dbSNP GenericContig
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Package variables
No package variables defined.
Included modules
Bio::EnsEMBL::Utils::Argument qw ( rearrange )
Bio::EnsEMBL::Utils::Exception qw ( throw )
Bio::EnsEMBL::Utils::Sequence qw ( reverse_comp )
ImportUtils qw ( dumpSQL debug create_and_load load )
No synopsis!
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No description
No description
No description
No description
No description
No description
No description
No description
No description
No description
No description
No description
No description
No description
No description
Methods description
None available.
Methods code
sub allele_group {
    my $self = shift;

  debug("Dumping Hap data");

  dumpSQL($self->{'dbSNP'}, qq{SELECT  h.hap_id, h.hapset_id, h.loc_hap_id,
                    hsa.snp_allele, hsa.subsnp_id
             FROM   Hap h, HapSnpAllele hsa   ###, SubSNP ss
             WHERE  hsa.hap_id = h.hap_id});

  create_and_load($self->{'dbVar'}, 'tmp_allele_group_allele','hap_id i*','hapset_id i*',
                  'name','snp_allele', 'subsnp_id i*');

  $self->{'dbVar'}->do(qq{ALTER TABLE allele_group ADD COLUMN hap_id int});

  debug("Loading allele_group");

  $self->{'dbVar'}->do(qq{INSERT INTO allele_group (variation_group_id, name, source_id, hap_id)
                SELECT vg.variation_group_id, tag.name, 1, tag.hap_id
                FROM   variation_group vg, tmp_allele_group_allele tag
                WHERE  vg.hapset_id = tag.hapset_id
                GROUP BY hap_id});

  $self->{'dbVar'}->do(qq{ALTER TABLE allele_group ADD INDEX hap_id(hap_id)});

  debug("Loading allele_group_allele");

  # there are a few haps in dbSNP which have two subsnps which have been
# merged into the same refsnp. Thus the group by clause.
$self->{'dbVar'}->do(qq{INSERT INTO allele_group_allele (allele_group_id,variation_id, allele) SELECT ag.allele_group_id, vs.variation_id, taga.snp_allele FROM allele_group ag, tmp_allele_group_allele taga, variation_synonym vs WHERE ag.hap_id = taga.hap_id AND vs.subsnp_id = taga.subsnp_id GROUP BY ag.allele_group_id, vs.variation_id}); $self->{'dbVar'}->do("DROP TABLE tmp_allele_group_allele"); return; } #
# loads individual genotypes into the individual_genotype table,need variation_synonym and sample tables
sub allele_table {
    my $self = shift;

    my $allele_table_ref = $self->{'dbVar'}->db_handle->selectall_arrayref(qq{show tables like "tmp_rev_allele"});
    my $allele_table = $allele_table_ref->[0][0];
    if (! $allele_table) {
      debug("Dumping allele data");

      dumpSQL($self->{'dbSNP'}, qq(SELECT a1.allele_id, a1.allele, a2.allele
                                   FROM Allele a1, Allele a2
                                   WHERE a1.rev_allele_id = a2.allele_id));
      create_and_load($self->{'dbVar'}, "tmp_rev_allele", "allele_id i*","allele *", "rev_allele");
    #first load the allele data for alleles that we have population and
#frequency data for
dumpSQL($self->{'dbSNP'}, qq(SELECT afsp.subsnp_id, afsp.pop_id, afsp.allele_id, afsp.freq FROM AlleleFreqBySsPop afsp, SubSNP ss WHERE afsp.subsnp_id = ss.subsnp_id $self->{'limit'})); debug("Loading allele frequency data"); create_and_load($self->{'dbVar'}, "tmp_allele", "subsnp_id i*", "pop_id i*", "allele_id i*", "freq"); debug("Creating allele table"); #necessary to create a unique index to simulate the GROUP BY clause
$self->{'dbVar'}->do(qq{CREATE UNIQUE INDEX unique_allele_idx ON allele (variation_id,allele(2),frequency,sample_id)}); $self->{'dbVar'}->do(qq(INSERT IGNORE INTO allele (variation_id, allele,frequency, sample_id) SELECT vs.variation_id, IF(vs.substrand_reversed_flag, tra.rev_allele,tra.allele) as allele, ta.freq, s.sample_id
FROM tmp_allele ta, tmp_rev_allele tra, variation_synonym vs,
sample s
WHERE ta.subsnp_id = vs.subsnp
_id AND ta.allele_id = tra.allele_id AND ta.pop_id = s.pop_id),{mysql_use_result => 1} );

$self->{'dbVar'}->do("ALTER TABLE allele ENABLE KEYS"); #after ignoring in the insertion, we must enable keys again

$self->{'dbVar'}->do("DROP TABLE tmp_allele");
#going to add the other allele for the variations with 1 allele (have frequency 1 but no frequency for the other allele)
debug("Loading allele data without frequency");

