Configuration for pipeline batch queues. Specifies per-analysis
resources and configuration, e.g. so that certain jobs are run
only on certain nodes.
It imports and sets a number of standard global variables into the
calling package. Without arguments all the standard variables are set,
and with a list, only those variables whose names are provided are set.
The module will die if a variable which doesn't appear in its
%Config hash is asked to be set.
The variables can also be references to arrays or hashes.
Edit %Config to add or alter variables.
All the variables are in capitals, so that they resemble environment variables.
To run a job only on a certain host, you have to add specific resource-requirements. This
can be useful if you have special memory-requirements, if you like to run the job only on
linux 64bit machines or if you want to run the job only on a specific host group.
The commands bmgroups and lsinfo show you certain host-types / host-groups.
Here are some example resource-statements / sub_args statements:
sub_args => '-m bc_hosts', # only use hosts of host-group 'bc_hosts' (see bmgroup)
sub_args => '-m bc1_1', # only use hosts of host-group 'bc1_1'
resource => 'select[type==X86_64]', # use Linux 64 bit machines only
resource => 'select[model==IBMBC2800] ', # only run on IBMBC2800 hosts
resource => 'alpha', # only run on DEC alpha
resource => 'linux', # run on any machine capable of running 32-bit X86 Linux apps
Database throtteling :
This runs a job on a linux host, throttles ecs4:3350 to not have more than 300 cative connections, 10 connections per
job in the duration of the first 10 minutes when the job is running (means 30 hosts * 10 connections = 300 connections):
resource =>'select[linux && ecs4my3350 <=300] rusage[ecs4my3350=10:duration=10]',
Running on 'linux' hosts with not more than 200 active connections for myia64f and myia64g, 10 connections per job to each
db-instance for the first 10 minutes :
resource =>'select[linux && myia64f <=200 && myia64g <=200] rusage[myia64f=10:myia64g=10:duration=10]',
Running on hosts of model 'IBMBC2800' hosts with not more than 200 active connections to myia64f;
10 connections per job for the first 10 minutes:
resource =>'select[model==IBMBC2800 && myia64f<=200] rusage[myia64f=10:duration=10]',
Running on hosts of host_group bc_hosts with not more than 200 active connections to myia64f;
10 connections per job for the first 10 minutes:
resource =>'select[myia64f<=200] rusage[myia64f=10:duration=10]',
sub_args =>'-m bc_hosts'
None available.