Raw content of Bio::EnsEMBL::Pipeline::Utils::SliceDump
package Bio::EnsEMBL::Pipeline::Utils::SliceDump;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Exporter;
use vars qw(@ISA);
@ISA = qw(Bio::EnsEMBL::Root);
use Bio::EnsEMBL::Utils::Exception qw(throw warning verbose);
use Bio::EnsEMBL::Utils::Argument qw( rearrange );
sub new{
my ($class,@args) = @_;
my $self = $class->SUPER::new(@args);
my ($db, $slice, $output_dir ) = rearrange ([ 'DB',
'SLICE', 'OUTPUT_DIR'], @args);
throw("Can't run SliceDump without a database adaptor");
return $self;
#container methods#
=head2 db
Arg [1] : Bio::EnsEMBL::Pipeline::DBSQL::DBAdaptor
Function : stores the DBadaptor for the object
Returntype: Bio::EnsEMBL::Pipeline::DBSQL::DBAdaptor
Exceptions: throws if argument passed in isn't a
Example : my $rules_adaptor = $self->db->get_RulesAdaptor;
sub db{
my ($self, $db) = @_;
throw("Can't run the RuleManager with $db you need a ".
$self->{'dbadaptor'} = $db;
return $self->{'dbadaptor'};
=head2 slice
Arg [1] : (optional) Bio::EnsEMBL::Slice $slice
Example : $seqname = $feature->slice()->name();
Description: Getter/Setter for the Slice that data is desired from
Returntype : Bio::EnsEMBL::Slice
Exceptions : thrown if an invalid argument is passed
Caller : general
sub slice {
my $self = shift;
if(@_) {
my $sl = shift;
if(defined($sl) && (!ref($sl) || !$sl->isa('Bio::EnsEMBL::Slice'))) {
throw('slice argument must be a Bio::EnsEMBL::Slice');
$self->{'slice'} = $sl;
return $self->{'slice'};
=head2 output_dir
Arg [1] : string, path to directory
Function : container for path to directoy
Returntype: string,
Exceptions: throws if directory doesn't exist'
Example : my $filename = $self->output_dir'/filename'
sub output_dir{
my ($self, $output_dir) = @_;
throw("Output dir ".$output_dir." must exist or we can't use it")
unless (-d $output_dir);
$self->{'output_dir'} = $output_dir;
return $self->{'output_dir'};
#Utility methods#
#these are methods which provide generic functionality for the
=head2 dump_table
Arg [1] : string, name of table
Arg [2] : string, name of file to dump to
Arg [3] : string, where clause for sql statement if wanted
Arg [4] : string, select clause for sql if wanted
Arg [5] : string, from clause of sql if wanted
Arg [6] : string, into outfile clause of wanted
Function : construction the sql to dump a particular tables
contents for a particular slice if desire. The last four arguments
are options to allow for various different statements to be generated
as not all tables fit the select * from table where seq_region_id = $id
Returntype: filename
Exceptions: throws if not passed a table name or if the filename
already exists as mysql won't dump to an existing file'
Example : my $filename = $slice_dump->dump_table()
sub dump_table{
my ($self, $table_name, $filename, $where, $select, $from, $out) = @_;
throw("Can't dump table without tablename");
$filename = $self->output_dir."/".$table_name;
if(-e $filename){
throw($filename." exists mysql can't dump into an existing file ");
$select = "select * " unless($select);
$from = "from ".$table_name." " unless($from);
$out = " into outfile '".$filename."'" unless($out);
my $sql = $select;
$sql .= $from;
$sql .= $where if($where);
$sql .= $out;
print $sql."\n";
my $sth = $self->db->prepare($sql);
return $filename;
=head2 genereate_where_clause
Arg [1] : int, seq_region_id
Arg [2] : int, seq_region_start
Arg [3] : int, seq_region_end
Arg [4] : int, boolean toggle
Function : This method will construct a standard where clause
working on the assumption that the column names are seq_region_id,
seq_region_start and seq_region_end the last toggle is to whether to
get features which overlap the specified boundaries
Returntype: string, the where clause
Exceptions: throws if not passed a seq_region_id
Example :
sub generate_where_clause{
my ($self, $id, $start, $end, $overlaps_boundaries) = @_;
throw("Can't generate a where clause without seq_region_id");
my $where_clause = "where seq_region_id = ".$id;
$where_clause .= " and seq_region_start <= ".$end if($end);
$where_clause .= " and seq_region_end >= ".$start if($start);
$where_clause .= " and seq_region_start >= ".$start if($start);
$where_clause .= " and seq_region_end <= ".$end if($end);
return $where_clause;
=head2 can_dump
Arg [1] : string table_name
Arg [2] : int seq_region_id
Arg [3] : string column name
Function : This checks if the id passed in has any entries in the
table specified for the column name specified, the default column name
is seq_region_id
Returntype: int, count
Exceptions: throws if not passed either a table name or a seq_region_id
Example : if($self->can_dump('seq_region', 1))
sub can_dump{
my ($self, $table_name, $id, $column_name) = @_;
if(!$table_name || !$id){
throw("Can't check if can dump for a table with a specific seq_region_id ".