$self->{'dbVar'}->do("CREATE TABLE tmp_allele (variation_id int, allele text, primary key (variation_id,allele(10)))");
$self->{'dbVar'}->do("INSERT IGNORE INTO tmp_allele SELECT variation_id, allele FROM allele");
$self->{'dbVar'}->do(qq{CREATE TABLE tmp_unique_allele
SELECT ta.variation_id, ta.allele
, vs.snp_id FROM variation vs, (SELECT variation_id, allele FROM tmp_allele GROUP BY variation_id HAVING COUNT(*) = 1) as ta WHERE ta.variation_id = vs.variation_id}); $self->{'dbVar'}->do("CREATE INDEX tmp_unique_allele_idx on tmp_unique_allele (variation_id)"); $self->{'dbVar'}->do("DROP TABLE tmp_allele"); #create table with unique alleles from dbSNP very slow with unique index??????
$self->{'dbVar'}->do("CREATE TABLE tmp_allele (refsnp_id int, allele text, primary key (refsnp_id,allele(10)))"); $self->{'dbVar'}->do(qq{INSERT IGNORE INTO tmp_allele SELECT tva.refsnp_id, IF (tva.substrand_reversed_flag, tra.rev_allele,tva.allele) as allele FROM tmp_var_allele tva, tmp_rev_allele tra, tmp_unique_allele tua WHERE tva.allele = tra.allele AND tua.snp_id = tva.refsnp_id }); $self->{'dbVar'}->do(qq{INSERT IGNORE INTO allele (variation_id, allele, frequency) SELECT tua.variation_id, ta.allele,0 FROM tmp_unique_allele tua, tmp_allele ta WHERE tua.snp_id = ta.refsnp_id AND tua.allele <> ta.allele }); #remove the index
$self->{'dbVar'}->do("DROP INDEX unique_allele_idx ON allele"); $self->{'dbVar'}->do("DROP TABLE tmp_unique_allele"); $self->{'dbVar'}->do("DROP TABLE tmp_allele"); # load remaining allele data which we do not have frequency data for
# this will not import alleles without frequency for a variation which
# already has frequency
debug("Loading other allele data"); $self->{'dbVar'}->do(qq{CREATE TABLE tmp_allele SELECT vs.variation_id as variation_id, tva.pop_id, IF(vs.substrand_reversed_flag, tra.rev_allele, tra.allele) as allele FROM variation_synonym vs, tmp_var_allele tva, tmp_rev_allele tra WHERE tva.subsnp_id = vs.subsnp_id AND tva.allele = tra.allele AND NOT EXISTS ## excluding alleles that already in allele table (SELECT * FROM allele a where a.variation_id = vs.variation_id AND a.allele = IF(tva.substrand_reversed_flag,tra.rev_allele, tra.allele))}); $self->{'dbVar'}->do("ALTER TABLE tmp_allele ADD INDEX pop_id(pop_id)"); $self->{'dbVar'}->do(qq{INSERT INTO allele (variation_id, allele, frequency, sample_id) SELECT ta.variation_id, ta.allele, null, s.sample_id FROM tmp_allele ta LEFT JOIN sample s ON s.pop_id = ta.pop_id GROUP BY ta.variation_id, s.sample_id, ta.allele }); ###generate allele_string table for variation_feature allele_string column
dumpSQL($self->{'dbSNP'}, qq(SELECT snp.snp_id, a.allele FROM SNP snp, UniVariAllele uva, Allele a WHERE snp.univar_id = uva.univar_id AND uva.allele_id = a.allele_id )); create_and_load($self->{'dbVar'},"tmp_allele_string","snp_name *","allele"); $self->{'dbVar'}->do(qq{CREATE TABLE allele_string select v.variation_id as variation_id, tas.allele as allele FROM variation v, tmp_allele_string tas WHERE v.name = tas.snp_name}); $self->{'dbVar'}->do(qq{ALTER TABLE allele_string ADD INDEX variation_idx(variation_id)}); #$self->{'dbVar'}->do("DROP TABLE tmp_allele_string");
#$self->{'dbVar'}->do("DROP TABLE tmp_var_allele");
#$self->{'dbVar'}->do("DROP TABLE tmp_rev_allele");
#$self->{'dbVar'}->do("DROP TABLE tmp_allele");
} #
# loads the flanking sequence table
sub calculate_gtype {
  my ($self,$dbVariation,$table1,$table2,$insert) = @_;

  debug("Time starting to insert into $table2 : ",scalar(localtime(time)));
  $dbVariation->do(qq{$insert INTO $table2 (variation_id, sample_id, allele_1, allele_2) 
				 SELECT vs.variation_id, s.sample_id, tra1.allele, tra2.allele
				 FROM $table1 tg, variation_synonym vs, tmp_rev_allele tra1, tmp_rev_allele tra2, sample s
				 WHERE tg.submitted_strand IN (1,3,5)
				 AND vs.substrand_reversed_flag =1
				 AND tg.subsnp_id = vs.subsnp_id
				 AND tra1.allele = tg.allele_1
				 AND tra2.allele = tg.allele_2
				 AND tg.length_pat = 3
				 AND tg.ind_id = s.individual_id});
  debug("Time starting to insert into $table2 table 2: ",scalar(localtime(time)));

  $dbVariation->do(qq{$insert INTO $table2 (variation_id, sample_id, allele_1, allele_2)
				 SELECT vs.variation_id, s.sample_id, tra1.rev_allele, tra2.rev_allele
				 FROM $table1 tg, variation_synonym vs, tmp_rev_allele tra1, tmp_rev_allele tra2, sample s
				 WHERE tg.submitted_strand IN (1,3,5)
				 AND vs.substrand_reversed_flag =0
				 AND tg.subsnp_id = vs.subsnp_id
				 AND tra1.allele = tg.allele_1
				 AND tra2.allele = tg.allele_2
				 AND tg.length_pat = 3
				 AND tg.ind_id = s.individual_id});

  debug("Time starting to insert into $table2 table 3: ",scalar(localtime(time)));

  $dbVariation->do(qq{$insert INTO $table2 (variation_id, sample_id, allele_1, allele_2)

				 SELECT vs.variation_id, s.sample_id, tra1.rev_allele, tra2.rev_allele
				 FROM $table1 tg, variation_synonym vs, tmp_rev_allele tra1, tmp_rev_allele tra2, sample s
				 WHERE tg.submitted_strand IN (0,2,4)
				 AND vs.substrand_reversed_flag =1
				 AND tg.subsnp_id = vs.subsnp_id
				 AND tra1.allele = tg.allele_1
				 AND tra2.allele = tg.allele_2
				 AND tg.length_pat = 3
				 AND tg.ind_id = s.individual_id});

  debug("Time starting to insert into $table2 table 4: ",scalar(localtime(time)));

  $dbVariation->do(qq{$insert INTO $table2 (variation_id, sample_id, allele_1, allele_2)

