Raw content of Bio::EnsEMBL::DBSQL::SliceAdaptor
=head1 LICENSE
Copyright (c) 1999-2009 The European Bioinformatics Institute and
Genome Research Limited. All rights reserved.
This software is distributed under a modified Apache license.
For license details, please see
=head1 CONTACT
Please email comments or questions to the public Ensembl
developers list at .
Questions may also be sent to the Ensembl help desk at
=head1 NAME
Bio::EnsEMBL::DBSQL::SliceAdaptor - A database aware adaptor responsible for
the creation of Slice objects.
use Bio::EnsEMBL::Utils::Slice qw(split_Slices);
use Bio::EnsEMBL::Registry;
-host => 'ensembldb.ensembl.org',
-user => 'anonymous'
$slice_adaptor =
Bio::EnsEMBL::Registry->get_adaptor( "human", "core", "slice" );
# get a slice on the entire chromosome X
$chr_slice = $slice_adaptor->fetch_by_region( 'chromosome', 'X' );
# get a slice for each clone in the database
foreach $cln_slice ( @{ $slice_adaptor->fetch_all('clone') } ) {
# do something with clone
# get a slice which is part of NT_004321
$spctg_slice =
$slice_adaptor->fetch_by_region( 'supercontig', 'NT_004321',
200_000, 600_000 );
# get all non-redundant slices from the highest possible coordinate
# systems
$slices = $slice_adaptor->fetch_all('toplevel');
# include non-reference regions
$slices = $slice_adaptor->fetch_all( 'toplevel', undef, 1 );
# include non-duplicate regions
$slices = $slice_adaptor->fetch_all( 'toplevel', undef, 0, 1 );
# split up a list of slices into smaller slices
$overlap = 1000;
$max_length = 1e6;
$slices = split_Slices( $slices, $max_length, $overlap );
# store a list of slice names in a file
open( FILE, ">$filename" ) or die("Could not open file $filename");
foreach my $slice (@$slices) {
print FILE $slice->name(), "\n";
close FILE;
# retreive a list of slices from a file
open( FILE, $filename ) or die("Could not open file $filename");
while ( $name = ) {
$slice = $slice_adaptor->fetch_by_name($name);
# do something with slice
This module is responsible for fetching Slices representing genomic
regions from a database. A Details on how slices can be used are in the
Bio::EnsEMBL::Slice module.
=head1 METHODS
package Bio::EnsEMBL::DBSQL::SliceAdaptor;
use vars qw(@ISA);
use strict;
use Bio::EnsEMBL::DBSQL::BaseAdaptor;
use Bio::EnsEMBL::Slice;
use Bio::EnsEMBL::Mapper;
use Bio::EnsEMBL::Utils::Exception qw(throw deprecate warning stack_trace_dump);
@ISA = ('Bio::EnsEMBL::DBSQL::BaseAdaptor');
sub new {
my $caller = shift;
my $class = ref($caller) || $caller;
my $self = $class->SUPER::new(@_);
# use a cache which is shared and also used by the assembly
# mapper adaptor
my $seq_region_cache = $self->db->get_SeqRegionCache();
$self->{'sr_name_cache'} = $seq_region_cache->{'name_cache'};
$self->{'sr_id_cache'} = $seq_region_cache->{'id_cache'};
return $self;
=head2 fetch_by_region
Arg [1] : string $coord_system_name (optional)
The name of the coordinate system of the slice to be created
This may be a name of an actual coordinate system or an alias
to a coordinate system. Valid aliases are 'seqlevel' or
Arg [2] : string $seq_region_name
The name of the sequence region that the slice will be
created on.
Arg [3] : int $start (optional, default = 1)
The start of the slice on the sequence region
Arg [4] : int $end (optional, default = seq_region length)
The end of the slice on the sequence region
Arg [5] : int $strand (optional, default = 1)
The orientation of the slice on the sequence region
Arg [6] : string $version (optional, default = default version)
The version of the coordinate system to use (e.g. NCBI33)
Arg [7] : boolean $no_fuzz (optional, default = undef (false))
If true (non-zero), do not use "fuzzy matching" (see below).
Example : $slice = $slice_adaptor->fetch_by_region('chromosome', 'X');
$slice = $slice_adaptor->fetch_by_region('clone', 'AC008066.4');
Description: Retrieves a slice on the requested region. At a minimum the
name the name of the seq_region to fetch must be provided.
If no coordinate system name is provided than a slice on the
highest ranked coordinate system with a matching
seq_region_name will be returned. If a version but no
coordinate system name is provided, the same behaviour will
apply, but only coordinate systems of the appropriate version
are considered. The same applies if the 'toplevel' coordinate
system is specified, however in this case the version is
ignored. The coordinate system should always be specified if
it is known, since this is unambiguous and faster.
Some fuzzy matching is performed if no exact match for
the provided name is found. This allows clones to be
fetched even when their version is not known. For
example fetch_by_region('clone', 'AC008066') will
retrieve the sequence_region with name 'AC008066.4'.
The fuzzy matching can be turned off by setting the
$no_fuzz argument to a true value.
If the requested seq_region is not found in the database undef
is returned.
Returntype : Bio::EnsEMBL::Slice or undef
Exceptions : throw if no seq_region_name is provided
throw if invalid coord_system_name is provided
throw if start > end is provided
Caller : general
Status : Stable
# ARNE: This subroutine needs simplification!!
sub fetch_by_region {
my ( $self, $coord_system_name, $seq_region_name, $start, $end,
$strand, $version, $no_fuzz )
= @_;
if ( !defined($start) ) { $start = 1 }
if ( !defined($strand) ) { $strand = 1 }
if ( !defined($seq_region_name) ) {
throw('seq_region_name argument is required');
my $cs;
my $csa = $self->db->get_CoordSystemAdaptor();
if ( defined($coord_system_name) ) {
$cs = $csa->fetch_by_name( $coord_system_name, $version );
## Anne/ap5 (2007-10-09):
# The problem was that the stickleback genebuild called the
# chromosomes 'groups', which meant they weren't being picked out by
# the karyotype drawing code. Apparently they are usually called
# 'groups' in the stickleback community, even though they really are
# chromosomes!
if ( !defined($cs) && $coord_system_name eq 'chromosome' ) {
$cs = $csa->fetch_by_name( 'group', $version );
if ( !defined($cs) ) {
sprintf( "Unknown coordinate system:\n"
. "name='%s' version='%s'\n",
$coord_system_name, $version
) );
# fetching by toplevel is same as fetching w/o name or version
if ( $cs->is_top_level() ) {
$cs = undef;
$version = undef;
} ## end if ( defined($coord_system_name...