" if table_name $table_name or id $id isn't defined");
$column_name = 'seq_region_id';
my $sql = "select count(*) from ".$table_name." where ".$column_name.
" = ".$id;
my $sth = $self->db->prepare($sql);
my ($count) = $sth->fetchrow;
return $count;
=head2 get_filename
Arg [1] : string table name
Arg [2] : Bio::EnsEMBL::Slice
Function : generate a filename useable by mysql import on the basis of
the tablename and info from the slice, can't use Slice::name as the
format upsets mysqlimport
Returntype: string, filename
Exceptions: none
Example : my $filename = $self->get_filename(seq_region', $slice)
sub get_filename{
my ($self, $table_name, $slice) = @_;
return $self->output_dir."/".$table_name.".".$slice->seq_region_name.
#Dump methods for tables which require partial dumps
#All these dumps will require a slice object and will take either the
#slice held by the SliceDump object or a slice which is passed in
#the following tables have structures which fit a standard model
#they all have columns seq_region_id, seq_region_start and seq_region_end
#all these methods have the name which follows the structure
#dump_table_name_table to allow for on the fly calling of methods
#for appropriate tables
=head2 dump_name_table
Arg [1] : Bio::EnsEMBL::Slice
Function : check if any data can be dumped from the defined table
and if it can call the dump table method with the appropriate
Returntype: returns 1 if a dump was made 0 if not
Exceptions: throws if no slice is defined either in the method args or
SliceDump::Slice or if that slice isn't a slice object'
Example : $SliceDump->dump_seq_region_table
sub dump_seq_region_table{
my ($self, $slice) = @_;
$slice = $self->slice;
if(!$slice || !$slice->isa("Bio::EnsEMBL::Slice")){
throw("Can't dump partial table without slice information");
my $id = $slice->get_seq_region_id;
if($self->can_dump('seq_region', $id)){
my $filename = $self->get_filename('seq_region', $slice);
my $where_clause = $self->generate_where_clause($id);
$self->dump_table('seq_region', $filename, $where_clause);
return 1;
return 0;
sub dump_dna_table{
my ($self, $slice) = @_;
$slice = $self->slice;
if(!$slice || !$slice->isa("Bio::EnsEMBL::Slice")){
throw("Can't dump partial table without slice information");
return 1;
my $id = $slice->get_seq_region_id;
if($self->can_dump('dna', $id)){
my $filename = $self->get_filename('dna', $slice);
my $where_clause = $self->generate_where_clause($id);
$self->dump_table('dna', $filename, $where_clause);
return 1;
return 0;
sub dump_seq_region_attrib_table{
my ($self, $slice) = @_;
$slice = $self->slice;
if(!$slice || !$slice->isa("Bio::EnsEMBL::Slice")){
throw("Can't dump partial table without slice information");
my $id = $slice->get_seq_region_id;
if($self->can_dump('seq_region_attrib', $id)){
my $filename = $self->get_filename('seq_region_attrib', $slice);
my $where_clause = $self->generate_where_clause($id);
$self->dump_table('seq_region_attrib', $filename, $where_clause);
return 1;
return 0;
sub dump_assembly_exception_table{
my ($self, $slice) = @_;
$slice = $self->slice;
if(!$slice || !$slice->isa("Bio::EnsEMBL::Slice")){
throw("Can't dump partial table without slice information");
my $id = $slice->get_seq_region_id;
if($self->can_dump('assembly_exception', $id)){
my $filename = $self->get_filename('assembly_exception', $slice);
my $where_clause = $self->generate_where_clause($id);
$self->dump_table('assembly_exception', $filename, $where_clause);
return 1;
return 0;
sub dump_repeat_feature_table{
my ($self, $slice) = @_;
$slice = $self->slice;
if(!$slice || !$slice->isa("Bio::EnsEMBL::Slice")){
throw("Can't dump partial table without slice information");
my $id = $slice->get_seq_region_id;
if($self->can_dump('repeat_feature', $id)){
my $filename = $self->get_filename('repeat_feature', $slice);
my $where_clause = $self->generate_where_clause($id, $slice->start,
$self->dump_table('repeat_feature', $filename, $where_clause);
return 1;
return 0;
sub dump_simple_feature_table{
my ($self, $slice) = @_;
$slice = $self->slice;
if(!$slice || !$slice->isa("Bio::EnsEMBL::Slice")){
throw("Can't dump partial table without slice information");
my $id = $slice->get_seq_region_id;
if($self->can_dump('simple_feature', $id)){