				 SELECT vs.variation_id, s.sample_id, tra1.allele, tra2.allele
				 FROM $table1 tg, variation_synonym vs, tmp_rev_allele tra1, tmp_rev_allele tra2, sample s
				 WHERE tg.submitted_strand IN (0,2,4)
				 AND vs.substrand_reversed_flag =0
				 AND tg.subsnp_id = vs.subsnp_id
				 AND tra1.allele = tg.allele_1
				 AND tra2.allele = tg.allele_2
				 AND tg.length_pat = 3
				 AND tg.ind_id = s.individual_id});

  if ($table2 ne "tmp_individual_genotype_single_bp") {
    my $tmp_dir = $self->{'tmpdir'};
    my $user = $dbVariation->username;
    my $pass = $dbVariation->password;
    my $host = $dbVariation->host;
    my $dbname = $dbVariation->dbname;
    system("chmod 777 $tmp_dir");
    my $call = "mysqldump -T $tmp_dir -u $user -p$pass -h $host $dbname $table2";
    system("sort $tmp_dir/$table2\.txt |uniq >$tmp_dir/$table2\.su");

# loads population genotypes into the population_genotype table
sub cleanup {
    my $self = shift;

    debug("In cleanup...");
  #remove populations that are not present in the Individual or Allele table for the specie
$self->{'dbVar'}->do('CREATE TABLE tmp_pop (sample_id int PRIMARY KEY)'); #create a temporary table with unique populations
$self->{'dbVar'}->do('INSERT IGNORE INTO tmp_pop SELECT distinct(sample_id) FROM allele'); #add the populations from the alleles
$self->{'dbVar'}->do('INSERT IGNORE INTO tmp_pop SELECT distinct(sample_id) FROM population_genotype'); #add the populations from the population_genotype
$self->{'dbVar'}->do('INSERT IGNORE INTO tmp_pop SELECT population_sample_id FROM individual_population'); #add the populations from the individuals
$self->{'dbVar'}->do(qq{INSERT IGNORE INTO tmp_pop SELECT super_population_sample_id FROM population_structure ps, tmp_pop tp WHERE tp.sample_id = ps.sub_population_sample_id}); #add the populations from the super-populations
#necessary to difference between MySQL 4.0 and MySQL 4.1
my $sql; my $sql_2; my $sql_3; my $sql_4; my $sth = $self->{'dbVar'}->prepare(qq{SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'version'}); $sth->execute(); my $row_ref = $sth->fetch(); $sth->finish(); #check if the value in the version contains the 4.1
$sql = qq{DELETE FROM p USING population p LEFT JOIN tmp_pop tp ON p.sample_id = tp.sample_id LEFT JOIN sample s on p.sample_id = s.sample_id WHERE tp.sample_id is null AND s.individual_id is null}; $sql_2 = qq{DELETE FROM ss USING sample_synonym ss LEFT JOIN tmp_pop tp ON ss.sample_id = tp.sample_id LEFT JOIN sample s on s.sample_id = ss.sample_id WHERE tp.sample_id is null AND s.individual_id is null}; $sql_3 = qq{DELETE FROM ps USING population_structure ps LEFT JOIN tmp_pop tp ON ps.sub_population_sample_id = tp.sample_id WHERE tp.sample_id is null}; $sql_4 = qq{DELETE FROM s USING sample s LEFT JOIN population p ON s.sample_id = p.sample_id WHERE p.sample_id is null AND s.individual_id is null }; $self->{'dbVar'}->do($sql); #delete from population
# populations not present
$self->{'dbVar'}->do($sql_2); #delete from sample_synonym
$self->{'dbVar'}->do($sql_3); #and delete from the population_structure table
$self->{'dbVar'}->do($sql_4); #and delete from Sample table the ones that are not in population
$self->{'dbVar'}->do('DROP TABLE tmp_pop'); #and finally remove the temporary table
$self->{'dbVar'}->do('ALTER TABLE variation DROP COLUMN snp_id'); $self->{'dbVar'}->do('RENAME TABLE variation_synonym TO variation_synonym_old'); $self->{'dbVar'}->do('CREATE TABLE variation_synonym LIKE variation_synonym_old'); $self->{'dbVar'}->do('ALTER TABLE variation_synonym DROP COLUMN subsnp_id, DROP COLUMN substrand_reversed_flag'); $self->{'dbVar'}->do('ALTER TABLE sample DROP COLUMN pop_class_id, DROP COLUMN pop_id, DROP COLUMN individual_id'); $self->{'dbVar'}->do('ALTER TABLE variation_group DROP COLUMN hapset_id') if ($self->{'dbCore'}->species =~ /homo|hum/i); $self->{'dbVar'}->do('ALTER TABLE allele_group DROP COLUMN hap_id') if ($self->{'dbCore'}->species =~ /homo|hum/i); } 1;
sub dump_dbSNP {
  my $self = shift;

$self->population_genotypes(); #$self->allele_table();
#if ($self->{'dbCore'}->species =~ /homo/i) {
# $self->variation_group();
# $self->allele_group();
sub dump_subSNPs {
    my $self = shift;

    my $sth = $self->{'dbSNP'}->prepare
	(qq{SELECT subsnp.subsnp_id, subsnplink.snp_id, b.pop_id, ov.pattern,
	    subsnplink.substrand_reversed_flag, b.moltype
		FROM SubSNP subsnp, SNPSubSNPLink subsnplink, ObsVariation ov, Batch b
		WHERE subsnp.batch_id = b.batch_id
		AND   subsnp.subsnp_id = subsnplink.subsnp_id
		AND   ov.var_id = subsnp.variation_id
	    $self->{'limit'}}, {mysql_use_result => 1});


    open ( FH, ">" . $self->{'tmpdir'} . "/" . $self->{'tmpfile'} );
  my ($row);
  while($row = $sth->fetchrow_arrayref()) {
    my $prefix
    my @alleles = split('/', $row->[3]);
    if ($row->[3] =~ /^(\(.*\))\d+\/\d+/) {
      $prefix = $1;
    my @row = map {(defined($_)) ? $_ : '\N'} @$row;

    # split alleles into multiple rows
foreach my $a (@alleles) { if ($prefix and $a !~ /\(.*\)/) {#incase (CA)12/13/14 CHANGE TO (CA)12/(CA)13/(CA)14
$a = $prefix.$a; #$prefix = "";
} $row[3] = $a; print FH join("\t", @row), "\n"; } } $sth->finish(); close FH; } #
# loads the population table
sub flanking_sequence_table {
  my $self = shift;

  $self->{'dbVar'}->do(qq{CREATE TABLE tmp_seq (variation_id int,
						      subsnp_id int,
						      line_num int,
						      type enum ('5','3'),
						      line varchar(255),
						      revcom tinyint)
				MAX_ROWS = 100000000});

