Bio::EnsEMBL::Variation::DBSQL LDFeatureContainerAdaptor
SummaryIncluded librariesPackage variablesSynopsisDescriptionGeneral documentationMethods
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Package variables
No package variables defined.
Included modules
Bio::EnsEMBL::Utils::Exception qw ( throw warning )
  $vdb = Bio::EnsEMBL::Variation::DBSQL::DBAdaptor->new(...);
$db = Bio::EnsEMBL::DBSQL::DBAdaptor->new(...);
$sa = $db->get_SliceAdaptor(); $lda = $vdb->get_LDFeatureContainerAdaptor(); $vfa = $vdb->get_VariationFeatureAdaptor(); # Get a LDFeatureContainer in a region $slice = $sa->fetch_by_region('chromosome', 'X', 1e6, 2e6); $ldContainer = $lda->fetch_by_Slice($slice); print "Name of the ldContainer is: ", $ldContainer->name(); # fetch ld featureContainer for a particular variation feature $vf = $vfa->fetch_by_dbID(145); $ldContainer = $lda->fetch_by_VariationFeature($vf); print "Name of the ldContainer: ", $ldContainer->name();
This adaptor provides database connectivity for LDFeature objects.
LD Features may be retrieved from the Ensembl variation database by
several means using this module.
No description
No description
No description
No description
No description
No description
No description
No description
Methods description
fetch_by_Slicecode    nextTop
  Arg [1]    : Bio::EnsEMBL::Slice $slice
The slice to fetch genes on. Assuming it is always correct (in the top level)
Arg [2] : (optional) Bio::EnsEMBL::Variation::Population $population. Population where
we want to select the LD information
Example : $ldFeatureContainer = $ldfeaturecontainer_adaptor->fetch_by_Slice($slice);
Description: Overwrites superclass method to add the name of the slice to the LDFeatureContainer.
Returntype : Bio::EnsEMBL::Variation::LDFeatureContainer
Exceptions : thrown on bad argument
Caller : general
Status : At Risk
  Arg [1]    : Bio::EnsEMBL:Variation::VariationFeature $vf
Arg [2] : (optional) int $population_id. Population where we want to select the LD information
Example : my $ldFeatureContainer = $ldFetureContainerAdaptor->fetch_by_VariationFeature($vf); Description: Retrieves LDFeatureContainer for a given variation feature. Most
variations should only hit the genome once and only a return
a single variation feature.
Returntype : reference to Bio::EnsEMBL::Variation::LDFeatureContainer
Exceptions : throw on bad argument
Caller : general
Status : At Risk
Methods code
sub _convert_genotype {
    my $self = shift;
    my $alleles_variation = shift; #reference to the hash containing the alleles for the variation present in the genotypes
my $individual_information = shift; #reference to a hash containing the values to be written to the file
my @alleles_ordered; #the array will contain the alleles ordered by apparitions in the genotypes (only 2 values possible)
@alleles_ordered = sort({$alleles_variation->{$b} <=> $alleles_variation->{$a}} keys %{$alleles_variation}); #let's convert the allele_1 allele_2 to a genotype in the AA, Aa or aa format, where A corresponds to the major allele and a to the minor
foreach my $individual_id (keys %{$individual_information}){ #if both alleles are different, this is the Aa genotype
if ($individual_information->{$individual_id}{allele_1} ne $individual_information->{$individual_id}{allele_2}){ $individual_information->{$individual_id}{genotype} = 'Aa'; } #when they are the same, must find out which is the major
else{ if ($alleles_ordered[0] eq $individual_information->{$individual_id}{allele_1}){ #it is the major allele
$individual_information->{$individual_id}{genotype} = 'AA'; } else{ $individual_information->{$individual_id}{genotype} = 'aa'; } } }
sub _get_LD_populations {
    my $self = shift;
    my $siblings = shift;
    my ($pop_id,$population_name);
    my $sth = $self->db->dbc->prepare(qq{SELECT s.sample_id,
				     FROM population p, sample s
				     WHERE ( like 'PERLEGEN:AFD%'
				     OR like 'CSHL-HAPMAP%')
				     AND s.sample_id = p.sample_id});

