Package variables
No package variables defined.
Included modules
my $goa = $registry->get_adaptor( 'Multi', 'Ontology', 'GOTerm' );
my $term = $goa->fetch_by_accession('GO:0010885');
my @child_terms = @{ $goa->fetch_by_parent_term($term) };
my @descendant_terms = @{ $goa->fetch_all_by_parent_term($term) };
my @parent_terms = @{ $goa->fetch_by_child_term($term) };
my @ancestor_terms = @{ $goa->fetch_all_by_child_term($term) };
my %ancestor_chart = %{ $goa->_fetch_ancestor_chart($term) };
An adaptor for fetching ontology terms, creates
Bio::EnsEMBL::OntologyTerm objects.
Methods description
Arg [1] : Bio::EnsEMBL::OntologyTerm The term whose ancestor terms should be fetched.
Description : Given a child ontology term, returns a hash
structure containing its ancestor terms, up to and
including any root term. In GO, relations of the
type 'is_a' and 'part_of' are included, but not
'regulates' etc.
Example : my %chart =
%{ $ot_adaptor->_fetch_ancestor_chart($term) };
Return type : A reference to a hash structure like this:
'term' => # ref to Bio::EnsEMBL::OntologyTerm object
'is_a' => [...], # listref of Bio::EnsEMBL::OntologyTerm
'part_of' => [...], # listref of Bio::EnsEMBL::OntologyTerm
# Similarly for all ancestors,
# and including the query term itself.
} |
Arg [1] : Bio::EnsEMBL::OntologyTerm The term whose ancestor terms should be fetched.
Description : Given a child ontology term, returns a list of all
its ancestor terms, up to and including any root
term. In GO, relations of the type 'is_a' and
'part_of' are followed, but not 'regulates' etc.
Example : my @ancestors =
@{ $ot_adaptor->fetch_all_by_parent_term($term) };
Return type : listref of Bio::EnsEMBL::OntologyTerm |
Arg [1] : Bio::EnsEMBL::OntologyTerm The term whose descendant terms should be fetched.
Description : Given a parent ontology term, returns a list of
all its descendant terms, down to and including
any leaf terms. In GO, relations of the type
'is_a' and 'part_of' are followed, but not
'regulates' etc.
Example : my @descendants =
@{ $ot_adaptor->fetch_all_by_parent_term($term) };
Return type : listref of Bio::EnsEMBL::OntologyTerm |
Arg [1] : String
Description : Fetches an ontology term given an accession.
Example :
my $term = $ot_adaptor->fetch_by_accession('GO:0030326');
Return type : Bio::EnsEMBL::OntologyTerm |
Arg [1] : Bio::EnsEMBL::OntologyTerm The term whose parent terms should be fetched.
Description : Given a child ontology term, returns a list of
its immediate parent terms.
Example : my @parents =
@{ $ot_adaptor->fetch_by_child_term($term) };
Return type : listref of Bio::EnsEMBL::OntologyTerm |
Arg [1] : Bio::EnsEMBL::OntologyTerm The term whose children terms should be fetched.
Description : Given a parent ontology term, returns a list of
its immediate children terms.
Example : my @children =
@{ $ot_adaptor->fetch_by_parent_term($term) };
Return type : listref of Bio::EnsEMBL::OntologyTerm |
Arg [1] : Bio::EnsEMBL::DBSQL::DBAdaptor Argument required for parent class Bio::EnsEMBL::DBSQL::BaseAdaptor.
Arg [2] : String
The particular ontology that this ontology adaptor
deals with.
Description : Creates an ontology term adaptor.
Example :
my $ot_adaptor =
Bio::EnsEMBL::DBSQL::OntologyTermAdaptor->new( $dba, 'GO' );
Return type : Bio::EnsEMBL::DBSQL::OntologyTermAdaptor |
Arg : None
Description : Returns the name of the ontology which this
adaptor is used to retrieve terms for.
