Raw content of Bio::EnsEMBL::Funcgen::Utils::Helper
=head1 NAME
my $object = Bio::EnsEMBL::Object->new
logging => 1,
log_file => "/tmp/Misc.log",
debug_level => 2,
debug_file => "/tmp/Misc.dbg",
$object->log("This is a log message.");
$object->debug(1,"This is a debug message.");
$object->system("rmdir /tmp/test");
=head1 OPTIONS
=over 8
=item B<-debug>
Turns on and defines the verbosity of debugging output, 1-3, default = 0 = off
=over 8
=item B<-log_file|l>
Defines the log file, default = "${instance}.log"
=item B<-help>
Print a brief help message and exits.
=item B<-man>
Prints the manual page and exits.
B performs several debugging and logging functions, aswell as providing several inheritable EFGUtils methods.
=head1 NOTES
=head1 AUTHOR(S)
Nathan Johnson, njohnson@ebi.ac.uk
package Bio::EnsEMBL::Funcgen::Utils::Helper;
#put in Utils?
use Bio::Root::Root;
use Data::Dumper;
use Bio::EnsEMBL::Utils::Exception qw (throw stack_trace);
use Bio::EnsEMBL::Utils::Argument qw( rearrange );
use Bio::EnsEMBL::Funcgen::Utils::EFGUtils qw (get_date);
#use Devel::Timer;
use Carp;#? Can't use unless we can get it to redirect
use File::Basename;
use strict;
use vars qw(@ISA);
@ISA = qw(Bio::Root::Root);
=head2 new
Description : Constructor method to create a new object with passed or
default attributes.
Arg [1] : hash containing optional attributes :-
log_file - name of log file (default = undef -> STDOUT)
debug_level - level of detail of debug message [1-3] (default = 0 = off)
debug_file - name of debug file (default = undef -> STDERR)
ReturnType : Helper
Example : my $Helper = Bio::EnsEMBL::Helper->new(
debug_level => 3,
debug_file => "/tmp/efg.debug",
log_file => "/tmp/efg.log",
Exceptions : throws exception if failed to open debug file
: throws exception if failed to open log file
sub new{
my ($caller, %args) = @_;
my ($self,%attrdata,$attrname,$argname);
my $class = ref($caller) || $caller;
#Create object from parent class
$self = $class->SUPER::new(%args);
#we need to mirror ensembl behaviour here
#use rearrange and set default afterwards if not defined
# objects private data and default values
#Not all of these need to be in main
%attrdata = (
_tee => $main::_tee,
_debug_level => $main::_debug_level,
_debug_file => $main::_debug_file,
_log_file => $main::_log_file,#default should be set in caller
_no_log => $main::_no_log,#suppresses log file generation if log file not defined
_default_log_dir => $main::_default_log_dir,
# set each class attribute using passed value or default value
foreach $attrname (keys %attrdata){
($argname = $attrname) =~ s/^_//; # remove leading underscore
$self->{$attrname} = (exists $args{$argname}) ? $args{$argname} : $attrdata{$attrname};
$self->{'_tee'} = 1 if $self->{'_no_log'};
#should we undef log_file here too?
#This currently only turns off default logging
$self->{_default_log_dir} ||= $ENV{'HOME'}.'/logs';
$self->{'_report'} = [];
if(defined $self->{_debug_level} && $self->{_debug_level}){
$main::_debug_level = $self->{_debug_level};
if(defined $self->{_debug_file}){
$main::_debug_file = $self->{_debug_file};
or throw("Failed to open debug file : $!");
#open (DBGFILE, "{_debug_file});#Mirrors STDERR to debug file
select DBGFILE; $| = 1; # make debug file unbuffered
$self->debug(1,"Debugging started ".localtime()." on $0 at level ".$self->{_debug_level}." ...");
if (defined $self->{_log_file}){
$main::_log_file = $self->{_log_file};
my $log_file = '>>'.$self->{'_log_file'};
#we need to implment tee here
#we're not resetting $main::_tee here, we only use it once.
$log_file = '| tee -a '.$self->{_log_file};
open(LOGFILE, $log_file)
or throw("Failed to open log file : $log_file\nError: $!");
#Change this to get the name of the control script and append with PID.out
#This is to ensure that we always capture output
#We need to also log params
#We will have to call this from the child class.
#Only do this if we don't have supress default logs set
#To avoid loads of loags during testing
if(! $self->{'_no_log'}){
my @stack = stack_trace();
my $top_level = $stack[$#stack];
my (undef, $file) = @{$top_level};
$file =~ s/.*\///;
$self->run_system_cmd('mkdir '.$self->{_default_log_dir}) if(! -e $self->{_default_log_dir});
$self->{'_log_file'} = $self->{_default_log_dir}.'/'.$file.'.'.$$.'.log';
my $log_file = '>>'.$self->{'_log_file'};
warn "No log file defined, defaulting to:\t".$self->{'_log_file'}."\n";
#we should still tee here
#we're not resetting $main::_tee here, we only use it once.
$log_file = '| tee -a '.$log_file;
open(LOGFILE, $log_file)
or throw("Failed to open log file : $log_file\nError: $!");
select LOGFILE; $| = 1; # make log file unbuffered
$self->log("\n\nLogging started at ".localtime()."...");
select STDOUT; $| = 1;
$self->debug(2,"Helper class instance created.");
return ($self);
=head2 DESTROY
Description : Called by gargbage collection to enable tidy up before object deleted
ReturnType : none
Example : none - should not be called directly
Exceptions : none
my ($self) = @_;
$self->log("Logging complete ".localtime().".");
# close LOGFILE; # if inherited object then cannot close filehandle !!!
$self->debug(1,"Debugging complete ".localtime().".");
# close DBGFILE; # if inherited object then cannot close filehandle !!!
if(defined $self->{'_timer'}){
$self->debug(2,"Bio::EnsEMBL::Helper class instance destroyed.");
##Need generic method in here to get stack and line info
###Use Root.pm stack methods!
# and replace this with caller line method for logging
sub _get_stack{
my ($self) = shift;
#need to resolve this method with that in debug, pass log or debug arg for different format
my @prog = (caller(2)) ? caller(2) : (caller(1)) ? caller(1) : (undef,"undef",0);
return "[".localtime()." - ".basename($prog[1]).":$prog[2]]";
=head2 log
Arg[0] : string - log message.
Arg[1] : boolean - memory usage, appends current process memory stats
Description : Method to write messages to a previously set up log file.
