do we need the start and stop?
#use start and stop to prevent problems with scaffodl assemblies, i.e. >1 seq_region_id
#my $slice = $self->slice_adaptor->fetch_by_region("chromosome", $chr, $start, $end);
#we could pass the slice back to the slice adaptor for this, to avoid dbid problems betwen DBs
###would need to implement other cs's here
return $self->slice_adaptor->fetch_by_region("chromosome", $chr, $start, $end)->get_seq_region_id(); } #convinience method
sub get_config {
  my ($self, $data_name) = @_;
  return $self->get_data('config', $data_name); #will this cause undefs?
sub get_dir {
  my ($self, $dirname) = @_;
  return $self->get_data("${dirname}_dir");
sub get_import_ResultSet {
  my ($self, $anal, $table_name) = @_;

  if (!($anal && $anal->isa("Bio::EnsEMBL::Analysis") && $anal->dbID())) {
    throw("Must provide a valid stored Bio::EnsEMBL::Analysis");

  $self->log("Getting import $table_name ResultSet for analysis:\t".$anal->logic_name());

  my ($rset, @new_chip_channels);
  my $result_adaptor = $self->db->get_ResultSetAdaptor();
  my $logic_name = $anal->logic_name;
  my $status = ($logic_name eq "RawValue") ? "IMPORTED" : $logic_name;

  if(($logic_name) eq 'RawValue' && ($table_name eq 'experimental_chip')){
	throw("Cannot have an ExperimentalChip ResultSet with a RawValue analysis, either specify 'channel' or another analysis");

  #Build IMPORT Set for $table_name
foreach my $echip (@{$self->experiment->get_ExperimentalChips()}) { #clean chip import and generate rset
if($table_name eq 'experimental_chip'){ if ($echip->has_status($status)) { #this translates to each channel have the IMPORTED_RawValue status
$self->log("ExperimentalChip(".$echip->unique_id().") already has status:\t".$status); } else { $self->log("Found ExperimentalChip(".$echip->unique_id().") without status $status"); push @new_chip_channels, $echip; } }else{#channel
foreach my $chan(@{$echip->get_Channels()}){ if ($chan->has_status($status)) { #this translates to each channel have the IMPORTED_RawValue status
$self->log("Channel(".$echip->unique_id()."_".$self->get_config('dye_freqs')->{$chan->dye()}.") already has status:\t".$status); } else { $self->log("Found Channel(".$echip->unique_id()."_".$self->get_config('dye_freqs')->{$chan->dye()}.") without status $status"); push @new_chip_channels, $chan; } } } if (( ! $rset) && @new_chip_channels) { my(@tmp) = @{$result_adaptor->fetch_all_by_name_Analysis($self->name()."_IMPORT", $anal)}; if(scalar(@tmp) > 1){ throw('Found more than one IMPORT ResultSet for '.$self->name().'_IMPORT with analysis '.$logic_name); } $rset = shift @tmp; #do we need to throw here if not recovery?
#what if we want the import result set elsewhere during the first import?
#if ($self->recovery()) {
#fetch by anal and experiment_id
#Need to change this to!
# warn("add chip set handling here");
#my @tmp = @{$result_adaptor->fetch_all_by_Experiment_Analysis($self->experiment(), $anal)};
#throw("Found more than one ResultSet for Experiment:\t".$self->experiment->name()."\tAnalysis:\t".$anal->logic_name().')' if (scalar(@tmp) >1);
#$rset = $tmp[0];
#warn "fetching rset with ".$self->name()."_IMPORT ". $anal->logic_name;
#$rset = $result_adaptor->fetch_by_name_Analysis($self->name()."_IMPORT", $anal);
warn("Warning: Could not find recovery ResultSet for analysis ".$logic_name) if ! $rset; #}
if (! $rset) { $self->log("Generating new ResultSet for analysis ".$logic_name); $rset = Bio::EnsEMBL::Funcgen::ResultSet->new ( -analysis => $anal, -table_name => $table_name, -name => $self->name()."_IMPORT", -feature_type => $self->feature_type(), -cell_type => $self->cell_type(), ); #These types should be set to NULL during the MAGE-XML validation if we have more than one type in an experiment
($rset) = @{$result_adaptor->store($rset)}; } } } #do we need this here as we're rolling back in the read methods?
#we only want to roll back those chips/channels which have not been registered
if ($self->recovery()) { my $ec_adaptor = $self->db->get_ExperimentalChipAdaptor(); foreach my $cc(@new_chip_channels){ #only roll back if already part of import set
#Not previously registered if not
if($rset->contains($cc) && $rset->get_chip_channel_id($cc->dbID())){ if($table_name eq 'channel'){ my $chan_name = $ec_adaptor->fetch_by_dbID($cc->experimental_chip_id())->unique_id()."_". $self->get_config('dye_freqs')->{$cc->dye()}; $self->log("Rolling back results for $table_name:\t".$chan_name); }else{ $self->log("Rolling back results for $table_name:\t".$cc->unique_id); } $self->rollback_results([$rset->get_chip_channel_id($cc->dbID())]); } } } #check whether it is present in the ResultSet and add if not
if ($rset) { #ids will already be present if not rset i.e. already imported
foreach my $cc(@new_chip_channels){ $rset->add_table_id($cc->dbID()) if(! $rset->contains($cc)); } } if ($rset) { $result_adaptor->store_chip_channels($rset); } else { $self->log("All ExperimentalChips have status:\t$status"); } #this only returns a result set if there is new data to import
return $rset;
sub get_probe_cache_by_Array {
  my ($self, $array, $from_db) = @_;

  my $msg = "Getting probe cache for ".$array->name();
  $msg .= " from DB" if $from_db;
  $self->log($msg);#, 1);
if(! ($array && $array->isa('Bio::EnsEMBL::Funcgen::Array') && $array->dbID())){ throw('Must provide a valid stored Bio::EnsEMBL::Funcgen::Array object'); } my $set = 0; my $cache_file = $self->get_dir('caches').'/'.$array->name().'.probe_cache'; ### Generate and resolve fresh cache from DB
if($from_db){ $cache_file .= '.unresolved';#This will be renamed by the caller if it is resolved
if(exists $self->{'_probe_cache'}{$array->name()}){ $self->log('Rebuilding probe_cache from DB for '.$array->name(), 1); #untie @{$self->{'_probe_cache'}{$array->name()}{'entries'}};
#close($self->{'_probe_cache'}{$array->name()}{'handle'});#do we need to do this?
delete $self->{'_probe_cache'}{$array->name()};#implicitly closes
$self->log('Deleted old cache', 1); }else{ $self->log('Building probe_cache from DB for '.$array->name(), 1); } #Move this to ProbeAdaptor?
#This is where we'd set the unique key for a vendor and resolves duplicates based on the key
my $cmd = 'SELECT name, probe_id from probe WHERE array_chip_id IN ('.join(',', @{$array->get_array_chip_ids()}).') ORDER by name, probe_id'; $cmd = 'mysql '.$self->db->connect_string()." -e\" $cmd\" >".$cache_file; run_system_cmd($cmd); } ### Set cache
if(-f $cache_file){ $self->log('MD5 check here?',1); $self->{'_probe_cache'}{$array->name()}{'current_line'} = undef; $self->{'_probe_cache'}{$array->name()}{'handle'} = open_file($cache_file); #can we do a select count instead? and do this instead of the MD5?
#$cmd = "wc -l $cache_file";
#my $size = `$cmd`;
$set = 1; } else{ warn 'Failed to get probe cache for array:'.$array->name(); } return $set; } #should reorganise these emthods to split reading the array data, and the actual data
#meta reads array and chip data
#probe reads probe_set, probes, which should definitely be in array, probe_feature? and results
#native data format may not map to these methods directly, so may need to call previous method if required data not defined
sub get_probe_id_by_name_Array {
  my ($self, $name, $array) = @_;
  #this is only ever called for fully imported ArrayChips, as will be deleted if recovering
$self->resolve_probe_data() if(! exists $self->{'_probe_cache'}{$array->name()}); #we want to cycle through the given cache starting from the last position or 0.
#we don't want to have to test for the size of the cache each time as this will be quite expensive
#so we should store sizes separately along with current position
my ($pid, $line); #check current line
if($line = $self->{'_probe_cache'}{$array->name()}{'current_line'}){ if($line =~ /^\Q${name}\E\t/){ $pid = (split/\t/o, $line)[1]; } } if(! $pid){ while($line = $self->{'_probe_cache'}{$array->name()}{'handle'}->getline()){ if($line =~ /^\Q${name}\E\t/){ $pid = (split/\t/o, $line)[1]; $self->{'_probe_cache'}{$array->name()}{'current_line'} = $line; last; } } } #do not remove this
if(! $pid){ throw("Did not find probe name ($name) in cache, cache may need rebuilding, results may need sorting, or do you have an anomolaous probe?") }else{ chomp $pid; } return $pid;
sub group {
  my ($self) = shift;	
  $self->{'group'} = shift if(@_);
  return $self->{'group'};
sub host {
  my $self = shift;
  $self->{'host'} = shift if(@_);
  return $self->{'host'};
sub hybridisation_fields {
  my $self = shift;

  return ['File[raw]', 'Array[accession]', 'Array[serial]', 
		  (map 'Protocol['.$_.']', (sort (keys %{$self->get_config('protocols')}))),
		  'BioSource', 'Sample', 'Extract', 'LabeledExtract', 'Immunoprecipitate', 'Hybridization', 
		  'BioSourceMaterial', 'SampleMaterial', 'ExtractMaterial', 'LabeledExtractMaterial',
		  'Dye', 'BioMaterialCharacteristics[Organism]', 'BioMaterialCharacteristics[BioSourceType]',	
		  'BioMaterialCharacteristics[StrainOrLine]', 'BioMaterialCharacteristics[CellType]', 
		  'BioMaterialCharacteristics[Sex]', 'FactorValue[StrainOrLine]', 'FactorValue[Immunoprecipitate]'];
sub init_array_import {
  my ($self) = shift;