  # import both the 5prime and 3prime flanking sequence tables
foreach my $type ('3','5') { debug("Dumping $type' flanking sequence"); dumpSQL($self->{'dbSNP'}, qq{SELECT seq.subsnp_id, seq.line_num, seq.line FROM SubSNPSeq$type seq, SNP snp WHERE snp.exemplar_subsnp_id = seq.subsnp_id $self->{'limit'}}); $self->{'dbVar'}->do(qq{CREATE TABLE tmp_seq_$type ( subsnp_id int, line_num int, line varchar(255), KEY subsnp_id_idx(subsnp_id)) MAX_ROWS = 100000000 }); load($self->{'dbVar'}, "tmp_seq_$type", "subsnp_id", "line_num", "line"); # merge the tables into a single tmp table
$self->{'dbVar'}->do(qq{INSERT INTO tmp_seq (variation_id, subsnp_id, line_num, type, line, revcom) SELECT vs.variation_id, ts.subsnp_id, ts.line_num, '$type', ts.line, vs.substrand_reversed_flag FROM tmp_seq_$type ts, variation_synonym vs WHERE vs.subsnp_id = ts.subsnp_id}); #drop tmp table to free space
$self->{'dbVar'}->do(qq{DROP TABLE tmp_seq_$type}); } $self->{'dbVar'}->do("ALTER TABLE tmp_seq ADD INDEX idx (subsnp_id, type, line_num)"); my $sth = $self->{'dbVar'}->prepare(qq{SELECT ts.variation_id, ts.subsnp_id, ts.type, ts.line, ts.revcom FROM tmp_seq ts FORCE INDEX (idx) ORDER BY ts.subsnp_id, ts.type, ts.line_num},{mysql_use_result => 1}); $sth->execute(); my ($vid, $ssid, $type, $line, $revcom); $sth->bind_columns(\$vid,\$ ssid,\$ type,\$ line,\$ revcom); open(FH, ">" . $self->{'tmpdir'} . "/" . $self->{'tmpfile'}); my $upstream = ''; my $dnstream = ''; my $cur_vid; my $cur_revcom; debug("Rearranging flanking sequence data"); # dump sequences to file that can be imported all at once
while($sth->fetch()) { if(defined($cur_vid) && $cur_vid != $vid) { # if subsnp in reverse orientation to refsnp,
# reverse compliment flanking sequence
if($cur_revcom) { ($upstream, $dnstream) = ($dnstream, $upstream); reverse_comp(\$upstream); reverse_comp(\$dnstream); } print FH join("\t", $cur_vid, $upstream, $dnstream), "\n"; $upstream = ''; $dnstream = ''; } $cur_vid = $vid; $cur_revcom = $revcom; if($type == 5) { $upstream .= $line; } else { $dnstream .= $line; } } # do not forget last row...
if($cur_revcom) { ($upstream, $dnstream) = ($dnstream, $upstream); reverse_comp(\$upstream); reverse_comp(\$dnstream); } print FH join("\t", $cur_vid, $upstream, $dnstream), "\n"; $sth->finish(); close FH; $self->{'dbVar'}->do("DROP TABLE tmp_seq"); debug("Loading flanking sequence data"); # import the generated data
load($self->{'dbVar'},"flanking_sequence","variation_id","up_seq","down_seq"); unlink($self->{'tmpdir'} . "/" . $self->{'tmpfile'}); return;
sub individual_genotypes {
   my $self = shift;