Return type : none
Example : $root->log("Processing file $filename ...", 1);
Exceptions : none
sub log{
my ($self, $message, $mem, $date, $no_return) = @_;
$message.= " :: ".`ps -p $$ -o vsz |tail -1`;
chomp $message;
$message .= " KB";
my $time = localtime();
$message .= ' - '.localtime();
$message .= "\n" if ! $no_return;
print LOGFILE "::\t$message";
# Add to debug file if not printing to STDERR?
# only if verbose?
# this would double print everything to STDOUT if tee and debug has not redefined STDERR
=head2 report
Arg[0] : optional string - log message.
Arg[1] : optional boolean - memory usage, appends current process memory stats
Description : Wrapper method for log, which also stores message for summary reporting
Return type : none
Example : $root->report("WARNING: You have not done this or that and want it reported at the end of a script");
Exceptions : none
sub report{
my ($self, $message, $mem) = @_;
if(defined $message){
$self->log($message, $mem);
push @{$self->{'_report'}}, $message;
print LOGFILE "\n::\tSUMMARY REPORT\t::\n";
print LOGFILE join("\n", @{$self->{'_report'}})."\n";
$self->{'_report'} = [];
=head2 log_header
Arg[0] : string - log message.
Arg[1] : boolean - memory usage, appends current process memory stats
Description : Wrapper method to format a log as a header line
Return type : none
Example : $root->log("Processing file $filename ...", 1);
Exceptions : none
sub log_header{
my ($self, $message, $mem, $date) = @_;
print LOGFILE "\n\n";
$self->log("::\t$message\t::\t::", $mem, $date);
print LOGFILE "\n";
=head2 debug
Description : Method to write debug info to a previously set up debug file.
Over-rides Root.pm on/off style debugging
Args : int: debug level and string: log message.
ReturnType : none
Example : $root->debug(2,"dir=$dir file=$file");
Exceptions : none
sub debug{
my ($self,$level,$message) = @_;
#Can we not detect whther message is a scalar, array or hash and Dump or print accordingly?
my (@call,$cnt,$prog_name,$prog_line,$call_name,$call_line);
$prog_name = $call_name = "undef";
$prog_line = $call_line = $cnt = 0;
# if debug on at the requested level then output the passed message
if (defined $self->{_debug_level} && $level <= $self->{_debug_level}){
######Replace this with Carp method?
while (@call = caller($cnt++)){
if ($cnt == 2){
$call_name = basename($call[1]);
$call_line = $call[2]
$prog_name = basename($call[1]);
$prog_line = $call[2];
#This still attempts to print if file not opened
print DBGFILE "debug $message\t: [$$ - $prog_name:$prog_line $call_name:$call_line]\n";
#carp("carping $message");
=head2 debug_hash
Description : Method to write the contents of passed hash to debug output.
Args : int: debug level and hashref.
ReturnType : none
Example : $Helper->debug_hash(3,\%hash);
Exceptions : none
sub debug_hash{
my ($self,$level,$hashref) = @_;
my ($attr);
# if debug on at the requested level then output the passed hash
if (defined $self->{_debug_level} && $level <= $self->{_debug_level}){
print DBGFILE Data::Dumper::Dumper(\$hashref)."\n";
=head2 run_system_cmd
Description : Method to control the execution of the standard system() command
ReturnType : none
Example : $Helper->debug(2,"dir=$dir file=$file");
Exceptions : throws exception if system command returns none zero
#Move most of this to EFGUtils.pm
#Maintain wrapper here with throws, only warn in EFGUtils
sub run_system_cmd{
my ($self, $command, $no_exit) = @_;
my $redirect = '';
$self->debug(3, "system($command)");
# decide where the command line output should be redirected
#This should account for redirects
#This just sends everything to 1 no?
if (defined $self->{_debug_level} && $self->{_debug_level} >= 3){
if (defined $self->{_debug_file}){
$redirect = " >>".$self->{_debug_file}." 2>&1";
$redirect = "";
#$redirect = " > /dev/null 2>&1";
# execute the passed system command
my $status = system("$command $redirect");
my $exit_code = $status >> 8;
if ($status == -1) {
warn "Failed to execute: $!\n";
elsif ($status & 127) {
warn sprintf("Child died with signal %d, %s coredump\nError:\t$!",($status & 127),($status & 128) ? 'with' : 'without');
elsif($status != 0) {
warn sprintf("Child exited with value %d\nError:\t$!\n", $exit_code); #get the true exit code
if ($exit_code != 0){
if (! $no_exit){
throw("System command failed:\t$command\nExit code:\t$exit_code\n$!");
warn("System command returned non-zero exit code:\t$command\nExit code:\t$exit_code\n$!");
#reverse boolean logic for perl...can't do this anymore due to tab2mage successful non-zero exit codes :/
return $exit_code;
#add sys_get method ehre to handle system calls which retrieve data?
#i.e.backtick commands `find . -name *fasta`
#or use want or flag with above method?
#should open pipe instead to capture error?
sub get_data{
my ($self, $data_type, $data_name) = @_;
#This method is just to provide standard checking for specific get_data/config methods
if(defined $data_name){
throw("Defs data name $data_name for type '$data_type' does not exist\n") if (! exists $self->{"${data_type}"}{$data_name});
throw("Defs data type $data_type does not exist\n") if (! exists $self->{"${data_type}"});
return (defined $data_name) ? $self->{"${data_type}"}{$data_name} : $self->{"${data_type}"};
#sub Timer{
# my ($self) = shift;
# $self->{'_timer'} = new Devel::Timer() if(! defined $self->{'_timer'});
# return $self->{'_timer'};
sub set_header_hash{
my ($self, $header_ref, $fields) = @_;
my %hpos;
for my $x(0..$#{$header_ref}){
$hpos{$header_ref->[$x]} = $x;
foreach my $field(@$fields){
if(! exists $hpos{$field}){
throw("Header does not contain mandatory field:\t${field}");
return \%hpos;
sub backup_file{
my ($self, $file_path) = @_;
throw("Must define a file path to backup") if(! $file_path);
if (-f $file_path) {
$self->log("Backing up:\t$file_path");
system ("mv ${file_path} ${file_path}.".`date '+%T'`);
#This should move to Utils
#as it is a simple string manipulation
sub get_schema_and_build{
my ($self, $dbname) = @_;
my @dbname = split/_/, $dbname;
return [$dbname[($#dbname -1)], $dbname[($#dbname )]];
=head2 define_and_validate_sets
Arg [1] : hash - set constructor parameters:
-dbadaptor Bio::EnsEMBL::Funcgen::DBAdaptor
-name Data/FeatureSet name to create
-feature_type Bio::EnsEMBL::Funcgen::FeatureType
-cell_type Bio::EnsEMBL::Funcgen::CellType
-analysis FeatureSet Bio::EnsEMBL::Analysis
-type e.g. annotated or regulatory
-description FeatureSet description
-recovery Allows definition of extant sets so long as they match
-append Boolean - Forces import on top of previously imported data
-rollback Rolls back product feature set.