  # we need to define which paramters we'll be storing
#use the logic names of the analyses as the field headers
#need to test for vendor here
#Sanger, NIMBLEGEN(no design_id issue, could get from the ndf, but we want it in the DesignNotes.txt)
#Then we can change the Array/Chip generation to soley use the DesignNotes.txt rather than SampleKey
#which is experiment specific
#or eFG format.
$self->create_output_dirs('caches', 'fastas');
sub init_experiment_import {
  my ($self) = shift;

  #Change this to take config mandatory params?
#No specific to exp import
#Name is used in set_config anyway
#Currently we only have array and experiment import, both of which should have names
#Make mandatory?
foreach my $tmp ("group", "data_dir") {#name now generically mandatory
throw("Mandatory arg $tmp not been defined") if (! defined $self->{$tmp}); } #Should we separate path on group here too, so we can have a dev/test group?
#Create output dirs
#This should be moved to the Parser to avoid generating directories which are needed for different imports
$self->create_output_dirs('raw', 'norm', 'caches', 'fastas'); throw("No result_files defined.") if (! defined $self->result_files()); #Log input files
if (@{$self->result_files()}) { $self->log("Found result files arguments:\n\t".join("\n\t", @{$self->result_files()})); } #check for cell||feature and warn if no met file supplied?
if($self->norm_method){ my $norm_anal = $self->db->get_AnalysisAdaptor->fetch_by_logic_name($self->norm_method); #should we list the valid analyses?
throw($self->norm_method.' is not a valid analysis') if ! $norm_anal; $self->norm_analysis($norm_anal); }else{ $self->log('WARNING: No normalisation analysis specified'); } #warn "Need to check env vars here or in Parser or just after set_config?";
#Need generic method for checking ENV vars in Helper
#check for ENV vars?
#R_PATH if ! farm
$self->validate_group();#import experimental_group
#Get experiment
my $exp_adaptor = $self->db->get_ExperimentAdaptor(); my $exp = $exp_adaptor->fetch_by_name($self->name()); #, $self->group());
#This is only used for the first test below.
my $xml = $exp_adaptor->fetch_mage_xml_by_experiment_name($self->name());# if $self->{'write_xml'};
#write mage if we specify or we don't have a the final xml or the template
#recovery is turned on to stop exiting when previously stored chips are found from the 'write_mage' run.
#This does mean that if you import without running the write_mage step
#you could potentially be overwriting someone elses experiment info
#No way of getting around this, need to make warning obvious, add to end of log!!!
#We always want to write and update xml and ResultSets if we're running the 2nd stage of the import
#Why would we ever want to skip the validate process?
#Leave for now as this is working as we want it
#But propose to remove skip functionality
if( ! $self->{'no_mage'}){ if($self->{'write_mage'} || !( -f $self->get_config('tab2mage_file') || $xml)){ $self->{'write_mage'} = 1; $self->backup_file($self->get_config('tab2mage_file')); } #elsif($xml && (! $self->{'update_xml'})){#Changed this so we always update
#elsif(! $self->{'update_xml'}){
#Here, we need to always update_xml
#If we are doing the 2nd stage
#Currently this is skipping as we haven't explicitly set it
#To remove this...
#what we need to do is check that we don't test for update_xml,
# i.e. assuming that we're running the second stage of the import.
# Therefore we need a boolean to set whether it is the first stage..else update_xml implicit
# write mage is explicit flag
# Or if we have not tab2mage file?
# we can then override this explicitly with update_xml?
# WE're never likely edit the xml directly, so we always want to validate and update
# so write mage flag become update_experiment? No this is no obvious behaviour
# We need to warn about removing the write_mage flag after we have updated it
# Otherwise we will never get to 2nd stage
#No mage is still valid as we may want to jus import and experiment
#Before receiving correct meta data
#When we can then rerun the import with -write_mage to update the resultsets
# $self->{'recover'} = 1;
# $self->{'skip_validate'} = 1;
elsif( -f $self->get_config('tab2mage_file')){#Run Tab2Mage
$self->backup_file($self->get_config('mage_xml_file')); my $cmd = ' -e '.$self->get_config('tab2mage_file').' -k -t '.$self->get_dir('output'). ' -c -d '.$self->get_dir('results'); $self->log('Reading tab2mage file'); my $t2m_exit_code = run_system_cmd($cmd, 1);#no exit flag due to non-zero exit codes
warn "tab2mage exit code is $t2m_exit_code"; if(! ($t2m_exit_code > -1) && ($t2m_exit_code <255)){ throw("tab2mage failed. Please check and correct:\t".$self->get_config('tab2mage_file')."\n...and try again"); } $self->{'recover'} = 1; } } #Recovery now set so deal with experiment
if ($self->recovery() && ($exp)) { $self->log("Using previously stored Experiment:\t".$exp->name); } elsif ((! $self->recovery()) && $exp) { throw("Your experiment name is already registered in the database, please choose a different\" name\", this will require renaming you input directory, or specify -recover if you are working with a failed/partial import."); #can we skip this and store, and then check in register experiment if it is already stored then throw if not recovery
} else { # (recover && exp) || (recover && ! exp)
$exp = Bio::EnsEMBL::Funcgen::Experiment->new( -GROUP => $self->group(), -NAME => $self->name(), -DATE => $self->experiment_date(), -PRIMARY_DESIGN_TYPE => $self->design_type(), -DESCRIPTION => $self->description(), -ADAPTOR => $self->db->get_ExperimentAdaptor(), ); ($exp) = @{$exp_adaptor->store($exp)}; } $self->experiment($exp); #remove and add specific report, this is catchig some Root stuff
#$self->log("Initiated efg import with following parameters:\n".Data::Dumper::Dumper(\$self));
sub init_tab2mage_export {
  my $self = shift;

  $self->backup_file($self->get_config('tab2mage_file')) if(-f $self->get_config('tab2mage_file'));

  my $t2m_file = open_file($self->get_config('tab2mage_file'), '>');

  #reformat this
my $exp_section = "experiment section\ndomain\t".(split/@/, $self->contact())[1]."\naccession\t\n". "quality_control\tbiological_replicate\nexperiment_design_type\tbinding_site_identification\n". "name\t".$self->name()."\nrelease_date\t\nsubmission_date\t\nsubmitter\t???\n". "submitter_email\t???\ninvestigator\t???\ninvestigator_email\t???\norganization\t???\naddress\t". "???\npublication_title\t\nauthors\t\njournal\t\nvolume\t\nissue\t\npages\t\nyear\t\npubmed_id\t\n"; my $protocol_section = "Protocol section\naccession\tname\ttext\tparameters\n"; foreach my $protocol(sort (keys %{$self->get_config('protocols')})){ $protocol_section .= $self->get_config('protocols')->{$protocol}->{'accession'}. "\t".$self->get_config('protocols')->{$protocol}->{'name'}. "\t".$self->get_config('protocols')->{$protocol}->{'text'}."\t"; $protocol_section .= (defined $self->get_config('protocols')->{$protocol}->{'parameters'}) ? $self->get_config('protocols')->{$protocol}->{'parameters'}."\t\n" : "\t\n"; } #File[raw] Array[accession] Array[serial] Protocol[grow] Protocol[treatment] Protocol[extraction] Protocol[labeling] Protocol[hybridization] Protocol[scanning] BioSource Sample Extract LabeledExtract Immunoprecipitate Hybridization BioSourceMaterial SampleMaterial ExtractMaterial LabeledExtractMaterial Dye BioMaterialCharacteristics[Organism] BioMaterialCharacteristics[BioSourceType] BioMaterialCharacteristics[StrainOrLine] BioMaterialCharacteristics[CellType] BioMaterialCharacteristics[Sex] FactorValue[StrainOrLine] FactorValue[Immunoprecipitate]
#Need to do this bit better?
#have array of fields. We can then populate a hash in the read method based on field names, then use the array to print in order
my $hyb_header = "\nHybridization section\n".join("\t", @{$self->hybridisation_fields()}); print $t2m_file $exp_section."\n".$protocol_section."\n".$hyb_header."\n"; return $t2m_file; } #Move to MAGE package?
sub location {
  my ($self) = shift;
  $self->{'location'} = shift if(@_);
  return $self->{'location'};
sub name {
  my ($self) = shift;	
  $self->{'name'} = shift if(@_);
  return $self->{'name'};
sub new {
  my ($caller) = shift;

