Package variables
No package variables defined.
Included modules
ImportUtils qw ( dumpSQL debug create_and_load load )
No synopsis!
No description!
allele_group | No description | Code |
allele_table | No description | Code |
calculate_gtype | No description | Code |
cleanup | No description | Code |
dump_dbSNP | No description | Code |
dump_subSNPs | No description | Code |
flanking_sequence_table | No description | Code |
individual_genotypes | No description | Code |
individual_table | No description | Code |
new | No description | Code |
population_genotypes | No description | Code |
population_table | No description | Code |
source_table | No description | Code |
variation_feature | No description | Code |
variation_group | No description | Code |
variation_table | No description | Code |
Methods description
None available.
Methods code
sub allele_group
{ my $self = shift;
debug("Dumping Hap data");
dumpSQL($self->{'dbSNP'}, qq{SELECT h.hap_id, h.hapset_id, h.loc_hap_id,
hsa.snp_allele, hsa.subsnp_id
FROM Hap h, HapSnpAllele hsa ###, SubSNP ss
WHERE hsa.hap_id = h.hap_id});
create_and_load($self->{'dbVar'}, 'tmp_allele_group_allele','hap_id i*','hapset_id i*',
'name','snp_allele', 'subsnp_id i*');
$self->{'dbVar'}->do(qq{ALTER TABLE allele_group ADD COLUMN hap_id int});
debug("Loading allele_group");
$self->{'dbVar'}->do(qq{INSERT INTO allele_group (variation_group_id, name, source_id, hap_id)
SELECT vg.variation_group_id, tag.name, 1, tag.hap_id
FROM variation_group vg, tmp_allele_group_allele tag
WHERE vg.hapset_id = tag.hapset_id
GROUP BY hap_id});
$self->{'dbVar'}->do(qq{ALTER TABLE allele_group ADD INDEX hap_id(hap_id)});
debug("Loading allele_group_allele");
$self->{'dbVar'}->do(qq{INSERT INTO allele_group_allele (allele_group_id,variation_id, allele)
SELECT ag.allele_group_id, vs.variation_id, taga.snp_allele
FROM allele_group ag, tmp_allele_group_allele taga,
variation_synonym vs
WHERE ag.hap_id = taga.hap_id
AND vs.subsnp_id = taga.subsnp_id
GROUP BY ag.allele_group_id, vs.variation_id});
$self->{'dbVar'}->do("DROP TABLE tmp_allele_group_allele");
} |
sub allele_table
{ my $self = shift;
my $allele_table_ref = $self->{'dbVar'}->db_handle->selectall_arrayref(qq{show tables like "tmp_rev_allele"});
my $allele_table = $allele_table_ref->[0][0];
if (! $allele_table) {
debug("Dumping allele data");
dumpSQL($self->{'dbSNP'}, qq(SELECT a1.allele_id, a1.allele, a2.allele
FROM Allele a1, Allele a2
WHERE a1.rev_allele_id = a2.allele_id));
create_and_load($self->{'dbVar'}, "tmp_rev_allele", "allele_id i*","allele *", "rev_allele");
dumpSQL($self->{'dbSNP'}, qq(SELECT afsp.subsnp_id, afsp.pop_id, afsp.allele_id, afsp.freq
FROM AlleleFreqBySsPop afsp, SubSNP ss
WHERE afsp.subsnp_id = ss.subsnp_id
debug("Loading allele frequency data");
create_and_load($self->{'dbVar'}, "tmp_allele", "subsnp_id i*", "pop_id i*",
"allele_id i*", "freq");
debug("Creating allele table");
$self->{'dbVar'}->do(qq{CREATE UNIQUE INDEX unique_allele_idx ON allele (variation_id,allele(2),frequency,sample_id)});
$self->{'dbVar'}->do(qq(INSERT IGNORE INTO allele (variation_id, allele,frequency, sample_id)
SELECT vs.variation_id,
tra.rev_allele,tra.allele) as allele,
ta.freq, s.sample_id FROM tmp_allele ta, tmp_rev_allele tra, variation_synonym vs, sample s WHERE ta.subsnp_id = vs.subsnp_id
AND ta.allele_id = tra.allele_id
AND ta.pop_id = s.pop_id),{mysql_use_result => 1} );
$self->{'dbVar'}->do("ALTER TABLE allele ENABLE KEYS"); #after ignoring in the insertion, we must enable keys again $self->{'dbVar'}->do("DROP TABLE tmp_allele"); #going to add the other allele for the variations with 1 allele (have frequency 1 but no frequency for the other allele) debug("Loading allele data without frequency"); $self->{'dbVar'}->do("CREATE TABLE tmp_allele (variation_id int, allele text, primary key (variation_id,allele(10)))"); $self->{'dbVar'}->do("INSERT IGNORE INTO tmp_allele SELECT variation_id, allele FROM allele"); $self->{'dbVar'}->do(qq{CREATE TABLE tmp_unique_allele SELECT ta.variation_id, ta.allele, vs.snp_id