Example : my $fset = $self->define_and_validate_Set(%params);
Description: Checks whether set is already in DB based on set name, rolls back features
if roll back flag set. Or creates new DB if not present.
Returntype : Bio::EnsEMBL::Funcgen::DataSet
Exceptions : Throws if DBAdaptor param not valid
Caller : Importers and Parsers
Status : At risk
sub define_and_validate_sets{
my $self = shift;
my ($name, $anal, $ftype, $ctype, $type, $append, $db, $ssets, $description, $rollback, $recovery)
#This rollback flag should only really be used for ExperimentalSet import
#This is because we have to rollback the entire FeatureSet, where as we want to
#protect against deleting/overwriting other data by keeping rollback function separate
#to import
#No need for this here as we can handle the rollback separately in ExperimentalSet parser?
#No no no, this is okay for FeatureSets in general?
#We need an append flag to allow addition of Features to a pre-existing feature set
#We should implement rearrange here, will this capture any ill-defined parameters
#add db, rollback and append to params
#Fetch flag is just normal behaviour no? Yes, removed
#But how are we going to resolve the append behaviour when we also want to validate the ssets?
#Can't, so append also functions to enable addition in the absence of some or all previous data/esets?
#No this is not true, we want to be able to fetch an extant set for import,
#we just need to be aware of sset IMPORTED status?
#This should be a recovery thing, allow fetch, but validate sets?
#Check mandatory params
if(! (ref($db) && $db->isa('Bio::EnsEMBL::Funcgen::DBSQL::DBAdaptor'))){
throw('Must provide a valid Bio::EnsEMBL::Funcgen::DBSQL::DBAdaptor');
throw('Must provide a -name ') if(! defined $name);
#Not necessarily, just do rollback then append?
#But then we'd potentially have a supporting set associated which has had it's data removed from the feature set.
#Generating sets for an ExpSet will always have append set
#This could be valid for generically grabing/creating sets for adding new supporting sets e.g. reg build
throw('-append and -rollback are mutually exclusive') if $rollback && $append;
#warn only for append?
#This message is wrong
warn('You are defining a pre-existing FeatureSet without rolling back'.
' previous data, this could result in data duplication') if $append && ! $rollback;
#Is this really possible, surely the supporting set will fail to store due to unique key?
#Should we warn here about append && recovery?
#Aren't these mutually exclusive?
#Do we know if we have new data? append should override recovery, or just specifiy append
#This will stop the import and highlight the issue to the user
#We need to be able to run with both otherwise the import will not work
throw('Must provide a -type e.g. annotated, external or regulatory') if(! defined $type);
#Check for annotated, external, regulatory etc here?
#Should never be external as we don't have DataSets for external sets?
$db->is_stored_and_valid('Bio::EnsEMBL::Funcgen::FeatureType', $ftype);
$db->is_stored_and_valid('Bio::EnsEMBL::Funcgen::CellType', $ctype);
$db->is_stored_and_valid('Bio::EnsEMBL::Analysis', $anal);
my $dset_adaptor = $db->get_DataSetAdaptor;
my $fset_adaptor = $db->get_FeatureSetAdaptor;
my $dset = $dset_adaptor->fetch_by_name($name);
my ($fset);
#Validate stored vs passed set data
if(defined $dset){
$self->log('Found Stored DataSet '.$dset->name);
$fset = $dset->product_FeatureSet;
#Here we have the possiblity that a feature_set with a different name may have been associated with the DataSet
if(defined $fset){
$self->log("Found associated product FeatureSet:\t".$fset->name);
#if(! $clobber &&
if($fset->name ne $name){
throw('Invalid product FeatureSet name ('.$fset->name.') for DataSet ('.$name.'). Rollback will overwrite the FeatureSet and mismatched name will be retained.');
#Need to clobber both or give explicit name for datasets or rename dataset???
#Force this throw for now, make this fix manual as we may end up automatically overwriting data
#check supporting_sets here if defined
#We have the problem here of wanting to add ssets to a previously existing dset
#we may not know the original sset, or which of the ssets are new
#Hence there is a likelihood of a mismatch.
if(defined $ssets){
my @sorted_ssets = sort {$a->dbID <=> $b->dbID} @{$ssets};
my @stored_ssets = sort {$a->dbID <=> $b->dbID} @{$dset->get_supporting_sets};
my $mismatch = 0;
$mismatch = 1 if(scalar(@sorted_ssets) != scalar(@stored_ssets));
if(! $mismatch){
for my $i(0..$#stored_ssets){
if($stored_ssets[$i]->dbID != $sorted_ssets[$i]->dbID){
#We're really print this names here which may hide the true cell/feature/anal type differences.
my $mismatch = 'There is a (name/type/analysis) mismatch between the supplied supporting_sets and the'.
'supporting_sets in the DB for DataSet '.$dset->name."\nStored:\t"
.join(', ', (map $_->name, @stored_ssets))."\nSupplied supporting_sets:\t"
.join(', ', (map $_->name, @sorted_ssets));
warn($mismatch."\nAppending supporting set data to unvalidated supporting sets");
warn("Skipping validating of supporting sets for Data/FeatureSet definition:\t".$name);
#Try and grab the fset just in case it has been orphaned somehow
if(! defined $fset){
$fset = $fset_adaptor->fetch_by_name($name);
if(defined $fset){
#Now we need to test whether it is attached to a dset
#Will be incorrect dset if it is as we couldn't get it before
#else we test the types and rollback
$self->log("Found stored orphan FeatureSet:\t".$fset->name);
my $stored_dset = $dset_adaptor->fetch_by_product_FeatureSet($fset);
if(defined $stored_dset){
throw('Found FeatureSet('.$name.') associated with incorrect DataSet('.$stored_dset->name.
").\nTry using another -name in the set parameters hash");
#Rollback or create FeatureSet
if(defined $fset){
#Don't check for IMPORTED here as we want to rollback anyway
#Not forcing delete here as this may be used as a supporting set itself.
elsif($append || $recovery){
#This is only true if we have an sset mismatch
#Do we need to revoke IMPORTED here too?
