Package variables
No package variables defined.
Included modules
No synopsis!
No description!
Methods description
Title : get_Seq_by_acc Usage : $self->get_eq_by_acc($accession); Function: Does the sequence retrieval via pfetch Returns : Bio::Seq Args : |
Title : get_acc_by_id Usage : $self->get_acc_by_id($secondary_id); Function: Retrieve the sequence accession using the id Returns : string Args : string |
Title : options Usage : $self->options('tc'); Function: Get/set for options to pfetch Returns : string Args : string |
Title : port Usage : $self->port('port'); Function: Get/set for the port to the pfetch server. Returns : string Args : string |
Title : server Usage : $self->server('address.of.server'); Function: Get/set for the path to the server being used by the module. Returns : string Args : string |
Methods code
sub archive_port
{ my( $self, $archive_port ) = @_;
if ($archive_port) {
$self->{'_archive_port'} = $archive_port;
return $self->{'_archive_port'}; } |
sub fetch_descriptions
{ my( $self, $id_list, $chunk_size ) = @_;
my $descriptions = {}; my $ids_iso = [];
my $ids_no_iso = [];
my %single_ids;
foreach (@$id_list) {
my $id = $_;
if(/\-\d+/) {
push @$ids_iso, $id ;
$id =~ s/\-\d+//g;
$single_ids{$id} = 1;
my @ids = keys %single_ids;
$ids_no_iso =\@ ids;
my $failed_first_pass = [];
for (my $i = 0; $i < @$ids_no_iso; $i += $chunk_size) {
my $j = $i + $chunk_size - 1;
$j = $#$ids_no_iso if $#$ids_no_iso < $j;
my $chunk = [@$ids_no_iso[$i..$j]];
push @$failed_first_pass, @{ $self->fetch_descriptions_by_accession($chunk, $descriptions) };
my $failed_second_pass = [];
for (my $i = 0; $i < @$failed_first_pass; $i += $chunk_size) {
my $j = $i + $chunk_size - 1;
$j = $#$failed_first_pass if $#$failed_first_pass < $j;
my $chunk = [@$failed_first_pass[$i..$j]];
my ($succeeded_arch_len, $failed_arch_len)
= $self->fetch_lengths_from_archive($chunk, $descriptions);
my $failed_desc = $self->fetch_descriptions_by_accession($succeeded_arch_len, $descriptions, 1);
push @$failed_second_pass, @$failed_arch_len, @$failed_desc;
my $failed_isoforms = [];
for (my $i = 0; $i < @$ids_iso; $i += $chunk_size) {
my $j = $i + $chunk_size - 1;
$j = $#$ids_iso if $#$ids_iso < $j;
my $chunk = [@$ids_iso[$i..$j]];
push @$failed_isoforms, @{ $self->fetch_isoform_descriptions($chunk, $descriptions) };
push @$failed_second_pass, @$failed_isoforms;
return ($descriptions, $failed_second_pass); } |
sub fetch_descriptions_by_accession
{ my( $self, $id_list, $descriptions, $trim_sv_flag ) = @_;
my $srv = $self->get_server;
warn "Fetching full entries for ", scalar(@$id_list), " identifiers\n";
if ($trim_sv_flag) {
my @req = @$id_list;
foreach (@req) {
print $srv join(' ', '-F', @req), "\n";
} else {
print $srv join(' ', '-F', @$id_list), "\n";
local ${/} = "//\n"; # ${/} is the same as $/, but doesn't mess up # syntax highlighting in my editor!
my $embl_parser = Bio::EnsEMBL::Pipeline::Tools::Embl->new;
my $failed = []; for (my $i = 0; $i < @$id_list; $i++) { my $entry = <$srv>;
# Each entry may have one or more "no match" lines at the start while ($entry =~ s/^no match\n//m) { push(@$failed, $id_list->[$i]); delete $descriptions->{$id_list->[$i]}; $i++; }
# The end of the loop last unless $entry;
my $full_name = $id_list->[$i] or die "No id at '$i' in list:\n@$id_list"; $embl_parser->parse($entry);
my $name_without_version = $full_name; $name_without_version =~ s/\.\d+$//;
my $found = 0; NAMES: for my $one_of_names (@{ $embl_parser->accession }) { if ($name_without_version eq $one_of_names) { $found = 1; # warn "Found '$name_without_version'";
# NB: do not redefine any of these if already defined $descriptions->{$full_name}{description} ||= $embl_parser->description; $descriptions->{$full_name}{length} ||= $embl_parser->seq_length; $descriptions->{$full_name}{taxonid} ||= $embl_parser->taxon; $descriptions->{$full_name}{database} ||= $embl_parser->which_database;
last NAMES; } } unless ($found) { my $all_accs = $embl_parser->accession; if (my $sv = $embl_parser->sequence_version) { unshift @$all_accs, $sv; } warn "Expecting '$full_name' but got (@$all_accs)\n"; push @$failed, $full_name; } } return $failed; } |
sub fetch_isoform_descriptions
{ my( $self, $id_list, $descriptions ) = @_;
my $server = $self->get_server;
print $server join(' ', '-l', @$id_list), "\n";
my $length_succeeded = [];
