Raw content of Bio::EnsEMBL::Hive::Queen
# You may distribute this module under the same terms as perl itself
# POD documentation - main docs before the code
=head1 NAME
The Queen of the Hive based job control system
The Queen of the Hive based job control system is responsible to 'birthing' the
correct number of workers of the right type so that they can find jobs to do.
It will also free up jobs of Workers that died unexpectantly so that other workers
can claim them to do.
Hive based processing is a concept based on a more controlled version
of an autonomous agent type system. Each worker is not told what to do
(like a centralized control system - like the current pipeline system)
but rather queries a central database for jobs (give me jobs).
Each worker is linked to an analysis_id, registers its self on creation
into the Hive, creates a RunnableDB instance of the Analysis->module,
gets $worker->batch_size() jobs from the analysis_job table, does its
work, creates the next layer of analysis_job entries by interfacing to
the DataflowRuleAdaptor to determine the analyses it needs to pass its
output data to and creates jobs on the next analysis database.
It repeats this cycle until it has lived its lifetime or until there are no
more jobs left.
The lifetime limit is just a safety limit to prevent these from 'infecting'
a system.
The Queens job is to simply birth Workers of the correct analysis_id to get the
work down. The only other thing the Queen does is free up jobs that were
claimed by Workers that died unexpectantly so that other workers can take
over the work.
The Beekeeper is in charge of interfacing between the Queen and a compute resource
or 'compute farm'. Its job is to query Queens if they need any workers and to
send the requested number of workers to open machines via the runWorker.pl script.
It is also responsible for interfacing with the Queen to identify worker which died
=head1 CONTACT
Contact Jessica Severin on EnsEMBL::Hive implemetation/design detail: jessica@ebi.ac.uk
Contact Ewan Birney on EnsEMBL in general: birney@sanger.ac.uk
The rest of the documentation details each of the object methods.
Internal methods are usually preceded with a _
package Bio::EnsEMBL::Hive::Queen;
use strict;
use POSIX;
use Bio::EnsEMBL::Utils::Argument;
use Bio::EnsEMBL::Utils::Exception;
use Bio::EnsEMBL::Hive::Worker;
use Bio::EnsEMBL::DBSQL::BaseAdaptor;
use Sys::Hostname;
use Bio::EnsEMBL::Hive::DBSQL::AnalysisCtrlRuleAdaptor;
our @ISA = qw(Bio::EnsEMBL::DBSQL::BaseAdaptor);
# PUBLIC API for Workers
=head2 create_new_worker
Arg [1] : $analysis_id (optional)
Example :
Description: If analysis_id is specified it will try to create a worker based
on that analysis. If not specified the queen will analyze the hive
and pick the analysis that has the most amount of work to be done.
It creates an entry in the hive table, and returns a Worker object
based on that insert. This guarantees that each worker registered
in this queens hive is properly registered.
Returntype : Bio::EnsEMBL::Hive::Worker
Exceptions :
Caller :
sub create_new_worker {
my ($self, @args) = @_;
my ($analysis_id, $beekeeper ,$pid, $job, $no_write) =
rearrange([qw(analysis_id beekeeper process_id job no_write) ], @args);
my $analStatsDBA = $self->db->get_AnalysisStatsAdaptor;
return undef unless($analStatsDBA);
$analysis_id = $job->analysis_id if(defined($job));
my $analysisStats;
if($analysis_id) {
$analysisStats = $analStatsDBA->fetch_by_analysis_id($analysis_id);
#return undef unless(($analysisStats->status ne 'BLOCKED') and ($analysisStats->num_required_workers > 0));
} else {
$analysisStats = $self->_pick_best_analysis_for_new_worker;
return undef unless($analysisStats);
unless($job) {
#go into autonomous mode
return undef if($self->get_hive_current_load() >= 1.1);
if($analysisStats->status eq 'BLOCKED') {
print("Analysis is BLOCKED, can't create workers\n");
return undef;
if($analysisStats->status eq 'DONE') {
print("Analysis is DONE, don't need to create workers\n");
return undef;
my $host = hostname;
$pid = $$ unless($pid);
$beekeeper = '' unless($beekeeper);
my $sql = q{INSERT INTO hive
(born, last_check_in, process_id, analysis_id, beekeeper, host)
VALUES (NOW(), NOW(), ?,?,?,?)};
my $sth = $self->prepare($sql);
$sth->execute($pid, $analysisStats->analysis_id, $beekeeper, $host);
my $hive_id = $sth->{'mysql_insertid'};
