Raw content of Bio::EnsEMBL::Funcgen::Parsers::ExperimentalSet
# EnsEMBL module for Bio::EnsEMBL::Funcgen::Parsers::ExperimentalSet
=head1 NAME
use vars qw(@ISA);
@ISA = qw(Bio::EnsEMBL::Funcgen::Parsers::ExperimentalSet);
This is a base class to support simple file format parsers. For simple imports the vendor is
set to the parser type i.e. the file format. The generic read_and_import_simple_data assumes
a one line per feature format, other format need there own read_and_import_format_data method,
which will need defining in the result_data config element.
=head1 AUTHOR
This module was created by Nathan Johnson.
=head1 CONTACT
Post questions to the EnsEMBL development list ensembl-dev@ebi.ac.uk
=head1 METHODS
package Bio::EnsEMBL::Funcgen::Parsers::ExperimentalSet;
use Bio::EnsEMBL::Funcgen::ExperimentalSet;
use Bio::EnsEMBL::Funcgen::FeatureSet;
use Bio::EnsEMBL::Funcgen::AnnotatedFeature;
use Bio::EnsEMBL::Utils::Exception qw( throw warning deprecate );
use Bio::EnsEMBL::Funcgen::Utils::EFGUtils qw(species_chr_num open_file);
use Bio::EnsEMBL::Utils::Argument qw( rearrange );
use Bio::EnsEMBL::Funcgen::Utils::Helper;
use strict;
use vars qw(@ISA);
@ISA = qw(Bio::EnsEMBL::Funcgen::Utils::Helper);
=head2 new
Example : my $self = $class->SUPER::new(@_);
Description: Constructor method for Bed class
Returntype : Bio::EnsEMBL::Funcgen::Parsers::Simple
Exceptions : throws if caller is not Importer
Caller : Bio::EnsEMBL::Funcgen::Parsers:Simple
Status : at risk
sub new{
my $caller = shift;
my $class = ref($caller) || $caller;
my $self = $class->SUPER::new(@_);
#No rollback flag yet to void losing old data which we are not reimporting
#Could potentially take fields params directly to define a custom format
#Take direct field mappings, plus special fields which needs parsing differently
#i.e. default is tab delimited, and GFF would define Attrs field as compound field and provide special parsing and field mapping
throw("This is a skeleton class for Bio::EnsEMBL::Importer, should not be used directly")
if(! $self->isa("Bio::EnsEMBL::Funcgen::Importer"));
$self->{'config'} =
#can we omit these?
array_data => [],#['experiment'],
probe_data => [],#["probe"],
norm_method => undef,
#protocols => {()},
'results_data' => ["and_import"],
#set up feature params
$self->{'_feature_params'} = {};
$self->{'_dbentry_params'} = [];
$self->{'counts'} = {};
return $self;
#we surely use thes only once in the code
#is it faster to cache like this over the reg method?
#or should we just use reg directly?
sub annotated_feature_adaptor{
my $self = shift;
return $self->{'annotated_feature_adaptor'};
sub dbentry_adaptor{
my $self = shift;
return $self->{'dbentry_adaptor'};
sub experimental_set_adaptor{
my $self = shift;
return $self->{'experimental_set_adaptor'};
=head2 set_config
Example : my $self->set_config;
Description: Sets attribute dependent config
Returntype : None
Exceptions : None
Caller : Bio::EnsEMBL::Funcgen::Importer
Status : at risk
sub set_config{
my $self = shift;
throw('Must provide an ExperimentalSet name for a '.uc($self->vendor).' import') if ! defined $self->experimental_set_name();
#Mandatory checks
if(! defined $self->feature_analysis){
throw('Must define a -feature_analysis parameter for '.uc($self->vendor).' imports');
#We need to undef norm method as it has been set to the env var
$self->{'config'}{'norm_method'} = undef;
#dir are not set in config to enable generic get_dir method access
#some convenience methods
$self->{'annotated_feature_adaptor'} = $self->db->get_AnnotatedFeatureAdaptor;
$self->{'dbentry_adaptor'} = $self->db->get_DBEntryAdaptor;
$self->{'experimental_set_adaptor'} = $self->db->get_ExperimentalSetAdaptor();
sub define_sets{
my ($self) = @_;
my $eset = $self->experimental_set_adaptor->fetch_by_name($self->experimental_set_name);
if(! defined $eset){
$eset = Bio::EnsEMBL::Funcgen::ExperimentalSet->new
-name => $self->experimental_set_name(),
-experiment => $self->experiment(),
-feature_type => $self->feature_type(),
-cell_type => $self->cell_type(),
-vendor => $self->vendor(),
-format => $self->format(),
-analysis => $self->feature_analysis,
($eset) = @{$self->experimental_set_adaptor->store($eset)};
#Use define_and_validate with fetch/append as we may have a pre-existing set
my $dset = $self->define_and_validate_sets
-dbadaptor => $self->db,
-name => $self->experimental_set_name,
-feature_type => $self->feature_type,
-cell_type => $self->cell_type,
-analysis => $self->feature_analysis,
-type => 'annotated',
-description => $self->feature_set_description,
#-append => 1,#Omit append to ensure we only have this eset
-recovery => $self->recovery,
-supporting_sets => [$eset],
#Can't set rollback here, as we don't know until we've validated the files
#Can't validate the files until we have the sets.