Example :
my $ontology = $ot_adaptor->ontology();
Return type : String |
Methods code
sub _fetch_ancestor_chart
{ my ( $this, $term ) = @_;
my $statement = q( SELECT subparent_term.term_id, parent_term.term_id, FROM closure, relation, relation_type, term subparent_term, term parent_term WHERE closure.child_term_id = ? AND relation.parent_term_id = closure.parent_term_id AND relation.child_term_id = closure.subparent_term_id AND relation.relation_type_id = relation_type.relation_type_id AND subparent_term.term_id = closure.subparent_term_id AND parent_term.term_id = closure.parent_term_id ORDER BY closure.distance);
my $sth = $this->prepare($statement);
$sth->bind_param( 1, $term->dbID(), SQL_INTEGER );
my ( $subparent_id, $parent_id, $relation );
$sth->bind_columns(\( $subparent_id, $parent_id, $relation ) );
my %id_chart;
my %acc_chart;
while ( $sth->fetch() ) {
if ( !exists( $id_chart{$parent_id} ) ) {
$id_chart{$parent_id} = {};
push( @{ $id_chart{$subparent_id}{$relation} }, $parent_id );
my @terms = @{ $this->fetch_by_dbID_list( [ keys(%id_chart) ] ) };
foreach my $term (@terms) {
$id_chart{ $term->dbID() }{'term'} = $term;
$acc_chart{ $term->accession() }{'term'} = $term;
foreach my $term (@terms) {
my $accession = $term->accession();
my $dbID = $term->dbID();
foreach my $relation ( keys( %{ $id_chart{$dbID} } ) ) {
if ( $relation eq 'term' ) { next }
foreach my $id ( @{ $id_chart{$dbID}{$relation} } ) {
@{ $acc_chart{$accession}{$relation} },
$id_chart{$id}{'term'} );
return\% acc_chart;
} |
sub fetch_all_by_child_term
{ my ( $this, $term ) = @_;
if ( !ref($term) || !$term->isa('Bio::EnsEMBL::OntologyTerm') ) {
throw('Argument needs to be a Bio::EnsEMBL::OntologyTerm object');
my $statement = q( SELECT DISTINCT parent_term.term_id, parent_term.accession,, parent_term.definition FROM term parent_term, closure WHERE closure.child_term_id = ? AND closure.parent_term_id = parent_term.term_id AND closure.distance > 0 ORDER BY closure.distance, parent_term.accession);
my $sth = $this->prepare($statement);
$sth->bind_param( 1, $term->dbID(), SQL_INTEGER );
my ( $dbid, $accession, $name, $definition );
$sth->bind_columns(\( $dbid, $accession, $name, $definition ) );
my @terms;
while ( $sth->fetch() ) {
'-dbid' => $dbid,
'-adaptor' => $this,
'-accession' => $accession,
'-namespace' => $term->{'namespace'},
'-name' => $name,
'-definition' => $definition,
) );
return\@ terms;
} |
sub fetch_all_by_parent_term
{ my ( $this, $term ) = @_;
if ( !ref($term) || !$term->isa('Bio::EnsEMBL::OntologyTerm') ) {
throw('Argument needs to be a Bio::EnsEMBL::OntologyTerm object');
my $statement = q( SELECT DISTINCT child_term.term_id, child_term.accession,, child_term.definition FROM term child_term, closure WHERE closure.child_term_id = child_term.term_id AND closure.parent_term_id = ? AND closure.distance > 0 ORDER BY closure.distance, child_term.accession);
my $sth = $this->prepare($statement);
$sth->bind_param( 1, $term->dbID(), SQL_INTEGER );
my ( $dbid, $accession, $name, $definition );
$sth->bind_columns(\( $dbid, $accession, $name, $definition ) );
my @terms;
while ( $sth->fetch() ) {
'-dbid' => $dbid,
'-adaptor' => $this,
'-accession' => $accession,
'-namespace' => $term->{'namespace'},
'-name' => $name,
'-definition' => $definition,
) );
return\@ terms;
} |
sub fetch_by_accession
{ my ( $this, $accession ) = @_;
my $statement = q( SELECT term.term_id,, term.definition, ontology.namespace FROM ontology, term WHERE = ? AND ontology.ontology_id = term.ontology_id AND term.accession = ?);
my $sth = $this->prepare($statement);
$sth->bind_param( 1, $this->{'ontology'}, SQL_VARCHAR );
$sth->bind_param( 2, $accession, SQL_VARCHAR );
my ( $dbid, $name, $definition, $namespace );
$sth->bind_columns(\( $dbid, $name, $definition, $namespace ) );
my $term = Bio::EnsEMBL::OntologyTerm->new(
'-dbid' => $dbid,
'-adaptor' => $this,
'-accession' => $accession,
'-namespace' => $namespace,
'-name' => $name,
'-definition' => $definition
return $term;
} |
sub fetch_by_child_term
{ my ( $this, $term ) = @_;
if ( !ref($term) || !$term->isa('Bio::EnsEMBL::OntologyTerm') ) {
throw('Argument needs to be a Bio::EnsEMBL::OntologyTerm object');
