Bio::EnsEMBL::Funcgen Probe
SummaryIncluded librariesPackage variablesSynopsisDescriptionGeneral documentationMethods
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Bio::EnsEMBL::Funcgen::Probe - A module to represent a nucleotide probe.
Package variables
No package variables defined.
Included modules
Bio::EnsEMBL::Utils::Argument qw ( rearrange )
Bio::EnsEMBL::Utils::Exception qw ( throw warning )
use Bio::EnsEMBL::Funcgen::Probe;
my $probe = Bio::EnsEMBL::Funcgen::Probe->new(
-PROBE_SET => $probe_set,
-NAME => 'Probe-1',
-ARRAY => $array,
-ARRAY_CHIP_ID => $ac_dbid,
An Probe object represents an probe on a microarray. The data (currently the
name, probe_set_id, length, pair_index and class) are stored
in the oligo_probe table.
For Affy arrays, a probe can be part of more than one array, but only part of
one probeset. On each Affy array the probe has a slightly different name. For
example, two different complete names for the same probe might be
DrosGenome1:AFFX-LysX-5_at:535:35; and Drosophila_2:AFFX-LysX-5_at:460:51;. In
the database, these two probes will have the same oligo_probe_id. Thus the same
Affy probe can have a number of different names and complete names depending on
which array it is on.
Methods description
add_Analysis_CoordSystem_scorecode    nextTop
  Arg [1]    : Bio::EnsEMBL::Analysis
Arg [2] : Bio::EnsEMBL::CoordSystem
Arg [3] : string - analysis score (as string a precision may differ between analyses)??
Example : $probe->add_Analysis_CoordSystem_score($analysis, $coord_sys, $score);
Description: Setter for coord system dependant probe analysis attributes from an array design
Returntype : None
Exceptions : throws if args are not met or valid
Caller : General
Status : at risk
  Arg [1]    : Bio::EnsEMBL::Analysis
Arg [2] : string - analysis score (as string a precision may differ between analyses)??
Example : $probe->add_Analysis_score($analysis, $score);
Description: Setter for probe analysis attributes from an array design
Returntype : None
Exceptions : throws if args are not met or valid
Caller : General
Status : at risk
  Arg [1]    : int - db ID of array_chip
Arg [2] : string - probe name
Arg [3] : Bio::EnsEMBL::Funcgen::Array
Example : $probe->add_array_chip_probename($ac_dbid, $probename, $array);
Description: Adds a probe name / array pair to a probe, allowing incremental
generation of a probe.
Returntype : None
Exceptions : None
Caller : General,
Status : Medium Risk - Change to take ArrayChip object.
  Arg [1]    : (optional) string - class
Example : my $class = $probe->class();
Description: Getter and setter of class attribute for Probe
Returntype : string
Exceptions : None
Caller : General
Status : Medium Risk
  Args       : None
Example : my $arrays = $probe->get_all_Arrays();
Description: Returns all arrays that this probe is part of. Only works if the
probe was retrieved from the database or created using
add_Array_probename (rather than add_arrayname_probename).
Returntype : Listref of Bio::EnsEMBL::Funcgen::Array objects
Exceptions : None
Caller : General
Status : Medium Risk
  Args       : None
Example : my $features = $probe->get_all_ProbeFeatures();
Description: Get all features produced by this probe. The probe needs to be
database persistent.
Returntype : Listref of Bio::EnsEMBL:Funcgen::ProbeFeature objects
Exceptions : None
Caller : General
Status : Medium Risk
  Args       : None
Example : my @compnames = @{$probe->get_all_complete_names()};
Description: Retrieves all complete names for this probe. The complete name
is a concatenation of the array name, the probeset name and the
probe name.
Returntype : Listref of strings
Exceptions : None
Caller : General
Status : Medium Risk
  Arg [1]    : Boolean - No fetch flag, to fetch design scores from DB, used in adaptor
To avoid testing DB for each probe when no design scores have been added.
Example : my @anal_score_coordsets = @{$probe->get_all_design_scores()};
Description: Gets all design scores as analysis_id, score and optionally coord_system_id
Returntype : ARRAYREF
