XrefMapper ProcessPaired
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Package variables
No package variables defined.
Included modules
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No description
No description
Methods description
None available.
Methods code
sub new {
  my($class, $mapper) = @_;

  my $self ={};
  bless $self,$class;
  return $self;
sub process {
  my ($self) = @_;

  print "Process Pairs\n" if($self->verbose);
  my $object_xref_id;

  my $sth =  $self->xref->dbc->prepare("select MAX(object_xref_id) from object_xref");

  print "Starting at object_xref of $object_xref_id\n" if($self->verbose);

  my $psth = $self->xref->dbc->prepare("select p.accession1, p.accession2 from pairs p");
  my $ox_count_sth =  $self->xref->dbc->prepare('select count(1) from object_xref ox, xref x where ox.xref_id = x.xref_id and ox.ox_status = "DUMP_OUT" and x.accession = ?');
  my $ox_transcript_sth =   $self->xref->dbc->prepare('select gtt.transcript_id, ix.query_identity, ix.target_identity  from identity_xref ix, object_xref ox, xref x, gene_transcript_translation gtt where ox.object_xref_id = ix.object_xref_id and ox.ox_status = "DUMP_OUT" and ox.xref_id = x.xref_id and gtt.translation_id = ox.ensembl_id and x.accession = ?');

  my $ox_translation_sth =  $self->xref->dbc->prepare('select gtt.translation_id, ix.query_identity, ix.target_identity from identity_xref ix, object_xref ox, xref x, gene_transcript_translation gtt where ox.object_xref_id = ix.object_xref_id and ox.ox_status = "DUMP_OUT" and ox.xref_id = x.xref_id and gtt.transcript_id  = ox.ensembl_id and x.accession = ?');
  my $xref_sth =  $self->xref->dbc->prepare("select xref_id from xref where accession = ?");
  my $ox_insert_sth = $self->xref->dbc->prepare("insert into object_xref (object_xref_id, xref_id, ensembl_id, ensembl_object_type, linkage_type, ox_status) values(?, ?, ?, ?, 'INFERRED_PAIR', 'DUMP_OUT')");
  local $ox_insert_sth->{RaiseError}; #catch duplicates
local $ox_insert_sth->{PrintError}; # cut down on error messages
my $ox_get_id_sth = $self->xref->dbc->prepare("select object_xref_id,ox_status from object_xref where xref_id = ? and ensembl_id = ? and ensembl_object_type = ?"); my $ox_update_sth = $self->xref->dbc->prepare('update object_xref set ox_status = "DUMP_OUT", linkage_type = "INFERRED_PAIR" where object_xref_id = ?'); my $xref_update_sth = $self->xref->dbc->prepare('update xref set info_type = "INFERRED_PAIR" where xref_id = ?'); my $ins_dep_ix_sth = $self->xref->dbc->prepare("insert into identity_xref (object_xref_id, query_identity, target_identity) values(?, ?, ?)"); $psth->execute() || die "execute failed"; my ($acc1, $acc2); $psth->execute(); my $refseq_count = 0; my %change; $psth->bind_columns(\$acc1,\$ acc2); while($psth->fetch()){ my $count1; my $count2; $ox_count_sth->execute($acc1); # translation alignment
$ox_count_sth->bind_columns(\$count1); $ox_count_sth->fetch; $ox_count_sth->execute($acc2); # transcript alignment
$ox_count_sth->bind_columns(\$count2); $ox_count_sth->fetch; if(( $count1 and $count2) || (!($count1) and !($count2)) ){ next; # eithr both matched or neither is.
} if($count1){ #need xref_id for acc2
my $xref_id; $xref_sth->execute($acc2); $xref_sth->bind_columns(\$xref_id); if(!$xref_sth->fetch){ # print "Could not find xref_id for accession $acc2\n";
next; } next if(!defined($xref_id)); # print "$acc2\t$xref_id (search using $acc1)\n";
# insert new object_xref
# trap error code. if duplicate then just set linkage_type = "INFERRED_PAIR" and ox_status = "DUMP"
# "maybe" the original failed the cutoff!!! so will have an entry alread but no good.
$ox_transcript_sth->execute($acc1); my $transcript_id=undef; my ($q_id,$t_id); $ox_transcript_sth->bind_columns(\$transcript_id,\$q_id,\$ t_id); while($ox_transcript_sth->fetch){ if(defined($transcript_id)){ # remember not all transcripts have translations.
$object_xref_id++; $ox_insert_sth->execute($object_xref_id, $xref_id, $transcript_id, "Transcript") ; if($ox_insert_sth->err){ my $err = $ox_insert_sth->errstr; if($err =~ /Duplicate/){ $change{"UPDATE"}++; # duplicate this can happen as it might have failed the cutoff
# find the old object_xref_id and the update the status's
my $old_object_xref_id=undef; my $status; $ox_get_id_sth->execute($xref_id, $transcript_id, "Transcript"); $ox_get_id_sth->bind_columns(\$old_object_xref_id,\$ status); $ox_get_id_sth->fetch(); if($status eq "DUMP_OUT"){ print STDERR "Problem status for object_xref_id is DUMP_OUT but this should never happen as it was not found earlier??? (transcript_id = $transcript_id, $xref_id\n"; } if(!defined($old_object_xref_id)){ die "Duplicate but can't find the original?? xref_id = $xref_id, ensembl_id = $transcript_id, type = Transcript\n"; } $ox_update_sth->execute($old_object_xref_id)|| die "Could not set update for object_xref_id = $old_object_xref_id"; $xref_update_sth->execute($xref_id)|| die "Could not set update for xref_id = $xref_id"; } else{ die "Problem loading error is $err\n"; } } else{ $ins_dep_ix_sth->execute($object_xref_id, $q_id, $t_id); $xref_update_sth->execute($xref_id)|| die "Could not set update for xref_id = $xref_id"; $change{"NEW"}++; } # print "insert $xref_id transcript $transcript_id ........\n";
$refseq_count++; } } } elsif($count2){ my $xref_id; $xref_sth->execute($acc1); $xref_sth->bind_columns(\$xref_id); if(!$xref_sth->fetch){ # print "Could not find xref_id for accession $acc1\n";
next; } next if(!defined($xref_id)); # print "$acc1\t$xref_id (search using $acc2)\n";
# insert new object_xref
# trap error code. if duplicate then just set linkage_type = "INFERRED_PAIR" and ox_status = "DUMP"
# "maybe" the original failed the cutoff!!! so will have an entry alread but no good.
$ox_translation_sth->execute($acc2); my $translation_id = undef; my ($q_id, $t_id); $ox_translation_sth->bind_columns(\$translation_id,\$ q_id,\$ t_id); while($ox_translation_sth->fetch){ if(defined($translation_id)){ # remember not all transcripts ahve translations.
$object_xref_id++; $ox_insert_sth->execute($object_xref_id, $xref_id, $translation_id, "Translation") ; if($ox_insert_sth->err){ $change{"UPDATE"}++; my $err = $ox_insert_sth->errstr; if($err =~ /Duplicate/){ # duplicate this can happen as it might have failed the cutoff
# find the old object_xref_id and the update the status's
my $old_object_xref_id=undef; my $status; $ox_get_id_sth->execute($xref_id, $translation_id, "Translation"); $ox_get_id_sth->bind_columns(\$old_object_xref_id,\$status); $ox_get_id_sth->fetch(); if($status eq "DUMP_OUT"){ print STDERR "Problem status for object_xref_id is DUMP_OUT but this should never happen as it was not found earlier??? (trasnlation_id = $translation_id, $xref_id\n"; } if(!defined($old_object_xref_id)){ die "Duplicate but can't find the original?? xref_id = $xref_id, ensembl_id = $translation_id, type = Translation\n"; } $ox_update_sth->execute($old_object_xref_id)|| die "Could not set update for object_xref_id = $old_object_xref_id"; $xref_update_sth->execute($xref_id)|| die "Could not set update for xref_id = $xref_id"; } else{ die "Problem loading error is $err\n"; } } else{ $ins_dep_ix_sth->execute($object_xref_id, $q_id, $t_id); $xref_update_sth->execute($xref_id)|| die "Could not set update for xref_id = $xref_id"; $change{"NEW"}++; } # print "insert $xref_id translation $translation_id ........\n";
$refseq_count++; } } } else{ print STDERR "HMMM how did i get here. This should be impossible. [logic error]\n"; } } $psth->finish; $ox_count_sth->finish; $ox_transcript_sth->finish; $ox_translation_sth->finish; $ox_update_sth->finish; $xref_update_sth->finish; $xref_sth->finish; $ins_dep_ix_sth->finish; foreach my $key (keys %change){ print "\t$key\t".$change{$key}."\n" if($self->verbose); } print "$refseq_count new relationships added\n" if($self->verbose); my $sth_stat = $self->xref->dbc->prepare("insert into process_status (status, date) values('processed_pairs',now())"); $sth_stat->execute(); $sth_stat->finish; } 1;
General documentation
No general documentation available.