#This behaves differently dependant on the supporting set.
#ExperimentalSet status refers to loading in FeatureSet, where as ResultSet status refers to loading into result table
#So we really want to revoke it
#But this leaves us vulnerable to losing data if the import crashes after this point
#because we have no way of assesing which is complete data and which is incomplete data
#within a feature set.
#This means we need a status on supporting_set, not ExperimentalSet or ResultSet
#as this has to be in the context of a dataset.
#Grrr, this means we need a SupportingSet class which simply wraps the ExperimentalSet/ResultSet
#We also need a single dbID for the supporting_set table
#Which means we will have to do some wierdity with the normal dbID implementation
#i.e. Have supporting_set_id, so we can still access all the normal dbID method for the given Set class
#This will have to be hardcoded into the state methods
#Also will need to specify when we want to store as supporting_status or normal set status.
#This is an awful lot to protect against vulnerability
#Also as there easy way to track what features came from which supporting set
#There isn't currently a viable way to rollback, hence will have to redo the whole set.
#Maybe we can enforce this by procedure?
#By simply not associating the supporting set until it has been loaded into the feature set?
#This may cause even more tracking problems
#Right then, simply warn and do not revoke IMPORTED to protect old data
$self->log("WARNING::\tAdding data to a extant FeatureSet(".$fset->name.')');
throw('Found extant FeatureSet '.$fset->name.'. Maybe you want to specify the rollback, append or recovery parameter or roll back the FeatureSet separately?');
#create a new one
$self->log("Creating new FeatureSet:\t".$name);
$fset = Bio::EnsEMBL::Funcgen::FeatureSet->new(
-name => $name,
-feature_type => $ftype,
-cell_type => $ctype,
-analysis => $anal,
-type => $type,
-description => $description,
($fset) = @{$fset_adaptor->store($fset)};
#Create/Update the DataSet
if(defined $dset){
if(! defined $dset->product_FeatureSet){
$self->log("Updating DataSet with new product FeatureSet:\t".$fset->name);
($dset) = @{$dset_adaptor->store_updated_sets($dset->product_FeatureSet($fset))};
$self->log("Creating new DataSet:\t".$name);
$dset = Bio::EnsEMBL::Funcgen::DataSet->new(
-name => $name,
-feature_set => $fset,
-supporting_sets => $ssets,
($dset) = @{$dset_adaptor->store($dset)};
return $dset;
#Rollback/load methods migrated from DBAdaptor
#Do we need to add a rolling back status?
#Set before and remove afterwards?
#These assume the parent class has a db attr
#do we need a $self->can(db) test here
=head2 rollback_FeatureSet
Arg [1] : Bio::EnsEMBL::Funcgen::FeatureSet
Arg [2] : boolean - Force delete flag
Example : $self->rollback_FeatureSet($fset);
Description: Deletes all status and feature entries for this FeatureSet.
Checks whether FeatureSet is a supporting set in any other DataSet.
Returntype : none
Exceptions : Throws if any deletes fails or if db method unavailable
Caller : Importers and Parsers
Status : At risk
sub rollback_FeatureSet{
my ($self, $fset, $force_delete) = @_;
#Need to test before we do adaptor call? Cyclical dependency here :|
#We need to implement this method locally
#This is because we don't force Helper to have a DB attribute
#Maybe we should?
#We're always going to have a DB so why not?
#Because we might want to use the Helper to Log before we can create the DB?
my $sql;
my $table = $fset->type.'_feature';
my $adaptor = $fset->adaptor || throw('FeatureSet must have an adaptor');
my $db = $adaptor->db;
$db->is_stored_and_valid('Bio::EnsEMBL::Funcgen::FeatureSet', $fset);
$self->log('Rolling back '.$fset->type." FeatureSet:\t".$fset->name);
#Check whether this is a supporting set for another data_set
my @dsets = @{$db->get_DataSetAdaptor->fetch_all_by_supporting_set($fset)};
my $txt = $fset->name." is a supporting set of the following DataSets:\t".join(', ', (map {$_->name} @dsets));
throw($txt."\nPlease resolve or specify the force_delete argument")
#Remove states
#should add some log statements here?
#Rollback reg attributes
if($fset->type eq 'regulatory'){
$sql = "DELETE ra from regulatory_attributes ra, $table rf where rf.${table}_id=ra.${table}_id and rf.feature_set_id=".$fset->dbID;
#Need to remove object xrefs here
#Do not remove xrefs as these may be used by something else!
$sql = "DELETE ox from object_xref ox, $table f where ox.ensembl_object_type='".uc($fset->type)."Feature' and ox.ensembl_id=f.${table}_id and f.feature_set_id=".$fset->dbID;
if(! $db->dbc->do($sql)){
throw("Failed to rollback xrefs for FeatureSet:\t".$fset->name.' (dbID:'.$fset->dbID.')');
#Remove associated_feature_type records
#Do not remove actual feature_type records as they may be used by something else.
$sql = 'DELETE aft from associated_feature_type aft, '.$table.' f where f.feature_set_id='.$fset->dbID.' and f.'.$table.'_id=aft.feature_id and aft.feature_table="'.$fset->type.'"';
if(! $db->dbc->do($sql)){
throw("Failed to rollback associated_feature_types for FeatureSet:\t".$fset->name.' (dbID:'.$fset->dbID.')');
#Remove feature
$sql = "DELETE from $table where feature_set_id=".$fset->dbID;
if(! $db->dbc->do($sql)){
throw("Failed to rollback ${table}s for FeatureSet:\t".$fset->name.' (dbID:'.$fset->dbID.')');
=head2 rollback_ResultSet
Arg[1] : Bio::EnsEMBL::Funcgen::ResultSet
Arg[2] : Boolean - optional flag to roll back IMPORT set results
Example : $self->rollback_ResultSet($rset);
Description: Deletes all status. chip_channel and result_set entries for this ResultSet.
Will also rollback_results sets if rollback_results specified. This will also
update or delete associated ResultSets where appropriate.
If an associated
Returntype : Arrayref
Exceptions : Throws if ResultSet not valid
Throws is result_rollback flag specified but associated product FeatureSet found.
Caller : General
Status : At risk
sub rollback_ResultSet{
my ($self, $rset, $rollback_results) = @_;
#what about?
if(! (ref($rset) && $rset->can('adaptor') && defined $rset->adaptor)){
throw('Must provide a valid stored Bio::EnsEMBL::ResultSet');
#We're still validating against itself??