    #get all the children that we do not want in the genotypes
my @pops; while($sth->fetch){ if($population_name =~ /CEU|YRI/){ $self->_get_siblings($pop_id,$siblings); } push @pops, $pop_id; } my $in_str = " IN (" . join(',', @pops). ")"; return $in_str if (defined $pops[0]); return '' if (!defined $pops[0]);
sub _get_siblings {
    my $self = shift;
    my $population_id = shift;
    my $siblings = shift;

    my $sth_individual = $self->db->dbc->prepare(qq{SELECT i.sample_id
							     FROM individual i, individual_population ip
							     WHERE ip.individual_sample_id = i.sample_id
							     AND ip.population_sample_id = ? 
							     AND i.father_individual_sample_id IS NOT NULL
							     AND i.mother_individual_sample_id IS NOT NULL
    my ($individual_id);
    while ($sth_individual->fetch){
	$siblings->{$population_id.'-'.$individual_id}++; #necessary to have in the key the population, since some individuals are shared between
} } #reads one line from the compress_genotypes table, uncompress the data, and writes it to the different hashes: one containing the number of bases for the variation and the other with the actual genotype information we need to print in the file
sub _objs_from_sth {
  my $self = shift;
  return $self->_objs_from_sth_temp_file( @_ );
  my $sth  = shift;
  my $slice = shift;
  my $siblings = shift;

  my ($sample_id,$ld_region_id,$ld_region_start,$ld_region_end,$d_prime,$r2,$sample_count);
  my ($vf_id1,$vf_id2);

  my %feature_container = ();
  my %vf_objects = ();

  #get all Variation Features in Slice
my $vfa = $self->db->get_VariationFeatureAdaptor(); my $variations = $vfa->fetch_all_by_Slice($slice); #retrieve all variation features
#create a hash that maps the position->vf_id
my %pos_vf = (); my $region_Slice = $slice->seq_region_Slice(); map {$pos_vf{$_->seq_region_start} = $_->transfer($region_Slice)} @{$variations}; my %alleles_variation = (); #will contain a record of the alleles in the variation. A will be the major, and a the minor. When more than 2 alleles
#, the genotypes for that variation will be discarded
my %individual_information = (); #to store the relation of snps->individuals
my %regions; #will contain all the regions in the population and the number of genotypes in each one
my $previous_seq_region_id = 0; my %_pop_ids; my ($individual_id, $seq_region_id, $seq_region_start,$seq_region_end,$genotypes, $population_id); my $bin = $self->executable; #open the pipe between processes if the binary file exists in the PATH
if( ! $bin ) { warning("Binary file calc_genotypes not found. Please, read the ensembl-variation/C_code/README.txt file if you want to use LD calculation\n"); goto OUT; } my $pid; eval "require IPC::Run"; #check wether the IPC::Run module it is installed
if( $@ ){ warning("IPC::Run it is not installed in you system. Please, read ensembl-variation/C_code/README.txt if you want to use the LD calculation"); goto OUT; } else{ use IPC::Run qw(start finish); $pid = start [$bin], '<pipe',\* IN, '>pipe',\* OUT, '2>pipe',\* ERR || die "returned $?" ; } #set autoflush
my $piid = fork; if (!defined $piid){ throw("Not possible to fork: $!\n"); } elsif ($piid !=0){ close IN || die "Could not close writer filehandle: $!\n"; #you are the father, read from the pipe
while(<OUT>){ my %ld_values = (); # 936 965891 164284 166818 0.628094 0.999996 120
#get the ouput into the hashes
chomp; ($sample_id,$ld_region_id,$ld_region_start,$ld_region_end,$r2,$d_prime,$sample_count) = split /\s/; $ld_values{'d_prime'} = $d_prime; $ld_values{'r2'} = $r2; $ld_values{'sample_count'} = $sample_count; $vf_id1 = $pos_vf{$ld_region_start}->dbID(); $vf_id2 = $pos_vf{$ld_region_end}->dbID(); $feature_container{$vf_id1 . '-' . $vf_id2}->{$sample_id} =\% ld_values; $vf_objects{$vf_id1} = $pos_vf{$ld_region_start}; $vf_objects{$vf_id2} = $pos_vf{$ld_region_end}; $_pop_ids{$sample_id} = 1; } waitpid($piid,0); close OUT || die "Could not close filehandle: $!\n"; finish $pid || die "Could not finish fork..: $!\n"; } else{ close OUT || die "Could not close filehandle: $!\n"; #the parent dumps the data from the database and writes in the pipe
$sth->bind_columns(\$individual_id,\$ seq_region_id,\$ seq_region_start,\$ seq_region_end,\$ genotypes,\$ population_id); while($sth->fetch()) { #only print genotypes without parents genotyped
if (!exists $siblings->{$population_id . '-' . $individual_id}){ #necessary to use the population_id
$self->_store_genotype(\%individual_information,\%alleles_variation, $individual_id, $seq_region_start, $genotypes, $population_id, $slice); $previous_seq_region_id = $seq_region_id; } } $sth->finish(); select(IN); #necessary to flush the pipe
$| = 1; #we have to print the variations
foreach my $snp_start (sort{$a<=>$b} keys %alleles_variation){ foreach my $population (keys %{$alleles_variation{$snp_start}}){ #if the variation has 2 alleles, print all the genotypes to the file
if (keys %{$alleles_variation{$snp_start}{$population}} == 2){ $self->_convert_genotype($alleles_variation{$snp_start}{$population},$individual_information{$population}{$snp_start}); foreach my $individual_id (keys %{$individual_information{$population}{$snp_start}}){ print IN join("\t",$previous_seq_region_id,$snp_start, $snp_start, $population, $individual_id, $individual_information{$population}{$snp_start}{$individual_id}{genotype})."\n" || warn $!; } } } } close IN || die "Could not close filehandle: $! and $?\n"; POSIX:_exit(0); } OUT: my $t = Bio::EnsEMBL::Variation::LDFeatureContainer->new( '-ldContainer'=>\% feature_container, '-name' => '', '-variationFeatures' =>\% vf_objects ); $t->{'_pop_ids'} =\%_pop_ids; return $t; } #for a given population, gets all individuals that are children (have father or mother)
sub _objs_from_sth_temp_file {
  my $self = shift;
  my $sth  = shift;
  my $slice = shift;
  my $siblings = shift;