my $filename = $self->get_filename('simple_feature', $slice);
my $where_clause = $self->generate_where_clause($id, $slice->start,
$self->dump_table('simple_feature', $filename, $where_clause);
return 1;
return 0;
sub dump_protein_align_feature_table{
my ($self, $slice) = @_;
$slice = $self->slice;
if(!$slice || !$slice->isa("Bio::EnsEMBL::Slice")){
throw("Can't dump partial table without slice information");
my $id = $slice->get_seq_region_id;
if($self->can_dump('protein_align_feature', $id)){
my $filename = $self->get_filename('protein_align_feature', $slice);
my $where_clause = $self->generate_where_clause($id, $slice->start,
$self->dump_table('protein_align_feature', $filename, $where_clause);
return 1;
return 0;
sub dump_dna_align_feature_table{
my ($self, $slice) = @_;
$slice = $self->slice;
if(!$slice || !$slice->isa("Bio::EnsEMBL::Slice")){
throw("Can't dump partial table without slice information");
my $id = $slice->get_seq_region_id;
if($self->can_dump('dna_align_feature', $id)){
my $filename = $self->get_filename('dna_align_feature', $slice);
my $where_clause = $self->generate_where_clause($id, $slice->start,
$self->dump_table('dna_align_feature', $filename, $where_clause);
return 1;
return 0;
sub dump_prediction_exon_table{
my ($self, $slice) = @_;
$slice = $self->slice;
if(!$slice || !$slice->isa("Bio::EnsEMBL::Slice")){
throw("Can't dump partial table without slice information");
my $id = $slice->get_seq_region_id;
if($self->can_dump('prediction_exon', $id)){
my $filename = $self->get_filename('prediction_exon', $slice);
my $where_clause = $self->generate_where_clause($id, $slice->start,
$self->dump_table('prediction_exon', $filename, $where_clause);
return 1;
return 0;
sub dump_prediction_transcript_table{
my ($self, $slice) = @_;
$slice = $self->slice;
if(!$slice || !$slice->isa("Bio::EnsEMBL::Slice")){
throw("Can't dump partial table without slice information");
my $id = $slice->get_seq_region_id;
if($self->can_dump('prediction_transcript', $id)){
my $filename = $self->get_filename('prediction_transcript', $slice);
my $where_clause = $self->generate_where_clause($id, $slice->start,
$self->dump_table('prediction_transcript', $filename, $where_clause);
return 1;
return 0;
sub dump_gene_table{
my ($self, $slice) = @_;
$slice = $self->slice;
if(!$slice || !$slice->isa("Bio::EnsEMBL::Slice")){
throw("Can't dump partial table without slice information");
my $id = $slice->get_seq_region_id;
if($self->can_dump('gene', $id)){
my $filename = $self->get_filename('gene', $slice);
my $where_clause = $self->generate_where_clause($id, $slice->start,
$self->dump_table('gene', $filename, $where_clause);
return 1;
return 0;
sub dump_exon_table{
my ($self, $slice) = @_;
$slice = $self->slice;
if(!$slice || !$slice->isa("Bio::EnsEMBL::Slice")){
throw("Can't dump partial table without slice information");
my $id = $slice->get_seq_region_id;
if($self->can_dump('exon', $id)){
my $filename = $self->get_filename('exon', $slice);
my $where_clause = $self->generate_where_clause($id, $slice->start,
$self->dump_table('exon', $filename, $where_clause);
return 1;
return 0;
sub dump_transcript_table{
my ($self, $slice) = @_;
$slice = $self->slice;
if(!$slice || !$slice->isa("Bio::EnsEMBL::Slice")){
throw("Can't dump partial table without slice information");
my $id = $slice->get_seq_region_id;
if($self->can_dump('transcript', $id)){
my $filename = $self->get_filename('transcript', $slice);
my $where_clause = $self->generate_where_clause($id, $slice->start,
$self->dump_table('transcript', $filename, $where_clause);
return 1;
return 0;
##methods for tables which don't contain straight ref to seq_region_id
#dumps entries from the assembly table
#can use standard model as must take entries whose column labelled
#asm_seq_region_id match the given id and the start and end are asm_start
#and asm_end respectively
sub dump_assembly_table{
my ($self, $slice) = @_;
$slice = $self->slice;
if(!$slice || !$slice->isa("Bio::EnsEMBL::Slice")){
throw("Can't dump partial table without slice information");
my $id = $slice->get_seq_region_id;
if($self->can_dump('assembly', $id, 'asm_seq_region_id')){
my $filename = $self->get_filename('assembly', $slice);
my $where_clause = "where asm_seq_region_id = ".$id.