# load SubInd individual genotypes into genotype table
my $TMP_DIR = $self->{'tmpdir'}; my $TMP_FILE = $self->{'tmpfile'}; debug("Dumping SubInd and ObsGenotype data"); debug("Time starting to dump tmp2_gty table: ",scalar(localtime(time))); dumpSQL($self->{'dbSNP'}, qq{select si.subsnp_id, sind.ind_id, length(og.obs) as length_pat, SUBSTRING_INDEX(og.obs,'/',1) as allele_1, SUBSTRING_INDEX(og.obs,'/',-1) as allele_2, si.submitted_strand_code FROM SubInd si, ObsGenotype og, SubmittedIndividual sind WHERE og.gty_id = si.gty_id AND sind.submitted_ind_id = si.submitted_ind_id AND og.obs != 'N/N' $self->{'limit'}}); create_and_load($self->{'dbVar'}, "tmp2_gty", 'subsnp_id i*', 'ind_id i', 'length_pat i','allele_1', 'allele_2','submitted_strand i'); debug("Time finishing to dump tmp2_gty table: ",scalar(localtime(time))); debug("Loading individual_genotype table"); # load a temp table that can be used to reverse compliment alleles
# we place subsnps in the same orientation as the refSNP
my $allele_table_ref = $self->{'dbVar'}->db_handle->selectall_arrayref(qq{show tables like "tmp_rev_allele"}); my $allele_table = $allele_table_ref->[0][0]; if (! $allele_table) { debug("Dumping allele data"); dumpSQL($self->{'dbSNP'}, qq(SELECT a1.allele_id, a1.allele, a2.allele FROM Allele a1, Allele a2 WHERE a1.rev_allele_id = a2.allele_id)); create_and_load($self->{'dbVar'}, "tmp_rev_allele", "allele_id i*","allele *", "rev_allele"); } #we have truncated the individual_genotype table, one contains the genotypes single bp, and the other, the rest
#necessary to create a unique index to remove duplicated genotypes
$self->{'dbVar'}->do(qq{CREATE INDEX individual_id on sample(individual_id)}); $self->{'dbVar'}->do(qq{CREATE TABLE tmp_individual_genotype_single_bp ( variation_id int not null,allele_1 varchar(255),allele_2 varchar(255),sample_id int, key variation_idx(variation_id), key sample_idx(sample_id) ) MAX_ROWS = 100000000 }); if ($self->{'dbCore'}->species !~ /homo|hum|mouse|mus/i) { $self->{'dbVar'}->do(qq{CREATE UNIQUE INDEX ind_genotype_idx ON tmp_individual_genotype_single_bp(variation_id,sample_id,allele_1,allele_2)}); my $insert = 'INSERT IGNORE'; calculate_gtype($self,$self->{'dbVar'},"tmp2_gty","tmp_individual_genotype_single_bp",$insert); } else { my $total_row_ref = $self->{'dbVar'}->db_handle->selectall_arrayref(qq{select count(*) from tmp2_gty}); my $total_row = $total_row_ref->[0][0]; my $limit_start = 0; my $num_tables = 4; my $insert = 'INSERT'; my %rec_pid; my $table_row = int($total_row/$num_tables);
#my $table_row = int(10000/$num_tables); for debugging
debug("splitting tmp2_gty table into $num_tables tables"); foreach my $num (1..$num_tables+1) { my $table1 = "tmp2_gty\_$num"; my $table2 = "tmp_individual_genotype_single_bp\_$num"; debug("table1 is $table1 and table2 is $table2"); $self->{'dbVar'}->do(qq{CREATE TABLE $table1 like tmp2_gty}); $self->{'dbVar'}->do(qq{CREATE TABLE $table2 like tmp_individual_genotype_single_bp}); $self->{'dbVar'}->do(qq{ALTER TABLE $table2 engine = innodb}); $self->{'dbVar'}->do(qq{DROP INDEX ind_genotype_idx ON $table2}); $self->{'dbVar'}->do(qq{INSERT INTO $table1 select * from tmp2_gty limit $limit_start, $table_row}); #need to fork to processce gtype data
my $pid = fork; if (! defined $pid){ throw("Not possible to fork: $!\n"); } elsif ($pid == 0){ #you are the child.....
calculate_gtype($self,$self->{'dbVar'},$table1,$table2,$insert); POSIX:_exit(0); } $limit_start += $table_row; debug("next limit_start = $limit_start"); $rec_pid{$pid}++; } #the parent waits for the child to finish;
foreach my $p (keys %rec_pid) { waitpid($p,0); } #system("cat $TMP_DIR/tmp_individual_genotype_single_bp_*\.su >$TMP_DIR/$TMP_FILE");
#load ($self->{'dbVar'},"tmp_individual_genotype_single_bp","variation_id","allele_1", "allele_2","sample_id");
#$self->{'dbVar'}->do(qq{DROP INDEX ind_genotype_idx ON individual_genotype_single_bp});
debug("Time finishing to insert to tmp_individual_genotype_single_bp table: ",scalar(localtime(time))); } debug("Time start to insert to individual_genotype_multiple_bp table"); $self->{'dbVar'}->do(qq{INSERT INTO individual_genotype_multiple_bp (variation_id, sample_id, allele_1, allele_2) SELECT vs.variation_id, s.sample_id, IF(vs.substrand_reversed_flag,tra1.allele,tra1.rev.allele) as allele_1, IF(vs.substrand_reversed_flag,tra2.allele,tra2.rev.allele) as allele_2 FROM tmp2_gty tg, variation_synonym vs, sample s, tmp_rev_allele tra1, tmp_rev_allele tra2 WHERE tg.subsnp_id = vs.subsnp_id AND tg.submitted_strand IN (1,3,5) AND tra1.allele = tg.allele_1 AND tra2.allele = tg.allele_2 AND tg.length_pat > 3 AND tg.ind_id = s.individual_id}); $self->{'dbVar'}->do(qq{INSERT INTO individual_genotype_multiple_bp (variation_id, sample_id, allele_1, allele_2) SELECT vs.variation_id, s.sample_id, IF(vs.substrand_reversed_flag,tra1.rev.allele,tra1.allele) as allele_1, IF(vs.substrand_reversed_flag,tra2.rev.allele,tra2.allele) as allele_2 FROM tmp2_gty tg, variation_synonym vs, sample s, tmp_rev_allele tra1, tmp_rev_allele tra2 WHERE tg.subsnp_id = vs.subsnp_id AND tg.submitted_strand IN (0,2,4) AND tra1.allele = tg.allele_1 AND tra2.allele = tg.allele_2 AND tg.length_pat > 3 AND tg.ind_id = s.individual_id}); #$self->{'dbVar'}->do("DROP TABLE tmp2_gty");
debug("Time finishing to insert to individual_genotype_multiple_bp table: ",scalar(localtime(time)));
sub individual_table {
    my $self = shift;