  my ($sample_id,$ld_region_id,$ld_region_start,$ld_region_end,$d_prime,$r2,$sample_count);
  my ($vf_id1,$vf_id2);

  my %feature_container = ();
  my %vf_objects = ();

  #get all Variation Features in Slice
my $vfa = $self->db->get_VariationFeatureAdaptor(); my $variations = $vfa->fetch_all_by_Slice($slice); #retrieve all variation features
#create a hash that maps the position->vf_id
my %pos_vf = (); my $region_Slice = $slice->seq_region_Slice(); map {$pos_vf{$_->seq_region_start} = $_->transfer($region_Slice)} @{$variations}; my %alleles_variation = (); #will contain a record of the alleles in the variation. A will be the major, and a the minor. When more than 2 alleles
#, the genotypes for that variation will be discarded
my %individual_information = (); #to store the relation of snps->individuals
my %regions; #will contain all the regions in the population and the number of genotypes in each one
my $previous_seq_region_id = 0; my %_pop_ids; my ($individual_id, $seq_region_id, $seq_region_start,$seq_region_end,$genotypes, $population_id); my @cmd = qw(calc_genotypes); #open the pipe between processes if the binary file exists in the PATH
my $bin = $self->executable; #open the pipe between processes if the binary file exists in the PATH
if( ! $bin ) { warning("Binary file calc_genotypes not found. Please, read the ensembl-variation/C_code/README.txt file if you want to use LD calculation\n"); goto OUT; } my $pid; my $file= $self->temp_path."/".sprintf( "ld%08x%08x%08x", $$, time, rand( 0x7fffffff) ); open IN, ">$"; $sth->bind_columns(\$individual_id,\$ seq_region_id,\$ seq_region_start,\$ seq_region_end,\$ genotypes,\$ population_id); while($sth->fetch()) { #only print genotypes without parents genotyped
if (!exists $siblings->{$population_id . '-' . $individual_id}){ #necessary to use the population_id
$self->_store_genotype(\%individual_information,\%alleles_variation, $individual_id, $seq_region_start, $genotypes, $population_id, $slice); $previous_seq_region_id = $seq_region_id; } } $sth->finish(); #we have to print the variations
foreach my $snp_start (sort{$a<=>$b} keys %alleles_variation){ foreach my $population (keys %{$alleles_variation{$snp_start}}){ #if the variation has 2 alleles, print all the genotypes to the file
if (keys %{$alleles_variation{$snp_start}{$population}} == 2){ $self->_convert_genotype($alleles_variation{$snp_start}{$population},$individual_information{$population}{$snp_start}); foreach my $individual_id (keys %{$individual_information{$population}{$snp_start}}){ print IN join("\t",$previous_seq_region_id,$snp_start, $snp_start, $population, $individual_id, $individual_information{$population}{$snp_start}{$individual_id}{genotype})."\n" || warn $!; } } } } close IN; # `calc_genotypes <$IN >$OUT`;
`$bin <$ >$file.out`; open OUT, "$file.out"; while(<OUT>){ my %ld_values = (); # 936 965891 164284 166818 0.628094 0.999996 120
#get the ouput into the hashes
chomp; ($sample_id,$ld_region_id,$ld_region_start,$ld_region_end,$r2,$d_prime,$sample_count) = split /\s/; $ld_values{'d_prime'} = $d_prime; $ld_values{'r2'} = $r2; $ld_values{'sample_count'} = $sample_count; if (!defined $pos_vf{$ld_region_start} || !defined $pos_vf{$ld_region_end}){ next; #problem to fix in the compressed genotype table: some of the positions seem to be wrong
} $vf_id1 = $pos_vf{$ld_region_start}->dbID(); $vf_id2 = $pos_vf{$ld_region_end}->dbID(); $feature_container{$vf_id1 . '-' . $vf_id2}->{$sample_id} =\% ld_values; $vf_objects{$vf_id1} = $pos_vf{$ld_region_start}; $vf_objects{$vf_id2} = $pos_vf{$ld_region_end}; $_pop_ids{$sample_id} = 1; } close OUT || die "Could not close filehandle: $!\n"; unlink( "$" ); unlink( "$file.out" ); OUT: my $t = Bio::EnsEMBL::Variation::LDFeatureContainer->new( '-ldContainer'=>\% feature_container, '-name' => '', '-variationFeatures' =>\% vf_objects ); $t->{'_pop_ids'} =\%_pop_ids; return $t; } 1;
sub _store_genotype {
    my $self = shift;
    my $individual_information = shift;
    my $alleles_variation = shift;
    my $individual_id = shift;
    my $seq_region_start = shift;
    my $genotype = shift;
    my $population_id = shift;
    my $slice = shift;

