Raw content of Bio::EnsEMBL::Funcgen::Utils::EFGUtils
=head1 NAME
This module collates a variety of miscellaneous methods.
use Utils;
&Utils::send_mail($to_address, $title, $message);
=head2 FILES
=head2 NOTES
=head2 AUTHOR(S)
Nathan Johnson njohnson@ebi.ac.uk
# No API/Object based methods in here
package Bio::EnsEMBL::Funcgen::Utils::EFGUtils;
require Exporter;
@ISA = qw(Exporter);
@EXPORT_OK = qw(get_date species_name get_month_number species_chr_num open_file median mean run_system_cmd backup_file);
use Bio::EnsEMBL::Utils::Exception qw( throw );
use strict;
use Time::Local;
use FileHandle;
use Carp;
sub get_date{
my ($format, $file) = @_;
my ($time, $sec, $min, $hour, $mday, $mon, $year, $wday, $yday, $isdst);
throw("File does not exist or is not a regular file:\t$file") if $file && ! -f $file;
($sec, $min, $hour, $mday, $mon, $year, $wday, $yday, $isdst) = (defined $file) ?
localtime((stat($file))[9]) : localtime();
#print " ($sec, $min, $hour, $mday, $mon, $year, $wday, $yday, $isdst)\n";
if((! defined $format && ! defined $file) || $format eq "date"){
$time = ($year+1900)."-".$mday."-".($mon+1);
elsif($format eq "time"){#not working!
$time = "${hour}:${min}:${sec}";
elsif($format eq "timedate"){#
$time = localtime();
else{#add mysql formats here, datetime etc...
croak("get_date does not handle format:\t$format");
return $time;
#migrate this data to defs file!!??
#must contain all E! species and any other species which are used in local DB extractions
sub species_name{
my($species) = @_;
my %species_names = (
"HOMO_SAPIENS", "human",
"MUS_MUSCULUS", "mouse",
"GALLUS_GALLUS", "chicken",
return $species_names{uc($species)};
sub get_month_number{
my($mon) = @_;
my %month_nos =(
"jan", "01",
"feb", "02",
"mar", "03",
"apr", "04",
"may", "05",
"jun", "06",
"jul", "07",
"aug", "08",
"sep", "09",
"oct", "10",
"nov", "11",
"dec", "12",
return $month_nos{lc($mon)};
sub species_chr_num{
my ($species, $val) = @_;
($species = lc($species)) =~ s/ /_/;
my %species_chrs = (
homo_sapiens => {(
'x' => 23,
'y' => 24,
'mt' => 25,
mus_musculus => {(
'x' => 20,
'y' => 21,
'mt' => 22,
rattus_norvegicus => {(
'x' => 21,
'y' => 22,
'mt' => 23,
die("species not defined in chromosome hash") if(! exists $species_chrs{$species});
return (exists $species_chrs{$species}{lc($val)}) ? $species_chrs{$species}{lc($val)} : $val;
#Sort should always be done in the caller if required
sub median{
my $scores = shift;
return undef if (! @$scores);
my ($median);
my $count = scalar(@$scores);
my $index = $count-1;
#need to deal with lines with no results!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
#deal with one score fastest
return $scores->[0] if ($count == 1);
#taken from Statistics::Descriptive
#remeber we're dealing with size starting with 1 but indices starting at 0
if ($count % 2) { #odd number of scores
$median = $scores->[($index+1)/2];
else { #even, get mean of flanks
$median = ($scores->[($index)/2] + $scores->[($index/2)+1] ) / 2;
return $median;
sub mean{
my $scores = shift;
my $total = 0;
map $total+= $_, @$scores;
my $mean = $total/(scalar(@$scores));
return $mean;
sub open_file{
my ($file, $operator) = @_;
$operator ||= '<';
my $fh = new FileHandle "$operator $file";
if(! defined $fh){
croak("Failed to open $operator $file");
return $fh;
=head2 run_system_cmd
Description : Method to control the execution of the standard system() command
ReturnType : none
Example : $Helper->debug(2,"dir=$dir file=$file");
Exceptions : throws exception if system command returns none zero
#Move most of this to EFGUtils.pm
#Maintain wrapper here with throws, only warn in EFGUtils
sub run_system_cmd{
my ($command, $no_exit) = @_;
my $redirect = '';
#$self->debug(3, "system($command)");
# decide where the command line output should be redirected
#This should account for redirects
#if ($self->{_debug_level} >= 3){
# if (defined $self->{_debug_file}){
# $redirect = " >>".$self->{_debug_file}." 2>&1";
# }
# else{
# $redirect = "";
# }
#$redirect = " > /dev/null 2>&1";
# execute the passed system command
my $status = system("$command $redirect");
my $exit_code = $status >> 8;
if ($status == -1) {
warn "Failed to execute: $!\n";
elsif ($status & 127) {
warn sprintf("Child died with signal %d, %s coredump\nError:\t$!",($status & 127),($status & 128) ? 'with' : 'without');
elsif($status != 0) {
warn sprintf("Child exited with value %d\nError:\t$!\n", $exit_code); #get the true exit code
if ($exit_code != 0){
if (! $no_exit){
throw("System command failed:\t$command\n");
warn("System command returned non-zero exit code:\t$command\n");
#reverse boolean logic for perl...can't do this anymore due to tab2mage successful non-zero exit codes :/
return $exit_code;
sub backup_file{
my $file_path = shift;
throw("Must define a file path to backup") if(! $file_path);
if (-f $file_path) {
#$self->log("Backing up:\t$file_path");
system ("mv ${file_path} ${file_path}.".`date '+%T'`) == 0 || return 0;
return 1;