my $constraint;
my $sql;
my @bind_params;
my $key;
if ( defined($cs) ) {
$sql = sprintf( "SELECT sr.name, sr.seq_region_id, sr.length, %d "
. "FROM seq_region sr ",
$cs->dbID() );
$constraint = "AND sr.coord_system_id = ?";
push( @bind_params, [ $cs->dbID(), SQL_INTEGER ] );
$key = "$seq_region_name:" . $cs->dbID();
} else {
$sql =
"SELECT sr.name, sr.seq_region_id, sr.length, cs.coord_system_id "
. "FROM seq_region sr, coord_system cs ";
$constraint = "AND sr.coord_system_id = cs.coord_system_id "
. "AND cs.species_id = ? ";
push( @bind_params, [ $self->species_id(), SQL_INTEGER ] );
if ( defined($version) ) {
$constraint .= "AND cs.version = ? ";
push( @bind_params, [ $version, SQL_VARCHAR ] );
$constraint .= "ORDER BY cs.rank ASC";
# check the cache so we only go to the db if necessary
my $length;
my $arr;
if ( defined($key) ) { $arr = $self->{'sr_name_cache'}->{$key} }
if ( defined($arr) ) {
$length = $arr->[3];
} else {
my $sth =
$self->prepare( $sql . "WHERE sr.name = ? " . $constraint );
unshift( @bind_params, [ $seq_region_name, SQL_VARCHAR ] );
my $pos = 0;
foreach my $param (@bind_params) {
$sth->bind_param( ++$pos, $param->[0], $param->[1] );
if ( $sth->rows() == 0 ) {
if ($no_fuzz) { return undef }
# Do fuzzy matching, assuming that we are just missing a version
# on the end of the seq_region name.
$sth =
$self->prepare( $sql . " WHERE sr.name LIKE ? " . $constraint );
$bind_params[0] =
[ sprintf( '%s.%%', $seq_region_name ), SQL_VARCHAR ];
$pos = 0;
foreach my $param (@bind_params) {
$sth->bind_param( ++$pos, $param->[0], $param->[1] );
my $prefix_len = length($seq_region_name) + 1;
my $high_ver = undef;
my $high_cs = $cs;
# Find the fuzzy-matched seq_region with the highest postfix
# (which ought to be a version).
my ( $tmp_name, $id, $tmp_length, $cs_id );
$sth->bind_columns( \( $tmp_name, $id, $tmp_length, $cs_id ) );
my $i = 0;
while ( $sth->fetch ) {
my $tmp_cs =
( defined($cs) ? $cs : $csa->fetch_by_dbID($cs_id) );
# cache values for future reference
my $arr = [ $id, $tmp_name, $cs_id, $tmp_length ];
$self->{'sr_name_cache'}->{"$tmp_name:$cs_id"} = $arr;
$self->{'sr_id_cache'}->{"$id"} = $arr;
my $tmp_ver = substr( $tmp_name, $prefix_len );
# skip versions which are non-numeric and apparently not
# versions
if ( $tmp_ver !~ /^\d+$/ ) { next }
# take version with highest num, if two versions match take one
# with highest ranked coord system (lowest num)
if ( !defined($high_ver)
|| $tmp_ver > $high_ver
|| ( $tmp_ver == $high_ver && $tmp_cs->rank < $high_cs->rank )
$seq_region_name = $tmp_name;
$length = $tmp_length;
$high_ver = $tmp_ver;
$high_cs = $tmp_cs;
} ## end while ( $sth->fetch )
# warn if fuzzy matching found more than one result
if ( $i > 1 ) {
"Fuzzy matching of seq_region_name "
. "returned more than one result.\n"
. "You might want to check whether the returned seq_region\n"
. "(%s:%s) is the one you intended to fetch.\n",
$high_cs->name(), $seq_region_name
) );
$cs = $high_cs;
# return if we did not find any appropriate match:
if ( !defined($high_ver) ) { return undef }
} else {
my ( $id, $cs_id );
( $seq_region_name, $id, $length, $cs_id ) =
# cache to speed up for future queries
my $arr = [ $id, $seq_region_name, $cs_id, $length ];
$self->{'sr_name_cache'}->{"$seq_region_name:$cs_id"} = $arr;
$self->{'sr_id_cache'}->{"$id"} = $arr;
$cs = $csa->fetch_by_dbID($cs_id);
} ## end else [ if ( defined($arr) )
if ( !defined($end) ) { $end = $length }
if ( $end + 1 < $start ) {
"start [%d] must be less than or equal to end+1 [%d]",
$start, $end + 1
) );
Bio::EnsEMBL::Slice->new( -COORD_SYSTEM => $cs,
-SEQ_REGION_NAME => $seq_region_name,
-SEQ_REGION_LENGTH => $length,
-START => $start,
-END => $end,
-STRAND => $strand,
-ADAPTOR => $self );
} ## end sub fetch_by_region
=head2 fetch_by_name
Arg [1] : string $name
Example : $name = 'chromosome:NCBI34:X:1000000:2000000:1';
$slice = $slice_adaptor->fetch_by_name($name);
$slice2 = $slice_adaptor->fetch_by_name($slice3->name());
Description: Fetches a slice using a slice name (i.e. the value returned by
the Slice::name method). This is useful if you wish to
store a unique identifier for a slice in a file or database or
pass a slice over a network.
Slice::name allows you to serialise/marshall a slice and this
method allows you to deserialise/unmarshal it.
Returns undef if no seq_region with the provided name exists in
the database.
Returntype : Bio::EnsEMBL::Slice or undef
Exceptions : throw if incorrent arg provided
Caller : Pipeline
Status : Stable
sub fetch_by_name {
my $self = shift;
my $name = shift;
if(!$name) {
throw("name argument is required");
my @array = split(/:/,$name);
if(scalar(@array) < 3 || scalar(@array) > 6) {
throw("Malformed slice name [$name]. Format is " .
# Rearrange arguments to suit fetch_by_region
my @targetarray;
$targetarray[5]=(($array[1]&&$array[1] ne "")?$array[1]:undef);
$targetarray[1]=(($array[2]&&$array[2] ne "")?$array[2]:undef);
$targetarray[2]=(($array[3]&&$array[3] ne "")?$array[3]:undef);
$targetarray[3]=(($array[4]&&$array[4] ne "")?$array[4]:undef);
$targetarray[4]=(($array[5]&&$array[5] ne "")?$array[5]:undef);
return $self->fetch_by_region(@targetarray);
=head2 fetch_by_seq_region_id
Arg [1] : string $seq_region_id
The internal identifier of the seq_region to create this slice
Arg [2] : optional start
Arg [3] : optional end
Arg [4] : optional strand
Example : $slice = $slice_adaptor->fetch_by_seq_region_id(34413);
Description: Creates a slice object of an entire seq_region using the
seq_region internal identifier to resolve the seq_region.