    #get the first byte of the string, and unpack it (the genotype, without the gaps)
my $blob = substr($genotype,2); #the array contains the uncompressed value of genotype, always in the format number_gaps . genotype
my @genotypes = unpack("naa" x (length($blob)/4),$blob);
unshift @genotypes, substr($genotype,1,1); #add the second allele of the first genotype
unshift @genotypes, substr($genotype,0,1); #add the first allele of the first genotype
unshift @genotypes, 0; #the first SNP is in the position indicated by the seq_region1
my $snp_start; my $allele_1; my $allele_2; for (my $i=0; $i < @genotypes -1;$i+=3){ #number of gaps
if ($i == 0){ $snp_start = $seq_region_start; #first SNP is in the beginning of the region
} else{ #ignore when there is more than 1 genotype in the same position
if ($genotypes[$i] == 0){ $snp_start += 1; next; } $snp_start += $genotypes[$i] +1; } #genotype
$allele_1 = $genotypes[$i+1]; $allele_2 = $genotypes[$i+2]; #only get genotypes in the range
if (($snp_start >= $slice->start) && ($snp_start <= $slice->end)){ #store in structure
if ($allele_1 ne 'N' and $allele_2 ne 'N'){ $alleles_variation->{$snp_start}->{$population_id}->{$allele_1}++; $alleles_variation->{$snp_start}->{$population_id}->{$allele_2}++; $individual_information->{$population_id}->{$snp_start}->{$individual_id}->{allele_1} = $allele_1; $individual_information->{$population_id}->{$snp_start}->{$individual_id}->{allele_2} = $allele_2; } } } } #
# Converts the genotype into the required format for the calculation of the pairwise_ld value: AA, Aa or aa
# From the Allele table, will select the alleles and compare to the alleles in the genotype
sub executable {
  my $self = shift;
  $BINARY_FILE = shift if @_;
  unless( $BINARY_FILE ) {
    my $binary_name = 'calc_genotypes';
    ($BINARY_FILE) = grep {-e $_} map {"$_/calc_genotypes"} split /:/,$ENV{'PATH'};
  return $BINARY_FILE;
sub fetch_by_Slice {
    my $self = shift;
    my $slice = shift;
    my $population = shift;