my $worker = $self->_fetch_by_hive_id($hive_id);
$worker=undef unless($worker and $worker->analysis);
if($worker and $analysisStats) {
$worker->_specific_job($job) if(defined($job));
$worker->execute_writes(0) if($no_write);
return $worker;
sub register_worker_death {
my ($self, $worker) = @_;
return unless($worker);
# if called without a defined cause_of_death, assume catastrophic failure
$worker->cause_of_death('FATALITY') unless(defined($worker->cause_of_death));
unless ($worker->cause_of_death() eq "HIVE_OVERLOAD") {
## HIVE_OVERLOAD occurs after a successful update of the analysis_stats teble. (c.f. Worker.pm)
my $sql = "UPDATE hive SET died=now(), last_check_in=now()";
$sql .= " ,status='DEAD'";
$sql .= " ,work_done='" . $worker->work_done . "'";
$sql .= " ,cause_of_death='". $worker->cause_of_death ."'";
$sql .= " WHERE hive_id='" . $worker->hive_id ."'";
my $sth = $self->prepare($sql);
if($worker->cause_of_death eq "NO_WORK") {
$self->db->get_AnalysisStatsAdaptor->update_status($worker->analysis->dbID, "ALL_CLAIMED");
if($worker->cause_of_death eq "FATALITY") {
#print("FATAL DEATH Arrrrgggghhhhhhhh (hive_id=",$worker->hive_id,")\n");
# re-sync the analysis_stats when a worker dies as part of dynamic sync system
if($self->safe_synchronize_AnalysisStats($worker->analysis->stats)->status ne 'DONE') {
# since I'm dying I should make sure there is someone to take my place after I'm gone ...
# above synch still sees me as a 'living worker' so I need to compensate for that
sub worker_check_in {
my ($self, $worker) = @_;
return unless($worker);
my $sql = "UPDATE hive SET last_check_in=now()";
$sql .= " ,work_done='" . $worker->work_done . "'";
$sql .= " WHERE hive_id='" . $worker->hive_id ."'";
my $sth = $self->prepare($sql);
=head2 worker_grab_jobs
Arg [1] : Bio::EnsEMBL::Hive::Worker object $worker
my $jobs = $queen->worker_grab_jobs();
For the specified worker, it will search available jobs,
and using the workers requested batch_size, claim/fetch that
number of jobs, and then return them.
Returntype :
reference to array of Bio::EnsEMBL::Hive::AnalysisJob objects
Exceptions :
Caller :
sub worker_grab_jobs {
my $self = shift;
my $worker = shift;
my $jobDBA = $self->db->get_AnalysisJobAdaptor;
my $claim = $jobDBA->claim_jobs_for_worker($worker);
my $jobs = $jobDBA->fetch_by_claim_analysis($claim, $worker->analysis->dbID);
return $jobs;
=head2 reset_and_fetch_job_by_dbID
Arg [1]: int $analysis_job_id
my $job = $queen->reset_and_fetch_job_by_dbID($analysis_job_id);
For the specified analysis_job_id it will fetch just that job,
reset it completely as if it has never run, and return it.
Specifying a specific job bypasses the safety checks,
thus multiple workers could be running the
same job simultaneously (use only for debugging).
Returntype :
Bio::EnsEMBL::Hive::AnalysisJob object
Exceptions :
Caller : beekeepers, runWorker.pl scripts
sub reset_and_fetch_job_by_dbID {
my $self = shift;
my $analysis_job_id = shift;
my $jobDBA = $self->db->get_AnalysisJobAdaptor;
my $job = $jobDBA->fetch_by_dbID($analysis_job_id);
my $stats = $self->db->get_AnalysisStatsAdaptor->fetch_by_analysis_id($job->analysis_id);
return $job;
sub worker_reclaim_job {
my $self = shift;
my $worker = shift;
my $job = shift;
return undef unless($job and $worker);
return $job;
sub worker_register_job_done {
my $self = shift;
my $worker = shift;
my $job = shift;
return unless($job);
return unless($job->dbID and $job->adaptor and $job->hive_id);
return unless($worker and $worker->analysis and $worker->analysis->dbID);
sub flow_output_job {
my $self = shift;
my $job = shift;
return unless($job);
my $create_blocked_job = 0;
$create_blocked_job = 1 if($job->status and ($job->status eq 'BLOCKED'));
my @output_jobs;
my $rules = $self->db->get_DataflowRuleAdaptor->fetch_from_analysis_job($job);
foreach my $rule (@{$rules}) {
my $job_id = Bio::EnsEMBL::Hive::DBSQL::AnalysisJobAdaptor->CreateNewJob (
-input_id => $job->input_id,
-analysis => $rule->to_analysis,
-input_job_id => $job->dbID,
-block => $create_blocked_job
my $job_url = $rule->to_analysis->adaptor->db->dbc->url;
$job_url .= "/analysis_job?dbID=" . $job_id;
push @output_jobs, $job_url;
return \@output_jobs;
# Public API interface for beekeeper
sub fetch_overdue_workers {
my ($self,$overdue_secs) = @_;
$overdue_secs = 3600 unless(defined($overdue_secs));
my $constraint = "h.cause_of_death='' ".
