ensembl Gene
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Bio::EnsEMBL::Utils::Exception qw ( info throw warning )
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No description
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Methods description
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Methods code
sub cluster_transcripts {
  my $transcripts = shift;

  my @clusters;

  info("Clustering transcripts");

  foreach my $tr (@$transcripts) {
    my $cl = undef;

    foreach my $c (@clusters) {
      if(is_near($tr->start(), $tr->end(), $tr->strand(), $tr->slice(),
                 $c->{'start'}, $c->{'end'}, $c->{'strand'}, $c->{'slice'})) {

        $cl = $c;

    if($cl) {
      push @{$cl->{'transcripts'}}, $tr;

      $cl->{'end'} =
        ( $tr->end > $cl->{'end'} )     ? $tr->{'end'}   : $cl->{'end'};
      $cl->{'start'} =
        ( $tr->start < $cl->{'start'} ) ? $tr->{'start'} : $cl->{'start'};

    } else {
      $cl = {'start'  => $tr->start(),
             'end'    => $tr->end(),
             'strand' => $tr->strand(),
             'slice'  => $tr->slice(),
             'transcripts' => [$tr]};

      push @clusters, $cl;

  # now cluster clusters
for(my $i = 0; $i < @clusters; $i++) { for(my $j = $i+1; $j < @clusters; $j++) { my $c1 = $clusters[$i]; my $c2 = $clusters[$j]; if(is_near($c1->{'start'}, $c1->{'end'}, $c1->{'strand'}, $c1->{'slice'}, $c2->{'start'}, $c2->{'end'}, $c2->{'strand'}, $c2->{'slice'})) { # merge clusters and take one of them out of the list
splice(@clusters, $j, 1); $c1->{'start'} = ($c1->{'start'} < $c2->{'start'}) ? $c1->{'start'} : $c2->{'start'}; $c1->{'end'} = ($c1->{'end'} > $c2->{'end'}) ? $c1->{'end'} : $c2->{'end'}; push @{$c1->{'transcripts'}}, @{$c2->{'transcripts'}}; # start over again
$i = -1; $j = -1; } } } # sum the nucleotide length and amino acid lengths of each of the
# transcripts in a given cluster
foreach my $cl (@clusters) { $cl->{'nt_len'} = 0; $cl->{'aa_len'} = 0; foreach my $tr (@{$cl->{'transcripts'}}) { $cl->{'nt_len'} += length($tr->spliced_seq()); if($tr->translation) { $cl->{'aa_len'} += length($tr->translate->seq()); } } } return\@ clusters;
sub compact_transcripts {
  my $transcripts = shift;

  my %unique_hash;
  my @unique_list;

  info("Compacting transcripts");

  foreach my $transcript (@$transcripts) {
    my $hashkey = 'exons:';

    foreach my $exon (@{$transcript->get_all_Exons}) {
      $hashkey .= '('.$exon->hashkey.')';

    # include the translation in the hashkey because sometimes the
# same transcripts may end up with different translations
# (this is especially possible when split transcripts become partially the
# same)
if($transcript->translation) { $hashkey .= 'translation:' . $transcript->translation->start() . '-' . $transcript->translation->end() . '(' . $transcript->translation->start_Exon->hashkey() . ')('. $transcript->translation->end_Exon->hashkey() . ')'; } $unique_hash{$hashkey} ||= []; push @{$unique_hash{$hashkey}}, $transcript; } # merge xrefs from duplicated transcripts
foreach my $key (keys %unique_hash) { # choose one of the duplicates arbitrarily
my $duplicates = $unique_hash{$key}; my $transcript = pop(@$duplicates); # merge all of the xrefs and add them to the one transcript that will
# be kept
merge_xrefs($transcript, $duplicates); push @unique_list, $transcript; } return\@ unique_list;
sub create_ensembl_xrefs {
  my $chimp_transcripts = shift;

  foreach my $transcript (@$chimp_transcripts) {
    my $dbe = Bio::EnsEMBL::DBEntry->new
      (-primary_id => $transcript->stable_id(),
       -version    => $transcript->version(),
       -dbname     => 'Ens_Hs_transcript',
       -release    => 1,
       -display_id => $transcript->stable_id());

