Raw content of Bio::EnsEMBL::Pipeline::SeqFetcher::Finished_Dfetch
package Bio::EnsEMBL::Pipeline::SeqFetcher::Finished_Dfetch;
use strict;
use DBI;
use Bio::EnsEMBL::Pipeline::SeqFetcher::xdget;
use Bio::EnsEMBL::Analysis::Config::General;
use Bio::EnsEMBL::Utils::Argument qw(rearrange);
use Bio::EnsEMBL::Utils::Exception qw(throw warning info);
my $uniprot_archive = 'uniprot_archive';
my $verbose = 0;
sub new {
my ( $class, @args ) = @_;
my $self = bless {}, $class;
my ( $analysis , $type , $light , $mm_host , $mm_port , $mm_user ) = rearrange(
[ 'ANALYSIS' , 'TYPE' , 'LIGHT' , 'MM_HOST', 'MM_PORT','MM_USER' ], @args );
$self->analysis($analysis) if $analysis;
$self->is_light_fetch($light) if $light;
throw("Must pass a molecule type, either protein or dna ".
"not a ".$type) unless($type eq 'protein' || $type eq 'dna');
$self->mm_host($mm_host || 'cbi3');
$self->mm_port($mm_port || 3306);
$self->mm_user($mm_user || 'genero');
return $self;
sub write_descriptions {
my( $self, $dbobj, $id_list, $chunk_size ) = @_;
$chunk_size ||= 1000;
my ($descriptions,$failed) = $self->fetch_descriptions($id_list, $chunk_size);
my $sth = $self->prepare_hit_desc_sth($dbobj);
for my $accession (keys %$descriptions) {
my @desc = map { $descriptions->{$accession}{$_}; } ('description','length','taxonid','database');
if ($@) {
print STDERR "Unable to fetch description for $accession [$@]\n";
return $failed;
sub fetch_descriptions {
my( $self, $id_list, $chunk_size ) = @_;
my $descriptions = {}; # results are stored here
$chunk_size ||= 1000;
my $failed = [];
my $f;
my $fetch_all = 1;
my $query;
my $dbs;
# Get sequence length and description from local XDF database
# if an Analysis object is set
if($self->analysis) {
print STDOUT "Fetching ".@$id_list." sequences from XDF database\n" if $verbose;
foreach (@$id_list) {
my $seq = $self->get_Seq_by_acc($_);
push @$failed,$_;
next SEQ;
$descriptions->{$_}{description} = $seq->description();
$descriptions->{$_}{length} = $seq->length();
# Fetch data from M&M database
# full sql query to get all sequence description: length, data class, description, taxon. id
my $full_query = qq{
SELECT e.accession_version, e.sequence_length,e.data_class, d.description, t.ncbi_tax_id
FROM entry e, description d, taxonomy t
WHERE e.entry_id = d.entry_id
AND e.entry_id = t.entry_id
AND e.accession_version IN ('};
my $full_arch_query = qq{
SELECT e.accession_version, e.sequence_length,MAX(r.data_class) AS data_class, d.description, t.ncbi_tax_id
FROM entry e, db_release r,description d, taxonomy t
WHERE e.entry_id = d.entry_id
AND e.entry_id = t.entry_id
AND e.entry_id = r.entry_id
AND e.accession_version IN ('};
my $iso_full_query = qq{
SELECT i_e.accession_version, i_e.sequence_length,MAX(r.data_class) AS data_class, d.description, t.ncbi_tax_id
FROM entry i_e, entry p_e, db_release r, description d, taxonomy t, isoform i
WHERE i_e.entry_id = d.entry_id
AND i_e.entry_id = i.isoform_entry_id
AND p_e.entry_id = i.parent_entry_id
AND p_e.entry_id = t.entry_id
AND p_e.entry_id = r.entry_id
AND i_e.accession_version IN ('};
# light sql query to get the data class and taxon. id only
my $light_query = qq{
SELECT e.accession_version, e.data_class, t.ncbi_tax_id
FROM entry e, taxonomy t
WHERE e.entry_id = t.entry_id
AND e.accession_version IN ('};
my $light_arch_query = qq{