"AND (UNIX_TIMESTAMP()-UNIX_TIMESTAMP(h.last_check_in))>$overdue_secs";
return $self->_generic_fetch($constraint);
sub fetch_failed_workers {
my $self = shift;
my $constraint = "h.cause_of_death='FATALITY' ";
return $self->_generic_fetch($constraint);
=head2 synchronize_hive
Example : $queen->synchronize_hive();
Description: Runs through all analyses in the system and synchronizes
the analysis_stats summary with the states in the analysis_job
and hive tables. Then follows by checking all the blocking rules
and blocks/unblocks analyses as needed.
Exceptions : none
Caller : general
sub synchronize_hive {
my $self = shift;
my $start_time = time();
my $allAnalysis = $self->db->get_AnalysisAdaptor->fetch_all;
print("analyze ", scalar(@$allAnalysis), "\n");
foreach my $analysis (@$allAnalysis) {
my $stats = $analysis->stats;
foreach my $analysis (@$allAnalysis) {
print((time() - $start_time), " secs to synchronize_hive\n");
=head2 safe_synchronize_AnalysisStats
Arg [1] : Bio::EnsEMBL::Hive::AnalysisStats object
Example : $self->synchronize($analysisStats);
Description: Prewrapper around synchronize_AnalysisStats that does
checks and grabs sync_lock before proceeding with sync.
Used by distributed worker sync system to avoid contention.
Exceptions : none
Caller : general
sub safe_synchronize_AnalysisStats {
my $self = shift;
my $stats = shift;
return $stats unless($stats);
return $stats unless($stats->analysis_id);
return $stats if($stats->status eq 'SYNCHING');
return $stats if($stats->status eq 'DONE');
return $stats if($stats->sync_lock);
return $stats if(($stats->status eq 'WORKING') and
($stats->seconds_since_last_update < 3*60));
# OK try to claim the sync_lock
my $sql = "UPDATE analysis_stats SET status='SYNCHING', sync_lock=1 ".
"WHERE sync_lock=0 and analysis_id=" . $stats->analysis_id;
my $row_count = $self->dbc->do($sql);
return $stats unless($row_count == 1);
#printf("got sync_lock on analysis_stats(%d)\n", $stats->analysis_id);
#OK have the lock, go and do the sync
return $stats;
=head2 synchronize_AnalysisStats
Arg [1] : Bio::EnsEMBL::Hive::AnalysisStats object
Example : $self->synchronize($analysisStats);
Description: Queries the analysis_job and hive tables to get summary counts
and rebuilds the AnalysisStats object. Then updates the
analysis_stats table with the new summary info
Returntype : newly synced Bio::EnsEMBL::Hive::AnalysisStats object
Exceptions : none
Caller : general
sub synchronize_AnalysisStats {
my $self = shift;
my $analysisStats = shift;
# Trying to make hive not synchronize if there is a high load in the
# server, e.g. during blasts (max 450 workers). The best thing I
# could find is the combination of these two numbers
if (($self->get_hive_current_load("silent") > 0.9) && $self->get_num_running_workers("silent") > 400) {
return $analysisStats;
return $analysisStats unless($analysisStats);
return $analysisStats unless($analysisStats->analysis_id);
$analysisStats->refresh(); ## Need to get the new hive_capacity for dynamic analyses
# my $sql = "SELECT status, count(*) FROM analysis_job ".
# "WHERE analysis_id=? GROUP BY status";
# This should be better in terms of performance
# http://www.mysqlperformanceblog.com/2007/08/16/how-much-overhead-is-caused-by-on-disk-temporary-tables/
my $sql = "SELECT status, count(status) FROM analysis_job ".
