Bio::EnsEMBL::Lite SNPAdaptor
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Bio::EnsEMBL::DBSQL::GeneLiteAdaptor -
MySQL Database queries to retrieve genes quickly from denormalized tables.
Package variables
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Included modules
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Methods description
fetch_all_by_Slicecode    nextTop
  Arg  1    : Bio::EnsEMBL::Slice $slice
The slice we want SNPs on
Function : retrieve all the SNPs on this slice.
uses Lite databases transcript to get info
Returntype: listreference of Bio::EnsEMBL::ExternalData::Variation
Exceptions: none
Caller : Bio::EnsEMBL::Slice
Methods code
sub fetch_all_by_Slice {
  my ($self, $slice ) = @_;

  my @snps;

  my $from_strand = $slice->strand();

  # warn "LITE snps....";
# wherever this slice is, it needs to be converted to
# a toplevel slices since all snps in the lite database
# are stored on toplevel seqregions
my @projection = @{$slice->project('toplevel')}; my $link_col_idx = 12; my @link_dbs = ('dbSNP', 'WI', 'HGBASE', 'TSC-CSHL', 'ANO'); my %link_cache = (); foreach my $segment (@projection) { my $from_start = $segment->from_start(); my $from_end = $segment->from_end(); my $top_slice = $segment->to_Slice(); my $top_slice_start = $top_slice->start(); my $top_slice_end = $top_slice->end(); my $top_slice_strand = $top_slice->strand(); my $sth = $self->prepare ("SELECT internal_id, chr_start, chr_end, chr_strand, type, " . " range_type, validated, alleles, snpclass, mapweight, ". " ambiguity, source, id_refsnp, id_wi, id_hgbase, id_tsc, " . " id_ano " . "FROM snp " . "WHERE chr_name = ? " . "AND chr_start >= ? " . "AND chr_start <= ? " . "AND chr_end >= ?"); $sth->execute($top_slice->seq_region_name(), $top_slice_start - 500, $top_slice_end, $top_slice_start); while(my $arrayref = $sth->fetchrow_arrayref()) { my @links = (); # loop over the last columns of the row to retrieve a single external
# database link for each column
for(my $i = 0; $i < scalar(@link_dbs); $i++) { my $link_id = $arrayref->[$link_col_idx + $i]; next if(!$link_id); my $link_db = $link_dbs[$i]; my $link = $link_cache{"$link_db:$link_id"}; if(!$link) { $link = Bio::EnsEMBL::DBEntry->new_fast ({'dbname' => $link_db, 'primary_id' => $link_id, 'display_name' => $link_id}); $link_cache{"$link_db:$link_id"} = $link; } push @links, $link; } #create a snp object through a fast (hacky) constructor
my $status = $arrayref->[6]; $status =~ s/-/ /; if($status && $status ne 'no info') { $status = "proven $status"; } else { $status = 'suspected'; } # coordinates must be adjusted so that they are first
# relative to the start of the top level slice (rather than absolute)
# and then adjusted so they are relative to the start of the
# original requested slice (w/ from_start)
my($start,$end,$strand); if($top_slice_strand == 1) { $start = $arrayref->[1] - $top_slice_start + $from_start; $end = $arrayref->[2] - $top_slice_start + $from_start; $strand = $arrayref->[3]; } else { $start = $top_slice_end - $arrayref->[2] + $from_start; $end = $top_slice_end - $arrayref->[1] + $from_start; $strand = $arrayref->[3] * -1; } push @snps, Bio::EnsEMBL::SNP->new_fast({ 'dbID' => $arrayref->[0], '_gsf_start' => $start, '_gsf_end' => $end, '_snp_strand' => $strand, '_gsf_score' => 1, '_type' => $arrayref->[4], '_range_type' => $arrayref->[5], '_validated' => $arrayref->[6], 'status' => $status, 'alleles' => $arrayref->[7], '_ambiguity_code' => $arrayref->[10], '_snpclass' => $arrayref->[8], '_mapweight' => $arrayref->[9], '_source' => $arrayref->[11], '_source_tag' => $arrayref->[11], 'link' =>\@ links, '_unique_id' => "$arrayref->[0]:$arrayref->[1]" }); } } return\@ snps;
sub fetch_all_by_Slice_transcript_ids {
  my $self = shift;
  my $slice = shift;
  my $transcript_ids = shift;
  my $DB             = shift || 'core';
  my $snps = $self->fetch_all_by_Slice( $slice );
  my %SNPS = ();
  foreach my $transid ( @{$transcript_ids||[]} ) {
 # warn "TRANSCRIPT: $transid";
my $sth = $self->prepare(qq(select gs.snp_id, gs.type, gs.aminoacid_start, gs.aminoacid_offset, gs.wildtype_aminoacid, gs.aminoacids, s.internal_id, s.chr_start from gene_snp as gs, snp as s where gs.transcript_id = ? and gs.db = "$DB" and gs.snp_id = s.snp_id )); $sth->execute( $transid ); while(my $a = $sth->fetchrow_arrayref()) { $SNPS{"$a->[6]:$a->[7]"}{$transid} = [ @$a ]; } } foreach my $snp ( @$snps ) { $snp->{'_transcripts'} = {}; my $snptype = '99:'; if( $SNPS{$snp->{'_unique_id'}} ) { #warn ">>> $snp->{'_unique_id'}";
foreach my $transid ( keys %{$SNPS{$snp->{'_unique_id'}}} ) { my $a = $SNPS{$snp->{'_unique_id'}}{$transid}; $snp->{'_transcripts'}{$transid} = $a; $snptype = $a->[1] if $a->[1] lt $snptype; } } $snp->{'_local_type'} = $snptype; } return $snps;
sub fetch_attributes_only_lite {
  my $self = shift;