  my $reg = "Bio::EnsEMBL::Registry";
  my $class = ref($caller) || $caller;

  my ($name, $format, $vendor, $group, $location, $contact, $species,
	  $array_name, $array_set, $array_file, $data_dir, $result_files,
	  $ftype_name, $ctype_name, $exp_date, $desc, $user, $host, $port, 
	  $pass, $dbname, $db, $assm_version, $design_type, $output_dir, $input_dir,
	  $farm, $ssh, $fasta, $recover, $reg_config, $write_mage, $no_mage, $eset_name, 
	  $norm_method, $old_dvd_format, $feature_analysis, $reg_db, $parser_type, 
	  $ucsc_coords, $verbose, $fset_desc, $release, $reg_host, $reg_port, $reg_user, $reg_pass)
				 'OUTPUT_DIR', 'INPUT_DIR',	#to allow override of defaults
throw("Mandatory argument -vendor not defined") if ! defined $vendor; #This will override the default Vendor Parser type
#Evals simply protect from messy errors if parser type not found
my $parser_error; my $vendor_parser = ucfirst(lc($vendor)); #WARNING evaling these parsers to enable pluggability hides errors in parser
#use a perl -MBio::EnsEMBL::Funcgen::Parsers:ParserType to debug
#get rid of all this case guessing and force correct parser name usage?
#Dynamic setting of ISA in this way reports the resultant object as Importer, when
#some throws/methods are actually in other base/custom Parsers
#This can seem a little counterintuitive, but allows plugability
#With out the need for separate control scripts
eval {require "Bio/EnsEMBL/Funcgen/Parsers/${vendor_parser}.pm";}; if($@){ #Don't warn/throw yet as we might have a standard parser format
$parser_error .= "There is no valid parser for the vendor your have specified:\t".$vendor. "\nMaybe this is a typo or maybe you want to specify a default import format using the -parser option\n".$@; } if(defined $parser_type){ #try normal case first
eval {require "Bio/EnsEMBL/Funcgen/Parsers/${parser_type}.pm";}; if($@){ $parser_type = ucfirst(lc($parser_type)); #Now eval the new parser
eval {require "Bio/EnsEMBL/Funcgen/Parsers/${parser_type}.pm";}; if($@){ #Might be no default
my $txt = "There is no valid parser for the -parser format your have specified:\t".$parser_type."\n"; if(! $parser_error){ $txt .= "Maybe this is a typo or maybe you want run with the default $vendor_parser parser\n"; } throw($txt.$@); } #warn about over riding vendor parser here
if(! $parser_error){ #Can't log this as we haven't blessed the Helper yet
warn("WARNING\t::\tYou are over-riding the default ".$vendor." parser with -parser ".$parser_type); } } } else{ throw($parser_error) if $parser_error; $parser_type = $vendor_parser; } #we should now really set parser_type as an attrtibute?
unshift @ISA, 'Bio::EnsEMBL::Funcgen::Parsers::'.$parser_type; #change this to be called explicitly from the load script?
#### Create object from parent class
my $self = $class->SUPER::new(@_); #### Set vars and test minimum mandatory params for any import type
$self->{'name'} = $name || throw('Mandatory param -name not met');#This is not mandatory for array design import
$self->{'user'} = $user || $ENV{'EFG_WRITE_USER'}; $self->vendor(uc($vendor)); #already tested
$self->{'format'} = uc($format) || 'TILED'; #remove default?
$self->group($group) if $group; $self->location($location) if $location; $self->contact($contact) if $contact; $species || throw('Mandatory param -species not met'); $self->array_name($array_name) if $array_name; $self->array_set($array_set) if $array_set; $self->array_file($array_file) if $array_file; $self->{'data_dir'} = $data_dir || $ENV{'EFG_DATA'}; $self->result_files($result_files)if $result_files; $self->experiment_date($exp_date) if $exp_date; $self->description($desc) if $desc;#experiment
$self->feature_set_description($fset_desc) if $fset_desc; $assm_version || throw('Mandatory param -assembly not met'); $self->{'design_type'} = $design_type || 'binding_site_identification'; #remove default?
$self->{'output_dir'} = $output_dir if $output_dir; #config default override
$self->{'input_dir'} = $input_dir if $input_dir; #config default override
$self->farm($farm) if $farm; $self->{'ssh'} = $ssh || 0; $self->{'_dump_fasta'} = $fasta || 0; $self->{'recover'} = $recover || 0; #check for ~/.ensembl_init to mirror general EnsEMBL behaviour
$self->{'reg_config'} = $reg_config || ((-f "$ENV{'HOME'}/.ensembl_init") ? "$ENV{'HOME'}/.ensembl_init" : undef); #$self->{'update_xml'} = $update_xml || 0;
$self->{'write_mage'} = $write_mage || 0; $self->{'no_mage'} = $no_mage || 0; $self->{'experimental_set_name'} = $eset_name if $eset_name; $self->{'old_dvd_format'} = $old_dvd_format || 0; $self->{'ucsc_coords'} = $ucsc_coords || 0; $self->{'verbose'} = $verbose || 0; $self->{'release'} = $release; if($reg_host && $self->{'reg_config'}){ warn "You have specified registry parameters and a config file:\t".$self->{'reg_config'}. "\nOver-riding config file with specified paramters:\t${reg_user}@${reg_host}:$reg_port"; } #Will a general norm method be applicable for all imports?
#Already casued problems with Bed imports... remove?
#Could set NORM_METHOD in Parser!!
warn "Need to fully implement norm_method is validate_mage, remove ENV NORM_METHOD?"; $self->{'norm_method'} = $norm_method || $ENV{'NORM_METHOD'}; if ($self->vendor ne 'NIMBLEGEN'){ $self->{'no_mage'} = 1; warn "Hardcoding no_mage for non-NIMBLEGEN imports"; } if($self->{'no_mage'} && $self->{'write_mage'}){ throw('-no_mage and -write_mage options are mutually exclusive, please select just one'); } #### Set up DBs and load and reconfig registry
### Load Registry
#Can we load the registry using the assembly version, then just redefine the efg DB?
#We have problems here if we try and load on a dev version, where no dev DBs are available on ensembldb
#Get the latest API version for the assembly we want to use
#Then load the registry from that version
#Then we can remove some of the dnadb setting code below?
#How does the registry pick up the schema version??
#We should really load the registry first given the dnadb assembly version
#Then reset the eFG DB as appropriate
if ($reg_host || ! defined $self->{'_reg_config'}) { #defaults to current ensembl DBs
$reg_host ||= ''; $reg_user ||= 'anonymous'; #Default to the most recent port for ensdb
if(! $reg_port && $reg_host eq 'ensdb-archive'){ $reg_port = 5304; } #This will try and load the dev DBs if we are using v49 schema or API?
#Need to be mindful about this when developing
#we need to tip all this on it's head and load the reg from the dnadb version!!!!!!!
my $version_text= ($self->{'release'}) ? 'version '.$self->{'release'} : 'current version'; $self->log("Loading $version_text registry from $reg_user".'@'.$reg_host); #Note this defaults API version, hence running with head code
#And not specifying a release version will find not head version
#DBs on ensembldb, resulting in an exception from reset_DBAdaptor below
$reg->load_registry_from_db( -host => $reg_host, -user => $reg_user, -port => $reg_port, -pass => $reg_pass, #-host => "ens-staging",
#-user => 'ensro',
-db_version => $self->{'release'},#51
-verbose => $self->verbose, ); throw('Not sensible to set the import DB as the default eFG DB from ensembldb, please define db params') if ((! $dbname) && (! $db)); } else{ $self->log("Loading registry from:\t".$self->{'_reg_config'}); $reg->load_all($self->{'_reg_config'}, 1); } #Validate species
my $alias = $reg->get_alias($species) || throw("Could not find valid species alias for $species\nYou might want to clean up:\t".$self->get_dir('output')); $self->species($alias); $self->{'param_species'} = $species;#Only used for dir generation
if($db){ #db will have been defined before reg loaded, so will be present in reg
if(! (ref($db) && $db->isa('Bio::EnsEMBL::Funcgen::DBSQL::DBAdaptor'))){ $self->throw('-db must be a valid Bio::EnsEMBL::Funcgen::DBSQL::DBAdaptor'); } } else{ #define eFG DB from params or registry
if($reg_db){#load eFG DB from reg
#we should throw here if db params are set
#How do we handle passwords within the reg config?
#Do we still need to pass this when loading?
$self->log('WARNING: Loading eFG DB from Registry'); $db = $reg->get_DBAdaptor($self->species(), 'funcgen'); throw("Unable to retrieve ".$self->species." funcgen DB from the registry") if ! $db; } else{#from params
#This resets the eFG DB in the custom or generic registry
#Need to check for mandatory params here
$dbname || throw('Must provide a -dbname if not using default custom registry config'); #$user || throw('Must provide a -user parameter');#make this default to EFG_WRITE_USER?
$pass || throw('Must provide a -pass parameter'); #remove this and throw?
if(! defined $host){ $self->log('WARNING: Defaulting to localhost'); $host = 'localhost'; } $port ||= 3306; my $host_ip = '';#is this valid for all localhosts?
if ($self->{'ssh'}) { $host = `host localhost`; #mac specific? nslookup localhost wont work on server/non-PC
#will this always be the same?
if (! (exists $ENV{'EFG_HOST_IP'})) { warn "Environment variable EFG_HOST_IP not set for ssh mode, defaulting to $host_ip for $host"; } else { $host_ip = $ENV{'EFG_HOST_IP'}; } if ($self->host() ne 'localhost') { warn "Overriding host ".$self->host()." for ssh connection via localhost($host_ip)"; } } #data version is only used if we don't want to define the dbname
#This should never be guessed so don't need data_version here
#$dbname ||= $self->species()."_funcgen_".$self->data_version();
#Remove block below when we can
my $dbhost = ($self->{'ssh'}) ? $host_ip : $host; #This isn't set yet!?
#When we try to load, say 49, when we only have 48 on ensembldb
#This fails because there is not DB set for v49, as it is not on ensembl DB
#In this case we need to load from the previous version
#Trap this and suggest using the -schema_version/release option
#Can we autodetect this and reload the registry?
#We want to reload the registry anyway with the right version corresponding to the dnadb
#warn "reseting adaptor";
#We could either test for the db in the regsitry or just pass the class.
$db = $reg->reset_DBAdaptor($self->species(), 'funcgen', $dbname, $dbhost, $port, $self->user, $pass, #'Bio::EnsEMBL::Funcgen::DBSQL::DBAdaptor',
{ -dnadb_host => $reg_host, -dnadb_port => $reg_port, -dnadb_assembly => $assm_version, -dnadb_user => $reg_user, -dnadb_pass => $reg_pass, }); #ConfigRegistry will try ans set this
#This will fail if there is already one in the registry as it will try
#and defined a new unique species so as not to overwrite the original
#e.g. homo_sapiens1
#This is why it was orignally written backwards as we can't easily dynamically redefine
#an adaptor in the registry without ConfigRegistry trying to change the name
#the very act of creating a new db to redefine the registry with causes ConfigRegistry
#to try and register it with a unique species name
#Delete the old funcgen DB from the registry first
#$reg->remove_DBAdaptor($self->species, 'funcgen');
#ConfigRegistry will automatically configure this new db
#$db = Bio::EnsEMBL::Funcgen::DBSQL::DBAdaptor->new(
# -user => $user,
# -host => ($self->{'ssh'}) ? $host_ip : $host,
# -port => $port,
# -pass => $pass,
# #we need to pass dbname else we can use non-standard dbs
# -dbname => $dbname,
# -species => $self->species(),
# -group => 'funcgen',
# );
#if we get a species like homo_sapiens1 here
#This is because ConfigRegistry is try to make the dbname different between the
#one already present and the one you're trying to add
#This is now done in DBAdaptor
#We can change this to just use the assembly version
#we could even have the wordy assmelby version from the meta table
#do the standard ensembl subs
#And then validate?
#Just stick to number version for now.
#Now we need to set the dnadb_host params to avoid ensembldb defaults
#This should check the registry first
#Then load from the registry db?
#If we have a multi host registry config file this isn't going to work!
#Is this required anymore as the DBAdaptor handles this?
#Not if we pass a db with an incorrect dnadb attached.
#if($db->_get_schema_build($db->dnadb()) !~ /_[0-9]+_${assm_version}[a-z]*$/){
# my $warning = "WARNING: dnadb does not match assembly_version $assm_version. Using to define the dnadb";
# $warning .= ' rather than the reg_config' if (defined $self->{'_reg_config'});
#We need to account for reg_config DBs which may have custom info in
#So try reg_config host first, then try ensembldb with warning
#Could have a reg_config only flag for core dbs
#Need to implement more params in set_dnadb_by_assembly_version
# $self->log($warning);
# $db->set_dnadb_by_assembly_version($assm_version);
# }
#Test connections
$self->db($db); $db->dbc->db_handle; $db->dnadb->dbc->db_handle; #Set re/disconnect options
$db->dbc->disconnect_when_inactive(1); $db->dnadb->dbc->disconnect_when_inactive(1); ### Check analyses/feature_type/cell_type
if($feature_analysis){ my $fanal = $self->db->get_AnalysisAdaptor->fetch_by_logic_name($feature_analysis); throw("The Feature Analysis $feature_analysis does not exist in the database") if(!$fanal); $self->feature_analysis($fanal); } if($ctype_name){ my $ctype = $self->db->get_CellTypeAdaptor->fetch_by_name($ctype_name); throw("The CellType $ctype_name does not exist in the database") if(!$ctype); $self->cell_type($ctype); } if ($ftype_name) { my $ftype = $self->db->get_FeatureTypeAdaptor->fetch_by_name($ftype_name); throw("The FeatureType $ftype_name does not exist in the database") if(!$ftype); $self->feature_type($ftype); } #Set config here instead?
#So we can check all mandatory params
#Set vendor specific attr dependent vars
#Generic input dir
$self->{'input_dir'} ||= $self->get_dir("data").'/input/'.$self->{'param_species'}.'/'.$self->vendor().'/'.$self->name(); throw('input_dir is not defined or does not exist ('. $self->get_dir('input').')') if(! -d $self->get_dir('input')); #Helper would fail first on log/debug files
#Parser specific config
$self->set_config(); $self->debug(2, "Importer class instance created."); $self->debug_hash(3,\$ self); return ($self);
sub norm_analysis {
  my ($self) = shift;