    if($transcript->translation()) {
      $dbe = Bio::EnsEMBL::DBEntry->new
        (-primary_id => $transcript->translation->stable_id(),
         -version    => $transcript->translation->version(),
         -dbname     => 'Ens_Hs_translation',
         -release    => 1,
         -display_id => $transcript->translation->stable_id());

sub generate_stable_id {
  my $object = shift;

  my $PAD            = 18;

  my $type_prefix;
  my $num;

  if($object->isa('Bio::EnsEMBL::Exon')) {
    $type_prefix = 'E';
    $EXON_NUM       ||= 0;
    $num = ++$EXON_NUM;
  } elsif($object->isa('Bio::EnsEMBL::Transcript')) {
    $type_prefix = 'T';
    $TRANSCRIPT_NUM ||= 0;
    $num = ++$TRANSCRIPT_NUM;
  } elsif($object->isa('Bio::EnsEMBL::Gene')) {
    $type_prefix = 'G';
    $GENE_NUM       ||= 0;
    $num = ++$GENE_NUM;
  } elsif($object->isa('Bio::EnsEMBL::Translation')) {
    $type_prefix = 'P';
    $num = ++$TRANSLATION_NUM;
  } else {
    throw('Unknown object type '.ref($object).'. Cannot create stable_id.');

  my $prefix = "ENS${SPECIES_PREFIX}${type_prefix}";

  my $pad = $PAD - length($prefix) - length($num);

  $object->stable_id($prefix . ('0'x$pad) . $num);

# compact_transcripts
# Given a set of transcripts this function removes duplicate transcripts and
# returns the unique set
sub is_near {
  my ($start1,$end1,$strand1, $slice1, $start2, $end2, $strand2, $slice2) = @_;

  # cannot be clustered if not on same strand
if($strand1 != $strand2) { return 0; } # cannot be clustered if not on same slice
if($slice1->name() ne $slice2->name()) { return 0; } # check if the regions overlap
if($end1 >= $start2 && $start1 <= $end2) { return 1; } if($start1 > $end2) { return (($start1 - $end2) < NEAR) ? 1 : 0; } return (($start2 - $end1) < NEAR) ? 1 : 0;
sub merge_xrefs {
  my $kept_transcript = shift;
  my $duplicates      = shift;

  return if(!@$duplicates);

  info('Merging xrefs from duplicate transcripts');

