Package variables
No package variables defined.
Included modules
my $obj = Bio::EnsEMBL::Pipeline::SeqFetcher::BPIndex->new(
'-index' => $index,
'-format' => 'Fasta',
my $seq = $obj->get_Seq_by_acc($acc);
Object to retrieve sequences as Bio::Seq, from a bioperl index.
The index is not made by this module; instead, the absolute path
to the bioperl index must be set using $obj->bp_index. The format
of the database must be set using bp_format.
Methods description
Title : bp_format Usage : $self->bp_format('Fasta') Function: Get/set for a bioperl index format Returns : String representing format. NOTE - bp_format is used in run to identify the type of Bio::Index module to make - so case is crucial. eg Fasta, EMBL, SwissPfam Args : String representing format |
Title : bp_index Usage : $self->bp_index('/usr/local/ensembl/data/bp.inx') Function: Get/set for a bioperl index Returns : path to bioperl index Args : path to bioperl index |
Title : get_Seq_by_acc Usage : $self->get_Seq_by_acc($accession); Function: Does the sequence retrieval Returns : Bio::Seq Args : |
Methods code
sub bp_format
my ($self, $format) = @_;
if ($format)
$self->{'_format'} = $format;
return $self->{'_format'}; } |
sub bp_index
my ($self, $inx) = @_;
if ($inx)
$self->{'_inx'} = $inx;
return $self->{'_inx'}; } |
sub get_Seq_by_acc
{ my ($self, $acc) = @_;
my $inx = $self->bp_index;
my $format = $self->bp_format;
if (!defined($acc)) {
$self->throw("No accession input");
if (!defined($inx)) {
$self->throw("No search index specified; cannot run");
if (!defined($format)) {
$self->throw("No index format specified");
my $type = 'Bio::Index::' . $format;
my $index;
eval {
$index = $type->new($inx);
if ($@) {
my $tmp = $@; $self->warn("Problem opening the index [$inx] - check you have supplied the right format!");
$self->throw ("[$tmp]!");
my $seq;
$seq = $index->fetch($acc); };
$self->throw("Could not fetch sequence for [$acc]") unless defined $seq;
return $seq;
1; } |
sub new
{ my ($class, @args) = @_;
my $self = bless {}, $class;
my($index, $format) = $self->_rearrange(['INDEX',
'FORMAT'], @args);
if (!defined $index) {
$self->throw("No bioperl indexfile provided to BPIndex\n");
if (!defined $format) {
$self->throw("No bioperl index format provided to BPIndex\n");
return $self;
} |
General documentation
Describe contact details here
The rest of the documentation details each of the object methods.
Internal methods are usually preceded with a _