  if (@_) {
    my $anal = shift;
    #do we need this as we're checking in new?
if (! (ref($anal) && $anal->isa('Bio::EnsEMBL::Analysis') && $anal->dbID())) { throw("Must pass a valid stored Bio::EnsEMBL::Analysis"); } $self->{'norm_analysis'} = $anal; } return $self->{'norm_analysis'};
sub norm_method {
  my $self = shift;

  if (@_) {
    $self->{'norm_method'} = shift;
  } elsif (! defined  $self->{'norm_method'}) {
    $self->{'norm_method'}= $self->get_config('norm_method');

  return $self->{'norm_method'};
sub pass {
  my $self = shift;
  $self->{'pass'} = shift if(@_);
  return $self->{'pass'};
sub port {
  my $self = shift;
  $self->{'port'} = shift if(@_);
  return $self->{'port'};
sub read_data {
  my($self, $data_type) = @_;
  map {my $method = "read_${_}_data"; $self->$method()} @{$self->get_config("${data_type}_data")};
sub recovery {
  my $self = shift;
  $self->{'recover'} = shift if(@_);
  return $self->{'recover'};
sub register_experiment {
  my ($self) = shift;
  #Need to check for dnadb passed with adaptor to contructor
if (@_) { if ( ! $_[0]->isa("Bio::EnsEMBL::DBSQL::DBAdaptor")) { throw("You need to pass a valid dnadb adaptor to register the experiment"); } $self->db->dnadb($_[0]); } elsif ( ! $self->db) { throw("You need to pass/set a DBAdaptor with a DNADB attached of the relevant data version"); } #This could still be the default core db for the current version
#warn here if not passed DB?
#These should be vendor independent, only the read methods should need specific order?
$self->init_experiment_import(); #can we just have init here instead?
if($self->{'write_mage'} || $self->{'no_mage'}){ $self->read_data("array"); if(! $self->{'no_mage'}){ $self->log("PLEASE CHECK AND EDIT AUTOGENERATED TAB2MAGE FILE:\t".$self->get_config('tab2mage_file')); #we could make this print only if it was set by the user, not by the Importer
$self->log('REMEMBER TO REMOVE -write_mage FLAG BEFORE UPDATING'); exit; } } elsif(! $self->{'no_mage'}){#This should be a no_channel flag, set dependent on import mode(gff_chip, gff_chan)
#Need to accomodate chip level imports in validate?
$self->validate_mage() if (! $self->{'skip_validate'}); } $self->read_data("probe"); $self->read_data("results"); #Need to be able to run this separately, so we can normalise previously imported sets with different methods
#should be able t do this without raw data files e.g. retrieve info from DB
my $norm_method = $self->norm_method(); if (defined $norm_method) { $self->R_norm($norm_method); #change this to $self->$norm_method
#so we can have non-R_norm normalisation
} return;
sub registry_host {
  return $_[0]->{'reg_host'};
sub registry_pass {
  return $_[0]->{'reg_pass'};

#init method kept separate from new due to differing madatory check and set up
sub registry_port {
  return $_[0]->{'reg_port'};
sub registry_user {
  return $_[0]->{'reg_user'};
sub resolve_probe_data {
  my $self = shift;