  # construct a set of xrefs the transcript to keep already has
my %existing_tl_xrefs; my %existing_tr_xrefs; foreach my $xref (@{$kept_transcript->get_all_DBEntries()}) { $existing_tr_xrefs{$xref->dbname().':'.$xref->primary_id()} = 1; } if($kept_transcript->translation()) { foreach my $xref (@{$kept_transcript->translation->get_all_DBEntries()}) { $existing_tl_xrefs{$xref->dbname().':'.$xref->primary_id()} = 1; } } # collect a list of additional xrefs which should be kept
my %tl_xrefs; my %tr_xrefs; foreach my $dup (@$duplicates) { foreach my $xref (@{$dup->get_all_DBEntries()}) { my $key = $xref->dbname().':'.$xref->primary_id(); $tr_xrefs{$key} = $xref if(!$existing_tr_xrefs{$key}); } if($dup->translation()) { foreach my $xref (@{$dup->translation->get_all_DBEntries()}) { my $key = $xref->dbname().':'.$xref->primary_id(); $tl_xrefs{$key} = $xref if(!$existing_tl_xrefs{$key}); } } } # add any new xrefs which were found to the kept translation
foreach my $xref (values %tr_xrefs) { $kept_transcript->add_DBEntry($xref); } my @new_tl_xrefs = values(%tl_xrefs); my $tl = $kept_transcript->translation(); if(@new_tl_xrefs && !$tl) { throw("Some duplicate transcripts have translations, and others do not?"); return; } foreach my $xref (@new_tl_xrefs) { $tl->add_DBEntry($xref); } return; } ###############################################################################
# cluster_transcripts
# Given a set of transcripts this function will cluster them into groups
# which are near to each other. Note this may be more efficient to use
# a sorted list, but for the small size of the clusters it should not matter.
sub store_gene {
  my $db = shift;
  my $hum_gene = shift; # human gene
my $ctranscripts = shift; # chimp transcripts
my $MIN_AA_LEN = 15; my $MIN_NT_LEN = 600; my $analysis = $db->get_AnalysisAdaptor->fetch_by_logic_name('ensembl'); # Look at the translations and convert any transcripts with stop codons
# into pseudogenes
foreach my $ct (@$ctranscripts) { if($ct->translation && $ct->translate->seq() =~ /\*/) { $ct->translation(undef); } } # create xrefs to reference the human transcripts and translations
create_ensembl_xrefs($ctranscripts); # transfer xrefs from human transcripts/translations
transfer_xrefs($hum_gene, $ctranscripts); # compact duplicate transcripts into the same transcripts
$ctranscripts = compact_transcripts($ctranscripts); # group all close together transcripts on the same strand into clusters
my $clusters = cluster_transcripts($ctranscripts); my $gene_adaptor = $db->get_GeneAdaptor(); foreach my $cluster (@$clusters) { # keep genes only if there is a minimum amount of nucleotide
# OR amino acid sequence in transcripts in the same region
if($cluster->{'nt_len'} < $MIN_NT_LEN && $cluster->{'aa_len'} < $MIN_AA_LEN) { next; } # one gene for each cluster
my $cgene = Bio::EnsEMBL::Gene->new(); # add reference to the original human gene
$cgene->add_DBEntry(Bio::EnsEMBL::DBEntry->new (-primary_id => $hum_gene->stable_id(), -version => $hum_gene->version(), -dbname => 'Ens_Hs_gene', -release => 1, -display_id => $hum_gene->stable_id())); generate_stable_id($cgene); # rename transcripts and add to gene
foreach my $ctrans (@{$cluster->{'transcripts'}}) { generate_stable_id($ctrans); # rename translation
if($ctrans->translation) { generate_stable_id($ctrans->translation); } $cgene->add_Transcript($ctrans); } # rename all of the exons
# but watch out because duplicate exons will be merged and we do not
# want to generate multiple names
my %ex_stable_ids; foreach my $ex (@{$cgene->get_all_Exons()}) { if($ex_stable_ids{$ex->hashkey()}) { $ex->stable_id($ex_stable_ids{$ex->hashkey()}); } else { generate_stable_id($ex); $ex_stable_ids{$ex->hashkey()} = $ex->stable_id(); } } foreach my $gx (@{$hum_gene->get_all_DBEntries}) { $cgene->add_DBEntry($gx) if($KEEP_XREF{uc($gx->dbname())}); } if($hum_gene->display_xref && $KEEP_XREF{uc($hum_gene->display_xref->dbname)}){ $cgene->display_xref($hum_gene->display_xref); } # set the analysis on the gene object
$cgene->analysis($analysis); my $name = $cgene->stable_id(); $name .= '/'.$cgene->display_xref->display_id() if($cgene->display_xref()); $cgene->type('ensembl'); # store the bloody thing
print STDERR "Storing gene: $name\n"; $gene_adaptor->store($cgene); } return; } ###############################################################################
# generate_stable_id
# Generates a stable_id for a gene, transcript, translation or exon and sets
# it on the object.
sub transfer_xrefs {
  my $hum_gene = shift;
  my $chimp_transcripts = shift;

  my %chimp_transcripts;
  my %chimp_translations;

  foreach my $tr (@$chimp_transcripts) {
    $chimp_transcripts{$tr->stable_id()} ||= [];
    push @{$chimp_transcripts{$tr->stable_id()}}, $tr;

    my $tl = $tr->translation();

    if($tl) {
      $chimp_translations{$tl->stable_id()} ||= [];
      push @{$chimp_translations{$tl->stable_id()}}, $tl;

  foreach my $tr (@{$hum_gene->get_all_Transcripts()}) {
    foreach my $chimp_tr (@{$chimp_transcripts{$tr->stable_id}}) {
      foreach my $xref (@{$tr->get_all_DBEntries}) {
        $chimp_tr->add_DBEntry($xref) if($KEEP_XREF{uc($xref->dbname())});

      if($tr->display_xref() && $KEEP_XREF{uc($tr->display_xref->dbname)}) {

    my $tl = $tr->translation();
    if($tl) {
      foreach my $xref (@{$tl->get_all_DBEntries}) {
        foreach my $chimp_tl (@{$chimp_translations{$tl->stable_id()}}) {
          $chimp_tl->add_DBEntry($xref) if($KEEP_XREF{uc($xref->dbname())});

General documentation
No general documentation available.