#And reciprocating part of the test :|
my $sql;
my $db = $rset->adaptor->db;
$db->is_stored_and_valid('Bio::EnsEMBL::Funcgen::ResultSet', $rset);
$self->log("Rolling back ResultSet:\t".$rset->name);
#Is this ResultSet used in a DataSet?
my $dset_adaptor = $self->db->get_DataSetAdaptor;
my $rset_adaptor = $self->db->get_ResultSetAdaptor;
my @skipped_sets;
foreach my $dset(@{$dset_adaptor->fetch_all_by_supporting_set($rset)}){
if (defined $dset){
$self->log('Found linked DataSet('.$dset->name.") for ResultSet:\t".$rset->log_label);
if(my $fset = $dset->product_FeatureSet){
$self->log('Skipping rollback. Found product FeatureSet('.$fset->name.") for supporting ResultSet:\t".$rset->log_label);
warn('Add more info on logs here on which script to use to edit the DataSet');
@skipped_sets = ($rset,$dset);
#What impact does this have on result_rollback?
#None as we never get there
#But what if we have specified rollback results?
#We should throw here as we can't perform the rollback
throw("Could not rollback supporting ResultSet and results for:\t".$rset->log_label.
"\nManually resolve the supporting/feature set relationship or omit the ".
"rollback_results argument if you simply want to redefine the ResultSet without loading any new data");
#Found rset in dset, but not yet processed so can remove safely.
$self->log("Removing supporting ResultSet from DataSet:\t".$dset->name."\tResultSet:".$rset->log_label);
$sql = 'DELETE from supporting_set where data_set_id='.$dset->dbID.
' and type="result" and supporting_set_id='.$rset->dbID;
#Now do similar for all associated ResultSets
if(! @skipped_sets){
#Rollback results if required
$self->log("Rolling back result for ResultSet:\t".$rset->log_label);
#First we need to check whether these cc_ids are present in other result sets.
#Get all associated data_sets
#checking for other product_FeatureSets for given cc_ids
#If we are rolling back results then we delete the cc_ids from
#associated result_sets and dompletely delete any ResultSets
#which are a subset of this one
#Warn if we delete an off target set
#Warn if we don't rollback results due associated supporting ResultSet
#which has been used to produce a product FeatureSet.
my @assoc_rsets = @{$rset_adaptor->fetch_all_linked_by_ResultSet($rset)};
my $feature_supporting = 0;
foreach my $assoc_rset(@assoc_rsets){
foreach my $dset(@{$dset_adaptor->fetch_all_by_supporting_set($assoc_rset)}){
if(my $fset = $dset->product_FeatureSet){
$self->log('Found product FeatureSet('.$fset->name.
") for associated supporting ResultSet:\t".$rset->log_label);
if(! $feature_supporting){
#RollBack result_feature table first
#Now rollback other states
#This also handles Echip status rollback
$self->log('Removing chip_channel entries from associated ResultSets');
#Now remove cc_ids from associated rsets.
foreach my $assoc_rset(@assoc_rsets){
$sql = 'DELETE from chip_channel where result_set_id='.$assoc_rset->dbID.
' and chip_channel_id in('.join', ', @{$assoc_rset->chip_channel_ids}.')';
# we need to delete complete subsets from the result_set table.
my $subset = 1;
foreach my $cc_id(@{$assoc_rset->chip_channel_ids}){
if(! grep/$cc_id/, @{$rset->chip_channel_ids}){
$subset = 0;
#Found complete subset so can delete
$self->log("Deleting associated subset ResultSet:\t".$assoc_rset->log_label);
#Delete status entries first
#All cc records will have already been deleted
$sql = 'DELETE from result_set where result_set_id='.$assoc_rset->dbID;
#Now warn about Echips in Experiments which may need removing.
my %experiment_chips;
foreach my $echip(@{$rset->get_ExperimentalChips}){
$experiment_chips{$echip->experiment->name}{$echip->unique_id} = undef;
foreach my $exp(keys %experiment_chips){
$self->log("Experiment $exp has had ".scalar(values %{$experiment_chips{$exp}}).
" ExperimentalChips rolled back:\t".join('; ', values %{$experiment_chips{$exp}}).
".\nTo fully remove these, use the rollback_experiment.pl (with -chip_ids) script");
#$self->log("Skipping result rollback, found $feature_supporting associated supporting ResultSets for:\t".$rset->log_label);
#warn("Skipping result rollback, found $feature_supporting associated supporting ResultSets for:\t".$rset->log_label);
#do we need to return this info in skipped_rsets?
#This is just to allow importer to know which ones
#weren't rolled back to avoid naming clashes.
#so no.
#But the results persist on the same chip_channel_ids
#So not returning this rset may result in loading of more data
#This should fail as status entries will not have been removed
#Still we should throw here as we'll most likely want to manually resolve this
#Besides this would be obfuscating the function
throw("Could not rollback ResultSet and results, found $feature_supporting associated supporting ".
"ResultSets for:\t".$rset->log_label."\nManually resolve the supporting/feature set relationship or omit the ".
"rollback_results argument if you simply want to redefine the ResultSet without loading any new data");
$self->log('Skipping results rollback');
if($rset->name =~ /_IMPORT$/){
throw("Rolling back an IMPORT set without rolling back the result can result in ophaning result records for a whole experiment. Specify the result_rollback flag if you want to rollback the results for:\t".$rset->log_label);
#Delete chip_channel and result_set records
$sql = 'DELETE from chip_channel where result_set_id='.$rset->dbID;
$sql = 'DELETE from result_set where result_set_id='.$rset->dbID;
return \@skipped_sets;
=head2 rollback_ExperimentalSet
Arg[1] : Bio::EnsEMBL::Funcgen::ExperimentalSet
Example : $self->rollback_ExperimentalSet($eset);
Description: Deletes all status entries for this ExperimentalSet and it's ExperimentalSubSets
Returntype : none
Exceptions : Throws if any deletes fails or if db method unavailable
Caller : Importers and Parsers
Status : At risk
sub rollback_ExperimentalSet{
my ($self, $eset, $force_delete) = @_;
#Need to implement force_delete!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
my $adaptor = $eset->adaptor || throw('ExperimentalSet must have an adaptor');
my $db = $adaptor->db;
$db->is_stored_and_valid('Bio::EnsEMBL::Funcgen::ExperimentalSet', $eset);
$self->log("Rolling back ExperimentSet:\t".$eset->name);
foreach my $esset(@{$eset->get_subsets}){
=head2 rollback_results
Arg[1] : Arrayref of chip_channel ids
Example : $self->rollback_results($rset->chip_channels_ids);
Description: Deletes all result records for the given chip_channel ids.