SELECT e.accession_version, MAX(r.data_class) AS data_class, t.ncbi_tax_id
FROM entry e, db_release r, taxonomy t
WHERE e.entry_id = t.entry_id
AND e.entry_id = r.entry_id
AND e.accession_version IN ('};
my $iso_light_query = qq{
SELECT i_e.accession_version, MAX(r.data_class) AS data_class, t.ncbi_tax_id
FROM entry i_e, entry p_e, db_release r, taxonomy t, isoform i
WHERE i_e.entry_id = i.isoform_entry_id
AND p_e.entry_id = i.parent_entry_id
AND p_e.entry_id = t.entry_id
AND p_e.entry_id = r.entry_id
AND i_e.accession_version IN ('};
if($self->type eq 'protein') {
# get isoform ids
my $ids_iso = [];
my $ids = [];
foreach (@$id_list) {
if(/\-\d+/) {
push @$ids_iso, $_ ;
} else {
push @$ids, $_ ;
# fetch protein descriptions from uniprot db (query most recent first)
$dbs = $self->get_dbnames_like("uniprot%");
$query = $self->is_light_fetch() ? $light_query : $full_query ;
$f = $ids;
while(my $db = shift @$dbs)
$f = $self->fetch_mm_data($db,$query,0,$f, $chunk_size,$descriptions);
last unless @$f;
# fetch remaining protein description from uniprot archive
$query = $self->is_light_fetch() ? $light_arch_query : $full_arch_query ;
$f = $self->fetch_mm_data($uniprot_archive,$query,1,$f, $chunk_size,$descriptions) if @$f;
push @$failed, @$f;
# fetch isoform protein descriptions from uniprot archive db
$query = $self->is_light_fetch() ? $iso_light_query : $iso_full_query ;
$f = $self->fetch_mm_data($uniprot_archive,$query,1,$ids_iso, $chunk_size,$descriptions);
push @$failed, @$f;
} else {
$dbs = $self->get_dbnames_like("embl%");
$query = $self->is_light_fetch() ? $light_query : $full_query ;
$f = $id_list;
while(my $db = shift @$dbs)
$f = $self->fetch_mm_data($db,$query,0,$f, $chunk_size,$descriptions);
last unless @$f;
push @$failed, @$f;
# remove the failed id from the description hash
foreach (@$failed) {
delete $descriptions->{$_};
print STDOUT "Failed to fetch ".@$failed." ids\n" if @$failed && $verbose;
return ($descriptions, $failed);
sub fetch_mm_data {
my ($self,$dbname,$sql,$group,$ids, $chunk_size,$descriptions) = @_;
my $dsn_mole = "DBI:mysql:host=".$self->mm_host.":port=".$self->mm_port.":".$dbname;
my $dbh = DBI->connect( $dsn_mole, $self->mm_user, '',{ 'RaiseError' => 1 } );
my $failed = [];
for (my $i = 0; $i < @$ids; $i += $chunk_size) {
my $j = $i + $chunk_size - 1;
# Set second index to last element if we're off the end of the array
$j = $#$ids if $#$ids < $j;
# Take a slice from the array
my $chunk = [@$ids[$i..$j]];
my $query = $sql . join("','",@$chunk)."')";
$query .= " GROUP BY accession_version" if $group;
my $sth;
# create a list of failed ids
my %failed_list = map {$_ , 1 } @$chunk;
print STDOUT "Fetching data from M&M database $dbname for ".@$chunk." ids\n" if $verbose;
$sth = $dbh->prepare($query);
$sth->execute() or die "Couldn't execute statement: " . $sth->errstr;
while(my $hash = $sth->fetchrow_hashref()) {
my $id = $hash->{'accession_version'};
# remove id from failed list
delete $failed_list{$id};
my $hit_db = $hash->{'data_class'};
if($dbname =~ /uniprot/i) {
if($hit_db eq 'STD') {
#print STDOUT "$hit_db => Swissprot\n";
$hit_db = 'Swissprot';
} elsif ($hit_db eq 'PRE') {
#print STDOUT "$hit_db => TrEMBL\n";
$hit_db = 'TrEMBL';
} else {
#print STDOUT "$hit_db => EMBL\n";
$hit_db = 'EMBL';
$descriptions->{$id}{database} = $hit_db;