Exceptions : throws if no fetch flag is not defined and adaptor or probe is not defined and or stored.
Caller : General
Status : at risk
  Arg [1]    : Optional - list of array names, defaults to all available
Example : my @probenames = @{$probe->get_all_probenames()};
Description: Retrieves all names for this probe. Only makes sense for probes
that are part of a probeset (i.e. Affy probes), in which case
get_all_complete_names() would be more appropriate.
Returntype : Listref of strings
Exceptions : None
Caller : General
Status : Medium Risk
  Arg [1]    : string - array name
Example : my $compname = $probe->get_complete_name('Array-1');
Description: For a given array, retrieve the complete name for this probe.
Returntype : string
Exceptions : Throws if the array name is not known for this probe
Caller : General
Status : Medium Risk
  Arg [1]    : string - array name
Example : my $probename = $probe->get_probename('Array-1');
Description: For a given array, retrieve the name for this probe.
Returntype : string
Exceptions : Throws if the array name is required but not specified
Warns if probe has more than one name for the given array.
Caller : General
Status : Medium Risk
  Arg [1]    : Bio::EnsEMBL::Analysis
Example : my $anal_score = $probe->get_analysis_score($analysis);
Description: Setter for probe analysis attributes from an array design
Returntype : string
Exceptions : throws if args are not met or valid
Caller : General
Status : at risk
  Arg [1]    : Bio::EnsEMBL::Analysis
Arg [2] : Bio::EnsEMBL::CoordSystem
Arg [3] : string - analysis score (as string a precision may differ between analyses)??
Example : $probe->add_analysis($analysis, $coord_sys, $score);
Description: Setter for coord system dependant probe analysis attributes from an array design
Returntype : None
Exceptions : throws if args are not met or valid
Caller : General
Status : at risk
  Arg [1]    : (optional) int - probe length
Example : my $probelength = $probe->length();
Description: Getter and setter of length attribute for Probe
Returntype : int
Exceptions : None
Caller : General
Status : Medium Risk
  Arg [-NAME]          : string - probe name
Used when the probe is on one array.
Arg [-NAMES] : Listref of strings - probe names
Used when the probe is on multiple arrays.
Arg [-ARRAY] : Bio::EnsEMBL::Funcgen::Array
Used when the probe is on one array.
Arg [-ARRAYS] : Listref of Bio::EnsEMBL::Funcgen::Array
Used when the probe is on multiple arrays.
Arg [-ARRAY_CHIP_ID] : int - array_chip db ID
Used when the probe is on one array.
Arg [-NAMES] : Listref of ints - arary_chip db IDs
Used when the probe is on multiple arrays.
Arg [-PROBE_SET] : Bio::EnsEMBL::ProbeSet
Each probe is part of one(and only one) probeset, if not probe set
then probeset = probe i.e. probe_set size = 1
Arg [-LENGTH] : int - probe length
Will obviously be the same for all probes if same probe
is on multiple arrays.
Arg [-CLASS] : string - probe class e.g. CONTROL, EXPERIMENTAL
Will be the same for all probes if same probe is on
multiple arrays.
Example : my $probe = Bio::EnsEMBL::Probe->new( -NAME => 'Probe-1', -PROBE_SET => $probe_set, -ARRAY => $array, -ARRAY_CHIP_ID => $array_chip_id, -LENGTH => 25, -CLASS => 'EXPERIMENTAL', ); Description: Creates a new Bio::EnsEMBL::Probe object. Returntype : Bio::EnsEMBL::Probe Exceptions : Throws if not supplied with probe name(s) and array(s) Caller : General Status : Medium Risk
  Args       : Hashref with all internal attributes set
Example : none
Description: Quick and dirty version of new. Only works if the code is very
disciplined. Cannot add array chip probe names unless we recreate
the data structure in the caller.
Returntype : Bio::EnsEMBL::Funcgen::Probe
Exceptions : None
Caller : General
Status : At Risk
  Arg [1]    : (optional) Bio::EnsEMBL::Funcgen::ProbeSet
Example : my $probe_set = $probe->probeset();
Description: Getter and setter of probe_set attribute for Probe objects.
Returntype : string
Exceptions : None
Caller : General
Status : Medium Risk
Methods code
sub add_Analysis_CoordSystem_score {
    my ($self, $anal, $cs, $score) = @_;