FROM variation vs,
(SELECT variation_id, allele
FROM tmp_allele
GROUP BY variation_id
HAVING COUNT(*) = 1) as ta
WHERE ta.variation_id = vs.variation_id});
$self->{'dbVar'}->do("CREATE INDEX tmp_unique_allele_idx on tmp_unique_allele (variation_id)");
$self->{'dbVar'}->do("DROP TABLE tmp_allele");
$self->{'dbVar'}->do("CREATE TABLE tmp_allele (refsnp_id int, allele text, primary key (refsnp_id,allele(10)))");
$self->{'dbVar'}->do(qq{INSERT IGNORE INTO tmp_allele
SELECT tva.refsnp_id, IF (tva.substrand_reversed_flag, tra.rev_allele,tva.allele) as allele
FROM tmp_var_allele tva, tmp_rev_allele tra, tmp_unique_allele tua
WHERE tva.allele = tra.allele
AND tua.snp_id = tva.refsnp_id
$self->{'dbVar'}->do(qq{INSERT IGNORE INTO allele (variation_id, allele, frequency)
SELECT tua.variation_id, ta.allele,0
FROM tmp_unique_allele tua, tmp_allele ta
WHERE tua.snp_id = ta.refsnp_id
AND tua.allele <> ta.allele
$self->{'dbVar'}->do("DROP INDEX unique_allele_idx ON allele");
$self->{'dbVar'}->do("DROP TABLE tmp_unique_allele");
$self->{'dbVar'}->do("DROP TABLE tmp_allele");
debug("Loading other allele data");
$self->{'dbVar'}->do(qq{CREATE TABLE tmp_allele
SELECT vs.variation_id as variation_id, tva.pop_id,
tra.rev_allele, tra.allele) as allele
FROM variation_synonym vs, tmp_var_allele tva,
tmp_rev_allele tra
WHERE tva.subsnp_id = vs.subsnp_id
AND tva.allele = tra.allele
AND NOT EXISTS ## excluding alleles that already in allele table
(SELECT * FROM allele a where a.variation_id = vs.variation_id
AND a.allele = IF(tva.substrand_reversed_flag,tra.rev_allele, tra.allele))});
$self->{'dbVar'}->do("ALTER TABLE tmp_allele ADD INDEX pop_id(pop_id)");
$self->{'dbVar'}->do(qq{INSERT INTO allele (variation_id, allele,
frequency, sample_id)
SELECT ta.variation_id, ta.allele, null, s.sample_id
FROM tmp_allele ta
LEFT JOIN sample s ON s.pop_id = ta.pop_id
GROUP BY ta.variation_id, s.sample_id, ta.allele });
dumpSQL($self->{'dbSNP'}, qq(SELECT snp.snp_id, a.allele
FROM SNP snp, UniVariAllele uva, Allele a
WHERE snp.univar_id = uva.univar_id
AND uva.allele_id = a.allele_id
create_and_load($self->{'dbVar'},"tmp_allele_string","snp_name *","allele");
$self->{'dbVar'}->do(qq{CREATE TABLE allele_string select v.variation_id as variation_id, tas.allele as allele FROM variation v, tmp_allele_string tas
WHERE v.name = tas.snp_name});
$self->{'dbVar'}->do(qq{ALTER TABLE allele_string ADD INDEX variation_idx(variation_id)});
} |
sub calculate_gtype
my ($self,$dbVariation,$table1,$table2,$insert) = @_;
debug("Time starting to insert into $table2 : ",scalar(localtime(time)));
$dbVariation->do(qq{$insert INTO $table2 (variation_id, sample_id, allele_1, allele_2)
SELECT vs.variation_id, s.sample_id, tra1.allele, tra2.allele
FROM $table1 tg, variation_synonym vs, tmp_rev_allele tra1, tmp_rev_allele tra2, sample s
WHERE tg.submitted_strand IN (1,3,5)
AND vs.substrand_reversed_flag =1
AND tg.subsnp_id = vs.subsnp_id
AND tra1.allele = tg.allele_1
AND tra2.allele = tg.allele_2
AND tg.length_pat = 3
AND tg.ind_id = s.individual_id});
debug("Time starting to insert into $table2 table 2: ",scalar(localtime(time)));
$dbVariation->do(qq{$insert INTO $table2 (variation_id, sample_id, allele_1, allele_2)
SELECT vs.variation_id, s.sample_id, tra1.rev_allele, tra2.rev_allele
FROM $table1 tg, variation_synonym vs, tmp_rev_allele tra1, tmp_rev_allele tra2, sample s
WHERE tg.submitted_strand IN (1,3,5)
AND vs.substrand_reversed_flag =0
AND tg.subsnp_id = vs.subsnp_id
AND tra1.allele = tg.allele_1
AND tra2.allele = tg.allele_2
AND tg.length_pat = 3
AND tg.ind_id = s.individual_id});
debug("Time starting to insert into $table2 table 3: ",scalar(localtime(time)));
$dbVariation->do(qq{$insert INTO $table2 (variation_id, sample_id, allele_1, allele_2)
SELECT vs.variation_id, s.sample_id, tra1.rev_allele, tra2.rev_allele
FROM $table1 tg, variation_synonym vs, tmp_rev_allele tra1, tmp_rev_allele tra2, sample s
WHERE tg.submitted_strand IN (0,2,4)
AND vs.substrand_reversed_flag =1
AND tg.subsnp_id = vs.subsnp_id