Also deletes all status records for associated experimental_chips or channels
Returntype : None
Exceptions : Throws if no chip_channel ids provided
Caller : General
Status : At risk
#changed implementation to take arrayref
sub rollback_results{
my ($self, $cc_ids) = @_;
my @cc_ids = @{$cc_ids};
if(! scalar(@cc_ids) >0){
throw('Must pass an array ref of chip_channel ids to rollback');
#Rollback status entries
#Cannot use revoke_states here?
#We can if we retrieve the Chip or Channel first
#Add to ResultSet adaptor
my $sql = 'DELETE s from status s, chip_channel cc WHERE cc.chip_channel_id IN ('.join(',', @cc_ids).
') AND cc.table_id=s.table_id AND cc.table_name=s.table_name';
if(! $self->db->dbc->do($sql)){
throw("Status rollback failed for chip_channel_ids:\t@cc_ids\n".$self->db->dbc->db_handle->errstr());
#Rollback result entries
$sql = 'DELETE from result where chip_channel_id in ('.join(',', @cc_ids).');';
if(! $self->db->dbc->do($sql)){
throw("Results rollback failed for chip_channel_ids:\t@cc_ids\n".$self->db->dbc->db_handle->errstr());
=head2 rollback_ResultFeatures
Arg[1] : Bio::EnsEMBL::Funcgen::ResultSet
Example : $self->rollback_result_features($rset);
Description: Deletes all result_feature records for the given ResultSet.
Also deletes 'RESULT_FEATURE_SET' status.
Returntype : None
Exceptions : Throws if ResultSet not provided
Caller : General
Status : At risk
#Need to implement this by slice?
#Then we would need to add a force flag for creation to override the status check
sub rollback_ResultFeatures{
my ($self, $rset) = @_;
#what about?
if(! (ref($rset) && $rset->can('adaptor') && defined $rset->adaptor)){
throw('Must provide a valid stored Bio::EnsEMBL::ResultSet');
#We're still validating against itself??
#And reciprocating part of the test :|
my $db = $rset->adaptor->db;
$db->is_stored_and_valid('Bio::EnsEMBL::Funcgen::ResultSet', $rset);
$self->log("Rolling back result_features for ResultSet:\t".$rset->name);
#Rollback status entry
#Cannot use revoke_states here?
#We can if we retrieve the Chip or Channel first
#Add to ResultSet adaptor
my $sql = 'DELETE from result_feature where result_set_id='.$rset->dbID;
if(! $self->db->dbc->do($sql)){
throw("result_feature rollback failed for ResultSet:\t".$rset->name.'('.$rset->dbID.")\n".
=head2 rollback_ArrayChip
Arg[1] : Bio::EnsEMBL::Funcgen::ArrayChip
Example : $self->rollback_ArrayChip($achip);
Description: Deletes all Probes, ProbeSets, ProbeFeatures and
states associated with this ArrayChip
Returntype : None
Exceptions : Throws if ArrayChip not valid and stored
Caller : General
Status : At risk
#This should be tied to a CS id!!!
#And analysis dependant?
#We may not want to delete alignment by different analyses?
#In practise the slice methods ignore analysis_id for this table
#So we currently never use this!
#So IMPORTED status should be tied to CS id and Analysis id?
sub rollback_ArrayChip{
my ($self, $ac, $mode, $force) = @_;
$mode ||= 'probe';
if($mode && ($mode ne 'probe' &&
$mode ne 'probe_feature' &&
$mode ne 'ProbeAlign' &&
$mode ne 'ProbeTranscriptAlign' &&
$mode ne 'probe2transcript')){
throw("You have passed an invalid mode argument($mode), you must omit or specify either 'probe2transcript', 'probe', 'ProbeAlign, 'ProbeTranscriptAlign' or 'probe_feature' for all of the Align output");
if($force && ($force ne 'force')){
throw("You have not specified a valid force argument($force), you must specify 'force' or omit");
my $adaptor = $ac->adaptor || throw('ArrayChip must have an adaptor');
my $db = $adaptor->db;
$db->is_stored_and_valid('Bio::EnsEMBL::Funcgen::ArrayChip', $ac);
#This is always the case as we register the association before we set the Import status
#Hence the 2nd stage of the import fails as we have an associated ExperimentalChip
#We need to make sure the ExperimentalChip and Channel have not been imported!!!
warn "NOTE: rollback_ArrayChip. Need to implement ExperimentlChip check, is the problem that ExperimentalChips are registered before ArrayChips imported?";
#Check for dependent ExperimentalChips
#if(my @echips = @{$db->get_ExperimentalChipAdaptor->fetch_all_by_ArrayChip($ac)}){
# my %exps;
# my $txt = "Experiment\t\t\t\tExperimentalChip Unique IDs\n";
# foreach my $ec(@echips){
# $exps{$ec->get_Experiment->name} ||= '';
# $exps{$ec->get_Experiment->name} .= "\t".$ec->unique_id;
# }
# map {$txt.= "\t".$_.":".$exps{$_}."\n"} keys %exps;
# throw("Cannot rollback ArrayChip:\t".$ac->name.
# "\nFound Dependent Experimental Data:\n".$txt);
# }
$self->log("Rolling back ArrayChip $mode entries:\t".$ac->name);
my ($row_cnt, $probe_join, $sql);
my $species = $db->species;
my $class = $ac->get_Array->class;
throw('Cannot rollback probe2transcript level xrefs without specifying a species for the DBAdaptor');
#Will from registry? this return Homo sapiens?
#Or homo_sapiens
($species = lc($species)) =~ s/ /_/;
my $transc_edb_name = "${species}_core_Transcript";
my $genome_edb_name = "${species}_core_Genome";
#Maybe we want to rollback ProbeAlign and ProbeTranscriptAlign output separately so we
#can re-run just one part of the alignment step.
#We want this Probe(Transcript)Align rollback available in the environment
#So we can do it natively and before we get to the RunnableDB stage,
#where we would be trying multiple rollbacks in parallel
#Wrapper script?
#Or do we keep it simple here and maintain probe_feature wide rollback
#And just the ProbeAlign/ProbeTranscriptAlign roll back in the environment?
#We can restrict the probe deletes using the ac_id
#We should test for other ac_ids using the same probe_id
#Then fail unless we have specified force delete
#These should be deleted for all other modes but only if force is set?
#This may delete xrefs for other ArrayChips
#The issues is if we need to specify force for one delete but don't want to delete something else?