Returns undef if no such slice exists.
Returntype : Bio::EnsEMBL::Slice or undef
Exceptions : none
Caller : general
Status : Stable
sub fetch_by_seq_region_id {
my ( $self, $seq_region_id, $start, $end, $strand ) = @_;
my $arr = $self->{'sr_id_cache'}->{$seq_region_id};
my ( $name, $length, $cs, $cs_id );
if ( $arr && defined( $arr->[2] ) ) {
( $name, $cs_id, $length ) = ( $arr->[1], $arr->[2], $arr->[3] );
$cs = $self->db->get_CoordSystemAdaptor->fetch_by_dbID($cs_id);
} else {
my $sth =
$self->prepare( "SELECT sr.name, sr.coord_system_id, sr.length "
. "FROM seq_region sr "
. "WHERE sr.seq_region_id = ? " );
$sth->bind_param( 1, $seq_region_id, SQL_INTEGER );
if ( $sth->rows() == 0 ) { return undef }
( $name, $cs_id, $length ) = $sth->fetchrow_array();
$cs = $self->db->get_CoordSystemAdaptor->fetch_by_dbID($cs_id);
#cache results to speed up repeated queries
my $arr = [ $seq_region_id, $name, $cs_id, $length ];
$self->{'sr_name_cache'}->{"$name:$cs_id"} = $arr;
$self->{'sr_id_cache'}->{"$seq_region_id"} = $arr;
Bio::EnsEMBL::Slice->new( -COORD_SYSTEM => $cs,
-SEQ_REGION_NAME => $name,
-SEQ_REGION_LENGTH => $length,
-START => $start || 1,
-END => $end || $length,
-STRAND => $strand || 1,
-ADAPTOR => $self );
} ## end sub fetch_by_seq_region_id
=head2 get_seq_region_id
Arg [1] : Bio::EnsEMBL::Slice $slice
The slice to fetch a seq_region_id for
Example : $srid = $slice_adaptor->get_seq_region_id($slice);
Description: Retrieves the seq_region id (in this database) given a slice
Seq region ids are not stored on the slices themselves
because they are intended to be somewhat database independant
and seq_region_ids vary accross databases.
Returntype : int
Exceptions : throw if the seq_region of the slice is not in the db
throw if incorrect arg provided
Caller : BaseFeatureAdaptor
Status : Stable
sub get_seq_region_id {
my $self = shift;
my $slice = shift;
if(!$slice || !ref($slice) || !$slice->isa('Bio::EnsEMBL::Slice')) {
throw('Slice argument is required');
my $seq_region_name = $slice->seq_region_name();
my $key = $seq_region_name.":".$slice->coord_system->dbID();
my $arr = $self->{'sr_name_cache'}->{"$key"};
if( $arr ) {
return $arr->[0];
my $cs_id = $slice->coord_system->dbID();
my $sth = $self->prepare("SELECT seq_region_id, length " .
"FROM seq_region " .
"WHERE name = ? AND coord_system_id = ?");
#force seq_region_name cast to string so mysql cannot treat as int
if($sth->rows() != 1) {
throw("Non existant or ambigous seq_region:\n" .
" coord_system=[$cs_id],\n" .
" name=[$seq_region_name],\n");
my($seq_region_id, $length) = $sth->fetchrow_array();
#cache information for future requests
$arr = [ $seq_region_id, $seq_region_name, $cs_id, $length ];
$self->{'sr_name_cache'}->{"$seq_region_name:$cs_id"} = $arr;
$self->{'sr_id_cache'}->{"$seq_region_id"} = $arr;
return $seq_region_id;
=head2 fetch_all
Arg [1] : string $coord_system_name
The name of the coordinate system to retrieve slices of.
This may be a name of an acutal coordinate system or an alias
to a coordinate system. Valid aliases are 'seqlevel' or
Arg [2] : string $coord_system_version (optional)
The version of the coordinate system to retrieve slices of
Arg [3] : bool $include_non_reference (optional)
If this argument is not provided then only reference slices
will be returned. If set, both reference and non refeference
slices will be rerurned.
Arg [4] : int $include_duplicates (optional)
If set duplicate regions will be returned.
NOTE: if you do not use this option and you have a PAR
(pseudo-autosomal region) at the beginning of your seq_region
then your slice will not start at position 1, so coordinates
retrieved from this slice might not be what you expected.
Example : @chromos = @{$slice_adaptor->fetch_all('chromosome','NCBI33')};
@contigs = @{$slice_adaptor->fetch_all('contig')};
# get even non-reference regions
@slices = @{$slice_adaptor->fetch_all('toplevel',undef,1)};
# include duplicate regions (such as pseudo autosomal regions)
@slices = @{$slice_adaptor->fetch_all('toplevel', undef,0,1)};
Description: Retrieves slices of all seq_regions for a given coordinate
system. This is analagous to the methods fetch_all which were
formerly on the ChromosomeAdaptor, RawContigAdaptor and
CloneAdaptor classes. Slices fetched span the entire
seq_regions and are on the forward strand.
If the coordinate system with the provided name and version
does not exist an empty list is returned.
If the coordinate system name provided is 'toplevel', all
non-redundant toplevel slices are returned (note that any
coord_system_version argument is ignored in that case).
Retrieved slices can be broken into smaller slices using the
Bio::EnsEMBL::Utils::Slice module.