AND tra1.allele = tg.allele_1
AND tra2.allele = tg.allele_2
AND tg.length_pat = 3
AND tg.ind_id = s.individual_id});
debug("Time starting to insert into $table2 table 4: ",scalar(localtime(time)));
$dbVariation->do(qq{$insert INTO $table2 (variation_id, sample_id, allele_1, allele_2)
SELECT vs.variation_id, s.sample_id, tra1.allele, tra2.allele
FROM $table1 tg, variation_synonym vs, tmp_rev_allele tra1, tmp_rev_allele tra2, sample s
WHERE tg.submitted_strand IN (0,2,4)
AND vs.substrand_reversed_flag =0
AND tg.subsnp_id = vs.subsnp_id
AND tra1.allele = tg.allele_1
AND tra2.allele = tg.allele_2
AND tg.length_pat = 3
AND tg.ind_id = s.individual_id});
if ($table2 ne "tmp_individual_genotype_single_bp") {
my $tmp_dir = $self->{'tmpdir'};
my $user = $dbVariation->username;
my $pass = $dbVariation->password;
my $host = $dbVariation->host;
my $dbname = $dbVariation->dbname;
system("chmod 777 $tmp_dir");
my $call = "mysqldump -T $tmp_dir -u $user -p$pass -h $host $dbname $table2";
system("sort $tmp_dir/$table2\.txt |uniq >$tmp_dir/$table2\.su");
} |
sub cleanup
{ my $self = shift;
debug("In cleanup...");
$self->{'dbVar'}->do('CREATE TABLE tmp_pop (sample_id int PRIMARY KEY)'); $self->{'dbVar'}->do('INSERT IGNORE INTO tmp_pop SELECT distinct(sample_id) FROM allele'); $self->{'dbVar'}->do('INSERT IGNORE INTO tmp_pop SELECT distinct(sample_id) FROM population_genotype'); $self->{'dbVar'}->do('INSERT IGNORE INTO tmp_pop SELECT population_sample_id FROM individual_population'); $self->{'dbVar'}->do(qq{INSERT IGNORE INTO tmp_pop SELECT super_population_sample_id
FROM population_structure ps, tmp_pop tp
WHERE tp.sample_id = ps.sub_population_sample_id});
my $sql;
my $sql_2;
my $sql_3;
my $sql_4;
my $sth = $self->{'dbVar'}->prepare(qq{SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'version'});
my $row_ref = $sth->fetch();
$sql = qq{DELETE FROM p USING population p
LEFT JOIN tmp_pop tp ON p.sample_id = tp.sample_id
LEFT JOIN sample s on p.sample_id = s.sample_id
WHERE tp.sample_id is null AND s.individual_id is null};
$sql_2 = qq{DELETE FROM ss USING sample_synonym ss
LEFT JOIN tmp_pop tp ON ss.sample_id = tp.sample_id
LEFT JOIN sample s on s.sample_id = ss.sample_id
WHERE tp.sample_id is null AND s.individual_id is null};
$sql_3 = qq{DELETE FROM ps USING population_structure ps
LEFT JOIN tmp_pop tp ON ps.sub_population_sample_id = tp.sample_id
WHERE tp.sample_id is null};
$sql_4 = qq{DELETE FROM s USING sample s
LEFT JOIN population p ON s.sample_id = p.sample_id
WHERE p.sample_id is null
AND s.individual_id is null
$self->{'dbVar'}->do($sql); $self->{'dbVar'}->do($sql_2); $self->{'dbVar'}->do($sql_3); $self->{'dbVar'}->do($sql_4);
$self->{'dbVar'}->do('DROP TABLE tmp_pop');
$self->{'dbVar'}->do('ALTER TABLE variation DROP COLUMN snp_id');
$self->{'dbVar'}->do('RENAME TABLE variation_synonym TO variation_synonym_old');
$self->{'dbVar'}->do('CREATE TABLE variation_synonym LIKE variation_synonym_old');
$self->{'dbVar'}->do('ALTER TABLE variation_synonym DROP COLUMN subsnp_id, DROP COLUMN substrand_reversed_flag');
$self->{'dbVar'}->do('ALTER TABLE sample DROP COLUMN pop_class_id, DROP COLUMN pop_id, DROP COLUMN individual_id');
$self->{'dbVar'}->do('ALTER TABLE variation_group DROP COLUMN hapset_id') if ($self->{'dbCore'}->species =~ /homo|hum/i);
$self->{'dbVar'}->do('ALTER TABLE allele_group DROP COLUMN hap_id') if ($self->{'dbCore'}->species =~ /homo|hum/i);
1; } |
sub dump_dbSNP
my $self = shift;
} |
sub dump_subSNPs
{ my $self = shift;
my $sth = $self->{'dbSNP'}->prepare
(qq{SELECT subsnp.subsnp_id, subsnplink.snp_id, b.pop_id, ov.pattern,
subsnplink.substrand_reversed_flag, b.moltype
FROM SubSNP subsnp, SNPSubSNPLink subsnplink, ObsVariation ov, Batch b
WHERE subsnp.batch_id = b.batch_id
AND subsnp.subsnp_id = subsnplink.subsnp_id
AND ov.var_id = subsnp.variation_id
$self->{'limit'}}, {mysql_use_result => 1});
open ( FH, ">" . $self->{'tmpdir'} . "/" . $self->{'tmpfile'} );
my ($row);
while($row = $sth->fetchrow_arrayref()) {
my $prefix