  # load individuals into the population table
debug("Dumping Individual data"); # a few submitted individuals have the same individual or no individual
# we ignore this problem with a group by
#there were less individuals in the individual than in the individual_genotypes table, the reason is that some individuals do not have
#assigned a specie for some reason in the individual table, but they do have in the SubmittedIndividual table
#to solve the problem, get the specie information from the SubmittedIndividual table
dumpSQL($self->{'dbSNP'}, qq{ SELECT IF(si.loc_ind_alias = '' ,si.loc_ind_id, si.loc_ind_alias), i.descrip, i.ind_id FROM SubmittedIndividual si, Individual i WHERE si.ind_id = i.ind_id GROUP BY i.ind_id }); create_and_load($self->{'dbVar'}, 'tmp_ind', 'loc_ind_id', 'description', 'ind_id i*'); # load pedigree into seperate tmp table because there are no
# indexes on it in dbsnp and it makes the left join b/w tables v. slow
# one individual has 2 (!) pedigree rows, thus the group by
dumpSQL($self->{'dbSNP'}, qq{ SELECT ind_id, pa_ind_id, ma_ind_id, sex FROM PedigreeIndividual GROUP BY ind_id}); create_and_load($self->{'dbVar'}, 'tmp_ped', 'ind_id i*', 'pa_ind_id i', 'ma_ind_id i', 'sex'); debug("Loading individuals into individual table"); # to make things easier keep dbSNPs individual.ind_id as our individual_id
#add the individual_id column in the sample table
$self->{'dbVar'}->do("ALTER TABLE sample ADD column individual_id int, add index ind_idx (individual_id)"); #and the individual data in the sample table
$self->{'dbVar'}->do(qq{INSERT INTO sample (individual_id, name, description) SELECT ti.ind_id, ti.loc_ind_id, ti.description FROM tmp_ind ti }); #decide which individual_type should this species be
my $individual_type_id; if ($self->{'dbCore'}->species =~ /homo|pan|anoph/i) { $individual_type_id = 3; } elsif ($self->{'dbCore'}->species =~ /mus/i) { $individual_type_id = 1; } else { $individual_type_id = 2; } $self->{'dbVar'}->do(qq{INSERT INTO individual (sample_id, father_individual_sample_id, mother_individual_sample_id, gender, individual_type_id) SELECT s.sample_id, IF(tp.pa_ind_id > 0, tp.pa_ind_id, null), IF(tp.ma_ind_id > 0, tp.ma_ind_id, null), IF(tp.sex = 'M', 'Male', IF(tp.sex = 'F', 'Female', 'Unknown')), $individual_type_id FROM sample s LEFT JOIN tmp_ped tp ON s.individual_id = tp.ind_id WHERE s.individual_id is not null }); $self->{'dbVar'}->do("DROP table tmp_ind"); #need to convert the father_individual_id and mother_individual_id in father_sample_individual_id and mother_sample_individual_id
$self->{'dbVar'}->do("UPDATE individual i, sample s, individual i2 set i.father_individual_sample_id = s.sample_id where i.father_individual_sample_id = s.individual_id and i2.sample_id = s.sample_id"); $self->{'dbVar'}->do("UPDATE individual i, sample s, individual i2 set i.mother_individual_sample_id = s.sample_id where i.mother_individual_sample_id = s.individual_id and i2.sample_id = s.sample_id"); $self->{'dbVar'}->do("DROP table tmp_ped"); #necessary to fill in the individual_population table with the relation between individual and populations
dumpSQL($self->{'dbSNP'}, qq{ SELECT si.pop_id, i.ind_id FROM SubmittedIndividual si, Individual i WHERE si.ind_id = i.ind_id }); create_and_load($self->{'dbVar'}, 'tmp_ind_pop', 'pop_id i*', 'ind_id i*'); debug("Loading individuals_population table"); $self->{'dbVar'}->do(qq(INSERT INTO individual_population (individual_sample_id, population_sample_id) SELECT s1.sample_id, s2.sample_id FROM tmp_ind_pop tip, sample s1, sample s2 WHERE tip.pop_id = s2.pop_id AND s1.individual_id = tip.ind_id )); $self->{'dbVar'}->do("DROP table tmp_ind_pop"); #necessary to fill in the sample_synonym table with the relation between individual_id and sample_id
$self->{'dbVar'}->do(qq{INSERT INTO sample_synonym (sample_id,source_id,name) SELECT sample_id, 1, individual_id FROM sample WHERE individual_id is NOT NULL }); return; } #
# loads the allele table
sub new {
  my $caller = shift;
  my $class = ref($caller) || $caller;

  my ($dbSNP, $dbCore, $dbVar, $snp_dbname, $tmp_dir, $tmp_file, $limit, $mapping_file_dir, $dbSNP_BUILD_VERSION, $ASSEMBLY_VERSION) =

  return bless {'dbSNP' => $dbSNP,
		'dbCore' => $dbCore,
		'dbVar' => $dbVar, ##this is a dbconnection
'snp_dbname' => $snp_dbname, 'tmpdir' => $tmp_dir, 'tmpfile' => $tmp_file, 'limit' => $limit, 'mapping_file_dir' => $mapping_file_dir, 'dbSNP_version' => $dbSNP_BUILD_VERSION, 'assembly_version' => $ASSEMBLY_VERSION}, $class; } #main and only function in the object that dumps all dbSNP data
sub population_genotypes {
    my $self = shift;

    my $allele_table_ref = $self->{'dbVar'}->db_handle->selectall_arrayref(qq{show tables like "tmp_rev_allele"});
    my $allele_table = $allele_table_ref->[0][0];
    if (! $allele_table) {
      debug("Dumping allele data");
      dumpSQL($self->{'dbSNP'}, qq(SELECT a1.allele_id, a1.allele, a2.allele
                                 FROM Allele a1, Allele a2
                                 WHERE a1.rev_allele_id = a2.allele_id));

      create_and_load($self->{'dbVar'}, "tmp_rev_allele", "allele_id i*","allele *", "rev_allele");
#     debug("Dumping GtyFreqBySsPop and UniGty data");
# dumpSQL($self->{'dbSNP'},qq{SELECT gtfsp.subsnp_id, gtfsp.pop_id, gtfsp.freq,a1.allele, a2.allele
# FROM GtyFreqBySsPop gtfsp, UniGty ug, Allele a1, Allele a2
# WHERE gtfsp.unigty_id = ug.unigty_id
# AND ug.allele_id_1 = a1.allele_id
# AND ug.allele_id_2 = a2.allele_id
# $self->{'limit'}
# });
# debug("loading population_genotype data");
# create_and_load($self->{'dbVar'}, "tmp_pop_gty", 'subsnp_id i*', 'pop_id i*', 'freq',
# 'allele_1', 'allele_2');
$self->{'dbVar'}->do(qq{CREATE UNIQUE INDEX pop_genotype_idx ON population_genotype(variation_id,frequency,sample_id,allele_1,allele_2)}); $self->{'dbVar'}->do(qq{INSERT INTO population_genotype (variation_id,allele_1, allele_2, frequency, sample_id) SELECT vs.variation_id,tra1.rev_allele as allele_1,tra2.rev_allele as allele_2,tg.freq,s.sample_id FROM variation_synonym vs, tmp_pop_gty tg,tmp_rev_allele tra1,tmp_rev_allele tra2, sample s WHERE vs.subsnp_id = tg.subsnp_id AND tg.allele_1 = tra1.allele AND tg.allele_2 = tra2.allele AND vs.substrand_reversed_flag = 1 AND s.pop_id = tg.pop_id}); $self->{'dbVar'}->do(qq{INSERT INTO population_genotype (variation_id,allele_1, allele_2, frequency, sample_id) SELECT vs.variation_id,tg.allele_1,tg.allele_2,tg.freq,s.sample_id FROM variation_synonym vs, tmp_pop_gty tg,sample s WHERE vs.subsnp_id = tg.subsnp_id AND vs.substrand_reversed_flag = 0 AND s.pop_id = tg.pop_id}); $self->{'dbVar'}->do(qq{DROP INDEX pop_genotype_idx ON population_genotype}); #$self->{'dbVar'}->do("DROP TABLE tmp_pop_gty");
} # cleans up some of the necessary temporary data structures after the
# import is complete
sub population_table {
    my $self = shift;
  $self->{'dbVar'}->do("ALTER TABLE sample ADD column pop_id int");   
  $self->{'dbVar'}->do("ALTER TABLE sample ADD column pop_class_id int"); 