#So we're doing this manually in validate_files
#We are now using IMPORTED to define wheather a FeatureSet has been imported succesfully
#However we already have IMPORTED on the ExperimentalSubSet
#We should add it to FeatureSet to remain consistent.
#See Helper::define_and_validate_sets for more notes on
#potential problems with FeatureSet IMPORTED status
$self->{'_data_set'} = $dset;
return $self->{'_data_set'};
sub data_set{
my $self = shift;
return $self->{'_data_set'};
sub validate_files{
my $self = shift;
#Get file
if (! @{$self->result_files()}) {
my $list = "ls ".$self->get_dir('input').'/'.$self->name().'*.'.lc($self->vendor);#could use vendor here?
my @rfiles = `$list`;
if (scalar(@{$self->result_files()}) >1) {
warn('Found more than one '.$self->vendor." file:\n".
join("\n", @{$self->result_files()})."\nThe Simple parser does not yet handle replicates.".
" We need to resolve how we are going handle replicates with random cluster IDs");
#do we even need to?
#Here were are tracking the import of individual files by adding them as ExperimentalSubSets
#Recovery would never know what to delete
#So would need to delete all, Hence no point in setting status?
#We do not rollback IMPORTED data here. This is done via separate scripts
#To reduce the rick of accidentally deleting/overwriting data by leaving a stry -rollback
#flag in the run script
#We need validate all the files first, so the import doesn't fall over half way through
#Or if we come across a rollback halfway through
my (%new_data);
my $recover_unimported = 0;
my ($eset) = @{$self->data_set->get_supporting_sets};
foreach my $filepath( @{$self->result_files} ) {
chomp $filepath;
my $filename;
($filename = $filepath) =~ s/.*\///;
my $sub_set;
$self->log('Found '.$self->vendor." file\t$filename");
if( $sub_set = $eset->get_subset_by_name($filename) ){
$new_data{$filepath} = 1;
if( $sub_set->has_status('IMPORTED') ){
$new_data{$filepath} = 0;
#if(! $self->rollback){
$self->log("ExperimentalSubset(${filename}) has already been imported");
#remove IMPORTED status and rollback, set recover_unimported?
$self->log("Found partially imported ExperimentalSubset(${filename})");
$recover_unimported = 1;
$new_data{$filepath} = 1;
if ( $self->recovery && $recover_unimported ) {
$self->log("Rolling back results for ExperimentalSubset:\t".$filename);
warn "Cannot yet rollback for just an ExperimentalSubset, rolling back entire set\n";
warn "WARNING:: This may be deleting previously imported data which you are not re-importing..list?!!!\n";
elsif( $recover_unimported ){
throw("Found partially imported ExperimentalSubSet:\t$filepath\n".
"You must specify -recover to perform a full roll back for this ExperimentalSet:\t".$eset->name);
$self->log("Found new ExperimentalSubset(${filename})");
$new_data{$filepath} = 1;
$sub_set = $eset->add_new_subset($filename);
#Set all the new if we have rolled back due to a recovery.
if ($recover_unimported){
foreach my $esset(@{$eset->get_subsets}){
#map $new_data{$_} = 1, keys %new_data if $recover_unimported;
$new_data{$esset->name} = 1;
return (\%new_data);
sub set_feature_separator{
my ($self, $separator) = @_;
#How do we test if something undefined was passed?
#Rather than nothing passed at all?
#Can't do this as this is the accessor
#Need to split method
throw('Must provide a valid feature separator') if ( (! defined $separator) || ($separator eq '') );
$self->{'_feature_separator'} = $separator;
sub feature_separator{
my $self = shift;
return $self->{'_feature_separator'};
#getter only
sub feature_params{
my $self = shift;
return $self->{'_feature_params'};
#getter only
sub dbentry_params{
my $self = shift;
return $self->{'_dbentry_params'};
sub counts{
my $self = shift;
return $self->{'_counts'}
sub count{
my ($self, $count_type) = @_;
$self->{'_counts'}{$count_type} ||=0;
sub read_and_import_data{
my $self = shift;
$self->log("Reading and importing ".$self->vendor()." data");
my ($filename, $fh, $f_out, $fasta_file, %feature_params, @lines);
my $dset = $self->define_sets;
my $fset = $dset->product_FeatureSet;
#If we can do these the other way araound we can get define_sets to rollback the FeatureSet
#Cyclical dependency for the sets :|
my ($eset) = @{$dset->get_supporting_sets};
my ($new_data) = $self->validate_files;
#should remove IMPORTED status from FeatureSet before commencing load?