my @alleles = split('/', $row->[3]);
if ($row->[3] =~ /^(\(.*\))\d+\/\d+/) {
$prefix = $1;
my @row = map {(defined($_)) ? $_ : '\N'} @$row;
foreach my $a (@alleles) {
if ($prefix and $a !~ /\(.*\)/) { $a = $prefix.$a;
$row[3] = $a;
print FH join("\t", @row), "\n";
close FH;
} |
sub flanking_sequence_table
{ my $self = shift;
$self->{'dbVar'}->do(qq{CREATE TABLE tmp_seq (variation_id int,
subsnp_id int,
line_num int,
type enum ('5','3'),
line varchar(255),
revcom tinyint)
MAX_ROWS = 100000000});
foreach my $type ('3','5') {
debug("Dumping $type' flanking sequence");
dumpSQL($self->{'dbSNP'}, qq{SELECT seq.subsnp_id, seq.line_num, seq.line
FROM SubSNPSeq$type seq, SNP snp
WHERE snp.exemplar_subsnp_id = seq.subsnp_id
$self->{'dbVar'}->do(qq{CREATE TABLE tmp_seq_$type (
subsnp_id int,
line_num int,
line varchar(255),
KEY subsnp_id_idx(subsnp_id))
MAX_ROWS = 100000000 });
load($self->{'dbVar'}, "tmp_seq_$type", "subsnp_id", "line_num", "line");
$self->{'dbVar'}->do(qq{INSERT INTO tmp_seq (variation_id, subsnp_id,
line_num, type, line, revcom)
SELECT vs.variation_id, ts.subsnp_id, ts.line_num, '$type',
ts.line, vs.substrand_reversed_flag
FROM tmp_seq_$type ts, variation_synonym vs
WHERE vs.subsnp_id = ts.subsnp_id});
$self->{'dbVar'}->do(qq{DROP TABLE tmp_seq_$type});
$self->{'dbVar'}->do("ALTER TABLE tmp_seq ADD INDEX idx (subsnp_id, type, line_num)");
my $sth = $self->{'dbVar'}->prepare(qq{SELECT ts.variation_id, ts.subsnp_id, ts.type,
ts.line, ts.revcom
FROM tmp_seq ts FORCE INDEX (idx)
ORDER BY ts.subsnp_id, ts.type, ts.line_num},{mysql_use_result => 1});
my ($vid, $ssid, $type, $line, $revcom);
$sth->bind_columns(\$vid,\$ ssid,\$ type,\$ line,\$ revcom);
open(FH, ">" . $self->{'tmpdir'} . "/" . $self->{'tmpfile'});
my $upstream = '';
my $dnstream = '';
my $cur_vid;
my $cur_revcom;
debug("Rearranging flanking sequence data");
while($sth->fetch()) {
if(defined($cur_vid) && $cur_vid != $vid) {
if($cur_revcom) {
($upstream, $dnstream) = ($dnstream, $upstream);
print FH join("\t", $cur_vid, $upstream, $dnstream), "\n";
$upstream = '';
$dnstream = '';
$cur_vid = $vid;
$cur_revcom = $revcom;
if($type == 5) {
$upstream .= $line;
} else {
$dnstream .= $line;
if($cur_revcom) {
($upstream, $dnstream) = ($dnstream, $upstream);
print FH join("\t", $cur_vid, $upstream, $dnstream), "\n";
close FH;
$self->{'dbVar'}->do("DROP TABLE tmp_seq");
debug("Loading flanking sequence data");
unlink($self->{'tmpdir'} . "/" . $self->{'tmpfile'});
return; } |
sub individual_genotypes
{ my $self = shift;
my $TMP_DIR = $self->{'tmpdir'};
my $TMP_FILE = $self->{'tmpfile'};
debug("Dumping SubInd and ObsGenotype data");
debug("Time starting to dump tmp2_gty table: ",scalar(localtime(time)));
dumpSQL($self->{'dbSNP'}, qq{select si.subsnp_id, sind.ind_id, length(og.obs) as length_pat,
SUBSTRING_INDEX(og.obs,'/',1) as allele_1,
SUBSTRING_INDEX(og.obs,'/',-1) as allele_2,
FROM SubInd si, ObsGenotype og, SubmittedIndividual sind
WHERE og.gty_id = si.gty_id
AND sind.submitted_ind_id = si.submitted_ind_id
AND og.obs != 'N/N'
create_and_load($self->{'dbVar'}, "tmp2_gty", 'subsnp_id i*', 'ind_id i', 'length_pat i','allele_1', 'allele_2','submitted_strand i');
debug("Time finishing to dump tmp2_gty table: ",scalar(localtime(time)));
debug("Loading individual_genotype table");
my $allele_table_ref = $self->{'dbVar'}->db_handle->selectall_arrayref(qq{show tables like "tmp_rev_allele"});
my $allele_table = $allele_table_ref->[0][0];
if (! $allele_table) {
debug("Dumping allele data");
dumpSQL($self->{'dbSNP'}, qq(SELECT a1.allele_id, a1.allele, a2.allele
FROM Allele a1, Allele a2
WHERE a1.rev_allele_id = a2.allele_id));
create_and_load($self->{'dbVar'}, "tmp_rev_allele", "allele_id i*","allele *", "rev_allele");
$self->{'dbVar'}->do(qq{CREATE INDEX individual_id on sample(individual_id)});
$self->{'dbVar'}->do(qq{CREATE TABLE tmp_individual_genotype_single_bp (
variation_id int not null,allele_1 varchar(255),allele_2 varchar(255),sample_id int,
key variation_idx(variation_id),
key sample_idx(sample_id)