  my $refsnp_id = shift;
  my $source = shift || 'dbSNP';

  my $WHERE = $source eq 'dbSNP' ? "id_refsnp = ? and source='dbSNP'" : "id_ano=? and source='non-dbSNP'";
  my %SNPS = qw( 12 dbSNP 13 WI 14 HGBASE 15 TSC-CSHL 16 ANO );
  my $QUERY = "select internal_id, chr_start, chr_end, chr_strand, type, range_type,
                      validated, alleles, snpclass, mapweight, ambiguity, source,
                      id_refsnp, id_wi, id_hgbase, id_tsc, id_ano, chr_name
                 FROM snp
                WHERE $WHERE";

  my $sth = $self->prepare( $QUERY );
  eval { $sth->execute($refsnp_id);};
  return [] if $@;
  my @snps = ();

  my %link_hash;
  my $link;

  while(my $arrayref = $sth->fetchrow_arrayref()) {
    my @links = ();
    foreach( sort keys %SNPS ) {
       my $V = $arrayref->[ $_ ];
       if( $V && $V ne '' ) {
         unless($link = $link_hash{"$SNPS{$_}:$V"}) {
           $link_hash{"$SNPS{$_}:$V"} = $link = Bio::EnsEMBL::DBEntry->new_fast( {'_dbname'     => $SNPS{$_}, '_primary_id' => $V });
         push @links, $link;

    #create a snp object through a fast (hacky) constructor
my $STATUS = $arrayref->[6]; $STATUS =~s/-/ /;
$STATUS = ( $STATUS && $STATUS ne 'no info' ) ? "proven $STATUS" : 'suspected'; my $snp = Bio::EnsEMBL::SNP->new_fast( { 'dbID' => $arrayref->[0], '_snp_strand' => $arrayref->[3], '_gsf_score' => 1, '_type' => $arrayref->[4], '_range_type' => $arrayref->[5], '_validated' => $arrayref->[6], 'status' => $STATUS, 'alleles' => $arrayref->[7], '_ambiguity_code' => $arrayref->[10], '_snpclass' => $arrayref->[8], '_mapweight' => $arrayref->[9], '_source' => $arrayref->[11], '_source_tag' => $arrayref->[11], 'link' =>\@ links }); return $snp; } return undef; } 1;
General documentation
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Genome Research Limited. All rights reserved.
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