Returntype : listref of Bio::EnsEMBL::Slices
Exceptions : none
Caller : general
Status : Stable
sub fetch_all {
my $self = shift;
my $cs_name = shift;
my $cs_version = shift || '';
my ($include_non_reference, $include_duplicates) = @_;
# verify existance of requested coord system and get its id
my $csa = $self->db->get_CoordSystemAdaptor();
my $orig_cs = $csa->fetch_by_name($cs_name, $cs_version);
return [] if(!$orig_cs);
my $sth;
my %bad_vals=();
# Get a hash of non reference seq regions
if ( !$include_non_reference ) {
my $sth2 =
$self->prepare( 'SELECT sr.seq_region_id '
. 'FROM seq_region sr, seq_region_attrib sra, '
. 'attrib_type at, coord_system cs '
. 'WHERE at.code = "non_ref" '
. 'AND sra.seq_region_id = sr.seq_region_id '
. 'AND at.attrib_type_id = sra.attrib_type_id '
. 'AND sr.coord_system_id = cs.coord_system_id '
. 'AND cs.species_id = ?' );
$sth2->bind_param( 1, $self->species_id(), SQL_INTEGER );
my ($seq_region_id);
$sth2->bind_columns( \$seq_region_id );
while ( $sth2->fetch() ) {
$bad_vals{$seq_region_id} = 1;
# Retrieve the seq_regions from the database
if ( $orig_cs->is_top_level() ) {
$sth =
$self->prepare( 'SELECT sr.seq_region_id, sr.name, '
. 'sr.length, sr.coord_system_id '
. 'FROM seq_region sr, seq_region_attrib sra, '
. 'attrib_type at, coord_system cs '
. 'WHERE at.code = "toplevel" '
. 'AND at.attrib_type_id = sra.attrib_type_id '
. 'AND sra.seq_region_id = sr.seq_region_id '
. 'AND sr.coord_system_id = cs.coord_system_id '
. 'AND cs.species_id = ?' );
$sth->bind_param( 1, $self->species_id(), SQL_INTEGER );
} else {
$sth =
$self->prepare( 'SELECT sr.seq_region_id, sr.name, '
. 'sr.length, sr.coord_system_id '
. 'FROM seq_region sr '
. 'WHERE sr.coord_system_id = ?' );
$sth->bind_param( 1, $orig_cs->dbID, SQL_INTEGER );
my ( $seq_region_id, $name, $length, $cs_id );
$sth->bind_columns( \( $seq_region_id, $name, $length, $cs_id ) );
my $cache_count = 0;
my @out;
while($sth->fetch()) {
my $cs = $csa->fetch_by_dbID($cs_id);
if(!$cs) {
throw("seq_region $name references non-existent coord_system $cs_id.");
#cache values for future reference, but stop adding to the cache once we
#we know we have filled it up
if($cache_count < $Bio::EnsEMBL::Utils::SeqRegionCache::SEQ_REGION_CACHE_SIZE) {
my $arr = [ $seq_region_id, $name, $cs_id, $length ];
$self->{'sr_name_cache'}->{"$name:$cs_id"} = $arr;
$self->{'sr_id_cache'}->{"$seq_region_id"} = $arr;
my $slice = Bio::EnsEMBL::Slice->new
(-START => 1,
-END => $length,
-STRAND => 1,
-SEQ_REGION_NAME => $name,
-SEQ_REGION_LENGTH => $length,
-ADAPTOR => $self);
if(!defined($include_duplicates) or !$include_duplicates){
# test if this slice *could* have a duplicate (exception) region
$self->_build_exception_cache() if(!exists $self->{'asm_exc_cache'});
if(exists $self->{asm_exc_cache}->{$seq_region_id}) {
# Dereference symlinked assembly regions. Take out
# any regions which are symlinked because these are duplicates
my @projection = @{$self->fetch_normalized_slice_projection($slice)};
foreach my $segment ( @projection) {
if($segment->[2]->seq_region_name() eq $slice->seq_region_name() &&
$segment->[2]->coord_system->equals($slice->coord_system)) {
push @out, $segment->[2];
} else {
# no duplicate regions
push @out, $slice;
} else {
# we want duplicates anyway so do not do any checks
push @out, $slice;
return \@out;
=head2 is_toplevel
Arg : int seq_region_id
Example : my $top = $slice_adptor->is_toplevel($seq_region_id)
Description: Returns 1 if slice is a toplevel slice else 0
Returntype : int
Caller : Slice method is_toplevel
Status : At Risk
sub is_toplevel {
my $self = shift;
my $id = shift;
my $sth = $self->prepare(
"SELECT at.code from seq_region_attrib sra, attrib_type at "
. "WHERE sra.seq_region_id = ? "
. "AND at.attrib_type_id = sra.attrib_type_id "
. "AND at.code = 'toplevel'" );
$sth->bind_param( 1, $id, SQL_INTEGER );
my $code;
$sth->bind_columns( \$code );
while ( $sth->fetch ) {
return 1;
return 0;
=head2 fetch_by_band
Title : fetch_by_band
Usage :
Function: Does not work please use fetch_by_chr_band
Example :
Returns : Bio::EnsEMBL::Slice
Args : the band name
Status : AT RISK
sub fetch_by_band {
my ($self,$band) = @_;
my $sth = $self->dbc->prepare
("select s.name,max(k.seq_region_id)-min(k.seq_region_id, min(k.seq_region_start), max(k.seq_region_id) " .
"from karyotype as k " .
"where k.band like ? and k.seq_region_id = s.seq_region_id");
my ( $seq_region_name, $discrepancy, $seq_region_start, $seq_region_end) = $sth->fetchrow_array;
if($seq_region_name && $discrepancy>0) {
throw("Band maps to multiple seq_regions");
} else {
return $self->fetch_by_region('toplevel',$seq_region_name,$seq_region_start,$seq_region_end);
throw("Band not recognised in database");
=head2 fetch_by_chr_band
Title : fetch_by_chr_band
Usage :
Function: create a Slice representing a series of bands
Example :
Returns : Bio::EnsEMBL::Slice
Args : the band name
Status : Stable
sub fetch_by_chr_band {
my ( $self, $chr, $band ) = @_;
my $chr_slice = $self->fetch_by_region( 'toplevel', $chr );
my $seq_region_id = $self->get_seq_region_id($chr_slice);
my $sth =
$self->prepare( 'SELECT MIN(k.seq_region_start), '
. 'MAX(k.seq_region_end) '
. 'FROM karyotype k '
. 'WHERE k.seq_region_id = ? '
. 'AND k.band LIKE ?' );
$sth->bind_param( 1, $seq_region_id, SQL_INTEGER );
$sth->bind_param( 2, "$band%", SQL_VARCHAR );
my ( $slice_start, $slice_end ) = $sth->fetchrow_array;
if ( defined $slice_start ) {
$self->fetch_by_region( 'toplevel', $chr,
$slice_start, $slice_end );
throw("Band not recognised in database");
} ## end sub fetch_by_chr_band
=head2 fetch_by_exon_stable_id
Arg [1] : string $exonid
The stable id of the exon around which the slice is
Arg [2] : (optional) int $size
The length of the flanking regions the slice should encompass
on either side of the exon (0 by default)
Example : $slc = $sa->fetch_by_exon_stable_id('ENSE00000302930',10);
Description: Creates a slice around the region of the specified exon.
If a context size is given, the slice is extended by that
number of basepairs on either side of the
Returntype : Bio::EnsEMBL::Slice
Exceptions : Thrown if the exon is not in the database.
