Bio::EnsEMBL::Funcgen Storable
SummaryIncluded librariesPackage variablesSynopsisDescriptionGeneral documentationMethods
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Package variables
No package variables defined.
Included modules
Bio::EnsEMBL::Utils::Argument qw ( rearrange )
Bio::EnsEMBL::Utils::Exception qw ( throw warning )
  my $dbID = $storable_object->dbID();
my $adaptor = $storable_object->adaptor();
if($storable_object->is_stored($db_adaptor))) {

This is a simple wrapper class to provide convenience methods for the StorableAdaptor.
Only get type methods have been implemented here to avoid obfuscating DB writes which
should only be done by the specific 'Storable'Adaptors.
No description
Methods description
add_DBEntrycode    nextTop
  Arg [1]    : Bio::EnsEMBL::DBEntry $dbe
The dbEntry to be added
Example : my $dbe = Bio::EnsEMBL::DBEntery->new(...);
Description: Associates a DBEntry with this transcript. Note that adding
DBEntries will prevent future lazy-loading of DBEntries for this
storable (see get_all_DBEntries).
Returntype : none
Exceptions : thrown on incorrect argument type
Caller : general
Status : Stable
  Example    : $ec->add_state('DISPLAYABLE');
Description: Adds a state to a new or previously stored Storable
Returntype : None
Exceptions : Throws if no status supplied
Caller : general
Status : At risk
  Arg[1]     : string - External DB name e.g. ensembl_core_Gene
Arg[2] : string - External DB type
Example : my @dbentries = @{ $set_feature->get_all_DBEntries };
Description: Retrieves DBEntries (xrefs) for this SetFeature.
This does _not_ include the corresponding translations
DBEntries (see get_all_DBLinks).
This method will attempt to lazy-load DBEntries from a database if an adaptor is available and no DBEntries are present on the SetFeature (i.e. they have not already been added or loaded). Returntype : Listref of Bio::EnsEMBL::DBEntry objects Exceptions : none Caller : general, get_all_DBLinks Status : Stable - at risk move to storable
  Example    : my @gene_dbentries = @{ $storable->get_all_Gene_DBEntries };
Description: Retrieves Ensembl Gene DBEntries (xrefs) for this Storable.
This does _not_ include the corresponding translations
DBEntries (see get_all_DBLinks).
This method will attempt to lazy-load DBEntries from a database if an adaptor is available and no DBEntries are present on the transcript (i.e. they have not already been added or loaded). Returntype : Listref of Bio::EnsEMBL::DBEntry objects Exceptions : none Caller : general Status : at risk
  Example    : my @transc_dbentries = @{ $set_feature->get_all_Transcript_DBEntries };
Description: Retrieves ensembl Transcript DBEntries (xrefs) for this Storable.
This does _not_ include the corresponding translations
DBEntries (see get_all_DBLinks).
This method will attempt to lazy-load DBEntries from a database if an adaptor is available and no DBEntries are present on the Storable (i.e. they have not already been added or loaded). Returntype : Listref of Bio::EnsEMBL::DBEntry objects Exceptions : none Caller : general Status : at risk
  Example    : my @ec_states = @{$experimental_chip->get_all_states()};
Description: Retrieves all states from DB and merges with current states array
Returntype : LISTREF
Exceptions : None
Caller : general
Status : At risk
  Arg [1]    : string - status e.g. IMPORTED, DISPLAYABLE
Example : if($experimental_chip->has_status('IMPORTED'){ ... skip import ... };
Description: Tests whether storable has a given status
Returntype : BOOLEAN
Exceptions : Throws if not status is provided
Caller : general
Status : At risk
  Arg [-STATES]  : Arrayref of states
Arg [-dbID] : database internal id
Example : none
Caller : internal calls
Description : create a new Storable object
Returntype : Bio::EnsEMBL::Storable
Exceptions : Adaptor not a Bio::EnsEMBL::Funcgen::DBSQL::BaseAdaptor
Status : Stable
Methods code
sub add_DBEntry {
  my $self = shift;
  my $dbe = shift;

  unless($dbe && ref($dbe) && $dbe->isa('Bio::EnsEMBL::DBEntry')) {
    throw('Expected DBEntry argument');

  $self->{'dbentries'} ||= [];
  push @{$self->{'dbentries'}}, $dbe;

sub add_status {
   my ($self, $status) = @_;

   throw("Must pass a status to add e.g. 'DISPLAYABLE'") if ! $status;

   #this does not resolve the problem!!???
#can add a status to an unstored object which
if($self->adaptor && $self->is_stored($self->adaptor->db()) && ! $self->{'states'}){ @{$self->{'states'}} = @{$self->adaptor->fetch_all_states($self)}; } push @{$self->{'states'}}, $status; return;
sub get_all_DBEntries {
  my $self = shift;
  my $ex_db_exp = shift;
  my $ex_db_type = shift;

  my $cache_name = "dbentries";