  $self->log("Resolving probe data", 1);

  warn "Probe cache resolution needs to accomodate probesets too!";

  foreach my $array(@{$self->arrays()}){
	my $resolve = 0;
	if($self->get_probe_cache_by_Array($array)){#cache already generated
#check if we have any new unresolved array chips to add to the cache
foreach my $achip(@{$array->get_ArrayChips()}){ if($achip->has_status('RESOLVED')){ $self->log("ArrayChip has RESOLVED status:\t".$achip->design_id());#, 1);
next; }else{ $self->log("Found un-RESOLVED ArrayChip:\t".$achip->design_id()); $resolve = 1; last; } } }else{#no cache file
$resolve = 1; $self->log('No probe cache found for array '.$array->name()); } if($resolve){ $self->log('Resolving array duplicates('.$array->name().') and rebuilding probe cache.', 1); $self->get_probe_cache_by_Array($array, 1);#get from DB
#we need ot make sure we mark cache as unresolved, so we don't use it by mistake.
my ($line, $name, $pid, @pids); #my $index = 0;
my $tmp_name = ''; my $tmp_id = ''; #miss the header
while ($line = $self->{'_probe_cache'}{$array->name}{'handle'}->getline()){ ($name, $pid) = split/\t/o, $line; if($name eq $tmp_name){ if($pid != $tmp_id){ push @pids, $pid; #should reset to pid here if we have x y data else undef
#ignore this and force result to have x y
} #can't do this naymore unless we figure out how to move the line pointer
#would still need to sed the file anyway, better to regen from DB?
#undef $self->{'_probe_cache'}{$array->name}{'entries'}->[$i];#delete true or to be resolved duplicate
} elsif($name ne $tmp_name){#new probe
$self->tidy_duplicates(\@pids) if(scalar(@pids) > 1); $tmp_name = $name; $tmp_id = $pid; @pids = ($pid); #$index = $i + 1;
} } $self->tidy_duplicates(\@pids) if(scalar(@pids) > 1); #rename resovled cache and reset cache handle
my $cmd = 'mv '.$self->get_dir('caches').'/'.$array->name().'.probe_cache.unresolved '. $self->get_dir('caches').'/'.$array->name().'.probe_cache'; run_system_cmd($cmd); $self->get_probe_cache_by_Array($array); #This sets the caches
#warn "Only generate MD5 here, as this is guranteed to be correct";
foreach my $achip(@{$array->get_ArrayChips()}){ if(! $achip->has_status('RESOLVED')){ $self->log("Updating ArrayChip to RESOLVED status:\t".$achip->design_id()); $achip->adaptor->store_status('RESOLVED', $achip); } } $self->log('Finished building probe cache for '.$array->name(), 1); } } $self->log('Finished resolving probe data', 1); return;
sub result_files {
  my ($self) = shift;	
  $self->{'result_files'} = shift if(@_);
  return $self->{'result_files'};
sub slice_adaptor {
  my $self = shift;

  if (! defined $self->{'slice_adaptor'}) {
	$self->{'slice_adaptor'} =  $self->db->get_SliceAdaptor();

  return $self->{'slice_adaptor'};
sub species {
  my $self = shift;

  #should we do reg alias look up here?
#Will we ever want to redefine species?
#Change to just getter?
$self->{'species'} = shift if(@_); return $self->{'species'};
sub store_set_probes_features {
  my ($self, $ac_id, $pf_hash, $ops) = @_;
  ### Deal with ProbeSets
if ($ops) { $ops->size(scalar(keys %$pf_hash)); ($ops) = $self->db->get_ProbeSetAdaptor->store($ops); } #If we're going to validate fully, we need to check for probes in this probeset on this array chip
#Update size if we have any new probes
#Overkill? Only do on recover? Do not read if array chip is IMPORTED
#This does not make any attempt to validate probes/set vs previously stored data
for my $probe_id (keys %$pf_hash) { #set probeset in probe and store
#the process corresponding feature
my $probe = $pf_hash->{$probe_id}->{'probe'}; $probe->probeset($ops) if $ops; ($probe) = @{$self->db->get_ProbeAdaptor->store($probe)}; #Can't use get_all_Arrays here as we can't guarantee this will only ever be the array we've generated
#Might dynamically load array if non-present
#This is allowing multiple dbIDs per probe??? Is this wrong?
#$self->cache_probe_info($probe->get_probename(), $probe->dbID());###########Remove as we're now importing all then resolving
foreach my $feature (@{$pf_hash->{$probe_id}->{'features'}}) { $feature->probe($probe); ($feature) = @{$self->db->get_ProbeFeatureAdaptor->store($feature)}; } } undef $ops; #Will this persist in the caller?
undef %{$pf_hash}; return;
sub tidy_duplicates {
  my ($self, $pids) = @_;

  my $pfa = $self->db->get_ProbeFeatureAdaptor();
  my ($feature, %features);
  foreach my $dup_id(@$pids){
	foreach $feature(@{$pfa->fetch_all_by_Probe_id($dup_id)}){
	  #can we safely assume end will be same too?
push @{$features{$feature->seq_region_name().':'.$feature->start()}}, $feature; } } my (@reassign_ids, @delete_ids); foreach my $seq_start_key(keys %features){ my $reassign_features = 1; foreach $feature(@{$features{$seq_start_key}}){ if($feature->probe_id() == $pids->[0]){ $reassign_features = 0; }else{ push @delete_ids, $feature->dbID(); } } #This assumes that we actually have at least one element to every seq_start_key array
if($reassign_features){ my $new_fid = pop @delete_ids; push @reassign_ids, $new_fid; } } #resolve features first so we don't get any orphaned features if we crash.
$pfa->reassign_features_to_probe(\@reassign_ids, $pids->[0]) if @reassign_ids; $pfa->delete_features(\@delete_ids) if @delete_ids; return; } 1;
sub ucsc_coords {
  my $self = shift;
  return $self->{'ucsc_coords'};
sub user {
  my $self = shift;
  $self->{'user'} = shift if(@_);
  return $self->{'user'};
sub validate_group {
  my ($self) = shift;

  my $group_ref = $self->db->fetch_group_details($self->group());

  if (! $group_ref) {
    if ($self->location() && $self->contact()) {
      $self->db->import_group($self->group(), $self->location, $self->contact());
    } else {
      throw("Group ".$self->group()." does not exist, please specify a location and contact to register the group");
sub validate_mage() {
  my ($self, $mage_xml, $update) = @_;

  $self->log("Validating mage file:\t".$self->get_config('mage_xml_file'));