  # load PopClassCode data as populations
debug("Dumping population class data"); dumpSQL($self->{'dbSNP'}, qq{SELECT pop_class, pop_class_id, pop_class_text FROM PopClassCode }); load($self->{'dbVar'}, 'sample', 'name', 'pop_class_id', 'description'); $self->{'dbVar'}->do(qq{ALTER TABLE sample ADD INDEX pop_class_id (pop_class_id)}); debug("Dumping population data"); # load Population data as populations
$self->{'dbSNP'}->do("SET SESSION group_concat_max_len = 10000"); dumpSQL($self->{'dbSNP'}, qq{SELECT DISTINCT concat(p.handle, ':', p.loc_pop_id), p.pop_id, pc.pop_class_id, GROUP_CONCAT(pl.line) FROM Population p LEFT JOIN PopClass pc ON p.pop_id = pc.pop_id LEFT JOIN PopLine pl ON p.pop_id = pl.pop_id GROUP BY p.pop_id }); debug("Loading sample data"); create_and_load( $self->{'dbVar'}, "tmp_pop", "name", "pop_id i*", "pop_class_id i*", "description l" ); #populate the Sample table with the populations
$self->{'dbVar'}->do(qq{INSERT INTO sample (name, pop_id,description) SELECT tp.name, tp.pop_id, description FROM tmp_pop tp GROUP BY tp.pop_id }); $self->{'dbVar'}->do(qq{ALTER TABLE sample ADD INDEX pop_id (pop_id)}); #and copy the data from the sample to the Population table
debug("Loading population table with data from Sample"); $self->{'dbVar'}->do(qq{INSERT INTO population (sample_id) SELECT sample_id FROM sample}); debug("Loading population_synonym table"); # build super/sub population relationships
$self->{'dbVar'}->do(qq{INSERT INTO population_structure (super_population_sample_id,sub_population_sample_id) SELECT p1.sample_id, p2.sample_id FROM tmp_pop tp, sample p1, sample p2 WHERE tp.pop_class_id = p1.pop_class_id AND tp.pop_id = p2.pop_id}); #load population_synonym table with dbSNP population id
$self->{'dbVar'}->do(qq{INSERT INTO sample_synonym (sample_id,source_id,name) SELECT sample_id, 1, pop_id FROM sample WHERE pop_id is NOT NULL }); $self->{'dbVar'}->do("DROP TABLE tmp_pop"); } # loads the individual table
sub source_table {
    my $self = shift;
    #my ($dbname,$version) = split /\_/,$self->{'dbSNP'}->dbname(); #get the version of the dbSNP release
my ($dbname,$version) = split /\_/,$self->{'snp_dbname'}; $self->{'dbVar'}->do(qq{INSERT INTO source (source_id,name,version) VALUES (1,"$dbname",$version)}); } # filling of the variation table from SubSNP and SNP
# creating of a link table variation_id --> subsnp_id
sub variation_feature {
  my $self = shift;

  debug("Dumping seq_region data");

  dumpSQL($self->{'dbCore'}->dbc()->db_handle, qq{SELECT sr.seq_region_id, sr.name
 				      FROM   seq_region sr, coord_system cs
                                      WHERE  sr.coord_system_id = cs.coord_system_id
                                      AND    cs.attrib like "%default_version%"});
  debug("Loading seq_region data");
  create_and_load($self->{'dbVar'}, "tmp_seq_region", "seq_region_id", "name *");

  debug("Dumping SNPLoc data");

  my ($tablename1,$tablename2,$row);

  my ($assembly_version) =  $self->{'assembly_version'} =~ /^[a-zA-Z]+(\d+)\.*.*$/;
  print "assembly_version again is $assembly_version\n";

  my $sth = $self->{'dbSNP'}->prepare(qq{SHOW TABLES LIKE 

while($row = $sth->fetchrow_arrayref()) {
$tablename1 = $row->[0];

my $sth1 = $self->{'
dbSNP'}->prepare(qq{SHOW TABLES LIKE

while($row = $sth1->fetchrow_arrayref()) {
$tablename2 = $row->[0];
debug("table_name1 is $tablename1 table_name2 is $tablename2");
#note the contig based cordinate is 0 based, ie. start at 0, lc_ngbr+2, t1.rc_ngbr
dbSNP'}, qq{SELECT t1.snp_id, t2.contig_acc,
IF(t1.orientation, -1, 1)
FROM $tablename1 t1, $tablename2 t2
WHERE t1.ctg_id=t2.ctg_id

debug("Loading SNPLoc data");

dbVar'}, "tmp_contig_loc", "snp_id i*", "contig *", "start i",
"end i", "strand i");

debug("Creating genotyped variations");

#creating the temporary table with the genotyped variations
dbVar'}->do(qq{CREATE TABLE tmp_genotyped_var SELECT DISTINCT variation_id FROM tmp_individual_genotype_single_bp});
dbVar'}->do(qq{CREATE UNIQUE INDEX variation_idx ON tmp_genotyped_var (variation_id)});
dbVar'}->do(qq{INSERT IGNORE INTO tmp_genotyped_var SELECT DISTINCT variation_id FROM individual_genotype_multiple_bp});

debug("Creating tmp_variation_feature data");

dbVar'},qq{SELECT v.variation_id, ts.seq_region_id, tcl.start, tcl.end, tcl.strand, v.name, v.source_id, v.validation_status
FROM variation v, tmp_contig_loc tcl, tmp_seq_region ts
WHERE v.snp_id = tcl.snp_id
AND ts.name = tcl.contig});

dbVar'},'tmp_variation_feature',"variation_id *","seq_region_id i", "seq_region_start i", "seq_region_end i", "seq_region_strand i", "variation_name", "source_id i", "validation_status i");

