Raw content of XrefMapper::anopheles_gambiae package XrefMapper::anopheles_gambiae; use XrefMapper::BasicMapper; use XrefMapper::VBCoordinateMapper; use vars '@ISA'; @ISA = qw{ XrefMapper::BasicMapper }; sub get_set_lists { return [["ExonerateGappedBest1_agam", ["anopheles_gambiae","*"]]]; } # transcript, gene display_xrefs can use defaults # since anopheles_symbol is "before" Uniprot # If there is an Anopheles_symbol xref, use its description sub gene_description_sources { return ("Anopheles_symbol", "Uniprot/SWISSPROT", "RefSeq_peptide", "RefSeq_dna", "Uniprot/SPTREMBL", #"RefSeq_peptide_predicted", #"RefSeq_dna_predicted", #"EntrezGene"); ); } sub transcript_display_xref_sources { my @list = qw(RFAM miRBase Anopheles_symbol Uniprot/SWISSPROT Uniprot/Varsplic Uniprot/SPTREMBL); my %ignore; return [\@list,\%ignore]; } # regexps to match any descriptons we want to filter out sub gene_description_filter_regexps { return (); } 1;