Summary | Included libraries | Package variables | Synopsis | Description | General documentation | Methods |
WebCvs | Raw content |
my $parser_type = "Bio::EnsEMBL::Funcgen::Parsers::eQTL";
push @INC, $parser_type;
my $imp = $class->SUPER::new(@_);
gene_adaptor | No description | Code |
last_snp_chr | No description | Code |
new | Description | Code |
parse_line | No description | Code |
pre_process_file | No description | Code |
process_params | No description | Code |
regulatory_feature_adaptor | No description | Code |
set_config | Description | Code |
slice_adaptor | No description | Code |
variation_adaptor | No description | Code |
variation_feature_adaptor | No description | Code |
new | code | next | Top |
Example : my $self = $class->SUPER::new(@_); |
set_config | code | prev | next | Top |
Example : my $self->set_config; |
gene_adaptor | description | prev | next | Top |
my $self = shift; return $self->{'gene_adaptor'};}
last_snp_chr | description | prev | next | Top |
my ($self, $chr) = @_; $self->{'last_snp_chr'} = $chr if defined $chr; return $self->{'last_snp_chr'}; } 1;}
new | description | prev | next | Top |
my $caller = shift; my $class = ref($caller) || $caller; #define default fields here and pass}
#We also need to be able to take custom attrs mappings
#keys are array index of field, key are Feature paramter names
#reverse this?
#Unless we have a compound field which we name accordingly
#And then call e.g. parse_attrs
#Which will return a hash with the relevant Feature attributes
#Is splitting this up simply going to make the parse slower due to acessor methods?
#Pass or just set directly here?
#SNP_label GENE_Label GENE_ID SNP_chromosome GENE_chromosome SNP_location GENE_location Distance pvalue -log10(pvalue) Adjusted_R^2 Gradient
my $self = $class->SUPER::new(@_); my ($store_regf_xrefs) = rearrange(['STORE_REG_FEAT_XREFS'], @_); #my ($display_label_field) = rearrange(['DISPLAY_LABEL_FIELD'], @_);
#We need to define meta header method, starting with '##'
#Also need to skip comments '#' at begining or end of line
#Do we also need to skip field header? No methinks not.
#Define result method
# $self->{'file_ext'} => 'gff';#Could use vendor here?
#define this if we want to override the generic method in Simple
#$self->{'config'}{'results_data'} => ["and_import_gff"];
$self->{'store_reg_feat_xrefs'} = 1; #$store_regf_xrefs;
return $self; } #we surely use thes only once in the code
#is it faster to cache like this over the reg method
#or should we just use reg directly?
parse_line | description | prev | next | Top |
my ($self, $line) = @_; return if $line =~ /^SNP_label/; #can we test for $. here instead, as header may change.}
#we'll have to recode for the changed header anyway?
#is a $. check quick than a ~= /^SNP_label/ test?
#we should validate the header
#my %fields = (
# 0 => 'fetch_slice',
# 1 => 'get_source',
# 2 => 'get_feature_type',
# 3 => '-start',
# 4 => '-end',
# 5 => '-strand',#Will most likely be , need to convert to -.+ > -1 0 1
#6 => 'frame',#will most likely be .
# 7 => 'get_attributes',
# );
#SNP_label GENE_Label GENE_ID SNP_chromosome GENE_chromosome SNP_location GENE_location Distance pvalue -log10(pvalue) Adjusted_R^2 Gradient
my ($gene); my ($rsid, $gene_name, undef, $gene_chr, $snp_chr, $snp_start, $gene_start) = split/\t/o, $line; #currently ignoring GENE_ID, distance, pvalue, -log10(pvalue), Adjusted_R^2 and Gradient.
#This appears to slow things down a lot
#Hack to handle scientific notation
#$gene_chr = sprintf('%d', $gene_chr);
#$snp_chr = sprintf('%d', $snp_chr);
#$gene_start = sprintf('%d', $gene_start);
#$snp_start = sprintf('%d', $snp_start);
if($self->ucsc_coords){ $gene_start += 1; $snp_start += 1; } #
#we need to return feature_params, DBEntry params( and seq if defined?)
#return seq in feature_params and delete from hash before storing
#Store as experimental sets with annotated features, with DBEntries to Variation(or DB SNP?) and core.
#How do we want to represent this as a feature? Simply as the SNP? loci?