    if(! ($anal && $anal->dbID() && $anal->isa("Bio::EnsEMBL::Analysis"))){
      throw("Must provide a valid stored Bio::EnsEMBL::Analysis");

    if(! ($cs && $cs->dbID() && $cs->isa("Bio::EnsEMBL::Funcgen::CoordSystem"))){
      throw("Must provide a valid stored Bio::EnsEMBL::Funcgen::CoordSystem");

    throw("Must provide a score to add to the probe") if ! defined $score;

    $self->{'analysis_coord_system'}{$anal->dbID()}{$cs->dbID()} = $score;

sub add_Analysis_score {
    my ($self, $anal, $score) = @_;

    if(! ($anal && $anal->dbID() && $anal->isa("Bio::EnsEMBL::Analysis"))){
      throw("Must provide a valid stored Bio::EnsEMBL::Analysis");

    throw("Must provide a score to add to the probe") if ! defined $score;

    $self->{'analysis'}{$anal->dbID()} = $score;

sub add_array_chip_probename {
    my $self = shift;
    my ($ac_dbid, $probename, $array) = @_;
    $self->{ 'arrays'     } ||= {};
    $self->{ 'probenames' } ||= {};

    #mass redundancy here, possibility of fetching same array over and over!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
#Need to implement cache in caller i.e. adaptor
#Made mandatory to force creation of cache
#we need access to adaptor before we can test is valid and stored
#let's no test each time for adaptor as this would slow down
#Just test here instead.
if(! (ref($array) && $array->isa('Bio::EnsEMBL::Funcgen::Array') && $array->dbID)){ #$array = $self->adaptor()->db()->get_ArrayAdaptor()->fetch_by_array_chip_dbID($ac_dbid);
throw('You must pass a valid Bio::EnsEMBL::Funcgen::Array. Maybe you want to generate a cache in the caller?'); } #mapping between probename and ac_dbid is conserved through array name between hashes
#only easily linked from arrays to probenames,as would have to do foreach on array name
#Can we change the implementation of this so we're only storing the array once, reverse
#the cache? But we want access to the array and using an object reference as a key is ????
#How would this impact on method functionality?
#We now handle multiple names per probe/array
#This will not capture the relationship between
#probe name and position on array!
#Not a problem for affy as name is position
#Currently not a problem for nimblegen as probes never have more than 1 name???
$self->{ 'arrays' }->{$ac_dbid} = $array; $self->{ 'probenames' }->{$array->name()} ||= []; push @{$self->{ 'probenames' }->{$array->name()}}, $probename; return;
sub class {
    my $self = shift;
    $self->{'class'} = shift if @_;
    return $self->{'class'};
sub get_all_Arrays {
    my $self = shift;
	# Do we have Array objects for this probe?
if (defined $self->{'arrays'}) { return [ values %{$self->{'arrays'}} ]; } elsif ( $self->adaptor() && $self->dbID() ) { # Only have names for arrays, so need to retrieve arrays from database
warning('Not yet implemented'); return []; } else { warning('Need database connection to get Arrays by name'); return []; }
sub get_all_ProbeFeatures {
	my $self = shift;
	if ( $self->adaptor() && $self->dbID() ) {
		return $self->adaptor()->db()->get_ProbeFeatureAdaptor()->fetch_all_by_Probe($self);
	} else {
		warning('Need database connection to retrieve Features');
		return [];
sub get_all_complete_names {
    my $self = shift;
    my @result = ();
    my $probeset = $self->probeset()->name();
    $probeset .= ':' if $probeset;

    warn "For Nimblegen this need to be Container:Seqid::probeid?";