) MAX_ROWS = 100000000
if ($self->{'dbCore'}->species !~ /homo|hum|mouse|mus/i) {
$self->{'dbVar'}->do(qq{CREATE UNIQUE INDEX ind_genotype_idx ON tmp_individual_genotype_single_bp(variation_id,sample_id,allele_1,allele_2)});
my $insert = 'INSERT IGNORE';
else {
my $total_row_ref = $self->{'dbVar'}->db_handle->selectall_arrayref(qq{select count(*) from tmp2_gty});
my $total_row = $total_row_ref->[0][0];
my $limit_start = 0;
my $num_tables = 4;
my $insert = 'INSERT';
my %rec_pid;
my $table_row = int($total_row/$num_tables); debug("splitting tmp2_gty table into $num_tables tables");
foreach my $num (1..$num_tables+1) {
my $table1 = "tmp2_gty\_$num";
my $table2 = "tmp_individual_genotype_single_bp\_$num";
debug("table1 is $table1 and table2 is $table2");
$self->{'dbVar'}->do(qq{CREATE TABLE $table1 like tmp2_gty});
$self->{'dbVar'}->do(qq{CREATE TABLE $table2 like tmp_individual_genotype_single_bp});
$self->{'dbVar'}->do(qq{ALTER TABLE $table2 engine = innodb});
$self->{'dbVar'}->do(qq{DROP INDEX ind_genotype_idx ON $table2});
$self->{'dbVar'}->do(qq{INSERT INTO $table1 select * from tmp2_gty limit $limit_start, $table_row});
my $pid = fork;
if (! defined $pid){
throw("Not possible to fork: $!\n");
elsif ($pid == 0){
$limit_start += $table_row;
debug("next limit_start = $limit_start");
foreach my $p (keys %rec_pid) {
debug("Time finishing to insert to tmp_individual_genotype_single_bp table: ",scalar(localtime(time)));
debug("Time start to insert to individual_genotype_multiple_bp table");
$self->{'dbVar'}->do(qq{INSERT INTO individual_genotype_multiple_bp (variation_id, sample_id, allele_1, allele_2)
SELECT vs.variation_id, s.sample_id,
IF(vs.substrand_reversed_flag,tra1.allele,tra1.rev.allele) as allele_1, IF(vs.substrand_reversed_flag,tra2.allele,tra2.rev.allele) as allele_2 FROM tmp2_gty tg, variation_synonym vs, sample s, tmp_rev_allele tra1, tmp_rev_allele tra2
WHERE tg.subsnp_id = vs.subsnp_id
AND tg.submitted_strand IN (1,3,5)
AND tra1.allele = tg.allele_1
AND tra2.allele = tg.allele_2
AND tg.length_pat > 3
AND tg.ind_id = s.individual_id});
$self->{'dbVar'}->do(qq{INSERT INTO individual_genotype_multiple_bp (variation_id, sample_id, allele_1, allele_2)
SELECT vs.variation_id, s.sample_id,
IF(vs.substrand_reversed_flag,tra1.rev.allele,tra1.allele) as allele_1,
IF(vs.substrand_reversed_flag,tra2.rev.allele,tra2.allele) as allele_2
FROM tmp2_gty tg, variation_synonym vs, sample s, tmp_rev_allele tra1, tmp_rev_allele tra2
WHERE tg.subsnp_id = vs.subsnp_id
AND tg.submitted_strand IN (0,2,4)
AND tra1.allele = tg.allele_1
AND tra2.allele = tg.allele_2
AND tg.length_pat > 3
AND tg.ind_id = s.individual_id});
debug("Time finishing to insert to individual_genotype_multiple_bp table: ",scalar(localtime(time))); } |
sub individual_table
{ my $self = shift;
debug("Dumping Individual data");
dumpSQL($self->{'dbSNP'}, qq{ SELECT IF(si.loc_ind_alias = '' ,si.loc_ind_id, si.loc_ind_alias), i.descrip, i.ind_id
FROM SubmittedIndividual si, Individual i
WHERE si.ind_id = i.ind_id
GROUP BY i.ind_id
create_and_load($self->{'dbVar'}, 'tmp_ind', 'loc_ind_id', 'description', 'ind_id i*');
dumpSQL($self->{'dbSNP'}, qq{ SELECT ind_id, pa_ind_id, ma_ind_id, sex
FROM PedigreeIndividual GROUP BY ind_id});
create_and_load($self->{'dbVar'}, 'tmp_ped', 'ind_id i*', 'pa_ind_id i', 'ma_ind_id i', 'sex');
debug("Loading individuals into individual table");
$self->{'dbVar'}->do("ALTER TABLE sample ADD column individual_id int, add index ind_idx (individual_id)");
$self->{'dbVar'}->do(qq{INSERT INTO sample (individual_id, name, description)
SELECT ti.ind_id, ti.loc_ind_id, ti.description
FROM tmp_ind ti
my $individual_type_id;
if ($self->{'dbCore'}->species =~ /homo|pan|anoph/i) {
$individual_type_id = 3;
elsif ($self->{'dbCore'}->species =~ /mus/i) {
$individual_type_id = 1;
else {
$individual_type_id = 2;
$self->{'dbVar'}->do(qq{INSERT INTO individual (sample_id, father_individual_sample_id, mother_individual_sample_id, gender, individual_type_id)
SELECT s.sample_id,
IF(tp.pa_ind_id > 0, tp.pa_ind_id, null),
