Raw content of dbSNP::Human use strict; use warnings; #object that contains the specific methods to dump data when the specie is a HUMAN (adds HGVbase and TSC information). package dbSNP::Human; use dbSNP::GenericContig; use vars qw(@ISA); use ImportUtils qw(debug load dumpSQL create_and_load); @ISA = ('dbSNP::GenericContig'); sub dump_dbSNP{ my $self = shift; #first, dump all dbSNP data as usual $self->SUPER::dump_dbSNP(); #then, get HGVbase IDs from Yuans file #$self->dump_HGVbaseIDs(); #and finally, get TSC data from dbSNP #$self->dump_TSCIDs(); #get mitochondrial SNPs provided by Yuan in .tb file formats---DON'T RUN THIS ANYMORE #$self->dump_mitocondrialSNPs(); } #specific function to get the HGVbase IDs from a file provided by Yuan and add them to the variation_synonym table sub dump_HGVbaseIDs{ my $self = shift; #copy the file with the rs-> HGVbaseID information to the temp folder system "gunzip -c dbSNP/rs_hgvbase.txt.gz > " . $self->{'tmpdir'} . "/" . $self->{'tmpfile'}; debug("Loading HGVbase data"); create_and_load($self->{'dbVariation'},"tmp_rs_hgvbase","rsID *","HGVbaseID"); #add a new source to the Source table $self->{'dbVariation'}->do(qq{INSERT INTO source (name,version) values ('HGVbase',15) }); debug("Adding HGVbaseIDs to synonym table"); my $source_id = $self->{'dbVariation'}->{'mysql_insertid'}; #get the last autoinc id from the database (the one from the HGVbase source) #add the HGVbaseIDs to the Variation_Synonym table $self->{'dbVariation'}->do(qq{INSERT INTO variation_synonym (variation_id,source_id,name) SELECT v.variation_id, $source_id, trh.HGVbaseID FROM variation v, tmp_rs_hgvbase trh WHERE v.name = trh.rsID }); #and finally, remove the temporary table $self->{'dbVariation'}->do(qq{DROP TABLE tmp_rs_hgvbase }); } #specific function to get the TSC IDs from dbSNP and add them to the variation_synonym table sub dump_TSCIDs{ my $self = shift; #add the TSC source to the table $self->{'dbVariation'}->do(qq{INSERT INTO source (name,version) values ('TSC',1) }); my $source_id = $self->{'dbVariation'}->{'mysql_insertid'}; #get the last autoinc id in the database (the one from the TSC source) #and finally add the TSC ids to the synonyms table debug("Dumping TSC information from dbSNP"); dumpSQL($self->{'dbSNP'}, qq{SELECT concat('rs',ss.snp_id), $source_id, s.loc_snp_id FROM SubSNP s, SNPSubSNPLink ss WHERE ss.subsnp_id = s.subsnp_id AND s.loc_snp_id like 'TSC%' } ); debug("Loading TSC ids into temporary table"); create_and_load($self->{'dbVariation'},"tmp_rs_TSC","rsID *","source_id","TSCid"); $self->{'dbVariation'}->do(qq{ INSERT IGNORE INTO variation_synonym (variation_id, source_id, name) SELECT v.variation_id, trt.source_id, trt.TSCid FROM variation v, tmp_rs_TSC trt WHERE v.name = trt.rsID } ); #and finally, remove the temporary table $self->{'dbVariation'}->do(qq{DROP TABLE tmp_rs_TSC }); } #will get from the RefSNP.tb and ContigHit files the information about the Simon mapped mitochondrial SNPs, and add the information to the relevant # tables: Variation, Allele, Source, Flanking_sequence and Variation_Feature sub dump_mitocondrialSNPs{ my $self = shift; my %mitoSNPs; #hash containing all the information in the files RefSNP.tb and ContigHit.tb provided by Yuan at: my $variation_id; #internal id of the variation added to the database my $region; #hash that will contain, for a certain region, the seq_region_id in the database my $slice_adaptor = $self->{'dbCore'}->get_SliceAdaptor(); my $slice; my $seq_region_id; #region for the mitocontig MT_NC_001807, extracted from the core database my $status; #/ecs2/scratch4/yuan/hum/MT_35 #first of all, add the new source of information $self->{'dbVariation'}->do(qq{INSERT INTO source (name) values ('mitomap.com') }); my $source_id = $self->{'dbVariation'}->dbh()->{'mysql_insertid'}; #get the last autoinc id in the database (the one from the mitomap.com source) #reads and loads into a hash table all the