debug("Dumping data into variation_feature table");
dbVar'}->do(qq{INSERT INTO variation_feature (variation_id, seq_region_id,seq_region_start, seq_region_end, seq_region_strand,variation_name, flags, source_id, validation_status)
SELECT tvf.variation_id, tvf.seq_region_id, tvf.seq_region_start, tvf.seq_region_end, tvf.seq_region_strand,tvf.variation_name,IF(tgv.variation_id,'
genotyped',NULL), tvf.source_id, tvf.validation_status
FROM tmp_variation_feature tvf LEFT JOIN tmp_genotyped_var tgv ON tvf.variation_id = tgv.variation_id

dbVar'}->do("DROP TABLE tmp_contig_loc");
dbVar'}->do("DROP TABLE tmp_seq_region");
dbVar'}->do("DROP TABLE tmp_genotyped_var");
dbVar'}->do("DROP TABLE tmp_variation_feature");

# loads variation_group and variation_group_variation tables from the
# contents of the HapSet and HapSetSnpList tables
sub variation_group {
    my $self = shift;

  debug("Dumping HapSet data");

  dumpSQL($self->{'dbSNP'}, qq{SELECT  CONCAT(hs.handle, ':', hs.hapset_name),
                    hs.hapset_id, hssl.subsnp_id
             FROM HapSet hs, HapSetSnpList hssl   ###, SubSNP ss 
             WHERE hs.hapset_id = hssl.hapset_id});

  create_and_load($self->{'dbVar'}, 'tmp_var_grp', 'name', 'hapset_id i*', 'subsnp_id i*');

  $self->{'dbVar'}->do("ALTER TABLE variation_group add column hapset_id int");

  debug("Loading variation_group");

  $self->{'dbVar'}->do(qq{INSERT INTO variation_group (name, source_id, type, hapset_id)
                SELECT name, 1, 'haplotype', hapset_id
                FROM tmp_var_grp
                GROUP BY hapset_id});

  $self->{'dbVar'}->do("ALTER TABLE variation_group ADD INDEX hapset_id(hapset_id)");

  debug("Loading variation_group_variation");

  # there are a few hapsets in dbSNP which have two subsnps which have been
# merged into the same refsnp. Thus the group by clause.
$self->{'dbVar'}->do(qq{INSERT INTO variation_group_variation (variation_group_id, variation_id) SELECT vg.variation_group_id, vs.variation_id FROM variation_group vg, variation_synonym vs, tmp_var_grp tvg WHERE tvg.hapset_id = vg.hapset_id AND tvg.subsnp_id = vs.subsnp_id GROUP BY variation_group_id, variation_id}); $self->{'dbVar'}->do("DROP TABLE tmp_var_grp"); } #
# loads allele_group table
sub variation_table {
    my $self = shift;

   $self->{'dbVar'}->do( "ALTER TABLE variation add column snp_id int" );

   debug("Dumping RefSNPs");
   my $count = $self->{'dbSNP'}->selectall_arrayref(qq{SELECT COUNT(*) FROM SNPAncestralAllele});
   ###if we have data in table SNPAncestralAllele, like human, will use it, otherwise goto else
if ($count->[0][0]) { dumpSQL($self->{'dbSNP'}, qq{SELECT 1, concat( "rs", snp.snp_id), if(snp.validation_status = 0,NULL, snp.validation_status), a.allele, snp.snp_id FROM SNP snp LEFT JOIN SNPAncestralAllele snpa ON snp.snp_id = snpa.snp_id LEFT JOIN Allele a on snpa.ancestral_allele_id = a.allele_id $self->{'limit'} } ); } else { dumpSQL($self->{'dbSNP'}, qq{SELECT 1, concat( "rs", snp.snp_id), if(snp.validation_status = 0,NULL, snp.validation_status), NULL, snp.snp_id FROM SNP snp $self->{'limit'} } ); } debug("Loading RefSNPs into variation table"); load( $self->{'dbVar'}, "variation", "source_id", "name", "validation_status", "ancestral_allele", "snp_id" ); $self->{'dbVar'}->do( "ALTER TABLE variation ADD INDEX snpidx( snp_id )" ); # create a temp table of subSNP info
debug("Dumping SubSNPs"); #$self->dump_subSNPs; #changed to get allele data from UniVariAllele and Allele, do not need this method anymore
dumpSQL($self->{'dbSNP'}, (qq{SELECT subsnp.subsnp_id, subsnplink.snp_id, b.pop_id, a.allele, subsnplink.substrand_reversed_flag, b.moltype FROM SubSNP subsnp, SNPSubSNPLink subsnplink, ObsVariation ov, Batch b, UniVariAllele uv, Allele a WHERE subsnp.batch_id = b.batch_id AND subsnp.subsnp_id = subsnplink.subsnp_id AND ov.var_id = subsnp.variation_id AND ov.univar_id = uv.univar_id AND uv.allele_id=a.allele_id $self->{'limit'}})); create_and_load( $self->{'dbVar'}, "tmp_var_allele", "subsnp_id i*", "refsnp_id i*", "pop_id i", "allele", "substrand_reversed_flag i", "moltype"); # load the synonym table with the subsnp identifiers
debug("loading variation_synonym table with subsnps"); $self->{'dbVar'}->do(qq{ALTER TABLE variation_synonym add column subsnp_id int}); $self->{'dbVar'}->do(qq{ALTER TABLE variation_synonym add column substrand_reversed_flag tinyint}); $self->{'dbVar'}->do( qq{INSERT INTO variation_synonym (variation_id, source_id, name, moltype, subsnp_id, substrand_reversed_flag ) SELECT v.variation_id, 1, CONCAT('ss',tv.subsnp_id), tv.moltype, tv.subsnp_id, tv.substrand_reversed_flag FROM tmp_var_allele tv, variation v WHERE tv.refsnp_id = v.snp_id GROUP BY tv.subsnp_id }); $self->{'dbVar'}->do("ALTER TABLE variation_synonym ADD INDEX subsnp_id(subsnp_id)"); return; } #
# dumps subSNPs and associated allele information
General documentation
No general documentation available.