Raw content of Bio::EnsEMBL::Pipeline::Monitor
package Bio::EnsEMBL::Pipeline::Monitor;
use Bio::EnsEMBL::Utils::Exception qw(verbose throw warning info);
use Bio::EnsEMBL::Utils::Argument qw( rearrange );
use strict;
use vars qw(@ISA);
@ISA = qw ();
=head2 new
Title : new
Usage : $self->new(-DBOBJ => $db);
Function: creates a pipeline monitoring object if given a pipeline
database. Can be used to query and control a running
Returns :
Args : -dbobj: A Bio::EnsEMBL::Pipeline::DBSQL::DBAdaptor
sub new {
my ($class, @args) = @_;
my $self = bless {},$class;
my ($dbobj) = rearrange([qw(DBOBJ)],@args);
if ($dbobj) {
} else {
throw("No database object input");
return $self;
sub dbobj {
my ($self,$arg) = @_;
if (defined($arg)) {
if (! $arg->isa("Bio::EnsEMBL::Pipeline::DBSQL::DBAdaptor")) {
throw("[$arg] is not a Bio::EnsEMBL::Pipeline::DBSQL::DBAdaptor");
$self->{_dbobj} = $arg;
return $self->{_dbobj};
sub print_header {
my ($self,$str) = @_;
$self->{'_header'} = sprintf("[%s:%s %s]\n\n", $self->dbobj->dbc->host, $self->dbobj->dbc->port,
print "\n$str " . $self->{'_header'};
sub show_current_status {
my ($self) = @_;
#Show running/failed jobs grouped by status and analysis name.
my $sth = $self->dbobj->prepare("select count(*), js.status, a.logic_name ,a.analysis_id from analysis a, job_status js, job j where j.job_id = js.job_id and a.analysis_id = j.analysis_id and js.is_current = 'y' group by a.logic_name, js.status");
my $res = $sth->execute;
my $maxcount = undef;
my $maxstatus;
my $maxname;
my $maxaid;
my @counts;
my @status;
my @names;
my @aid;
while (my $ref = $sth->fetchrow_hashref) {
my $count = $ref->{'count(*)'};
my $status = $ref->{'status'};
my $name = $ref->{'logic_name'};
my $aid = $ref->{'analysis_id'};
if (!defined($maxcount) || length($count) > $maxcount) {
$maxcount = length($count);
if (!defined($maxstatus) || length($status) > $maxstatus) {
$maxstatus = length($status);
if (!defined($maxname) || length($name) > $maxname) {
$maxname = length($name);
if (!defined($maxaid) || length($aid) > $maxaid) {
$maxaid = length($aid);
$self->print_header("Pipeline current status");
printf("%-${maxname}s %-${maxstatus}s %-${maxcount}s %-${maxaid}s\n","Name","Status","Count","Analysis-id");
printf("%-${maxname}s %-${maxstatus}s %-${maxcount}s %-${maxaid}s\n","----","------","-----","-----------");
while (my $count = shift(@counts)) {
my $status = shift @status;
my $name = shift @names;
my $aid = shift @aid;
printf("%-${maxname}s %-${maxstatus}s %-${maxcount}s %-${maxaid}s \n",$name,$status,$count,$aid);
# Show running/failed jobs grouped by status and analysisId
# my $sth = $self->dbobj->prepare("select count(*),js.status,job.analysis_id from current_status js,job where job.job_id = js.job_id group by job.analysis_id";
# show running/failed jobs grouped by status
sub show_current_status_summary {
my ($self) = @_;
my $sth = $self->dbobj->prepare("select count(*), status from job_status where is_current = 'y' group by status");
my $res = $sth->execute;
my $maxcount = 0;
my $maxstatus = 0;
my @counts;
my @status;
while (my $ref = $sth->fetchrow_hashref) {
my $count = $ref->{'count(*)'};
my $status = $ref->{'status'};
if (length($count) > $maxcount) {
$maxcount = length($count);
if (length($status) > $maxstatus) {
$maxstatus = length($status);
$self->print_header("Pipeline status summary");