"WHERE analysis_id=? GROUP BY status ORDER BY NULL LIMIT 10";
my $sth = $self->prepare($sql);
my $hive_capacity = $analysisStats->hive_capacity;
while (my ($status, $count)=$sth->fetchrow_array()) {
# print STDERR "$status - $count\n";
my $total = $analysisStats->total_job_count();
$analysisStats->total_job_count($total + $count);
if($status eq 'READY') {
my $numWorkers;
if($analysisStats->batch_size > 0) {
$numWorkers = POSIX::ceil($count / $analysisStats->batch_size);
} else {
my $job_msec = $analysisStats->avg_msec_per_job;
$job_msec = 100 if($job_msec>0 and $job_msec<100);
$numWorkers = POSIX::ceil(($count * $job_msec) / (3*60*1000));
# guess num needed workers by total jobs / (num jobs a worker could do in 3 minutes)
$numWorkers=$count if($numWorkers==0);
if($analysisStats->hive_capacity>0 and $numWorkers > $analysisStats->hive_capacity) {
if ($status eq 'DONE') { $analysisStats->done_job_count($count); }
if ($status eq 'FAILED') { $analysisStats->failed_job_count($count); }
if($analysisStats->status ne 'BLOCKED') {
# adjust_stats_for_living_workers
if($analysisStats->hive_capacity > 0) {
my $liveCount = $analysisStats->get_running_worker_count();
my $numWorkers = $analysisStats->num_required_workers;
my $capacityAdjust = ($numWorkers + $liveCount) - $analysisStats->hive_capacity;
$numWorkers -= $capacityAdjust if($capacityAdjust > 0);
$numWorkers=0 if($numWorkers<0);
$analysisStats->update; #update and release sync_lock
return $analysisStats;
sub check_blocking_control_rules_for_AnalysisStats
my $self = shift;
my $stats = shift;
return unless($stats);
#print("check ctrl on analysis "); $stats->print_stats;
my $ctrlRules = $self->db->get_AnalysisCtrlRuleAdaptor->
my $allRulesDone = 1;
if(scalar @$ctrlRules > 0) {
#print("HAS blocking_ctrl_rules to check\n");
foreach my $ctrlrule (@{$ctrlRules}) {
#use this method because the condition_analysis objects can be
#network distributed to a different database so use it's adaptor to get
#the AnalysisStats object
my $condAnalysis = $ctrlrule->condition_analysis;
my $condStats = $condAnalysis->stats if($condAnalysis);
$allRulesDone = 0 unless($condStats and $condStats->status eq 'DONE');
#print(" "); $condStats->print_stats;
if($allRulesDone) {
if($stats->status eq 'BLOCKED') {
#print(" UNBLOCK analysis : all conditions met\n");
$stats->update_status('LOADING'); #trigger sync
} else {
#print(" RE-BLOCK analysis : some conditions failed\n");
sub get_num_failed_analyses
my $self = shift;
my $analysis = shift;
my $statsDBA = $self->db->get_AnalysisStatsAdaptor;
my $failed_analyses = $statsDBA->fetch_by_status('FAILED');
if ($analysis) {
foreach my $this_failed_analysis (@$failed_analyses) {
if ($this_failed_analysis->analysis_id == $analysis->dbID) {
print "#########################################################\n",
" Too many jobs failed for analysis ".$analysis->logic_name.". FAIL!!\n",
return 1;
return 0;
if (@$failed_analyses) {
print "##################################################\n",
" Too many failed jobs. FAIL!!\n",
return scalar(@$failed_analyses);
sub get_hive_current_load {
my $self = shift;
my $silent = shift;
my $sql = "SELECT /*! SQL_BUFFER_RESULT */ sum(1/analysis_stats.hive_capacity) FROM hive, analysis_stats ".
"WHERE hive.analysis_id=analysis_stats.analysis_id and cause_of_death ='' ".
"AND analysis_stats.hive_capacity>0";
my $sth = $self->prepare($sql);
(my $load)=$sth->fetchrow_array();
$load=0 unless($load);
print("current hive load = $load\n") unless (defined($silent));
print("*") if ($silent eq 'silent');
return $load;
sub get_num_running_workers {
my $self = shift;
my $silent = shift;
my $sql = "SELECT count(*) FROM hive WHERE cause_of_death =''";
my $sth = $self->prepare($sql);
(my $runningCount)=$sth->fetchrow_array();
$runningCount=0 unless($runningCount);
print("current hive num_running_workers = $runningCount\n") unless (defined($silent));
return $runningCount;
sub enter_status {
my ($self, $worker, $status) = @_;
$self->dbc->do("UPDATE hive SET status = '$status' WHERE hive_id = ".$worker->hive_id);
=head2 get_num_needed_workers
Arg[1] : Bio::EnsEMBL::Analysis object (optional)
Example : $count = $queen->get_num_needed_workers();
Description: Runs through the analyses in the system which are waiting
for workers to be created for them. Calculates the maximum
number of workers needed to fill the current needs of the system
If Arg[1] is defined, does it only for the given analysis.
