None available.
sub build_stable_id_cache
my ($self, $db_adaptor) = @_;
my %stable_id_to_internal_id;
foreach my $type ('gene', 'transcript', 'translation') {
print "Caching stable ID -> internal ID links for ${type}s\n";
my $count = 0;
my $sth = $db_adaptor->dbc->prepare("SELECT ${type}_id, stable_id FROM ${type}_stable_id");
my ($internal_id, $stable_id);
$sth->bind_columns(\$internal_id,\$ stable_id);
while ($sth->fetch) {
$stable_id_to_internal_id{$type}{$stable_id} = $internal_id;
print "Got $count $type stable ID -> internal ID mappings\n";
return\% stable_id_to_internal_id;
} |
sub delete_existing
my ($db_adaptor, $type) = @_;
my $t = lc($type);
print "Deleting existing features & related data for type $type\n";
my $sth = $db_adaptor->dbc->prepare("DELETE rft FROM regulatory_feature rfeat, regulatory_factor_coding rft, analysis a WHERE rfeat.regulatory_factor_id=rft.regulatory_factor_id AND a.analysis_id=rfeat.analysis_id AND LOWER(a.logic_name)=?");
$sth = $db_adaptor->dbc->prepare("DELETE rfeat, rfact, rfo FROM regulatory_feature rfeat, regulatory_factor rfact, regulatory_feature_object rfo, analysis a WHERE rfeat.regulatory_feature_id=rfo.regulatory_feature_id AND rfeat.regulatory_factor_id=rfact.regulatory_factor_id AND rfeat.analysis_id=a.analysis_id AND LOWER(a.logic_name)=?");
$sth = $db_adaptor->dbc->prepare("DELETE rfact FROM regulatory_feature rfeat, regulatory_factor rfact, analysis a WHERE rfeat.regulatory_factor_id=rfact.regulatory_factor_id AND a.analysis_id=rfeat.analysis_id AND LOWER(a.logic_name)=?");
$sth = $db_adaptor->dbc->prepare("DELETE rfeat FROM regulatory_feature rfeat, analysis a WHERE a.analysis_id=rfeat.analysis_id AND LOWER(a.logic_name)=?");
if ($type = "cisred") {
my $sr_type = $type . "_search";
die "Can't find analysis for $sr_type " unless validate_type($db_adaptor, $sr_type);
my $anal_sth = $db_adaptor->dbc->prepare("SELECT analysis_id FROM analysis WHERE LOWER(logic_name)=?");
my $anal = ($anal_sth->fetchrow_array())[0];
$sth = $db_adaptor->dbc->prepare("DELETE FROM regulatory_search_region WHERE analysis_id=?");
} |
sub project_feature
my ($self, $start, $end, $strand, $chr, $slice, $analysis, $new_assembly, $slice_adaptor, $label) = @_;
my $feat = Bio::EnsEMBL::SimpleFeature->new
(-start => $start,
-end => $end,
-strand => $strand,
-slice => $slice,
-analysis => $analysis,
-display_label => $label,
-score => 0);
my $feat_slice = $feat->feature_Slice;
my @segments = @{ $feat_slice->project('chromosome', $new_assembly) };
next unless (@segments);
next if (scalar(@segments) > 1);
my $proj_slice = $segments[0]->to_Slice;
next unless ($feat_slice->length == $proj_slice->length);
my $slice_new_asm = $slice_adaptor->fetch_by_region('chromosome', $chr, undef, undef, undef, $new_assembly);
return $feat;
} |
sub upload_features_and_factors
my ($self, $db_adaptor, $objects) = @_;
my $dbc = $db_adaptor->dbc;
my $feature_sth = $dbc->prepare("INSERT INTO regulatory_feature (regulatory_feature_id, name, seq_region_id, seq_region_start, seq_region_end, seq_region_strand, analysis_id, regulatory_factor_id) VALUES(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)");
my $factor_sth = $dbc->prepare("INSERT INTO regulatory_factor (regulatory_factor_id, name, type) VALUES(?,?,?)");
my $feature_object_sth = $dbc->prepare("INSERT INTO regulatory_feature_object (regulatory_feature_id, ensembl_object_type, ensembl_object_id, influence, evidence) VALUES(?,?,?,?,?)");
my $sr_sth = $dbc->prepare("INSERT INTO regulatory_search_region (name, seq_region_id, seq_region_start, seq_region_end, seq_region_strand, ensembl_object_type, ensembl_object_id, analysis_id ) VALUES(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)");
print "Uploading " . scalar(@{$objects->{FEATURES}}) . " features ...\n";
foreach my $feature (@{$objects->{FEATURES}}) {
if ($feature->{ENSEMBL_TYPE} && $feature->{ENSEMBL_ID}) {
if ($objects->{FACTORS}) {
print "Uploading " . scalar(@{$objects->{FACTORS}}) . " factors ...\n";
foreach my $factor (@{$objects->{FACTORS}}) {
if ($objects->{SEARCH_REGIONS}) {
print "Uploading " . scalar(@{$objects->{SEARCH_REGIONS}}) . " search regions ...\n";
foreach my $search_region (@{$objects->{SEARCH_REGIONS}}) {
print "Done\n";
} |