printf("%-${maxstatus}s %-${maxcount}s\n","Status","Count");
printf("%-${maxstatus}s %-${maxcount}s\n","------","-----");
while (my $count = shift(@counts)) {
my $status = shift @status;
printf("%-${maxstatus}s %-${maxcount}s\n",$status,$count);
print "\n";
# show finished jobs grouped by analysisId
#show running/failed jobs grouped by status
sub show_finished_summary {
my ($self, $no_submit, $show_percent) = @_;
my $sth = $self->dbobj->prepare("select count(*),a.logic_name,a.analysis_id from input_id_analysis i, analysis a where a.analysis_id = i.analysis_id group by a.analysis_id");
my $res = $sth->execute;
my $maxcount = 0;
my $maxname = 0;
my $maxid = 0;
my $max_nums = undef;
my @counts;
my @names;
my @ids;
while (my $ref = $sth->fetchrow_hashref) {
my $count = $ref->{'count(*)'};
my $name = $ref->{'logic_name'};
my $id = $ref->{'analysis_id'};
if ($name =~ /Submit/){
next if($no_submit);
if (length($count) > $maxcount) {
$maxcount = length($count);
if (length($name) > $maxname) {
$maxname = length($name);
if (length($id) > $maxid) {
$maxid = length($id);
$max_nums = percent_finished($self, 0);
$self->print_header("Finished job summary");
printf("%-${maxcount}s %-${maxname}s %-${maxid}s%s\n","Count","Name","Id","%Done");
printf("%-${maxcount}s %-${maxname}s %-${maxid}s%s\n","-----","----","--","-----");
while (my $count = shift(@counts)) {
my $name = shift @names;
my $id = shift @ids;
my $total = 0;
my $add = " ";
if($count && $max_nums->{$id}){
$total = (100*$count/($max_nums->{$id}));
#$total = $count."/".$max_nums->{$id};
$add = '%';
printf("%-${maxcount}s %-${maxname}s %-${maxid}s %3d%s\n",$count,$name,$id,$total,$add);
$self->print_header("Finished job summary");
printf("%-${maxcount}s %-${maxname}s %-${maxid}s\n","Count","Name","Id");
printf("%-${maxcount}s %-${maxname}s %-${maxid}s\n","-----","----","--");
while (my $count = shift(@counts)) {
my $name = shift @names;
my $id = shift @ids;
printf("%-${maxcount}s %-${maxname}s %-${maxid}s\n",$count,$name,$id);
print "\n";
# show analysis processes
sub show_analysisprocess {
my ($self) = @_;
my $sth = $self->dbobj->prepare("select analysis_id,logic_name,db,program,parameters,module from analysis");
my $res = $sth->execute;
my $maxname = 0;
my $maxid = 0;
my $maxdb = 0;
my $maxprog = 0;
my $maxparam = 0;
my $maxmodule = 0;
my @ids;
my @names;
my @dbs;
my @progs;
my @params;
my @modules;
while (my $ref = $sth->fetchrow_hashref) {
my $id = $ref->{'analysis_id'};
my $name = $ref->{'logic_name'};
my $db = $ref->{'db'};
my $prog = $ref->{'program'};
my $param = $ref->{'parameters'};
my $module = $ref->{'module'};
if (length($id) > $maxid) {
$maxid = length($id);
if (length($name) > $maxname) {
$maxname = length($name);
if (length($db) > $maxdb) {
$maxdb = length($db);
if (length($prog) > $maxprog) {
$maxprog = length($prog);
if (length($module) > $maxmodule) {
$maxmodule = length($module);
if (length($param) > $maxparam) {
$maxparam = length($param);
printf("%-${maxname}s %-${maxid}s %-${maxdb}s %-${maxprog}s %-${maxparam}s %-${maxmodule}s \n","Name","Id","db","Program","Params","Module");
printf("%-${maxname}s %-${maxid}s %-${maxdb}s %-${maxprog}s %-${maxparam}s %-${maxmodule}s \n","----","--","--","-------","------","------");
while (my $name = shift(@names)) {
my $id = shift @ids;
my $db = shift @dbs;
my $prog = shift @progs;