Exceptions : none
Caller : beekeepers and other external processes
sub get_num_needed_workers {
my $self = shift;
my $analysis = shift;
my $statsDBA = $self->db->get_AnalysisStatsAdaptor;
my $neededAnals = $statsDBA->fetch_by_needed_workers(undef,$self->{maximise_concurrency});
my $deeper_stats_list = $statsDBA->fetch_by_status('LOADING', 'BLOCKED');
push @$neededAnals, @$deeper_stats_list;
return 0 unless($neededAnals);
my $availableLoad = 1.0 - $self->get_hive_current_load();
return 0 if($availableLoad <0.0);
my $numWorkers = 0;
foreach my $analysis_stats (@{$neededAnals}) {
next if (defined $analysis && $analysis->dbID != $analysis_stats->analysis_id);
#digging deeper under the surface so need to sync
if(($analysis_stats->status eq 'LOADING') or ($analysis_stats->status eq 'BLOCKED')) {
next if($analysis_stats->status eq 'BLOCKED');
next if($analysis_stats->num_required_workers == 0);
my $thisLoad = 0.0;
if($analysis_stats->hive_capacity>0) {
$thisLoad = $analysis_stats->num_required_workers * (1/$analysis_stats->hive_capacity);
if(($analysis_stats->hive_capacity<=0) or ($thisLoad < $availableLoad)) {
$numWorkers += $analysis_stats->num_required_workers;
$availableLoad -= $thisLoad;
printf(" %5d workers (%1.3f remaining-hive-load)\n", $numWorkers, $availableLoad);
} else {
my $workerCount = POSIX::ceil($availableLoad * $analysis_stats->hive_capacity);
$numWorkers += $workerCount;
$availableLoad -= $workerCount * (1/$analysis_stats->hive_capacity);
printf(" %5d workers (%1.3f remaining-hive-load) use only %3d workers\n", $numWorkers, $availableLoad, $workerCount);
last if($availableLoad <= 0.0);
printf("need $numWorkers workers (availLoad=%1.5f)\n", $availableLoad);
return $numWorkers;
sub get_hive_progress
my $self = shift;
my $sql = "SELECT /*! SQL_BUFFER_RESULT */ sum(done_job_count), sum(failed_job_count), sum(total_job_count), ".
"sum(unclaimed_job_count * analysis_stats.avg_msec_per_job)/1000/60/60 ".
"FROM analysis_stats";
my $sth = $self->prepare($sql);
my ($done, $failed, $total, $cpuhrs) = $sth->fetchrow_array();
$done=0 unless($done);
$failed=0 unless($failed);
$total=0 unless($total);
my $completed=0.0;
$completed = ((100.0 * ($done+$failed))/$total) if($total>0);
my $remaining = $total - $done - $failed;
printf("hive %1.3f%% complete (< %1.3f CPU_hrs) (%d todo + %d done + %d failed = %d total)\n",
$completed, $cpuhrs, $remaining, $done, $failed, $total);
return $done, $total, $cpuhrs;
sub print_hive_status
my $self = shift;
sub print_analysis_status
my $self = shift;
my $allStats = $self->db->get_AnalysisStatsAdaptor->fetch_all();
foreach my $analysis_stats (@{$allStats}) {
sub print_running_worker_status
my $self = shift;
my $total = 0;
print("HIVE LIVE WORKERS====\n");
my $sql = "select logic_name, count(*) from hive, analysis ".
"where hive.analysis_id=analysis.analysis_id and hive.cause_of_death='' ".