#Or as the region between all of the SNPs and the associated gene.
#This then becomes a multiline format
#We need to test that SNPs are on sme chromosome, and that e-QTLs between genes do not overlap
#Can we assume overlap of whole region with reg feat is enough to assign to gene, or do we need SNP overlap?
#So we need to maintain internal params cache for multiline format which we will return explicitly one discovery of a new gene name
#Then we just need to empty the cache in Simple once we have finished the file.
#We are going to be calling SNP and Gene adaptor for each record
#Will internal cache be faster than registry
#Also need to load registry from ensembldb to access variation DB.
#Need internal attr last_gene, or generic 'feature_separator'
if( ! defined $self->feature_separator || ($self->feature_separator ne $gene_name) ){ #Copy params data
#We need to have an internal method here to do the final processing
#This will call the store methods in the parent, but also allow and
#format specific stats for the last record, which would other wise be done in the caller?
#or can
#Only process if we have seen a gene
$self->process_params if defined $self->feature_separator; #Now set default params for new feature
$self->set_feature_separator($gene_name); #Get gene and validate
my @genes = @{$self->gene_adaptor->fetch_all_by_external_name($gene_name)}; $self->log('Found '.scalar(@genes).' genes for external name '.$gene_name) if(scalar(@genes) > 1); my $warn_txt = ''; my $disp_gene_cnt = 0; my $nondisp_gene_cnt = 0; my ($tmp_gene, $display_name); foreach my $ext_gene(@genes){ #validate gene loci
if($ext_gene->seq_region_name ne $gene_chr && $ext_gene->start != $gene_start){ $warn_txt .= "eQTL $gene_name gene loci does not match Ensembl(".$ext_gene->stable_id.") loci:\t". $gene_chr.':'.$gene_start.' vs '.$ext_gene->seq_region_name.':'.$ext_gene->start."\n"; } else{ if($ext_gene->display_xref && ($ext_gene->display_xref->display_id eq $gene_name)){ $disp_gene_cnt++; $gene = $ext_gene; } else{ $warn_txt .= "eQTL $gene_name is not display_xref for loci validated Ensembl gene ".$ext_gene->stable_id."\n"; $nondisp_gene_cnt++; $tmp_gene = $ext_gene; } } } if($gene){ throw('Found more than one loci/display_xref validated gene for '.$gene_name) if $disp_gene_cnt > 1; } else{ $self->log($warn_txt) if $warn_txt; if(! $tmp_gene){ #log missed gene.
#Still build the eQTL
#have counts hash attr, but allow dynamic naming of count elements, to allow global counting and reset in Simple
$self->count('skipped_genes'); $self->log('Failed to find comparable Ensembl gene for '.$gene_name.' Building sparse eQTL'); } else{ $gene = $tmp_gene; if($nondisp_gene_cnt == 1){ #Only reset the dispay name if it maps to one which is not the display_xref
$display_name = $gene->display_xref->display_id if $gene->display_xref; } } } $display_name ||= $gene_name; #Set generic feature params
$self->feature_params->{'-feature_type'} = $self->data_set->product_FeatureSet->feature_type; $self->feature_params->{'-display_label'} = 'e-QTL:'.$display_name; #These are generic to the whole import so move to load?
$self->feature_params->{'-feature_set'} = $self->data_set->product_FeatureSet; $self->feature_params->{'-analysis'} = $self->data_set->product_FeatureSet->analysis; #No score attributable to feature?
#we could simply count the number of SNPs as the score?
$self->feature_params->{'-score'} = 0; #setting strand to 0 for now
$self->feature_params->{'-strand'} = 0; if($gene){ #???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
#Use ensembl's label to avoid propogation of xref records?
#This is masking original data?
#Altho' it is loci based.
#This shouldn't need testing as is should have a display xref
#my $display_label = $gene->display_xref->display_label;
#Now set up first DBEntry params
my %gene_xref_params = ( -dbname => $self->{'species'}.'_core_Gene', #-release => $self->db->dnadb->dbc->dbname,
-status => 'KNOWNXREF', #-display_label_linkable => 1,
#-db_display_name => $self->db->dnadb->dbc->dbname,
-db_display_name => 'EnsemblGene', -type => 'MISC',#edb.type???