  #Updating ResultSets:
#Given that we might want to add a chip to an experiment we will also need to update the tab2MAGE
#mage_xml and ResultSets accordingly.
#This should happen if we specify update_xml
#Should recovery also always force update?
#Considering the two run modes, write tab2mage & validate and import
#There is a subtle difference between recovery and update mage_xml
#Do we always run in recovery mode for the validate&import step?
#Yes we do, so can't guarantee the this means we want to update.
#So we need to change update_xml to update to reflect the changed functionality on ResultSets
#If we run an update without on then chips will be loaded but xml and ResultSets will not be altered :(
#If we're running the 2nd stage we should always be updating the xml anyway!!!!
#As there is no reason to rerun the validate & import step without it.(unless we're debugging maybe)
#So why should we ever run without it?
#To update ResultSets we validate as normal and then update where appropriate
#What has precedence? Replicate name?
#Update echip types as appropriate
#What if this invalidates original rsets?
#Then list sets not covered for removal by script?
my (%echips, @log); my $rset_adaptor = $self->db->get_ResultSetAdaptor; my $chan_anal = $self->db->get_AnalysisAdaptor->fetch_by_logic_name('RawValue'); #need to change this to default analysis
#There we issues with setting VSN_GLOG as an env var
#as this is tested for and the norm was skipped for some reason?
my $chip_anal = $self->db->get_AnalysisAdaptor->fetch_by_logic_name($self->norm_method()); #Try import sets like this first, so we know ther is new data
my $chan_rset = $self->get_import_ResultSet($chan_anal, 'channel'); my $rset = $self->get_import_ResultSet($chip_anal, 'experimental_chip'); #Else get them anyway and log
if(! $rset){ if($chan_rset){ $self->log('Identified partial Channel only import, updating MAGE-XML'); } else{ ($chan_rset) = @{$rset_adaptor->fetch_all_by_name_Analysis($self->experiment->name.'_IMPORT', $chan_anal)}; #Don't need to test for >1 here as this has already been done in get_import_ResultSet
$self->log('All ExperimentalChips imported, updating MAGE-XML only'); } ($rset) = @{$rset_adaptor->fetch_all_by_name_Analysis($self->experiment->name.'_IMPORT', $chip_anal)}; } #This will never happen now due to the change tab2mage rules in init_experiment
if(! $rset){ throw('Cannot find ResultSet, are you trying to import a new experiment which already has a tab2mage file present? Try removing the file, or specifying the -write_mage flag to'); } if(! -l $self->get_dir('output').'/MAGE-ML.dtd'){ system('ln -s '.$ENV{'EFG_DATA'}.'/MAGE-ML.dtd '.$self->get_dir('output').'/MAGE-ML.dtd') == 0 || throw('Failed to link MAGE-ML.dtd'); } $self->log('VALIDATING MAGE XML'); my $reader = Bio::MAGE::XML::Reader->new(); $mage_xml ||= $self->get_config('mage_xml_file'); $self->{'mage'} = $reader->read($mage_xml); #this should only ever return 1 for an import
foreach my $mage_exp(@{$self->{'mage'}->getExperiment_package->getExperiment_list()}){ if($mage_exp->getName() ne $self->name()){ $self->log('MAGE experiment name ('.$mage_exp->getName().') does not match import name ('.$self->name().')'); } #add more experiment level validation here?
foreach my $assay (@{$mage_exp->getBioAssays()}){ if($assay->isa('Bio::MAGE::BioAssay::PhysicalBioAssay')){#channel
$self->log('Validating PhysicalBioAssay "'.$assay->getName()."'\n");#hyb name(this is the file name for measured assays
my $bioassc = $assay->getBioAssayCreation();#This is a Hybridisation
my $array = $bioassc->getArray();#this is an ArrayChip
my $design_id = $array->getArrayDesign->getIdentifier(); my $chip_uid = $array->getArrayIdentifier(); foreach my $echip(@{$rset->get_ExperimentalChips()}){ if($echip->unique_id() eq $chip_uid){ $self->log("Found ExperimentalChip:\t".$chip_uid); if(! exists $echips{$chip_uid}){ $echips{$chip_uid} = {( total_biorep => undef, total_biotechrep => undef, experimental_biorep => undef, experimental_biotechrep => undef, total_dye => undef, experimental_dye => undef, cell_type => undef, feature_type => undef, )}; } #Validate ArrayChip
my ($achip) = @{$self->db->get_ArrayChipAdaptor->fetch_all_by_ExperimentalChips([$echip])}; if($achip->design_id() ne $design_id){ push @log, "ArrayDesign Identifier (${design_id}) does not match ArrayChip design ID (". $achip->design_id().")\n\tSkipping channel and replicate validation"; #skip the channel/replicate validation here?
} else { #validate channels and replicate names
foreach my $src_biomat (@{$bioassc->getSourceBioMaterialMeasurements()}) { #Channel materials(X1)?
my $biomat = $src_biomat->getBioMaterial(); #LabelledExtract (IP/Control)
#we could sub this passing $echip and biomat?
#messy to pass regexs and populate correct echip hash attrs
#also messy to populate log
#keeping nested loop also prevents further obfuscation
#do we need to do all the defined checks, or maybe just the first one?
#Then we can skip all following warning?
foreach my $treat (@{$biomat->getTreatments()}) { #As there is effectively one more level of material extraction for the IP channel
#this loop will returns materials an iteration out of sync for each channel
foreach my $ssrc_biomat (@{$treat->getSourceBioMaterialMeasurements()}) { #Channel measurement(x1)
my $sbiomat = $ssrc_biomat->getBioMaterial(); #This will either be techrep name for control of IP name for experimental channel
#SOM0035_BR1_TR2 IP #Immunoprecicpitate
#SOM0035_BR1_TR2 #Extract
if ($sbiomat->getName() =~ /BR[0-9]+_TR[0-9]+$/o) { #Total
if (! defined $echips{$chip_uid}{'total_biotechrep'}) { $echips{$chip_uid}{'total_biotechrep'} = $sbiomat->getName(); } else{ push @log, "Found two TOTAL Channels on same chip with biotechreps:\t".$sbiomat->getName(). " and ".$echips{$chip_uid}{'total_biotechrep'}; } }else{#Experimental
#get feature type from assay
my $fv_ref = $assay->getBioAssayFactorValues(); if(! defined $fv_ref){ throw('No FactorValues found, you must populate the "Immunoprecipitate" field. Maybe you forgot to specify -feature_type?'); } my ($feature_type); foreach my $fvalue(@{$fv_ref}){ if($fvalue->getValue()->getCategory() eq 'Immunoprecipitate'){ $feature_type = $fvalue->getName(); $feature_type =~ s/anti\s*-\s*//; $feature_type =~ s/\s*antibody\s*//; } } $echips{$chip_uid}{'feature_type'} = $feature_type; } foreach my $ttreat (@{$sbiomat->getTreatments()}) { foreach my $tsrc_biomat (@{$ttreat->getSourceBioMaterialMeasurements()}) { my $tbiomat = $tsrc_biomat->getBioMaterial(); #SOM0035_BR1_TR2 #Extract (exp)
#SOM0035_BR1 #Sample (total)
if ($tbiomat->getName() =~ /BR[0-9]+_TR[0-9]+$/o) { #experimental
if (! defined $echips{$chip_uid}{'experimental_biotechrep'}) { $echips{$chip_uid}{'experimental_biotechrep'} = $tbiomat->getName(); } else{ push @log, "Found two EXPERIMENTAL Channels on same chip with biotechreps:\t".$tbiomat->getName(). " and ".$echips{$chip_uid}{'experimental_biotechrep'}; } my $dye = $biomat->getLabels()->[0]->getName(); foreach my $chan (@{$echip->get_Channels()}) { if ($chan->type() eq 'EXPERIMENTAL') { if (uc($dye) ne uc($chan->dye())) { push @log, "EXPERIMENTAL channel dye mismatch:\tMAGE = ".uc($dye).' vs DB '.uc($chan->dye); } else { $echips{$chip_uid}{'experimental_dye'} = uc($dye); } } } } else { #control
if (! defined $echips{$chip_uid}{'total_biorep'}) { $echips{$chip_uid}{'total_biorep'} = $tbiomat->getName(); } else{ push @log, "Found two TOTAL Channels on same chip with biotechreps:\t".$tbiomat->getName(). " and ".$echips{$chip_uid}{'total_biorep'}; } my $dye = $biomat->getLabels()->[0]->getName(); foreach my $chan (@{$echip->get_Channels()}) { if ($chan->type() eq 'TOTAL') { if (uc($dye) ne uc($chan->dye())) { push @log, "TOTAL channel dye mismatch:\tMAGE = ".uc($dye).' vs DB '.uc($chan->dye); } else { $echips{$chip_uid}{'total_dye'} = uc($dye); } } } } #could do one more iteration and get Source and FeatureType?
#we should really extend this, and then update the EC cell_type and feature_types
#these features might not be biotmats tho...need to check
foreach my $ftreat (@{$tbiomat->getTreatments()}) { foreach my $fsrc_biomat (@{$ftreat->getSourceBioMaterialMeasurements()}) { my $fbiomat = $fsrc_biomat->getBioMaterial(); #EXPERIMENTAL - biorep
#TOTAL - source/cell type
my $cell_type; if($fbiomat->getName() =~ /BR[0-9]+$/o){#EXPERIMETNAL
if(! defined $echips{$chip_uid}{'experimental_biorep'}){ $echips{$chip_uid}{'experimental_biorep'} = $fbiomat->getName(); } else{ push @log, "Found two Experimental Channels on same chip with bioreps:\t".$fbiomat->getName(). " and ".$echips{$chip_uid}{'experimental_biorep'}; } #last treatment/measurement/biomat level should go here
#as TOTAL channel does not have another level and will fail
