Bio::EnsEMBL DnaDnaAlignFeature
SummaryIncluded librariesPackage variablesSynopsisGeneral documentationMethods
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Bio::EnsEMBL::DnaDnaAlignFeature - Ensembl specific dna-dna pairwise
alignment feature
Package variables
No package variables defined.
Included modules
Bio::EnsEMBL::Utils::Argument qw ( rearrange )
  See BaseAlignFeature
No description!
Methods description
_hit_unitcode    nextTop
  Arg [1]    : none
Example : none
Description: PRIVATE implementation of abstract superclass method. Returns
1 as the 'unit' used for the hit sequence.
Returntype : int
Exceptions : none
Caller : Bio::EnsEMBL::BaseAlignFeature
Status : Stable
  Arg [1]    : none
Example : none
Description: PRIVATE implementation of abstract superclass method Returns
1 as the 'unit' used for the hit sequence.
Returntype : int
Exceptions : none
Caller : Bio::EnsEMBL::BaseAlignFeature
Status : Stable
  Arg [1]    : list of string $flags
FIX_SEQ = does not introduce gaps (dashes) in seq aligned sequence
and delete the corresponding insertions in hseq aligned sequence
FIX_HSEQ = does not introduce gaps (dashes) in hseq aligned sequence
and delete the corresponding insertions in seq aligned sequence
NO_SEQ = return the seq aligned sequence as an empty string
NO_HSEQ = return the hseq aligned sequence as an empty string
This 2 last flags would save a bit of time as doing so no querying to the core
database in done to get the sequence.
Example : $daf->alignment_strings or
$daf->alignment_strings("FIX_HSEQ") or
Description: Allows to rebuild the alignment string of both the seq and hseq sequence
using the cigar_string information and the slice and hslice objects
Returntype : array reference containing 2 strings
the first corresponds to seq
the second corresponds to hseq
Exceptions :
Caller :
Status : Stable
  Arg [1]    : list of string $flags
translated = by default, the sequence alignment will be on nucleotide. With translated flag
the aligned sequences are translated.
uc = by default aligned sequences are given in lower cases. With uc flag, the aligned
sequences are given in upper cases.
Example : $daf->get_SimpleAlign or
$daf->get_SimpleAlign("translated") or
Description: Allows to rebuild the alignment string of both the seq and hseq sequence
using the cigar_string information and the slice and hslice objects
Returntype : a Bio::SimpleAlign object
Exceptions :
Caller :
Status : Stable
  Arg [..]   : List of named arguments. (-pair_dna_align_feature_id) defined
in this constructor, others defined in BaseFeaturePair and
SeqFeature superclasses.
Example : $daf = new DnaDnaAlignFeature(-cigar_string => '3M3I12M');
Description: Creates a new DnaDnaAlignFeature using either a cigarstring or
a list of ungapped features.
Returntype : Bio::EnsEMBL::DnaDnaAlignFeature
Exceptions : none
Caller : general
Status : Stable
  Arg[1]     : (optional) String $arg - value to set
Example : $self->pair_dna_align_feature_id($pair_feature_id);
Description: Getter/setter for attribute 'pair_dna_align_feature_id'
The id of the dna feature aligned
Returntype : String
Exceptions : none
Caller : general
Status : Stable
  Arg [1]    : int $start
Arg [2] : int $end
Arg [3] : string $flags
SEQ = $start and $end apply to the seq sequence
i.e. start and end methods
HSEQ = $start and $end apply to the hseq sequence
i.e. hstart and hend methods
Example : $daf->restrict_between_positions(150,543,"SEQ")
Description: Build a new DnaDnaAlignFeature object that fits within
the new specified coordinates and sequence reference, cutting
any pieces hanging upstream and downstream.
Returntype : Bio::EnsEMBL::DnaDnaAlignFeature object
Exceptions :
Caller :
Status : Stable
Methods code
sub _hit_unit {
  return 1;
sub _query_unit {
  return 1;
sub alignment_strings {
  my ( $self, @flags ) = @_;

  # set the flags
my $seq_flag = 1; my $hseq_flag = 1; my $fix_seq_flag = 0; my $fix_hseq_flag = 0; for my $flag ( @flags ) { $seq_flag = 0 if ($flag eq "NO_SEQ"); $hseq_flag = 0 if ($flag eq "NO_HSEQ"); $fix_seq_flag = 1 if ($flag eq "FIX_SEQ"); $fix_hseq_flag = 1 if ($flag eq "FIX_HSEQ"); } my ($seq, $hseq); $seq = $self->slice->subseq($self->start, $self->end, $self->strand) if ($seq_flag || $fix_seq_flag); $hseq = $self->hslice->subseq($self->hstart, $self->hend, $self->hstrand) if ($hseq_flag || $fix_hseq_flag); my $rseq= ""; # rseq - result sequence
my $rhseq= ""; # rhseq - result hsequence
my $seq_pos = 0; my $hseq_pos = 0; my @cig = ( $self->cigar_string =~ /(\d*[DIM])/g ); for my $cigElem ( @cig ) { my $cigType = substr( $cigElem, -1, 1 ); my $cigCount = substr( $cigElem, 0 ,-1 ); $cigCount = 1 unless $cigCount; if( $cigType eq "M" ) { $rseq .= substr( $seq, $seq_pos, $cigCount ) if ($seq_flag); $rhseq .= substr( $hseq, $hseq_pos, $cigCount ) if ($hseq_flag); $seq_pos += $cigCount; $hseq_pos += $cigCount; } elsif( $cigType eq "D" ) { if( ! $fix_seq_flag ) { $rseq .= "-" x $cigCount if ($seq_flag); $rhseq .= substr( $hseq, $hseq_pos, $cigCount ) if ($hseq_flag); } $hseq_pos += $cigCount; } elsif( $cigType eq "I" ) { if( ! $fix_hseq_flag ) { $rseq .= substr( $seq, $seq_pos, $cigCount ) if ($seq_flag); $rhseq .= "-" x $cigCount if ($hseq_flag); } $seq_pos += $cigCount; } } return [ $rseq,$rhseq ];
sub get_SimpleAlign {
  my ( $self, @flags ) = @_;