    $cache_name .= $ex_db_exp;
    $cache_name .= $ex_db_type;

  #Need to add tests for valid objects for xrefs
# if not cached, retrieve all of the xrefs for this gene
#This is not using the caching optimally
#It seems for naive(ex_db_exp,ex_db_type) queries we create a naive cache
#This means that further more specific queries will make another query and not use the cache
my @tables = $self->adaptor->_tables; if(!defined $self->{$cache_name} && $self->adaptor()) { my @tables = $self->adaptor->_tables; @tables = split/_/, $tables[0]->[0];#split annotated_feature
my $object_type = join('', (map ucfirst($_), @tables));#change to AnnotatedFeature
$self->{$cache_name} = $self->adaptor->db->get_DBEntryAdaptor->_fetch_by_object_type($self->dbID(), $object_type, $ex_db_exp, $ex_db_type); } $self->{$cache_name} ||= []; return $self->{$cache_name};
sub get_all_Gene_DBEntries {
  my $self = shift;

  #We wouldn't need this if we made the xref schema multi species
my $species = $self->adaptor->db->species; if(!$species){ throw('You must specify a DBAdaptor -species to retrieve DBEntries based on the external_db.db_name'); } #safety in case we get Homo sapiens
($species = lc($species)) =~ s/ /_/; return $self->get_all_DBEntries($species.'_core_Gene');
sub get_all_Transcript_DBEntries {
  my $self = shift;

  #We wouldn't need this if we made the xref schema multi species
my $species = $self->adaptor->db->species; if(!$species){ throw('You must specify a DBAdaptor -species to retrieve DBEntries based on the external_db.db_name'); } #safety in case we get Homo sapiens
($species = lc($species)) =~ s/ /_/; return $self->get_all_DBEntries($species.'_core_Transcript');
sub get_all_states {
   my ($self) = @_;

   my %states;

   #This could miss states in the DB for storables which have been created and had states added
#but already exist with states in the DB
#The way to get around this is to throw if we try and store an object without a dbID which matches
#something in the DB.
#Remove func in adaptors(ec and channel only?) to automatically use prestored objects, throw instead if no dbID and matches.
#force use of recover to retrieve object from DB and then skip to relevant step based on states.
#Have states => next method hash in Importer/ArrayDefs?
if($self->is_stored($self->adaptor->db()) && ! $self->{'states'}){ @{$self->{'states'}} = @{$self->adaptor->fetch_all_states($self)}; } return $self->{'states'};
sub has_status {
   my ($self, $status) = @_;

   throw("Must provide a status to check") if ! $status;

   my @state = grep(/$status/, @{$self->get_all_states()});
   my $boolean = scalar(@state);#will be 0 or 1 due to table contraints
return $boolean; } #There is a potential to create an obj from scratch which may already exist in the db
#If we add a state to this (obj has not dbID so will not retrieve stored states)
# and then try and store it, this will result in adding the state to the previously stored obj.
#The behaviour is silent and could cause problems.
#To resolve this the adaptor implementations must throw if we find a matching object
#We must force the user to generate the obj from the db(use recover) rather than from scratch
#to make them aware of the situation. This is useful to protect objects where we do not want to overwrite previous data
#e.g. experiment, experimental_chip, channel
#For objects which are routinely resued, we must make sure we always try the db first(not just when recover is set)
#Then warn/throw if there are differing attributes
#This is not possible for set objects, but is not a problem as it will just create another set entry rather than overwriting
#All update/store_states methods should be okay so long as we have a dbID first.
sub is_displayable {
  my $self = shift;

  return $self->has_status('DISPLAYABLE');

#These DBEntry methods are here to enable xrefs to FeatureType, Probe, ProbeSet & ProbeFeature
#They only work as SetFeature has Storable as the second element of @ISA and Bio::EnsEMBL::Feature
#get_all_DBEntries be incorporated into Bio::EnsEMBL::Storable as generic method
#With the other wrapper methods in the Storables of the non-core APIs?
#Or can these be moved to core as a supra core class?
#i.e. Is common to all non-core APIs but not relevant for core?
#Can we bring these together to stop code propogation?
sub new {
  my $caller = shift;

  my $class = ref($caller) || $caller;
  my $self = $class->SUPER::new(@_);

  my ($states) = rearrange(['STATES'],@_);

  if ($self->adaptor() && (! $self->adaptor->isa("Bio::EnsEMBL::Funcgen::DBSQL::BaseAdaptor"))){
    throw("Adaptor muct be a valid Bio::EnsEMBL::Funcgen::DBSQL::BaseAdaptor");

  #will these break using _new_fast
#THerefore ResultFeature, Probe and ProbeFeature should not be Funcgen::Storables
@{$self->{'states'}} = @$states if $states; return $self;
General documentation
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