Caller : general
Status : Stable
sub fetch_by_exon_stable_id{
my ($self,$exonid,$size) = @_;
throw('Exon argument is required.') if(!$exonid);
my $ea = $self->db->get_ExonAdaptor;
my $exon = $ea->fetch_by_stable_id($exonid);
throw("Exon [$exonid] does not exist in DB.") if(!$exon);
return $self->fetch_by_Feature($exon, $size);
=head2 fetch_by_transcript_stable_id
Arg [1] : string $transcriptid
The stable id of the transcript around which the slice is
Arg [2] : (optional) int $size
The length of the flanking regions the slice should encompass
on either side of the transcript (0 by default)
Example : $slc = $sa->fetch_by_transcript_stable_id('ENST00000302930',10);
Description: Creates a slice around the region of the specified transcript.
If a context size is given, the slice is extended by that
number of basepairs on either side of the
Returntype : Bio::EnsEMBL::Slice
Exceptions : Thrown if the transcript is not in the database.
Caller : general
Status : Stable
sub fetch_by_transcript_stable_id{
my ($self,$transcriptid,$size) = @_;
throw('Transcript argument is required.') if(!$transcriptid);
my $ta = $self->db->get_TranscriptAdaptor;
my $transcript = $ta->fetch_by_stable_id($transcriptid);
throw("Transcript [$transcriptid] does not exist in DB.") if(!$transcript);
return $self->fetch_by_Feature($transcript, $size);
=head2 fetch_by_transcript_id
Arg [1] : int $transcriptid
The unique database identifier of the transcript around which
the slice is desired
Arg [2] : (optional) int $size
The length of the flanking regions the slice should encompass
on either side of the transcript (0 by default)
Example : $slc = $sa->fetch_by_transcript_id(24, 1000);
Description: Creates a slice around the region of the specified transcript.
If a context size is given, the slice is extended by that
number of basepairs on either side of the
Returntype : Bio::EnsEMBL::Slice
Exceptions : throw on incorrect args
throw if transcript is not in database
Caller : general
Status : Stable
sub fetch_by_transcript_id {
my ($self,$transcriptid,$size) = @_;
throw('Transcript id argument is required.') if(!$transcriptid);
my $transcript_adaptor = $self->db()->get_TranscriptAdaptor();
my $transcript = $transcript_adaptor->fetch_by_dbID($transcriptid);
throw("Transcript [$transcriptid] does not exist in DB.") if(!$transcript);
return $self->fetch_by_Feature($transcript, $size);
=head2 fetch_by_gene_stable_id
Arg [1] : string $geneid
The stable id of the gene around which the slice is
Arg [2] : (optional) int $size
The length of the flanking regions the slice should encompass
on either side of the gene (0 by default)
Example : $slc = $sa->fetch_by_transcript_stable_id('ENSG00000012123',10);
Description: Creates a slice around the region of the specified gene.
If a context size is given, the slice is extended by that
number of basepairs on either side of the gene.
The slice will be created in the genes native coordinate system.
Returntype : Bio::EnsEMBL::Slice
Exceptions : throw on incorrect args
throw if transcript does not exist
Caller : general
Status : Stable
sub fetch_by_gene_stable_id {
my ($self,$geneid,$size) = @_;
throw('Gene argument is required.') if(!$geneid);
my $gene_adaptor = $self->db->get_GeneAdaptor();
my $gene = $gene_adaptor->fetch_by_stable_id($geneid);
throw("Gene [$geneid] does not exist in DB.") if(!$gene);
return $self->fetch_by_Feature($gene, $size);
=head2 fetch_by_Feature
Arg [1] : Bio::EnsEMBL::Feature $feat
The feature to fetch the slice around
Arg [2] : int size (optional)
The desired number of flanking basepairs around the feature.
The size may also be provided as a percentage of the feature
size such as 200% or 80.5%.
Example : $slice = $slice_adaptor->fetch_by_Feature($feat, 100);
Description: Retrieves a slice around a specific feature. All this really
does is return a resized version of the slice that the feature
is already on. Note that slices returned from this method
are always on the forward strand of the seq_region regardless of
the strandedness of the feature passed in.
Returntype : Bio::EnsEMBL::Slice
Exceptions : throw if the feature does not have an attached slice
throw if feature argument is not provided
Caller : fetch_by_gene_stable_id, fetch_by_transcript_stable_id,
fetch_by_gene_id, fetch_by_transcript_id
Status : Stable
sub fetch_by_Feature{
my ($self, $feature, $size) = @_;
$size ||= 0;
if(!ref($feature) || !$feature->isa('Bio::EnsEMBL::Feature')) {
throw('Feature argument expected.');
my $slice = $feature->slice();
if(!$slice || !$slice->isa('Bio::EnsEMBL::Slice')) {
throw('Feature must be attached to a valid slice.');
my $fstart = $feature->start();
my $fend = $feature->end();
if(!defined($fstart) || !defined($fend)) {
throw('Feature must have defined start and end.');
#convert the feature slice coordinates to seq_region coordinates
my $slice_start = $slice->start();
my $slice_end = $slice->end();
my $slice_strand = $slice->strand();
if($slice_start != 1 || $slice_strand != 1) {
if($slice_strand == 1) {
$fstart = $fstart + $slice_start - 1;
$fend = $fend + $slice_start - 1;
} else {
my $tmp_start = $fstart;
$fstart = $slice_end - $fend + 1;
$fend = $slice_end - $tmp_start + 1;
## Size may be stored as a %age of the length of the feature
## Size = 100% gives no context
## Size = 200% gives context - 50% the size of the feature either side of
## feature
$size = int( ($1-100)/200 * ($fend-$fstart+1) ) if( $size =~/([\d+\.]+)%/ );
#return a new slice covering the region of the feature
my $S = Bio::EnsEMBL::Slice->new
(-seq_region_name => $slice->seq_region_name,
-seq_region_length => $slice->seq_region_length,
-coord_system => $slice->coord_system,
-start => $fstart - $size,
-end => $fend + $size,
-strand => 1,
-adaptor => $self);
$S->{'_raw_feature_strand'} = $feature->strand * $slice_strand if $feature->can('strand');
return $S;
=head2 fetch_by_misc_feature_attribute
Arg [1] : string $attribute_type
The code of the attribute type
Arg [2] : (optional) string $attribute_value
The value of the attribute to fetch by
Arg [3] : (optional) int $size
The amount of flanking region around the misc feature desired.
Example : $slice = $sa->fetch_by_misc_feature_attribute('superctg',
$slice = $sa->fetch_by_misc_feature_attribute('synonym',
Description: Fetches a slice around a MiscFeature with a particular
attribute type and value. If no value is specified then
the feature with the particular attribute is used.
If no size is specified then 0 is used.
Returntype : Bio::EnsEMBL::Slice
Exceptions : Throw if no feature with the specified attribute type and value
exists in the database
Warning if multiple features with the specified attribute type
and value exist in the database.