IF(tp.ma_ind_id > 0, tp.ma_ind_id, null),
IF(tp.sex = 'M', 'Male',
IF(tp.sex = 'F', 'Female', 'Unknown')), $individual_type_id
FROM sample s
LEFT JOIN tmp_ped tp ON s.individual_id = tp.ind_id
WHERE s.individual_id is not null
$self->{'dbVar'}->do("DROP table tmp_ind");
$self->{'dbVar'}->do("UPDATE individual i, sample s, individual i2 set i.father_individual_sample_id = s.sample_id where i.father_individual_sample_id = s.individual_id and i2.sample_id = s.sample_id");
$self->{'dbVar'}->do("UPDATE individual i, sample s, individual i2 set i.mother_individual_sample_id = s.sample_id where i.mother_individual_sample_id = s.individual_id and i2.sample_id = s.sample_id");
$self->{'dbVar'}->do("DROP table tmp_ped");
dumpSQL($self->{'dbSNP'}, qq{ SELECT si.pop_id, i.ind_id
FROM SubmittedIndividual si, Individual i
WHERE si.ind_id = i.ind_id
create_and_load($self->{'dbVar'}, 'tmp_ind_pop', 'pop_id i*', 'ind_id i*');
debug("Loading individuals_population table");
$self->{'dbVar'}->do(qq(INSERT INTO individual_population (individual_sample_id, population_sample_id)
SELECT s1.sample_id, s2.sample_id
FROM tmp_ind_pop tip, sample s1, sample s2
WHERE tip.pop_id = s2.pop_id
AND s1.individual_id = tip.ind_id
$self->{'dbVar'}->do("DROP table tmp_ind_pop");
$self->{'dbVar'}->do(qq{INSERT INTO sample_synonym (sample_id,source_id,name)
SELECT sample_id, 1, individual_id
FROM sample
WHERE individual_id is NOT NULL
} |
sub new
{ my $caller = shift;
my $class = ref($caller) || $caller;
my ($dbSNP, $dbCore, $dbVar, $snp_dbname, $tmp_dir, $tmp_file, $limit, $mapping_file_dir, $dbSNP_BUILD_VERSION, $ASSEMBLY_VERSION) =
return bless {'dbSNP' => $dbSNP,
'dbCore' => $dbCore,
'dbVar' => $dbVar, 'snp_dbname' => $snp_dbname,
'tmpdir' => $tmp_dir,
'tmpfile' => $tmp_file,
'limit' => $limit,
'mapping_file_dir' => $mapping_file_dir,
'dbSNP_version' => $dbSNP_BUILD_VERSION,
'assembly_version' => $ASSEMBLY_VERSION}, $class;
} |
sub population_genotypes
{ my $self = shift;
my $allele_table_ref = $self->{'dbVar'}->db_handle->selectall_arrayref(qq{show tables like "tmp_rev_allele"});
my $allele_table = $allele_table_ref->[0][0];
if (! $allele_table) {
debug("Dumping allele data");
dumpSQL($self->{'dbSNP'}, qq(SELECT a1.allele_id, a1.allele, a2.allele
FROM Allele a1, Allele a2
WHERE a1.rev_allele_id = a2.allele_id));
create_and_load($self->{'dbVar'}, "tmp_rev_allele", "allele_id i*","allele *", "rev_allele");
$self->{'dbVar'}->do(qq{CREATE UNIQUE INDEX pop_genotype_idx ON population_genotype(variation_id,frequency,sample_id,allele_1,allele_2)});
$self->{'dbVar'}->do(qq{INSERT INTO population_genotype (variation_id,allele_1, allele_2, frequency, sample_id)
SELECT vs.variation_id,tra1.rev_allele as allele_1,tra2.rev_allele as allele_2,tg.freq,s.sample_id
FROM variation_synonym vs, tmp_pop_gty tg,tmp_rev_allele tra1,tmp_rev_allele tra2, sample s
WHERE vs.subsnp_id = tg.subsnp_id
AND tg.allele_1 = tra1.allele
AND tg.allele_2 = tra2.allele
AND vs.substrand_reversed_flag = 1
AND s.pop_id = tg.pop_id});
$self->{'dbVar'}->do(qq{INSERT INTO population_genotype (variation_id,allele_1, allele_2, frequency, sample_id)
SELECT vs.variation_id,tg.allele_1,tg.allele_2,tg.freq,s.sample_id
FROM variation_synonym vs, tmp_pop_gty tg,sample s
WHERE vs.subsnp_id = tg.subsnp_id
AND vs.substrand_reversed_flag = 0
AND s.pop_id = tg.pop_id});
$self->{'dbVar'}->do(qq{DROP INDEX pop_genotype_idx ON population_genotype});
} |
sub population_table
{ my $self = shift;
$self->{'dbVar'}->do("ALTER TABLE sample ADD column pop_id int");
$self->{'dbVar'}->do("ALTER TABLE sample ADD column pop_class_id int");
debug("Dumping population class data");
dumpSQL($self->{'dbSNP'}, qq{SELECT pop_class, pop_class_id, pop_class_text
FROM PopClassCode
load($self->{'dbVar'}, 'sample', 'name', 'pop_class_id', 'description');
$self->{'dbVar'}->do(qq{ALTER TABLE sample ADD INDEX pop_class_id (pop_class_id)});
debug("Dumping population data");
$self->{'dbSNP'}->do("SET SESSION group_concat_max_len = 10000");