foreach my $xtreat (@{$fbiomat->getTreatments()}) { foreach my $xsrc_biomat (@{$xtreat->getSourceBioMaterialMeasurements()}) { my $xbiomat = $xsrc_biomat->getBioMaterial(); foreach my $char(@{$xbiomat->getCharacteristics()}){ $cell_type = $char->getValue() if($char->getCategory() eq 'CellType'); } } } }else{#this should be BioSource
#which should have CellType as characteristic
#we could change tab2mage and have this as a factor value,
#but don't want to start messing with "standard" format
foreach my $char(@{$fbiomat->getCharacteristics()}){ $cell_type = $char->getValue() if($char->getCategory() eq 'CellType'); } } #can have cell_type validation here
if(! defined $echips{$chip_uid}{'cell_type'}){ $echips{$chip_uid}{'cell_type'} = $cell_type; } elsif( $echips{$chip_uid}{'cell_type'} ne $cell_type){ push @log, "Found Channels on same chip (${chip_uid}) with different cell types:\t". $cell_type." and ".$echips{$chip_uid}{'cell_type'}; } } } } } } } } } } #end of echip
} #end of foreach echip
} #end of physbioassay
} #end of foreach assay
} #end of foreach exp
#we should fail here with log before we update the result sets
#we need to build rep names
#we're currently using sample labels, in the tab2mage file
#altho' previous sets have been using exp name
#these have been manually patched afterwards
#More desirable to have exp name as rset name, but no way of doing BR validation
#based on sample label, if we don't have it in the tab2mage
#if we change it in the DB then we need to update the tab2mage
#no way to do this when generating tab2mage as the user hasn't yet defined the reps
#we could just make reps based on sample labels
#then we just assume that alterations made by the user are correct
#as we can no longer validate using sample labels
#can still validate using cell/feature type
#no longer need vendor specific validation as this will be done in tab2mage generation
#We need to validate reps here
#then update ec records as appropriate and then create rsets
my (%bio_reps, %tech_reps); my $ct_adaptor = $self->db->get_CellTypeAdaptor(); my $ft_adaptor = $self->db->get_FeatureTypeAdaptor(); #select rs.*, ec.*, c.* from result_set rs, chip_channel cc, channel c, experimental_chip ec where rs.result_set_id=cc.result_set_id and cc.table_name='experimental_chip' and cc.table_id=ec.experimental_chip_id and cc.table_id=c.experimental_chip_id order by name;
foreach my $echip (@{$rset->get_ExperimentalChips()}) { my ($biorep, $biotechrep); if (! exists $echips{$echip->unique_id()}) { push @log, "No MAGE entry found for ExperimentalChip:\t".$echip->unique_id(); } else { foreach my $chan_type('total', 'experimental'){ $biorep = $echips{$echip->unique_id()}{$chan_type.'_biorep'}; $biotechrep = $echips{$echip->unique_id()}{$chan_type.'_biotechrep'}; if (! defined $biotechrep) { push @log, 'ExperimentalChip('.$echip->unique_id().') Extract field do not meet naming convention(SAMPLE_BRN_TRN)'; } #! defined biorep? will never occur at present
elsif ($biotechrep !~ /\Q$biorep\E/) { push @log, "Found Extract(techrep) vs Sample(biorep) naming mismatch\t${biotechrep}\tvs\t$biorep"; } if ( ! $echips{$echip->unique_id()}{$chan_type.'_dye'}) { push @log, "No ".uc($chan_type)." channel found for ExperimentalChip:\t".$echip->unique_id(); } } #Is this is really implicit in the test above
if($echips{$echip->unique_id()}{'experimental_biorep'} ne $echips{$echip->unique_id()}{'total_biorep'}){ push @log, "Found biorep mismatch between channels of ExperimentalChip ".$echip->unique_id().":\n". "\tEXPERIMENTAL\t".$echips{$echip->unique_id()}{'experimental_biorep'}."\tTOTAL\t". $echips{$echip->unique_id()}{'total_biorep'}; } #Is this is really implicit in the test above
if($echips{$echip->unique_id()}{'experimental_biotechrep'} ne $echips{$echip->unique_id()}{'total_biotechrep'}){ push @log, "Found biotechrep mismatch between channels of ExperimentalChip ".$echip->unique_id().":\n". "\tEXPERIMENTAL\t".$echips{$echip->unique_id()}{'experimental_biotechrep'}."\tTOTAL\t". $echips{$echip->unique_id()}{'total_biotechrep'}; } } #Now we need to validate ec has same feature/cell type as other ecs in this br
#this does not handle import sets which ARE allowed to have same name but different types
#warn "Processing ".$echip->unique_id()." $biorep $biotechrep";
if(exists $bio_reps{$biorep}){ if(! defined $bio_reps{$biorep}{'cell_type'}){ push @log, "Found undefined CellType for biorep $biorep"; } elsif($bio_reps{$biorep}{'cell_type'}->name() ne $echips{$echip->unique_id()}{'cell_type'}){ push @log, "Found CellType mismatch between $biorep and ExperimentalChip ".$echip->unique_id(); } if(! defined $bio_reps{$biorep}{'feature_type'}){ push @log, "Found undefined FeatureType for biorep $biorep"; } elsif($bio_reps{$biorep}{'feature_type'}->name() ne $echips{$echip->unique_id()}{'feature_type'}){ push @log, "Found FeatureType mismatch between $biorep and ExperimentalChip ".$echip->unique_id(); } #warn "$biorep exists with\t".$bio_reps{$biorep}{'cell_type'}->name().' '.$bio_reps{$biorep}{'feature_type'}->name();
#We need to set the tech rep here too!
#Do we need to validate this also, as above.
#This would be overkill due to the inherant nature of the TR to BR relationship
if(! exists $tech_reps{$biotechrep}){ $tech_reps{$biotechrep}{'cell_type'} = $bio_reps{$biorep}{'cell_type'}; $tech_reps{$biotechrep}{'feature_type'} = $bio_reps{$biorep}{'feature_type'}; } }else{ #warn "Creating new BR $biorep and TR $biotechrep";
if(defined $echips{$echip->unique_id()}{'cell_type'}){ my $cell_type = $ct_adaptor->fetch_by_name($echips{$echip->unique_id()}{'cell_type'}); if(! defined $cell_type){ push @log, 'CellType '.$echips{$echip->unique_id()}{'cell_type'}.' does not exist in the database, please use the script'; }else{ $bio_reps{$biorep}{'cell_type'} = $cell_type; $tech_reps{$biotechrep}{'cell_type'} = $cell_type; # warn "Setting ".$echip->unique_id()." $biorep $biotechrep ".$cell_type->name;
} }else{ warn "No CellType specified for ExperimentalChip:\t".$echip->unique_id()."\n"; } if(defined $echips{$echip->unique_id()}{'feature_type'}){ my $feature_type = $ft_adaptor->fetch_by_name($echips{$echip->unique_id()}{'feature_type'}); if(! defined $feature_type){ push @log, 'FeatureType '.$echips{$echip->unique_id()}{'feature_type'}.' does not exist in the database, please use the script'; } else{ $bio_reps{$biorep}{'feature_type'} = $feature_type; $tech_reps{$biotechrep}{'feature_type'} = $feature_type; #warn "Setting ".$echip->unique_id()." $biorep $biotechrep ".$feature_type->name;
} }else{ warn "No FeatureType specified for ExperimentalChip:\t".$echip->unique_id()."\n"; } } push @{$tech_reps{$biotechrep}{'echips'}}, $echip->unique_id(); push @{$bio_reps{$biorep}{'echips'}}, $echip->unique_id(); } if (@log) { $self->log("MAGE VALIDATION REPORT\n::\t".join("\n::\t", @log)); throw("MAGE VALIDATION FAILED\nPlease correct tab2mage file and try again:\t".$self->get_config('tab2mage_file')); } else { $self->log('MAGE VALDIATION SUCCEEDED'); } #we also need to build the tech rep results sets(not displayable)
#do we need to have result sets for each biorep too?
#update ExperimentalChip replicate info
my (%rsets); my %types = ( feature => {}, cell => {}, ); #This needs to update and split the import/top level sets so they are of same types
#update ec type here as we have ec context
#careful not to update multiple times, just once for each ec
my $eca = $self->db->get_ExperimentalChipAdaptor(); foreach my $echip (@{$rset->get_ExperimentalChips()}) { my ($cell_type, $feature_type); #Set biorep info and rset
foreach my $biorep (keys %bio_reps){ foreach my $chip_uid(@{$bio_reps{$biorep}{'echips'}}){ if($chip_uid eq $echip->unique_id()){ $echip->biological_replicate($biorep); $cell_type = $bio_reps{$biorep}{'cell_type'}; $feature_type = $bio_reps{$biorep}{'feature_type'}; if(! defined $rsets{$biorep}){ $rsets{$biorep} = Bio::EnsEMBL::Funcgen::ResultSet->new ( -NAME => $biorep,#this may not be unique, prepend with exp name? Force method to use Experiment_and_name?
-ANALYSIS => $rset->analysis(), -TABLE_NAME => 'experimental_chip', -FEATURE_TYPE => $feature_type, -CELL_TYPE => $cell_type, ); #record cell and feature types
$types{'feature'}{$feature_type->name()} = $feature_type; $types{'cell'}{$cell_type->name()} = $cell_type; $self->log("Created BioRep ResultSet:\t".$rsets{$biorep}->log_label); } $rsets{$biorep}->add_table_id($echip->dbID(), $rset->get_chip_channel_id($echip->dbID())); } } } #reset echip types
$echip->feature_type($feature_type); $echip->cell_type($cell_type); #set tech rep info and rset