Caller : webcode
Status : Stable
sub fetch_by_misc_feature_attribute {
my ($self, $attrib_type_code, $attrib_value, $size) = @_;
my $mfa = $self->db()->get_MiscFeatureAdaptor();
my $feats = $mfa->fetch_all_by_attribute_type_value($attrib_type_code,
if(@$feats == 0) {
throw("MiscFeature with $attrib_type_code=$attrib_value does " .
"not exist in DB.");
if(@$feats > 1) {
warning("MiscFeature with $attrib_type_code=$attrib_value is " .
"ambiguous - using first one found.");
my ($feat) = @$feats;
return $self->fetch_by_Feature($feat, $size);
=head2 fetch_normalized_slice_projection
Arg [1] : Bio::EnsEMBL::Slice $slice
Example : ( optional )
Description: gives back a project style result. The returned slices
represent the areas to which there are symlinks for the
given slice. start, end show which area on given slice is
Returntype : [[start,end,$slice][]]
Exceptions : none
Caller : BaseFeatureAdaptor
Status : Stable
sub fetch_normalized_slice_projection {
my $self = shift;
my $slice = shift;
my $slice_seq_region_id = $self->get_seq_region_id( $slice );
$self->_build_exception_cache() if(!exists($self->{'asm_exc_cache'}));
my $result = $self->{'asm_exc_cache'}->{$slice_seq_region_id};
$result ||= [];
my (@haps, @pars);
foreach my $row (@$result) {
my ( $seq_region_id, $seq_region_start, $seq_region_end,
$exc_type, $exc_seq_region_id, $exc_seq_region_start,
$exc_seq_region_end ) = @$row;
# need overlapping PAR and all HAPs if any
if( $exc_type eq "PAR" ) {
if( $seq_region_start <= $slice->end() &&
$seq_region_end >= $slice->start() ) {
push( @pars, [ $seq_region_start, $seq_region_end, $exc_seq_region_id,
$exc_seq_region_start, $exc_seq_region_end ] );
} else {
push( @haps, [ $seq_region_start, $seq_region_end, $exc_seq_region_id,
$exc_seq_region_start, $exc_seq_region_end ] );
if(!@pars && !@haps) {
#just return this slice, there were no haps or pars
return [bless ( [1,$slice->length, $slice], "Bio::EnsEMBL::ProjectionSegment")];
my @syms;
if( @haps > 1 ) {
my @sort_haps = sort { $a->[1] <=> $b->[1] } @haps;
throw( "More than one HAP region not supported yet" );
} elsif( @haps == 1 ) {
my $hap = $haps[0];
my $seq_reg_slice = $self->fetch_by_seq_region_id($slice_seq_region_id);
my $exc_slice = $self->fetch_by_seq_region_id( $hap->[2] );
# lengths of haplotype and reference in db may be different
# we want to use the maximum possible length for the mapping
# between the two systems
my $len1 = $seq_reg_slice->length();
my $len2 = $exc_slice->length();
my $max_len = ($len1 > $len2) ? $len1 : $len2;
#the inserted region can differ in length, but mapped sections
#need to be same lengths
my $diff = $hap->[4] - $hap->[1];
# we want the region of the haplotype INVERTED
push( @syms, [ 1, $hap->[0]-1, $hap->[2], 1, $hap->[3] - 1 ] );
push( @syms, [ $hap->[1]+1, $max_len - $diff,
$hap->[2], $hap->[4] + 1, $max_len ] );
# for now haps and pars should not be both there, but in theory we
# could handle it here by cleverly merging the pars into the existing syms,
# for now just:
push( @syms, @pars );
my $mapper = Bio::EnsEMBL::Mapper->new( "sym", "org" );
for my $sym ( @syms ) {
$mapper->add_map_coordinates( $slice_seq_region_id, $sym->[0], $sym->[1],
1, $sym->[2], $sym->[3], $sym->[4] );
my @linked = $mapper->map_coordinates( $slice_seq_region_id,
$slice->start(), $slice->end(),
$slice->strand(), "sym" );
# gaps are regions where there is no mapping to another region
my $rel_start = 1;
#if there was only one coord and it is a gap, we know it is just the
#same slice with no overlapping symlinks
if(@linked == 1 && $linked[0]->isa('Bio::EnsEMBL::Mapper::Gap')) {
return [bless( [1,$slice->length, $slice], "Bio::EnsEMBL::ProjectionSegment" )];
my @out;
for my $coord ( @linked ) {
if( $coord->isa( "Bio::EnsEMBL::Mapper::Gap" )) {
my $exc_slice = Bio::EnsEMBL::Slice->new
(-START => $coord->start(),
-END => $coord->end(),
-STRAND => $slice->strand(),
-COORD_SYSTEM => $slice->coord_system(),
-ADAPTOR => $self,
-SEQ_REGION_NAME => $slice->seq_region_name(),
-SEQ_REGION_LENGTH => $slice->seq_region_length());
push( @out, bless ( [ $rel_start, $coord->length()+$rel_start-1,
$exc_slice ], "Bio::EnsEMBL::ProjectionSegment") );
} else {
my $exc_slice = $self->fetch_by_seq_region_id( $coord->id() );
my $exc2_slice = Bio::EnsEMBL::Slice->new
-START => $coord->start(),
-END => $coord->end(),
-STRAND => $coord->strand(),
-SEQ_REGION_NAME => $exc_slice->seq_region_name(),
-SEQ_REGION_LENGTH => $exc_slice->seq_region_length(),
-COORD_SYSTEM => $exc_slice->coord_system(),
-ADAPTOR => $self
push( @out, bless( [ $rel_start, $coord->length() + $rel_start - 1,
$exc2_slice ], "Bio::EnsEMBL::ProjectionSegment") );
$rel_start += $coord->length();
return \@out;
=head2 store
Arg [1] : Bio::EnsEMBL::Slice $slice
Arg [2] : (optional) $seqref reference to a string
The sequence associated with the slice to be stored.
Example : $slice = Bio::EnsEMBL::Slice->new(...);
$seq_region_id = $slice_adaptor->store($slice, \$sequence);
Description: This stores a slice as a sequence region in the database
and returns the seq region id. The passed in slice must
start at 1, and must have a valid seq_region name and coordinate
system. The attached coordinate system must already be stored in
the database. The sequence region is assumed to start at 1 and
to have a length equalling the length of the slice. The end of
the slice must equal the seq_region_length.
If the slice coordinate system is the sequence level coordinate
system then the seqref argument must also be passed. If the
slice coordinate system is NOT a sequence level coordinate
system then the sequence argument cannot be passed.