$descriptions->{$id}{taxonid} = $hash->{'ncbi_tax_id'};
if(!$self->is_light_fetch()) {
$descriptions->{$id}{description} = $hash->{'description'};
$descriptions->{$id}{length} = $hash->{'sequence_length'};
push @$failed, keys %failed_list;
return $failed;
sub get_dbnames_like {
my ($self, $db) = @_;
my $ini_db = 'mm_ini';
my @dbs;
my $dsn_mole_ini = "DBI:mysql:host=".$self->mm_host.":port=".$self->mm_port.":".$ini_db;
my $dbh_ini = DBI->connect( $dsn_mole_ini, $self->mm_user, '',{ 'RaiseError' => 1 } );
my $query = "SELECT database_name
FROM ini
WHERE available = 'yes'
AND database_category LIKE \'$db\'
ORDER BY installation DESC";
my $ini_sth = $dbh_ini->prepare($query);
$ini_sth->execute() or die "Couldn't execute statement: " . $ini_sth->errstr;
while(my $hash = $ini_sth->fetchrow_hashref()) {
push @dbs, $hash->{'database_name'};
return \@dbs;
sub get_Seq_by_acc {
my ($self, $acc) = @_;
if (!$self->analysis) {
throw("Analysis object not set");
if (!defined($acc)) {
throw("No accession input");
my $seq;
my @seqfetchers = $self->_seqfetcher;
foreach my $seqfetcher (@seqfetchers){
$seq = $seqfetcher->get_Seq_by_acc($acc);
if ( $@ ){
warning("problem fetching sequence for $acc");
if ( defined $seq ){
return $seq;
sub prepare_hit_desc_sth {
my( $self, $dbobj ) = @_;
my $sth = $dbobj->prepare(qq{
REPLACE INTO hit_description (hit_name
, hit_description
, hit_length
, hit_taxon
, hit_db)
VALUES (?,TRIM(?),?,?,?)
return $self->{'_hit_desc_sth'} = $sth;
sub analysis{
my $self = shift;
my $analysis = shift;
throw("Must pass Bio::EnsEMBL::Pipeline::SeqFetcher::Finished_DFetch a Bio::EnsEMBL::Analysis".
"not a ".$analysis) unless($analysis->isa('Bio::EnsEMBL::Analysis'));
$self->{'analysis'} = $analysis;
$self->db_version($analysis->db_version) if $analysis->db_version;
throw("db_file or db must be defined in Analysis object") unless ($analysis->db || $analysis->db_file);
my $db_files = $analysis->db || $analysis->db_file;
# Create the xdget seqfetcher
$db_files =~ s/\s//g;
my @databases;
foreach my $database ( split( ",", $db_files ) ) {
if ( $database !~ /^\// ){
$database = $BLAST_DIR . "/" . $database;
if ( -f $database ) {
push( @databases, $database );
} else {
my $count = 1;
my $db_filename;
while ( -f ( $db_filename = "${database}-${count}" ) ) {
push( @databases, $db_filename );
my $seqfetcher = Bio::EnsEMBL::Pipeline::SeqFetcher::xdget->new(
-db => \@databases,
-executable => '/software/farm/bin/xdget');
return $self->{'analysis'};
sub _seqfetcher{
my ($self, $fetcher) = @_;
if ( $fetcher ){
push( @{ $self->{'_seqfetcher'} }, $fetcher);
return @{ $self->{'_seqfetcher'} };
sub type {
my ( $self, $type ) = @_;
if ($type) {
$self->{'_type'} = $type;
return $self->{'_type'};
sub is_light_fetch {
my ( $self, $light) = @_;
$self->{'light'} = $light;
return $self->{'light'};
sub db_version {
my ( $self, $db_version ) = @_;
if ($db_version) {
$self->{'_db_version'} = $db_version;
return $self->{'_db_version'};
sub mm_host {
my ( $self, $mm_host ) = @_;
if ($mm_host) {
$self->{'_mm_host'} = $mm_host;
return $self->{'_mm_host'};
sub mm_port {
my ( $self, $mm_port ) = @_;
if ($mm_port) {
$self->{'_mm_port'} = $mm_port;
return $self->{'_mm_port'};
sub mm_user {
my ( $self, $mm_user ) = @_;
if ($mm_user) {
$self->{'_mm_user'} = $mm_user;
return $self->{'_mm_user'};