my $param = shift @params;
my $module = shift @modules;
printf("%-${maxname}s %-${maxid}s %-${maxdb}s %-${maxprog}s %-${maxparam}s %-${maxmodule}s \n",$name,$id,$db,$prog,$param,$module);
print "\n";
# show rules
sub show_Rules {
my ($self) = @_;
my $sth = $self->dbobj->prepare("select a.logic_name,rg.rule_id from rule_goal rg, analysis a where a.analysis_id = rg.goal");
my $res = $sth->execute;
my @names;
my @ids;
my $maxname = 0;
my $maxid = 0;
while (my $ref = $sth->fetchrow_hashref) {
my $id = $ref->{'rule_id'};
my $name = $ref->{'logic_name'};
if (length($id) > $maxid) { $maxid = length($id);}
if (length($name) > $maxname) {$maxname = length($name);}
$self->print_header("Pipeline rules");
printf("%-${maxname}s %-${maxid}s\n","Name","Id");
printf("%-${maxname}s %-${maxid}s\n","----","--");
while (my $name = shift @names) {
my $id = shift @ids;
printf("%-${maxname}s %-${maxid}s\n",$name,$id);
print "\n";
sub show_Rules_and_Conditions {
my ($self) = @_;
my $sql = "select a.logic_name,rg.rule_id,rc.rule_condition from rule_conditions rc,rule_goal rg, analysis a where a.analysis_id = rg.goal and rg.rule_id = rc.rule_id";
my $sth = $self->dbobj->prepare($sql);
my $res = $sth->execute;
my @names;
my @ids;
my @conds;
my $maxname = 0;
my $maxid = 0;
my $maxcond = 0;
while (my $ref = $sth->fetchrow_hashref) {
my $id = $ref->{'rule_id'};
my $name = $ref->{'logic_name'};
my $cond = $ref->{'rule_condition'};
if (length($id) > $maxid) { $maxid = length($id);}
if (length($name) > $maxname) {$maxname = length($name);}
if (length($cond) > $maxcond) {$maxcond = length($cond);}
$self->print_header("Rules and Conditions");
printf("%-${maxname}s %-${maxid}s %-${maxcond}s \n","Name","Id","Condition");
printf("%-${maxname}s %-${maxid}s %-${maxcond}s \n","----","--","---------");
while (my $name = shift @names) {
my $id = shift @ids;
my $cond = shift @conds;
printf("%-${maxname}s %-${maxid}s %-${maxcond}s \n",$name,$id,$cond);
print "\n";
sub show_jobs_by_status_and_analysis {
my ($self,$status,$analysis) = @_;
if (!defined($status) || !defined($analysis)) {
throw("No status and/or analysis input\n");
# my $sth = $self->dbobj->prepare("select job.* from job_status js,job,analysis a where a.analysis_id = job.analysis_id and job.job_id = js.job_id and js.status = '$status' and a.logic_name = '$analysis'");
my $sth = $self->dbobj->prepare("
SELECT job.* FROM job_status js,job,analysis a
WHERE a.analysis_id = job.analysis_id
&& job.job_id = js.job_id
&& js.status = '$status'
&& a.logic_name = '$analysis'
&& js.is_current = 'y'");
my $res = $sth->execute;
my @jobIds;
my @input_ids;
my @lsfs;
my @out;
my @err;
my @retry;
my @exhost;
my $maxjobid = 0;
my $maxinputid = 0;
my $maxlsf = 0;
my $maxout = 0;
my $maxerr = 0;
my $maxretry = 0;
my $maxexhost = 0;
while (my $ref = $sth->fetchrow_hashref) {
my $jobId = $ref->{'job_id'};
my $input_id = $ref->{'input_id'};
my $submission_id = $ref->{'submission_id'};
my $out = $ref->{'stdout_file'};
my $err = $ref->{'stderr_file'};
my $retry = $ref->{'retry_count'};
my $exhost = $ref->{'exec_host'};
if (length($jobId) > $maxjobid) {$maxjobid = length($jobId);}
if (length($input_id) > $maxinputid) {$maxinputid = length($input_id);}
if (length($submission_id) > $maxlsf) {$maxlsf = length($submission_id);}
if (length($out) > $maxout) {$maxout = length($out);}