  # setting the flags
my $uc = 0; my $translated = 0; for my $flag ( @flags ) { $uc = 1 if ($flag =~ /^uc$/i); $translated = 1 if ($flag =~ /^translated$/i); } my $sa = Bio::SimpleAlign->new(); #Hack to try to work with both bioperl 0.7 and 1.2:
#Check to see if the method is called 'addSeq' or 'add_seq'
my $bio07 = 0; if(!$sa->can('add_seq')) { $bio07 = 1; } my ($sb_seq,$qy_seq) = @{$self->alignment_strings}; my $loc_sb_seq = Bio::LocatableSeq->new(-SEQ => $uc ? uc $sb_seq : lc $sb_seq, -START => $self->seq_region_start, -END => $self->seq_region_end, -ID => $self->seqname, -STRAND => $self->strand); $loc_sb_seq->seq($uc ? uc $loc_sb_seq->translate->seq : lc $loc_sb_seq->translate->seq) if ($translated); my $loc_qy_seq = Bio::LocatableSeq->new(-SEQ => $uc ? uc $qy_seq : lc $qy_seq, -START => $self->hseq_region_start, -END => $self->hseq_region_end, -ID => $self->hseqname, -STRAND => $self->hstrand); $loc_qy_seq->seq($uc ? uc $loc_qy_seq->translate->seq : lc $loc_qy_seq->translate->seq) if ($translated); if($bio07) { $sa->addSeq($loc_sb_seq); $sa->addSeq($loc_qy_seq); } else { $sa->add_seq($loc_sb_seq); $sa->add_seq($loc_qy_seq); } return $sa; } 1;
sub new {
  my $caller = shift;

  my $class = ref($caller) || $caller;

  my $self = $class->SUPER::new(@_);

  my ($pair_dna_align_feature_id) = rearrange([qw(PAIR_DNA_ALIGN_FEATURE_ID)], @_);
  if (defined $pair_dna_align_feature_id){
      $self->{'pair_dna_align_feature_id'} = $pair_dna_align_feature_id;
  return $self;
sub pair_dna_align_feature_id {
    my ($self, $arg) = @_;
    if (defined $arg){
	$self->{pair_dna_align_feature_id} = $arg;
    return $self->{pair_dna_align_feature_id};
sub restrict_between_positions {
  my ($self,$start,$end,$seqref) = @_;

  unless (defined $start && $start =~ /^\d+$/) {
    $self->throw("The first argument is not defined or is not an integer");
  unless (defined $end && $end =~ /^\d+$/) {
    $self->throw("The second argument is not defined or is not an integer");
  unless (defined $seqref &&
          ($seqref eq "SEQ" || $seqref eq "HSEQ")) {
    $self->throw("The third argument is not defined or is not equal to 'SEQ' or 'HSEQ'");

# symbolic method references should be forbidden!
# need to be rewrite at some stage.
my ($start_method1,$end_method1,$strand_method1,$start_method2,$end_method2,$strand_method2) = qw(start end strand hstart hend hstrand); if ($seqref eq "HSEQ") { ($start_method1,$end_method1,$strand_method1,$start_method2,$end_method2,$strand_method2) = qw(hstart hend hstrand start end strand); } my @restricted_features; foreach my $ungapped_feature ($self->ungapped_features) { if ($ungapped_feature->$start_method1() > $end || $ungapped_feature->$end_method1() < $start) { next; } elsif ($ungapped_feature->$end_method1() <= $end && $ungapped_feature->$start_method1() >= $start) { push @restricted_features, $ungapped_feature; } else { if ($ungapped_feature->$strand_method1() eq $ungapped_feature->$strand_method2()) { if ($ungapped_feature->$start_method1() < $start) { my $offset = $start - $ungapped_feature->$start_method1(); $ungapped_feature->$start_method1($start); $ungapped_feature->$start_method2($ungapped_feature->$start_method2() + $offset); } if ($ungapped_feature->$end_method1() > $end) { my $offset = $ungapped_feature->$end_method1() - $end; $ungapped_feature->$end_method1($end); $ungapped_feature->$end_method2($ungapped_feature->$end_method2() - $offset); } } else { if ($ungapped_feature->$start_method1() < $start) { my $offset = $start - $ungapped_feature->$start_method1(); $ungapped_feature->$start_method1($start); $ungapped_feature->$end_method2($ungapped_feature->$end_method2() - $offset); } if ($ungapped_feature->$end_method1() > $end) { my $offset = $ungapped_feature->$end_method1() - $end; $ungapped_feature->$end_method1($end); $ungapped_feature->$start_method2($ungapped_feature->$start_method2() + $offset); } } push @restricted_features, $ungapped_feature; } } if (scalar @restricted_features) { my $DnaDnaAlignFeature = new Bio::EnsEMBL::DnaDnaAlignFeature('-features' =>\@restricted_features); if (defined $self->slice) { $DnaDnaAlignFeature->slice($self->slice); } if (defined $self->hslice) { $DnaDnaAlignFeature->hslice($self->hslice); } return $DnaDnaAlignFeature; } else { return undef; }
General documentation
  Copyright (c) 1999-2009 The European Bioinformatics Institute and
Genome Research Limited. All rights reserved.
This software is distributed under a modified Apache license. For license details, please see /info/about/code_licence.html
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