my $length_failed = [];
my $i = 0;
while (<$server>) {
my $full_name = $id_list->[$i];
if($_ ne 'no match') {
$descriptions->{$full_name}{length} = $_;
push @$length_succeeded, $full_name;
} else {
warn "${full_name}'s length is not in pfetch server";
push @$length_failed, $full_name;
$server = $self->get_server;
print $server join(' ', '-D', @$length_succeeded), "\n";
my $desc_succeeded = [];
my $desc_failed = [];
$i = 0;
while (<$server>) {
my $full_name = $id_list->[$i];
if($_ ne 'no match') {
$descriptions->{$full_name}{description} = $_;
push @$desc_succeeded, $full_name;
} else {
warn "${full_name}'s description is not in pfetch server";
push @$desc_failed, $full_name;
foreach my $iso (@$desc_succeeded) {
my $id = $iso;
$id =~ s/\-\d+//g;
$descriptions->{$iso}{taxonid} = $descriptions->{$id}{taxonid};
$descriptions->{$iso}{database} = $descriptions->{$id}{database};
if(!$descriptions->{$iso}{database} || !$descriptions->{$iso}{taxonid}){
delete $descriptions->{$iso};
push @$desc_failed,$iso;
push @$length_failed,@$desc_failed;
return $length_failed; } |
sub fetch_lengths_from_archive
{ my( $self, $id_list, $descriptions ) = @_;
my $server = $self->get_server;
print $server join(" ", '-l', @$id_list), "\n";
my $succeeded = [];
my $failed = [];
my $i = 0;
while (<$server>) {
my $full_name = $id_list->[$i];
if($_ ne 'no match') {
$descriptions->{$full_name}{length} = $_;
push @$succeeded, $full_name;
} else {
warn "${full_name}'s length is not in the archive";
push @$failed, $full_name;
return ($succeeded,$failed); } |
sub get_Seq_by_acc
{ my ( $self, @id_list ) = @_;
unless (@id_list) {
$self->throw("No accession input");
my $server = $self->get_server();
print $server "-q @id_list\n";
my (@seq_list);
for ( my $i = 0 ; $i < @id_list ; $i++ ) {
chomp( my $seq_string = <$server> );
eval {
if (defined $seq_string && $seq_string ne 'no match') {
my $seq = new Bio::Seq(
'-seq' => $seq_string,
'-accession_number' => $id_list[$i],
'-display_id' => $id_list[$i]
$self->throw("Could not pfetch sequence for $id_list[[$i]]\n") unless defined $seq;
$seq_list[$i] = $seq;
if ($@) {
print STDERR "$@\n";
if (wantarray) {
return @seq_list;
else {
return $seq_list[0];
} } |
sub get_acc_by_id
{ my ( $self, $id ) = @_;
unless ($id) {
$self->throw("No secondary id input");
my $server = $self->get_server();
print $server "$id\n";
chomp( my $seq_string = <$server> );
my $sec_id;
if (defined $seq_string && $seq_string ne 'no match') {
($sec_id) = $seq_string =~ />\S+\s+(\S+)\s+/;
return $sec_id ? $sec_id:undef; } |
sub get_hit_desc_sth
{ my( $self ) = @_;
reuturn $self->{'_hit_desc_sth'}; }
__END__ } |
sub get_server
{ my ($self) = @_;
my $host = $self->server;
my $port = $self->port;
my $server = IO::Socket::INET->new(
PeerAddr => $host,
PeerPort => $port,
Proto => 6,
Timeout => 10,
if ($server) {
return $server;
} else {
$self->throw("Can't connect to '$host:$port' : $@");
} } |
sub min
{ my ($a,$b) = @_;
return ($a<$b) ? $a : $b; } |
sub new
{ my ( $class, @args ) = @_;
my $self = bless {}, $class;
my ( $server, $port, $options, $archive_port ) = $self->_rearrange(
$self->server($server || '');
$self->port($port || 22400);
return $self; } |
sub options
my ( $self, $options ) = @_;
if ($options) {
$self->{'_options'} = $options;
return $self->{'_options'}; } |
sub port
{ my ( $self, $port ) = @_;
if ($port) {
$self->{'_port'} = $port;
return $self->{'_port'}; } |
sub prepare_hit_desc_sth
{ my( $self, $dbobj ) = @_;
my $sth = $dbobj->prepare(qq{
REPLACE INTO hit_description (hit_name
, hit_description
, hit_length
, hit_taxon
, hit_db)
VALUES (?,TRIM(?),?,?,?)
return $self->{'_hit_desc_sth'} = $sth;
} |
sub server
{ my ( $self, $server ) = @_;
if ($server) {
$self->{'_server'} = $server;
return $self->{'_server'}; } |
write_descriptions | description | prev | next | Top |
sub write_descriptions
{ my( $self, $dbobj, $id_list, $chunk_size ) = @_;
$chunk_size ||= 200;
my ($descriptions,$failed) = $self->fetch_descriptions($id_list, $chunk_size);
my $sth = $self->prepare_hit_desc_sth($dbobj);
for my $accession (keys %$descriptions) {
my @desc = map { $descriptions->{$accession}{$_}; } ('description','length','taxonid','database');
if ($@) {
print STDERR "Unable to fetch description for $accession [$@]\n";
return $failed; } |
General documentation
No general documentation available.