    while ( my (undef, $array) = each %{$self->{'arrays'}} ) {
      #would have to put test in here for $self->arrays()->vendor()
#if($array->vendor() eq "AFFY"){
foreach my $name(@{$self->{'probenames'}{$array->name()}}){ push @result, $array->name().":$probeset".$name; } } return\@ result; } #For affy this matters as name will be different, but not for Nimblegen
#Need to consolidate this
#have get name method which throws if there is more than one array
#detects array vendor and does appropriate method
sub get_all_design_scores {
  my ($self, $no_fetch) = @_;

  my ($analysis_id, $cs_id, $score, @design_scores);

  if(! $no_fetch){#can assume we have none stored already due to implementation of add methods
throw("Probe must have and adaptor to fetch design scores from the DB") if(! $self->adaptor()); foreach my $probe_analysis(@{$self->adaptor->fetch_all_design_records($self)}){ #we can't use the add methods here as would be cyclical
#nor do we need extra validation
($analysis_id, $cs_id, $score) = @$probe_analysis; if($cs_id){ $self->{'analysis_coord_system'}{$analysis_id}{$cs_id} = $score; }else{ $self->{'analysis'}{$analysis_id} = $score; } } } #populate array from attrs
if(exists $self->{'analysis_coord_system'}){ foreach $analysis_id(keys %{$self->{'analysis_coord_system'}}){ foreach $cs_id(keys %{$self->{'analysis_coord_system'}{$analysis_id}}){ push @design_scores, [$analysis_id, $self->{'analysis_coord_system'}{$analysis_id}{$cs_id}, $cs_id]; } } } if(exists $self->{'analysis'}){ foreach $analysis_id(keys %{$self->{'analysis'}}){ push @design_scores, [$analysis_id, $self->{'analysis'}{$analysis_id}]; } } return\@ design_scores; } #do we need get_all methods for Analysis and Analysis_CoordSystem?
#maybe if we split into another Class and Adaptor
sub get_all_probenames {
    my ($self, @array_names) = @_;

	my @names;
	@array_names = keys %{$self->{'probenames'}} if ! @array_names;

	foreach my $array(@array_names){
	  push @names, @{$self->{'probenames'}->{$array}};

    return\@ names;
sub get_complete_name {
    my $self = shift;
    my $arrayname = shift;

    my $probename = $self->{'probenames'}->{$arrayname};

    if (!defined $probename) {
		throw('Unknown array name');
	my $probeset = $self->probeset()->name();
	$probeset .= ':' if $probeset;


    return "$arrayname:$probeset$probename";
sub get_probename {
    my ($self, $arrayname) = @_;

	my $probename;

    if (! $arrayname){
      #Sanity check that there is only one non-AFFY array
my @ac_ids = keys %{$self->{'arrays'}}; if((scalar @ac_ids == 1) && ($self->get_all_Arrays()->[0]->vendor() ne "AFFY")){ $arrayname = $self->get_all_Arrays()->[0]->name(); } else{ throw('Cannot retrieve name for Probe('.$self->dbID.") without arrayname if more than 1 array chip(@ac_ids) and not NIMBELGEN(".$self->get_all_Arrays()->[0]->vendor().")\n"); } } my @names = @{$self->{'probenames'}->{$arrayname}}; if(scalar(@names) > 1){ warn "This probe has more than one probe name for probeset $arrayname:".$self->probeset->name.":\t @names"; } else{ ($probename) = @{$self->{'probenames'}->{$arrayname}}; } return $probename;
sub get_score_by_Analysis {
  my ($self, $anal) = @_;
  $self->get_all_design_scores() if ! defined $self->{'analysis'};

  if(! ($anal && $anal->dbID() && $anal->isa("Bio::EnsEMBL::Analysis"))){
    throw("Must provide a valid stored Bio::EnsEMBL::Analysis");

  return (exists $self->{'analysis'}{$anal->dbID()}) ? $self->{'analysis'}{$anal->dbID()} : undef;
sub get_score_by_Analysis_CoordSystem {
    my ($self, $anal, $cs) = @_;