" and asm_start <= ".$slice->end.
" and asm_end >= ".$slice->start;
$self->dump_table('assembly', $filename, $where_clause);
return 1;
return 0;
#dumps entries from the repeat_consensus table
#this must generate sql which joins to the repeat feature table
# in order to dump its entries
sub dump_repeat_consensus_table{
my ($self, $slice) = @_;
$slice = $self->slice;
if(!$slice || !$slice->isa("Bio::EnsEMBL::Slice")){
throw("Can't dump partial table without slice information");
my $id = $slice->get_seq_region_id;
if($self->can_dump('repeat_feature', $id)){
my $filename = $self->get_filename('repeat_consensus', $slice);
my $select = "select rc.* ";
my $from = "from repeat_consensus rc, repeat_feature rf ";
my $where = "where rf.repeat_consensus_id = rc.repeat_consensus_id ".
"and rf.seq_region_id = ".$id." ".
"and rf.seq_region_start = ".$slice->start." ".
"and rf.seq_region_end = ".$slice->end." ";
my $out = "into outfile '".$filename."'";
$self->dump_table('repeat_consensus', $filename, $where, $select,
$from, $out);
return 1;
return 0;
#dumps entries from the translation table
#must join to the transcript table to do this
sub dump_translation_table{
my ($self, $slice) = @_;
$slice = $self->slice;
if(!$slice || !$slice->isa("Bio::EnsEMBL::Slice")){
throw("Can't dump partial table without slice information");
my $id = $slice->get_seq_region_id;
if($self->can_dump('transcript', $id)){
my $filename = $self->get_filename('translation', $slice);
my $select = "select translation.* ";
my $from = "from translation, transcript ";
my $where = "where ".
"translation.transcript_id = transcript.transcript_id and ".
"seq_region_id = ".$id." and ".
"seq_region_start >= ".$slice->start." and ".
"seq_region_end <= ".$slice->end." ";
my $out = "into outfile '".$filename."'";
$self->dump_table('translation', $filename, $where, $select,
$from, $out);
return 1;
return 0;
#dumps entries from the exon_transcript table
#must join to the transcript table to do this
sub dump_exon_transcript_table{
my ($self, $slice) = @_;
$slice = $self->slice;
if(!$slice || !$slice->isa("Bio::EnsEMBL::Slice")){
throw("Can't dump partial table without slice information");
my $id = $slice->get_seq_region_id;
if($self->can_dump('transcript', $id)){
my $filename = $self->get_filename('exon_transcript', $slice);
my $select = "select exon_transcript.* ";
my $from = "from exon_transcript, transcript ";
my $where = "where ".
"exon_transcript.transcript_id = transcript.transcript_id and ".
"seq_region_id = ".$id." and ".
"seq_region_start >= ".$slice->start." and ".
"seq_region_end <= ".$slice->end." ";
my $out = "into outfile '".$filename."'";
$self->dump_table('exon_transcript', $filename, $where, $select,
$from, $out);
return 1;
return 0;
#dumps entries from the supporting_feature table
#must join to the exon table to do this
sub dump_supporting_feature_table{
my ($self, $slice) = @_;
$slice = $self->slice;
if(!$slice || !$slice->isa("Bio::EnsEMBL::Slice")){
throw("Can't dump partial table without slice information");
my $id = $slice->get_seq_region_id;
if($self->can_dump('exon', $id)){
my $filename = $self->get_filename('supporting_feature', $slice);
my $select = "select supporting_feature.* ";
my $from = "from supporting_feature, exon ";
my $where = "where ".