-primary_id => $gene->stable_id, #This may cause duplications in xref, as we are assigning the gene_name
#to display_id which is part of the unique key
-display_id => ($gene->display_xref) ? $gene->display_xref->display_id : $gene_name, -info_type => 'MISC', #Always need linkage annotation here
#Otherwise ther is no way to trace how these object_xrefs were geneerated
-linkage_annotation => 'eQTL Target',#better text here?
-info_text => 'GENE', #store method param
feature_type => 'AnnotatedFeature', ); #need sub cache_dbentry_params?
push @{$self->{'_dbentry_params'}},\% gene_xref_params; } #Now deal with SNP
#we need to test whether we are on the same slice
#Need to log if SNP and chrs are on different slices
#Need to build new features if SNP are on different slice
if($gene_chr ne $snp_chr){ $self->log("Identified Trans-Chromosomal eQTL $gene_name($gene_chr):$rsid($snp_chr)"); $self->count('trans-chromosomal'); } #Hs.390503
#Validate SNP first
my $snp = $self->variation_adaptor->fetch_by_name($rsid); if(! defined $snp){ $self->log("Failed to retrieve $rsid SNP associated with $gene_name"); $self->count('unknown_snps'); } else{ #This returns a feat on a core slice, not a genotyped slice
my @snp_feats = @{$self->variation_feature_adaptor->fetch_all_by_Variation($snp)}; #if (scalar(@snp_feats > 1)){
#These are most likely from different haplotype slices
#we just need to make sure one of these features loci validates, and then use the
#loci from the file
if(scalar(@snp_feats) == 0){ $self->log("Failed to retrieve $rsid SNP features"); #As we don't want a region with no xrefs and just a gene name we don't have in the db.
#Can we store these as unmapped objects?
$self->count('absent_snps'); } else{ my $snp_feat; foreach my $sfeat(@snp_feats){ if($sfeat->seq_region_name eq $snp_chr && $sfeat->start == $snp_start){ $snp_feat = $sfeat; last; } #else{
# warn "Ensembl $rsid ".$sfeat->feature_Slice->name;
# }
} if(! defined $snp_feat){ $self->log("Failed to retrieve loci validated $rsid SNP feature."); #As we don't want a region with no xrefs and just a gene name we don't have in the db.
#Can we store these as unmapped objects?
$self->count('invalid_loci_snps'); } else{ #Now test the new and last SNP chrs match
if($self->last_snp_chr){ if($self->last_snp_chr ne $snp_chr){ throw("Found Multi-Chromosomal eQTL $gene_name:".$self->last_snp_chr. ":$snp_chr\nNeed to implement multiple features") } } else{ #Set intial feature loci params
$self->feature_params->{'-slice'} = $snp_feat->slice; $self->feature_params->{'-start'} = $snp_start; $self->feature_params->{'-end'} = $snp_start; #Now we need to extend the feature to the gene loci(SNP may be internal)
#Either from file or from Ensembl gene
#This approach is debatable
#There may be some trans effects going on
#Hence LD might not be a string factor?
my $start = $gene_start; my $end = $gene_start; if($gene){ $start = $gene->start; $end = $gene->end; } $self->feature_params->{'-start'} = $start if $start < $self->feature_params->{'-start'}; $self->feature_params->{'-end'} = $end if $end > $self->feature_params->{'-end'}; } $self->last_snp_chr($snp_chr); #Modify the feature params
#Do we want it to start directly on the SNP, or include some flank?
$self->feature_params->{'-start'} = $snp_start if($snp_start < $self->feature_params->{'-start'}); $self->feature_params->{'-end'} = $snp_start if($snp_start > $self->feature_params->{'-end'}); $self->feature_params->{'-score'}++; #Create the SNP xref
my %snp_xref_params = ( -dbname => $self->{'species'}.'_variation_Variation', #-release => $self->db->dnadb->dbc->dbname,
-status => 'KNOWNXREF', #-display_label_linkable => 1,
#-db_display_name => $self->db->dnadb->dbc->dbname,
-db_display_name => 'EnsemblVariation', -type => 'MISC',#???#this is external_db.type
-primary_id => $snp_feat->variation_name,##?????????
-display_id => $snp_feat->display_id,#This is the same as variation name.
-info_type => 'MISC', -linkage_annotation => 'eQTL SNP',#DIRECT?
