sub fetch_all_by_Exon
{ my ( $self, $exon ) = @_;
my $out = [];
unless($exon->dbID) {
warning("Cannot retrieve evidence for exon without dbID");
return [];
my $sth = $self->prepare("SELECT sf.feature_type, sf.feature_id
FROM supporting_feature sf
WHERE exon_id = ?");
my $prot_adp = $self->db->get_ProteinAlignFeatureAdaptor;
my $dna_adp = $self->db->get_DnaAlignFeatureAdaptor;
my $feature;
while(my ($type, $feature_id) = $sth->fetchrow){
if($type eq 'protein_align_feature'){
$feature = $prot_adp->fetch_by_dbID($feature_id);
} elsif($type eq 'dna_align_feature'){
$feature = $dna_adp->fetch_by_dbID($feature_id);
} else {
warning("Unknown feature type [$type]\n");
if(!$feature) {
warning("Supporting feature $type $feature_id does not exist in DB");
} else {
my $new_feature = $feature->transfer($exon->slice());
push @$out, $new_feature if( $new_feature );
return $out; } |
sub store
{ my ( $self, $exon_dbID, $aln_objs ) = @_;
my $pep_check_sql =
"SELECT protein_align_feature_id " .
"FROM protein_align_feature " .
"WHERE seq_region_id = ? " .
"AND seq_region_start = ? " .
"AND seq_region_end = ? " .
"AND seq_region_strand = ? " .
"AND hit_name = ? " .
"AND hit_start = ? " .
"AND hit_end = ? " .
"AND analysis_id = ? " .
"AND cigar_line = ? ";
my $dna_check_sql =
"SELECT dna_align_feature_id " .
"FROM dna_align_feature " .
"WHERE seq_region_id = ? " .
"AND seq_region_start = ? " .
"AND seq_region_end = ? " .
"AND seq_region_strand = ? " .
"AND hit_name = ? " .
"AND hit_start = ? " .
"AND hit_end = ? " .
"AND analysis_id = ? " .
"AND cigar_line = ? " .
"AND hit_strand = ? ";
my $assoc_check_sql =
"SELECT * " .
"FROM supporting_feature " .
"WHERE exon_id = $exon_dbID " .
"AND feature_type = ? " .
"AND feature_id = ? ";
my $assoc_write_sql = "INSERT into supporting_feature " .
"(exon_id, feature_id, feature_type) " .
"values(?, ?, ?)";
my $pep_check_sth = $self->prepare($pep_check_sql);
my $dna_check_sth = $self->prepare($dna_check_sql);
my $assoc_check_sth = $self->prepare($assoc_check_sql);
my $sf_sth = $self->prepare($assoc_write_sql);
my $dna_adaptor = $self->db->get_DnaAlignFeatureAdaptor();
my $pep_adaptor = $self->db->get_ProteinAlignFeatureAdaptor();
foreach my $f (@$aln_objs) {
if($f->slice->start != 1 || $f->slice->strand != 1) {
my $tls = $self->db->get_sliceAdaptor->fetch_by_region($f->slice->coord_system->name(),
undef, undef, undef, $f->slice->coord_system->version());
$f = $f->transfer($tls);
if(!$f) {
throw('Could not transfer Feature to slice of ' .
'entire seq_region prior to storing');
throw("$f must be an align feature otherwise" .
"it can't be stored");
my ($sf_dbID, $type, $adap, $check_sth);
my @check_args = ($self->db->get_SliceAdaptor->get_seq_region_id($f->slice),
$adap = $dna_adaptor;
$check_sth = $dna_check_sth;
$type = 'dna_align_feature';
push @check_args, $f->hstrand;
} elsif($f->isa("Bio::EnsEMBL::DnaPepAlignFeature")){
$adap = $pep_adaptor;
$check_sth = $pep_check_sth;
$type = 'protein_align_feature';
} else {
warning("Supporting feature of unknown type. Skipping : [$f]\n");
$sf_dbID = $check_sth->fetchrow_array;
if (not $sf_dbID) {
$sf_dbID = $f->dbID;
if (not $assoc_check_sth->fetchrow_array) {
$sf_sth->bind_param(1, $exon_dbID, SQL_INTEGER);
$sf_sth->bind_param(2, $sf_dbID, SQL_INTEGER);
$sf_sth->bind_param(3, $type, SQL_VARCHAR);
1; } |