"supporting_feature.exon_id = exon.exon_id and ".
"seq_region_id = ".$id." and ".
"seq_region_start >= ".$slice->start." and ".
"seq_region_end <= ".$slice->end." ";
my $out = "into outfile '".$filename."'";
$self->dump_table('supporting_feature', $filename, $where, $select,
$from, $out);
return 1;
return 0;
#dumps entries from the transcript_stable_id table
#must join to the transcript table to do this
sub dump_transcript_stable_id_table{
my ($self, $slice) = @_;
$slice = $self->slice;
if(!$slice || !$slice->isa("Bio::EnsEMBL::Slice")){
throw("Can't dump partial table without slice information");
my $id = $slice->get_seq_region_id;
if($self->can_dump('transcript', $id)){
my $filename = $self->get_filename('transcript_stable_id', $slice);
my $select = "select transcript_stable_id.* ";
my $from = "from transcript_stable_id, transcript ";
my $where = "where ".
"transcript_stable_id.transcript_id = transcript.transcript_id ".
" and seq_region_id = ".$id." and ".
"seq_region_start >= ".$slice->start." and ".
"seq_region_end <= ".$slice->end." ";
my $out = "into outfile '".$filename."'";
$self->dump_table('transcript_stable_id', $filename, $where, $select,
$from, $out);
return 1;
return 0;
#dumps entries from the exon_stable_id table
#must join to the exon table to do this
sub dump_exon_stable_id_table{
my ($self, $slice) = @_;
$slice = $self->slice;
if(!$slice || !$slice->isa("Bio::EnsEMBL::Slice")){
throw("Can't dump partial table without slice information");
my $id = $slice->get_seq_region_id;
if($self->can_dump('exon', $id)){
my $filename = $self->get_filename('exon_stable_id', $slice);
my $select = "select exon_stable_id.* ";
my $from = "from exon_stable_id, exon ";
my $where = "where ".
"exon_stable_id.exon_id = exon.exon_id and ".
"seq_region_id = ".$id." and ".
"seq_region_start >= ".$slice->start." and ".
"seq_region_end <= ".$slice->end." ";
my $out = "into outfile '".$filename."'";
$self->dump_table('exon_stable_id', $filename, $where, $select,
$from, $out);
return 1;
return 0;
#dumps entries from the gene_stable_id table
#must join to the gene table to do this
sub dump_gene_stable_id_table{
my ($self, $slice) = @_;
$slice = $self->slice;
if(!$slice || !$slice->isa("Bio::EnsEMBL::Slice")){
throw("Can't dump partial table without slice information");
my $id = $slice->get_seq_region_id;
if($self->can_dump('gene', $id)){
my $filename = $self->get_filename('gene_stable_id', $slice);
my $select = "select gene_stable_id.* ";
my $from = "from gene_stable_id, gene ";
my $where = "where ".
"gene_stable_id.gene_id = gene.gene_id and ".
"seq_region_id = ".$id." and ".
"seq_region_start >= ".$slice->start." and ".
"seq_region_end <= ".$slice->end." ";
my $out = "into outfile '".$filename."'";
$self->dump_table('gene_stable_id', $filename, $where, $select,
$from, $out);
return 1;
return 0;
#dumps entries from the protein_feature table
#must join to the translation and transcript tables to do this
sub dump_protein_feature_table{
my ($self, $slice) = @_;
$slice = $self->slice;
if(!$slice || !$slice->isa("Bio::EnsEMBL::Slice")){
throw("Can't dump partial table without slice information");
my $id = $slice->get_seq_region_id;
if($self->can_dump('transcript', $id)){
my $filename = $self->get_filename('protein_feature', $slice);
if(-e $filename){
throw($filename." exists mysql can't dump into an existing file ");
my $sql = "select protein_feature.* from protein_feature, translation, ".
"transcript where translation.transcript_id = transcript.transcript_id ".
"and seq_region_id = ".$id." and seq_region_start >= ".
$slice->start." and seq_region_end <= ".$slice->end." ".
"and protein_feature.translation_id = translation.translation_id ".
"into outfile '".$filename."'";
my $sth = $self->db->prepare($sql);
return 1;
return 0;