if (length($err) > $maxerr) {$maxerr = length($err);}
if (length($retry) > $maxretry) {$maxretry = length($retry);}
if (length($exhost) > $maxexhost) {$maxexhost = length($exhost);}
$self->print_header("Jobs by status $status and analysis $analysis");
printf("%-${maxinputid}s %-${maxjobid}s %-${maxlsf}s %-${maxretry}s %-${maxout}s %-${maxerr}s %-${maxexhost}s\n","Input id","Job","submission id","retry","output file","error file","exhost");
printf("%-${maxinputid}s %-${maxjobid}s %-${maxlsf}s %-${maxretry}s %-${maxout}s %-${maxerr}s %-${maxexhost}s\n","--------","---","-------------","-----","-----------","----------","------");
while (my $jobid = shift @jobIds) {
my $inputid = shift @input_ids;
my $lsf = shift @lsfs;
my $out = shift @out;
my $err = shift @err;
my $retry = shift @retry;
my $exhost = shift @exhost;
printf("%-${maxinputid}s %-${maxjobid}s %-${maxlsf}s %-${maxretry}s %-${maxout}s %-${maxerr}s %-${maxexhost}s\n",$inputid,$jobid,$lsf,$retry,$out,$err,$exhost);
print "\n";
# ==================================================== #
sub rules_cache{
my $self = shift;
my $rule_adaptor = $self->dbobj->get_RuleAdaptor();
my @rules = $rule_adaptor->fetch_all;
foreach my $rule (@rules) {
$self->{'_rules_cache'}->{$rule->goalAnalysis->dbID} =
$rule->goalAnalysis->logic_name if ($rule->list_conditions()->[0]);
return $self->{'_rules_cache'};
=head2 get_unfinished_analyses***
The following methods return an anonymous list of arrays:
get_unfinished_analyses_for_input_id( $input_id )
get_unfinished_analyses_for_assembly_type( $assembly_type )
with the following data spec:
[ input_id, logic_name, analysis_id ]
[ input_id, logic_name, analysis_id ]
They all take an optional $print (Boolean) which prints the arrays for you.
You can grow you're own look up hash to see if a $input_id, $logic_name combination has
finished by doing.
my $unfin = $monitor_obj->get_unfinished_analyses_for_assembly_type($assembly_type);
my $hash;
map { $hash->{$_->[0]}->{$_->[1]} = $_->[2] } @$unfin;
Now B<$hash-E{$input_id}-E{$logic_name} = $analysis_id>.
=head2 get_no_hit_contigs_for_analysis
Takes two arguments, and finds all the finished input_ids for which the given analysis
did NOT find any hits.
Returns data structure as above.
get_no_hit_contigs_for_analysis($feature_table, $analysis_id)
sub get_unfinished_analyses_for_input_id{
my ($self, $contig_name, $print, $unfinished) = @_;
my $rules_cache = $self->rules_cache();
my $sth = $self->dbobj->prepare(qq{SELECT c.name, a.analysis_id AS a_id, a.logic_name
FROM contig c STRAIGHT_JOIN analysis a
LEFT JOIN input_id_analysis i ON c.name = i.input_id
&& a.analysis_id = i.analysis_id
WHERE i.input_id IS NULL && c.name = ?});
while(my $row = $sth->fetchrow_hashref){
push(@{$unfinished}, [ $row->{'name'}, $row->{'logic_name'}, $row->{'a_id'} ])
if $rules_cache->{$row->{'a_id'}};
map {print join("\t: ", @$_) . "\n"} @$unfinished if $print;
return $unfinished;
sub get_unfinished_analyses_for_assembly_type{
my ($self, $assembly_type, $print, $unfinished) = @_;
my $rules_cache = $self->rules_cache();
my $sth = $self->dbobj->prepare(qq{SELECT c.name, a.analysis_id AS a_id, a.logic_name, b.type
FROM assembly b, contig c STRAIGHT_JOIN analysis a
LEFT JOIN input_id_analysis i ON c.name = i.input_id
&& a.analysis_id = i.analysis_id
WHERE i.input_id IS NULL
&& b.type = ?