dumpSQL($self->{'dbSNP'}, qq{SELECT DISTINCT concat(p.handle, ':', p.loc_pop_id),
p.pop_id, pc.pop_class_id, GROUP_CONCAT(pl.line)
FROM Population p
LEFT JOIN PopClass pc ON p.pop_id = pc.pop_id
LEFT JOIN PopLine pl ON p.pop_id = pl.pop_id
GROUP BY p.pop_id
debug("Loading sample data");
create_and_load( $self->{'dbVar'}, "tmp_pop", "name", "pop_id i*", "pop_class_id i*", "description l" );
$self->{'dbVar'}->do(qq{INSERT INTO sample (name, pop_id,description)
SELECT tp.name, tp.pop_id, description
FROM tmp_pop tp
GROUP BY tp.pop_id
$self->{'dbVar'}->do(qq{ALTER TABLE sample ADD INDEX pop_id (pop_id)});
debug("Loading population table with data from Sample");
$self->{'dbVar'}->do(qq{INSERT INTO population (sample_id)
SELECT sample_id
FROM sample});
debug("Loading population_synonym table");
$self->{'dbVar'}->do(qq{INSERT INTO population_structure (super_population_sample_id,sub_population_sample_id)
SELECT p1.sample_id, p2.sample_id
FROM tmp_pop tp, sample p1, sample p2
WHERE tp.pop_class_id = p1.pop_class_id
AND tp.pop_id = p2.pop_id});
$self->{'dbVar'}->do(qq{INSERT INTO sample_synonym (sample_id,source_id,name)
SELECT sample_id, 1, pop_id
FROM sample
WHERE pop_id is NOT NULL
$self->{'dbVar'}->do("DROP TABLE tmp_pop");
} |
sub source_table
{ my $self = shift;
my ($dbname,$version) = split /\_/,$self->{'snp_dbname'};
$self->{'dbVar'}->do(qq{INSERT INTO source (source_id,name,version) VALUES (1,"$dbname",$version)});
} |
sub variation_feature
{ my $self = shift;
debug("Dumping seq_region data");
dumpSQL($self->{'dbCore'}->dbc()->db_handle, qq{SELECT sr.seq_region_id, sr.name
FROM seq_region sr, coord_system cs
WHERE sr.coord_system_id = cs.coord_system_id
AND cs.attrib like "%default_version%"});
debug("Loading seq_region data");
create_and_load($self->{'dbVar'}, "tmp_seq_region", "seq_region_id", "name *");
debug("Dumping SNPLoc data");
my ($tablename1,$tablename2,$row);
my ($assembly_version) = $self->{'assembly_version'} =~ /^[a-zA-Z]+(\d+)\.*.*$/;
print "assembly_version again is $assembly_version\n";
my $sth = $self->{'dbSNP'}->prepare(qq{SHOW TABLES LIKE
'$self->{'dbSNP_version'}\_SNPContigLoc\_$assembly_version\__'}); $sth->execute();
while($row = $sth->fetchrow_arrayref()) { $tablename1 = $row->[0]; }
my $sth1 = $self->{'dbSNP'}->prepare(qq{SHOW TABLES LIKE '$self->{'dbSNP_version'}\_ContigInfo\_$assembly_version\__'}); $sth1->execute();
while($row = $sth1->fetchrow_arrayref()) { $tablename2 = $row->[0]; } debug("table_name1 is $tablename1 table_name2 is $tablename2"); #note the contig based cordinate is 0 based, ie. start at 0, lc_ngbr+2, t1.rc_ngbr dumpSQL($self->{'dbSNP'}, qq{SELECT t1.snp_id, t2.contig_acc, t1.lc_ngbr+2,t1.rc_ngbr, IF(t1.orientation, -1, 1) FROM $tablename1 t1, $tablename2 t2 WHERE t1.ctg_id=t2.ctg_id $self->{'limit'}}); debug("Loading SNPLoc data");
create_and_load($self->{'dbVar'}, "tmp_contig_loc", "snp_id i*", "contig *", "start i", "end i", "strand i"); debug("Creating genotyped variations"); #creating the temporary table with the genotyped variations $self->{'dbVar'}->do(qq{CREATE TABLE tmp_genotyped_var SELECT DISTINCT variation_id FROM tmp_individual_genotype_single_bp}); $self->{'dbVar'}->do(qq{CREATE UNIQUE INDEX variation_idx ON tmp_genotyped_var (variation_id)}); $self->{'dbVar'}->do(qq{INSERT IGNORE INTO tmp_genotyped_var SELECT DISTINCT variation_id FROM individual_genotype_multiple_bp});
debug("Creating tmp_variation_feature data"); dumpSQL($self->{'dbVar'},qq{SELECT v.variation_id, ts.seq_region_id, tcl.start, tcl.end, tcl.strand, v.name, v.source_id, v.validation_status FROM variation v, tmp_contig_loc tcl, tmp_seq_region ts WHERE v.snp_id = tcl.snp_id AND ts.name = tcl.contig}); create_and_load($self->{'dbVar'},'tmp_variation_feature',"variation_id *","seq_region_id i", "seq_region_start i", "seq_region_end i", "seq_region_strand i", "variation_name", "source_id i", "validation_status i"); debug("Dumping data into variation_feature table"); $self->{'dbVar'}->do(qq{INSERT INTO variation_feature (variation_id, seq_region_id,seq_region_start, seq_region_end, seq_region_strand,variation_name, flags, source_id, validation_status) SELECT tvf.variation_id, tvf.seq_region_id, tvf.seq_region_start, tvf.seq_region_end, tvf.seq_region_strand,tvf.variation_name,IF(tgv.variation_id,'genotyped',NULL), tvf.source_id, tvf.validation_status FROM tmp_variation_feature tvf LEFT JOIN tmp_genotyped_var tgv ON tvf.variation_id = tgv.variation_id }); #$self->{'dbVar'}->do("DROP TABLE tmp_contig_loc"); #$self->{'dbVar'}->do("DROP TABLE tmp_seq_region"); #$self->{'dbVar'}->do("DROP TABLE tmp_genotyped_var"); #$self->{'dbVar'}->do("DROP TABLE tmp_variation_feature"); }
# # loads variation_group and variation_group_variation tables from the # contents of the HapSet and HapSetSnpList tables # } |
sub variation_group
{ my $self = shift;
debug("Dumping HapSet data");
dumpSQL($self->{'dbSNP'}, qq{SELECT CONCAT(hs.handle, ':', hs.hapset_name),
hs.hapset_id, hssl.subsnp_id
FROM HapSet hs, HapSetSnpList hssl ###, SubSNP ss
WHERE hs.hapset_id = hssl.hapset_id});
create_and_load($self->{'dbVar'}, 'tmp_var_grp', 'name', 'hapset_id i*', 'subsnp_id i*');
$self->{'dbVar'}->do("ALTER TABLE variation_group add column hapset_id int");
debug("Loading variation_group");
$self->{'dbVar'}->do(qq{INSERT INTO variation_group (name, source_id, type, hapset_id)
SELECT name, 1, 'haplotype', hapset_id
FROM tmp_var_grp
GROUP BY hapset_id});
$self->{'dbVar'}->do("ALTER TABLE variation_group ADD INDEX hapset_id(hapset_id)");
debug("Loading variation_group_variation");
$self->{'dbVar'}->do(qq{INSERT INTO variation_group_variation
(variation_group_id, variation_id)
SELECT vg.variation_group_id, vs.variation_id
FROM variation_group vg, variation_synonym vs,
tmp_var_grp tvg
WHERE tvg.hapset_id = vg.hapset_id
AND tvg.subsnp_id = vs.subsnp_id
GROUP BY variation_group_id, variation_id});
$self->{'dbVar'}->do("DROP TABLE tmp_var_grp");
} |
variation_table | description | prev | next | Top |
sub variation_table
{ my $self = shift;
$self->{'dbVar'}->do( "ALTER TABLE variation add column snp_id int" );
debug("Dumping RefSNPs");
my $count = $self->{'dbSNP'}->selectall_arrayref(qq{SELECT COUNT(*) FROM SNPAncestralAllele});
if ($count->[0][0]) {
qq{SELECT 1, concat( "rs", snp.snp_id), if(snp.validation_status = 0,NULL,
snp.validation_status), a.allele, snp.snp_id
LEFT JOIN SNPAncestralAllele snpa ON snp.snp_id = snpa.snp_id
LEFT JOIN Allele a on snpa.ancestral_allele_id = a.allele_id
else {
qq{SELECT 1, concat( "rs", snp.snp_id), if(snp.validation_status = 0,NULL,
snp.validation_status), NULL, snp.snp_id
debug("Loading RefSNPs into variation table");
load( $self->{'dbVar'}, "variation", "source_id", "name", "validation_status", "ancestral_allele", "snp_id" );
$self->{'dbVar'}->do( "ALTER TABLE variation ADD INDEX snpidx( snp_id )" );
debug("Dumping SubSNPs");
(qq{SELECT subsnp.subsnp_id, subsnplink.snp_id, b.pop_id, a.allele,
subsnplink.substrand_reversed_flag, b.moltype
FROM SubSNP subsnp, SNPSubSNPLink subsnplink, ObsVariation ov, Batch b, UniVariAllele uv, Allele a
WHERE subsnp.batch_id = b.batch_id
AND subsnp.subsnp_id = subsnplink.subsnp_id
AND ov.var_id = subsnp.variation_id
AND ov.univar_id = uv.univar_id
AND uv.allele_id=a.allele_id
create_and_load( $self->{'dbVar'}, "tmp_var_allele", "subsnp_id i*", "refsnp_id i*",
"pop_id i", "allele", "substrand_reversed_flag i", "moltype");
debug("loading variation_synonym table with subsnps");
$self->{'dbVar'}->do(qq{ALTER TABLE variation_synonym add column subsnp_id int});
$self->{'dbVar'}->do(qq{ALTER TABLE variation_synonym add column substrand_reversed_flag tinyint});
$self->{'dbVar'}->do( qq{INSERT INTO variation_synonym (variation_id, source_id, name,
moltype, subsnp_id, substrand_reversed_flag )
SELECT v.variation_id, 1,
CONCAT('ss',tv.subsnp_id), tv.moltype, tv.subsnp_id,
FROM tmp_var_allele tv, variation v
WHERE tv.refsnp_id = v.snp_id
GROUP BY tv.subsnp_id
$self->{'dbVar'}->do("ALTER TABLE variation_synonym ADD INDEX subsnp_id(subsnp_id)");
} |
General documentation
No general documentation available.