Returntype : int
Exceptions : throw if slice has no coord system.
throw if slice coord system is not already stored.
throw if slice coord system is seqlevel and no sequence is
throw if slice coord system is not seqlevel and sequence is
throw if slice does not start at 1
throw if sequence is provided and the sequence length does not
match the slice length.
throw if the SQL insert fails (e.g. on duplicate seq region)
throw if slice argument is not passed
throw if the slice end is not equal to seq_region_length
Caller : database loading scripts
Status : Stable
sub store {
my $self = shift;
my $slice = shift;
my $seqref = shift;
# Get all of the sanity checks out of the way before storing anything
if(!ref($slice) || !$slice->isa('Bio::EnsEMBL::Slice')) {
throw('Slice argument is required');
my $cs = $slice->coord_system();
throw("Slice must have attached CoordSystem.") if(!$cs);
my $db = $self->db();
if(!$cs->is_stored($db)) {
throw("Slice CoordSystem must already be stored in DB.")
if($slice->start != 1 || $slice->strand != 1) {
throw("Slice must have start==1 and strand==1.");
if($slice->end() != $slice->seq_region_length()) {
throw("Slice must have end==seq_region_length");
my $sr_len = $slice->length();
my $sr_name = $slice->seq_region_name();
if(!$sr_name) {
throw("Slice must have valid seq region name.");
if($cs->is_sequence_level()) {
if(!$seqref) {
throw("Must provide sequence for sequence level coord system.");
if(ref($seqref) ne 'SCALAR') {
throw("Sequence must be a scalar reference.");
my $seq_len = length($$seqref);
if($seq_len != $sr_len) {
throw("Sequence length ($seq_len) must match slice length ($sr_len).");
} else {
if($seqref) {
throw("Cannot provide sequence for non-sequence level seq regions.");
#store the seq_region
my $sth = $db->dbc->prepare("INSERT INTO seq_region " .
"SET name = ?, " .
" length = ?, " .
" coord_system_id = ?" );
my $seq_region_id = $sth->{'mysql_insertid'};
if(!$seq_region_id) {
throw("Database seq_region insertion failed.");
if($cs->is_sequence_level()) {
#store sequence if it was provided
my $seq_adaptor = $db->get_SequenceAdaptor();
$seq_adaptor->store($seq_region_id, $$seqref);
return $seq_region_id;
=head2 store_assembly
Arg [1] : Bio::EnsEMBL::Slice $asm_slice
Arg [2] : Bio::EnsEMBL::Slice $cmp_slice
Example : $asm = $slice_adaptor->store_assembly( $slice1, $slice2 );
Description: Creates an entry in the analysis table based on the
coordinates of the two slices supplied. Returns a string
representation of the assembly that gets created.
Returntype : string
Exceptions : throw if either slice has no coord system (cs).
throw unless the cs rank of the asm_slice is lower than the
throw if there is no mapping path between coord systems
throw if the lengths of each slice are not equal
throw if there are existing mappings between either slice
and the oposite cs
Caller : database loading scripts
Status : Experimental
sub store_assembly{
my $self = shift;
my $asm_slice = shift;
my $cmp_slice = shift;
# Get all of the sanity checks out of the way before storing anything
if(!ref($asm_slice) || !$asm_slice->isa('Bio::EnsEMBL::Slice')) {
throw('Assembled Slice argument is required');
if(!ref($cmp_slice) || !$cmp_slice->isa('Bio::EnsEMBL::Slice')) {
throw('Assembled Slice argument is required');
my $asm_cs = $asm_slice->coord_system();
throw("Slice must have attached CoordSystem.") if(!$asm_cs);
my $cmp_cs = $cmp_slice->coord_system();
throw("Slice must have attached CoordSystem.") if(!$cmp_cs);
unless( $asm_cs->rank < $cmp_cs->rank ){
throw("Assembled Slice CoordSystem->rank must be lower than ".
"the component Slice Coord_system" );
my @path = $asm_cs->adaptor->get_mapping_path($asm_cs,$cmp_cs);
if(!@path) {
throw("No mapping path defined between ".
$asm_cs->name . " and " .
if( $asm_slice->length != $cmp_slice->length ){
throw("The lengths of the assembled and component slices are not equal" );
# For now we disallow any existing mappings between the asm slice and cmp
# CoordSystem and vice-versa.
# Some cases of multiple mappings may be allowable by the API, but their
# logic needs to be coded below.
my $asm_proj = $asm_slice->project( $cmp_cs->name, $cmp_cs->version );
if( @$asm_proj ){
throw("Regions of the assembled slice are already assembled ".
"into the component CoordSystem" );
my $cmp_proj = $cmp_slice->project( $asm_cs->name, $asm_cs->version );
if( @$cmp_proj ){
throw("Regions of the component slice are already assembled ".
"into the assembled CoordSystem" );
# Checks complete. Store the data
my $sth = $self->db->dbc->prepare
("INSERT INTO assembly " .
"SET asm_seq_region_id = ?, " .
" cmp_seq_region_id = ?, " .
" asm_start = ?, " .
" asm_end = ?, " .
" cmp_start = ?, " .
" cmp_end = ?, " .
" ori = ?" );
my $asm_seq_region_id = $self->get_seq_region_id( $asm_slice );
my $cmp_seq_region_id = $self->get_seq_region_id( $cmp_slice );
my $ori = $asm_slice->strand * $cmp_slice->strand;
#use Data::Dumper qw( Dumper );
#warn Dumper( $self->db->{seq_region_cache} );
#$self->db->{seq_region_cache} = undef;
my $ama = $self->db->get_AssemblyMapperAdaptor();
return $asm_slice->name . "<>" . $cmp_slice->name;
=head2 prepare
Arg [1] : String $sql
Example : ( optional )
Description: overrides the default adaptor prepare method.
All slice sql will usually use the dna_db.