information in the RefSNP file $self->read_RefSNP(\%mitoSNPs,'/ecs2/scratch4/yuan/hum/MT_35/RefSNP.tb'); #reads and loads into a hash table all the information in the ContigHit table referent to the location $self->read_ContigHit(\%mitoSNPs,'/ecs2/scratch4/yuan/hum/MT_35/ContigHit.tb'); #and finally, add the information to the database foreach my $snp (keys %mitoSNPs){ if ($mitoSNPs{$snp}{'status'} eq 'by-other-pop'){ $status = 4; } #insert in the Variation table $self->{'dbVariation'}->do(qq{INSERT INTO variation (source_id,name,validation_status) VALUES ($source_id, "$mitoSNPs{$snp}{'name'}", $status); }); $variation_id = $self->{'dbVariation'}->dbh()->{'mysql_insertid'}; #get the last autoinc id in the database (the in the variation table) if (!exists $region->{$mitoSNPs{$snp}{'region'}}){ $slice = $slice_adaptor->fetch_by_region('toplevel',$mitoSNPs{$snp}{'region'}); #will get the slice for the region where the SNP is present $region->{$mitoSNPs{$snp}{'region'}} = $slice_adaptor->get_seq_region_id($slice); #get the seq_region_id and store it in a hash } $seq_region_id = $region->{$mitoSNPs{$snp}{'region'}}; #insert in the Flanking_sequence table $self->{'dbVariation'}->do(qq{INSERT INTO flanking_sequence (variation_id,seq_region_id,seq_region_strand,up_seq,down_seq) VALUES ($variation_id,$seq_region_id,$mitoSNPs{$snp}{'strand'},"$mitoSNPs{$snp}{'up_seq'}", "$mitoSNPs{$snp}{'down_seq'}") }); #insert all the alleles foreach my $allele (split /\//,$mitoSNPs{$snp}{'alleles'}){ $self->{'dbVariation'}->do(qq{INSERT INTO allele (variation_id, allele) VALUES ($variation_id,"$allele") }); } #and finally, insert the variation_feature table $self->{'dbVariation'}->do(qq{INSERT INTO variation_feature (variation_id, seq_region_id, seq_region_start, seq_region_end, seq_region_strand, variation_name,source_id,validation_status) VALUES ($variation_id, $seq_region_id, $mitoSNPs{$snp}{'start'}, $mitoSNPs{$snp}{'end'}, $mitoSNPs{$snp}{'strand'}, "$mitoSNPs{$snp}{'name'}",$source_id, $status) }); } } #will read from Yuans directory /ecs2/scratch4/yuan/hum/MT_35 the RefSNP.tb file. Important that in each release the format of the data and the location #of the file might change sub read_RefSNP{ my $self = shift; my $snps = shift; my $file_location = shift; my ($snp_id, $snp_name, $alleles, $up_seq, $down_seq, $status); #values we want to get from the file my @line; open IN,$file_location || die "file with mitochondrial SNP information doesn't exist at $file_location\n"; while (<IN>){ chomp; #remove the last character @line = split /\t/; $snp_id = $line[0]; #internal id of the SNP $snp_name = $line[1]; #name of the snp $alleles = $line[5]; #alleles in C/T format $up_seq = $line[6]; #up_seq $down_seq = $line[7]; #down_seq $status = $line[13]; #validation_status $snps->{$snp_id}->{'name'} = $snp_name; $snps->{$snp_id}->{'alleles'} = $alleles; $snps->{$snp_id}->{'up_seq'} = $up_seq; $snps->{$snp_id}->{'down_seq'} = $down_seq; $snps->{$snp_id}->{'status'} = $status; } close IN; } #will read from Yuans directory /ecs2/scratch4/yuan/hum/MT_35 the ContigHit.tb file. Important that in each release the format of the data and the #location of the file might change sub read_ContigHit{ my $self = shift; my $snps = shift; my $file_location = shift; my ($snp_id,$region, $strand, $start, $end); my @line; open IN,$file_location || die "Could not open file with mitochondrial SNP information at $file_location\n"; while (<IN>){ chomp; #remove last character @line = split /\t/; $snp_id = $line[0]; #snp_id $region = $line[7]; #name of the region MT_NC.... $strand = $line[9]; #strand of the SNP in the sequence $start = $line[10]; #physmapstart of the SNP $end = $line[11]; #physmapend of the SNP #get region name withou th MT $region =~ /MT_(NC_\d+)/; $snps->{$snp_id}->{'region'} = $1; $snps->{$snp_id}->{'strand'} = $strand; $snps->{$snp_id}->{'start'} = $start; $snps->{$snp_id}->{'end'} = $end; } close IN; } 1;