    $self->get_all_design_scores() if ! defined $self->{'analysis_coord_system'};

    if(! ($anal && $anal->dbID() && $anal->isa("Bio::EnsEMBL::Analysis"))){
      throw("Must provide a valid stored Bio::EnsEMBL::Analysis");

    if(! ($cs && $cs->dbID() && $cs->isa("Bio::EnsEMBL::Funcgen::CoordSystem"))){
      throw("Must provide a valid stored Bio::EnsEMBL::Funcgen::CoordSystem");

    my $score = undef;

    if(exists $self->{'analysis_coord_system'}{$anal->dbID()} &&
       exists $self->{'analysis_coord_system'}{$anal->dbID()}{$cs->dbID()}){
      $score = $self->{'analysis_coord_system'}{$anal->dbID()}{$cs->dbID()};

    return $score;
sub length {
    my $self = shift;
    $self->{'length'} = shift if @_;
    return $self->{'length'};

### Sould really split this into BaseProbeDesign and eFGProbeDesign wrapper class?
### Quick implementation for now
### These analyses are just the core Analysis classes representing
### the output from a RunnableDB ensembl-analysis.
### Note scores added to previously stored probes may never make it into the DB?
### May also get duplicate record for previously stored probes?
### This will only happen if we're Collapsing or we fully implemnt the nr probe id to seq theory
sub new {
  my $caller = shift;
  my $class = ref($caller) || $caller;
  my $self = $class->SUPER::new(@_);
  my (
      $names,          $name,
      $array_chip_ids, $array_chip_id,
      $arrays,         $array,
      $probeset,       $aclass,
     ) = rearrange([
		    'NAMES',          'NAME',
		    'ARRAYS',         'ARRAY',
		    'PROBE_SET',      'CLASS',
		   ], @_);
  @$names = ($name) if(ref($names) ne "ARRAY");
  @$array_chip_ids = ($array_chip_id) if (ref($array_chip_ids) ne "ARRAY");
  @$arrays = ($array) if (ref($arrays) ne "ARRAY");
  #We need to record duplicates for each probe_set i.e. each array.
#the relationship is really array_chip to name, as everything else stays the same
#can't have same probe_set_id as this wouldn't maintain relationship
#need unique ps id's or array_chip_id in probe table?
#Then we can miss probeset id's out totally if required
#or should we just duplicate everything with unique db IDs
if (defined $$names[0]) { if(scalar(@$names) != scalar(@$array_chip_ids)){ throw("You have not specified valid name:array_chip_id pairs\nYou need a probe name for each Array"); } if(defined $$arrays[0]){ if(scalar(@$names) != scalar(@$arrays)){ throw("You have not specified valid name:Array pairs\nYou need a probe name for each Array\n"); } } else{ warn("You have not specified and Array objects, this will result in multiple/redundant queries based on the array_chip_id\nYou should pass Array objects to speed up this process"); #Is this true? We should cache this in the ArrayChip and make sure we're caching it in the caller.
} # Probe(s) have been specified
# Different names reflect different array
for my $i(0..$#{$names}){ $self->add_array_chip_probename($$array_chip_ids[$i], $$names[$i], $$arrays[$i]); } } else { throw('You need to provide a probe name (or names) to create an Probe'); } $self->probeset($probeset) if defined $probeset; $self->class($aclass) if defined $aclass; $self->length($length) if defined $length; return $self; } #only takes single values for array and array_chip
#as we're shortcuting the constructor and simply blessing the hash
#therefore attr keys should not be lc and not prefix with '-'
sub new_fast {
  bless ($_[1], $_[0]);
sub probeset {
    my $self = shift;

    $self->{'probe_set'} = shift if @_;
    return $self->{'probe_set'};
General documentation
This module was created by Nathan Johnson, but is almost entirely based on the
Affy/OligoProbe module written by Arne Stabenau and Ian Sealy.
This module is part of the Ensembl project: /
Post comments or questions to the Ensembl development list: