Raw content of Bio::EnsEMBL::AlignStrainSlice
=head1 LICENSE
Copyright (c) 1999-2009 The European Bioinformatics Institute and
Genome Research Limited. All rights reserved.
This software is distributed under a modified Apache license.
For license details, please see
=head1 CONTACT
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=head1 NAME
Bio::EnsEMBL::AlignStrainSlice - Represents the slice of the genome aligned with certain strains (applying the variations/indels)
$sa = $db->get_SliceAdaptor;
$slice =
$sa->fetch_by_region( 'chromosome', 'X', 1_000_000, 2_000_000 );
$strainSlice1 = $slice->get_by_Strain($strain_name1);
$strainSlice2 = $slice->get_by_Strain($strain_name2);
my @strainSlices;
push @strainSlices, $strainSlice1;
push @strainSlices, $strainSlice2;
$alignSlice = Bio::EnsEMBL::AlignStrainSlice->new(
-SLICE => $slice,
-STRAINS => \@strainSlices
# Get coordinates of variation in alignSlice
my $alleleFeatures = $strainSlice1->get_all_AlleleFeature_Slice();
foreach my $af ( @{$alleleFeatures} ) {
my $new_feature = $alignSlice->alignFeature( $af, $strainSlice1 );
print( "Coordinates of the feature in AlignSlice are: ",
$new_feature->start, "-", $new_feature->end, "\n" );
A AlignStrainSlice object represents a region of a genome align for
certain strains. It can be used to align certain strains to a reference
=head1 METHODS
package Bio::EnsEMBL::AlignStrainSlice;
use strict;
use Bio::EnsEMBL::Utils::Argument qw(rearrange);
use Bio::EnsEMBL::Mapper;
use Bio::EnsEMBL::Mapper::RangeRegistry;
use Bio::EnsEMBL::Utils::Exception qw(throw deprecate warning);
use Data::Dumper;
=head2 new
Arg[1] : Bio::EnsEMBL::Slice $Slice
Arg[2] : listref of Bio::EnsEMBL::StrainSlice $strainSlice
Example : push @strainSlices, $strainSlice1;
push @strainSlices, $strainSlice2;
push @strainSlices, $strainSliceN;
$alignStrainSlice = Bio::EnsEMBL::AlignStrainSlice->new(-SLICE => $slice,
-STRAIN => \@strainSlices);
Description : Creates a new Bio::EnsEMBL::AlignStrainSlice object that will contain a mapper between
the Slice object, plus all the indels from the different Strains
ReturnType : Bio::EnsEMBL::AlignStrainSlice
Exceptions : none
Caller : general
sub new{
my $caller = shift;
my $class = ref($caller) || $caller;
my ($slice, $strainSlices) = rearrange([qw(SLICE STRAINS)],@_);
#check that both StrainSlice and Slice are identical (must have been defined in the same slice)
foreach my $strainSlice (@{$strainSlices}){
if (($strainSlice->start != $slice->start) || ($strainSlice->end != $slice->end) || ($strainSlice->seq_region_name ne $slice->seq_region_name)){
warning("Not possible to create Align object from different Slices");
return [];
return bless{'slice' => $slice,
'strains' => $strainSlices}, $class;
=head2 alignFeature
Arg[1] : Bio::EnsEMBL::Feature $feature
Arg[2] : Bio::EnsEMBL::StrainSlice $strainSlice
Example : $new_feature = $alignSlice->alignFeature($feature, $strainSlice);
Description : Creates a new Bio::EnsEMBL::Feature object that aligned to
the AlignStrainSlice object.
ReturnType : Bio::EnsEMBL::Feature
Exceptions : none
Caller : general
sub alignFeature{
my $self = shift;
my $feature = shift;
#check that the object is a Feature
if (!ref($feature) || !$feature->isa('Bio::EnsEMBL::Feature')){
throw("Bio::EnsEMBL::Feature object expected");
#and align it to the AlignStrainSlice object
my $mapper_strain = $self->mapper();
my @results;
if ($feature->start > $feature->end){
#this is an Indel, map it with the special method
@results = $mapper_strain->map_indel('Slice',$feature->start, $feature->end, $feature->strand,'Slice');
#and modify the coordinates according to the length of the indel
$results[0]->end($results[0]->start + $feature->length_diff -1);
@results = $mapper_strain->map_coordinates('Slice',$feature->start, $feature->end, $feature->strand,'Slice');
#get need start and end of the new feature, aligned ot AlignStrainSlice
my @results_ordered = sort {$a->start <=> $b->start} @results;
my %new_feature = %$feature; #make a shallow copy of the Feature
$new_feature{'start'}= $results_ordered[0]->start();
$new_feature{'end'} = $results_ordered[-1]->end(); #get last element of the array, the end of the slice
return bless \%new_feature, ref($feature);
#getter for the mapper between the Slice and the different StrainSlice objects
sub mapper{
my $self = shift;
if (!defined $self->{'mapper'}){
#get the alleleFeatures in all the strains
if (!defined $self->{'indels'}){
#when the list of indels is not defined, get them
$self->{'indels'} = $self->_get_indels();
my $indels = $self->{'indels'}; #gaps in reference slice
my $mapper = Bio::EnsEMBL::Mapper->new('Slice', 'AlignStrainSlice');
my $start_slice = 1;
my $end_slice;
my $start_align = 1;
my $end_align;
my $length_indel = 0;
my $length_acum_indel = 0;
foreach my $indel (@{$indels}){
$end_slice = $indel->[0] - 1;
$end_align = $indel->[0] - 1 + $length_acum_indel; #we must consider length previous indels
$length_indel = $indel->[1] - $indel->[0] + 1;
$mapper->add_indel_coordinates('Slice',$end_slice + 1,$end_slice,1,'AlignStrainSlice',$end_align + 1,$end_align + $length_indel);
$start_slice = $end_slice + 1;
$start_align = $indel->[1] + 1 + $length_acum_indel; #we must consider legnth previous indels
$length_acum_indel += $length_indel;
if ($start_slice <= $self->length){
$mapper->add_map_coordinates('Slice',$start_slice,$self->length,1,'AlignStrainSlice',$start_align,$start_align + $self->length - $start_slice)
$self->{'mapper'} = $mapper;
return $self->{'mapper'};
#returns the length of the AlignSlice: length of the Slice plus the gaps
sub length{
my $self = shift;
my $length;
if (!defined $self->{'indels'}){
#when the list of indels is not defined, get them
$self->{'indels'} = $self->_get_indels();
$length = $self->{'slice'}->length;
map {$length += ($_->[1] - $_->[0] + 1)} @{$self->{'indels'}};
return $length;
=head2 strains
Args : None
Description: Returns list with all strains used to
define this AlignStrainSlice object
Returntype : listref of Bio::EnsEMBL::StrainSlice objects
Exceptions : none
Caller : general
sub strains{
my $self = shift;
return $self->{'strains'};
=head2 Slice
Args : None
Description: Returns slice where the AlignStrainSlice
is defined
Returntype : Bio::EnsEMBL::Slice object
Exceptions : none
Caller : general
sub Slice{
my $self = shift;
return $self->{'slice'};
#method to retrieve, in order, a list with all the indels in the different strains
sub _get_indels{
my $self = shift;
#go throuh all the strains getting ONLY the indels (length_diff <> 0)
my @indels;
foreach my $strainSlice (@{$self->strains}){
my $differences = $strainSlice->get_all_AlleleFeatures_Slice(); #need to check there are differences....
foreach my $af (@{$differences}){
#if length is 0, but is a -, it is still a gap in the strain
if (($af->length_diff != 0) || ($af->length_diff == 0 && $af->allele_string =~ /-/)){
push @indels, $af;
#need to overlap the gaps using the RangeRegistry module
my $range_registry = Bio::EnsEMBL::Mapper::RangeRegistry->new();
foreach my $indel (@indels){
#in the reference and the strain there is a gap
$range_registry->check_and_register(1,$indel->start,$indel->start) if ($indel->length_diff == 0);
#deletion in reference slice
$range_registry->check_and_register(1,$indel->start, $indel->end ) if ($indel->length_diff < 0);
#insertion in reference slice
$range_registry->check_and_register(1,$indel->start,$indel->start + $indel->length_diff - 1) if ($indel->length_diff > 0);
#and return all the gap coordinates....
return $range_registry->get_ranges(1);
=head2 get_all_Slices
Args : none
Description: This Slice is made of several Bio::EnsEMBL::StrainSlices
sequence. This method returns these StrainSlices (or part of
them) with the original coordinates
Returntype : listref of Bio::EnsEMBL::StrainSlice objects
Exceptions : end should be at least as big as start
Caller : general
sub get_all_Slices {
my $self = shift;
my @strains;
#add the reference strain
my $dbVar = $self->Slice->adaptor->db->get_db_adaptor('variation');
unless($dbVar) {
warning("Variation database must be attached to core database to " .
"retrieve variation information" );
return '';
my $indAdaptor = $dbVar->get_IndividualAdaptor();
my $ref_name = $indAdaptor->get_reference_strain_name;
my $ref_strain = Bio::EnsEMBL::StrainSlice->new(
-START => $self->Slice->{'start'},
-END => $self->Slice->{'end'},
-STRAND => $self->Slice->{'strand'},
-ADAPTOR => $self->Slice->{'adaptor'},
-SEQ => $self->Slice->{'seq'},
-SEQ_REGION_NAME => $self->Slice->{'seq_region_name'},
-SEQ_REGION_LENGTH => $self->Slice->{'seq_region_length'},
-COORD_SYSTEM => $self->Slice->{'coord_system'},
-STRAIN_NAME => $ref_name,
#this is a fake reference alisce, should not contain any alleleFeature
undef $ref_strain->{'alleleFeatures'};
push @strains, @{$self->strains};
my $new_feature;
my $indel;
my $aligned_features;
my $indels = (); #reference to a hash containing indels in the different strains
#we need to realign all Features in the different Slices and add '-' in the reference Slice
foreach my $strain (@{$self->strains}){
foreach my $af (@{$strain->get_all_AlleleFeatures_Slice()}){
$new_feature = $self->alignFeature($af); #align feature in AlignSlice coordinates
push @{$aligned_features},$new_feature if($new_feature->seq_region_start <= $strain->end); #some features might map outside slice
if ($af->start != $af->end){ #an indel, need to add to the reference, and realign in the strain
#make a shallow copy of the indel - clear it first!
$indel = undef;
%{$indel} = %{$new_feature};
bless $indel, ref($new_feature);
push @{$indels},$indel; #and include in the list of potential indels
next if (!defined $aligned_features);
undef $strain->{'alleleFeatures'}; #remove all features before adding new aligned features
push @{$strain->{'alleleFeatures'}}, @{$aligned_features};
undef $aligned_features;
push @strains, $ref_strain;
#need to add indels in the different strains, if not present
if (defined $indels){
foreach my $strain (@strains){
#inlcude the indels in the StrainSlice object
push @{$strain->{'alignIndels'}},@{$indels};
return \@strains;