my @terms;
if ( !$term->{'parent_terms_fetched'} ) {
my $statement = q( SELECT parent_term.term_id, parent_term.accession,, parent_term.definition, FROM term parent_term, relation, relation_type rt WHERE relation.child_term_id = ? AND relation.parent_term_id = parent_term.term_id AND relation.relation_type_id = rt.relation_type_id);
my $sth = $this->prepare($statement);
$sth->bind_param( 1, $term->dbID(), SQL_INTEGER );
my ( $dbid, $accession, $name, $definition, $relation );
$dbid, $accession, $name, $definition, $relation ) );
while ( $sth->fetch() ) {
my $parent_term = Bio::EnsEMBL::OntologyTerm->new(
'-dbid' => $dbid,
'-adaptor' => $this,
'-accession' => $accession,
'-namespace' => $term->{'namespace'},
'-name' => $name,
'-definition' => $definition,
push( @terms, $parent_term );
push( @{ $term->{'parents'}{$relation} }, $parent_term );
$term->{'parent_terms_fetched'} = 1;
} else {
foreach my $relation ( values( %{ $term->{'parents'} } ) ) {
push( @terms, @{$relation} );
return\@ terms;
} |
sub fetch_by_dbID
{ my ( $this, $dbid ) = @_;
my $statement = q( SELECT term.accession,, term.definition, ontology.namespace FROM ontology, term WHERE ontology.ontology_id = term.ontology_id AND term.term_id = ?);
my $sth = $this->prepare($statement);
$sth->bind_param( 1, $dbid, SQL_INTEGER );
my ( $accession, $name, $definition, $namespace );
$sth->bind_columns(\( $accession, $name, $definition, $namespace ) );
my $term = Bio::EnsEMBL::OntologyTerm->new(
'-dbid' => $dbid,
'-adaptor' => $this,
'-accession' => $accession,
'-namespace' => $namespace,
'-name' => $name,
'-definition' => $definition
return $term;
} |
sub fetch_by_dbID_list
{ my ( $this, $dbids ) = @_;
if ( !@{$dbids} ) { return [] }
my $stmt = q( SELECT term.term_id, term.accession,, term.definition, ontology.namespace FROM ontology, term WHERE ontology.ontology_id = term.ontology_id AND term.term_id IN (%s));
my $statement = sprintf(
join( ',',
map { $this->dbc()->db_handle()->quote( $_, SQL_INTEGER ) }
@{$dbids} ) );
my $sth = $this->prepare($statement);
my ( $dbid, $accession, $name, $definition, $namespace );
$dbid, $accession, $name, $definition, $namespace ) );
my @terms;
while ( $sth->fetch() ) {
'-dbid' => $dbid,
'-adaptor' => $this,
'-accession' => $accession,
'-namespace' => $namespace,
'-name' => $name,
'-definition' => $definition
) );
return\@ terms;
1; } |
sub fetch_by_parent_term
{ my ( $this, $term ) = @_;
if ( !ref($term) || !$term->isa('Bio::EnsEMBL::OntologyTerm') ) {
throw('Argument needs to be a Bio::EnsEMBL::OntologyTerm object');
my @terms;
if ( !$term->{'child_terms_fetched'} ) {
my $statement = q( SELECT child_term.term_id, child_term.accession,, child_term.definition, FROM term child_term, relation, relation_type rt WHERE relation.child_term_id = child_term.term_id AND relation.parent_term_id = ? AND relation.relation_type_id = rt.relation_type_id);
my $sth = $this->prepare($statement);
$sth->bind_param( 1, $term->dbID(), SQL_INTEGER );
my ( $dbid, $accession, $name, $definition, $relation );
$dbid, $accession, $name, $definition, $relation ) );
while ( $sth->fetch() ) {
my $child_term = Bio::EnsEMBL::OntologyTerm->new(
'-dbid' => $dbid,
'-adaptor' => $this,
'-accession' => $accession,
'-namespace' => $term->{'namespace'},
'-name' => $name,
'-definition' => $definition,
push( @terms, $child_term );
push( @{ $term->{'children'}{$relation} }, $child_term );
$term->{'child_terms_fetched'} = 1;
} else {
foreach my $relation ( values( %{ $term->{'children'} } ) ) {
push( @terms, @{$relation} );
return\@ terms;
} |
sub new
{ my ( $proto, $dba, $ontology ) = @_;
if ( !ref($dba) || !$dba->isa('Bio::EnsEMBL::DBSQL::DBAdaptor') ) {
throw('First argument needs to be a '
. 'Bio::EnsEMBL::DBSQL::DBAdaptor object' );
my $this = $proto->SUPER::new($dba);
$this->{'ontology'} = $ontology;
return $this; } |
sub ontology
{ my ($this) = @_;
return $this->{'ontology'}; } |
General documentation
Copyright (c) 1999-2009 The European Bioinformatics Institute and
Genome Research Limited. All rights reserved.
This software is distributed under a modified Apache license.
For license details, please see