#force should only be used to delete upto and including the mode specified
#no mode equates to probe mode
#if no force then we fail if previous levels/modes have xrefs etc...
if($mode eq 'probe2transcript' ||
$self->log("Deleting probe2transcript Xrefs and UnmappedObjects");
#Delete ProbeFeature UnmappedObjects
$sql = "DELETE uo FROM analysis a, unmapped_object uo, probe p, probe_feature pf, external_db e WHERE a.logic_name ='probe2transcript' AND a.analysis_id=uo.analysis_id AND p.probe_id=pf.probe_id and pf.probe_feature_id=uo.ensembl_id and uo.ensembl_object_type='ProbeFeature' and uo.external_db_id=e.external_db_id AND e.db_name ='${transc_edb_name}' AND p.array_chip_id=".$ac->dbID;
$row_cnt = $db->dbc->do($sql);
$row_cnt = 0 if $row_cnt eq '0E0';
$self->log("Deleted $row_cnt probe2transcript ProbeFeature UnmappedObject records");
#Delete ProbedFeature Xrefs/DBEntries
$sql = "DELETE ox FROM xref x, object_xref ox, probe p, probe_feature pf, external_db e WHERE x.external_db_id=e.external_db_id AND e.db_name ='${transc_edb_name}' AND x.xref_id=ox.xref_id AND ox.ensembl_object_type='ProbeFeature' AND ox.ensembl_id=pf.probe_feature_id AND pf.probe_id=p.probe_id AND ox.linkage_annotation!='ProbeTranscriptAlign' AND p.array_chip_id=".$ac->dbID;
$row_cnt = $db->dbc->do($sql);
$row_cnt = 0 if $row_cnt eq '0E0';
$self->log("Deleted $row_cnt probe2transcript ProbeFeature xref records");
#Probe/Set specific entries
for my $xref_object('Probe', 'ProbeSet'){
$probe_join = ($xref_object eq 'ProbeSet') ? 'p.probe_set_id' : 'p.probe_id';
#Delete Probe/Set UnmappedObjects
$sql = "DELETE uo FROM analysis a, unmapped_object uo, probe p, external_db e WHERE a.logic_name='probe2transcript' AND a.analysis_id=uo.analysis_id AND uo.ensembl_object_type='${xref_object}' AND $probe_join=uo.ensembl_id AND uo.external_db_id=e.external_db_id AND e.db_name='${transc_edb_name}' AND p.array_chip_id=".$ac->dbID;
#.' and edb.db_release="'.$schema_build.'"';
$row_cnt = $db->dbc->do($sql);
$row_cnt = 0 if $row_cnt eq '0E0';
$self->log("Deleted $row_cnt probe2transcript $xref_object UnmappedObject records");
#Delete Probe/Set Xrefs/DBEntries
$sql = "DELETE x FROM xref x, object_xref ox, external_db e, probe p WHERE x.xref_id=ox.xref_id AND e.external_db_id=x.external_db_id AND e.db_name ='${transc_edb_name}' AND ox.ensembl_object_type='${xref_object}' AND ox.ensembl_id=${probe_join} AND p.array_chip_id=".$ac->dbID;
$row_cnt = $db->dbc->db_handle->do($sql);
$row_cnt = 0 if $row_cnt eq '0E0';
$self->log("Deleted $row_cnt probe2transcript $xref_object xref records");
else{#Need to check for existing xrefs if not force
#we don't know whether this is on probe or probeset level
#This is a little hacky as there's not way we can guarantee this xref will be from probe2transcript
#until we get the analysis_id moved from identity_xref to xref
#We are also using the Probe/Set Xrefs as a proxy for all other Xrefs and UnmappedObjects
#Do we need to set a status here? Would have problem rolling back the states of associated ArrayChips
for my $xref_object('Probe', 'ProbeSet'){
$probe_join = ($xref_object eq 'ProbeSet') ? 'p.probe_set_id' : 'p.probe_id';
$row_cnt = $db->dbc->db_handle->selectrow_array("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM xref x, object_xref ox, external_db e, probe p WHERE x.xref_id=ox.xref_id AND e.external_db_id=x.external_db_id AND e.db_name ='${transc_edb_name}' and ox.ensembl_object_type='${xref_object}' and ox.ensembl_id=${probe_join} AND p.array_chip_id=".$ac->dbID);
throw("Cannot rollback ArrayChip(".$ac->name."), found $row_cnt $xref_object Xrefs. Pass 'force' argument or 'probe2transcript' mode to delete");
#$self->log("Found $row_cnt $xref_object Xrefs");
#ProbeFeatures inc ProbeTranscriptAlign xrefs
if($mode ne 'probe2transcript'){
if(($mode eq 'probe' && $force) ||
$mode eq 'probe_feature' ||
$mode eq 'ProbeAlign' ||
$mode eq 'ProbeTranscriptAlign'){
#Should really revoke some state here but we only have IMPORTED
#ProbeTranscriptAlign Xref/DBEntries
#my (@anal_ids) = @{$db->get_AnalysisAdaptor->generic_fetch("a.module='ProbeAlign'")};
#Grrrr! AnalysisAdaptor is not a standard BaseAdaptor implementation
#my @anal_ids = @{$db->dbc->db_handle->selectall_arrayref('select analysis_id from analysis where module like "%ProbeAlign"')};
#@anal_ids = map {$_= "@$_"} @anal_ids;
if($mode ne 'ProbeAlign'){
my $lname = "${class}_ProbeTranscriptAlign";
$sql = "DELETE ox from object_xref ox, xref x, probe p, probe_feature pf, external_db e WHERE ox.ensembl_object_type='ProbeFeature' AND ox.linkage_annotation='ProbeTranscriptAlign' AND ox.xref_id=x.xref_id AND e.external_db_id=x.external_db_id and e.db_name='${transc_edb_name}' AND ox.ensembl_id=pf.probe_feature_id AND pf.probe_id=p.probe_id AND p.array_chip_id=".$ac->dbID;
$row_cnt = $db->dbc->do($sql);
$row_cnt = 0 if $row_cnt eq '0E0';
$self->log("Deleted $row_cnt $lname ProbeFeature Xref/DBEntry records");
#Can't include uo.type='ProbeTranscriptAlign' in these deletes yet as uo.type is enum'd to xref or probe2transcript
#will have to join to analysis and do a like "%ProbeTranscriptAlign" on the the logic name?
#or/and ur.summary_description='Promiscuous probe'?