    if(!ref($slice) || !$slice->isa('Bio::EnsEMBL::Slice')) {
	throw('Bio::EnsEMBL::Slice arg expected');
    my $sth;
    my $in_str;
    my $siblings = {};
    #when there is no population selected, return LD in the HapMap and PerlEgen populations
$in_str = $self->_get_LD_populations($siblings); #if a population is passed as an argument, select the LD in the region with the population
if ($population){ if(!ref($population) || !$population->isa('Bio::EnsEMBL::Variation::Population')) { throw('Bio::EnsEMBL::Variation::Population arg expected'); } my $population_id = $population->dbID; $in_str = " = $population_id"; # if ($in_str =~ /$population_id/){
# $in_str = "IN ($population_id)";
#' }
# else{
# warning("Not possible to calculate LD for a non HapMap or PerlEgen population: $population_id");
# return {};
# }
} if ($in_str eq ''){ #there is no population, not a human specie or not passed as an argument, return the empy container
my $t = Bio::EnsEMBL::Variation::LDFeatureContainer->new( '-ldContainer'=> {}, '-name' => $slice->name, '-variationFeatures' => {} ); return $t } $sth = $self->prepare(qq{SELECT c.sample_id,c.seq_region_id,c.seq_region_start,c.seq_region_end,c.genotypes,ip.population_sample_id FROM compressed_genotype_single_bp c, individual_population ip WHERE ip.individual_sample_id = c.sample_id AND ip.population_sample_id $in_str AND c.seq_region_id = ? AND c.seq_region_start >= ? and c.seq_region_start <= ? AND c.seq_region_end >= ? ORDER BY c.seq_region_id, c.seq_region_start},{mysql_use_result => 1}); $sth->bind_param(1,$slice->get_seq_region_id,SQL_INTEGER); $sth->bind_param(2,$slice->start - MAX_SNP_DISTANCE,SQL_INTEGER) if ($slice->start - MAX_SNP_DISTANCE >= 1); $sth->bind_param(2,1,SQL_INTEGER) if ($slice->start - MAX_SNP_DISTANCE < 1); $sth->bind_param(3,$slice->end,SQL_INTEGER); $sth->bind_param(4,$slice->start,SQL_INTEGER); $sth->execute(); my $ldFeatureContainer = $self->_objs_from_sth($sth,$slice,$siblings); $sth->finish(); #and store the name of the slice in the Container
$ldFeatureContainer->name($slice->name()); return $ldFeatureContainer;
sub fetch_by_VariationFeature {
  my $self = shift;
  my $vf  = shift;
  my $pop = shift;

  if(!ref($vf) || !$vf->isa('Bio::EnsEMBL::Variation::VariationFeature')) {
    throw('Bio::EnsEMBL::Variation::VariationFeature arg expected');

  if(!defined($vf->dbID())) {
    throw("VariationFeature arg must have defined dbID");
  my $ldFeatureContainer = $self->fetch_by_Slice($vf->feature_Slice->expand(MAX_SNP_DISTANCE,MAX_SNP_DISTANCE),$pop);
  #we need to filter and only return LD with the vf associated
my %feature_container = (); my %vf_objects = (); my %pop_ids = (); my $vf_id = $vf->dbID; #iterate all the LD container looking for values related to this variation Feature
foreach my $ld_key (keys %{$ldFeatureContainer->{'ldContainer'}}){ if ($ld_key =~ /$vf_id/){ #add the value to the new hash
my ($vf_id1,$vf_id2) = split /-/,$ld_key; $feature_container{$vf_id1 . '-' . $vf_id2} = $ldFeatureContainer->{'ldContainer'}->{$ld_key}; $vf_objects{$vf_id1} = $ldFeatureContainer->{'variationFeatures'}->{$vf_id1}; $vf_objects{$vf_id2} = $ldFeatureContainer->{'variationFeatures'}->{$vf_id2}; map {$pop_ids{$_}++} keys %{$ldFeatureContainer->{'ldContainer'}->{$ld_key}}; } } my $new_ldFeatureContainer = Bio::EnsEMBL::Variation::LDFeatureContainer->new( '-ldContainer'=>\% feature_container, '-name' => $vf->dbID, '-variationFeatures' =>\% vf_objects ); $new_ldFeatureContainer->{'_pop_ids'} =\% pop_ids; return $new_ldFeatureContainer; } #
# private method, creates ldfeatureContainer objects from an executed statement handle
# ordering of columns must be consistant
sub temp_path {
  my $self = shift;
  $TMP_PATH = shift if @_;
  $TMP_PATH ||= '/tmp'; 
  return $TMP_PATH;
General documentation
AUTHOR - Daniel RiosTop
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