&& b.contig_id = c.contig_id});
while(my $row = $sth->fetchrow_hashref){
push(@{$unfinished}, [ $row->{'name'}, $row->{'logic_name'}, $row->{'a_id'} ])
if $rules_cache->{$row->{'a_id'}};
map {print join("\t: ", @$_) . "\n"} @$unfinished if $print;
return $unfinished || [];
sub get_unfinished_analyses{
my ($self, $print, $unfinished) = @_;
my $rules_cache = $self->rules_cache();
my $sth = $self->dbobj->prepare(qq{SELECT c.name, a.analysis_id AS a_id, a.logic_name
FROM contig c STRAIGHT_JOIN analysis a
LEFT JOIN input_id_analysis i ON c.name = i.input_id && a.analysis_id = i.analysis_id
WHERE i.input_id IS NULL ORDER BY c.name});
while(my $row = $sth->fetchrow_hashref){
push(@$unfinished, [ $row->{'name'}, $row->{'logic_name'}, $row->{'a_id'} ])
if $rules_cache->{$row->{'a_id'}};
map {print join("\t: ", @$_) . "\n"} @$unfinished if $print;
print "Waiting for " . scalar(@$unfinished) . " to complete.\n" if $print;
return $unfinished;
sub get_no_hit_contigs_for_analysis{
my $self = shift;
my ($feature_table, $analysis_id, $print, $no_hits) = @_;
my $sth = $self->dbobj->prepare(qq{SELECT c.contig_id, c.name
FROM contig c STRAIGHT_JOIN input_id_analysis i
LEFT JOIN $feature_table f ON f.analysis_id = i.analysis_id && f.contig_id = c.contig_id
WHERE f.contig_id IS NULL && f.analysis_id IS NULL && i.analysis_id = ? && c.name = i.input_id});
$no_hits = [];
while(my $row = $sth->fetchrow_hashref){
push(@{$no_hits}, [ $row->{'name'}, undef, $analysis_id ] );
map {print join("\t: ", @$_) . "\n"} @$no_hits if $print;
return $no_hits;
sub lock_status{
my ($self,$print) = @_;
my $str = "Locked By USER: %s, HOST: %s, PID: %s, STARTED: %s (%s) \n";
my @a = ();
my ($dbuser, $dbhost, $dbport, $dbname) = ($self->dbobj->dbc->username,
if (my $lock_str = $self->dbobj->pipeline_lock) {
my($user, $host, $pid, $started) = $lock_str =~ /(\w+)@(\S+):(\d+):(\d+)/;
$self->print_header("This pipeline is LOCKED") if $print;
@a = ($user, $host, $pid, scalar(localtime($started)), $started);
printf($str, @a) if $print;
$self->print_header("This pipeline is FREE") if $print;
return @a;
#get the maximum numbers of jobs for every analysis
#for calculating the percent-done numbers
sub percent_finished{
my ($self, $print) = @_;
my $sql0 = "select a.analysis_id, a.logic_name ".
"from analysis a;";
my $sth0 = $self->dbobj->prepare($sql0) or die "cant prepare: $sql0";
my $sql1 = "select rg.goal, rc.rule_condition ".
"from rule_conditions rc,rule_goal rg ".
"where rg.rule_id = rc.rule_id;";
my $sth1 = $self->dbobj->prepare($sql1) or die "cant prepare: $sql1";
my $sql2 = "select count(*) as count from input_id_analysis ".
"where analysis_id = ?;";
my $sth2 = $self->dbobj->prepare($sql2) or die "cant prepare: $sql2";
my %analysis_id = ();
my %analysis_name = ();
my %analysis_maxnum = ();
my %analysis_condition = ();
my $ref3;
while (my $ref0 = $sth0->fetchrow_hashref) {
$analysis_name{$ref0->{'analysis_id'}} = $ref0->{'logic_name'};
$analysis_id{$ref0->{'logic_name'}} = $ref0->{'analysis_id'};
if($ref0->{'logic_name'} =~ /Wait/i){
$analysis_maxnum{$ref0->{'analysis_id'}} = 1;
$analysis_maxnum{$ref0->{'analysis_id'}} = 0;
while (my $ref1 = $sth1->fetchrow_hashref) {
next if($ref1->{'rule_condition'} =~ m/.+wait/i);
$analysis_condition{$ref1->{'goal'}} = $ref1->{'rule_condition'};
foreach my $analysis_id (keys %analysis_name){
next if($analysis_name{$analysis_id} =~ /Wait/i);
my $initial_id = $analysis_id;
$ref3 = $sth2->fetchrow_hashref;
$analysis_maxnum{$initial_id} = $ref3->{'count'};
$analysis_id = $analysis_id{ $analysis_condition{$analysis_id} };
$ref3 = $sth2->fetchrow_hashref;
if($ref3->{'count'} > $analysis_maxnum{$initial_id}){
$analysis_maxnum{$initial_id} = $ref3->{'count'};
#print "\n\t-> ".$analysis_id.": ".$analysis_maxnum{$initial_id};
#print out for testing
print "\n\n\nanalysis_id\tlogic_name\tmax_num\n";
foreach my $analysis_id (sort{$a<=>$b} keys %analysis_name){
print $analysis_name{$analysis_id}."\t\t".