-info_text => 'VARIATION', #store method param
feature_type => 'AnnotatedFeature', ); #need sub cache_dbentry_params?
push @{$self->{'_dbentry_params'}},\% snp_xref_params; } } } } return; } #This is to allow post-processing of features
#in particular last feature
#And any other format specific end of record operations
pre_process_file | description | prev | next | Top |
my ($self, $filepath) = @_; #$self->backup_file($file_name)}
#Let's just work with a copy rather than backing up.
my $new_path = $filepath.'.sorted'; my $sort = 'sort -k 2 '.$filepath.' > '.$new_path; run_system_cmd($sort); return $new_path;
process_params | description | prev | next | Top |
my $self = shift; $self->count('Total features'); #Now we have the possiblity of a sparse feature(no gene identified)}
#with no SNPs retrieved
if(! defined $self->feature_params->{'-slice'}){ #Could really do with access to gene_name and rsids here
$self->count('failed_eQTLs'); $self->log('WARNING: Could not build eQTL for '. $self->feature_params->{'-display_label'}); #Still need to clean params
#Clean data cache
$self->{'_feature_params'} = {}; $self->{'_dbentry_params'} = []; } else{ #count eQTL which only have one SNP and no valid gene i.e. 1bp eQTL
$self->count('1 SNP no gene eQTLs') if scalar(@{$self->dbentry_params}) == 1; #Can we genericise this and pass to the load method?
#We would need to account for xreffing to other eFG feats apart from the one being generated
#i.e. to reg feats
#just do here for now
my $slice = $self->slice_adaptor->fetch_by_region ( $self->feature_params->{-slice}->coord_system_name, $self->feature_params->{-slice}->seq_region_name, $self->feature_params->{-start}, $self->feature_params->{-end} ); my @reg_feats = @{$self->regulatory_feature_adaptor->fetch_all_by_Slice($slice)}; $self->count('Total features with RegulatoryFeature xrefs') if (scalar(@reg_feats)>0); foreach my $reg_feat(@reg_feats){ #$self->count($reg_feat->feature_type->name);
#$self->count('Total RegulatoryFeature xrefs');
if($self->{'store_reg_feat_xrefs'}){ my $first_dbentry = $self->dbentry_params->[0]; #test whether it is the gene xref
if($first_dbentry->{-dbname} eq 'ensembl_core_Gene'){ #defined when assigning
$self->count($reg_feat->feature_type->name); $self->count('Total RegulatoryFeature xrefs'); my $dbentry = Bio::EnsEMBL::DBEntry->new(%{$first_dbentry}); $self->dbentry_adaptor->store($dbentry, $reg_feat->dbID, 'RegulatoryFeature', 1);#1 is ignore release flag
#We maybe actually want to use release flag here?
} } } my $feature = $self->load_feature_and_xrefs; #Not actually using $feature anymore
} $self->{'last_snp_chr'} = undef;
regulatory_feature_adaptor | description | prev | next | Top |
my $self = shift; return $self->{'regulatory_feature_adaptor'};}
set_config | description | prev | next | Top |
my $self = shift; $self->SUPER::set_config; #some convenience methods}
$self->{'regulatory_feature_adaptor'} = $self->db->get_RegulatoryFeatureAdaptor; $self->{'variation_adaptor'} = $reg->get_adaptor($self->species, 'variation', 'Variation'); $self->{'variation_feature_adaptor'} = $reg->get_adaptor($self->species, 'variation', 'VariationFeature'); $self->{'gene_adaptor'} = $self->db->dnadb->get_GeneAdaptor; $self->{'slice_adaptor'} = $self->db->dnadb->get_SliceAdaptor; my $species = $self->db->species; if(! $species){ throw('Must define a species to define the external_db'); } #Just to make sure we hav homo_sapiens and not Homo Sapiens
($self->{'species'} = lc($species)) =~ s/ /_/; return; } #The flow of this module requires a gene sorted list
#default is position sorted.
slice_adaptor | description | prev | next | Top |
my $self = shift; return $self->{'slice_adaptor'};}
variation_adaptor | description | prev | next | Top |
my $self = shift; return $self->{'variation_adaptor'};}
variation_feature_adaptor | description | prev | next | Top |
my $self = shift; return $self->{'variation_feature_adaptor'};}
AUTHOR | Top |