foreach my $filepath(@{$self->result_files()}) {
chomp $filepath;
($filename = $filepath) =~ s/.*\///;
#We're checking for recover here, as we have to reload all if just one has been screwed up.
if( $new_data->{$filepath} ){
$filepath = $self->pre_process_file($filepath) if $self->can('pre_process_file');
$self->log_header('Reading '.$self->vendor." file:\t".$filepath);
$fh = open_file($filepath);
my @lines = <$fh>;
$self->{'_fasta'} = '';
#warn "we need to either dump the pid rather than the dbID or dump the fasta in the DB dir";
#make this use get_fit
$fasta_file = $ENV{'EFG_DATA'}."/fastas/".$self->experiment->name().'.'.$filename.'.fasta';
###NEW we need to check whether we have a seq field accesible here
$f_out = open_file($fasta_file, '>');
foreach my $line (@lines) {
#Generic line processing
#Move these to parse_line?
$line =~ s/\r*\n//o;
next if $line =~ /^\#/;
next if $line =~ /^$/;
#This has now been simplified to process_line method
#my @fields = split/\t/o, $line;
#start building parameters hash
#foreach my $field_index(@{$self->get_field_indices}){
# my $field = $self->get_field_by_index($field_index);
# $feature_params = ($field =~ /^-/) ? $fields[$field_index] : $self->$field($fields[$field_index]);
# }
#We also need to enable different parse line methods if we have different file
#e.g. cisRED
#Code refs?
#Now we need to deal with anything left in the read cache
#This may get a little large, probably need to print periodically. Use $.?
if ($self->dump_fasta()){
print $f_out $self->{'_fasta'};
$self->log('Finished importing '.$self->counts->{'features'}.' '.
$fset->name." features from:\t$filepath");
#warn "Need to handle other counts in caller here?";
#foreach my $key (%{$self->counts}){
# $self->log("Count $key:\t".$self->counts->{$key}."\n");
# }
my $sub_set = $eset->get_subset_by_name($filename);
$sub_set->adaptor->store_status('IMPORTED', $sub_set);
#Here we should set IMPORTED on the FeatureSet
#We could also log the first dbID of each feature in a subset to facilitate subset rollback
#in feature table
#this would be sketchy at best
#delete from annotated_feature where annotated_feature_id >= $first_subset_feature_id and feature_set_id=$feature_set_id
#This may already have IMPORTED status as we don't revoke the status whilst
#updating to protect the feature set due to lack of supportingset tracking
#see Helper::defined_and_validate_sets for more notes.
#Is there any point in setting it if we don't revoke it?
#To allow consistent status handling across sets. Just need to be aware of fset status caveat.
if(! $fset->has_status('IMPORTED')){
$fset->adaptor->store_status('IMPORTED', $fset);
$self->log("No new data, skipping result parse") if ! grep /1/,values %{$new_data};
$self->log("Finished parsing and importing results");
sub load_feature_and_xrefs{
my $self = shift;
my $seq;
#grab seq if dump fasta and available
if(exists $self->feature_params->{'sequence'}){
$seq = $self->feature_params->{'sequence'};
delete $self->feature_params->{'sequence'};
$self->log('No fasta sequence available for '.$self->feature_params->display_label);
my $feature = Bio::EnsEMBL::Funcgen::AnnotatedFeature->new(%{$self->feature_params});
($feature) = @{$self->annotated_feature_adaptor->store($feature)};
##This needs to be handled in caller as we are validating loci
# $start += 1;
# $end += 1;
# }
#This needs to be put in a separate sub and called by the caller
#if(! $self->cache_slice($chr)){
# warn "Skipping AnnotatedFeature import, cound non standard chromosome: $chr";
#dump fasta here
if ($self->dump_fasta){
$self->{'_fasta'} .= $self->generate_fasta_header($feature)."\n$seq\n";
#$fasta .= '>'.$pid."\n".$self->cache_slice($chr)->sub_Slice($start, $end, 1)->seq()."\n";
#Now we need to store the xrefs
#my $edb_ref = $self->db->dbc->db_handle->selectrow_arrayref('select db_name from external_db where db_name="ensembl_variation_Variation"');
#if(! defined $edb_ref){
# throw('Could not find external_db ensembl_variation_Variation');
# }
# my ($edbname) = @{$edb_ref};
foreach my $dbentry_hash(@{$self->{'_dbentry_params'}}){
my $ftype = $dbentry_hash->{feature_type};
delete $dbentry_hash->{feature_type};
my $dbentry = Bio::EnsEMBL::DBEntry->new(%{$dbentry_hash});
$self->dbentry_adaptor->store($dbentry, $feature->dbID, $ftype, 1);#1 is ignore release flag
#count here? no count in caller
#Clean data cache
$self->{'_feature_params'} = {};
$self->{'_dbentry_params'} = [];
return $feature;