"group by hive.analysis_id";
my $sth = $self->prepare($sql);
while((my $logic_name, my $count)=$sth->fetchrow_array()) {
printf("%20s : %d workers\n", $logic_name, $count);
$total += $count;
printf(" %d total workers\n", $total);
=head2 monitor
Arg[1] : --none--
Example : $queen->monitor();
Description: Monitors current throughput and store the result in the monitor
Exceptions : none
Caller : beekeepers and other external processes
sub monitor
my $self = shift;
my $sql = qq{
group_concat(DISTINCT logic_name)
FROM hive left join analysis USING (analysis_id)
WHERE cause_of_death = ""};
my $sth = $self->prepare($sql);
sub _pick_best_analysis_for_new_worker {
my $self = shift;
my $statsDBA = $self->db->get_AnalysisStatsAdaptor;
return undef unless($statsDBA);
my ($stats) = @{$statsDBA->fetch_by_needed_workers(1,$self->{maximise_concurrency})};
if($stats) {
#synchronize and double check that it can be run
return $stats if(($stats->status ne 'BLOCKED') and ($stats->num_required_workers > 0));
# ok so no analyses 'need' workers.
if ($self->get_num_failed_analyses()) {
return undef;
# see if anything needs an update, in case there are
# hidden jobs that haven't made it into the summary stats
print("QUEEN: no obvious needed workers, need to dig deeper\n");
my $stats_list = $statsDBA->fetch_by_status('LOADING', 'BLOCKED');
foreach $stats (@$stats_list) {
return $stats if(($stats->status ne 'BLOCKED') and ($stats->num_required_workers > 0));
($stats) = @{$statsDBA->fetch_by_needed_workers(1,$self->{maximise_concurrency})};
return $stats if($stats);
return undef;
=head2 _fetch_by_hive_id
Arg [1] : int $id
the unique database identifier for the feature to be obtained
Example : $feat = $queen->fetch_by_dbID(1234);
Description: Returns the feature created from the database defined by the
the id $id.
Returntype : Bio::EnsEMBL::Hive::Worker
Exceptions : thrown if $id is not defined
Caller : general
sub _fetch_by_hive_id {
my ($self,$id) = @_;
unless(defined $id) {
throw("fetch_by_dbID must have an id");
my @tabs = $self->_tables;
my $constraint = "h.hive_id = $id";
#return first element of _generic_fetch list
my ($obj) = @{$self->_generic_fetch($constraint)};
return $obj;
=head2 _generic_fetch
Arg [1] : (optional) string $constraint
An SQL query constraint (i.e. part of the WHERE clause)
Arg [2] : (optional) string $logic_name
the logic_name of the analysis of the features to obtain
Example : $fts = $a->_generic_fetch('contig_id in (1234, 1235)', 'Swall');
Description: Performs a database fetch and returns feature objects in
contig coordinates.
Returntype : listref of Bio::EnsEMBL::SeqFeature in contig coordinates
Exceptions : none
Caller : BaseFeatureAdaptor, ProxyDnaAlignFeatureAdaptor::_generic_fetch
sub _generic_fetch {
my ($self, $constraint, $join) = @_;
my @tables = $self->_tables;
my $columns = join(', ', $self->_columns());
if ($join) {
foreach my $single_join (@{$join}) {
my ($tablename, $condition, $extra_columns) = @{$single_join};
if ($tablename && $condition) {
push @tables, $tablename;
if($constraint) {
$constraint .= " AND $condition";
} else {
$constraint = " $condition";
if ($extra_columns) {
$columns .= ", " . join(', ', @{$extra_columns});
#construct a nice table string like 'table1 t1, table2 t2'
my $tablenames = join(', ', map({ join(' ', @$_) } @tables));
my $sql = "SELECT $columns FROM $tablenames";
my $default_where = $self->_default_where_clause;
my $final_clause = $self->_final_clause;
#append a where clause if it was defined
if($constraint) {
$sql .= " WHERE $constraint ";
if($default_where) {
$sql .= " AND $default_where ";
} elsif($default_where) {
$sql .= " WHERE $default_where ";
#append additional clauses which may have been defined
$sql .= " $final_clause";
my $sth = $self->prepare($sql);
# print STDERR $sql,"\n";
return $self->_objs_from_sth($sth);
sub _tables {
my $self = shift;
return (['hive', 'h']);
sub _columns {
my $self = shift;
return qw (h.hive_id
sub _objs_from_sth {
my ($self, $sth) = @_;
my %column;
$sth->bind_columns( \( @column{ @{$sth->{NAME_lc} } } ));
my @workers = ();
while ($sth->fetch()) {
my $worker = new Bio::EnsEMBL::Hive::Worker;
if($column{'analysis_id'} and $self->db->get_AnalysisAdaptor) {
push @workers, $worker;
return \@workers
sub _default_where_clause {
my $self = shift;
return '';
sub _final_clause {
my $self = shift;
return '';