Returntype : DBD::sth
Exceptions : none
Caller : internal, convenience method
Status : Stable
sub prepare {
my ( $self, $sql ) = @_;
return $self->db()->dnadb()->dbc->prepare($sql);
sub _build_exception_cache {
my $self = shift;
# build up a cache of the entire assembly exception table
# it should be small anyway
my $sth =
$self->prepare( 'SELECT ae.seq_region_id, ae.seq_region_start, '
. 'ae.seq_region_end, ae.exc_type, ae.exc_seq_region_id, '
. 'ae.exc_seq_region_start, ae.exc_seq_region_end '
. 'FROM assembly_exception ae, '
. 'seq_region sr, coord_system cs '
. 'WHERE sr.seq_region_id = ae.seq_region_id '
. 'AND sr.coord_system_id = cs.coord_system_id '
. 'AND cs.species_id = ?' );
$sth->bind_param( 1, $self->species_id(), SQL_INTEGER );
my %hash;
$self->{'asm_exc_cache'} = \%hash;
my $row;
while ( $row = $sth->fetchrow_arrayref() ) {
my @result = @$row;
$hash{ $result[0] } ||= [];
push( @{ $hash{ $result[0] } }, \@result );
} ## end sub _build_exception_cache
=head2 cache_toplevel_seq_mappings
Args : none
Example : $slice_adaptor->cache_toplevel_seq_mappings();
Description: caches all the assembly mappings needed for genes
Returntype : None
Exceptions : None
Caller : general
Status : At Risk
: New experimental code
sub cache_toplevel_seq_mappings {
my ($self) = @_;
# Get the sequence level to map too
my $sql = (<prepare($sql);
$sth->bind_param( 1, $self->species_id(), SQL_INTEGER );
my $sequence_level = $sth->fetchrow_array();
my $csa = $self->db->get_CoordSystemAdaptor();
my $ama = $self->db->get_AssemblyMapperAdaptor();
my $cs1 = $csa->fetch_by_name($sequence_level);
#get level to map too.
$sql = (<prepare($sql);
$sth->bind_param( 1, $self->species_id(), SQL_INTEGER );
while ( my $csn = $sth->fetchrow_array() ) {
if ( $csn eq $sequence_level ) { next }
my $cs2 = $csa->fetch_by_name($csn);
my $am = $ama->fetch_by_CoordSystems( $cs1, $cs2 );
} ## end sub cache_toplevel_seq_mappings
=head2 fetch_by_mapfrag
Function: DEPRECATED use fetch_by_misc_feature_attribute('synonym',$mapfrag)
sub fetch_by_mapfrag{
my ($self,$mymapfrag,$flag,$size) = @_;
deprecate('Use fetch_by_misc_feature_attribute instead');
$flag ||= 'fixed-width'; # alt.. 'context'
$size ||= $flag eq 'fixed-width' ? 100000 : 0;
return $self->fetch_by_misc_feature_attribute('synonym',$mymapfrag,$size);
=head2 fetch_by_chr_start_end
Description: DEPRECATED use fetch_by_region instead
sub fetch_by_chr_start_end {
my ($self,$chr,$start,$end) = @_;
deprecate('Use fetch_by_region() instead');
#assume that by chromosome the user actually meant top-level coord
#system since this is the old behaviour of this deprecated method
my $csa = $self->db->get_CoordSystemAdaptor();
my ($cs) = @{$csa->fetch_all()}; # get the highest coord system
return $self->fetch_by_region($cs->name,$chr,$start,$end,1,$cs->version);
=head2 fetch_by_contig_name
Description: Deprecated. Use fetch_by_region(), Slice::project(),
Slice::expand() instead
sub fetch_by_contig_name {
my ($self, $name, $size) = @_;
deprecate('Use fetch_by_region(), Slice::project() and Slice::expand().');
#previously wanted chromosomal slice on a given contig. Assume this means
#a top-level slice on a given seq_region in the seq_level coord system
my $csa = $self->db()->get_CoordSystemAdaptor();
my $seq_level = $csa->fetch_sequence_level();
my $seq_lvl_slice = $self->fetch_by_region($seq_level->name(), $name);
if(!$seq_lvl_slice) {
return undef;
my @projection = @{$seq_lvl_slice->project('toplevel')};
if(@projection != 1) {
warning("$name is mapped to multiple toplevel locations.");
return $projection[0]->[2]->expand($size, $size);
=head2 fetch_by_clone_accession
Description: DEPRECATED. Use fetch_by_region, Slice::project, Slice::expand
sub fetch_by_clone_accession{
my ($self,$name,$size) = @_;
deprecate('Use fetch_by_region(), Slice::project() and Slice::expand().');
my $csa = $self->db()->get_CoordSystemAdaptor();
my $clone_cs = $csa->fetch_by_name('clone');
if(!$clone_cs) {
warning('Clone coordinate system does not exist for this species');
return undef;
#this unfortunately needs a version on the end to work
if(! ($name =~ /\./)) {
my $sth =
$self->prepare( "SELECT sr.name "
. "FROM seq_region sr, coord_system cs "
. "WHERE cs.name = 'clone' "
. "AND cs.coord_system_id = sr.coord_system_id "
. "AND sr.name LIKE '$name.%'"
. "AND cs.species_id = ?" );
$sth->bind_param( 1, $self->species_id(), SQL_INTEGER );
if(!$sth->rows()) {
throw("Clone $name not found in database");
($name) = $sth->fetchrow_array();
my $clone = $self->fetch_by_region($clone_cs->name(), $name);
return undef if(!$clone);
my @projection = @{$clone->project('toplevel')};
if(@projection != 1) {
warning("$name is mapped to multiple locations.");
return $projection[0]->[2]->expand($size, $size);
=head2 fetch_by_supercontig_name
Description: DEPRECATED. Use fetch_by_region(), Slice::project() and
Slice::expand() instead
sub fetch_by_supercontig_name {
my ($self,$name, $size) = @_;
deprecate('Use fetch_by_region(), Slice::project() and Slice::expand().');
my $csa = $self->db()->get_CoordSystemAdaptor();
my $sc_level = $csa->fetch_by_name('supercontig');
if(!$sc_level) {
warning('No supercontig coordinate system exists for this species.');
return undef;
my $sc_slice = $self->fetch_by_region($sc_level->name(),$name);
return undef if(!$sc_slice);
my @projection = @{$sc_slice->project('toplevel')};
if(@projection > 1) {
warning("$name is mapped to multiple locations in toplevel");
return $projection[0]->[2]->expand($size, $size);
=head2 list_overlapping_supercontigs
Description: DEPRECATED use Slice::project instead
sub list_overlapping_supercontigs {
my ($self,$slice) = @_;
deprecate('Use Slice::project() instead.');
my $csa = $self->db()->get_CoordSystemAdaptor();
my $sc_level = $csa->fetch_by_name('supercontig');
if(!$sc_level) {
warning('No supercontig coordinate system exists for this species.');
return undef;
my @out;
foreach my $seg (@{$slice->project($sc_level->name(), $sc_level->version)}){
push @out, $seg->[2]->seq_region_name();
return \@out;
=head2 fetch_by_chr_name
Description: DEPRECATED. Use fetch by region instead
sub fetch_by_chr_name{
my ($self,$chr_name) = @_;
deprecate('Use fetch_by_region() instead.');
my $csa = $self->db->get_CoordSystemAdaptor();
my $top_cs = @{$csa->fetch_all()};
return $self->fetch_by_region($top_cs->name(),$chr_name,