$sql = "DELETE uo from unmapped_object uo, probe p, external_db e, analysis a WHERE uo.ensembl_object_type='Probe' AND uo.analysis_id=a.analysis_id AND a.logic_name='${lname}' AND e.external_db_id=uo.external_db_id and e.db_name='${transc_edb_name}' AND uo.ensembl_id=p.probe_id AND p.array_chip_id=".$ac->dbID;
$row_cnt = $db->dbc->do($sql);
$row_cnt = 0 if $row_cnt eq '0E0';
$self->log("Deleted $row_cnt $lname UnmappedObject records");
#Now the actual ProbeFeatures
$sql = "DELETE pf from probe_feature pf, probe p, analysis a WHERE a.logic_name='${lname}' AND a.analysis_id=pf.analysis_id AND pf.probe_id=p.probe_id and p.array_chip_id=".$ac->dbID();
$row_cnt = $db->dbc->do($sql);
$row_cnt = 0 if $row_cnt eq '0E0';
$self->log("Deleted $row_cnt $lname ProbeFeature records");
if($mode ne 'ProbeTranscriptAlign'){
my $lname = "${class}_ProbeAlign";
$sql = "DELETE uo from unmapped_object uo, probe p, external_db e, analysis a WHERE uo.ensembl_object_type='Probe' AND uo.analysis_id=a.analysis_id AND a.logic_name='${lname}' AND e.external_db_id=uo.external_db_id and e.db_name='${genome_edb_name}' AND uo.ensembl_id=p.probe_id AND p.array_chip_id=".$ac->dbID;
$row_cnt = $db->dbc->do($sql);
$row_cnt = 0 if $row_cnt eq '0E0';
$self->log("Deleted $row_cnt $lname UnmappedObject records");
$sql = "DELETE pf from probe_feature pf, probe p, analysis a WHERE a.logic_name='${lname}' AND a.analysis_id=pf.analysis_id AND pf.probe_id=p.probe_id and p.array_chip_id=".$ac->dbID();
$row_cnt = $db->dbc->do($sql);
$row_cnt = 0 if $row_cnt eq '0E0';
$self->log("Deleted $row_cnt $lname ProbeFeature records");
#Need to count to see if we can carry on with a unforced probe rollback?
#Do we need this level of control here
#Can't we assume that if you want probe you also want probe_feature?
#Leave for safety, at least until we get the dependant ExperimetnalChip test sorted
#What about if we only want to delete one array from an associated set?
#This would delete all the features from the rest?
$sql = "select count(*) from object_xref ox, xref x, probe p, external_db e WHERE ox.ensembl_object_type='ProbeFeature' AND ox.linkage_annotation='ProbeTranscriptAlign' AND ox.xref_id=x.xref_id AND e.external_db_id=x.external_db_id and e.db_name='${transc_edb_name}' AND ox.ensembl_id=p.probe_id AND p.array_chip_id=".$ac->dbID;
$row_cnt = $db->dbc->db_handle->selectrow_array($sql);
throw("Cannot rollback ArrayChip(".$ac->name."), found $row_cnt ProbeFeatures. Pass 'force' argument or 'probe_feature' mode to delete");
$self->log("Found $row_cnt ProbeFeatures");
if($mode eq 'probe'){
#Don't need to rollback on a CS as we have no dependant EChips?
#Is this true? Should we enforce a 3rd CoordSystem argument, 'all' string we delete all?
$ac->adaptor->revoke_states($ac);#Do we need to change this to revoke specific states?
#Current states are only IMPORTED, so not just yet, but we could change this for safety?
$sql = 'DELETE ps from probe p, probe_set ps where p.array_chip_id='.$ac->dbID().' and p.probe_set_id=ps.probe_set_id';
$row_cnt = $db->dbc->do($sql);
$row_cnt = 0 if $row_cnt eq '0E0';
$self->log("Deleted $row_cnt ProbeSet records");
$sql = 'DELETE from probe where array_chip_id='.$ac->dbID();
$row_cnt = $db->dbc->do($sql);
$row_cnt = 0 if $row_cnt eq '0E0';
$self->log("Deleted $row_cnt Probe records");
$self->log("Finished $mode roll back for ArrayChip:\t".$ac->name);
=head2 get_core_display_name_by_stable_id
Args [1] : Bio::EnsEMBL::DBSQL::DBAdaptor
Args [2] : stable ID from core DB.
Args [3] : stable feature type e.g. gene, transcript, translation
Example : $self->validate_and_store_feature_types;
Description: Builds a cache of stable ID to display names.
Returntype : string - display name
Exceptions : Throws is type is not valid.
Caller : General
Status : At risk
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Build a cache of ensembl stable ID -> display_name
# Return hashref keyed on {$type}{$stable_id}
#Need to update cache if we're doing more than one 'type' at a time
# as it will never get loaded for the new type!
sub get_core_display_name_by_stable_id{
my ($self, $cdb, $stable_id, $type) = @_;
$type = lc($type);
if($type !~ /(gene|transcript|translation)/){
throw("Cannot get display_name for stable_id $stable_id with type $type");
if(! exists $self->{'display_name_cache'}->{$stable_id}){
($self->{'display_name_cache'}->{$stable_id}) = $cdb->dbc->db_handle->selectrow_array("SELECT x.display_label FROM ${type}_stable_id s, $type t, xref x where t.display_xref_id=x.xref_id and s.${type}_id=t.gene_id and s.stable_id='${stable_id}'");
return $self->{'display_name_cache'}->{$stable_id};
=head2 get_core_stable_id_by_display_name
Args [1] : Bio::EnsEMBL::DBSQL::DBAdaptor
Args [2] : display name (e.g. from core DB or GNC name)
Example :
Description: Builds a cache of stable ID to display names.
Returntype : string - gene stable ID
Exceptions : None
Caller : General
Status : At risk
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Build a cache of ensembl stable ID -> display_name
# Return hashref keyed on {$type}{$stable_id}
#Need to update cache if we're doing more than one 'type' at a time
# as it will never get loaded for the new type!
sub get_core_stable_id_by_display_name{
my ($self, $cdb, $display_name) = @_;
#if($type !~ /(gene|transcript|translation)/){
# throw("Cannot get display_name for stable_id $stable_id with type $type");
# }
if(! exists $self->{'stable_id_cache'}->{$display_name}){
($self->{'stable_id_cache'}->{$display_name}) = $cdb->dbc->db_handle->selectrow_array("SELECT s.stable_id FROM gene_stable_id s, gene g, xref x where g.display_xref_id=x.xref_id and s.gene_id=g.gene_id and x.display_label='${display_name}'");
return $self->{'stable_id_cache'}->{$display_name};