TOC for ensembl-variation::modules::Bio::EnsEMBL::Variation
AlleleA single allele of a nucleotide variation.
AlleleFeatureA genomic position for an allele in a sample.
AlleleGroupEnsembl representation of a grouping of alleles (aka haplotype).
GenotypeAbstract base class representing a genotype
IndividualA single member of a population.
IndividualGenotypeModule representing the genotype of a single individual at a single position
IndividualGenotypeFeatureModule representing the genotype of a single individual at a single position
LDFeatureContainerA container with all the ld values for quick access
PopulationA population represents a phenotypic group, ethnic group, set of individuals used in an assay, etc.
PopulationGenotypeModule for a genotype represented in a population.
ReadCoverageA coverage reagion for a read.
ReadCoverageCollectionA collection of coverage reagion for a read.
SampleAn abstract base class to represent Population, Individual or Strain
VariationEnsembl representation of a nucleotide variation.
VariationAnnotationA genotype phenotype annotation for a nucleotide variation.
VariationFeatureA genomic position for a nucleotide variation.
VariationGroupEnsembl representation of a grouping of variations (aka haplotype set).
VariationGroupFeatureA genomic position for a variation group (aka haplotype block).