foreach my $techrep(keys %tech_reps){ foreach my $chip_uid(@{$tech_reps{$techrep}{'echips'}}){ if($chip_uid eq $echip->unique_id()){ $echip->technical_replicate($techrep); if(! defined $rsets{$techrep}){ $rsets{$techrep} = Bio::EnsEMBL::Funcgen::ResultSet->new ( -NAME => $techrep,#this may not be unique, prepend with exp name? Force method to use Experiment_and_name?
-ANALYSIS => $rset->analysis(), -TABLE_NAME => 'experimental_chip', -FEATURE_TYPE => $tech_reps{$techrep}{'feature_type'}, -CELL_TYPE => $tech_reps{$techrep}{'cell_type'}, ); $self->log("Created TechRep ResultSet:\t".$rsets{$techrep}->log_label); } $rsets{$techrep}->add_table_id($echip->dbID(), $rset->get_chip_channel_id($echip->dbID())); } } } $echip->adaptor->update_replicate_types($echip);#store rep info
} ### Reset/Update/Clean import sets type fields
my $sql; if(scalar keys %{$types{'feature'}} >1){ $self->log('Resetting IMPORT FeatureType to NULL for multi-FeatureType Experiment'); $sql = "UPDATE result_set set feature_type_id='NULL' where result_set_id in (".$rset->dbID().', '.$chan_rset->dbID().')'; }else{ my ($ftype) = values %{$types{'feature'}}; if(! defined $rset->feature_type()){ $self->log('Updating IMPORT FeatureType to '.$ftype->name()); $sql = "UPDATE result_set set feature_type_id=".$ftype->dbID()." where result_set_id in (".$rset->dbID().', '.$chan_rset->dbID().')'; } elsif($rset->feature_type->dbID ne $ftype->dbID()){ warn 'FeatureType mismatch between IMPORT sets('.$rset->feature_type->name().') vs meta sets('.$ftype->name. "\nUpdating to IMPORT to match meta"; $self->log('WARNING: FeatureType mismatch. Updating IMPORT FeatureType('.$rset->feature_type->name().') to match meta('.$ftype->name.')'); $sql = "UPDATE result_set set feature_type_id=".$ftype->dbID()." where result_set_id in (".$rset->dbID().', '.$chan_rset->dbID().')'; } } $self->db->dbc->do($sql) if $sql; undef $sql; if(scalar keys %{$types{'cell'}} >1){ $self->log('Resetting IMPORT CellType to NULL for multi-CellType Experiment'); my $sql = "UPDATE result_set set cell_type_id='NULL' where result_set_id in (".$rset->dbID().', '.$chan_rset->dbID().')'; }else{ my ($ctype) = values %{$types{'cell'}}; if(! defined $rset->cell_type()){ $self->log('Updating IMPORT CellType to '.$ctype->name()); $sql = "UPDATE result_set set cell_type_id=".$ctype->dbID()." where result_set_id in (".$rset->dbID().', '.$chan_rset->dbID().')'; } elsif($rset->cell_type->dbID ne $ctype->dbID()){ warn 'CellType mismatch between IMPORT sets('.$rset->cell_type->name().') vs meta sets('.$ctype->name. "\nUpdating to IMPORT to match meta"; $self->log('WARNING: FeatureType mismatch. Updating IMPORT CellType('.$rset->cell_type->name().') to match meta('.$ctype->name.')'); $sql = "UPDATE result_set set cell_type_id=".$ctype->dbID()." where result_set_id in (".$rset->dbID().', '.$chan_rset->dbID().')'; } } $self->db->dbc->do($sql) if $sql; ### Generate new top level sets here based on br type combos
#we risk duplicating sets here if import set is set to one cell/featuretype
#duplicate anyway, as import is really just for easy tracking of all chips during import
my %toplevel_sets; my $toplevel_cnt = 1; #could tidy up toplevel_sets implmentation
foreach my $new_rset(values %rsets){ my $ftype_name = (defined $new_rset->{'feature_type'}) ? $new_rset->{'feature_type'}->name() : undef; my $ctype_name = (defined $new_rset->{'cell_type'}) ? $new_rset->{'cell_type'}->name() : undef; if(! exists $toplevel_sets{$ftype_name}){ $toplevel_sets{$ftype_name} = {}; $toplevel_sets{$ftype_name}{'feature_type'} = $new_rset->{'feature_type'}; } if(! exists $toplevel_sets{$ftype_name}{$ctype_name}){ $toplevel_sets{$ftype_name}{$ctype_name}{'cell_type'} = $new_rset->{'cell_type'}; $toplevel_sets{$ftype_name}{$ctype_name}{'rsets'} = [$new_rset]; }else{ push @{$toplevel_sets{$ftype_name}{$ctype_name}{'rsets'}}, $new_rset; } } #build toplevel sets for each feature/cell type combo using constituent rsets
foreach my $ftype_name(keys %toplevel_sets){ foreach my $ctype_name(keys %{$toplevel_sets{$ftype_name}}){ next if $ctype_name eq 'feature_type';#skip feature type
#we need to give these a different key so we're not overwriting in the rset hash
$rsets{$self->experiment->name().'_'.$toplevel_cnt} = Bio::EnsEMBL::Funcgen::ResultSet->new ( -NAME => $self->experiment->name(), -ANALYSIS => $rset->analysis(), -TABLE_NAME => 'experimental_chip', -FEATURE_TYPE => $toplevel_sets{$ftype_name}{'feature_type'}, -CELL_TYPE => $toplevel_sets{$ftype_name}{$ctype_name}{'cell_type'}, ); $self->log("Created toplevel ResultSet for:\t". $rsets{$self->experiment->name().'_'.$toplevel_cnt}->log_label); #add consituent table ids
foreach my $new_rset(@{$toplevel_sets{$ftype_name}{$ctype_name}{'rsets'}}){ foreach my $ec_id(@{$new_rset->table_ids()}){ #Only add it if it has not already been added
if(! $rsets{$self->experiment->name().'_'.$toplevel_cnt}->get_chip_channel_id($ec_id)){ $rsets{$self->experiment->name().'_'.$toplevel_cnt}->add_table_id($ec_id, $new_rset->get_chip_channel_id($ec_id)); } } } $toplevel_cnt++; } } #ResultSet update strategy
#To avoid messyness in resolving result_set differences
#Simply delete all that are not used as supporting sets
#and load new ones, log old supporting rsets for manual
#reassignment and rollback.
#If we have clash between an old set and a new set, rename old
#set and log
#We might not always have the previous data files.
#But we might want to maintain all the previous rsets and just add a new one
#At present this would require acquiring the previous Tab2Mage file
#and adding the new data to it.
#We could do with a way to merge data already in the DB with new meta data to form a new Tab2Mage file
#and validate that
my @previous_rep_sets; my @supporting_rset_dsets; #Get non-import Sets
map {push @previous_rep_sets, $_ if $_->name !~ /_IMPORT$/} @{$rset_adaptor->fetch_all_by_Experiment_Analysis($self->experiment, $chip_anal)}; #rollback_ResultSet if possible
if(@previous_rep_sets){ $self->log('Found previously stored ResultSets'); foreach my $prev_rset(@previous_rep_sets){ #THis is pushing undef array?
#But surely this should do nothing?
my $rset_dset = $self->rollback_ResultSet($prev_rset); push @supporting_rset_dsets, $rset_dset if @$rset_dset; } } #Note: If we remove chips from an experiment, they are only removed from the non-import sets
#To fully remove them, you need to use the script with -chip_ids
#can we log this in get_import_ResultSet?
$self->log('Storing ResultSets'); #Store new tech, biol and toplevel type rsets
foreach my $new_rset(values %rsets){ my $replace_txt; #Rename old set if we have a name/anal/type clash
foreach my $prs(@supporting_rset_dsets){ my ($pset, $dset) = @$prs; if($pset->log_label eq $new_rset->log_label){ $self->log("Found update supporting ResultSet clash, renaming to:\tOLD_".$rset->log_label); #We risk overwriting any previously renamed result sets.
#Should use datestamp
my $sql = 'UPDATE result_set set name="OLD_'.$rset->name.'" where result_set_id='.$pset->dbID; $self->db->dbc->do($sql); if($dset->product_FeatureSet){ $self->log('Associated DataSet('.$dset->name.') has already been processed. It is not wise to replace a supporting set without first rolling back the FeatureSet, as there may be additional supporting data'); warn 'Associated DataSet('.$dset->name.') has already been processed. It is not wise to replace a supporting set without first rolling back the FeatureSet, as there may be additional supporting data'; } $replace_txt = 'Proposed ResultSet(dbID) replacement for DataSet('.$dset->name."):\t".$pset->dbID.' > '; } } $new_rset->add_status('DAS_DISPLAYABLE'); my ($new_rset) = @{$rset_adaptor->store($new_rset)}; if(defined $replace_txt){ $self->log($replace_txt.$new_rset->dbID); } } my $xml_file = open_file($self->get_config('mage_xml_file')); #slurp in changing separator to null so we get it all in one string.
$self->experiment->mage_xml(do{ local ($/); <$xml_file>}); close($xml_file); $self->experiment($self->db->get_ExperimentAdaptor->update_mage_xml_by_Experiment($self->experiment())); return;
sub vendor {
  my ($self) = shift;

	$self->{'vendor'} = shift;
	$self->{'vendor'} = uc($self->{'vendor'});

  return $self->{'vendor'};
sub verbose {
  my ($self) = shift;	
  $self->{'verbose'} = shift if(@_);
  return $self->{'verbose'};
sub vsn_norm {
  my $self = shift;
  return $self->R_norm("VSN_GLOG");
General documentation
Post questions to the EnsEMBL development list
Nathan Johnson,
Example : $imp->validate_mage() if(! $imp->{'write_mage'};
Description: Validates auto-generated and manually edited mage against
Experiment information, aswell as checking replicate defitions.
Updates mage_xml table and replicate information accordingly.
Any other differences are logged or an error is thrown if the
difference is deemed critical.
Returntype : none
Exceptions : throws if ...?
Caller : Bio::EnsEMBL::Funcgen::Importer
Status : At risk